M-Revolution [Inactive]

(Np totally saw it coming after all the future leader of the violent faction has to have some cynicism)

grits her teeth but quickly comes up with another idea "well next time you see her..." she brings out her sandwich "give her this. it isn't much but it's best i can do at the moment." she says and as she can't recall the number decides to look it up when she gets home. meanwhile she would try to enjoy lunch with Matt and Donnie.
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"Thanks, y-you really don't have to. B-but thanks." Matt sticks the sandwich in his coat pocket. "So d-do you guys normally e-eat here?"
"It's super noisy in the lunch room." Donnie pointed out as point of saying 'yes, I eat in here all the time. She glanced over at Naoimi, wondering why sh had had to invite the kid over to begin with. He seemed kind of shy and his presence was making things awkward... but Donnie just grinned and beared it. "You have to admit it's kind of a super awesome place to eat..."
catches the annoyed lookin her eyes and makes silent apology.she can't help it whenever she sees someone who looks troubled she feels the need to help which she can't resist. "yeah it is a pretty cool place to chow down. no jerks to deal with either." she says munching on her leftovers. she can be a bit of a messy eater though she tries not to be.
"Except for you, Naoimi." Donnie said playfully, poking her friends nose with a soft boop. "By the way... you've uh got lunch all over your face again." Donnie whined jokingly, moving to wipe a couple crumbs from Naoimi's cheek. "How you can be so messy is beyond me." She sighed, shaking her head but having a huge grin on her face.
Matt laughed lightly at the interactions between the girls. "W-would you guys mind if I came here t-tomorow? I won't be expecting a-any food t-t-t… I-it's just that you guys have been so k-k-k-kind and I-I-I-I-I-I…" Matt's cheeks turned red. He was getting nervous and it was getting harder to enunciate things.
"Donnie..." she playfully wines as Donnie wipes off the crumbs on her face. "It's just how i am i can't help it..." and gives matt another friendly smile "not a problem with me. you alright with it Donnie?" she asks Donnie hoping she wouldn't mind it. though not exactly sure due to the earlier annoyance she had.

(OOC: speaking of people hanging out with the two i have in mind a third [or fourth] person that would serve as the catalyst for the split later on. that or a nasty event they were right in the middle of. your guys' choice)
No... Donnie was Not alright with it. She bit back a sigh, grinning at Matt. "Absolutely, I don't mind in the slightest." She said in that energetic, enthusiastic voice she had mastered some time ago. "The more the merrier, right?" Truthfully Donnie felt that Matt was a bit of a downer and his stuttering problem annoyed her but if it made Naoimi happy she figured she could cope. "We better start packin' a couple extra sandwiches, huh Naoimi? You don't have to expect kindness, by the way Matt... but some people enjoy giving it freely." People like Naoimi... Donnie wondered sometimes if she was friends with the girl mainly because she was jealous of the girl's overall loving spirit.

(OOC: I guess I figured that the catalyst in Donnie and Naoimi's friendship would be their different views on using their powers... But I'm pretty good on whatever it is you're thinking of, @black ace 3 )
"oh crap! class!" she says bolting up and hurriedly grabbing her stuff and rush eats her lunch to finish it off. next up was English and lucky for her she shared it with Donnie. she hurried with Donnie to class.
Donnie sighed, shaking her head. She had been watching the clock the entire time but hadn't made a sound about their possible tardiness due to the time. As a last thought Donnie waved to Matt before allowing herself to be drug along after her energetic friend. Next up as English... a class that Donnie really enjoyed. Well really she enjoyed most of her classes but English especially. "I wonder what we'll be covering today." Donnie said idly as she and Naoimi took their usual seats.
Matt's next class was physics, one of his favorite subjects. But he always tried to get in early so that he could sneak into the back of the class. However, this time, he didn't quite make it, and had to walk in while people shot spitballs at him and did other stupid things like trying to trick him. They're all just jealous because I have the best grade in the class. He lied to himself, trying to keep his composure. He wasn't going to let them ruin such a good day.
"dunno..." she said as the teacher walked in. Naoimi is pretty good with English class and she liked the teacher. but she liked hanging with Donnie most of all. she didn't know why it just felt nice to be with her.
Donnie knew that it was troublesome to sit next to Naoimi whenever she was supposed to be learning... she couldn't help nudging her friend or writing random notes or just paying attention to her when they sat next to one another..... but Donnie would never turn down the chance to spend time with her. Whenever Naoimi was sick or away from school for another reason things got pretty lonely. Donnie was pretty grateful for being naturally smart because otherwise she would have fallen behind in school in no time at all.
After physics, Matt had World Religions. Then he walked home. It was raining so he kept his hood up as usual. He walked under a highway overpass. On the other side sat his house, on the corner of a farmer's field. It was a simple, four room house with no basement. He walked inside and went into his room, plopping on his bed. He started to do his homework. A few hours later, his dad came in with his little sister and yelled, "Matthew! Matthew! Take care of your sister, I'll be back later! Matt walked into the main living area and found his sister. She was still in elementary school, and his dad normally walked her home or brought her to a babysitter. She bounded up to him and showed him something she had drawn in class. He gave her a quick hug to say hello. Matt couldn't understand how she could always stay positive, but she was the best sister ever, and she looked up to him, which meant a lot. Matt handed her the sandwich from earlier. Her face brightened and she squealed with happiness. Then she started eating it. When she had almost finished, the back door slammed. His dad came storming back in. "Where did you get that Matthew? Did you steal it?! I told you never to steal!!"
Class passed with Donnie learning very little... and that was only partially because she was paying attention- the other part was because it was a repeat in information. Thankfully the rest of her classes weren't quite so dull and she was able to complete the work in the allotted time to have it done in. She was ready for school to be over so she could spend time with Naoimi, quite honestly... time where they could pretend to be doing homework and really just be normal highschoolers enjoying the end of a day together.
let's a sigh as the last bell rings "finally!" she said as she rushed out to her locker and grab her stuff. after gathering the necessary items she would need for "homework" and meets up with Donnie "ready to go?"
"Do you really have to ask?" Donnie asked, lightly bumping her shoulder against Naoimi's as she fell into step beside her. "I thought today was never going to end." Donnie groaned before cheering up again. "At least the homework will be super easy. But... so what was up with your helping that kid, Matt out anyway? Do you really care about what happens to him? I mean really... he's just another kid with no future... there's nothing you can really do for him."
"D-d-d-dad, s-someone at s-school gave it t-to me." Matt wanted to explain further, but he couldn't because his stuttering had become too bad.

"People don't just give away food! And we don't take things that people offer! You're a liar! I work all day to get food for this family! I even payed for all of those stupid speech therapy sessions and you still can't say shit!"

Matt's sister ran into her room, crying. Then Matt's dad snatched a paper that he was holding. It was his physics test from the previous day.

"A plus? You got an A plus… now my son is cheating!! What next, is he going to get a girl pregnant. I bet I'll have to pay for that little bundle of crap too?!"

"I-I-I…" Matt's dad raised his arm and gave Matt a hard slap on the face.

"Don't you dare talk back to me! I'm going out to get your sister her food for tomorrow. I better not see your ugly mug piece of crap in this house when I come back!"

Matt's dad stormed out again. Not only was his dad getting drunk tonight, he had come home drunk! Matt sat on the floor in a daze, tears streamed down his cheeks. His sister, Janie, peeked out of her door to make sure the coast was clear. Then she came running out, clutching a tattered teddy bear that had once been Matt's. She ran up to Matt and gave him a big hug. They stayed that way for what seemed like a lifetime to Matt. Janie was the only reason Matt was still alive.
"heh you know me...when i see someone in trouble i just can't turn my back on them." she says a sad smile on her face. "well then time to get home and get cracking on the homework load." she says with a grin. "to bad Tori isn't here though...we could all hang out." she said refering to a pretty close friend of theirs who had been sick that day.
Donnie nodded. "I hope Tori gets better soon... they might have been able to knock some sense into you about your latest rescue target." Donnie added, shaking her head. It crossed her mind a couple times that Matt might be in a truly bad situation but the thing was 'change what you can, accept what you can't' and Donnie just accepted that there was nothing she could really do to help Matt.
Matt quickly finished his homework, then helped his sister with hers. Afterward, he went into his room and started reading a book he got from the library. Then he knocked on his sister's door and said, "Hey Janie! Let's go to the park!" he wasn't really in the mood to play, but he knew he needed to get his sister out of the house. Once his dad came back, he'd probably smash some things and then pass out on the couch. After that, it would be safe to return again. Well maybe not safe, but normal.
"maybe..." Tori was the third wheel of their little trio and she was sort of the middle person for them. She would sometimes help Donnie keep from Naoimi from getting herself in over her head when trying to help someone and also helped Naoimi keep Donnie from totally giving up on humanity. soon they arrive to their cars. "so we head straight to my place and call your parents or drop by your place to let them know?"
"Call 'em and let'em know... it's easier because that way they can't say no or give me a list of things to do first." Donnie said easily, grinning. Donnie ran her hand through her exceptionally short hair before folding her hands behind her head and letting out a soft sight. Donnie was a little surprised that she was able to enjoy Naoimi's company without Tori... Tori always seemed to be that sticky stuff that kept the trio together.... Donnie would probably still dislike Naoimi if it hadn't been for Tori because Naoimi was just so sickeningly sweet. But in a way the other girl had grown on Donnie enough that she enjoyed being around her now even without Tori around... "What mode of transportation will we be taking to get to your house?"
"My car I guess..." she said heading to her old-ish car. it wasn't horrible but not to great either. it was just a first car whom was her dad's old one. she runs a hand through her own pretty long messy black hair and thought abit about Donnie. She was abit Dark at times but Tori helped bring out her light and saw the girl wasn't all doom and gloom. she saw things could turn around and seemed to start to even without her around.

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