Mad House 2.0

Why are we so bad at keeping our ooc nonsense on the ooc thread?

/pointedly stares at goats + autobiography

What meh? What did I do?

I just spent the past however many minutes staring into his eyes, not because I thought they were adorable or anything, but because I can't figure out what they're supposed to be reflecting.
Hnnnn, I don't think I have one of those anymore.

/carefully selecting which weapon to stab wiggle with

and now i must go because a random guy showed up at our door and coerced my roommate and i into joining the soccer team which is meeting in ten minutes /sob
Wow, looks like we got another weaboo imasu.

!! So, one of my projects might actually not be required anymore?

If that's the case I might get done with this big load of schoolwork faster!

(bcuz i really doubt it lmao)

speekin da japonese, autobiography

bcuz we're all weaboos desu
Um sorry I maybe Asian but I don't read Japanese in fact I'm quarter Chinese and quarter Filipino
im super white

anyways wiggles was being a weaboo, so i decided to be one too

so sugoi!
get this crap off my thread lol

we lost 0-2 but apparently we did fab and i think i'm going to be doing this from now on -w-

my legs aren't even tired though they just feel heavy

nah brah, I was born in Cali, I just have the Scottish and English blood, lass.

arigato! so sugoi desu ne pine-chan

Dang son, you suck at Football
dou itashimashite wiggeru-san !! ! !!!!! !

b b bbbb bb but pie-tan, naze???

im really out of shape too lol

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