M-Revolution [Inactive]

Matt was taking in deep breaths as they helped him along. He was sweating, crying, and now his elbow was bleeding. "J-Janie was shot by a stupid jittery police officer! That was his first instinct when he saw her with wings, to shoot! That's all humans are good for, killing." He shook his head, trying to get his dark hair from hanging in his eyes. "Janie h-had never done anything wrong. Th-they'll pay. They'll all pay!"
upon hearing this Naoimi's eyes go wide and her mental self-defense of emotinal withdrawl. to know that someone she tried to help ended up dead with the day's events pushed her to the near breaking point. Tori however still in control said "listen kid not all of humanity are assholes, the cop was one but not all of them are asses." she says trying to get him out of whatever mental pit he dug himself. she believed some of humanity will never change but most if you get some info into their heads will.
Strangely enough Donnie's heart went out to the boy... having to lose someone in such a stupidly violent way was horrific and quite honestly unfair... but at the same time she appreciated the event because it had Matt closer to her side of things if not standing next to her with the same views on the world. It was true that Donnie had never had to face personal loss at the hands of humanity but that didn't mean she was blind to it the way her friends were. She continued to remain quiet for the most part. "Don't get yourself in over your head, kid." Donnie said softly to Matt.
"The ones that aren't assholes end up being mutants, but every human I've ever encountered have worked to make my life a living hell!" Matt clenched his fists. He was getting emotional and losing control of his power. The ground around them began to shake a little. "You show me one human who is generally kind and I'll stop. But until then, this world needs to be purged. Survival of the fittest, you know? We have a responsibility to kill those that leech off the earth."
Tori smirks "easy. how do you think Naoimi ended up the overly kind girl she is now? her parents raised her that way." she says adding "well those are just the top of my head. i know a few good guys too." and slowly Naoimi is recovering getting more herself.
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"Naoimi is a special case.... if the world was made up of people like her then I highly doubt there'd be any real problems with the world. Everyone would help everyone and no one would ever betray anyone... that would be the world." Donnie put in, agreeing with Tori that Naoimi was a good person but... well she was also a mutant now. And it was true the girl's parents were good people but the good people have become less and less. "See Matt, human kind doesn't need to be eradicated completely... only those who are stupid, cruel, and selfish. Those people should be wiped off the face of the Earth." She said. She considered patting him on the shoulder but thought better of it, instead going to stand near both him and Naoimi.
Matt looked at Tori, tears streaming down his face. There was a red ring around his one good eye. The other was bruised, so it was black and blue. He was too tired, scared, and depressed to do anything but whine and hate. The tears coming out of his bruised eye stung, and he felt sick. He could hear voices, so many voices in his head. Was this a part of his power? What was his power. Matt let out a loud cry of sorrow, dropping to his knees and covering his eyes. "Naoimi is a mutant. Her parents must be mutants then. All humans are evil." Matt looked up to Tori, pain plastered on his face. "You've haven't seen into the human heart! You get to hide behind your money and makeup! I have seen! Humans are hateful, destructive…, and murderous! Janie!" Matt collapsed to the ground, hugging his knees. He rocked back and forth and his upper lip quivered in hate.
curses under her breath that she scrweed up "mate trust me you aren't the only one who has seen the crappy side of humanity. but they have some good points to them too." she said. "plus again that was off the top of my head. i know alot of other buds besides Donnie and Naoimi who are still probably human. some of them with these two have helped me with rougher times of my life." she says with a sad smile and genuine look in her eyes. as Naoimi added "i know you want to blood for all the darkness humanity inflicted you let alone your sister...but there are good people who are human and well we still are too we just have powers they don't."
Matt stayed on the ground, sniffling and shaking. "I… I can't," Matt tried to melt with his tears into the ground, but ended up just looking like a fish out of water, in his own tears. Then he felt embarrassed, so he curled up into a ball as best he could and sat there, wishing the world to go away. He felt so cold. Even his friends were disagreeing with him. His only control was destruction.
Skyler continued to sit in the lobby, alert of any mutant that would threaten him. "Now serving number... six-five-four... at counter number... three," spoke an automated voice through the speakers. Skyler wondered if he should've skipped the line and just barged in, like some impatient folks did. "Now serving number... six-five-five..." For a lobby this packed, the line went pretty fast to him. "Now serving number... six-five-six..." Skyler gained a boost of energy and again entered the thought cycle of growth... DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT... growth, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, as he continued to struggle with his power. "Now serving number... six-five-seven...

"Now serving number... six-five-eight... at counter number... five."
Skyler clung to the walls of the building, trying to avoiding any sort of commotion. The receptionist at counter number five, a brunette in about her early 30s, said, "What can I do for you, young man?"

"I wanna join M-Revolution," Skyler said.

"I assume you're practicing your power right now."

Skyler was still in his thought cycle, growing and shrinking. He sheepishly smiled. "I'm having a tough time controlling it."

"Very well, we can skip the Logan's organ forensics." The receptionist pulled out a piece of paper and placed in on a clipboard. "I'll need you to fill this out. It shouldn't take longer than five minutes.

Skyler filled out the form, writing down what his power was while suppressing his thought cycle, filling out his personal information and other items, and then signed the form. The receptionist received the form. "Thank you for registering with M-Revolution. I'll rank you as a 1st-class mutant, being very dangerous. Fortunately this entitles you to all of our free benefits. Do you want me to briefly go over them?"

"Nah, I'm good. Long day." Skyler was finding it mindmashing getting used to being a mutant.

"Okay. Be sure to use the 1st-class counter in this building from now on, it will make your service faster. Have a good day!"

Clinging to the walls again, Skyler headed towards the exit of the building, not sure what he should do next. As soon as he went through the open double doors, he was pulled to the side by a shirtless man with a ski mask. "Let go!" he shouted, hoping someone would hear.

"Oh, no," the man said. "You're coming with me." He pulled out a syringe with sky blue liquid, intending to use it on Skyler. But Skyler enlarged himself to break free of the man's grip, and punched him in the face twice, leaving the man unconscious.

"FREEZE!" Three MRA agents appeared out of nowhere with guns pointed upward at Skyler. Skyler noticed an MRA chopper in the distance. Undoubtedly they were accusing him of knocking out the man.

Skyler held up the syringe the man dropped on the ground. "He was trying to inject this into me," he told the agents.

"Did you steal that syringe?" one of the agents replied.

"No, he owned it."

"You're under arrest for misuse of mutant powers, first-degree assault, and illegal possession of a medical item. Please standby until the chopper reaches its landing zone."

"But..." Skyler's voice trailed off. The agents didn't and wouldn't care about Skyler's story. Even if he took care of the agents and the chopper, there were still thousands of agents and hundreds of choppers to fight. No way he could fight them alone. So he shrank back to normal size and let the agents arrest him.

Skyler, handcuffed, was escorted to the chopper, placed in the seat farthest to the back. He couldn't cover his ears to drown the loud noises of the chopper reaching its maximum altitude and flying away. He barely overheard one of the men speak in a gruff voice, "You were right, Firewalker, stealing this support chopper really did pay off! He doesn't have a clue what's really going on!"
The security attempts to stop them but when they leave some security goes out to hunt them down while a secretary goes on the phone and calls to the MRA to complain about an unlawful abduction and gets more pissed by the response. meanwhile the guys keep chasing down the chopter. after all with M-Revolution they take care of their own.
Matt heard the choppers up ahead. He shot a glare at them, pure hatred plain on his face. He reached out his hands towards two of them. "GRRRRAAAAAAAAH!" With that, he clapped his hands together. The two helicopters angled toward each other and collided in a ball of sparks and flame.
Donnie watched in slight amusement as the events took place. So one mutant was having trouble controlling their abilities... and were about to be escorted away and even made it to the chopper when Matt seemed to go a bit berserk. She watched with a wonder if the people in the choppers would be ok but more than anything she was marveling at Matt's power. She wondered if she would have capabilities of such strength at some point... and how to get Matt to be on her side. Regardless, she watched with mild interest the events taking place around her, only reacting when she needed to for appearance's sake.
the mutants manage to fish out Skyler and some other agents their own allies. they get get him in and into the med station for treating from the wounds due to the crash. meanwhile both Tori and Naoimi look pretty shocked at the crash.
Matt rolled on the ground, screaming his head off. His face was completely red and he felt a few blood vessels pop. This was just a horrible day. Matt could feel sharp pain in his right arm. But there was no pain in his left arm, because it had been sliced off by a stray helicopter blade. Matt groveled on the floor, feeling abandoned and in great pain.
almost instantly Naoimi was next to him plus Tori trying to give first aid before the medics get to him and patch him up including the arm though with abit of nerve and muscle damage is reattached. and then those who were able to were sent home while the staff helped with the really banged up like Matt and ran repair and clean-up.
Matt rolled around on the ground, yelling in agony. Then Naoimi and Tori were at his side, doing their best to calm him down and do some first aid. Matt let himself calm down enough so that Tori could start cleaning his wound, yet he was still seething with anger. "If those damn humans hadn't pulled a stunt like that, none of this would have happened!"

When Matt saw some medics approaching, his eyes went wide with fright. They were normal medics, but all Matt saw were men in white lab coats. "N-no! Get away! You killed my sister you bastards! Aaaaah!" He tried to crawl away, but only succeeded in messing up his arm more, the pain rushed to his head and he started blinking in and out of consciousness. Matt stopped seething. Now all he could do was concentrate on breathing, and staying alive.
the docs quickly resistate him and try to make him calm down with no straps just the usual gown and a blanket after treating him. meanwhile matt may hear some talking "poor kid. sounds like another of Rev. Jones's expriementees." they continue treating some other wounded or helping some with powers that aren't good for the owner's health.

meanwhile Naoimi drops off the two off at their houses as it was geting late. she heads into her own house and sees her own parents. before they said anything she said "i-i'm a-a mutant. i understand if you want to kick me out. just let me get my stuff..." though her parents still embrace her relieved she is still in one piece with relief flooding her and the day catching up to her she passes out.
"Rev. Jones experimentees?" Matt asked softly. Then his eyes burst open in a mad glare as his hand shot up and grabbed the collar of the person next to him. "What do you mean Rev. Jones experiments??!!!"
The only thing he got was air as the doctor who said that said"whow kid settle down we just got done treating your wounds but too much strain and not even our powers can help you with reopening them. before we tell you anything you gotta promise to stay put. your powers won't do you any good if your wounds are re-opened or you get caught."
"Alright. As you may or may not know already Rev. Jones is like many Televangelist is pretty anti-mutant. you know the crap about us being witches, etc. well bastard also has been grabbing mutants off the street or bribeing hospitals basically doing what he can to get data on us as if we were less than lab rats. you aren't the first one to get grabbed by him sad to say. most of the time when we get wind of his stunts we pull a sting. most of the time it's legal. sometimes not so much...but there you have it." he says as he treats him and other patients.
he says "It bites." he says "but you got hit in a pretty bad mouse trap so take some time and recover. you'll get your time to bite the bastard. though you aren't the only one here." he gives an empathetic look like he knows exactly what it's like.
Matt looked away. "You know nothing about them. My sister's dead because of their stupid experiments. I hate the humans. They deserve to die."

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