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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

Johnny B. Crash

As the blond turned away from Oz and started stomping over to Johnny. Oh yes, a brawl, just what Johnny was itching for. Bringing his bat up to his shoulder, Johny grinned and said, "Oh I'll show you just what this little bat can do, you f-gherrgk." Johnny's trash talking was brought to an abrupt screeching halt as Johnny was suddenly yanked off balance. Hopping on one foot as he was dragged off, he exclaimed, "Ow, hey -ow- hey wait, I -ow- I wasn't -ow- done yet!"

Glancing up at who exactly had volunteered him for help, he saw a pretty nun, with an iron grip on his cheek. Blushing at being called a 'strapping young man', a live lived with a strict mother and a scary older sister gave Johnny the experience to reply the heavily accented request. Getting his feet under him as he stumbled after her, he sighed and said, "Yes ma'am." Slipping his bat back into his backpack, Johnny turned and glared at Zach. Johnny gave him his best shit eating grin and a quick middle fingered salute, before he was tugged after the nun.

FTR FTR Kisaki Kisaki
Trae Sentrale (Alias: Legend/Godfist)
Shun Kantar.jpg

"There you go kid, Luxor Academy, the main hall is right over there, sign yourself in and you should be good to go!"

"Sweet! Thank you for the ride! If you ever need anymore help in the future, just let me know."

"Thanks kid, now hurry along before you're late!"

"No problem, take it easy!"

"Wait that's not the right, aaaand he's going the wrong way, wow that kid has no sense of direction."

Trae couldn't stop the excitement rushing through his body as he charged towards Luxor Academy. He was finally here! After traveling across the galaxy, his pops yelling at him to 'not fuck up', and beating down those goons that were bothering that taxi driver, Trae was finally at school renowned for its heroes. Observing his surroundings, Trae marveled at the environment around him and the parade of students from different walks of life around him. Pops was right, so far Luxor was beautiful!

Stopping his run, Trae set his duffle bag down and took in a breath of fresh air, "Dang Pops, can't believe you tore this place apart! This place is way too great to destroy!". Even after hearing the stories of the drama, rampages, fight, and battles that his father had been through, Trae still couldn't believe this place was still standing. After years of admiring the heroes of the world and hearing the stories from Brave, Trae couldn't believe he had finally made it. Trae clenched his fist in determination as his eyes hardened with motivation, "I'll definitely become a hero here. Just you wait pops, i'll train to the fullest here and one day, i'll challenge you man to man!"

Trae's smile threatened to split his face as he felt a newfound well of energy rise up from within his body. The mere thought of the adventures he'll have, the heroes he'll meet, and the people he'll save stirred his spirit and made him want to shout out to the world. With a loud laugh, Trae leaned back and turned his head upwards, yelling to the sky, "ORA! I'll uphold justice and protect this world! The path of the hero is right before me and i'll charge down that road, I swear as a Sentrale!"

The wind blew as the light shined down, seemingly casting a heroic light on Trae as he made his declaration to the world. Letting out one more joyful laugh, Trae calmed himself and picked his duffle bag back up and slung it over his shoulder, eager to take his first steps by signing into the H.E.R.O program:


Trae paused at his first step as he glanced around his surroundings and realized he had no idea where he was. Sweat began to leak down his forehead as Trae began nervously looking around, quickly shifting his head from left to right, "Oro? I coulda sworn the main hall was right in front of me! Where'd it go?" Trae began turning around in a 360 degree motion, frantically trying to find where the entrance was and only making himself more confused. After a few moments, Trae leaned his head down in contemplation, before shooting his head up in desperation and panic.


Trae began loudly panicking while pacing back and forth, his sense of direction once again failing him, not realizing he had only stepped five feet away from the main path and literally just had to turn around and step back to see the main hall. Oh well, someone's bound to hear or see him freaking out, i'm sure someone will help the young Sentrale.
Zack Aurum

"Fuck you too bat boy." Zack muttered as he watched as the nun pulled Johnny away. He promised to make Johhny eat dirt before throwing Oz on of school tower "Disgusting perv! Don't touch her like that!" Zack yelled at Yakai. He couldn't stand the sight of him try to flirt with Sister Theresa.

Zack's focus on Yakai turned to Kagami and her dancers. He recieved free fliwstucks which he happily waved h in the air as Kagami sang. He wasn't a native Japanese speaker buy he knew the song was about Yakai falling. His grin grew as Yakai was carried away with the parade following behind. " God, that was hilarous!" He chuckled.

Once the cieling was reopened, Zack spread his wings and flew away so he could meet up with his father. In all honesty, he just wanted to complain to him about the other students.

Luxor's Office

Zack arrived at his father's office. " Dad?" He said, waiting for an answer. However, Luxor wasn't in his office at the moment. The boy shrugged and walked over to the cookie jar. He only left a crumb after eating a total of twenty chocolate chip cookies. The half blood sat at his father's desk, glaring at the old clock that ticked everytime it moved its minute handle. Zack turned hus head to the side to see a hifden door that was cracked open.

His senses where tingling. Whatever was down the secret corridor spelled trouble. "Meh, I'll just check it out and call old man if there is anything suspicious." Zack told himself. He pushed the secret door to the side and stealthy walked down the dark hallway. Soon he spotted two figures. One that he recognized as the idiot CJ. The other was some curvy crimison skinned demon. ' She just spells out lust.' He thought, as he moved to the corner to hide himself. The half angel told himself that he just needed to hear more of this conversation before he steps in.

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Starry Estate )(Mood: Apologetic/Curious)
    (Interactions: Clair )
    (Mentions: )

    Neglecting any idea of doing anything productive, Jessica remained all but but physically active on the sectional colorless sofa that assisted in sufficiently supporting her body proportions. Cushions composing of upholster memory foam made relaxing sincerely blissful as she sprawled out across the padding while steadily resuming her reality programming consisting mostly of your stereotypical transformation, lifestyle, and competition shows that were entertaining to say the least, for Miss Starry anyway. Involuntarily letting out a tiresome yawn, she knew she probably wasn't going to last through a first season marathon of 'Superhero Idol' where contestants exposed themselves to three judges, one of them happened to be Miss Spotlight of course but seeing as she is now participating full-time at Luxor Academy her attendance there only lasting for about three seasons or so! "Sorry myself, it looks like you'll have to self-indulge later!" Switching off the flat-screen television with a simple 'click', Jessica gently placed the remote control back down onto the hard corner of the dark mahogany coffee table before listlessly swinging her arms back behind her head and positioning her long flowing locks of platinum blonde hair, just so she could situate herself in a more slackened position instead of having to worry about getting infuriating knots or just getting strands bunched up! Last thing she wanted to do was anxiously fret over if she'll have to use a curling iron to straighten her hair or use a brush to get those picky entangled bunches back in order.

    Weariness shortly overcame Miss Spotlight as her eyelids shielded her sight away from the lustering backdrop, elegant sounds of birds chirping along with distant voices of students enjoying themselves out on nature walks speedily faded into obscurity once she had drifted into a deep sleep, placing herself into an imaginary world composed of chunks of bullion stacked miles high onto each other with muscular shirtless men crowding around her with bowls of various fruit as she was propped up onto an antique chaise lounge like some Roman Goddess! For a second she thought it was going to be another casting couch dream but it seemed like her unconscious brain wasn't in the mood for that kind of smutty fiction. Lying sideways on her ornamental throne, Jessica happily consumed the grapes the encompassing admirers hand-fed to her as she looked out at the scenery to witness that she was at the heart of a sumptuous styled palace with methodical music from a grand piano soothing her eardrums. "Ah, now this is more like it!" Raising her bare-feet up to the arm chair, an awe-inspiring sight caught her by surprise as she watched a pure-gold statue of her image being erect in front of her! It was possibly one of the most gorgeous things she's ever laid eyes upon aside herself.

    Applauding her servants in delight, she took another bite out of the delicious fruit being served to her prior to getting back up off the couch-like throne of hers and wandering through the reflective tiles of the foyer she was formerly dormant in. Without any form of a warning, she heard a lone voice calling out to her which sounded a lot like Clair's voice which she immediately flocked to, upon noticing her carrying a whole bunch of trophies on her back, all with Jessica Starry's name engraved into the sides. "My liege, I have brought you your trophies! I also wanted to tell how amazing you are and how i'm nothing but a pitiful peasant to you." Seeing her like this brought joy to Miss Spotlight, she couldn't help but playfully pat the imaginary version of Clair on the head before whipping out a dog biscuit and placing it in her mouth before telling her to 'shoo' off like the mutt human she was but instead she persisted in saying her name over and over again like a broken record until a gasp left Jessica's mouth causing her to wake up from the lucid dream. "Gah fuck! What?! Huh? Who?" Frantically looking around she squinted her eyes, focusing on Clair asking her if she wanted food. Why did she have to ruin such a perfect dream? Goodness what a shame, oh well.. It wasn't her fault and it was kinda nice of her to offer to make some grub! Groaning in irritation she parted the bangs concealing her eyes as she removed herself from the couch, letting out a loud inhale as she extended herself onto her tip-toes in a lazy stretch. "I guess I can make some Maccaroni for you, give me a second to get things ready."

    Part of her felt convicted in her quick analysis of the little lady, she obviously had something against her for a reason! Was it her personality? Did she not rescue someone important to her? If that was the case she'd feel even worse but then again she knows she can't save everyone. "Listen." Feeling that confronting her about this was important she decided it would be best to resolve their issues now instead of waiting. Getting things ready, Jessica retrieved the metal pot, strainer, and box of macaroni and set it out on the counter and got everything ready before setting a timer and sitting herself down at the dining table with Clair, visibly anxious about initiating the conversation revolving around the cause of her bitterness towards Miss Spotlight. "You mentioned me before in the simulation.. I don't exactly know the reason why you hate me so much.. But I guess it's best if I know now, to get things cleared up between us!" The last segment of her speech was a bit difficult for her to say, it wasn't easy for her to let go of a grudge but for the sake of them not trying to bite each other's heads off every single day it was necessary for them to at least have a tiny bit of respect for one another and have each other's backs. "Whatever I did.. I'm sorry." Looking away as she spoke, Miss Spotlight tried to make direct eye contact with Clair as it was obvious she still had skepticism about the girl.
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Sister Theresa Angelica

Sister Tess would have probably leaned towards the ditsy side even had she not been shut off from the world for most of her life. She couldn’t tell the meaning of Yakai’s gesture, let alone his intent. She stared blankly for a moment before, casually waving at him. The nun beamed as she moved away from the group, perceived troublemaker in tow and totally unaware of the boy’s farewell gestures.
“Alrighty, first thing is number one on the list.” She chirped in a wonderfully foreign way. “It is good manners that we be properly acquainted! I am Sister Theresa Angelica.” She said giddily. “It seems most of the children are been taken in for examination and treatment.” they walked among some students that seemed very obviously fine. As Kagami’s little spectacle started to unfold, Tess got a prominent pep in her step, swaying and bouncing ever so slightly to the music. By now she’d let Johnny loose to walk by her side as she tried to find them something productive to do. “Gracious me, this day is an exciting one! Are we in celebration for something?” She asked Johnny as her attention was more fully taken by the band rolling in, at which point she stood hands clasped in front of her, blissful mien showing she had no idea what was going on but was thoroughly enjoying it. “There goes the chubby boy!-Oh! The parade is taking him away. Did he win? You go!..umm…You!” Sister Tess was left with a slight giggle from all the commotion as the band faded into the distance. After a brief moment of more or less blank staring she turned back to Johnny.
“Ah, yes!” she responded to her own thoughts, having realized she had been distracted. “As it turns out there is not much for us to accomplish here. If you would like, you could accompany back to the clinic, I am sure there is enough work to go around.” She bent slightly at the waist, though not really being taller than Johnny. “Or, you may run along. I will allow you the choice, so long as you promise to behave.”

Meowfyre Meowfyre


“UUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!” a rumbling disembodied voice wailed in darkness. “Why couldn’t they have just killed me? Anything would be better than this, I can’t even feel my- Wait…what’s that?”
A distant light shined dimly momentarily before brightening to the point of blinding, its luminence cast on a figure, bound and suspended in magical restraints. “Shit…I have no idea what’s going on….I hate it when that happens.” In an instant it exploded into a scorching flash, completely running out the darkness and destroying everything in its wake. Just as quickly, A came to, butt naked and body steaming from the heat of her release. The room was dark. “What in the actual fuck just happened?” she said with a moan, holding her head and hunched over slightly, wincing in pain. As her faculties returned to her the crimson demon noticed the other two in the room. A looked over her shoulder to look at CJ, orange eyes like embers in the dim light, they wore a look of inquisition. They then darted in Zack’s direction, before returning to CJ. A straightened some and turned to face him, putting a hand on her skin before quickly retracting it from pain. She was badly seared.
“Do I know you?” she asked the boy, her senses were significantly dulled but she could still make out something in his presence. “You seem pretty familiar, have-“ as she went to step forward her legs hesitated and then struggled under weight causing her to stagger forward a bit. The stumble left her leaned onto a pedestal, having knocked the bust off of it. All at once it hit her. “Daddamnit ….” She grumbled. The light must have been divine, meant to weaken her upon release and make her easier to handle. The throne of lust proudly tried to stand and move again, knees weak and turning inward. She fought herself and her current state for a little while, moaning and groaning in discomfort before grabbing hold of the pedestal again. Her gaze snapped to CJ, eyes sporting a much more aggressive look on them. “Are you just gonna stand there?” she said irritably. In her compromised state her powers, abilities and physicality were all but gone. The feeling of vulnerability to this degree did not sit well with the principality, caught by the wrong people and she’d be entirely at their mercy. A decided she needed to get out of there and find a place to hopefully recover. Her only problem was she was gonna need help…and she wasn’t very confident in her options.
“You, come out.” Her voice, obviously trying to hide rising state of anger and distress she was feeling. She couldn’t tell much about either of them besides a feeling like they reminded her of someone, even her carnal senses were stunted, everything was blurry. “I know you’re there.” A addressed Zack. She waited for him to come out before addressing them both. They didn’t seem scared or defensive, they probably didn’t know who’s presence they were in. She would use this to her advantage.
“Please, the two of you, help me.” A pleaded. “I-I-..” with a feigned slip she hit the ground, the horrible pain it caused made her performance that much more convincing. She writhed on the floor, hoping that the two come to her aid.

Kisaki Kisaki Coyote Hart Coyote Hart

Thump…thump…thump……..BOOM Trae could probably hear this as it gradually got louder until a large black paw slammed out of the wall adjacent to him. It retracted and the hole remained dark for a moment before a pair of familiarly orange eyes shined in the darkness. Shuffling noises come from within. Nequam tried desperately to fit through that dinner plate size hole but was only able to squeeze her head through before becoming stuck. Her expression displayed an excitement to escape and interact with Trae but when she opened her mouth no sound came out. Growing more anxious, Nequam tried to pull her head back in but, being stuck, was only able to get free by nearly decapitating herself while pulling back. There was more sounds, of running this time, getting further away and then closer. Suddenly there was another crash, only this time half her body made it through, the other half kept her lodged in the wall.
Whatever Luxor academy’s walls were made of, they were tough. She alternated between looking excited, no doubt tail wagging on the other side, and attempting to get free. The closer Trae would get the more frantic she’d become, the scent of her parent being easily picked up by her hound-like senses both in him and in the air. It seemed even after all this time, the ability to speak hadn’t been returned to her. Unfortunately for Trae, besides the fact he was in this situation, the underground hadn’t been kind to her and she reeked like death, musk and burnt hair.

YungJazz YungJazz
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Clair O'Reilly


Clair fell backwards when Jessica shot awake and then between her sudden movements and erratic shouting Clair was also quickly stunned. Clair was lucky enough to catch herself on the way down however and luckily in doing so protected herself from any harm. Miss Spotlight sure was jumpy, was Clair really that unnerving? Or did she always awake in such a manner? None the less Miss Spotlight sure was a light sleeper, Clair hadn't even raised her voice past a whisper before getting a reaction. Interesting, Miss Spotlight Really was nothing like Clair at all.

Shuffling to a stand Clair let out a sigh. Miss Spotlight..... Jessica Starry. The woman reminded her all too much of.... a few people she'd rather have forgotten. A few people who wanted to grow up to be exactly like the Spotlight hero. A few people who... well....'Macaroni?'. Clair's train of thought was broken at the very mention of Macaroni and it all but vanished when she witnessed Jessica fumbling about in the kitchen. The sight alone would have normally been enough to make her burst out laughing. But, for now, all it mustered was a smile. The S Class Hero, she was just like a kid in the kitchen.

When Jessica finished setting her little novelty egg timer she invited Clair to take a seat at the dining table. The woman seemed... off, anxious maybe.... no, Clair was certain of it. She knew that look and feeling all too well to mistake it. Jessica was definitely Anxious. But why? Well, the reason made Clair just as anxious if not even more so. How could she just ask something like that so outright? Was she crazy!? How does one even answer that? Clair was completely caught off guard. And her wide, shocked eyes and shrunken demeanour clearly served as evidence. As the timer tick, tick, ticked away awkward silence slowly came creeping in.

Small beads of sweat slowly came to form on Clair's brow and when the pot began to come to a boil, well the constant bubbling noise only served to make things worse.... That was until five minutes in Clair finally managed to whisper out a reply "I, I hate you.... everything you are... I hate you for it.". Clair's eyes, which had been attempting to evade contact this entire time soon came to fiercely seek out Miss Spotlights thereafter and as Clair's voice turned from an anxious whisper to a venomous shriek her hands came to form into fists and strike down against the table "You! And everyone like you! Should all just go and burn in hell!"
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Kagami Enoshima

Kagami's outfit- Red and white outlines8dc3d6ede786ea2f34d2cfadab4ae0e5.jpg

Kagami took a deep sigh and looked down to her fellow friend. " We should get going now. We have part two of the class that we need to get started." She stated. Kagami pulled out her walkie talkie. It was connected to the school's intercom system. " Calling all remaining H.E.R.O students to go to H.E.R.O Tech headquarters in a half a hour." Kagami announced over the intercom for all students to hear. The crimison eyed girl then turned into a bat and flew to the new class's destination.
Maria Nathan and Kagami Enoshima

Maria was fast at work. Her asisstant ran up to her to tap her on the shoulder. Maria pulled off her goggles and turned around to meet her assisstant's eyes." Miss Nathan, Kagami says that all the H.E.R.O students should arrive in a half a hour." The younger girl said.

" Goodie! I can't wait to see these newbies."
Maria rubbed her hands together maliciously.

Kagami came prancing into the room with her 'Crimison' superhero outfit. Her clothing was crimison red with white outlines, along with a fox mask that wss pushed to the side of her head. "Kagami, you looking good." Maria ran over to the vampire and spinned her around in a tight hug. " Wah, I'm so dizzy." Kagami whined as Maria placed her back on the ground.

"It's a costume creator machine. It creates a costume for any body shape with the users choice of materials." Maria explained, running her hands down the machine. " I call her Lady Gaga." Maria said in a whispery voice. The vampire rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"It also makes a mean cup of joe." Maria demonstrated as she placed a 'Best Girl' mug near the dispenser on the side of machine, letting a flow of coffee to enter the cup. Maria handed the cup to the crimison eyed girl. Kagami's lips turned a 'o' shape after sipping the mild tasting coffee. " I told you." Maria chuckled.
Oz felt a bit defeated. Yakai had worked hard and was refused a position in the school anyway. But Oz still got through the test and now he had to go to the next part of his class. He began to head towards the H.E.R.O. Tech headquarters as instructed by the professor. She said to be there in thirty minutes, but he had nothing else to do.
"Um, hi, what are we doing here?" He asked the two instructors.

Kisaki Kisaki
CJ Sentrale
Location: Luxor's Office | Mood: Curious, nervous, and confused
Interactions: Zack Aurum ( Kisaki Kisaki ), A ( FTR FTR )

The woman's orange eyes darted to CJ, a question in her eyes, and she didn't return CJ's introduction. Then her eyes darted to something-- or someone behind CJ. That wasn't good. CJ turned in anticipation around, trying to feign casualness, but saw nobody. Maybe there was a person there, but CJ didn't go and check. If he got caught, he got caught, and he couldn't do anything about it.
"Ah!" CJ turned to the demon, "Now I know why I thought I recognized you. You remind me of Trae! Are you by chance his mother? Then... you must be a hooker!"
CJ realized that he probably shouldn't have said his thoughts out loud in the likely chance that he was wrong, but it was too late. Now that CJ thought about it, Trae did not have the red skin like the demon in front of him. He didn't take biology though, so CJ decided that there was a chance that he was right and an equal chance he was wrong.
Then the demon started moaning and groaning, stumbling and knocking herself into the pedestal, and demanding that CJ help, which knocked CJ out of his thoughts. He decided that he would defy and torture the demon, and with a bright and wicked smile, he stood with his hands in the air, "Yep! You're right! I'm just going to stand here and watch!"
But then she addressed the person that she had been looking at, demanding that he come out of his hiding spot. CJ's heart clenched as he realized he was probably caught in the act of being somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. But he knew that if he had already been caught, there wasn't any use in worrying about it.
"Hmm? Person?" CJ asked, finally going to check out who it was. Around the corner was Zack, watching and listening in. CJ grinned, throwing his arm over Zack's shoulder (which was no easy feat considering that Zack was so much taller than CJ) and patting him on the back, "Zack! Buddy! How've you been?"
Merciless, CJ dragged Zack towards the secret room, using his arm to present the demon lady writhing in pain, "So here we have the entrapped demon, in its natural habitat, writhing in pain and slipping on the dungeon floor... which, now that I think about it, is not actually slippery."
"So, what do you want to do?" CJ asked Zack, a bright and mischievous smile lighting up his face, which quickly fell as he added, "To be honest I think this is kinda fishy."
Aiko Kirishima

With the failure of Kagami to notice her, she began to tread back to the library. Rather than simply teleporting there, she decided to walk. Upon arrival, she arranged books based on genre and alphabetical order then went for date acquired and most popular based on borrowing rate for each genre. She didn't like Kagami ignoring her but she had to take it and just sat down at the librarian's desk reading the novel Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden. She didn't really pay attention to the library as almost nobody goes in the library to the point maintaining the books was really the only job she needed to do. She thought about Kagami and the fact she was in such a hurry to leave to the point of ignoring her suggests she might be having an affair. The thought of this made her rather pissed off. She was considering killing this girl Kagami may have fallen in love and then stuffing her remains in a trash bag before disposing her in the landfill. However, the organisation had yet to give permission to Exterminate her. Aiko did not even know who she was yet. So she dropped that thought and continued reading. However she will be way more observant of Kagami next time she meets her for any signs of contact.

Kisaki Kisaki
Zack Aurum
Okay, the hair is red with the occasional strands of blonde. Need to update his character description in his CS.

So he wasn't great at stealth. The demon girl quickly pointed him out to CJ who was a great annoyance. "You had to point me out." He groaned as he was pulled by the arm by the much younger boy. The half blood pushed the other's hands arms off his shoulder and walked around A to observe her injuries before standing next to CJ again. "Psychotic as ever." Zack mummbled as CJ described the scene as if it was some nature documentary. He had no idea why his dad made a pact with a lunatic.

" I find her fishy too, but we can't just leave her here in pain. I mean you fuckin would but not me." He said, glancing down at A. He had second thoughts of reporting this incident to his father. He could be blamed for this mess if anything were to happen."I suppose we take her somewhere out of Luxor's sight for now. We don't want old man coming back here, wondering why you and me are in his secret chambers with some demon chick." Zack suggested. He bent down to A and pulled her up to her feet. He told told himself he was going to regret his decision. " You should be happy to know that I keep healing potions on hand." He told A. Zack pulled out a a glass vile and placed it in her hand. Healing potions were kind of off limits due to them being considered as prescription drugs." It's a bitch to get so don't waste it."

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Johnny B. Crash

Johnny followed The Sister, responding to her introduction, "My name's Johnny." Rubbing his now very sore cheek, Johnny stepped back and took in the spectacle of it all. Looks like the fat guy was getting his own little celebration. For passing? Johnny was a little jealous. Then Johnny saw him getting dramatically escorted out of the academy. Johnny was less jealous now. Turning to Theresa, she was apparently inviting him to help out at the clinic, since no one was hurt god damn it. Johnny tried to glare at her, but he couldn't quite bring himself to glare at her. Instead he grumpily glanced to one side and said, "Uh, yeah. No thanks Sister, I have to, uh..." Oh shit, what DID he have to do? Johnny doubted this was the end of the process of joining the academy, but Johnny hadn't been paying attention to what teachers were saying.

Luckily Johnny was saved by Kagami's announcement, allowing me to finish saying, "...Yeah, I gotta go over there apparently." Johnny gave a brisk wave and strolled off. It made a convenient reason for Johnny to exit stage left, Johnny had 30 minute to spare so he'd wander around campus for a bit. Staring at the main building, his eyes rose and rose as he stared up the massive spires. Yeah, that looks interesting. Stepping through the doors, Johnny idly began to wander the hallways. This place was incredibly luxurious, he'd never been anywhere like it. How much money was in this academy? Where did it come from? Maybe Johnny would know if he had paid attention. Seeing a sign on the wall, it apparently pointed to Luxor's office. Luxor, that was the principal right? Might as well check it out, better get acquainted with it. Johnny'll probably inevitably end up getting sent there.

interacting FTR FTR nearby Kisaki Kisaki Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Location: Chemistry Classroom
Sam stood in front of a desk cluttered with different vials, small bags filled with ingredients, and an open Alchemist text book. Her pale green eyes focused on the vials in front of her, her movements quick and concise as she mixed different components together. Every few minutes, her gaze would stray to the book opened in front of her just to make sure her calculations were correct. She didn't dabble in Alchemy when she was in the coven, but she figured in this new school she would be able to explore things that had been otherwise forbidden to her. Sam should be out there interacting with her fellow students, but she was not yet quite comfortable with the notion. To say that Sam had been sheltered was an understatement. She had never interacted with anyone who was not a part of her coven, they kept her well hidden. So why suddenly pluck her down in a random school in a place she hadn't even heard about before? That was the true question and one that kept nagging her, like an itch that would not go away. Her mind had chosen that moment to focus on the uneasiness of being so far away from those she considered family, that her hand slipped and she poured a bit too much of a reactive component into the vial. It began to bubble and hiss in her hands, her green eyes widened as she mumbled a curse and toss the vial away from her. A second later, it exploded with an audible boom that could be heard throughout the halls. The blast hit it as it threw her back against another desk, Sam slid down to the floor as she gazed up at the smoke now filled the room. At least it was not on fire, she thought wearily as she rubbed a hand over her face, trying to take off as much of the ash as possible.
Trae Sentrale (Legend/Godfist)
Shun Kantar.jpg

Trae's panicked ranting and cursing of his father's sense of direction being passed onto him was loudly interrupted by 'thumping' of a rather excited person charging towards his general direction. Before Trae could figure out the source of the hurried stomps, a black paw slammed through the wall next to him, making Trae jump back a few steps in shock. Before he had a chance to react to the paw, it was yanked and a familiar set of glowing orange eyes appeared in his vision and was abruptly followed by a familiar head. Trae blinked a few times in confusion as he finally calmed down and recognized the....'person'....that had crashed through the wall.

"Nequam? What are you doing here? Did mom finally let you out of that cage?" Before Trae could get an answer, Nequam had yanked her head back into the hole, confusing the young Sentrale once again, "Or you can ignore my question and go back into the-" BAM!, "Aaaaand you were just getting a running start to slam your body through the wall.", Trae let out an audible sigh as he witnessed his half-sister slam her body through the rather tough wall of Luxor Academy, only to get herself stuck halfway. Trae wanted to be irritated, but he felt his irritation fade away at the excited look on Nequam's face and the, no doubt, wagging tail behind the wall.

With a lazy smile, Trae walked towards the wall and reared his fist back, "Hold on Nequam, lemme get you outta there," Trae sent his fist forward, slamming it into the outer rim of the hole Nequam was in, hoping to open the hole wider. Unfortunately, what really happened was the wall itself got caved in by Trae's godly strength, which freed Nequam, but left a big ass open space in the side of the building. With a nervous sweat drop rolling down the side of his face, Trae shakingly put his hand down, "Uh...I'm sure they can fix that." Trae decided to move on/ignore this incident and instead picked up Nequam and put her on her feet. The smell of burnt hair, death, and probably something else invaded his nose, but Trae powered through it, used to certain scents from the battles he fought in Behemoth.

Patting Nequam down, which removed some dirt and burnt hair, Trae smiled at his sister, "It's good to see you Nequam. If you hadn't have shown up, I'd probably not find the main hall...which I destroyed a wall of....Nevermind that! At least I know where I am now!" Trae patted his sister's head in affection as he began walking through the destroyed wall into the main building, "Let's get going Nequam, i'm sure there's a shower we can get you somewhere here. Oh! And gotta get me registered for school." Trae paused before turning back to Nequam, remembering a tiny detail, "Oh, and we gotta fix the whole 'not talking' thing. Kinda important." Trae patted Nequam's head once more and gestured her to follow him towards the main hall, "Hopefully you know this place better than I do, cause I still don't know where i'm going."

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(Location: Some Island, Near Luxor Academy )(Mood: Happy)
(Interactions: Kristofer Steinkuhler )
(Mentions: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart )

What to do for their first activity? There were so many ideas! Perhaps do something simple to test him like holdup a convenience store, yet that's a bit too simplistic even for a novice like him! Ooo, what about a villainous internship while committing an exhilarating drive-by? Unraveling methods of instructing this new convert of hers was inspiring to imagine, she found herself fascinated and absolutely lost in a fictitious vision of them participating in innovative crimes that'll get both of their infamous names seated on the titles of widely acclaimed news articles! Sierra could see it now, "Sierra and Wolf-boy strike again, countless smothered in baked pies!" Although Kristofer didn't seem too enthralled about participating in any activities with a woman that kept treating her like a pet instead of a colleague, albeit she felt that he was just too precious not to consider pet especially with those silly little ears she could just tug on when he's being a naughty boy! "Precisely. I wouldn't call you a mutt per-say, more like a captivating pooch with a pair of adorable fluffy ears." She couldn't help but wrap her slender arms around her body in a flurry of emotions, hugging herself as she thought more in depth about his cuteness until she witnessed him stomping away from their conversation like some impolite ogre! Being forgotten about by this presumptuous boy only made it that more contentious to bargain with the surly teenager and if that wasn't burdensome enough, some 'poindexter' dressed in cliched nerd attire was provoking unwanted attention through his unruly hysteria!

"Help! We have a criminal here!" Blasting his screeching voice like a dying seagull, he remained dauntless in his efforts of attracting nearby superheroes as well as acting like a human-siren for all to 'enjoy' except for Sierra who was on the verge of padding her sensitive eardrums with rocks. It was only a matter of time before he attracted unwanted attention, it was a recipe for disaster and whoever this jackass was he needed to die pronto! However instead of being assaulted to death by miscellaneous foot items, Kristofer took it upon himself to voluntarily stop the denzien sprinting for help by tripping him and giving the poor fellow a good ol' fashion curb-stomp to the back of the head, one that might've just ended the guy's life judging from the gruesome details of how much unrelenting force he put into kicking the ever loving Hell out of him. "Oh darling!" Impressed by his ruthlessness, Sierra immediately brought the back of her hand against her forehead as if she was a damsel in distress and Kristofer was the noble knight who had just saved her from the ruthless dragon known as 'prison'. "You saved me, my hero!" She would've tried to fall back into his arms as he came over if it weren't for the fact that the kid would probably give her unprepared face the gristles on his shoes, so instead of doing that she just gave him a temporary 'loving' embrace despite the fact he kind of fucked up and brought more future attention onto them by committing murder in broad daylight not to mention leaving the corpse exposed to any person that happens to pass by it, fortunately she had just the solution to for that problem! "What i've done? No-no, that was all you ya little murdering scamp! Don't you worry your pretty little head, i'll take care of the mess."

She replied with a light humming tune at the end before reaching through her goody bag and salvaging what looked to be an ordinary pineapple until she mindlessly severed the crown from the fruit with her teeth and lobbed it over near the motionless body, following this a small inaudible explosion tore open the fruit, seeds and sweet-smelling bits of the pineapple ruptured from the innards and concealed the cadaver in a sticky acidic substance that carnivorously diminished the body into nothing but a puddle of weird looking muck. "Nifty aint it? Nice to meet ya Kristofer Stein-something! Oh and I can't go any further so i'd suggest taking this." She dolefully announced as she rushed over to him and handed him some sketchy throw-away phone with a suspicious looking number being the only one in the virtual contact's list. "They'll definitely recognize me up there, so this solar-powered phone will help you get into contact with me when the time comes! Give it a week or so before I call you.. By the way, have fun at school!" Giggling like a deranged school-girl, Sierra ambled slowly away while giving Kristofer an energetic good-bye wave with both of her arms.
Oz felt a bit defeated. Yakai had worked hard and was refused a position in the school anyway. But Oz still got through the test and now he had to go to the next part of his class. He began to head towards the H.E.R.O. Tech headquarters as instructed by the professor. She said to be there in thirty minutes, but he had nothing else to do.
"Um, hi, what are we doing here?" He asked the two instructors.

Kisaki Kisaki
The sound of chair being pushed back onto its back legs imitating from the back of the room was the first thing he did that would draw attention to him self. He had walked straight past the buildings security, past the guy in the room, and past the group that had been leaving the simulator. It wasn't cause he felt he was better or anything he just simply of a mind set to talk to anyone. He was leaning pretty far back in that chair before it released the creek, a testament to its good crafts man ship, and was keeping his eyes closed trying to straighten out his mind.
His abilities made him hard to keep track of, and made almost all sorts of detection technology usless including the simulations detections systems. So he had a diffrent way of proving him self, a sparing match with a low level hero. He was having a hard time thinking straight given the fact the fight had been ended when he gripped the larger man's collar and began head butting him repeatedly. Maybe five or six times had he bothered to count, regardless the man had been knocked unconscious and he had been declared the victor.
He also had a splitting head ache, every thing seemed a bit blury and he had a hard time organizing his thoughts. He had been told firmly he didn't have a concession (though the other man lacked his luck in that matter) still it hurt and now he had to wonder around in his Ray Bands to hide the fact he had a black eye. His face other wise however seemed fine, the smooth Carmel skin that he took such pride in didn't show any marks from his most recent win, though it did bare about four slash marked scars from previously difficult situations he had got him self into.
His head cleared, as did his vision, and he became immediately aware of the fact that he wasn't alone. He prided him self on being of the observent sort so he flushed with embarrassment at the fact he missed a tall man with bright blue hair. Almost being the key word, he instead leaned forward the chair setting down on all fours once more as he looked up towards the man. He noticed how diffrently they dressed first off, the man was upper class he smelled of it. Mean while he wore a long green jacket of a material not unlike burlap, a set of blue jeans, and of course the required black tshirt he always wore. This particular one read "It ain't easy being sleazy" with the worst stereotype of a hooker that he could find printed on it. Truly the shirt was the only thing that gave his dress any class, that and the green lensed and golden rimmed Ray Bands. He finally opened his mouth to greet the man in the freindly manner with which he greeted everyone for the first time "Well don't you have looks to kill~".
Stone him if you must but he liked to be flirtatious, especially with upper class folks.He truly meant nothing by it and probably wouldn't be pursuing anything but he always liked to atleast put something forward before greeting properly. He stood fully up, his frame being nether impressive nor weak and falling firmly within the "fit" body set he wasn't much to look at. Regardless he wore his height well, their were plenty taller he knew but few had posture like his. The straight back and almost marching foot steps were a complet off set from his normal personailty, it also did wonders to make him seem tall. He boldy walked within head butting distance and offered his hand "Grey" he said introducing him self by alias alone, "What do you go by freind?". He said with a small smile that crept apon his lips like some sort of predator, slowly moving up his face tell it settled in a comfortable postion as if it had always been there.
Maven enters the Tech Headquarters for the H.E.R.O. Program. He really didn't have a clue as to what he and the other students would be doing here. He was excited about the fact he had gotten into the Academy, but he had didn't know what would come next. He began to look around the lab, seeing a few other students, two female professors and a large machine that appeared to make coffee. It seemed to be a bit redundant to have such a large machine make caffeinated beverages.

Oz started a bit when a tan-skinned fellow appeared out of seemingly nowhere and seemed to flirt with him. He felt a bit of blood rush to his cheeks and his eyes darted around the room. "U-um I'm sorry?" He was a bit confused at the sudden and forward approach. He quickly composed himself and wiped any trace of his previous flustered state, clasping his hands in front of him. "Yes, I commonly go by Oz and my alias for this program is 'Shatter' due to my abilities," He said in a practiced and composed voice. Oz felt a bit uneasy at his predatory smile, but he'd be damned if he let it show. He kept a straight face, maintaining eye contact. He didn't know what the motive of this guy was, but he had a feeling his intentions were less than wholesome.

Theflamre Theflamre

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Starry Estate )(Mood: Guilty)
    (Interactions: Clair )
    (Mentions: )

    Must've been difficult for her, she wasn't letting out a single peep of disclosure but then again it was an unforeseen question. It wasn't exactly conventional for someone to come out with a meaningful explanation if they were being pressed for their answer, albeit Miss Spotlight had full confidence in tending to something rashly as a substitute to clarifying things later on which frequently produces a more conflicting outcome due to the lack of communication. Clair however, remained silent almost like she was a wordless deer staring to a set of oncoming headlights at the mere thought of discussing such a topic with the woman whom she despised among all! It didn't help that the novely egg timer begun ticking, mirroring the semblance of high-strung tensions rising through the atmosphere as if it were a boiling steam beginning to rise or perhaps that was just the pot beginning to boil-over? Shit she knew she should've lowered the thermostat knob before getting into a deep discussion with her! "Hmph, I always overlook how quick these burners warm-up."

    Thankfully she avoided anymore awkward silence by her forgetfulness, she always figured that absentmindedness of hers had its unique perks. Averting away from the conversation, Jessica was unable to come to a conclusion as to the familiarity of the situation, it's almost as if she remembered that same hushed conflicted expression except from 'someone else' while growing up. "Memories don't seem to go away, do they?" Miss Spotlight could a glimmer of a grimy-looking adolescent girl, covered in tattered rags that reflected the dead-pan stare that Jessica was giving her as she gawked at the decor mirror facing her way from across the kitchen. Giving an over the shoulder glance back at Clair, Jessica sluggishly pivoted her head back towards the glass only to see her plain reflection with the outlandish girl from her past nowhere to be seen as she let out a deep exhausting sigh and finished up boiling the macaroni. "Quick wasn't it? That's what you get for paying for an ultra-modern stove." She said with a contrived smile as she looked back to Clair who was still caught up in her own little world of sorts, like distant memories beginning to haunt her as she remained skittish at almost everything causing Miss Spotlight to feel a bit concerned for the adolescent girl's health as she placed a bowl of the cooked meal in-front of her and begun surveying her jumpy mood from a meager distance.

    Noticing her trembling lips, resentful eyes, and droplets of sweat forming at the brow, it was plainly obvious she was going to mention the prior discussion. "I, I hate you.... everything you are... I hate you for it." By the time she had whispered out that vague response, Jessica eyes almost immediately latched onto hers which only made hostilities between the two rise as the ferocious girl let out a clamorous remark. "You! And everyone like you! Should all just go and burn in hell!" Ending her tirade with a venomous shriek along with a noisy strike of her fists hitting against the surface of the table, two bowls of mac 'n' cheese dramatically spilled off the table and crashed against the ground causing the bowls to shatter to pieces with random bits of food spreading across the floor. Outraged, Miss Spotlight's face twisted with fury as she stepped alongside the table before giving a swift but painful back-hand to Clair's cheek before pulling her by the middle of her shirt, a rosy red-mark manifested on the girl's cheek as she was lifted mere inches away from Jessica's indignant mug. "Listen here you socially awkward fuck! Just because your parents sent you off here to forget about their bratty child doesn't mean it's my fault!" On the verge of barking down her face once more, Miss Spotlight's became visibly pale by seeing her hands forcefully wrapped around Clair's shirt with the addition to the painful mark left by her hand. Instinctively releasing her and stepping backwards in disbelief, Jessica came back again to reach her hand out in remorse to her own brazen reaction. "Oh my god.. Clair, i'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.." Even with the whole-hearted apology, it felt like relations between them had just gotten even worse.
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Clair O'Reilly


Pain. Yet again Clair felt pain. She was, of course, deathly shocked too but ultimately it was the searing red-hot pain that took the forefront. Jessica had slapped her, she had made a firm and swift connection with her back hand and Clair most certainly felt it. The pain was almost toxic in nature, it spread slowly and burned more and more with each passing second. It hurt. It hurt really badly... and it was only getting worse.

When spotlight grabbed at Clair's shirt she felt herself sink deeply. This was all too familiar. Far too familiar. Earilly familiar. Why, why did Luxor do this? Why did he shack Clair up with Jessica of all people... Why? Just why? As Clair hung limp in Jessica's grasp her eyes lost their shimmer and became dark, fadded and somewhat ghastly. Her demenour changed drastically in just a fration of a second and silence ensued once again on her part. Sure miss spotlight spoke but Clair did not. She simply watched soulessly through darkened lenses.

When Jessica finnaly released Clair from her grasps and offered up an appologie Clair moved back and then did so again before muttering quietly "I hate you" once again. It was after that she moved quickly toward the stairs, up them then and into her designated room. Locking the door behind her before collapsing into a saddened mess. It hurt, it really hurt....
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

Peski left the room when Kagami left, she didn't know where else to go, so she sat in the main hallway trying to think of what she should do, she didn't make any friends so she had no one to speak with.


Cody left with Kagami but parted ways before the song, he headed to the lunch room to start cooking for everyone, he thinks everyone would enjoy personal pizzas, so he starts with the sauce, for the vegetarians version he adds extra yellow and red bell peppers and a little more onion. For the meat version he cooks up sausage, once it's done he pours the smallest bits into another pot of sauce, saving the bigger chunks for topping. He starts up a dough machine so he can focus on the grilling of chicken and whole salami. To give it the smokey flavor... Taking the pineapple and.... BURNING IT TO ASH BECAUSE PINEAPPLE DOESN'T BELONG ON PIZZA! Ahem... he also grills the bacon in a full metal strainer so the bits are quickly cooked, he sets them on a very top rack above the smoke, really, these pizzas are going to be amazing...

(both characters are open for any one to interact with.)
Kypher Hawthorne
(Dimensional Host - Teacher)


Kypher Hawthorne was a teacher at Luxor Academy... somehow. The idea of the distinguished eldest son of the Hawthorne family settling as a mere teacher was unheard of, but he had his reasons and had taken measures to ensure his reputation was not tarnished. The H.E.R.O. Program handled all the budding new superpowered freaks of society and aided them to become noteworthy heroes capable of protecting the innocent and defeating the forces of evil. It was an admirable role for anyone to participate; cultivating the next generation of superhero role models of the future. However...

Kypher didn't really care about that stuff.

No, he was here for a different reason. As a Hawthorne, he had his own duty to uphold and his own interests to take care of. It had been 200 years since Kypher had granted his younger brother a dimension of his own and he was due to visit the mortal realm this year. Not only that, but it was the opening ceremony of Luxor's crazy experiment of a school and many powerful beings had gathered for it. It wasn't particularly easy being charge of the school's security when 55% of all students on the H.E.R.O. Program could potentially blow up the whole location singlehandedly.

But where was the enigmatic Hawthorne now? Near the main hall, a small black circle suddenly began to exist near the entrance. Immediately, the sound of wind moving quickly was heard as dark purple lines began to spread and rotate around the black circle in a spiral fashion, distorting the space within the lines' reach. After a whole 5 seconds of rotation, a figure seemed to squeeze out of the black circle and snap into correct shape, apparently unfazed by the seemingly unsettling elasticity his body had just displayed. Looking around impassively, Kypher took in his surroundings noncommittally with a rather neutral expression as if he were somewhat unimpressed. Had no one blown anything up by now? The inauguration and opening ceremony were already over, meaning this was probably a Luxor Academy record at this point.

The teacher was wearing a tailored suit just as his brother had once, a thin red velvet cape adorned his shoulders, complete with black gloves and a miniature black crown that rested to a side on top of his head. Of course, Kypher was not so vain as to simply wear these accessories for cosmetic purposes, they held greater importance than that. His stark blonde hair and handsomely regal features bore a strikingly strange sense of similarity to a certain other Hawthorne individual. The swirling tear in the fabric of space closed up behind Kypher as closed his eyes to concentrate, head dipped slightly as his brow drew together. He was attempting to sense out any anomalous energy that might be lurking around the school. Technically it was only his first day on the job, but he was already acquainted with all the teachers and knew of most of the students. Currently it was the otherworldly life sources or dangerous magic signatures that could potentially threaten the school were what he was looking for, "Well, I suppose it would be a tad preemptive for a catastrophe to occur on the first da-"


"Yes... That sounds more in keeping with this academy." Kypher opened his eyes calmly and turned his head towards the direction of the sounds of destruction. Walking around the corner of the building, he saw Trae Sentrale, one of the students that he had marked on his list. It was definitely quite a coincidentally fortuitous event having stumbled upon the boy; Kypher had been meaning to meet the Sentrale child upon starting his new job. Raising an eyebrow curiously, he approached the dragon-god spawn and noted the incredibly powerful lifeforce he possessed. Indeed, just like his father had been, Sentrale Jr was particularly strong and Kypher could sense it. If he had to guess, unparalleled physical abilities and a regenerative factor were his saving graces. It was then that the teacher's attention shifted to the other individual with Trae: it, possibly a she, appeared to be an anthropomorphic dog of sorts but not one of much intelligence judging from her obviously animalistic nature.

"Trae Sentrale, the son of Ryo the Dragon God. Your reputation precedes you." With a slight smile, he extended his hand to Trae as a sign of goodwill, "I am Master Hawthorne officially, but please call me Kypher, or my alias: Rift." He glossed over the presence of the dog lady for now as he was unsure if she was even domesticated, nevermind sentient enough to comprehend what he was saying. Ryo had previously been notorious for his rude and delinquent attitude when he had been a student at Luxor Academy, so Kypher was curious to see if his son had also inherited that trait as well as his monstrous strength. Standing next to the youth might have been a trivial thing for onlookers, as Kypher's appearance was that of a very young man, perhaps 19-20 years old. Luckily he was fairly tall so he at least held some semblance of authority, but it would not be strange if Trae were to have confused him for another student.

YungJazz YungJazz FTR FTR
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Maven enters the Tech Headquarters for the H.E.R.O. Program. He really didn't have a clue as to what he and the other students would be doing here. He was excited about the fact he had gotten into the Academy, but he had didn't know what would come next. He began to look around the lab, seeing a few other students, two female professors and a large machine that appeared to make coffee. It seemed to be a bit redundant to have such a large machine make caffeinated beverages.

Oz started a bit when a tan-skinned fellow appeared out of seemingly nowhere and seemed to flirt with him. He felt a bit of blood rush to his cheeks and his eyes darted around the room. "U-um I'm sorry?" He was a bit confused at the sudden and forward approach. He quickly composed himself and wiped any trace of his previous flustered state, clasping his hands in front of him. "Yes, I commonly go by Oz and my alias for this program is 'Shatter' due to my abilities," He said in a practiced and composed voice. Oz felt a bit uneasy at his predatory smile, but he'd be damned if he let it show. He kept a straight face, maintaining eye contact. He didn't know what the motive of this guy was, but he had a feeling his intentions were less than wholesome.

Theflamre Theflamre
rich boy certainly was atleast somewhat interested, normally straight men turned him down immediately. With his "taste testing" over he relaxed, his predatory smile becoming more of a freindly grin. He pulled him self up onto a table, leaning forward as to keep them close enough he could lean forward a bite the other man if need be. The thought made the tips of his smile raise a bit, though it may seem strange to the man who was not privy to his internal conversation.
He leaned to the left, the side of his long green jacket sliding off his shoulder and showing the strap of his black under shirt as well as some of his arm and shoulder. It was purposful, not that the other man needed to know it. He finally spoke again "Sebastian, my full alias is the grey man " he said mimicking the formality before shifting back to his casual tone of voice "Though I always though I was more of a tropical sort of man" he said making a joke at his skin tone. He let the jacket slip further off his arm, he leans into his shoulder casting his green eyes toward the man as he caresses his shoulder with his chin "What do you think?" He asked.
His arm a smooth fit sea of his deeply tan skin, it did contain a history the fronts of the forearms contained a number of scars from when he was younger. He had snuck into a house to preform the gallows, but he hadn't accounted for the woman being a super. She shot out fragments of bone from her hands, and his messed up slash had given her the chance to defend her self. He raised up his arms to protect his face, he had been almost certain this was the end. Then she simply bled out, he had never laughed so hard, her eyes were still filled with that fighting rush supers got when they closed in for a easy victory. He had replaced the bit of raw pork in the fridge with a bit of the woman, he hoped dearly that they had eaten it.
He played a flirting game, but his mind as normal for him wondered to darker places. The gallows within his head didn't put the man on his schedule, which was disappointing since honestly he was certain he could get the man alone one way or another. This didn't prevent him from having his dark fantasys, he wondered how he would dispose of all that for one. How big of a can? How much bleach? Where to leave it so it wouldn't be bothered too quickly? Those however always fell behind the big question, how would he do it? Shatter could hint at anything, he could blow up building with his mind, turn a man into nothing more then a creative wall decoration, or even shatter his mind with a single glance. The trick was to figure out if it would interrupt a quick execution, would it stop him from simply cutting off the mans head in a single sweep?
He relised that he was getting to close to him, in fact he had almost pressed his lips up against the mans neck. His soft almond hair brushing up against his neck, he ducked his head and slipped back a bit on the table. He wondered if the man thought he was gonna try to kiss his neck, what ever he thought he was just glad he wasn't muttering his inner thoughts as he sometimes did.
Grey seemed to stop treating Oz as prey for the moment when he sat on a table. He told Oz his full name instead of only his alias, albeit mockingly. Oz thought the small joke about the rich color of his skin was slightly amusing, but he didn't let that show apart from a small, momentary smile. He was clearly and overtly making advances on Oz, and Oz was surprised and a tad uncomfortable. Glancing at Sebastian's now exposed arm, he cleared his throat.
"No, I don't think the name Grey suits you at all," He replied in the most monotonous voice he could muster. Sebastian seemed to lose himself in his thoughts, and Oz noticed the scars on his arms. He didn't ask about them, as he thought it would be impolite, but he couldn't help but be curious. Oz didn't notice Sebastian leaning in until he was close enough that he could kiss his neck. He began to blush as he suddenly pulled back.
"I should go now," he said, quickly turning around although he really had nowhere to go. He walked over to where the instructors were conversating and asked quietly, "Is there any chance I could do this later?" He spoke in a low enough voice to where he hoped Sebastian wouldn't hear and avoided looking over his shoulder.

Theflamre Theflamre Kisaki Kisaki
Grey seemed to stop treating Oz as prey for the moment when he sat on a table. He told Oz his full name instead of only his alias, albeit mockingly. Oz thought the small joke about the rich color of his skin was slightly amusing, but he didn't let that show apart from a small, momentary smile. He was clearly and overtly making advances on Oz, and Oz was surprised and a tad uncomfortable. Glancing at Sebastian's now exposed arm, he cleared his throat.
"No, I don't think the name Grey suits you at all," He replied in the most monotonous voice he could muster. Sebastian seemed to lose himself in his thoughts, and Oz noticed the scars on his arms. He didn't ask about them, as he thought it would be impolite, but he couldn't help but be curious. Oz didn't notice Sebastian leaning in until he was close enough that he could kiss his neck. He began to blush as he suddenly pulled back.
"I should go now," he said, quickly turning around although he really had nowhere to go. He walked over to where the instructors were conversating and asked quietly, "Is there any chance I could do this later?" He spoke in a low enough voice to where he hoped Sebastian wouldn't hear and avoided looking over his shoulder.

Theflamre Theflamre Kisaki Kisaki
"any time~" He said walking past the blue haired man smiling, he slipped his jackey on properly and got a few steps ahead of him moving towards the instructors. He made sure to button up his jacket so that the stereotype of a hooker wasn't showing and he looked a little bed roused but presentable. He even took the sunglasses off, his black eye wasn't bad, in fact it made it look like he was wearing a bit of eye liner not that he wasn't before he had head but the other man. Even more luckily it was in both eyes so he could claim it was eye liner.
He smiled in the most freindly way a person like him could muster, honestly he looked less menacing when he was trying to be flirty. He was glad the other man was at his back so that he wouldn't see the grin, for one point his eyes half closed giving the show of a more vested interest in those he was looking at and not in the good way. His canines were far too pronounced for his own good actually, they made him look like a vampire, though honestly unless he in the near future learned to unhinge his jaw he wouldn't be biting anyone to that effect.
His powers however gave him some leeway though, he opened his eyes to show the soft green color of them more, and he even was able to shrink the smile into something half way appealing to the eye. "Howdy" he said a good couple of steps before reaching them, nothing gave a worst first impression then suddenly realizing someone was in touching range without you seeing them first. He casaully extended a hand towards the instructors in question "I'm Seb" he hated the nickname more then anything this world could offer, it was however nonthreatening and appealed to the over all look of youthful innocence he was going for when greeting them. He wondered if either of them was a mind reader, man he hoped not killing at teacher would sure be a dampener of the whole "I'm Just some random guy routine" Kisaki Kisaki
CJ Sentrale
Location: An ground floor dungeon in Luxor's office | Mood: ???
Interactions: Zack Aurum ( Kisaki Kisaki ), A ( FTR FTR ) | Nearby: Johnny Crash ( Meowfyre Meowfyre )

CJ was a bit unhappy from Zack calling him a psychopath. He should've known that CJ was in no way struggling from lack of emotions. But since it was Zack and he was a douchebag, CJ decided to let it off the hook.
"Why do you have a healing potion?" CJ exclaimed as he saw Zack take out the faintly glowing pink liquid, "That's only available from the pharmacy! Did you steal if from the infirmary or the Safeway down the street? Dude! I thought you were the son of an angel... well, I suppose you are also the son of an incubus."
He went over and plucked the vial from Zack's hands, dropping it in one of the absurdly deep pockets of his bathrobe, looking at A as he did so, "I'll take that, friend. We don't want the demon here to stand up."
He smiled pristinely, but underneath that smile were the feelings of nervousness and near panic. CJ took hold of Zack's arm, pulling him a few feet away from the demon, and in a voice dropped into a hiss to prevent her from listening, he warned Zack, "I wouldn't be leaving someone in pain if it were anywhere but in an angel's principal's office, in a secret room that we obviously shouldn't be in, and while being surrounded by shady scrolls. Like, your dad would have a good reason to have her trapped in here."

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