M-Revolution [Inactive]

Donnie had watched the scene unfold with a level of amusement. People could be so dimwitted at times- which held through for mutants as well, it seemed. Shaking her head she began to look for her friends- if they had signed up she would pretend like she had to... if they had yet to sign up then Donnie would have no real choice but to join as well.

In all the panic and the ushering out Donnie crossed her fingers, hoping that this would mean they wouldn't have to join up with the pacifists (again, I know they're not) today! It's also when she had lost Tori and Naomi... her gaze swept the crowds, looking for familiar faces.
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black ace 3 updated M-Revolution with a new update entry:

M-Genesis has occured

heya in the event anyone else joins this roleplay the M-Genesis has occurred. the lines have not quite appeared yet but they are forming. just FYI to any new guys or if one of us forgets where we are at.
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The doc says "not personally. but alot of people here know the feeling. probably more will as time goes on." he says "get some rest kid. or at least try."
he says "kid you were inside when that chopper blade hit you right? you and the couple of guys here weren't the only wounded. the building got banged up. we had to send people out so we could fix the damage. only essential staff and the wounded are here."
"I need to find them now!" Then Matt paused for a second, coming to a sudden realization. "They're all I've got," he mumbled sadly.
Matt blinked at the phone. It was very high tech and confusing compared to the one he had at home. "Call? How do I do that? There's no rotor."
the doc whistles "wow those suckers are still used? well just press the buttons to type in the number and here are their numbers." he said giving him their numbers. "you have them as emergency contacts? if not don't mention me. i don't want any more trouble than i already have to deal with."
"What? Nevermind, I don't care." Matt grabbed the phone after casting the doc a disgusted look. Then he looked at the numbers and tried to call one of them. His first try he ended up calling someone in Beliz, but the second time he got the number right. He waited as the phone rang in his hand.
a groan comes through the phone "uggghh, who is it? i'm recovering from a cold and the crudy M-Gensis so please make it quick" the voice was of a very tired sounding Tori.
"Nevermind how I got it, I just need to know where you guys are okay." The nervousness was obvious in his voice. He was just afraid of everything around him. Anybody could be against him, and one wrong thought of his own could cause more pain. This whole disaster was his fault.
"well I am alright i guess. Naoimi is too just alittle drained like I am. i don't know about Donnie haven't gotten a call from her. that all?"
"sorry i'm alittle tired. i'm in my room at my place. you got something to write down with or a good memory because here it comes." she tells Matt the number "anything else or can i go back to sleep?"
black ace 3 updated M-Revolution with a new update entry:

Thinking about a reboot

Hey guys. We've been waiting for a long time now for one of our players to respond to post and it dosn't seem be happening now or in the forseeable future. so i'm thinking of rebooting this RP. as it seems i can't use OOC due to it being closed and pretty sure it's the same for you guys use the Char sign up to vote yes or no. i'm not doing this alone so majority vote wins.
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