M-Revolution [Inactive]

As Tori was about to respond the ground started shaking violently nearly quake like. with it was a giant beam of light shot up from the downtown area and a shock wave went through the sky. and some who it passed over felt a pain in either their chest or heads as their Logan's organs formed and with them a sudden discharge of their powers went off. Like at Chernobyl, Hiroshima and a battlefield in WWI before them something occurred to unleash one of the most up churning events in history. One that brings forth a new generation of mutants this one as time would reveal bring the greatest amount and descendant affectees. An M-Genesis. Naoimi suddenly and uncontrollably sends out a bolt of energy into the street with Tori blasting some sort of charged Mist into it. luckily nobody is on it.
"What Was That?!?" Donnie asked, watching as her friends reacted to their new powers. There was an extreme headache slamming into Donnie, a constant ache starting at the back of her eyes, but she pushed it aside to make sure her friends were ok. "Are you guys still alive? What even just happened! Please tell me you guys are all right!!" Donnie asked, her hands flailing about as she looked at Tori and Naoimi.
Matt sat on a bench in the playground while his sister swung around. She pleaded for him to join her, but he was content in reading his book. Suddenly, a beam of light shot from a building nearby. Suddenly started hearing voices, so many voices. In an attempt to rid his mind of them, he sent a shockwave through the earth that created a small earthquake. But then his sight was distracted by his sister, who had grown wings. She hadn't realized it. Janie saw a police officer who had previously been watching Matt because he look suspicious hanging around a little girl. Being scared of what happened, she naturally started running toward him, arms open for a hug. However, the police officer didn't see it that way, he saw a tiny winged mutant charging at him. Before Matt had time to react, two gun shots rang out...
both shaken nodded. after a long moment Naoimi says softly and shakily "wh-what j-just h-happened...?!" and both look over to Donnie and say "you alright?"
Suddenly, Matt's entire world was spinning. He thought he could feel a sharp pain in his arm, or somewhere. He couldn't tell. Things were starting to fade and he lost track of what was happening. His last thoughts, Janie, must help Janie.
Donnie had pressed a hand to her temple to help cope with the pain but nodded to her friends. "I'm fine... I don't know what happened to you guys but... you guys... you 'reacted' or something... " Donnie said as she tried to push to her feet but stopped as the world began to spin a little. "Do you feel any different... like weird or anything?"
Matt could just make out the sound of emergency helicopters. He thought he also saw tv cameras. What were tv cameras doing there? But more importantly, where was Janie. Matt felt himself being lifted into an ambulance, or some sort of vehicle. He felt a twinge in his arm, then everything went black.
both nodded with sparks still leaping from Naoimi and the strange mist stuff swirling in and out of Tori with her finally saying "i..i think what j-just happened was an...an M-Genesis...i think me and Naoimi became mutants..." she said and Naoimi rushes ,as soon as she's certain she won't blast her friend, to Donnie "you look like your in pain...your sure your alright?"
Donnie felt heat rush to her face as she nodded, ashamed to be caught at a weak point. "'m fine. My head just feels like it got slammed by a freight train is all... you know, all normal." Donnie said, trying to play it off. She swayed as she got to her feet and ended up having to lean against Naoimi to stay upright. "But... an M-Genesis... you guys... are you serious? Of course you guys would get powers and I wouldn't!" Donnie said, her voice raising as her anger became more pronounced... Her own shouting set off a worse headache though- bringing tears to her eyes as she clung to Naoimi so that she was able to stay on her feet.
Naoimi makes sure that Donnie is upright leting out a meek "sorry..." and helps her inside to a couch with Tori coming a bit helping her friend get Donnie inside and on the couch. "let's find out what's going on..." Tori says turning it on to a news channel and surfing through them. from what is gathered through the fragments it seems ground zero was at a factory. with it were announcements from Both Mutant Hate groups and rights groups with The Mutant Response Agency (MRA) being sent in to restore order and round up mutants taking advantage of the chaos and their powers.
"Nnn... you guys are gonna have to lie low and stuff." Donnie said, appreciating when she was helped over to a couch. She sat down heavily, her head falling into her hands as they turned the TV on. "I wonder if someone tried to shut it down and that's what made it blow up and all. Ok... this headache is getting on my nerves..." Donnie added as she rubbed at her temples, willing the headache to just go away. She looked at the screen with interest before glancing at her friends. "I know this is like sudden but any idea what you guys can even do?"
both looks at eachother and back at her Naoimi saying energy sparking off of her again "well something to do with energy for me..." and Tori bends the mist into an actual construct like thing "well seems i can make stuff..." both looking at the TV and Tori says "well...time to learn how to keep the power down and not show them off...at least with our real IDs..." Naoimi asked Donnie "need an ice pack?" her voice filled with worry."
"Real ID's?" Donnie asked, not catching on quite at first. The ache had begun to dull down enough for her to sit up now. "Oh... no way... are you guys really going to be super heroes!" Donnie asked, jumping to her feet and immediately regretting it as she swayed and collapsed back onto the couch. "That is really awesome and I'm super jealous." Donnie said, holding her head, her voice a little more haggard than it was the last time she had spoken. "You'll let me help you pick out costumes and names and stuff, right?" Donnie asked imploringly, looking up at Naoimi and Tori.
The two said in unsion "double duh Donnie. we're not about to leave you behind..." they smile pretty friendly to her as Naoimi goes and gets an ice pack for her friend and puts it on her head "here this'll help out with the headache..."
"Extreme gratitude, I'm sure luck will be on your side for doing such a wonderful thing for me." Donnie said, sighing. She leaned back against the couch and relaxed as the chill from the ice pack soothed the pain. "I'm glad you guys'll let me be part of it too. Probly for the best I didn' get powers, anyway." Donnie added teasingly as more of an after thought.
Tori sighs thinking about the mess they had ended up in while Naoimi was trying to ease her friends pretty bad headache as Tori said "guess Me an Naoimi should sign on with M-Revolution.they have plenty of heros with them." She says refering to one of the Rights groups that did peaceful protests until they get severely attacked causing them to fight back. Naoimi meanwhile said "huh i would think a normal headache would've faded by now...maybe we should get you to the hospital..." to which Tori nodded in agreement.
Matt awoke, still in a daze. He was strapped to a table in a cold white room. He was alone in the room. Well, there were robots, but no humans in the room. However, there was a large picture window, and he could see multiple people in white lab coats walking around. Was that the press standing off to the side? "Where's Janie!" he yelled. "Where's my sister?!"

At that moment there was a soft 'ding', and a voice came into the room. "Your sister is fine, just relax." However, in the background, Matt could hear someone else speaking. He didn't catch the whole thing, but he heard, "… patient 2… she has perished… patient 1 is our only…"

"Patient 2? Who's patient 2?! I need to see that my sister is ok!"
Donnie waved off her friends. "Go to the hospital over a silly headache? I think not." Donnie replied shaking her head. "And why would you want to join M-Revolution? They never really accomplish anything." Donnie added... her friends were too soft. Joining a pacifist group wouldn't help them get anywhere. Donnie pressed the ice pack to her head harder as it gave a particularly painful throb. She was fine... whatever was going on... she must have just hit her head harder than she realizes when she had been tossed around by the earth quake. Though she didn't really remember hitting her head...

(Donnie's and my views are different. Where as I know and understand that M-Revolution isn't a completely pacifist group she thinks them to be soft and useless, not really making a difference... I personally know pacifist is the wrong word to use in this instance. Donnie has labeled them as such because she doesn't believe them truly capable of violence -she hasn't seen them truly fight back-)
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both look at her with blank looks on their faces "you realize they do fight back when they get attacked badly right?" they say though concern returns as they see her reacting to another throb happen with Naoimi "i dunno...judging by how bad you seem to be reacting you could've gotten a concussion...but come to think of it you never hit your head...wait one minute!" she runs to her room fishing out an old bio book she ended up with and runs back opening it up to the section on mutants and Logan's organ.
Skyler was staring into space, preoccupied by nothing, as usual. There wasn't anything he enjoyed that he could do, his personality was nothing but comic fodder. A flash and a bang interrupted his thought process. His ears rang, and pain flourished near his right hip. Struggling to get up he looked around and saw a crater with a few teenagers near it. One seemed to send out a bolt of lightning towards another; a mutant?

The pain in his hip increased, and he blacked out.

When Skyler awoke he was in the same field, the crater not as devastating to look at. The pain is his hip subsided to a tolerable level. The teenagers were still there. He may not know the teenagers, but they may know him. It was time to live up to his motivation. He walked up to them and said, "That was quite a light show." Heads turned. So far so good. "You may know me, I'm Skyler. You guys alright? You were closer to the action than I was." Dang, I'm in a good mood, he thought.

((I was going to make a longer post but it's laaatte...))
"Eh... it shouldn't take them being attacked to fight back." Donnie replied, pouting. "They're so soft, guys... why even..." Donnie asked, shaking her head which in turn made her wince. She glanced up at Naoimi curiously when she returned with a book. "What's that for? Is the plan to play doctor instead? I don't think it's all that bad." Donnie replied, closing her eyes when talking proved to make it worse as well. She was not going to let this headache defeat her.
The two looked at him confused before sirens start wailing as MRA arrive trying to find Mutants causing trouble and for the mutants to start running for it trying not to get caught. meanwhile back at Naoimi's place she was looking over the book and at Donnie "hey Donnie, you remember what you hit hit your head on?" she asks looking over the book's mutant section particularly on the telepathic variant and it's ability to cause headaches in development.
"Uh... the ground?" Donnie replied shrugging. "You know it's really weird but I don't actually remember hitting my head on anything... and I don't feel any lumps or anything." Donnie admitted after a moment. She could hear sirens in the distance and she felt a little bit of fear clamp around her heart at the idea of either Naoimi or Tori being caught. "You guys will be safe, right?" She asked urgently.
both nod though a little nervous of the MRA geting overzealous with rounding up mutants but luckily it was still mostly downtown "yeah." Tori says "as long as we get lucky and any random discharge dosn't hit anyone till we get a handle on our powers we'll be okay..." Tori says as Naoimi says "positive you didn't hit the ground or anything Donnie? otherwise...you could be developing the Logan's organ in your brain." she says alittle excited.
"That sounds really weird... what does that mean exactly?" Donnie asked as she watched her friends cautiously. She liked the idea of them being ok and was glad that their powers didn't seem to show physically like some mutants did. "But yeah, I'm pretty sure... I mean with my short hair and everything I'm pretty sure we'd be able to find the spot that hit for my headache to be so bad... and... well don't they usually dull down a bit? Because... even with the ice it feels like it's getting a little worse." Donnie continued. Every now and then she had to pause to refocus on what she was saying.

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