Mad House 2.0

Perhaps i could use the character I was going to use?

How did I not realiseXD

Thats if you want to start sooner?
Well, whatever the case may be, we should wait to see what others think. /nods

then there was also that thing that i was discussing with you that i haven't done quite yet because school but i'm working on it
We could always start and just have whoever decides to join last come in, it's just character driven, and there's not a real plot, amiright?
That would leave some unfortunate soul roommate-less for quite a while.

and while yes it iS character driven wiggle i tHINK YOU CAN WAIT SINCE YOU ONLY JOINED LAST NIGHT





We can probably figure out when to start by tomorrow.

I think it would be marvelous if we could all be on the day that we start, so...

@Ghost @king5ter @Trignome @SpectroVector @LifeNovel @Wiggle

Is there some ideal time for you guys to start?

(Also, who would be up for starting without our last person?)

Personally for me, I'll be more busy this weekend (+Friday) than I'll be tomorrow and next week.

I'll still be able to post, but with going back home to scare small children with my best friend on Friday then appeasing my clingy parents with my company until I head back on Sunday, I not might be able to post more than once a day.
I don't care when we start :)

I'm so lying. I would love to start now but just out of respect wait for one more person, but again I would like to start.
I think we should wait for the last person, I know how off putting it is starting a roleplay when there posts already written up and you don't know where to start and such,

*coughs*totally think we should use my character*coughs*

Also, I'm pretty much on everyday, some days I might be busy, but I will be on a some point, even if it is late (not that that would matter for you guys)

So yah,
Late is good for us.

Come on Spectro, embrace the nocturnal role players within you!

(And I'm not stopping you from making the other character, though I would like to see when everyone is good to start first and maybe we could garner some interest before then.)

Your fault for making a youngun.

I thought the warning went without saying.
Most of my weeks won't be as busy as this one.

This week is a weird week, because I was moping around a lot monday and tuesday and I didn't do school lol.

So, I need to work on school today, so I'm going to try not to be on rpn very often lol.

Tomorrow is my get-free-food-with-friends day, and I don't know if we're just going to get food and leave, or go to one of our houses or what.

So I could have a lot of time thursday..... or not.

I really don't know.

Friday, like I said, I'm required to go trick-or-treating.

I don't have a choice.

I also have school on Friday, so again I might be able to post but I don't know.

I'll probably have more time on Saturday, but I'll most likely have extra chores because my mom thinks the weekend is a great time to take away all my free time! Not like the weekend should be used for anything else, right?!

Since I barely did any school the past few days, I'll probably be working on school on the weekend too.

And I have no idea if my friends will want to do anything.

But if we start before next week, I'll probably at least be able to get a few posts in.

Because if I don't take any breaks from school I'll lose my mind.

With all of that said though I'm fine starting whenever.
@LifeNovel I was thinking of making Kida and my character that has not been named yet friend, because she would be a tomboy, too?

Ah, I don't know

If I made the character tonight, people wouldn't have to start tonight anyway

What I'm really trying to say is that I kind of adore this character and I need her to fit in somewhere
Bruh, Pine-chan. I've been with Mad House since 1970, you don't know what's up.

I always get on sporadically thoughout the day and then I'm on most the evening until 10-11pm Central US time. Personally I'd like to start and wouldn't mind if Spectro RPed two characters. Wouldn't mind being roomed with the Kida girl either.
Spectro, if you really want to use her, go right ahead.

I am, however, thinking that an ideal time to start might be next week for my own and Goats' sake.

also taking into account that triggy isn't really finished yet
Well, because Wiggle is the master, imma go ahead and write up my character, if someone else has entered an app by then, you can choose if you want my character, or theirs?
Well you know what Pine, I like being different :P And so does Kida, I don't mind Spectro playing as two or i don't care if we begin without one then have one join later. Kida can be without a roommate for a bit, it's probably for the best.
Triggy better be regularly on or Imma flip a pancake

that actually sounds quite pleasant, so i guess hes fine

Kida shall be my roommate, not Jodie's, but the character that shall be revealed to you in the next 30 minutes or sooooo

Oh, sorry, if that's okay with you @LifeNovel

But everyone will have a roommate, so dont worry guise


Ye-yeah Spectro, pancakes are always good!

Be sure to add butter and chocolate and make it all melty.

You just-you just enjoy your pancakes.

pancakes are delicious


/shifty eyes
That's fine by me! :D I don't care who takes me

As long as they are not a Sexual predator >.>

Because you know there are crazies out there <.< >.>

What crazies?

We're all sane here.



Anyway... I'm gonna' go read Hamlet now.

and spectro reply to my last message already rawr
aha ahahaha aha wha are you talking about of course were all sane!
Are we all sane?

Or are we so sane that we are insane?

Who knows maybe we are insane but we see ourselves as sane?

Perhaps we are insane? Or sane?
I feel pretty sane, but then again, don't insane people think they're okay?

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