M-Revolution [Inactive]

"K cool. I just don't drive and with Tori sick... I wasn't sure." Donnie replied, glancing at Naoimi out of the corner of her eye. She smiled, something that wasn't quite so forced when she was around either Tori or Naoimi. "So Naoimi... about this whole mutant situation... what would you do if you ended up like one of them?" Donnie asked as they got to Naoimi's car. She looked it over with mild interest- it wasn't a fancy sports model or anything but it looked reliable enough. Donnie couldn't really say anything anyway since she didn't even have her own car- having to rely on borrowing her parents' car whenever she wanted to go somewhere. On top of that it was nice Naoimi didn't drive anything super flashy- those kinds of cars were annoying and Donnie automatically disliked those who drove them. She watched Naoimi closely, waiting for her answer.
"no sweat and as for being a mutant well...i would first try get equal rights without resorting too to much violence. i mean look how that turned out in the past. second i would try and use my powers to help people." she says abit wistfully "though so far i haven't develop any. so who knows what would really go down." she starts up the car and drives to her place. it is pretty nice place a middle class type house but pretty lived in and homey. "so shall we pretend to do homework or just hang out?"
"Hang out of course. The homework is just a ruse... Unless you actually need help but I doubt it." Donnie said, smiling as she got into the car and made herself comfortable. She buckled immediately, more out of reflex than anything. She had expected Naoimi to respond with that... she had expected irritation but in the end she couldn't do anything but admire that Naoimi could still be so ignorant of how the world worked to think that things could be solved peacefully. "You're so kind Naoimi... it's too bad there aren't more people like you out there." Was all Donnie said to elude to her opinion on Naoimi's words.
"nah i can handle it thank for the offer though. so what would you do? " she asks curious to Donnie's opinion and after all she asked first. she continues driving and the cell ring the caller ID shows it's Tori and her picture with black and Dark red hair. Naoimi looks over to Donnie "mind answering Tori for me? can't really talk on the phone when driving you know."
Donnie had been stalling in her reply, trying to figure out how to best reply without sounding like she wanted to destroy those who were stupid... but that was really what she wanted to do... to get rid of all those who were inferior. The phone going off startled Donnie out of her thoughts and she jumped before nodding at Naoimi's request. She picked up the phone and hit the button that allowed the call to go through. "This is Donnie speaking since Naoimi is driving. Greetings friend." Donnie said lightheartedly.
Tori's voice came through sounding better than this morning when she called "hey Donnie. guess you two are headed for Naoimi's place? mind if i swing by there? The flu i caught finally left so don't worry about me making you sick." she says the last part jokingly as they start approaching Naoimi's place.
"I'm cool with it." Donnie said brightly. "And if you get me or Naoimi sick we'll just make sure to give it back to you so no worries there. Besides, it's kind of nice to be able to stay home from school just to sleep sometimes." Donnie teased. "I'm glad that you're feeling better though... it's really good to hear, really. Naoimi and I were worried for you." Donnie added in a serious tone before glancing over at Naoimi and heaving a sigh. "You have another hopeless case to talk Naoimi out of, by the way."
Tori groans "how bad is it this time?" she asks and Naoimi says "It's not a hopeless one." to which Tori sighs "well anyway thank you both for the concern and i'll just give you something worse if you give it back. says" first part tender the second joking around "well it's nice to hear from 'ya too Donnie and Naoimi too. try to keep her from getting herself killed and you try not losing faith in humanity alright?"
"Now how could I lose faith in humanity when I've got friends like you guys?" Was Donnie's always ready, mostly sincere reply. "Shall we start an endless cycle of getting each other sick?" Donnie teased lightly. "So we're meeting up with you at Naoimi's then? Hey... we're there. So... how long until you're here too?" Donnie asked as she undid the buckle and looked out the window at Naoimi's house.
"heading out now i'll see you guys there. " she says and hangs up. Naoimi says "so what to do now? i have some games, movies, all sorts of stuff to do and so little time..." she sighs playfully "what to do , what to do...."
"The weather was pretty great today... why not do something outside?" Donnie asked, smiling at the sunny weather. If nothing else cheered her up the sun being out always did... but strangely enough so did the rain. It was the wind that would bring Donnie down. Regardless, Donnie turned to Naoimi. "What do you say? Can we do somethin' outside or something?"
"hmm...i think we have a basketball hoop in the garage. and a basketball somewhere...you want to play that?" she asked. she hadn't played it at home for awhile but thinks she might be alright. soon Tori arrived "hey guys! so what are we doing today?" she asks looking pretty good though some shades of the flu still lingering.
"Basketball!" Donnie fist pumps before giving Tori a hug. "Are you up for it, sickie?" Donnie teased. She wasn't much of a basketball fan really... but she didn't mind shooting hoops with friends. She skipped around her friends, full of energy... it crossed her mind briefly that maybe it was caused by being around people that made her happy. "I'm so glad you're feeling better, Tori! Just wait til you hear about this new kid... I think his name is Mac or Mikey or something... anyway, he's the one Naoimi has decided to shine her angelic light down on."
Tori chuckles "yes i'm up for some B-ball." As Naoimi looking a tinge annoyed "His name is Matt..." she says as she gets the hoop out and set up as Tori says "alright let's hear about this Matt..." she says hoping it wasn't a situation where Naoimi got dangerously in over her head all over again.
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"Matt... that's right." Donnie said, going over and wrapping an arm around Naoimi's shoulders to show she meant no harm by what she was saying. Clinging to her side playfully she began to explain. "Well Matt's one of those kids who's family is struggling to get by. Naoimi has offered to bring more food for him and stuff but like... there's nothing we can really do to help without giving him and his sibling a new home." Donnie continued. She turned to Tori to see her friend's reaction while still hanging onto Naoimi... outside of school Donnie's understanding of personal space becomes zilch.
Naoimi relaxes as she finishes up and says "was planing to call in CPS on their parents anyway. but mean time it wouldn't hurt to help them out..." she says as Tori keeps focused on the two gathering any and all info she can on the situation. it was pretty normal for her to do so before coming to a decision. Naoimi finishes with the hoop with a "There!" and starts getting up.
Donnie looked at her with interest... that was a really smart idea. If she had anything to say about Naoimi in a good light about her kindness was that she had the confidence and strength to do what others wouldn't. It forced Donnie to have a kind of respect for her. Donnie finally released her, having enjoyed being sort of troublesome but not wanting to go too far and really annoy Naoimi. "So you are now caught up on our day pretty much... besides the usual loathing I had on the stupid people at school but there's nothing new there."
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Tori nodded "alright seems it was a false alarm this round regarding Naoimi. for once she actually thought what she was going to do." the comment causing Naoimi to blush and quitely complain "Tori..." with Tori giggling alittle "sorry couldn't help it. you usually rush in to aid someone without thinking it through. But Donnie not everyone at school are idiots and i don't mean just me and Naoimi.." but Naoimi heads into the garage and digs out a basket ball. "So how are we playing this? Free for all?"
"Are you sure about that Tori? I'm pretty sure everyone else at school, except for maybe the teachers, make my IQ drop just by their mere existence in my presence." Donnie said playfully. She never really spoke that way to anyone but the people she trusted. "I'm good with whatever you guys want. With only 3 players we can't really have two teams... but we can just shoot around or you know, whatever you guys want to do." Donnie said, moving to snag the ball from Naoimi.
Tori sighs deciding not respond as it would just lead to an arguement that would go no where. Naoimi sees and dribbling back up abit. Tori finally saying " i think i could go for free for all myself." Naoimi nods in agreement ready and starts trying to weave around the others laughing abit dribbling the ball and ready to go.
Donnie watches Naoimi dribble around Tori and goes up to block Naoimi's shot just to watch the ball sink into the hoop. Sighing and laughing as she goes to fetch the ball she calls back to Naoimi: "Why don't you join the basketball team? You'd be so good at it!" Donnie asked as she attempted to dribble to the hoop herself.
"heh i'm not that good. though i have intended to try but i kept having bad luck." she said blushing bouncing the ball and going defense kinda looking crab like and trying to snag the ball from whomever has it now.
Donnie lost the ball several times to Naoimi and Tori... she just wasn't a very good dribbler. By the time Donnie became tired enough to call it quits she had only successfully shot one basket. Wanting to end on a good note Donnie stepped away from them, collapsing into the grass and staring up at the clouds. "Bad luck." She said, musing on what Naoimi had said earlier. Luck was something you make for yourself, wasn't it? "Hey, so you guys think we'll ever make a difference in this world?"
The two flop next two her Naoimi answering "hopefully. and hopefully for the better..." and Tori saying "we'll see what goes down in the future. till then we just live our lives and see what happens..." she says grinning
Donnie grins, sneaking her arms behind both friends' shoulders and pulling them closer. "I think a better world is possible." She said brightly, because she really did. The problem was no one was showing the world how to be better... she really wanted to be that person. "Isn't it boring to just live our lives though? I mean... that's sometimes the biggest problem... people just live without trying to change."

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