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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

Aiko Kirishima


"Systems breached,containing and terminating threat." Aiko remarked monotonically as she had noticed Clair was attempting to breach the system and fought back beginning to add more firewalls. She also made emergency alterations to the simulation that essentially disallowed changes except given Administrator approval which only the Control panel has. She noted that Clair was better than most of the students in IT and kept fighting against her in a game of virtual tug of war especially her AI Cerberus. She tried to block the AI by a simple verification system (re-Captcha) for each firewall. She was trying her best to keep her out but the fight for control has grinded into a stalemate as she increased her typing speed to 750 wpm to keep up with the AI and Clair though this may be especially strenuous on the computer. Her best option right now would be to add more firewalls until she manages to flood the system with so many firewalls that it could take ages to decrypt.

Kisaki Kisaki Uasal Uasal H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 SidTheSkid SidTheSkid kenchin kenchin
(Location: City of Edenia, Neptune's Bridge )(Mood: Dapper)
(Interactions: Kristofer Steinkuhler )
(Mentions: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart )

Sierra Doyle, believed it was kind of entertaining frisking around Kristofer's ears for recreation but he just had to be a spoilsport and act like he was being antagonized by her! Even though it wasn't her main intention treating him like some sort of domesticated animal she could fiddle around with, the thought was a lot more enjoyable as she appreciated the image of the adolescent Kitsune being an involuntary subject for her amusement. Merely devising to discipline this exquisite creature would be mundane at best in light of his outward image, Kristofer's pasty skin might've looked just appetizing to eat but his hidden promise was far too valuable to waste! "Sorry about that! I never really had a puppy growing up, fondling those fluffy ears of yours was an opportunity I just couldn't pass up." A 'innocent' twinkle delicately exposed itself as she steadily concentrated on his indifferent reaction to the idea of having her aboard the bus which he didn't seem too concerned about honestly, meaning he was extremely confident in his abilities or just didn't know the extent of mayhem she was truly capable of delivering to this disgusting city of tasteless heroes yet Sierra wasn't too concerned with his basic reception, indeed she was more fascinated with his response for some reason. "Oh you think so?! That's a rational way of looking at it, i'm sure with people like you aboard that we'll be just fine! After all you're aspiring heroes right? What's the worse thing she could do?" She could think of many conclusions to end one's life in a particularly gruesome fashion, unknowingly bringing a murdering lunatic onto an in-route bus was like putting a bunch of hamsters in a cage with a lion, absolute slaughter.

Giddy laughter, redundant conversations, and silly noises crowded the atmosphere as they kept going to their destination, indeed it would not be too difficult for her to commit such a vile act! Powered or not, these were no more than special children with unique abilities and if it weren't for that they'd just be your ordinary stereotypical middle-schooler making it all the more interesting that Kristofer acted far more 'refined' than the rest of them. "How refreshing, I thought I was going to hear the same tedious response I get from most Heroes! Oh, i'm doing this to stop injustice or save lives!" Sierra spouted off, rolling her eyes thinking about those deceased heroes that felt the need to make a vocalized list of why they were trying to prevent bad people like her from running rampant in the streets of Edenia, she'd gotten to the point where finishing the job to shut them up became a lot more reassuring than entertaining. Without so much as a warning, screeching of the brakes halted the public transit along with the stopping power of a bumper that the driver had mindlessly rammed into like he was playing an open-world driving game, who gave this man his license? More importantly Sierra found herself meeting the side of her face with the uncomfortable material of the backseat in front of her, smacking her cheek against it was enough to make her almost go off the deep end until she marked her sights onto Kristofer who took manners into his own hands and begun mercilessly berating the operator for his utter incompetence before ending his tirade of insults by kicking the emergency door open and stomping his way out leaving passengers and the driver himself flabbergasted at the scene.

He sure seemed pleased with himself by causing such a scene, almost like he got a kick out of adding insult to injury at the bus-driver's misfortune. Come as it may it wasn't too surprising to see Sierra more than fascinated by his outburst which kinda changed her impression of him, he definitely wasn't like any snot-nosed brat he's seen and he was willing to take matters into his own hands when everyone else was too naive or timid to even approach that moron of a bus-driver. "I can see him molding into something very fine.. Being a hero would just be throwing away talent, looks like i'm going to have to persuade him some way to change his motives to something more... Worth-while.." Cupping a packaged baked cinnamon rolling caked in gracious amounts of sugar along with a bottle of flavored water that she held in her other hand, Sierra removed herself from the seat and compassionately approached the driver of the bus with a kind expression before handing him over the delectable treat and bottled water to which he raised a brow at the kind gesture, wondering why he was rewarded for his screw up. "Please, take it! I'm sure you didn't mean to do anything foul besides think of it as forgiveness for my 'friend' being rude to you! Speaking of which I should keep an eye on him, I don't want him getting into any other trouble." With a friendly wave goodbye she turned away, a grim look dawning on her face as the middle-aged man thanked her and took a bite out of what was now his last meal after unknowingly sinking his fangs into heaping amounts of cyanide and just about enough poisons to kill a dozen or so full grown men, by the time he reaches Luxor Academy the poor lad will have suffered at the hands of his gullibility.

Taking a gleeful skip off the bus's broken emergency exit, Sierra swishes her fingers through her strands of hair atop her head while looking around for the arrogant Kitsune that had left her without so much as a goodbye. "Now that Dipshit is going to regurgitate his insides, I believe now will be a lovely time to bond with this troubled soul!" With a pep in her step she trailed behind where he was last scene before eventually coming across that boy once again except this time he would seem to be a bit less impressed by her behavior, possibly thinking she was some crazy stalker or something! "You're a hard one to find! Well, don't think i'm just trying to creep ya out silly because I thought about what you said." Sierra promptly invaded his personal space once more, wrapping her touchy hand around his shoulder and forcefully tugging him against her side as she continued her conversation with Kristofer. "Glory, Entertainment, and Exhilaration! All of those are great traits to have but i'm positive you wont achieve what you're looking for by going by the morals of these so-called heroes! No, no, no! To gain what you're looking for you'll need power." Shivering winds blew menacingly as she searched around her bag, only to pull out what seemed to be a common apple that she gripped in her available hand before rolling it quietly out into traffic, almost pulling Kristofer tighter against her as they watched a larger part of traffic breeze by only for a devastating transformation to occur that made a succession of spikes shredding through the apple's core and into the frame of the vehicles passing by which held them in place as the citizens screamed in confusion at the unpredictable situation they had been placed in. "Entertainment.. Exhilaration.. Of course finally.." Sierra huffed silently as she let out the last word and brought her fingers closing together from her open palm she used to throw the apple. "Glory." In a frightening conclusion of events, each vehicle compact with people were sent hurling over the guardrails of the bridge followed by terrified screams of civilians shouting for help as waves crashed around them upon impact, blowing heavy currents of water through open windows and bursting through windshields, Sierra's unchanging expression remained gleeful through the entire experience until she looked back at Kristofer with a somber mien. "What good is power if you don't have victims to practice on? Being a hero will just make you weak ya goof ball!" Ending on that note it would've been hard not for him to figure out who she was but why she was interested in him was a different story.
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Clair shot Zach a smile and with it replied cheekily with "Well, what anyone would do with an experimental tech safeguarded from society. I'm going to push it as far as I can as fast as I can and just kinda hope for the best!". Moving away from the guts of the alley she had grown accustomed to, Clair joined her classmate in the street where she, of course, thanked him for his cooperation with an extended hand to shake "thanks for the help, If you're looking for the mime. As you said you are. It's in the bank vault stealing gold bullion, I'll go ahead and erase the clones he has running around and you can try to wrap this up quickly yeh?"

Clair had just done what was likely the impossible, she had not only hacked a state of the art military tech from within a simulation but she had also done so from within one of the most technologically advanced areas in the world. Said area being the Academy of course. And while yes she may have had plenty of help from the pure idiocy of miss spotlight and then again from her AI. She was more than happy with the results. Now, what to do next? that was the million dollar question.

"huh? More firewalls? What's the point of making more firewalls when I'm already inside..... Come to think of it, I haven't seen any defences other than firewalls being thrown up. Of course, that lockout threw me for a curve early on in the game but... Is whoever doing this..... just fast at typing.... They're resourceful, I'll give them that and with this administration change just introduced.... interesting. I reckon I can end this in one foul swoop. Just give me a second.... ugh sorry what was your name again?"

As Clair awaited a response she went to work yet again, this time, however, she went to work in a much different way. "Hmm, if I remember correctly Cerberus said something about my tablet being messed with. How about.... ah yes perfect, I'll simply educate you on how one should properly run disruption."
Clair actually didn't really have much to do this time around, a few simple changes to her signature virus was all it took, and once said virus was uploaded to the system. Well, let's just say: Without her help that control panel wasn't going to be operational.

"RUN.EXE, Sorry but this is checkmate."


And with that, the war of attrition was over. Those in the observatory were now only able to watch on and hope the system itself would shut down before any harm could come to those within. But hey as a sweet consolation prize they also got a nice message from Clair displayed on the centre most screen.
Considering the control panel was now offline, Clair was now the default Administrator. And what did she do with this power you might ask? Well, she highjacked the announcement system first of all and began to blast her own favorite rendition of 'Toto Africa'. You know as everyone would have.

Everyone Everyone
Aiko Kirishima

"Control room has lost control initiating emergency shutdown." She said as a last resort to keeping her out is by shutting down the simulation entirely. She struggled to do anything and was looking for a path around the viruses which allowed her to turn off the computer. She wanted to reboot the system and run it on safe mode. Despite the odds, Aiko was not willing to give up trying to remotely shut down the simulation so she could not make changes without physically going into the control room and turning it on. During this time, Clair could do whatever she wants as Aiko struggled due to the complexity and the speed of the virus.

Uasal Uasal Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

"...Yawn...still sleepy...AH! brain freeze! ouch! ...sigh..."

The young hooded man from before was seen walking through the city whilst eating vanilla flavored ice cream in a cone, just walking along the sidewalks, heading towards wherever there was noise with some if not loads of people being at the destination.​

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, The Arena )(Mood: Humpty )
    (Interactions: A lot of people )
    (Mentions: Too many to list. )

    Nervously gnawing on her polished nails like a feral beast, Miss Spotlight surveyed in absolute horror at the flashing display screens that arranged pop-ups which included processing errors, sporadic screen changes, and a file name that had sent chills down her spine labeled as 'naughty secrets'. Oh no, this wasn't good at all! They managed to bypass all of the security systems even with Aiko being at the helm at the arena's central processing unit even worse is this meant they had full-access to Miss Spotlight's explicit selfies and everything else thought to be embarrassing if released to the public. "Fuck, my nudes!" She screeched in dismay before sprinting up to the extensive set of computers and begun shifting through any accessible programs, one of them being an anti-virus program in desperation but it was to no avail as Clair was already far deep in the system, redeeming anything would be entirely impossible from that point on without having an entire factory reset, that was out of the question as it would almost definitely lead to the students being isolated from the outside, essentially trapped inside of the arena without any supervision on the inside! Only logical way they could get in was through the windows except they were reinforced to the maximum with layers upon layers of bullet-resistant glass that made it difficult for just about anyone to get through, to make things even worse the loud-speakers from the interior of the room and arena were starting to blast a cover of Africa by Toto although not a bad choice of music, it definitely made things more 'dramatic' with all the flashing pop-ups shooting up on the monitor. "Aiko please tell me there's something you can d-"

    In the usual cliched monotone voice, Aiko mentioned that everything in the control room had been lost and that she was initiating an emergency shutdown that made things a whole lot worse for all of those involved, there wasn't any better way to put it! Miss Spotlight had been 'bamboozled' by the brilliant Clair who now infuriated the woman with her barrage of insults and ridiculous celebration causing an her to resort to an aggressive outburst of insults over the intercom before blasting her unyielding fists against the inside glass. "Just wait til' I get in there you brat! You'll wish you would've stayed home!" Surprisingly Miss Spotlight managed to only make small fractures within the glass until she realized that even attempting to break through without using full strength would be stupid. A few seconds pacing around and cursing up a storm, she soon gave up and crashed to the floor in utter defeat, landing onto her back and looking up at the ceiling with despair sinking into her face as if all was lost! What would her adoring fans think if these naked images of her spread across the surface of the internet like a plague? How would she be immortalized as a Goddess of beauty when everyone has seen her exposed body?! No! There was still one trick up her sleeve she had in mind, a favor from an old friend that she had slept with... Even though it was a one-night stand and he didn't seem as interested it was still something he needed to compensate for! "Better get ready to have your hopes and dreams crushed in front of you naive little girl." Grinding her teeth together, Miss Spotlight immediately dialed and old friend who reluctantly picked up the phone with an exhausting sigh leaving his smoky breathe.

    Approximately two minutes earlier before the call an almost familiar ginger haired man smoking a cigarette could be seen walking with a group of five oddly dressed men, all of which happened to be A rank superheroes that he trained himself after having a kind donation from Behemoth HQ. All of them former villains including the one leading the pack, enjoying his cigarette with a few puffs as the delinquent with the navy-blue beanie beside him blared somewhat fitting hip-hop music for their relaxed stroll through Luxor Academy's campus.


    An infuriating ringing made the muscular red head pick up his phone silently in disgust as he silently read the text to himself. "HunieDunie, sweet-heart! Soo there's a little problemo going on with the simulations.. Inserted sad face.. Is there a chance you can help me by chance? Remember you owe me!" A whole bunch of winky emojis concluded the text with Hundun flicking away the cigarette from his mouth as he stopped in place with the addition of his group of superheroes that were waiting any commands that he might have for them. "Great, she just doesn't stop does she? Looks like we're going to the Arena! Pick up the pace, I don't want you dragging me behind." Sound-waves from the dispersal of the group quaked the trees around them as they raced to the Arena with Hundun completely dreading what kind of nonsense Jessica had got him into, it was bad enough having Luxor put him against his will into this crappy H.E.R.O program with some made up S+ ranking! What a waste of his time.

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Aiko Kirishima

Aiko was writing code for an emergency Restart her typing was incredibly fast at this point as she was switching between multiple Command prompts at once. She finally wrote up a code to level the playing field by restarting in safe mode. She had also taken the time to write up code for anew Antivirus software to Counter Clair's tricks. This code was incredibly long and complex as Aiko had taken every single possibility possible and created countermeasures. The code is roughly 200 million lines long. "I have finished enacting countermeasures. Permission?" She asked looking at Miss spotlight. This code will essentially lock Clair out using multiple Countermeasures against AI and viruses.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Kisaki Kisaki Uasal Uasal
Kagami Enoshima
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

Kagami squeaked and turned to Miss Spotlight. " You scared me." Kagami pouted. She was too occupied to notice the new scent in the room. " So why are you here? Bored?" She asked the older women. The vampire hoped the women wasn't trying to do anything shady. She had a tendency to mess up things due to her ego.

Kagami noticed the disappearance of the mimes. "Huh?" She furrowed her eyebrows then looked over to Aiko. "Is someone hacking into the simulation? I thought this was top notch technology." Kagami stated as she looked back at the screens displaying errors. "Uwaaa! What we supposed to do? Even Aiko can't keep up with the hacker in this rate." Kagami leaned closer to the screen infront of her."And what are these naughty secrets?" She quesyoned.
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With Toto's Africa blaring loudly throughout the simulation Clair began to almost breakdown with laughter. What she had done, disregarding how she had done it, was essentially hack into one of the most secure systems on the planet! Oh, this was brilliant! The young Clair just couldn't wait to post about her achievement online. But before that, she needed to do something more..... elaborate. Something more fun, something like. "Yeh! just like that!"

In a flash of bright light, everyone was teleported atop the highest building within the simulation. The building's roof was essentially a pre-built fighting ring, it had fences surrounding its edges for safety and hard concrete reinforcements to support helicopter landings. It may not have been all that glamorous but it was the best Clair could find on short notice "All right guy's, you all want to prove yourselves to those outside by taking down that evil mime right? you want a shot at becoming heroes! I'm offering you that chance right here and now, that mime is d class. Well, was D class... Now he's an S class, and a midget. but don't stress that 'small' detail. Give him hell and prove you've got what it takes to be a hero! Oh and don't worry, I enabled respawning."

With that Clair vanished from the scene and instead stood a midget mime with an oddly familiar colour palette change.

The mime stood motionless as if waiting for someone to make the first move. Miss Spotlights outburst shrowded by the blaring music.
Everyone Everyone

Ask Cody watched the battle, he saw that someone was hacking, he smiled. "Wow, breaking the rules this early, Hey aiko give me the students name, I'll have them up to the head masters office afterwards." he said. Cody's horns began to emerge slowly, his eyes turning red and glowing. He got on the radio in his pocket and asks for one more campus security to assist in possible restraint actions, said guard waited outside of the room, Cody awaits a name, and for the sim to end so he can get to work...
Kisaki Kisaki
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto


The red demon girl dashes through crowds of mimes before the disappeared. She growls and sheaths her short sword and holsters her revolver. Sitting down on her knees to meditate back into a calm mind so she doesn't lash out at anyone after the sim ends. When she was teleported she didn't budge, she wasn't going to do an unapproved test.
Oz's face whitened as the simulation changed drastically. He watched as the woman talked before disappearing. Was she able to do this? Did the instructors even allow such a thing? He didn't like the situation at all. He shook his head. Surely people that were not even in the program yet wouldn't be able to take down an S class. He slowly began to back away from the villain. His back eventually hit the fence on the edge of the building.
"No no no no no..." He mumbled. This wasn't good. He and the rest of the applicants to the H.E.R.O. Program were trapped up there. With an S Rank enemy. Definitely not ideal.
Zack Aurum

Zack wasn't crazy enough to pick a fight with a S class. He got his ass handed to him when he decided to fight his father. The red headed boy turned to Clair so he could speak some sense into her. Unfortunately for him, she disappeared. "What the hell! Clair! Get back here!" Zack yelled, walking a few steps back from the clown. He found the clown man to be drastically creepier than his mime form. Zack suddenly bumped into a man with vanilla ice cream in his hand. " Are you seriously eating ice cream right now?" He questioned the boy, ignoring the music being played throughout the simulation.
I Iamkingdomhearts1000
Uasal Uasal

"...Huh? who are you?"

said the young hooded man, surprised by just who bumped into him before noticing what was going on all around the two of them, he then lastly said towards this newcomer:

"...Uh huh...yep, i absolutely have no clue whatsoever, as to what's going on, care to fill me in? you seem to know what's going on around here."

said the young hooded man, not so much in an aggressive tone but enough that he was trying to be polite, asking for answers.​
Johnny B Crash

In the middle of running to the bank to beat up some more mimes, Johnny was abruptly transported to the top of a rooftop. Stumbling forward as he came to a stop, he looked around, glaring. Was this a part of the test? That's when he saw the chick from before, the interpretive dance pintinho. Who was evidently responsible for all this. Grinding his teeth and giving her one hell of a stink eye as he listened to her prattle on, before she abruptly vanished. Impress the heroes? Vanquish the villain? Oh, Johnny had an idea on that front all right. Johnny got a positively wicked looking grin on his face and slipped his bat back into his backpack. "Oh I'll prove myself alright." Reaching up to his forehead, Johnny popped his fingers under the stickers and ripped them off like bandaids. The world fell apart around Johnny and with a pop, he was gone from the simulation.

Johnny opened his eyes with a gasp and looked around. The transition was a hell of a lot more abrupt then before, guess ripping the stickers off wasn't standard procedure. Well, no worries. Grinning wickedly, Johnny saw his target. The pintinho was standing like everyone else, eyes closed and practically comatose. Pulling his bat out of his backpack, Johnny could still hear that annoying song blasting over the speakers. Well, Johnny was a fan of music too, so as he began to lackadaisically stroll over he sung to himself, "Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd~." Giving a few experimental swings with his bat, Johnny was feeling in good form as he continued to sing, "Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, I don't care if I never get back.Let me root, root, root for the home team, if they don't win, it's a shame." Strolling up right behind Clair, Johnny took his stance, bat up to his right shoulder and his legs squared. "Because its one, two, three strikes..." Johnny's grin widened as he swung the bat. "...you're out!"

Uasal Uasal

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Principal's Office )(Mood: WTF )
    (Interactions: A lot of people )
    (Mentions: Too many to list. )

    "He ignored me?!" Noticing a indication reading 'read' and a timestamp next to it, Jessica undoubtedly presumed she was being disregarded by that fiery-haired bastard! Hundun was illustrious for being stubborn but to go out of his way to not even forward a response? Sure he didn't like being messaged, especially by some ex 'flinger' of his that's always wanted diverse favors but hey it was his fault for getting that intoxicated! How was she suppose to not take advantage of him? Miss Spotlight pinned her hopes on him showing up, after all with a simulation software breach who knows what could happen by this point and even with Clair's technological know-how it's possible that she could wind up getting someone severely injured or worse for her tomfoolery, as intelligent as she was it didn't mean she was safety cautious and it was only a matter of time before she begun imperiling the lives of schoolmates with the impression of committing an 'innocent' prank. By good fortune, Aiko hadn't neglected any possible solution, even with a low percentage of bringing a swift ending to this 'gag' she proceeded in writing an immeasurable code of text within the command prompt of the central processing unit furthermore creating an entirely new software composed of countermeasure and just about everything that made broke the limit of it being state of the art, it was truly revolutionary! Jessica Starry had no clue what she was doing but considering Aiko informed her of enacting countermeasures it must mean whatever she's doing, she's doing it right.

    "Great work I think! Permission granted, this'll show that girly to mess with me..Er I mean us!" Things were working out just splendidly aside from the environment of the simulation interchanging as if it had just been injected with speed or some other drug, altering lights gleamed throughout the virtual world like they were in a rave. To top things off Kagami's late reaction to her visit made her awestruck from the lack of perception, but deciding not to say anything too ill-mannered she continued to spectate the student's conditions only giving a desperate physical and verbal response to her comment about 'naughty secrets' by nervously fluttering her hand back and forth near Kagami's eyes in hopes she doesn't manage to see anything too revealing while she tried to explain herself. "Oh that uh, nothing to concern yourself with Enoshima! Must be some sort of bug or something, yeah that's it just an unordinary bug!" Laughing suspiciously Miss Spotlight tried her best to keep Kagami at bay with one hand so she doesn't wind up finding anything too incriminating, fortunately most of the faculty staff were taken back by the silhouettes of six unknown individuals having their faces shadowed by the blinding sun as the twin blast doors unfastened from their locking position which created a dreadful noise, catching the attention of Jessica who did a sideways glance over her shoulder to see who was interrupting them now.

    Step by step, each one had been revealed with them ultimately being recognized as a small group of professional heroes along with Hundun whose face swelled up with discontent after being appointed to take care of another disastrous scene once again! If it weren't for being entangled by magical aura preventing him from packing his belongings and leaving he'd be out of this campus and back on his unspeakable path of destruction or so he thought. Being around an Angel and good-hearted saints made it difficult for him to abstain from change, he still wasn't a push over like most of the heroes but he regrettably admits to changing from the atmosphere he's been exposed to, didn't help that Ryo was dating his daughter and they had a whole bunch of children making him be a grandfather, why couldn't she have just been more like her mother and transform into a gigantic creature and chew on him like some sort of chew toy? Nevertheless it was something that couldn't be changed and as much as he didn't want to help in another failure presumably created by Miss Spotlight, he didn't have a choice. "You wasted a perfectly good cigarette.. Explain yourself." Just as she was about to express the complicated episode that was happening, Hundun's hand concealed her lips as soon as he stepped up to the display and noticed a pint-sized clown with a murderous glare mercilessly attacking students in addition to a kid readily equipped with a baseball bat that he's about to use on someone's head like he's at softball practice, just when he thought the craziness was over he observed a random fat unconscious student drooling from the side of his mouth while being hunched over his seat.

    Taking only a moment to asses the situation, Hundun uncovered Miss Spotlight's mouth to which all she could really do was give an innocent smirk with Hundun giving a 'you know better' glare before he examined that reinforced vault door leading into the simulation area, trying to open it without so much as creating a significant blast from all around would've been futile for his case if he attempted to do so, luckily that one lackey of his had a power just suited for a predicament like this! "Mags, do your thing." A nod came from the fellow in the cobalt-colored beanie upon being called up to the door by Hundun whom at the time was standing uninterested across from him as Mags met the door with the palms of his hands with his usual unchanging expression.
    "Six foot, Titanium alloy.. Steel mechanism... All of which are resistant to an extraordinary blast however susceptible to crushing force, it would take over 40,000 metric tons of pressure to even create so much as a dent in it... Easy." Mags uttered with a strong furrow of his brow as he pushed his palms harder against the structure of the door with a apricot-hued aura beginning to consume the door once it was excreted from his hands, it didn't take long for ear-piercing sounds of bending metal to resound through the Arena leaving members of staff covering their ears until Mags managed to reduce the complete mass of the door into nothing but a constricted box that he tediously kicked out of the way as if it were nothing special. The rest of the unknown heroes stepped into the room and begun cautiously removing the plastic nodes from the temples of the students and begun carrying any unconscious, injured, or sick entry-level cadets out of their seats before being told by Hundun to bring them to the infirmary, as for Yakai he was checked on by Miss Spotlight since he was thought to be the most seriously wounded by the event although by getting closer she watched as his eyes opened with him wiping the bit of drool from his mouth. "Hehehe I saw your boobs." It was probably the first time that Jessica has ever wanted to crawl up into a ball and die, it didn't take long for her to notice Clair beginning to be woken up by a staff member, one that was immediately pushed away by an overly aggressive Miss Spotlight who tore the stickers off from the sides of her head and grabbed a hold of her by both shoulders, a hostile demeanor flourished through the air around Miss Spotlight as she fixated her forehead against Clair's. "You are.. Very lucky that i'm not a villain." That being said it was the first that Hundun ever cracked a grin as he watched the ogling pervert stare at a presumably pissed off Miss Spotlight dragging a helpless Clair out of the simulation room and eventually to Luxor's office by her wrist.

    Meowfyre Meowfyre , Kisaki Kisaki , I Iamkingdomhearts1000 , Zenpai Zenpai , H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 , Uasal Uasal , Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto , @AnyoneWhoIMissed!
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Aiko Kirishima

Aiko looked back at her station. "I see." She replied monotonically and pressed enter. The system went on a reboot as everything froze. All the students were pulled out of the simulation as Aiko began the reboot process. The simulation was empty space and Aiko read every line of code without blinking to look for any potential faults in her new simulation antivirus. She ignored the drama unfolding around them after the reboot stepping out with a book. She looked around Clair's belonging confiscating any electronics non chalantly. She had left a note stating to meet her after school in the library if she wanted her electronics back. As she left, she watched Miss Spotlight's dramatic breakdown grabbing Clair as she went to keep Clair's electronics in her office which was actually just the librarians desk at the library. Aiko seemed to have disappeared as fast as she arrived and was nowhere to be found in the area leaving a note on the desk of the Simulation room saying she has returned to the library for a bit. As soon as Kagami began her debriefing, Aiko had returned appearing out of nowhere and sat near Kagami. It was about this time the system rebooted to normal and was as if it was brand new. She took occasional glances at Clair waiting for her to realize her gadgets were gone.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Kisaki Kisaki Uasal Uasal
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Cori Stepped out of the simulation chamber with the others. He hadn't done much, preferring to marvel at the technology that must have gone into building the room. He also was keen on observing what others could do. Master had told him after all that his powers left him with certain weaknesses that could be exploited and to learn to work with others to help cover those weaknesses. Master had said that his gifts would synergize well with others, so team work should be a focus. In order for Cori to properly work with someone he figured he would have to learn about them. Once out of the chamber he leaned against the wall listening to the others. Cori wasnt the type to walk over and just start chatting unless he had something to say.
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Kagami Enoshima

" Now I want to see what's in it with that little reaction of yours." Kagami was about to click the folder until she spotted shilloutes in the corner of her eye. She eyed the screen and gasped. So much for keeping the whole thing a secret."This was an disaster." Kagami muttered under her breath. Kagami got up from her swivel chair and headed down to the center of the arena to address her remaining students.

" Is everyone alright?" She asked. From her reports, none of the students recieved any serious physical damage from the hacked simulation. The vampire frown turned into a big toothy grin in a matter of seconds." Well, Congratulations everyone! You all past!" Kagami exclaimed. The sides of the arena opened to reveal canons. They blasted rainbow confetti streams over the students heads. " Normally, a D rank wouldn't even survive an encounter with a S rank so cheers to you," Kagami continued. " Now all of you should get some rest or even head to the infirmary for a check up. I'll contact you when you should meet up with me and your class again."

Kagami waved off her students and walked back into the observation room, sitting along with Aiko. " That was quick run to the library." Kagami noted before looking back at the student results on the holographic screen. She reached for Clair's results. " Even though she hacked into the simulation she could be a certian asset to the H.E.R O program. Maybe she can even learn from you Aiko."


"You mean a teenage brat tapped into my own simulation system? I knew I should of just used magic." Christina's hands were on her hips as she walked along the hallyway with Mei. " The little shits get smarter each year. I'm not suprised." Mei replied, eyeing Hundun as she walked past him.

Luxor Aurum

On the top floor of the main school building is where Luxor's office sits. It gave an great outlook of the entire school. On the sides of the room there were shelves of books and folders that were organized neatly . The blonde archangel could be seen sitting at his desk. Luxor's hair was pulled into a ponytail while he wore his reading glasses. His face was stern as he flipped through the student files. He had to keep an special eye on those who qualified for the H.E.R.O program to make sure no one decideds to become villian.

Luxor looked up from his files as heard the door open. He sighed and pulled his glasses off, placing them on the wooden table. " Hundun, what did Clair do?" He asked, already knowing the teenage girl's name. He assumed it had to do something with the simulation since all H.E.R.O program students were supposed to be still there.
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Uasal Uasal
Zack Aurum

"It's Zack," He answered the hooded man's question. " And how do you not know when get when Miss Crimision explained what we were doing." Zack sighed and crossed his arms. The archangel suddenly felt a pull. In a blink of an eye he was back in the arena. " You okay kid?" The staff member infrint of him asked. " Yeah, yeah." Zack huffed, pulling himself off from the floor.

Zack walked over to the crowd near Kagami. He listened to her speech."We all pass? Even the weeb?" Zack questioned in the confusion. However, his answers weren't answered as Kagami ran back into the observation room. " I seriously need to talk to the old man about this." He mummbled.

( I Iamkingdomhearts1000 )

-People around-
Four Eyes Four Eyes
Zenpai Zenpai
Meowfyre Meowfyre
Oz's transition out of the simulation was unpleasant, to say the least. He was a bit shocked once he exited and felt a tad nauseous. He acclimated to the change as fast as he could and stood up straight. He sighed with relief when he heard all the participants had passed. One rather rude fellow griped about Yakai passing and Oz frowned at him.
"He did his best and deserves to be here just as much as any of us. Do I need to point out that he was smart enough to find the real Dr. Mime and brave enough to confront him rather than attacking random clones? At least he had a strategy." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Kisaki Kisaki
Peski stood up when the sim ended, ignoring everyones remarks. She followed Kagami into the observation room but was stopped by Cody, "Teachers only, unless you're here to speak with-" peski drew her sword quickly and silently up to Cody's neck, the simple touch burned him, her eyes were glowing blue but she winces and shook her head, sheathing her sword. "Sorry... Guess my meditation wasn't long enough..." she said, honest, scared and sad. He rubs his neck and nods "yeah i read your file, You're ok" he said with a slight smile.

Peski looks at kagami, "Can I speak to you?" she asks sweetly, she meant to apologize for not doing the objective and just going around killing clones.

Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
(Area: SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Uasal Uasal Zenpai Zenpai Four Eyes Four Eyes Meowfyre Meowfyre hopefully that's everyone.)
Cori Headed off to his room. sleep was far off for him however. He never had been much of a sleeper, instead he would stay up late practicing in his dorm. He wouldn't try anything to intense he usually worked on his ability to seemingly change dimensions at will. He wondered if somehow he could use the ability to travel large distances. He had heard stories of heros that could open portals or gates to other locations.

"...Hmm...well that was weird, to say the least...then again, i'm weird myself...oh well, better not let stuff like that bother me, just roll with the show credits, as it were..."

said the young hooded man, as he then continued on just like normal, wondering what was going to happen next?​
Kristofer "Kay" Steinkuhler
Location: Streets of Edenia | Mood: Amused
Interactions: Sierra Doyle ( SidTheSkid SidTheSkid )

After a few steps, Kristofer took a look behind him and wrongfully decided that it was probably safe. Among the crowds of people walking, minding their own business, the obvious looking lady with the psychopathic behavior was nowhere to be found. So Kristofer decided it was probably the end of things. But oh boy, was he wrong. When he finally began to relax, the lady appeared again, invading his private space and tugging his body against her as she showed manic energy, shouting about Kristofer's previous statement. Kristofer could only half listen, as the lady was squeezing Kristofer pretty tight against herself. It put Kristofer off guard, and he could only listen.
She reached her hand into her bag, taking out what seemed to be a common apple, no different than the one that Kristofer had eaten not too long ago at the inn. Instead of eating it though, she rolled it down the street. For a moment, Kristofer thought she was trying to demonstrate apple murder, but then spikes tore out of the apple's flesh, latching itself onto the cars around it. Within moments, the entire street was in chaos, cars falling over the railings of the bridge, civilians screaming in panic.
The lady finished her little speech, insisting that Kristofer's aims for glory, exhilaration, and entertainment required power. It was an inspiring, captivating speech (Not because people were thrown over a bridge or something), but it revealed one thing. This person was indeed Sierra Doyle, insane, dangerous, and someone who you shouldn't approach (But she approached him, not the other way around). Because of this, Kristofer was suddenly suspicious.
"So what are you suggesting?" Kristofer asked Sierra, awkwardly turning around to glare into her eyes (which probably looked like a love stare), "You understand that I'm a part of the HERO operation, and therefore I must take you do-- y'know what, who am I kidding? Screw the operation. What are you offering? What's the catch?"
Zack Aurum

The red headed boy turned to meet Oz. He seemed offended by Zack's previous comment on Yakai." You must be buddies with the fuckin weeb with the way you talk about him," Zack rolled his and walked closer to Oz. His hands were in his pockets." I already pinpointed where the real Dr.Mime was before him . In fact, I knocked his ass out with the mime that I punched." He said with a smug grin.

Zenpai Zenpai

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