M-Revolution [Inactive]

"basically your a mutant like us. hehe guess we get to do some heroing together eh?" she says smiling and Tori grinning slightly hersself though keeping an eye outside for when the chaos dies down so they can either get to the hospital or head straight for M-Revolution in case it was just the organ forming though the slow rate was something that concerned her and Naoimi and most other mutants.
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"Uh yeah... that's awesome." Donnie said, turning on the enthusiasm while she thought 'we won't be if you plan on joining M-Revolution. Mutant or not I don't plan on joining that soft of a group.' It wouldn't hurt to possibly play along for a little while at least but to truly join M-Revolution would go against what Donnie thought was the smart thing to do.
Tori finally says "i think it's clear enough. shall we?" she says and Naoimi nods and looks over to Donnie "you alright enough to come with? they may even have someone who can tell what your power will be." she says grinning
((Why is it so hard to keep track of where you guys are -_- It's a curse of being late))

Skyler felt rejected again, as usual. He was looking out the window and saw the MRA gathering around other superhuman people, mutants. What would they be doing here? He figured it had something to do with the event that happened a few minutes ago. He wasn't sure what it was. An M-Genesis, maybe?

No. They are super rare.

He continued looking out the window. To his horror, one of the MRA agents pointed at him. He ducked to conceal himself. He'd forgot his hip was injured, and the pain flared again. He screamed, realizing his mistake a split-second later. After trying to adjust himself to a better position, he blacked out to the sound of the door knocking.
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Donnie nodded although she wasn't enthused.. it would be nice to know what her power is so that she could get right on working on strengthening it. When there was a knock at the door she turned to see who was there, going so far as standing. It made her head swim slightly but it was getting a little better.
Matt was in complete distress. His sister was dead, his dad hated him, and he was now being studied by society. He wasn't an animal! Well, technically he is, but that's not what he was thinking. Doctors were fussing about everything. Matt had had enough. He clenched his eyes shut and tried to yank out of his bounds. To his surprise, they provided no resistance. Then he walked to the door, thinking about opening it. Without even touching it, the door opened.

By this time, the scientists and media people were running around frantically. He grabbed one of the scientists and asked, "Where's my sister?"

Matt was angry and thought of crushing the man's lungs, but of course he didn't do it. But the man reacted anyway, and before Matt knew it, the man was lying dead on the floor. One of the reporters who had braved the nerves and decided to stay and film now cowered in a corner. Matt looked directly into the camera. Was everyone watching this? Could his dad see? Things just kept getting worse.
When the MRA looked through the window again, they noticed another person clad in black polyester. One agent witnessed the person picking up an unconscious Skyler in its arms to jump out the back window. "Let them go," he told his team.
Some agents are at the door who seem to be hunting for mutants a little over eagerly. after some heavy convinceing they manage to turn them away from the house. after which Tori says "might want to get going..."
Donnie heaved a sigh of relief when the agents finally leave. Her headache had finally dulled down... that or she had gotten better at ignoring it. She headed over to Tori and Naoimi, leaning against Naoimi in a more playful manner though she did appreciate having a moment to rest. "Where we going?" Donnie asked Tori, tilting her head curiously.
Matt broke into another lab, there he saw his sister. She was lying on a table… pale. That was it. Matt had had enough of humans. All they did was cause pain. Only mutants were capable of compassion. Well, that must mean that the two girls he met were mutants then too. He had to find out. Matt burst out of the lab at full sprint. He saw some strange looking agents start running toward him. They had been surrounding a house before. He saw them take out a net and some sort of collar. Immediately, Matt sprung to action, using his mind to control the rope. As the rope, he constricted around one man's neck, then he switched to the collar. He forced it up into the face of the man holding it, knocking him out. Finally, as he saw guns coming out, he let out a wave of earth that sent one of the men flying into the picture window of the house they had been inspecting.
"To the branch office of M-Revolution" she says looking out to the street seeing if any other agents would swing by. soon as they were sure as the coast was clear they head to the car. Naoimi helping Donnie in to the car and gets in herself and starts driving. as they get further in the signs of chaos and clean up become more and more evident. they pass by the hospital with a lot of injured and MRA for some reason. soon they arrive to the nearby M-Revolution office which has a large crowd around it.
Matt saw Donnie come out of the house he had been at. What a coincidence! But he wasn't quick enough, they got into a car and started driving away. Matt tried to run after them, but was too slow. He wished he could fly. If he could just spread his arms and control the wind, allow it to carry him faster, to keep up with the car in front of him… It wasn't in front of him, it was below him now! Matt was really flying! What was his power, he needed to understand more.
Skyler woke up to the sight of a blue sky shining on his face. Pine trees scattered across his peripheral vision. He did not recall falling asleep, nor traveling to a clearing in the forest. He stood up, being careful not to put too much pressure on his injured hip. Strangely, he felt no pain. Skyler tried to remember the events that happened in the past, the explosion (an M-Genesis?), the MRA going completely bonkers, growth...

The last word seemed to stretch him upward, seemed to make the ground seem farther away, seemed to make everything smaller. The world returned to normal. What just happened? he thought. Something caused it, maybe the word "growth"...

Skyler seemed to stretch upward again. He decided to experiment. Growth, growth, growth... His size expanded further again. The faster he thought, the more he expanded, until he reached a maximum. He could see clear over the trees now; there were trees as far as he could see all around him except for the clearing he was in, which provided very little room for him to wander now.

Another thought crossed Skyler's mind. What if the MRA saw him at this size? As soon as the thought entered him, he began to shrink back to normal size, his thoughts concentrated on something else. The world appeared as it was when he first saw the clearing.

Skyler woke up, lying in the middle of the same clearing. He tried to stand up more recklessly than last time, but his hip hurt again. This can't be right, he thought. Either I was dreaming, or I'm having déjà vu. He thought about growing again, and as expected, he did. He found it hard to swallow. He had suddenly acquired an inhuman gift, one that could benefit or harm mankind. He had become a mutant.

Skyler heard a rustling in the trees. This didn't happen in his previous experience. Shrinking back to normal size, he pinched himself in the neck and felt pain. Now he was sure this is the real life. He followed the noise through the trees, curious, half-expecting an endless expanse of trees he saw in the dream. His thoughts turned wild, a repeating pattern of growth... DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT... growth... DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT...

Unexpected light emerged from the forest. He started to run. Something was out there, something that couldn't be seen in his dream. Skyler wasn't sure how far he traveled. The light began to take form of a large gray building. Walking near its front entrance, Skyler read the sign M-Revolution, Desdrin City HQ. M-Revolution! The only group he knew that would sufficiently protect and ally with him. The perfect place to find out more about himself.

Skyler walked into a lobby of other people. He assumed they were other mutants, there were sights of children's toys suspended in the air, a ball of water the size of two men, among many other effects of powers. Part of him wanted to leave this place immediately. He knew this was a superhuman minefield. In the end, Skyler took a number, 658, and sat down in the lobby. Not like he had any other choice.
Donnie eyed the large crowd around M-Revolution, wondering how many people were now mutants... or if these people were rioting against M-Revolution. Donnie actually felt irritation towards either option, preferring their to be less mutants so that being a mutant would be more special... and if it was the other just because it was stupid for normal people to try and battle super human ones. She wondered if she was really a mutant now as well... and if she was what her ability was. She got out of the car slowly, moving around to where Naoimi was so she could lean on her. "So Captain, what's the plan?"
Matt saw the group stop their car and get out in front of an institution. The M-Revolution. Was this where he wanted to be? As he thought of this, he lost his concentration and plummeted toward the ground. Thankfully he hadn't been that high off the ground, but he still but he did feel something crack in his back as he smacked on the ground in front of the group.
it was a mix most trying to get in but there are quite a few rioters which are being held steadily off by the security of the office. notably they aren't afraid to use force to make the extremely rowdy ones trying to riot. Tori says "get in and register. they can provide some protection though we aren't the only ones with this idea...." she says and looks surprised as Matt crashes down as Naoimi cries "Matt!" and tries to help her while supporting Donnie though may accidentally zap either or both.
Matt groaned. That had not felt good at all. Maybe he needed to practice his powers a little more. He tried to stand up, he felt his back throbbing, but he was able to stand. "S-so you guys are mutants. Th-that proves my theory. Humans are evil."
"I'll... I mean, the theory... I have to completely agree. But then I've always thought that." Donnie replied, gaze following Matt. Wait... wasn't that the guy that was Naoimi's hopeless case. "I take it you got special abilities as well?" Donnie asked though it wasn't really a question... he had just crashed down from the sky after all!
"Yeah… but it came with a price," His face was pale and there were red rings around his eyes. Matt hadn't noticed this before, but he was crying. He had just left his sister. How did she die? Who killed her? Would she ever be buried? Out of everyone in the world, she deserved it the most. Matt fell down to his knees, breaking out sobbing. His eye hurt from being smacked by his dad, which only made the pain worse.
"Oh god what happened Matt?" Naoimi asked worried. whatever caused him to say that humans were evil must have been horrible. she didn't believe all humans were evil. after all allot of her friends and good people were human. meanwhile Tori says "humanity does have it's fair share of assholes but i think you two are stretching it a little." she says. guessing the kid was the hopless case Donnie mentioned. but he looked haunted and given what's happened it isn't surprising. still the last thing that any of them needed was Donnie's cynicism kicking in and making things worse.
Donnie bit back her reply, knowing better then to argue the point with Naoimi and Tori. They still saw a lot of good in people... good that Donnie didn't believe existed. But that didn't mean she needed to bring it up. Donnie held back, not wanting much to do with the hopeless case though she was more interested in him now. What had awoken him to the way the world was, anyway? Donnie was impatient to actually go speak to M-Revolution, hoping they would know what kind of ability she had. She didn't know what she would do after finding out what her ability was... but she was impatient to find out, hoping that the knowledge would help her figure out her next plan.
eventually they are let in. they see a receptionist with quite a bit of speed for her ability. she gives them some forums to sign and fill out and explain Donnie's situation and a guy comes in and looking her over analyzing her power and finally saying "you have illusionary powers." he says monotone and walks away. also Naoimi and Tori tries getting Matt some sort of help whether medical, mental or both.
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Donnie crossed her arms, not satisfied with such a simple answer but at least she had an idea now. If only she could figure out how to work her powers... but she didn't want to try them out with so many people around. Instead she followed Naoimi and Tori around, keeping an eye on Matt where possible. The kid seemed pretty messed up and didn't seem quite the same as before. Perhaps he was worth something afterall...

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