Mad House 2.0

Oookay it's just...I don't know...under my personal obligations to allow others to post. I dislike how in other threads two players continuously take over the story and totally just leave the others behind so as a way not to make it a habit of mine, I'm exercising myself to allow others to post.
thats alright

i dont really mind waiting!

also, does anyone know how to find snake vets P:
That's fiiiiiiine, I understand.

I was just letting you know that there's no obligation for you to wait. (:




(idk idk)

I'm guessing the generic vet wouldn't exactly be trained for that.
after a lot of searching I have found two in a ten mile radius from here.


i have found all the info my mom wanted

now the hard part is actually getting them to say yes

and then finding it, because it looks like the species I want isn't at any major pet stores near here.
I like you guys, so I'm sharing

ive done a magical girl ghost transformation from almost izzy:

to a almost nick:

haha, so cute!!!!!!

(my hair is perfect, please compliment m
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My friend picked out the sweater for me in Seattle, and I was like, oh my god
Awww thank you

But my angst face is not even depicted above
Ghost said:
I like you guys, so I'm sharing
ive done a magical girl ghost transformation from almost izzy:

Isadore: No. *approaches Ghost menacingly* Definitely not. *chucks an apple through Ghost and screams hysterically* You cannot Isadore without apple! YOU. CANNOT. *rolls around on floor* Apple properly, dammit!

...Ha, no I'm kidding. It's a great cosplay, especially with the stripped sweater!

Nick's Chucky face though... xD
haank youu ahah

too bad i cant do anymore izz cosply

my hair is gone, and other than a few all the selfies i can find where im wearing my sweater AND my dye hasnt faded are..

really odd i guess

pie might know what im talking about because she was following my tumblr while they were posted

she will agree that theyll make no sense out of context

i like making faces, i like to think i am quite good at the
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This rp hasn't been posted in for awhile, and I don't totally mind slow-paced rps but I was kind of excited about this rp for several reasons.

Considering posting order of people that are currently interacting in-rp, and the fact that me and LifeNovel wanted to wait so the rp wasn't just us posting, the only people who can post right now are @xSparrow and @SpectroVector, though I think Ryner wasn't in a position to do much, and we're mostly waiting on Jodie.

( • w •
@Ghost I am in no position to post, considering the fact that people have been changing plans without considering my ideas and my plans.

The argument of liquid time has been used plenty of times, so you could 'go around my character' as I don't think I'll be posting on this roleplay again.
So what, this RP is fully dead? Kinda disappointing, really, as I was looking forward to using my Helene character, but it seemed that every post I had posted was slightly ignored. :/ Kinda sucked really, felt like I had a bond with you guys, especially since Mad House was one of the first roleplays I had joined since joining RPNation.

I feel your pain.

In fact, I would say I feel it one-thousand times more.

This was the first role-play I ever created. It improved my writing skills, and if I'm honest, I wouldn't have continued using this website if Mad House hadn't taken off so well.

It seems to me, that people just didn't seem interested in the first role-play, as people stopped posting, so I decided to make a second.

The second role-play just didn't start off well from the beginning.

I put this down to the fact that people messed around, the fact that Trig said he was going to be off for a long time confused our plans, but it wasn't their fault and I didn't blame them.

Obviously, we came up with a plan that took time and effort, just for them to post not only a week later, confusing matters more, when they had told me-well, not even me-that they wouldn't be on for a long, long time.

@Ghost I cannot help but feel that you are blaming me for the inactivity of the role-play, and what I am going to say is, that perhaps I could have come up with a post, but this role-play meant a whole lot to me, and I feel as if people have either become inactive or have just completely neglected the role-play.

I will not be blamed for the inactivity of the role-play, and I am quite outraged and sickened that some of you may feel this way.

I think that creating a second role-play of Mad House was a stupid mistake of mine, and I ma terribly sorry to have brought all of you into it.

As I stated before, I will not be role-playing in this particular role-play again, due to the fact that I think I have been pretty much replaced and pushed out of it, perhaps I couldn't interact with everyone because of the time differences, but nevertheless, this is how I feel.

After two days has passed after me writing this message, I will delete the role-play.

I hope this gives you sufficient time to save what you desire.

Thank you, to the people who truly were my friends, you know who you are.

Ah... er... I'm going to assume this isn't exactly something that can be talked out (and/or you might not want to), and that I'm not one of those true friends...?


I regret to inform you, though, that RpN doesn't have the feature to delete role plays anymore, unless you meant individually deleting a heck of a lot of posts.

I don't feel like it's really anyone's fault that this role play has slowed down and stuff (and I don't think that's what Goats was trying to do), but I'll definitely take a lot of the blame for it because I haven't exactly been doing all that I could to help in recent history.

I've lost a lot of interest in role playing since I've become more immersed in my college life and stuff (+ the two video games I've been looking forward to for a while came out), but I had made plans to attempt contacting you again and working around the current situation in the role play and then didn't bother pulling my laptop back out until now.

My back-up plan was to try to kick things up this winter break (considering I've going to be trapped in the seventh corner of hell for the next five to six weeks), but with all of this talk, I'm not sure if that's going to happen.

I honestly think that a big problem with this role play was a lack of communication.

I'm assuming the alert system has been buggy on your end of RpN, but I think this is the first time that you've posted in the ooc chat.

Then with our kind of mod chat thing, I may have been a little disagreeable the last time we spoke (I can't remember?) and I apologize if my frustration got to me.

I'm just confused at the moment what plans you're talking about exactly and how you've felt replaced...?

Again, I'm immensely sorry for my negligence with the role play and not trying to contact you again sooner.
Shit happens, that's all we can really say. RPNation has always had a garbage notification system that wouldn't notify you on threads that the last post was so many days/weeks/months/whatever old. Then the RP died, people ignored other's posts and honestly it may not have been a smart idea to include old characters from the first RP, mostly because the old drama would've prevented new characters from forming their own stories. I saw that the old stuff was the majority of what was posted in the RP, and every time that a new character tried to post, they were pushed to the background. As for the inactivity of the RP, it's nobody's fault but life, life happens. I've got a full time job, and I'm fixing to go through all the interviews, tests and exams for the Police Academy, which will leave me exhausted and such for maybe 6-12 weeks or maybe more. Pine is a college student, and I don't know about Trig or whatever. Role playing is a hobby for me, something to pass the time, I'm not able to roleplay all day, and I'm sure it's the same with most of you.

Of course you were one of my true friends, but I agree the lack of communication was a big thing.

And @Wiggle that's exactly what I thought, that it was a bad idea to have introduced the old characters back into the role-play.

You see, I didn't even know you couldn't delete things any more, so it just shows how bad the notification system is here.

As I said previously, if any of you guys would like to carry on the roleplay, go right ahead, but I am afraid to say I will not be joining.
Just wanted to say it was such a great pleasure role playing with you all, before and now. Mad House was like the best RP I ever joined. Definitely going to miss you all's interesting and intricate characters. Really wanted to see how the characters would play out. Like Ghost's masked one.~

/sad to see Spectro go. :c

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