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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

(Location: Luxor Academy, Library )(Mood: Content)
(Interactions: Kristofer Steinkuhler )
(Mentions: )

Classical tunes distinguishable to late 17th century orchestras 'danced' throughout a compact household, somewhat accordant humming followed the pitch as it cavorted out of the side of Sierra's mouth, at the time she was shown to be in a tightly packed kitchen along with various ingredients fringing around her personal 'cooking corner', hugging the sides of her ankles as she scooped her out-reaching hand through the open bags of salt, pepper, and other types of condiments and adding pinches of them to a stockpot filled half-way with simmering water that popped in melody to the ending instrumental to the song, eventually closing with a warm sizzle as she begun stirring around the inner elements of with a dark plastic ladle that she cautiously set inside the sweltering cookware before examining the scenery around her. It was a plain-looking scullery, an egg-white pigment amassed most of the wall-paper and was complimented by its clean matching tiles that were slick to the touch, whomever paid for all this must've been a well-off family or some high end middle class that was able to put their investments into getting a nice kitchen despite it being smaller than what she was normally use to! But regardless she enjoyed that she had a lot of supplies to work with, including the expensive cooking instruments that were littered across the counter-top. A chilled yet soothing breeze whistled through the open-window nearby, brushing her pale white skin causing her to wiggle her nose as she casted an unnerving stare back at the tied-up victims whom at the time were bound with several layers of nylon rope, strapped to modern dining chairs with their midsections being uncomfortably pushed up against the sidings of an antique table.

Weak, panicked mumbles fell through their taped mouths as they vigorously struggled to set themselves free, although to their misfortune it was nearly impossible for any ordinary individual to get out of the mass of bindings that completely ensnared them from their sweaty necks all the way down to their quivering legs, nevertheless in her eyes it was almost 'adorable' to see them even attempt to. "Calm yourselves, I think we all established that i'm a guest in your household! I may've broke in but that doesn't mean we should act like utter savages at the dinner table now? Besides i'm sure you're all just 'dying' for a taste of my superb cooking!" Releasing a light-hearted giggle at her own joke, Sierra remained undeterred while ignoring that many pleas for mercy by her hostages and simply went back to focusing on her cooking before observing a pleasant 'buzz' that radiated out from the speakers of her phone. Raising an eyebrow at the sound, she gracefully spun around the contents of the cookware with the plastic spoon before picking up the shaking tablet with her available hand. "Now just who could this be?" She delightfully chittered as she skimmed her slender fingers against the tablet's glossy bright screen, transitioning her home-screen immediately to the notifications. To her pleasant surprise it happened to be Kristofer who sent her a message, an attachment no less! Sierra assumed that it was no more than him delivering an image of some blue-prints or something else considerably important although it came off as a nice little eye-opener seeing it was a picture of Kristofer, a selfie no less of him wearing a taught skin-tight costume that gave a sort of 'Halloween' vibe as she inspected the vibrant styling of the outfit, yet she was more preoccupied with how fetching he looked in that costume. A pinkish warm discolored both her cheeks as she scoured her view from top to bottom of the picture, taking visual notes of his physique which happened to be rather impressive for someone so young! As rare as her tenderness was, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed as she wasted no time rapidly typing out a response to his text.

"Ha, I wont! After all.. You look absolutely scrumptious in that outfit darling. :hornskiss:" She added, concluding her flirtatious text with a devilish emoticon before placing her phone down once more and going back to topping off her ideal soupy meal for her 'hungry' audience who still were completely freaking out at the sounds of the house-intruder stomping about the kitchen like it was a playground. Obviously not bothered by their irrelevant appeals for forgiveness she relentlessly stirred chopped up vegetables that she added to the soup before letting her mind doze off, letting her vivid imagination day-dream about Kristofer except instead he wasn't wearing that cramped suit, rather he was wearing nothing at all! Clearly flustered, Sierra's face boiled red with risque thoughts as she gnawed lightly on her plump lower-lip. "Goodness.." Envisioning his alluring face in her mind was one thing but seeing the view pan down to his muscular chest and well sculpted shoulders was driving her crazy, more than usual even! In all honesty, for once she was more attentive to fulfilling those lusty thoughts of hers rather than paying attention to cooking! Soon enough that given perspective of his body gradually past his chiseled abdominals then before she had time to react she was noticing her imagination starting to drift a little bit past his waist-line, Sierra couldn't believe it.. At this point she stopped what she was doing as she became lost in a ravishing thought at seeing the well detailed v-shape of his lower body but that wasn't all! In a manic-state of lust she watched in pleasure at her wandering mind now envisioning his well-endowed.. "Ahh! Help, anyone! There's a crazy bitch in my house trying to kill me! For the love of God!" Interrupted in mid-thought at the male hostage screaming his oxygen filled lungs out after loosening the tape around his lips, it nearly made Sierra tip over the cooking pot as she jolted back at the sound, accidentally bringing the ladle towards her and drooping the bottom of the stockpot off the heated surface element but luckily only spilling a minor amount onto the stove itself rather than herself. "You piece of shit! You're that hungry huh?" Filled with animosity towards the freaked out man ruining a part of her cooking at 'lewd' thoughts she immediately removes the pot from the top of the scalding range before walking up to the screaming hostage and aggressively dousing him in the burning mixture of water and vegetables, some of which landing onto the person's face and making him convulse around as he screams out in agony while being burnt. "Bon Appetite" Before she could get a chance to cave the man's head in with an emptied stockpot, another notification showed up on her phone making her quickly disinterested in the flesh-burning victim and attaching herself to the noisy phone in hopes of seeing him wearing a bit less than a skin suit!

Unfortunately it was just Kristofer giving off details about him with a bomb? "What in the Hell?" She questioned herself, wondering how a teenager managed to come across an explosive device or let alone create one. Whatever the case was, he sure seemed determined to ignite Luxor Academy's library in a fiery explosion which would be an entertaining thing to see if it weren't for the fact that that 'boy-toy' of hers was in the same damn place! He was definitely ambitious and headstrong about helping out Sierra but blowing up half of the school and turning it into a ball of flames including himself would just ruin things! Kristofer was way too important to become some mindless martyr and was essential to dismantling the HERO association's foundation! As of now, random violence would not suffice. "Tsk, what a fool! That hot moron is going to blow himself up." Unsure of his dangerous proposition, Sierra sent out one last text-message warning Kristofer not to do anything stupid and to hold tight until she arrives to assist him. Hopefully that lovely fool would listen to her proposal before trying to do anything completely insane, although taking in account of his unyielding personality she felt that would be very unlikely! "Aren't all of you just the luckiest bunch? Looks like i'm a rush!" Chirping off to her victims, Sierra joyfully swung her arms with an unnerving smile as she made a spright set of steps towards the exit before waving good-bye to her hostages and leaving most of them bound and gagged as she made her swift departure. Within a matter of time she found herself hurtling up onto the reinforced walls that completely surrounded Luxor Academy, dividing their own 'magical world' from the dull outside one. Thankfully the bomb-threat left everyone scrambling in confusion or else the imagery of Sierra climbing up through the stone wall would've been more prominent! All she had to do now was find someway to get to 'Kris' without getting detected by any of those goodie goodie Heroes, but how? With a face and tattoos as distinct as hers she'd be found out in seconds unless she came across some sort of disguise! Luckily for Sierra she found the perfect opportunity! There happened to be a student all alone, entering a public restroom close to the campus but far away enough to not be spotted going into it. "Perfect." She grinned with a toothy smile as she gracefully leaped off from the wall's roof-like apex, only catching herself with the palm of her hand before acting out a twisting tsukahara (gymnastic move) and landing back onto her nimble feet without an issue.

Subsequently after her landing, Sierra slyly crept past the push-door and found the naive student patting her rosy cheeks with a make up kit, completely unaware of what was soon about to follow! "What kind of psychopath wears a suit-top with a skirt?" She thought, looking at the women in question who dawned on a onyx-slated blazer with a clean white dress shirt, completed with a dark colored skirt that barely did much to cover up her skin-white thighs. And was that, gloves? This girl had such an odd combination of attire it was almost baffling! Despite her diverse wardrobe she made an excellent opportunity to confront Kristofer without alerting any of the faculty. Within a matter of time, struggling, and a bit of gruesome magic she was able to completely overpower her target and use her own guise along with a hint of sorcery to make sure that it wouldn't be broken through ordinary means. "Hm.." Sierra hummed, looking at the bathroom mirror and nodding off to her new appearance in a wishy-washy approval before exiting out of the bathroom in a brisk walk. It might've not been the ideal appearance but it was one that had to do! she was hoping that Kristofer would hopefully recognize her, even with the change of imagery. "Students of Luxor Academy!" Was that, Kristofer? Hearing a recognizable voice, Sierra approached what seemed to be a pathway leading into a library. With each step the volume grew louder and louder until she winded up within the confines of the library and noticing Kristofer courageously wielding a strange pole-arm as he concluded his powerful speech before having an irritated Sierra stamp up to him and tug him away so he didn't have another chance to persuade the captivating audience listening to his brainwashing speech. "Idiot, it's Sierra.. What are you doing? You don't even know what kind of bomb you're dealing with! You're going to end up blowing yourself to smithereens." Whispering in his ear, she made sure their private conversation wasn't open to any listening ears as she firmly pressed her feminine body against the side of him while wandering her pupils from place to place to make sure nobody was in the vicinity.
Cho-Jiro Sentrale
Location: Luxor Academy | Mood: Average
Interactions: Zack Aurum and Luxor Aurum ( Kisaki Kisaki ), Johnny Crash ( Meowfyre Meowfyre )

Unfortunate for CJ, his zap was just too chaotic. There wasn't a low setting, there wasn't a high setting. It was a true monotone of power, zero or a hundred. It was like either breaking no rules or breaking all the rules, and CJ was forced to choose to break all the rules. And holy pineapples were the results powerful. CJ's attack struck home, and it looked particularly painful for the baseball nerd. His retaliation was a moment too late, but it wasn't ineffective.
The globe struck CJ square in the face, knocking him a step backward and destroying the careful precision that CJ had put into his attack. His lightning went wild and crazy again, and with a loud pop, the lightbulb in the ceiling blew. This, of course, activated CJ's internal skittish raccoon nature, causing CJ to bounce backward and crash into Luxor's bookshelf. With a flutter of paper, several books fell off of the shelf to tumble to the floor in a disorderly pile.
Of course, at that moment, the ostrich of a headmaster Luxor had to walk in. And like an ostrich sticking its head into the dirt, Luxor seemed completely blind to the fact that:
1. Zack threw a disc that hit Luxor
2. The baseball nerd had blisters and was in obvious pain
3. The lightbulbs were burned out
4. CJ had knocked over the books on the bookshelf
5. The door with the demon lady was broken
Instead, like a money-greedful piece of pork, Luxor went over to the chair that the baseball nerd had thrown and started lamenting about the damage, putting the blame on all three of them despite the fault being from the baseball nerd. Both CJ and Zack had no intention of breaking anything.
But of course, at that time, the baseball nerd hopped out of the window, gone into the wind to save the world from a bomb threat, as superheroes of the newly made HERO Program probably did. CJ still thought the HERO Program was silly, but if it helped keep the school safe, then CJ was happy. The school was what he considered his true home after all.
CJ's first instinct as he was confronted with Luxor's anger was to hop out of the window and turn into a raccoon to hop out of harm's way, but that would mean making Zack bear the grunt of Luxor's wrath. And CJ, for odd reasons, didn't feel like making Zack pissed at him today.
So CJ stayed in the office, fiddling with his thumbs as he waited for Luxor to do something. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the cookie jar that CJ had stolen from before entering the secret room. But now all that was left were crumbs and the only person who could have eaten more than a dozen cookies at once was none other than Zack.
But CJ desperately needed something to do. He couldn't just stand around with Luxor and Zack, so bouncing to Luxor's desk, he upended the jar and poured the cookie crumbs into his mouth.
It was an idiotic decision. Not only did it seem disrespectful, which CJ only realized the moment after he poured the crumbs, but it was also a choking hazard. And of course, CJ had to accidentally inhale the cookie crumbs, lodging a big piece into his throat.
CJ dropped the cookie jar, which bounced silently on the soft carpet, and he fell to the ground, coughing violently in hopes of unlodging the cookie crumb from his throat. It didn't. He was completely up to the mercy of Luxor and Zack.

(Location: Luxor Academy, Library )(Mood: Determined)
(Interactions: Clair )
(Mentions: )

Confidence never before seen in her persona, flaring like a raging storm throughout her physique! She could feel the inspiring waves of self-assurance radiate off Clair's body! Her stimulating voice alone could captivate an entire audience as she sounded off to Jessica. "Oh shit, you're right!" Love Islands Hero Edition! How could she forget?! There was a marathon still going, she couldn't believe that she slept through half of it too, it was a good thing that she was reminded of this! What an absolute dolt, this meant that they had a very limited time to resolve this whole bomb issue or else they'd wind up being absent for the grand finale and missing out on the whole darn thing! "Heh, still arrogant to the end aren't we?" She snickered in response to the young girl's snarky retort as she trailed behind her out to the pebble-covered driveway, only observing her eyes illuminating a peculiar shade of purple as she thoroughly addressed Miss Spotlight of her crafty scheme! Noticing a transition in her look gave the impression of something unique, possibly a form of her unique power demonstrating itself through the vibrant coloration of her iris? T'was a strange characteristic but not too far-flung from her own ability to change her eyes through the means of a drastic transformation in spite of it costing a gracious combination of unspeakable rage and the admiration of others! She felt relieved for a moment that she never had an opportunity to enact out that unusual transfiguration, to think.. Changing into something like that?

What would her peers think, her countless number of admirers? Regardless of that fear she held deeply, she'd give not a second-thought to doing so if it meant protecting innocent lives! "You know, if this was twenty or so minutes in the past I would've asked you if you lost your mind but." Stopping her winded breath mid sentence, Miss Spotlight dug through her pockets and rummaged through the heaps of crumpled dollar bills and a few other miscellaneous objects before resting a rectangular ID badge into the balmy palm of Clair's hands and curling her smooth fingers over the plastic-concealed piece as she did. "I trust you whole-heartedly! Also, the reason why i'm giving you this, to make a long story short. Since you managed to breach my log-in I was forced to register an entirely new user and password... This ID card contains everything you need to get into Luxor Academy's database but please, do be careful." She added, following again with another comment and reassuring her that she had nothing to fear from Luxor or anyone else! Honestly, nobody had the right considering she could've had every chance before to severely damage most or if not all of the technology that this educational institute had to offer, only other person that could really match her abilities would be Aiko but even she had a bit of trouble. "Don't you worry that smart brain of yours! I'll let'em know that you've got clearance from me." She assured before traversing alongside Clair and wandering through the vast landscape that the institute had to offer before eventually reaching the campus and following the pathway leading up to the main building which at the time almost look deserted aside from the determined press who were looking for almost anything sentient to question.

As much as she wanted to parade herself around like some sort of show pony in front of the journalists she needed to keep a level-head and focus on the matter at hand, not only did they have to deal a freaking explosive but now they were faced with a swarm of camera-wielding media nuts rampaging through the halls? What a cluster fuck of epic proportions! "Not to fret, I have a plan to get past them." Grasping Clair's shoulder, she made sure to keep her contained as she attempted to use a portion of her powers to slip past them unnoticed. "Uh.. Try not to move, this'll feel weird for a second." Within seconds their physical structures were de-materialized, vanishing into an obscure mist that briskly traveled into one of the many fluorescent lights that composed most of the ceilings throughout the foyer. It didn't take too long for them to emerge out from a flickering light located at the far reaches of the library, their misty forms dispersing from its interior and assembling their physical forms once more in addition to reconstructing their equipment or any other gadgets they had on them at the time. "Sorry if that made you sick, but hey! On the bright side of things we've made it past them with time to spare! So let's get that big noggin of yours to work and let's take care of these bombs!" Miss Spotlight spoke, giving Clair a comforting pat on the back in regards to any motion sickness that she might've developed from the strange way of travel.

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Johnny B Crash

After a minute or two of peering over the edge of the giant stone wing, Johnny spotted what he could guess to be the tech lab. Anyways, target sited. Time to run the route. Stepping back a few paces, Johnny took off at a sprint and launched himself off of the wing. You could say he was using the wing to take flight. Ha. Anyways, Johnny's pause had lost him a lot of speed, but luckily this giant fuck off wing was waaaay above ground and there was another smaller wing behind him. Plummeting at ludicrous speeds, Johnny grinned as he felt the wind rush by his face. With another crash Johnny landed on the smaller wing and quickly broke into a sprint, rapidly approaching the edge. Once again, Johnny leapt into the air. This time though, no wing underneath him. Instead he was rocketing towards the Tech Center. Uh it would be kinda awkward to leave another crater though. Looking at what was on his trajectory, Johnny spotted a stray lamp post. Perfect.

Sticking out his arm, Johnny had no chance of grabbing the lamp post. So instead he turned his arm into a bit of a crooked right angle. Hooking onto the lamp post with his arm, Johnny's momentum caused him to spin around the lamp post like a beyblade with rocket boosters attached. But the spin got his momentum to halt, so Johnny hopped down. Feeling fairly dizzy for his trouble, but hey, no craters this time. Jogging into the building, Johnny marveled at all the fancy ass looking gadgets casually on display. Wonder if they could make him a bat, but like a sci fi bat. One that had glowey lines on it and shot lighting. That'd be rad. Progressing deeper in, he saw what could only be the costume machine. God damn look at that thing. Looked kinda like a bacta tank from star wars. But with an uncomfortable amount of robot arms. Well, at any rate time to get some new duds. Taking off his backpack, Johnny left it outside and he entered the chamber. He was tempted to take his bat out of the backpack and bring it, see what happens. But that seemed like a bad idea, so he just left it inside his backpack.

"Please stand still as I scan you," said a robot voice as lasers bathed Johnny. Truth be told it made him nervous and he was fighting his instincts to not fidget. But he let it happen. The lasers finished examining Johnny and he heard the robot voice again, "Synthesizing," and a bright light flashed in the room. Johnny quickly closed his eyes so he wasn't blinded. Suddenly his shirt and jeans disappeared, like they went up in smoke. Peaking an eye open, there was actually a lot of smoke in the room now. Johnny experienced the profoundly odd sensation of clothes forming around him. Cloth woven together on top of him, perfectly sized to his small frame. Something was even sculpted over his head, which he had to really fight to not freak out over. Something surrounding his head like it could suffocate him did not put Johnny at ease, no sir. Opening his eyes, Johnny stepped out of the smoke and took stock of his new costume.

It was almost hardly a costume. He had a pretty nice new pair of shoes now and some really sweet jeans. They both looked a little above his usual price range honestly, which made this a pretty good deal. They weren't anything on the jacket though. Johnny was now wearing nice kinda brown and white letterman's jacket with a large white B on the front. It was honestly pretty comfortable and in Johnny's humble opinion, was pretty cool. But, all this was not a costume. Not yet, whatever was on his head now was what made it a costume. Reaching for his head, Johnny pulled his new mask of and took a look at it. A giant rooster head stared back at him. Har har, he was a cock. Very funny, machine. Feeling the mask, as goofy as it was, it was honestly a pretty good piece of work. Peering inside it revealed a fair bit of subtle machinery. There was a voice modulator, which he switched on. Handy for keeping his identity secret. There also was what looked like a communicator built into the mask. Pretty sweet. Pulling the mask back on, Johnny stuck his hands in his jacket's pockets and to his surprise found something inside. Pulling it out, Johnny smirked when he saw it. Looking at the medical tape he now held in his hands, he had to admit; This machine had a real talent for irony. Wrapping the tape around his hands, Johnny looked around and saw a bright blinking monitor. Approaching it, Johnny took a look at what was on the screen. [Register new hero?]Huh, Johnny hadn't really thought about what he'd call himself as a hero. Hmm. A minute or so passed before Johnny abruptly snapped his fingers and started typing. There was some old slang for baseball players that been passed around and Johnny liked the sound of it. Yeah, yeah. Get ready world, because here comes...

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Summer Boy ran out of the Tech Center, trusty metal bat in hand. He'd stashed his backpack in a locker, since he didn't think there was going to be any homework assigned soon. Bat trailing behind him, Summer Boy broke out into a dead sprint and rushed to the library. Several students had gathered in front of the library and some dork in spandex was making a speech about blowing it up, concluding by thrusting his stick in the air like he was calling upon the power of greyskull. Roughly shoving his way past the crowd, Summer Boy walked up the large stairs to the library and took a look at the spandex guy. Apparently some chick had pulled him away and looked to be chewing his ears off. A girlfriend? Either way, it was funny. Summer Boy laughed, his laughter came out distorted and mixed in with a heavy amount of static. Well, guess that's how the voice modulator works. Pausing his walk up to the library, Summer Boy yelled at the guy with a stick, "Hey, dumbass in tights. Don't know if you're aware, but messing with bombs can make them fucking explode. So why don't you sit tight, rehearse your broadway play or whatever, and let a real hero handle this." Summer Boy cockily jabbed at himself with a thumb as he closed his statement and strolled over to the library entrance. Right before he entered, he whirled around and pointed a tape wrapped finger at dumbass-in-tights, yelling, "I'm fucking serious! Don't try to blow the library up while I'm in it or I'll fucking kick your ass, got it?!"

With that final statement, Summer Boy pushed his way through the doors and entered The Library. Like every other fucking thing in Luxor Academy it was incredibly big and really ostentatious. Fancy furniture and various art adorned the huge walls, which were packed to the brim with books. Glancing around in awe for a second, Summer boy shook his head and cleared his mind. No time to gawk, bombs are ticking. Walking up the front desk, Summer Boy considered the riddles. He wasn't exactly the most well read guy, but he'd got two of the riddles. I mean, the third one is obviously Pinocchio. What kid hasn't seen Disney's Pinocchio. The other riddle he'd solved was the second, but the reason for that was a little embarrassing. Let's just say he'd had to use that book way longer then most did. Finishing his walk up to the front desk, he looked across at the purple haired librarian. Huh, for once he wasn't looking up at someone, they were at about the same eye level. How refreshing. Clearing his throat, Johnny politely, for once, asked, "Uh, excuse me. Can I get the book Pinocchio and uh," Johnny paused, a little embarrassed about the next one, but forced himself to continue, "...My Little Atlas."

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
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Kirishima Aiko

Aiko kept on reading her book as if she was not interested in the events unfolding in the library. Sure there were probably some mystical creatures and portraits that seemed to move little by little but she had gotten used to it. However, the appearance of an odd figure brought her attention as she for once looked at him from the book. It was a robotic chicken. Approximately 65% Human. It was odd she too Pictures with her Retinal Camera along with X-Rays just from observing him. This could be seen from the varying sizes of her pupil to shift focuses. "Understood." She responded monotonically. Not exactly robotic but not really human either as she gave him serial numbers for each book an their location by Shelf number and Shelf isle. It was quite conveniently in Shelf column one on the right side and Isle 12 where most of the Kids books are stored in alphabetical order and size. She was rather patronising him for reading such books and ensured she could get to the shelf without getting lost. This was mostly due to complaints that the librarian is cold and heartless but the way she tries to be friendly is like Horny old dude level of Pathetic. "Just don't make eye contact with anyone roaming the library." She said as a monotonous warning before leaving in a link of an eye when he had his head not facing her.

Meowfyre Meowfyre
summer boy in costume 2.jpg
summer boy.png
Summer Boy shifted in place, waiting for the librarian's response. The way her pupils seemed to dilate as she looked him was... odd, but he'd seen odder things in the few hours since he got here. Still made him a little nervous, but hey he was fine. Fighting his habit of zoning out, summer boy listened attentively to her directions. They were good instructions, nice and simple. More people should explain things like that. Anyway, it seems he'd lucked out. The two books were pretty close, in the same place. Not too far away either. Anyways, after the librarian had finished, Summer Boy shrugged off the odd warning and said, "Ah, alright, got it. Thanks for your help. Ah by the way, I'm looking for bombs which are apparently hidden where these books would normally be. It's not very safe so, you know, you might wanna clear out of here. Anyways, bye."

Summer boy turned away and jogged off to follow the librarian instructions, weaving through a short labyrinth of shelves. Geez, these shelves reached up so high. He couldn't even see the top. Finding his way to the aisle, Summer Boy was swamped in a sea of children's books. He had to admire the library's... thoroughness in terms of books. But, did they really need this many children's books? Shaking his head, Summer Boy crouched down and took a peak at the numbers on the books. He was looking for S1-I12-0004323123 and S1-I12-0005323211. This was going to take a while. After a good few minutes of searching, Summer Boy triumphantly came across where Pinocchio was. Or rather, where it should be. Instead, sitting on the shelf was a completely normal looking potato. Picking it up, Summer Boy turned it over in his hands, examining it. Yup. Sure is a potato. Stuffing it in his spacious jacket pocket, Summer Boy idly wondered if moving it would cause it to go off. Huh, doesn't look like it. A few more minutes of searching lead him to where My Little Atlas is and the second potato bomb. Just like before it seemed like nothing more then a normal potato. Stuffing the second potato bomb in his jacket, Summer Boy leaned against the shelf. He was tempted to run off and try to find the other two potatos, but there wasn't any point if he couldn't figure out the riddles. Summer Boy clutched his head and desperately tried to think of an answer to the two riddles. He could feel a headache coming on.

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto

Thanatos bad begun to enjoy the fight, although he was somewhat disappointed with Eris performance."Hey, stop messing around already! Don't end him to fast. But make things a tad bit more interesting! Im dying of boredom here!"With nothing better to do but wait around for either his riddle to be solved or the island to erupt in a massive ball of flames. However he was pleasantly surprised to hear a voice call to him. He quickly struck a pose like a falcon spreading its wings in preparation to fly to the heavens. Black flames burst from his eyes, now filled with excitement."OHHHHH YEAAAH!!! FEAR THE REAPER BABY! THANATOS IS HERE! Well I was already here...but still. So, hows it going!"He said with overwhelming enthusiasm.

He didn't know who this chick was, but he was glad to have someone to converse was. If he had to sit around any longer he'd probably have ended up going and blowing the school up ahead of time. But this Divine flame had found its way to his hearth. Oh what sweet relief that she had come to him in his time of need."Ah! A fellow explosive maniac? Ok, I'll explain it to you. I've used a special magical mixture, and painted runes onto each potato. These runes then impude the potato's with magical properties. In this particular case they allow me to fill the potato's with a large amount of my death flames. Then set a timer. Once the timers gone out! Then BOOM! No more Luxor!" Thanatos shot his hand into the air in a dramatic fashion. Smiling proudly at his genious."Although of course I could also make it explode into a mountain of fries, or mashed potatoes it would only require the right runes."With that Thanatos finished his explanation. Nodding in understanding at any amazement that the girl might show from his explanation.

Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
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Aiko Kirishima

Aiko found out that Summer boy was in fact eating in the class after using considerable means managed to find him sitting and reading and asked, "Are you by any chance carrying ingestible, compostable matter?" She asked referring to food and organic stuff. She glanced over at what he was reading and looked back still analyzing him and his internal structure. Her pupil didn't change size all that much as she continued analysis. The books he were reading were also noted. "Are you ill?" She asked upon noticing he was clutching her head and began an analysis to find the cause of the problem. Of he were to present the potatoes, Aiko would confiscate them. She did not seem to really care if they were bombs.

Meowfyre Meowfyre

Thanatos bad begun to enjoy the fight, although he was somewhat disappointed with Eris performance."Hey, stop messing around already! Don't end him to fast. But make things a tad bit more interesting! Im dying of boredom here!"With nothing better to do but wait around for either his riddle to be solved or the island to erupt in a massive ball of flames. However he was pleasantly surprised to hear a voice call to him. He quickly struck a pose like a falcon spreading its wings in preparation to fly to the heavens. Black flames burst from his eyes, now filled with excitement."OHHHHH YEAAAH!!! FEAR THE REAPER BABY! THANATOS IS HERE! Well I was already here...but still. So, hows it going!"He said with overwhelming enthusiasm.

He didn't know who this chick was, but he was glad to have someone to converse was. If he had to sit around any longer he'd probably have ended up going and blowing the school up ahead of time. But this Divine flame had found its way to his hearth. Oh what sweet relief that she had come to him in his time of need."Ah! A fellow explosive maniac? Ok, I'll explain it to you. I've used a special magical mixture, and painted ruins onto each potato. These ruins then impude the potato's with magical properties. In this particular case they allow me to fill the potato's with a large amount of my death flames. Then set a timer. Once the timers gone out! Then BOOM! No more Luxor!" Thanatos shot his hand into the air in a dramatic fashion. Smiling proudly at his genious."Although of course I could also make it explode into a mountain of fries, or mashed potatoes it would only require the right runes."With that Thanatos finished his explanation. Nodding in understanding at any amazement that the girl might show from his explanation.

Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Aila - Luxor Academy- Outside Main BuildingAila blinked as Thanatos struck a pose and rather enthusiastically declared he was there. But...hadn't he been there for a while now? The poor girl was entirely confused for a bit...until he clarified he'd basically said it for...reasons? He didn't really say why...oh well. "Uhhh...I'm...doing okay I guess." She replied, still a little confused. But that confusion went out of the window as he started explaining it to her. Though...in far more technical terms than she had expected him too. Though a few things confused her again, well more than a few...but..ruins? Impude? She had no idea what any of those meant. Though from the gist of it at all she guessed he meant runes...but still had no idea what impude meant. Ehh it probably wasn't too important! But all things considered she wasn't really an explosive maniac...but it did sound really cool.

"Ooh I see....why not explode into fries? Sounds cooler and yummier." She said, giggling a little. "Anyone can make real bombs to destroy stuff after all. But originality would be destroying the school by crushing it with fry bombs." She pointed out, nodding a little. She wasn't disrespecting his plan at all, no, it was a solid plan. And one she was pretty much useless in helping with since she had no idea what the riddles were. Even Pinocchio had eluded her. But...oh well. "Soo....have you ever exploded a place with fries before?" She asked curiously. Now that would of been awesome and something she'd want to see! She'd probably eat part of the fries after too...she bet magical exploding fries probably tasted really good.
Lu/Ciel- Luxor Academy - LibraryThings were going pretty well, they both got their suits. Ciel's was rather true to his nature as Lu's subservient companion, a suit with a tailcoat and black pants and a black mask that covered the eyes. Simple, good range of movement, and once again fit his role as basically her butler. Hey it wasn't as odd as the guy in a chicken mask! Almost anything had to be better than that right? Lu on the other hand simply had a mask. She absolutely refused to prance around in some weird suit like some kind of comic-con nerd. Surely a mask to hide her identity would be more than enough yes? Then she heard the commotion form outside, "C'mon let's check that out." She told Ciel, walking outside quickly with him. Soon they saw Thanatos and Eris, the guy with way way too much spandex shouting about some master plan planting bombs all around the school in an attempt to blow up the school.

Following the classic 80's cliche of rambling and listing off his plan he even gave them clues to find the bombs in the forms of riddles. She stared blankly. Was this guy serious? She had no clue what the final riddle was but the first one was obviously Moby Dick. Why would it not be? What other famous books were there to do with sailors and whales? Of course she had done a lot of reading in her time, reading was one way she tended to pass the time when she was bored. And yet the final book slash clue eluded her entirely...ah well. Surely one potato bomb exploding couldn't be that bad right? Right. Now, she just had to find the potato in the massive library. She walked into the structure to see yet another male in entirely too tight spandex shouting about blowing the bombs up to blow up the bombs. Was he retarded? He...He did understand how bombs worked right? Blow it up and it explodes creating another probably bigger explosion. She entirely doubted anyone here had EOD gear or the tools on hand to fashion something similar.

Aside from that...how the hell were males wearing such tight fitting suits? Surely it had to be cutting off circulation in a certain vital area below the waist right? Not long into her train of thought of silently mocking Kristofer did some freaky ass dude in a weird Chicken Little outfit come into the library stating he was gonna kick the guys' ass if he went through with his plan. "I'm with the chicken guy. Don't you dare blow up the library." She told him flatly, summoning her rather large gauntlets and pointing at him for emphasis. They were each nearly as big as her entire body, so it was clear that she meant business! Dispelling the intimidating clawed weapons she looked around for the librarian; who seemed to of abandoned her post. Perfect! As if they needed something to slow them down more!

Ciel chuckled at everything going on. Mortals really were foolish. Though it seemed the would be library bomber had a girlfriend that was running over to give him a good dosage of common sense. Now Ciel couldn't hear what she was saying, not at all; but, from her expression it was obvious she was chewing him out for his rather retarded plan. He soon followed Lu as she looked for Aiko, the small half-demon not really sure where to find them. Eventually she gave up and tried to find the book itself, looking at the map for the various sections; searching in particular for Classical Fiction. It was a huge section but....it was better than nothing. Maybe she'd find Aiko along the way? Heading for that direction she hoped to find either the book or the librarian and not get lost in the process.
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Meowfyre Meowfyre Coyote Hart Coyote Hart


  • (Location: Outside of Milky Way Galaxy )
    (Interactions: Ganpo & Boshie )
    (Mentions: )

    Ganpo had been enjoying playing with his friend, and the fleet. It was fun, the lasers, and missiles that the massive fleet sent a him harmlessly bounced off his gut being sent hurtling back at them in a spectacular fashion as they explode causing an array of colors to erupt from where they once floated. Of course Ganpo simply stared in awe, the pretty colors reflecting in his big baby eyes. ”Ahhh, pretty light.” He said as he watched the explosion, then the fleet started to surround him, he turned his chubby head this way and that, like he was trying to look at them all at once. Of course he had a curious expression on his face as he did so. ”Ahh, what are we playing now?” He asked before the ships shuttle hatches opened revealing massive armies of the cosmic being. Which all blasted towards Ganpo with a multitude of advanced weaponry. They blasted at him with plasma guns, laser rifles, neutron blasters, all magnitude of guns. But he simply opened his mouth somehow inhaling the blast like a black hole sucking in solar system. ”Yummy,” he said before his stomach started rumbling and he let out a deadly fart, which caused everyone caught in it to die in a horrendous fashion. Theirs skin and flesh melting like putty. Ganpo blushed, holding his hands together meekly, ”Oops, soorry. Laser beams give me gas.” Of course it was at this time he was greeted by his old friend Boshie, who seemed rather upset. Maybe he had a stomach ache. Ganpo simply waved at him smiling his big dopey smile. ”Hi Boshie! I came for brownies.” Was his answer to Boshies question, him pointing to the brownies Boshie had with him. "Looks like we got most of them!" The large panda exclaimed while clasping his hips in a confident manner almost resembling that of a superhero striking a victory pose until 'he' showed up to put a damper on his mood by asking him for the delectable human-made goods known as 'brownies' which were beginning to entrap his nose in its strong odor. “You only came for the brownies?” He complained in an exasperated tone, being under the impression that he didn’t come to help out Boshie but instead just steal his treats he was savoring for later! The nerve on that Tanuki, to call him his former best friend even was unacceptable in his eyes! If it weren’t for him lending assistance Boshie probably would’ve just ate those chocolatey treats right in front of him although he did help out quite a bit, that and he was letting out ‘dribblets’ of drool down his chin just looking at them. “Hm.. I guess we can split them Ganpo, you should’ve told me you were coming to visit.” He lectured while relinquishing a good-sized portion of the brownies from his backpack and leaving the metal container floating in front of them as Boshie begun taking paw-sized bits of chocolate frosting and started licking them off his fingers. Just as he was about to take a whole-hearted bite out of his brownie, a startling presence manifested itself in the form of an intimidating looking entity that kind’ve resembled a bird of some kind? Except the entirety of his body was coated in a liquid mineral, giving the creature a shiny look as it emerged from the ghastly darkness of space.


    It was a bit strange seeing an expanding poof of metal feathers disperse in front of both of them as the powerful anomaly let out a deafening roar that even managed to send vibrations through space! Whomever this weirdo was, he looked like he was leading this galaxy-destroying fleet judging from how his other lowly minions backed away in fear and respect once he showed himself. “You the boss?” Boshie nonchalantly asked, a deadpan expression staring back at the ‘Hellish’ abomination as he continued munching on brownies, regardless of the immense danger that stood before him and Ganpo. Ganpo squealed with delight as Boshie took out his glorious brownies, splitting them evenly between them. Ganpo stared at them, mouth open drool making its way down his chin and tears began to form in his eyes as he took in their beauty. He squealed with delight, clapping his hands and spinning in circles overjoyed by this gift. He sniffled, looking to Boshie with an expression of pure love and appreciation. He put a paw on Boshies shoulder eyes still holding his tears in place. ”Thank you. I shall remember this for as long as I live.” With that his expression turned blank, his eyes looking in opposite directions in some odd manner as he opened his mouth like an anaconda unhinging its jaw. He then began shoving the brownies in his mouth. Clamping it shut once all of the had entered his mouth. He was immediately hit by a wave of delicious chocolatey goodness! It was like his tongue was swimming in a river of cocoa delight! Floating on the warm soft delicious brownies that floated in it. His eyes straightened out once again growing larger and sparkling with tears. His cheeks inflated now being filled with brownies, and he squished his cheeks with his meaty little paws wiggling around as a warm sensation rushed through his body. Of course then a metal bird man appeared. Confused, and taken out of his state of ecstasy he swallowed the brownies, giving a deadpan stare of his own at the birdman. ”.... I want chicken.” Was all he said in response to the galaxy massacring alien. Deathly aura resonated through the blood-shot eyes of the twisted creature as it impatiently listened to the overbearing banter of Boshie and Ganpo going back and forth, barely paying any attention to his compelling power as he introduced himself! “You both aren’t even worthy of my mercy.” A low-pitched growl rushed from out of his clenched beak as his pupils zeroed in on the furry-duo whom he cannot believed managed to wipe out his entire fleet within a matter of minutes! In his mind, it was nothing short of a fluke.

    All of those underlings of his were the epitome of weak and nothing more than a spec in the universe when it came to his incomprehensible greatness! It didn’t take long for the feathery foe to grow fatigued of their disrespect and within less than a second an enormous planet-shattering bang erupted through space, his alloy-cased fist driving heavily into Boshie’s cheek as he propelled himself forward at an unthinkable speed. Unwilling to so much as put up a defense because of his mouth watering dessert, Boshie took the full brunt of the creature’s punch causing him to slope a bit back and leaving the wicked entity with satisfaction curling up its face, it was almost as if it could feel the life draining from the panda and giving into his dominating strength! However just as he was about to polish his ego and give way to a vain speech, devastating waves of terrifying aura enveloped Boshie’s frame, giving an impression of impending death as his pupils narrowed in on the bird. “You made me spit out parts of my brownie.” His voice darkened as trails of brownie crumbs left his lips, it seemed like Boshie’s playful demeanor grew into something far more dangerous once he begun arching back his own arm with a surge of energy following his knuckles and in a short outburst of wrath, Boshie swung his fist outward making his fist twist into the bird man’s face. Anguish, confusion, and regret all twisted on the creature’s face as he was instantaneously slingshotted backwards through his own massive ship, effortlessly cutting through the midsection like a knife through butter, finally leaving the bird-like creature getting shot out from the engines of the ship and convulsing in a fit of anger and pain. “How?! Looks like I underestimated them.. It just means that i’m going to have to use all of my strength!” He clamored loudly, feeling embarrassed that he was just wrecked by a panda. “So Ganpo, you think it was right of me? Y’know, I could’ve killed him just by hitting him but I kinda feel bad for him since we destroyed his crew.” He whispered into the Tanuki’s ear, making sure that his paw was covering it so the cosmic bird thing couldn’t listen in on their conversation.


Thanatos couldn't help but frown at the girl. Clearly she didn't understand the genius of his work. He'd have to educate her."Don't be foolish! These potatoes are filled with my own personal godly flames! You see the library is interdimensional, so I need something that can blast through anything and everything!"He said, showing her a diagram showing the potatoes exploding and blasting through walls labeled dimensions. He smiled proud of his genius, and power."Besides, fries have absolutely no destructive capabilities! Well...besides destroying your complexion, and health. Hmm.... actually..might use that next time. Thanks kid! You're the best! Wouldn't happen to be looking for a job would you?" He asked thinking this odd girl had the potential to be a great evil mastermind type villain. Suddenly a ringing hit his earths and an alert popped up on the map he had drawn with his flames. It showed his doodle of potatoes with a number two written next to them. Suddenly his voice would be heard booming through the school once again."Attention all hopeless slaves to the education system! It is I! Your soon to be destroyer! It seems two of my bombs have been found. If those who found them could come and toss them at the massive purple pillar of flames in front of the school that would be greatly appreciated."With this his voice disappeared once more. Now he just needed to wait for those who found his potatoes to arrive with them.

Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Meowfyre Meowfyre Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto @(anyone I've forgotten)
Cody helps with searching for the books, he finds the one under Moby dick. Really a missed adult humor joke for this one, Cody thinks hard about the final one. He checks the greek section and recites the riddle. "It was odd...Od.." his eyes widen and he goes to odyssey and grabs the bomb, he puts his potatoes into a bag and dashes to the nearest window and shoves a boot through the glass, yanking his foot back in to clear the other pieces of glass of the window. Then throws them into the fire
Anyone Anyone near by
Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
And who ever summer boy(I) is


Peski sat by and watched everything happen, she didn't wanna fight someone who could kill her, even if she could win, her other side would probably lose control somewhere between the first landed punch from her opponent, and the loss of a nail... Really all depends on what happens...
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Summer Boy looked up at Aiko, confusion on his face. I mean, not that it was apparent. He was wearing a mask. But the point stands and Summer Boy stood too, saying, "What? No, no I'm fine. Just, not good at fucking riddles. Not exactly very familiar with a lot of books either." Exhaling a loud sigh, Summer Boy perked up as a loud announcement boomed through the schoool. Looks like someone had taken notice of him. Turning to the librarian, he said, "Ah, that'll be me. Thanks for the help, you were pretty great. I'll be going now." With a quick wave, Summer Boy turned away and speed-walked (not running, don't run in the library) out of the library. He passed some princess looking chick and an... elf? Elves are the ones with knife ears right and those ears look lethal. Gotta be an elf.

Anyways he rushed past them, quipping, "Pardon me, Mr. Legolas," as he went by. Speed walking out of the library doors, the second Summer Boy passed the diirway he broke out into a sprint for the giant fire pillar. If nothing else, it's size made it easy to find. But geez, this campus was huge. It was more like a small city. Well, "small" being relative. Anyways, Summer Boy ran over to the giant fuck off fire pillar in record time. Boom, another gold medal. Squinting, he saw something vaguely humanoid looking on the other side. Grinning, Sunner Boy took the potatoes out if his jacket abd tossed them in the air. Bringing his bat to his shoulder, Summer Boy swung and sent them shooting at (presumedly) Thanatos. The fire pillar would certaintly burn up the potatoes before they got through, but hey you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
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Maven smirked a bit as the villainess stumbled and got wrapped up in her own hair. His misfortune spell seemed to work and if she didn't find a way to break it, it would last her a few hours. He raised his left hand with his palm facing upward at about stomach level and took his right index finger and made a stirring motion counter-clockwise nine times.
"atawasal min 'ahwal alfaragh , ajeal khusmaa yaeish kabwsana astyqazana," He spoke as he began to cast. Each circle his finger made caused dark, purple-tinted smoke to pour out of the palm of his hand. Once the motions were completed, he held up his left hand and blew the smoke in the villainess's face, doing his best not to inhale it himself. He had accidentally done so whilst casting it before, and it had done as it was meant to and caused him vivid, horrifying hallucinations. They don't last longer than a few minutes but he had nightmares about them for weeks afterward.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Thanatos couldn't help but frown at the girl. Clearly she didn't understand the genius of his work. He'd have to educate her."Don't be foolish! These potatoes are filled with my own personal godly flames! You see the library is interdimensional, so I need something that can blast through anything and everything!"He said, showing her a diagram showing the potatoes exploding and blasting through walls labeled dimensions. He smiled proud of his genius, and power."Besides, fries have absolutely no destructive capabilities! Well...besides destroying your complexion, and health. Hmm.... actually..might use that next time. Thanks kid! You're the best! Wouldn't happen to be looking for a job would you?" He asked thinking this odd girl had the potential to be a great evil mastermind type villain. Suddenly a ringing hit his earths and an alert popped up on the map he had drawn with his flames. It showed his doodle of potatoes with a number two written next to them. Suddenly his voice would be heard booming through the school once again."Attention all hopeless slaves to the education system! It is I! Your soon to be destroyer! It seems two of my bombs have been found. If those who found them could come and toss them at the massive purple pillar of flames in front of the school that would be greatly appreciated."With this his voice disappeared once more. Now he just needed to wait for those who found his potatoes to arrive with them.

Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Meowfyre Meowfyre Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto @(anyone I've forgotten)
Aila - Luxor Academy- Outside Main BuildingAila tilted her head curiously. Godly flames? It just looked like normal burny fire to her. She wasn't about to test that theory as she had no food on her person to do so but...eh. Fire was fire in her opinion, no way at all to make it special. So why was this dude claiming it was special fire? She had no clue, he was probably lying to make it sound cooler! But she wasn't going to say that. Though, she did pay quite a bit of attention to the potato diagram, nodding slowly. She was going to correct him on the fact fries held no destructive power; she was pretty sure if you exploded a fry at a high enough impact into something it'd damage it quite a bit. Maybe. Probably. But as she offered her a job she giggled, "I'm really not that smart. Honest." She assured him. Why lie to him? Even now she was slowly bobbing her head to an imaginary tune in her head. She perked up again as Thanatos started yelling and saying two potatoes had been found. That was fast. If they had of relied on Aila the school would of exploded for sure.

"Sooo, what happens if they toss the potatoes into the pillar of flame?" She asked curiously. "Do they go boom or?" Because if they did go boom she was definitely getting out of the way of everything pretty quickly. Maybe as far away as possible. She preferred not to be crispy Aila!​
Cody helps with searching for the books, he finds the one under Moby dick. Really a missed adult humor joke for this one, Cody thinks hard about the final one. He checks the greek section and recites the riddle. "It was odd...Od.." his eyes widen and he goes to odyssey and grabs the bomb, he puts his potatoes into a bag and dashes to the nearest window and shoves a boot through the glass, yanking his foot back in to clear the other pieces of glass of the window. Then throws them into the fire
Anyone Anyone near by
Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
And who ever summer boy(I) is


Peski sat by and watched everything happen, she didn't wanna fight someone who could kill her, even if she could win, her other side would probably lose control somewhere between the first landed punch from her opponent, and the loss of a nail... Really all depends on what happens...
Summer Boy looked up at Aiko, confusion on his face. I mean, not that it was apparent. He was wearing a mask. But the point stands and Summer Boy stood too, saying, "What? No, no I'm fine. Just, not good at fucking riddles. Not exactly very familiar with a lot of books either." Exhaling a loud sigh, Summer Boy perked up as a loud announcement boomed through the schoool. Looks like someone had taken notice of him. Turning to the librarian, he said, "Ah, that'll be me. Thanks for the help, you were pretty great. I'll be going now." With a quick wave, Summer Boy turned away and speed-walked (not running, don't run in the library) out of the library. He passed some princess looking chick and an... elf? Elves are the ones with knife ears right and those ears look lethal. Gotta be an elf.

Anyways he rushed past them, quipping, "Pardon me, Mr. Legolas," as he went by. Speed walking out of the library doors, the second Summer Boy passed the diirway he broke out into a sprint for the giant fire pillar. If nothing else, it's size made it easy to find. But geez, this campus was huge. It was more like a small city. Well, "small" being relative. Anyways, Summer Boy ran over to the giant fuck off fire pillar in record time. Boom, another gold medal. Squinting, he saw something vaguely humanoid looking on the other side. Grinning, Sunner Boy took the potatoes out if his jacket abd tossed them in the air. Bringing his bat to his shoulder, Summer Boy swung and sent them shooting at (presumedly) Thanatos. The fire pillar would certaintly burn up the potatoes before they got through, but hey you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
Lu/Ciel- Luxor Academy - LibraryLu and Ciel continued to look around the building for the books to no avail. Eventually they did find where Moby Dick was supposed to be...but there was nothing there. No potato, no book. Only some guy running off with a potato. Fantastic. They wasted all that time and someone got there first. How very perfect. Ciel didn't seem upset really at all, merely shrugging it off. His tiny companion however seemed really upset her valuable time had been wasted, glaring a hole into Cody as he ran off. She didn't chase him or anything at all, no, she would do something to get back at him later though. Probably. Maybe. Her anger was soon tamed as 'Summer Boy' ran past commenting on Ciel being Mr. Legolas. Lu burst out laughing, Ciel however was not too happy about it. He was a proud demon, not some shitty elf! Okay, a somewhat proud demon that was forced into being someones' butler and protector. Not the point here. He wasn't a shitty knife ear!

He glared icily at Lu who quietened down at the stare, "Hey, hey, he said it not me." She spoke defensively. She knew he wasn't going to be dumb enough to hurt her but...still. He was scary when he wanted to be. He ran off after the man, Lu following with a wide grin. "Yeah! Kick the chicken guys ass!" She cheered. The fact that some kid in a chicken mask had insulted him honestly made it one hundred percent worse than it would of been. Where the fuck did someone in such a ridiculous outfit get off insulting...anyone? Needless to say, didn't take long to reach him. Not long after he tossed the potatoes in-fact. He firmly grasped his shoulder from behind, almost painfully so. "You'd do well to watch who you insult, especially with damn near the stupidest outfit I've ever seen in my life." He told him coldly. "To correct your remark, I'm a pact demon...not an elf. Elfs are insignificant creatures that think they're special when really all they have going for them are their long lives." He said, squeezing a bit harder now. "You'd also do well not to insult me again..." He added in a more threatening gaze, if 'Summer Boy' looked over his shoulder he'd be able to see into Ciel's jacket that was lined with many sharp and very deadly knives.​
summer boy.png
Feeling a hand rather roughly grabbing his shoulder, Summer Boy turned around to the elf he'd ran past glaring down at him. Listening to his spiel in something like awe, Summer Boy could only stare at him for a few seconds after his whole little speech. His silence was broken by loud, hysterical, static-laced laughter. Grabbing his belly, Summer Boy doubled over in hysterics at this guy. It took about a dozen seconds for him to regain his composure, reaching a hand under his mask to wipe away a tear. Pointing at Ciel, Summer Boy yelled, "AHAHAHAHA, are you fucking serious dude!? You got so butt-blasted that I called you an elf that you sprinted after me to give me some fucking big tough guy talk about how I shouldn't mess with you?!" Another bout of laughter overcame Summer Boy. He had to put his hands on his knees to stabilize himself to so he didn't lose his balance as he said, "AHAHAHAHAHA oh my god that's the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. Holy shit dude, are all demons like you? Is this how heaven kicked your fucking asses? Bet they throw some mild banter at your way and you worked yourselves up into such a fucking frenzy that you threw yourselves on those angel's swords."

Grinning under his mask as he straightened his back, Johnny was feeling himself fall into the trash talking flow as he continued, "Though god damn if you're a demon you're the most pathetic fucking weak ass demon I've ever seen. With pasty ass skin and nothing different from a human then having some knife ears how could I not think you're an elf. No horns, no tail, no big ass hairy goat legs, human height. Man, you don't even have a fucking evil goatee. You better not be representative of all demons, because if every demon is a fucking pretty boy twink like you then you're the most pussy ass race I've ever heard of." Looking inside Ciel's jacket, Summer boy smirked and continued, "And your methods ain't doing you any favors either. Like seriously dude? Fucking knives in your jacket is what you threaten me with, not fucking pentagrams or magic or telling me you'll take my fucking soul? You go to fucking knives dude? Are you a demon or a fucking drunk hobo from New York? Are you seriously a demon?"

Looking over his body, Summer boy gave another enthusiastic laugh and continued, "I guess with those clothes you must be, considering your fashion sense is from the 14th fucking century. I'm sorry dude, am I keeping you? Is there a renaissance fair or a LARP that you're supposed to be going to? God damn, you call my outfit stupid but you demons must be like vampires, because with an outfit like that mirrors must not show your reflection. Aw wait, I got it. You're hell's greatest jester aincha? That must be why you're dressed like that and why you're such a fucking riot. Well funny man, I got a question for ya, considering how premium your jokes must go for in hell." Resting his baseball bat on his shoulder, Summer Boy shoved himself well into Ciel's personal space to the point his mask was a few inches from Ciel's nose.

"How much do I owe you?"

Mitchs98 Mitchs98
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Clair O'Reilly


As Clair and Jessica wandered on down the pebbled pathway only one thing was on her mind. What kind of bomb was she going to be dealing with and how was she going to locate them all on such short notice. Her powers only had a range of five feet at most and unfortunately, she had heard the rumours of how big the library was and even more, unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't find a single completed schematic for the library online. Even stranger still every map she did find was... well it was different. Shifted. distorted even. The further, from the desk each schematic went the more distorted they became. Just what the hell was going on!

Just what the hell was going on.... "Wait, what did you say..." Before Clair even had time to react her body was deconstructed and shot across the campus at the speed of light. Quite literally. Miss Spotlight had transported both herself and Clair directly to the library in nanoseconds and aside from the overwhelming urge to vomit Clair was now experiencing the transportation method seemed exceptionally useful. But then why did Jessica not transport both herself and Clair this way from the very beginning? perhaps what followed only began to answer such a question.

Fighting off the urge to vomit only thanks to her having an empty stomach Clair proceeded to wobble forward only a few steps before collapsing under her own skewed sense of perception. As a light particle, she was weightless and time was non-existent. She could phase through objects and realise dimensional spaces she had no previous perception of. Being in her true form once again, it was a total mind fuck if ever she had one. Experiencing time and weight once again was like hitting a brick wall. Her body felt ridiculously heavy and as she lay motionless on the floor she felt her motivation waver and slowly decline. 'Sleep, sleep would be nice' was the only thought that now roamed her mind.

After receiving a pat on the back from Jessica Clair let out a soft sigh and moaned lazily "I...want.....to....sleep..... but luckily for you, efficiency is just clever laziness. And I happen to be very lazy right now!"

With her eyes aglow once again Clair moved every so slightly to remove a small pouch from her pocket and after doing so only proceeded to unzip the pouch before pushing it aside with yet another sigh.
"Athena activate black hornet one through to three and have Cerberus handle IED search parameters and protocols. In the event problem solving becomes an issue take over. Alert me when you find something. Now RUN.EXE"

And just like that three small unmanned drones flew forth from the pouch at an incredible speed, each flying in a perfect formation while generating a small buzzing sound. Exactly like there namesake, Black Hornet.

Aiko Kirishima

Aiko was casually indifferent at the sudden departure of the chicken headed android and continued on her quest of sorting and re-sorting bookshelves scanning each bookshelf. She walked down an aisle when she picked up a low amplitude buzz getting gradually louder. After scanning the air. She found the origin was a small remote controlled helicopter. She plucked one out of mid air to analyze it and it's purpose after calculating its speed. It was harmless so she just pocketed one of it thinking it was a toy. It was however able to roughly see through the fabric of her jacket as it wasn't turned off.

Despite the panic and the bomb issue. She seemed rather nonchalant about it continuing as normal. She bypassed a potato without looking as she didn't really care. She made her way to the Secret area of the library to clean through what seems to be a void and a dry dark patch of the library where anything disappears into it. The camera inside the drone could hear rather unsettling noises like Laughs of insanity as this is where the curious lose their minds. The feed was breaking up and soon the drone lost connection with Clair.

After about... 10 minutes. Aiko was making her way back to the desk fixing her square glasses not that she actually needed glasses but someone told her she looked good in it and no one has said anything since about it. She was thinking about what to cook for Kagami before she leaves. Nikujaga or Bento when suddenly a student bumped into her. It was a demon girl. She didn't fall over but probably wasn't the same for the poor demon girl who went face first into skin that is practically as hard as metal. She turned to face her. "Are you alright?" She asked looking at the demon girl.

Meowfyre Meowfyre Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Uasal Uasal

Interactions/speaking to everyone relevant~ Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Uasal Uasal Meowfyre Meowfyre Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Zenpai Zenpai H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 Anyone Anyone I've forgotten

Thanatos heard a chime, and noticed the last two bombs had been found. Then after watching someone break open a window and toss out two potatoes. He enjoyed the sight of the potatoes striking his barrier and erupting into a fiery rainbow, answering Aila's question.He simply nodded, admiring his work as the rainbow of fire disappeared, leaving everything as it was with the exception of some smoke. After the last two bombs meet the same fate, he turned to his timer."Huh, still have about thirty minutes on the clock...wow.. it's almost like someone gave them the answers. Oh well, guess it's about time we end this." Suddenly the fire barrier disappeared, and Thanatos stepped forward. His voice booming through the school grounds once more."Well, it seems all our bombs have been found...er whatever, beginners luck."He decided kind of childishly, crossing his arms and pouting."Anyway, I figured it would be just disgraceful of me to leave without properly ending this. Soo the barriers down, anyone with that fiery spirit, and some balls! Can come and try to take me down before I just set your school on fire anyway."With that he turned to Aila, tilting his head in uncertainty."You sure you don't want to take me up on that offer? I think you have quite a bit of potential. No? Oh well, best of luck in your future endeavors though."Suddenly Thanatos sent a hard side kick to Ailas face. If it hit it would be hard enough to send her flying.
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Feeling a hand rather roughly grabbing his shoulder, Summer Boy turned around to the elf he'd ran past glaring down at him. Listening to his spiel in something like awe, Summer Boy could only stare at him for a few seconds after his whole little speech. His silence was broken by loud, hysterical, static-laced laughter. Grabbing his belly, Summer Boy doubled over in hysterics at this guy. It took about a dozen seconds for him to regain his composure, reaching a hand under his mask to wipe away a tear. Pointing at Ciel, Summer Boy yelled, "AHAHAHAHA, are you fucking serious dude!? You got so butt-blasted that I called you an elf that you sprinted after me to give me some fucking big tough guy talk about how I shouldn't mess with you?!" Another bout of laughter overcame Summer Boy. He had to put his hands on his knees to stabilize himself to so he didn't lose his balance as he said, "AHAHAHAHAHA oh my god that's the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. Holy shit dude, are all demons like you? Is this how heaven kicked your fucking asses? Bet they throw some mild banter at your way and you worked yourselves up into such a fucking frenzy that you threw yourselves on those angel's swords."

Grinning under his mask as he straightened his back, Johnny was feeling himself fall into the trash talking flow as he continued, "Though god damn if you're a demon you're the most pathetic fucking weak ass demon I've ever seen. With pasty ass skin and nothing different from a human then having some knife ears how could I not think you're an elf. No horns, no tail, no big ass hairy goat legs, human height. Man, you don't even have a fucking evil goatee. You better not be representative of all demons, because if every demon is a fucking pretty boy twink like you then you're the most pussy ass race I've ever heard of." Looking inside Ciel's jacket, Summer boy smirked and continued, "And your methods ain't doing you any favors either. Like seriously dude? Fucking knives in your jacket is what you threaten me with, not fucking pentagrams or magic or telling me you'll take my fucking soul? You go to fucking knives dude? Are you a demon or a fucking drunk hobo from New York? Are you seriously a demon?"

Looking over his body, Summer boy gave another enthusiastic laugh and continued, "I guess with those clothes you must be, considering your fashion sense is from the 14th fucking century. I'm sorry dude, am I keeping you? Is there a renaissance fair or a LARP that you're supposed to be going to? God damn, you call my outfit stupid but you demons must be like vampires, because with an outfit like that mirrors must not show your reflection. Aw wait, I got it. You're hell's greatest jester aincha? That must be why you're dressed like that and why you're such a fucking riot. Well funny man, I got a question for ya, considering how premium your jokes must go for in hell." Resting his baseball bat on his shoulder, Summer Boy shoved himself well into Ciel's personal space to the point his mask was a few inches from Ciel's nose.

"How much do I owe you?"

Mitchs98 Mitchs98
Aiko Kirishima

Aiko was casually indifferent at the sudden departure of the chicken headed android and continued on her quest of sorting and re-sorting bookshelves scanning each bookshelf. She walked down an aisle when she picked up a low amplitude buzz getting gradually louder. After scanning the air. She found the origin was a small remote controlled helicopter. She plucked one out of mid air to analyze it and it's purpose after calculating its speed. It was harmless so she just pocketed one of it thinking it was a toy. It was however able to roughly see through the fabric of her jacket as it wasn't turned off.

Despite the panic and the bomb issue. She seemed rather nonchalant about it continuing as normal. She bypassed a potato without looking as she didn't really care. She made her way to the Secret area of the library to clean through what seems to be a void and a dry dark patch of the library where anything disappears into it. The camera inside the drone could hear rather unsettling noises like Laughs of insanity as this is where the curious lose their minds. The feed was breaking up and soon the drone lost connection with Clair.

After about... 10 minutes. Aiko was making her way back to the desk fixing her square glasses not that she actually needed glasses but someone told her she looked good in it and no one has said anything since about it. She was thinking about what to cook for Kagami before she leaves. Nikujaga or Bento when suddenly a student bumped into her. It was a demon girl. She didn't fall over but probably wasn't the same for the poor demon girl who went face first into skin that is practically as hard as metal. She turned to face her. "Are you alright?" She asked looking at the demon girl.

Meowfyre Meowfyre Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Uasal Uasal
Lu/Ciel- Luxor Academy - Outside Main BuildingCiel had not expected the man to laugh at him at all. Was this man entirely crazy or just fearless? He was pretty damn sure his threat was decently solid...then again her was dealing with some arrogant teenager that apparently thought he was super cool for wearing a chicken mask. Totally the best choice of an outfit for a super hero! Fitting too perhaps, he was really leaning towards him being stupid rather than fearless. Perhaps that's why he wore the mask. Bold on the outside, an absolute wuss on the inside? The demon remained calm at first as he laughed, at-least externally. Though...the term 'butt-blasted' eluded him. Just what the actual fuck were kids coming up with these days? It sounded like some odd form of an innuendo that didn't quite make sense. To be fair he had actually sprinted over him contemplating stabbing him in the back for dishonoring him so heavily...however multiple things stopped him. Mainly the fact he'd probably be obliterated by everyone else there for murdering a student. He wasn't an idiot, the idea of murdering some random kid didn't really bother him. He just preferred his continual existence and his innards to remain his innards.

Of course next he started listing off stereotypical movie cliches about demons. Now...yes there were some that looked that way. But really man? How damn dumb did you have to be to actually fucking believe everything you saw on TV. That's definitely what it sounded like to him. Honestly? That didn't even insult him, it annoyed him, maybe made him a little angry. But if anything he simply smirked at how foolish he was. The main line out of his little spiel that did piss him off was the continued comparison to elves. If he was being quite honest he didn't really grasp a lot of the slang that Summer Boy was tossing at him...he understood some of it, understood it was supposed to be insulting...really the main thing he understood thus far was him calling him a pussy.

And if that was the best thing he had well...he wasn't really any angrier than he already was. He actually compared him to a hobo soon enough, the demon chuckling lowly. He had to admit that was a good one. Surprisingly enough what triggered him the most was him insulting his costume. As if he had any fucking right? He was unsure whether to punch him in the face or laugh in it in all honesty, truly quite torn by his recent attempts to get under his skin. Oh they had worked well enough to be sure, Ciel just wasn't quite how to to react. When he got in his face he simply smiled, not one of kindness or amusement, an ominous sort of smile that clearly conveyed shit was about to go down either verbally or physically; possibly both.

"Mmm, are you done wasting everyone else's oxygen?" He asked him in a surprisingly calm and calculated tone...too calm. Far too calm. "I have quite a few questions to do with your pathetic attempts at insulting someone...I have to admit I am a bit outta touch with the current bullshit terms people use now adays." He spoke. "Honestly dunno why people have to come up with all these special words to insult someone....guess they think it makes them smart or something?" He mused, shrugging. "Anyhow bud. I don't really get where some kid in a fuckin' rooster mask thinks he has any sort of right at all to insult...anyone?" He told him. "The hell did you walk out of, some botched KFC campaign?" He questioned, oh so casually pushing him back with an open palm and chuckling coldly. "I guess the suit analyzed your personality well. Openly you portray to be the big cock of the yard when really you're the tiny chick. You talk big, try to get others pissed off and disorientated, then you sneak in a sucker punch and run the fuck away am I right?" Which, ironically, Ciel was talking partially about his own personality here. Though he only really tended to do that in fights he was truly outmatched or wanted to fuck with someone, this being the latter in his mind. The man did have some honor but lets face it he was a sneaky ass demon at times that did sneaky ass backstabbery. It was his specialty.

He chuckled softly, "Outwardly you're the big man, you think ya know everything about everyone. Sharpest wit out there, pick fights, run from the ones you can't win just like a...I believe as you called me a...pussy yes?" He said. "Guess the old saying 'it takes one to know one' shines true, only...I'm pretty much the opposite." He told him with a wicked grin. "Call me foolish or an idiot, but if there's even a slightest chance I can pull through somethin' I got the balls to continue on through."

He soon glanced to Thanatos as he issued his challenge and drop kicked some poor girl across the schoolyard...ah well, not his concern. He could care less if this place burned down. "Tell me what fucked up super hero name did you decide to pick out? Chicken Little? I can guarantee there aren't many good ones that go along with that outfit that won't stop anyone and everyone from laughing your ass out of town." He said. "Sure the machine picks your suit for ya...but ah, I'm pretty sure you coulda gone for a round two if you had decided against embracing your inner jackass." Honestly the whole situation had gone from pissing him off to amusement, he was still pretty angry; it shone through in his words and tone of voice. But it probably hadn't gotten the reaction 'Summer Boy' had expected, simply because to him his words were a whole lotta bullshit. Though the more he did think about the fact a guy in a chicken mask was insulting him the more he felt the venom rise in his blood.

He wasn't necessarily angry enough for it yet, but since he did seem to want a display of him being more than just some elf he allowed his horns to grow through proudly, quickly forming from nubs into long slender horns with wicked points.

The entire time of course? Lu had been laughing. Holy hell this was just too good. She loved watching two men get into pissing contests, especially when one of those men happened to be Ciel. It was always hilarious considering she knew he was fairly out of touch with the modern world and didn't understand a lot of things. Though she had to admit she wasn't quite sure why some dude in a chicken mask thought he had a right to insult anyone, but eh. It made for some really hilarious entertainment! She was too busy laughing she didn't notice Aiko walking until the robot ran into her, the girl grunting from the impact and indeed falling over. Of course, since it was a simple bump she wouldn't of fallen if she had of braced herself. But she had no idea it was coming at all so well...she took it full force.

She looked up and blinked, "Ah..yeah...I'm fine." She replied. She stood up and brushed herself off, tilting her head curiously. "Wait...aren't you the librarian?" She asked. She had remembered mention of someone fitting her description being the librarian...and er well...if she actually wasn't her clothes did really scream out the role perfectly. So it would be safe to assume...not that she needed her now of course. The bombs had been found...but at-least the girl hadn't been killed or something by Thanatos. "Also...what the heck are you? That definitely felt more solid than flesh."​
Interactions/speaking to everyone relevant~ Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Uasal Uasal Meowfyre Meowfyre Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Zenpai Zenpai H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 Anyone Anyone I've forgotten

Thanatos heard a chime, and noticed the last two bombs had been found. Then after watching someone break open a window and toss out two potatoes. He enjoyed the sight of the potatoes striking his barrier and erupting into a fiery rainbow, answering Aila's question.He simply nodded, admiring his work as the rainbow of fire disappeared, leaving everything as it was with the exception of some smoke. After the last two bombs meet the same fate, he turned to his timer."Huh, still have about thirty minutes on the clock...wow.. it's almost like someone gave them the answers. Oh well, guess it's about time we end this." Suddenly the fire barrier disappeared, and Thanatos stepped forward. His voice booming through the school grounds once more."Well, it seems all our bombs have been found...er whatever, beginners luck."He decided kind of childishly, crossing his arms and pouting."Anyway, I figured it would be just disgraceful of me to leave without properly ending this. Soo the barriers down, anyone with that fiery spirit, and some balls! Can come and try to take me down before I just set your school on fire anyway."With that he turned to Aila, tilting his head in uncertainty."You sure you don't want to take me up on that offer? I think you have quite a bit of potential. No? Oh well, best of luck in your future endeavors though."Suddenly Thanatos sent a hard side kick to Ailas face. If it hit it would be hard enough to send her flying.
Aila - Luxor Academy- Outside Main BuildingAila watched the potatoes strike the barrier and explode in awe, "Woah...that's awesome." She spoke cheerfully, grinning quite eagerly. It really was pretty cool. Of course her new friend that also just so happened to be trying to destroying the school soon stood to challenge the students, which meant he wouldn't have time to talk. This caused her to pout. "Aww...but we were having fun talking!" She whined like a child, only to soon have him kick her. She squealed, flying back a few feet as expected. It wouldn't really do any lasting damage but it had dazed her and upset her highly. Why had he done that? She thought they were friends now! Or at-least that he was gonna be nice to her! But he had kicked her for no reason. She shakily stood up, at the same time slipping on her gravity ring. "That was mean! I didn't do anything to you even!" She shouted, a few tears streaming down her cheeks. Not from the kick, it had hurt sure, oh no she was genuinely upset!

"Meanie!" She shouted once more, stretching her hand out and bringing it down in his general direction causing a massive influx of heavy gravity to force him down and even cause a small crater, the pain and force of course varying depending on how far he was from the center. It was certainly not enough to kill him, nor really severely injure him. But it would probably hurt and get her point across he'd upset her. She then let out an indignant hmph and crossed her arms pouting. "You could of just asked me to move." She said. She had no intentions of fighting him, however, he had hit her so in her mind he deserved to be hit back. Even if it wasn't really hitting and just sorta a crushing attack to knock him on his ass.​

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Library )
    (Interactions: Claire )
    (Mentions: Aiko)

    She must've pat her on the back a bit too heavy, seeing now Clair was nearly dry-heaving after suffering from the whirling sensation of vertigo! Didn't really help that they were in the unnerving fan-fiction section of the library which still to this day gives her the 'creeps', why did they even have this kind of category to begin with? Jessica couldn't help but get a sneaking suspicion following the similar titles that were hastily written on the thick spines of the novels, some of them referencing vampires and alluding to one of Luxor Academy's staff, Kagami Enoshima. "Yikes and I thought my fans were obsessive." She jokingly uttered after picking up and skimming nonchalantly through one of many books only to notice most of the pages littered with several brash photographs of the young Kagami as if someone was diligently observing the heedless girl from a distance. "Sheesh.." A confounded tone drew from her dry throat as she carelessly placed the unnerving material back on the dusty shelf before leisurely drawing her attention back to the visibly exhausted Clair sprawled out across the ground, just barely snapping herself out of her fatigue-like state as she complained vividly about her lack of sleep to which she eventually shrugged off as she let out a bright tinge from her unyielding eyes that beamed brilliantly, undoubtedly reviving a plan as the student fumbled through her pockets, receiving a slight carrying case that revealed a toy helicopter? In-fact not just a toy helicopter but multiple plastic aerial drones that were probably tiny enough to fit through someone's opened sleeve or even pant leg without any issues! It remarkable technology, possibly even revolutionary when taking into consideration how these unmanned helicopters were able to stay in a unified arrangement without so much as losing any momentum as they sped off into the distance.

    "Using drones to locate the IEDs? Way to make things easier Clair, I was planning on just using the both of us! Guess that means it's nothing but smooth sailing from here on out for the both of us."
    And smooth sailing it was, until the unfortunate reality of the situation came metaphorically stumbling towards them with the rocky appearance of a golem, each mountainous step it took erupted with an ear-splitting 'boom' as it shambled towards them. A combination of slimy mud and stone slunk off its hulkish structure as it now stood before them both with a lack of remorse shown through its hollowed sockets that ogled the duo prior to letting out a tremendous shriek that send vibrations through the narrow yet vast passageway they were positioned in. "Great, now we have one of the library's sentries trying to kill us." Sentries, also known as the 'guardians of the library', all of them were different but just as deadly! It was told that these 'things' originated from the farthest reaches of the atheneum with a soul purpose of dismantling any kind of threat that wandered its way deep into their territory which proved to be efficient enough when it came to protecting vital information that was stored in the books, however this also meant they posed a threat to any lurking students. "There's a reason why Aiko is the only one allowed back here, she knows enough knowledge to stop these things without using brute force! But it looks like we don't have much of a choice."


    Without giving it so much as a second thought she wound her clenched fist backwards, enveloping it in a fantastical spiral of light before leaning a majority of her body weight forward and snapping her arm into a straight line, connecting her knuckles immediately with the Golem's rocky epicenter and sending it screeching backwards to the back of the aisle and nearly resulting in it tumbling over a good section of the book-cases located behind it but nonetheless it stood undeterred by the hardened blow and came charging forward with debris collapsing from its minor wound. "Looks like this is going to take a bit of effort! Clair, keep doing your thing... I'll take care of ugly here." Giving a friendly departure wave to Clair, Jessica narrowed her sights on the lumbering behemoth as she excitedly cracked her knuckles in preparation for an intense fight. "Hope you're wearing a mouth guard you stony bastard." A twisting trail of lights followed behind Miss Spotlight as she leaped elegantly upward towards the beast, spinning herself in a gyrating motion as she connected her feet with the creature once more with the exception of now putting her soles deep into its chest with a forceful kick, projecting both of them into a completely different portion of the library where the energetic skirmish continued between the both of them with the rough sounds of flesh and stone colliding echoing nearby.

Aiko Kirishima

Aiko did that thing with her retina where it could be seen widening and contracting at will seemingly trying to focus on her. "You took quite the fall. Be more careful next time." She said lending her a hand to help her up. She didn't seem quite fazed or any emotion displayed really. After inspecting her for enemy bruises or abrasions, she nodded. "Anything else you need? The bombs have been found." She said in case she didn't get the message.

Suddenly, as she helped her up and let her go on her way, she received a notification looking up at the ceiling for a bit to the regular eye, she was processing threats in the library. It had appeared one of the stone golems had detected a threat posed by two individuals in the collection of romantic novels. Aiko was rather annoyed as there were signs warning them about the area but she didn't want another casualty from the fault of the library so decided to intervene. She slowly made her way to where the fight was happening not seeming to be in a hurry.

Mitchs98 Mitchs98 SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

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