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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

Johnny B. Crash

Johnny stepped off the bus, the last one out, his hands in his pockets and his lips inflating some bubble gum. He had a white T-shirt and some blue jeans on. A fairly standard backpack was on his back, nothing out of the ordinary. Except for the metal handle sticking out of said backpack, that was a little out of the ordinary. Lazily looking around, Johnny appraised his new campus. Hell of a step up from the run down joint he'd been at. He just hoped their sports program got as much budget as the buildings.

Looks like he missed the entrance ceremony. No sweat off his back, sounded boring. Looks like he was late for this 'arena' though. That sounds kinda fun. Moseying over that way, he noticed some fat guy had faceplanted into the ground. Oof, that'll leave a mark. Wincing in sympathy, Johnny kept walking and arrived at the arena at a leisurely pace. Looks like nothing was going on, students were mostly idling about or doing something to keep busy. Finding some space to himself, Johnny contiined to see how big he could blow up the gum before it bust. Johnny hoped it started before long lest he get bored.

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, The Arena )(Mood: Pumped up!)
    (Interactions: Oz, Kagami, and others. )
    (Mentions: Too many to list. )

    Awful, absolutely awful! Why did he have to be such a butterfingers? First time he tried putting the moves on some stunning babe at Luxor Academy and he managed to mess that up too! This whole experience was going to be like elementary school all the way up to high school all over again, he could just imagine all of the potential spit-wads being shot at him! But on a brighter side of things at least he was too portly to be stuffed into lockers or just about anywhere else but that was only a minor reassurance compared to daily harassment by other students or even evaluated poorly by his peers, Yakai's emotions fell frightful amidst nettled looks from his classmates, especially one of the students who was armed with a unique blade sheathed onto his backside which made the whole situation worse considering that moody attitude of his meant that almost guaranteed he was going to be the wordless protagonist of this escapade of his! But what was this? Mysterious jet-black symbols were sprawled out across his left forearm, only revealing themselves once he was able to take a better look at it in the presence of the sun's everlasting light. "He even has tattoos?!" No way! How was he suppose to keep up with that? He must be one of the coolest people on campus and he made a fool of himself in front of him as well?! Nervously curling his thick fingers against the flooring beneath him, he watched to his dismay as one of the unspoken characters approached him, wearing a silent expression that made Yakai even more concerned once he crouched down in front of him, probably to punch his lights out for putting the 'moves' on his friend? Expecting the worse it was only natural for Yakai to flinch until he turned back around to observe the mannerly fellow lending a helping hand by picking up his belongings and lending a comforting smile, patting his shoulder while letting out some words of advice to him.

    "Thank you.." Nobody was ever this nice to him except for his actual friends and this guy was a complete stranger! Likewise that one vampiric girl didn't even snicker menacingly at him, aside from giving a moderately disgusted look at his belongings she seemed genuinely concerned of his well being, asking him if he was 'okay' with a beaming smile after his humiliating tumble. "Yeah, i'll be fine! Uh, yeah i'll make sure to do that right away." Standing himself up with his canvas duffel bag, a touch of red brushed his cheeks as he shuffled past the woman and placed his equipment inside one of the many lockers behind the group while she begun speaking publicly to the surrounding students, making it obvious that she was in fact a teacher instead of an ordinary entry-level scholar when she explained their fist daunting assignment. "S-she's a teacher?!" His mind went completely blank, not only did he manage to mess up by eagerly smacking himself into a metal pole but he mistakenly was flirting with his instructor? No wonder why she was so courteous and well-spoken, hopefully she didn't think anything of it when he tried to lay down that corny pick-up line on her.

    Simulation? Changing landscape? Enemies? She definitely wasn't holding back any punches on this one, he knew that he'd have to put everything into practice! Friendship, Boundless will, and uh.. He didn't know what the third one was but it was probably along the lines of kicking butt or something like that! This was a make or break test to determine whether or not all of them are qualified for this program of theirs which meant if he failed these tests there wasn't any hope of him advancing onward, not to mention he would be sent back home! There wasn't anyway he was going to fail, not after working so hard to get to where he is now... There's no choice, he has to pass! "Ha! I'm pumped! This is it, the initiation test.. Are you excited too?" Lungs 'bursting' with determination, he shifted his sights back at one of the only people he could call his 'closest friends' for now which was Oz as he questioned his enthusiasm about the whole thing.

The heavyset fellow seemed to recover from his blunder rather quickly. Oz just attempted to pay attention to the instructor as she told them the reason they were in the arena. Some kind of test to see if they were capable of the program? Shouldn't be too difficult. Then again, Oz hadn't been a conduit for very long, and his powers weren't as advanced as he would have liked, and he felt slightly ill-prepared. Hopefully, his natural strengths could help in this situation.
"Uh yeah, I guess, but I think I'm more nervous than excited..." Oz trailed off. A thought crossed his mind. what if he uses up too much energy while he's practicing? He couldn't go into the simulation at anything but his best.
Oz tentatively raised a hand. "Uh, will the landscape actually change or is it simply an illusion? I might need a glass source in case I run out of energy. Or is there another way to get some?"

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Kisaki Kisaki
Clair had been on campus for quite some time at this stage, she just hadn't really attended anything she was supposed to have is all. Okay perhaps she should have attended the opening ceremony and perhaps she should have partaken in one of the guided tours but hey there was so much to do and see! Why would she waste her time doing something boring like that? Besides a school as famous as Luxor Academy surely had an online floor plan and map, right? Yep that's right, in fact, it had several but Clair opt to take after the most recent and relevant one she could find, that being the one on the academy's official website. So with a map on demand and time to kill from skipping the orientation where exactly did Clair end up?

Well actually, she ended up in quite a few places. The library for one, which might I add is incredibly huge and somewhat daunting in a roundabout way, the main courtyard and of course, some back ally she decided was more than likely an area to be avoided in future. Well as long as she had the will to live that is. Yep, three locations. Clair visited three locations and would have likely visited even more had she not grown bored and tired by that time. Sure the place was majestic in every sense of the word but it was boring! Half the place was locked up due to orientation and while normally she would have more than welcomed the warm embrace of solitude she yearned to converse with someone. Luckily her phone provided her with some much-needed amusement up until the time she needed to attend classes.

When the said time came Clair sought out a guide and thanks to his help she managed to make her way to the Arena, which again was huge and somewhat daunting, but felt oddly high tech in comparison to its appearance. Entering through the large metallic door Clair's eyes landed on those she assumed were her classmates and with that, her attention was almost immediately drawn to the awkward mannerisms of....did he actually have body pillows? Clair was thrown a curve ball from the get-go and her face couldn't hide the fact she was disgusted with the classmate of hers with said pillows. What the heck was going on? Was this some sort of prank? She turned away in disgust and quickly sought out miss Crimson from the crowd.

If the guide was right in how he went about describing her then Clair could only assume she was the one whispering in the corner. With a soft sigh, Clair proceeded to make her way over to the teacher and upon coming face to face with her said "Sorry I'm late, I'm Clair, Clair O'Reilly. This is the H.E.R.O course class correct?"
Kisaki Kisaki
mentioned: SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Zack Aurum

Zack walked into the arena with a bored look on his face. He skipped the ceremony since he seen it for the past four years he attended the school. He darted his eyes to Kagami and walked toward her. " Am I late?" He asked. " Kind of, but don't worry about being in trouble. Just go and practice with the others." Kagami said, pushing the red head toward the group of students. " You're welcome Yakai. " Giving the larger student a wink.

-Kagami Enoshima-
kenchin kenchin Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Zenpai Zenpai SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Uasal Uasal Meowfyre Meowfyre

Kagami turned to the new female student known as Clair. " You are just in time Clair and yes, this is the H.E.R.O class." The vampire replied without any amount of annoyance in her voice. The clock on the digital screen turned to zero, signaling to start the simulation. Her eyes darted to the group of students. " Could you please join your fellow classmates? Class is about to officially start." She asked politely, looking over her shoulder as another student passed her.

Kagami walked toward Oz and nodded with a toothy smile, eager to answer his question."Good question Oz! It is a mixture between illusion and technology. The arena will generate a labriynth with the selected landscape and npcs I choose. Nothing can actually hurt you physically but you'll still feel everything. If you recieve any damage that is considered fatal in real life you'll be booted out of the simulation."

"Oh, I almost forgot to give everyone these." Kagami reached into a box beside her and past out metal like stickers. " These will go on your temples. It's need for the simulation." She explained. The vampire turned to her friends, " You three should go up to the observer room. Come along darlings!" She urged as she walked through the open door and closed it once her friends were out the center of the arena. She lead them to observer deck with various holographic screens displayed on the window. Kagami reached for the microphone that layed with the other controllers. "I'm sorry that I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kagami Enoshima, one of your supposed H.E.R.O program teachers. I'll be starting the simulation in 30 seconds so please stand still." Kagami announced over the microphone. She pulled out the controller to the simulation machine and looked at the screen before her to see her options.

"Mystic City- Level 1" A unknown male voice could be heard throughout the arena. Then the arena was enveloped in a blue light instantly. The ground below the students disappeared, causing many to feel like they were free falling. Slowly, white outlines of buildings and people appeared, soon gaining their natural appearance after five more seconds. The outline of the arena or the school were no where in sight.

" Mission- Find the real Dr. Mime and defeat him. There are various copies within the city so make sure you spend your time attacking carefully. You have one hour to finish the mission." The male announcer continued. Large digital words of ' Start' appeared in front of the students before disappearing in thin air.
Rank- D+
Powers/ weapons- He has a bazooka launcher along with a pistol. He can create copies of himself but with slight to big charactericeristic differences. Dr. Mime is slow and can be distracted if you break his own silence.
Dr. Mime appears to look like a random clip art of a mime. The real Dr.Mime has have five stripes on his shirt.

Back in the observation room, Kagami stared at the screens before her. She didn't give the students all the information she knew about the test. Defeating the villian wasn't the main concern of the test. It also tested if students could prevent civilian casualities and minimize infrastructure damage. " Since will be here for an hour, who wants popcorn?" She asked her trio of friends.
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Dr. Mime
Various of Dr. Mimes appeared throughout the city. There were ten in total. The real Dr. Mime was stealing cash from the Central Bank and gone unoticed, while others caused chaos amoungst the city.
Johhny B. Crash

Johnny wacked the stickers on and in an instant he was out of school and in a city. Surveying where he'd ended up, Johnny was in some back alley with walls covered in graffiti and trash everywhere. He cpuld hear the sounds of cars driving and the hustle of the human race going about it's day. It reminded him of home. It was strangely peaceful. For all of five seconds, before gunshots and explosions broke the peace. Johnny ran out out of the alleyway and looked around for the nearest troublemaker. He saw...

...A mime? With a gun? And a rocket launcher? Somehow Johnny was beginning to suspect the teachers didn't think much of their prospective students. Whatever. Johnny spat out his gum and checked around for what he could use. Discarded beer bottle? Nah, too fragile. Some soda can? Nope, too light. Some old boot? Hmm, well not exactly aerodynamic, but it was heavy enough. Yeah, boot'll do.

Reaching over his shoulder, Johnny drew his bat out of his backpack. Picking up the boot, Johnny gave it a good toss straight up and took his stance. Knee's bent, feet apart, bat at his shoulder, eyes set on the target. Clenching his hands around the bat, Johnny waited for the boot to come down and at the right moment he swung. Bam. Woosh goes the boot, spinning through the air, and...

Thwack. Mime's head, meet boot. Boot, Mime's head. Looks like he was out cold. Smiling to himself, Johnny ran over to make sure the guy was out.
Oz sighs when he hears the instructor's response to his question. Sounds like I'll just have to go with what I've got... So much for practice as well. He tried to remain calm as the simulation started. He wasn't really prepared for the awe-inspiring work of the technology. He didn't have long to take in the scenery as the sounds of gunfire and explosions fill the air of the digital city, coming from many different directions. He only had one hour and apparently, this "Dr. Mime" had copies of himself. So naturally, he'd be where the clones aren't causing chaos, away from the commotion where he'd be unnoticed. Oz cursed under his breath following this train of thought. There are plenty of places that are quiet enough for him to slip by. The best place to start would be the clones, wouldn't it? Maybe he could get one of them to talk.
Oz dashed off towards one of the nearest signs of commotion. He ran through the streets and some of the televisions in the shop windows played advertisements of a friendly looking mime with five stripes on his shirt. "Whoever made this place has an awful sense of humor," he grumbles under his breath. The sounds got nearer as he approached where he heard the noise coming from. Machine generated citizens ran and screamed, nearly stampeding to get away from the source of all the noise. Oz pushed through the crowd to find a mime with seven stripes on his shirt silently laughing with a rocket launcher resting on his shoulder.
The mime doesn't take long to notice Oz wading through the masses of people rushing away from him. Oz rushed through the crowd, coming out of the other side to be face-to-face with the mime. The mime's face mimicked that of a laugh, although no noise escaped him. The mime Oz assumed was a clone aimed his rocket launcher at Oz. In response, he quickly put his arms up and a thick wall of glass shot up in front of him. Oz went flying backward as the rocket struck his shield, the explosion destroying the shield but leaving him mostly unharmed.
He stands back up, shaking his head. Trying to catch the mime off guard before he can fire another shot, Oz reached out his hand, making all the windows nearby explode outwards, as he focused the shards to fly towards the mime clone. He tried to keep the larger shards from hitting the mime, he would be no use to him dead. Luckily, the mime didn't receive any major wounds and was knocked over on the ground, his weapons scattered out of his reach.
Oz approached, reaching out a hand once more, causing glass to creep up the mime's body, encasing all but his head. He crouched down next to the mime clone, looking him in the eyes. "Where is the real Dr. Mime?" He asks a stern look covering his features.
"Qu'est-ce que tu racontes? Je suis le vrai Dr.Mime!" The mime shouted.
Oz rolled his eyes and leaned forward. "Je sais que tu ne l'es pas. Dis-moi la vérité," Oz said sternly.
"C'est la vérité!" The mime shouted.
"Dis-moi où est le vrai Dr. Mime ou tu le regretteras," Oz growls, the glass near the mime's neck sharpening into points and nearing his throat.
"Je ne dirai jamais!" The mime claimed.
Oz sighed. "très bien." The glass near the mime's neck drew closer, the sharp glass barbs pressing into his skin, going so far as to draw blood.
"ATTENDEZ!" The mime shouted, causing Oz to stop the advancement of the glass.
"Dîtes-moi." Oz commanded.
"Il est là où le reste d'entre nous ne sont pas, en fourrant ses poches." The mime explained.
"Farce ses poches?" Oz repeated him in confusion.
Oz sighed and made the glass spikes pull out of his neck. He stood up, brushing off his legs. "Well, at least they programmed a sense of self-preservation into you guys."
With that, he began walking away. "Stuffing his pockets, huh?"
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  • (Location: Luxor Academy, The Arena )(Mood: Tied up.)
    (Interactions: A lot of people )
    (Mentions: Too many to list. )

    Unfortunately Oz didn't share the same indistinguishable cheerfulness that Yakai had! Skepticism dawdled within the polite timbre of his voice as he voiced his concern, of course he had every single right to be nervous bearing in mind the fact that this was an 'all or nothing' experiment to see if they had what it takes to pursue and fulfill the foot steps of former heroes! This whole scenario was definitely nothing to scoff at, seeing someone as collected as Oz made him slightly nervous for the ensuing events to follow... Even if somehow he was miraculously able to pass through these trials without so much as failing, he'd then have to make-up for it by always demonstrating his powers and keeping up with his fellow classmates furthermore having the difficulty in trails increase with each passing day going by! Droplets of sweat trailed down from his forehead as he thought more in depth about what he'd just gotten himself into, was receiving the title of Hero really worth putting his life on the line for? What would he do if he got seriously injured? Nobody is going to be able to properly take care of his feathery stuffed waifus except for him and even imagining someone auctioning off his priceless comic magazines made his blood boil with an unquestionable rage just having some booger finger child touching those pristine pages, if it was gonna be anyone's booger fingers then they were going to be from Yakai! "Hmph, I accept this honorable challenge!"

    Altering his whole body-weight, Yakai impressively struck what he thought was to be a noble stance by shifting one of his arms to the side and pointing up towards the sky while shakily balancing himself on one foot which for someone that large it was kind of amazing to see but in any case it was still uncomfortable to see when it came to other people who were trying their best not to laugh or say something rude, mainly because Miss Crimson speaking over the class and giving them proper instructions about the simulation before shooting a playful wink at Yakai who didn't expect her to do anything like that! "Nani?!" His heart felt as if it had sunk to the heels of his feet causing him to jolt backwards in a 'bombshell' of astonishment. "A r-r-real girl w-winked at me?!" He frantically thought of an explanation for it but he couldn't believe that his own teacher shot him a cutesy gesture, this must've meant she liked him to some degree, right? Being the chivalrous white knight that he was, Yakai was going to have to approach her sometime soon and talk to her about going on a date but where would he even take her? Maybe she'd like to watch a whole bunch of anime with him or something! Thank goodness he was taken back to reality by the unanticipated starting sound of the simulation being booted up which didn't take too much time for him to realize that he was literally plunging down from the cloudy sky and hurtling towards the ground at a breakneck pace. "Holy shit, i'm going to die!" Hugging himself and praying for the best, he soon opened his eyes to find himself with his arms and legs spread across the ground and moving aimlessly as if he were trying to make a snow-angel to save his life but soon recognized he was already safe and that there were a whole bunch of maniacal mimes across the street robbing a bank full of hologram pedestrians.

    Artificial intelligence or not, he was going to save those blue flickering human lights and make sure these dastardly foes weren't going to get any money from that bank even if it meant he had to stand his ground and put up with these hooligans! They were going to know what true pain and justice would look like. "Alright, bring it on!" He clenched his fist aggressively as he walked inside the bank before swinging out his index finger and pointing to the mimes that were stuffing loads of 'moolah' into lengthy burlap bags. "Ha, Ha, Ha! Your times of heinous deeds stops now Mr.Mime! For I, Captain Manga shall put an end to this!" Suddenly an intense fight had broke out in the bank! Fists, Kicks, Doritos, and even Mountain Dew bottles flung in every direction before it all came to a screeching halt with Yakai being tied to a chair with a bunch of rope as the disappointed mimes continued gathering lumps of cash and other valuables.

    "Instead of a bank robbery, it now became a hostage situation... Jeeze what a mess." Miss Spotlight could be distinguished emerging from seemingly nowhere right behind Kagami, it was disbelieving how briskly she had showed up to the Arena since she had been previously seen on the bridge just minutes ago signing autographs and having people stand in line to personally compliment her as she proudly stood soaking it all up like a thirsty sponge. "Hm, so far the adorable looking one with spiky hair and a baseball bat is taking the lead." Crossing both of her arms underneath the 'hefty weight' of her chest, she gingerly paid attention to the fine details in his technique while standing behind the one-way glass. He definitely had potential when it came to his power, Johnny was able to easily take out a D villain with nothing but a dirty old boot which even with such a low-ranking it was still quite impressive.

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Cody follows (sorry mind was in multiple places) Kagami to the room with aiko and the others, once there he examined the room, he seemed calm now, and enjoyed his friends company, he can't stand being alone anymore.. Once offered popcorn, he smiled and nods. "Yes please!" he said. "I can pop them if anyone wants?" he said as his hands turned red hot. When he heard a voice behind him and the group, he almost lunged at the person, but looked instead of reacted, he didn't move this time. "You almost made me grab that face of yours spotlight..." he said as his hands cooled off and now are back to normal body temp.


When given the stickers, she puts them on. Knowing they might be pain sticks.. When the sim started she smiled, she can guess where the real one might be, observing the battle, she points her hands down at the ground and rockets up onto the nearest low building, going roof to roof until she reached a spot high up to look around. She felt smart. "There's no way the real one would be down there in the group risking death, he would most likely be watching..." she looks around for him and sees nothing that would fit what she thought.. "Damn, guess I was wrong... " she said and sits down. "I'll give it a moment, need to rest anyway.'' she mumbles to herself. Sitting down the watch the chaos herself. Having jumped roof to roof, up about 200-400 feet, she felt a bit tired, she hasn't done it before... Besides, it was a simulation.. Then a brick slams into Peskis head, she spun around to see a mime, she growls and pulls out a old revolver from her back holster, it was loaded with silver bullets, still deadly. She takes aim and quickly fires three rounds center mass, she misses as the mime some how made an invisible wall, "Oh great.." she said and takes out a small silver sword and attacks the mime, the mime was fast and silent, Peskis swings making the mime struggle at times. She swung high making him duck face first into her revolvers barrel, she grins and quickly empties the cylinder into the mimes head. "Guess that wasn't him... but that was fun!" she said and jumps off the building, using fire that shot from her heels slow her fall down until she landed in a group of mimes, she grins and does a quick sword spin, killing the small group. A bit of blood on her upper lip was licked off by herself, "Fake and tasteless.." she almost sadistically laughed, but shook her head, snapping back to her normal self. She then starts to hunt the mime now, the real one, actually trying.

Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
kenchin kenchin

In the area:
Zenpai Zenpai
Uasal Uasal
Meowfyre Meowfyre
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After introducing herself to the teacher in charge Clair was informed she was in fact just in time for class. Some of the details she had obviously missed as a result of her late arrival but thanks to Crimson's following explanation she had a pretty good grasp on what was about to go down. That is both her and her classmates were going to be transported into a full dive simulation. A full dive simulation being a simulation in which a human(or demihuman or whatever) consciousness is uploaded to a secure network to partake in a simulation. This type of simulation was extremely advanced and to Clair's knowledge, only the military had access to such advanced tech. It was experimental tech unavailable to the masses but from what Clair had read up on it seemed to be accurately able to fully immerse those within. If the rumours were true this bad boy was going to be capable of transmitting highly accurate senses. In other words, this had the potential to hurt, a lot.

When the small metallic sticker was passed out to herself and her fellow classmates Clair's expression went almost instantly blank. If what Crimson was saying was true, this little sticker was a neural link. The teacher had literally just handed her the equivalent to a weapon of mass destruction, it was more or less a hard wire straight into the schools most advanced system. The worlds most advanced simulation system. This... this was going to be fun!

When the simulation eventually started Clair found herself spawned within a dark alleyway somewhere near the city centre. There was gunfire, screaming and even the occasional explosion coming from seemingly all around her. But Clair, Clair wasn't interested in that commotion what so ever. No, she had bigger plans. Better plans. The announcer voice soon came into play and in response to its piece, Clair simply found herself a box and took a seat right atop it smiling seemingly harmlessly to herself "One hour huh, let's see what I can do!"

Clair closed her eyes and seemed to be in a deep sleep of sorts for a brief few minutes. that was until she eventually and spontaneously shot wide awake and began into a flurry of... imaginary typing? That's what she was doing right? It's okay I know what she was actually doing but for those who were either spectating her or just so happened to pass by that's likely what you thought. Anyway, Clair was in fact typing. And she was doing so with two keyboards... not actual keyboards but a display keyboards. Virtual keyboards she could see in her mind's eye. Clair was attempting to do the unheard of. She was hacking into the simulation and so far she was doing quite well. Not a single alarm had been triggered. "Oh come on! This is far too easy! Hit me with a curveball already!"
Zack Aurum

Zack put on the stickers that Kagami gave out and thanked her. "Weeb." The half blood mumbled after glancing at Yakai. He crossed his arms and awaited for the program to start. He knew Kagami would choose the lowest level that was there to be offer, so the simulation test should be easy for him. A smile appeared on his face when he started to see a bright light engulf his surrondings as he began to fall. Zack rolled his baby blue eyes at the fat one as they free falled. He released his salt and pepper wings in mid air and flew to the highest building within the fake city. Mystic city was based off of the lower district of Edenia. With this knowledge he could easily get around the simulated landscape. Zack hopped off the building and swooped down into a narrow alleyway. Pictures of his supposed target had a five stripped shirt and appeared as if he was some type of clipart. " Why did she choose such a ridiculous villian. It would be almost sad for me to beat him up. Just almost." The half blood said to himself. He started to wonder why even agreed to join the program his dad created.

Zack decided he'll just punch every copy he sees just for the fun of it. Maybe after thirty minutes in he'll start searching for the real one. The red headed boy started to walk out the alleyway, turning his head to a copy. He walked up to the copied mime and tapped him on his shoulders. The copy of Dr. Mime slowly turned around and was meet with a powerful punch that sent him through the window of the Central Bank.
Oz let out a small sigh when he heard a familiar voice. The guy from before was yelling cliche superhero lines at what he only assumed could be more mimes. Considering how much trouble he had with simply walking, it was probably best if Oz lent him a helping hand. Changing course, Oz began to head towards the commotion being caused by Yakai. He came to a stop before the bank, seeing mimes stuffing money into bags, Yakai tied to a chair, and for some reason, chips and bottles of soda. Oz quickly got over his confusion about where the snacks came from and tried to think of a plan that would resolve this hostage mess. This was also likely where the real Dr. Mime was. He had a vague plan, but it was risky, considering he didn't quite know what his powers could do and he had no clue what Yakai's abilities were. He took a deep breath to steady himself and tried something he had only thought about in theory. But before he tried that, he should at least try to recharge. He placed the palm of his hand on a nearby window and focused on the glass there. Cracks formed like a web on the glass, before breaking into shards and absorbing into his skin.
Feeling rather refreshed, he crouched down, feeling a pressure build up in his lower legs. He quickly extended his legs again, and he shot upwards into the air. Unfortunately, he seemed to be rather unaccustomed to flying upwards and he landed ungracefully on the roof of a building. He quickly stood up and got his bearings, finding the bank with the mimes and "Captain Manga". He just hoped the mimes didn't think to look up in the next few seconds. He backed to the opposite edge of the rooftop and ran towards the end facing the bank. As he reached the edge, he jumped his hands almost instinctively reaching out towards the ground. His descent was slowed, small bits of glass and dust swirling around him, causing to almost float to the roof of the bank. He let out a sigh of relief as he landed silently on top of the bank. He then dropped off the roof, out of sight of the mimes. He reached out with his power and made a nearby window open and slipped inside.
He approached behind Yakai while the mimes were away. "Don't say anything. It's me." He whispered as a shard of glass appeared in his right hand. He used the shard to cut the ropes binding Yakai. "I don't know what your powers are, but can you at least cause a distraction? And don't get captured again, dammit." He said in a hushed voice.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
And..... yep there was the curveball, just how encrypted was this damn system? It was as if for every encryption she broke another four would be created. She was at an impasse. This plan of attack was a bust! Damn, and she was so close too. Oh well on to another. If cracking the encryption was getting her nowhere she'd have to get more resourceful. With a loud sigh, Clair brought her hands to her ears and pressed down firmly as she thought on the subject.

Minutes went by and after multiple irritated grumbles and signs Clair came up with a solution. let me explain. Let's say you were planning on robbing a store. If the store had bulletproof windows, a big ass locked door and some reinforced walls... what would be the best way to get inside? Clair had been trying to break through the windows all this time and she had been using bullets to do so. pointless right? Definitely not the way you want to go about it! Instead, she needed to find a key. and to so that she needed to find someone who had the key and well that was easier said than done. But Clair had hope, no one and nothing was going to take this opportunity away from her! Especially some stupidly advanced encryption software.

Now how would she find this key? Well, actually she already had a plan for that thought out. This simulation software was undoubtedly used by staff for various reasons and considering the fact her teacher was controlling the simulation at the moment it would stand that she was an admin. And if one teacher was an admin, well all teachers were likely admins. Now all she had to do was find an account that belonged to a teacher and somehow crack its password. Simple right?

Yeh... it wasn't that simple. almost all the user accounts Clair could find within her neral links history were heavily randomised in terms of usernames. They were computer generated it was going to be impossible to tell a teachers account from students. "Wait... did she really..... you have to be kidding me! What a dunce! hahaha! I guess she is of some use after all!". Among the list of computer generated accounts stood one proudly edited account: _JMS_Spotlight_xxx

"Now, what could her password possibly be..."
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Kisaki Kisaki
Johnny B. Crash

Idly poking the knocked out mime with his bat, Johnny figured that was enough of a confirmation for him. Resting his bat on his shoulder, Johnny turned his ear to the wind and listened to the noise. There was plenty more explosions and gun shots going off, this was one crazy party. The biggest noise seemed to be coming from the bank. He was starting to get into this hero business, if it meant smashing some goons then it wasn't too bad a gig. Sprinting down the street, Johnny couldn't help but give a big toothy grin. This was pretty fun. About 3 blocks from the bank, Johnny spotted two more mimes causing a ruckus. Giving his bat a little spin, Johnny leaned down and grabbed a rock from a tree-bed and threw it up into the air. This time he jumped, bringing his bat high above his head and at the apex swung down, dunking the rock and sending it shooting down at one of the mimes. With a loud crack one mime was down and if he was real, would probably have a concussion.

The other mime swiveled around and brought up his pistol, with a bang a bullet was rocketing at Johnny. Twisting his body, the bullet ever so barely missed him and with "grace" Johnny landed on the bricks. Finding one of the bricks loose, Johnny grabbed it and scrambled behind a car. Shots dinged the car's hood before the mime paused his gunfire. Peeking out, Johnny saw the guy loading his RPG and Johnny's grin widened. He felt the excitement, the thrill of a life or death fight. His blood responded to his emotions and as Johnny clenched his fist on the car the metal was bent by his fingers. Throwing up the brick, Johnny brought up his bat and swung, sending the brick hurtling at the poor mime. With a meaty thwock the brick smacked into the mime's chest and he was sent hurtling back 10 feet until he impacted a wall.

Grinning and idly wiping off his nose, Johnny jogged towards the bank. About 1 block from there he idly saw a girl with her hands in the air, typing like she just don't care. Stopping to stare at her, he called out, "Uh, yo! Pintinho! We're supposed to be beating the mimes, I'm not sure how your interpretive dance number is gonna help with that. Ya might wanna get going." Not waiting for her reply, Johnny resumed jogging.

Uasal Uasal

"...ZZZ...ZZZ...ZZZ...? Huh? ...ugh...i hate mornings..."

seen loafing around on a rooftop in the city was seen a young hooded man whose face cannot be seen, it appears, as though he was taking a nap on-top of the roof, upon waking up, he yawns before scratching his back, picking his nose and flicking a booger off from the roof, as he sits near its edge, looking out towards the city, saying to himself the words:

"...Huh...must be a whole load of hustle and bustle, i wonder what's going on? ...oh well, can't be too important, still...better go check it out, just in case."

said the young hooded man, as he had keen hearing enough that he could hear noise going throughout the entire city, deciding to find out what's going on, the young man leaps off from the edge of the roof, shockingly and surprisingly summoning black colored flames from beneath the soles of his shoes to levitate himself with down towards the ground, as he then reached the ground itself before wiping off a bit of dust from on his left shoulder.

A Jet-Black Start-<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>.​
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Zack Aurum

Zack wings slowly disappeared into thin air as he walked futher up the road. A few feet a way he spotted, what he assumed as a baseball player hitting mimes into the air. Close by was a girl who had not put any effort into fighting. She seemed to be just standing and typing something in the air. He decided to greet the two so he could have some company.

"I agree with this dude. I don't think it's a great idea to be typing here. You should be kicking mime ass." Zack said as he came closer to the baseball dude and computer girl. He looked at Johnny curiously for a moment. He was certianly powerful with his bat. He hoped to maybe challenge the bat boy in the future when his father isn't around. " Anyways, I say we head to that bank over there. If I was a villian I would be robbing a bank." He stated, pointing to the bank with his right thumb. "Plus, there seems to be a increasingly number of mimes over in that direction."

Meowfyre Meowfyre
Uasal Uasal
Aiko Kirishima

Used the simulations cameras to monitor all the students simultaneously. She typed on the keyboard real fast to change cameras quickly while she monitors in inhuman speeds saying anything relevant events. "Yakai Damanji has been taken hostage." She said monotonically to the rest of the trio in the observation room. "Someone has hacked into the artificial firewall." She said bringing up an IP address and webcam image of Clair typing away. "Permission to lock out?" She asked Kagami preparing to shut her out of the artificial firewall made by the mimes. She was still monitoring the other students. She did not request for popcorn unless it was caramel coated.

Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 kenchin kenchin
While Clair was deep in thought on the subject of Miss Spotlight's password Johnny happened to pass by and upon calling out to her Clair jumped back to reality with a small shift of surprise. She had gotten so into the task she set herself she didn't even notice his approach, god she needed to be more careful. Had that been a mime she mightn't have even gotten the chance to suss out the password. Smiling softly Clair let his remarks on her actions slide, he didn't exactly seem like he'd understand the complexity of her actions anyway. It was easier to just let it slide then go into detail.

Luckily for Clair, he seemed to move on just as quickly as he showed up, with him gone she could refocus on the password and with any luck gain the access she yearned for. However, it wasn't too long until another member of the class showed up, Clair remembered him being somewhat friendly with the teachers... perhaps he could help! Haha yes! This was turning out to be quite an elaborate sequence of events. "You, you're absolutely right! I should be beating up some mimes right about now..... and I'll get to that..... eventually. But hey! Let me ask you a question first!"

Clair jumped up from the crate she was sitting on as she spoke and as she continued to do so she bared a devilish smile upon her face "Alright if you were an absolute bimbo who longed for constant approval from those around you. Like constant approval! The kind of bimbo who puts her looks above all else and goes around practically naked! And let's just say you had an ego the size of the galaxy itself with little to no personal code of ethics or glimmer of self-respect! IF you were good for nothing other than fanfare and had obviously undergone breast enlargement! If you were Miss Spotlight What would you use as a password?"
Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Meowfyre Meowfyre
Kristofer "Kay" Steinkuhler
Location: A few minutes away from Luxor Academy | Mood: Feeling violated
Interactions: Sierra Doyle ( SidTheSkid SidTheSkid )

It was Kristofer's misapprehension that because the bus was a monitored by cameras and chalk full of people that nothing weird would happen. But he was wrong. A woman dressed as a chef, reeking of the salty smell of blood, and with a terrifying smile on her face sat down next to him. A few moments later, she was crooning disturbingly intrusive things while rubbing his ear gently.

"Hey! Stop! That tickles," Kristofer complained, swatting the woman's hand away, "I'm not someone that you can treat like some dog!"

At that moment, the chipper morning tunes were interrupted, it was replaced by a public service announcement, "Attention, this is not a drill.. Edenia is under a city-wide man hunt after a prison break at ADX! It is said that Sierra Doyle, was one of the few that have escaped from containment, she is considered a level A security threat by the HERO association! Do not approach, if seen make sure to call the emergency hotline immediately."

The lady made a comment on the statement. In all honesty, Kristofer wasn't too eager to reply to it, he had someone else on his mind. But he did anyway, "I suppose it would be exceptionally freaky if this 'Sierra Doyle' person was on this exact bus. It's crowded, so I wouldn't put it out of the picture."
He thought he could be alone with his thoughts afterward, but unfortunately, the chef lady didn't think on the same line as him, asking him why he was at Luxor Academy.

"Well, I was thinking I could get something out of being in the HERO program," Kristofer replied, "Glory, entertainment, exhilaration."
He hoped that the woman would stop talking, and thankfully that was her last question. So into his thoughts Kristofer went, wondering if the lady sitting right next to him was indeed Sierra Doyle. It seemed entirely possible. She did smell strongly of blood, not from a little gash nor from something that a chef might have to deal with. In fact, it smelled analogous to if someone were to spill an entire bottle of beer on their clothes. Obvious, bold, and rancid. And her behavior, looking outside as if someone was tracking her, her giddiness as if she were insane, it didn't dispell Kristofer's suspicions. But then again, even if she were, it seemed like a horrible plan to be aboard a bus. It would put her in a position where probability had it that someone would recognize her.

But once again, rudely thrown out of his thoughts, an obstacle was thrown at him. The bus lurched, then there was a horrible sound of metal on metal absolutely killed everyone's eardrums. The bus had crashed, into the car in front. Kristofer thought it wasn't possible for bus operators to crash, but apparently, this one did. Perhaps the mayhem of so many cars, as well as the heavier weight of the bus was the cause of that. But it didn't stem Kristofer's outburst.
"You fecking swine!" Kristofer cursed at the bus driver, "Are you even goddamn certified to drive this bus? Because you sure don't seem like it. I'm getting off right now!"

It was a good excuse to get out of the uncomfortable situation with the lady touching his fox ears. Kristofer ignored the sign that said to push the handlebars of the door and instead kicked them open, stomping out, and hoping that the could-or-could-not-be serial killer would not follow him. He probably didn't need to make such a scene, but it was fun to do so. And the expression of dispair on the bus driver's face as he realized that it was entirely possible that he would lose his job was gleeful for Kristofer.
Luxor Academy stood very close. It would only take a few minutes of walking and a bit of jaywalking to get there. From here, Kristofer would move by foot.

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, The Arena )(Mood: K.O. )
    (Interactions: A lot of people )
    (Mentions: Too many to list. )

    Yakai was helplessly ensnared in a clump of bindings fastened around one of the pieces of furniture in the bank, escaping was utterly useless as far as attempting to break free of these layers of rope but he did have a sense of unease at the worn-out legs of the chair beginning to give out due to his ample size teaming up with gravity to punish these antique chairs! None of the mimes also seem interested in paying attention to the hapless character struggling to free himself once money became a number one priority for them. "Oh, this is about as fun as it gets right here." He whistled in a sarcastic voice while staring blindly at the inanimate surroundings of the room up to the point where he was under the real impression that he was going to actually die from boredom, aren't mimes suppose to be entertaining? If that's the case than this Mr.Mime character better forfeit his 'miming license'. Mercifully he didn't have to suffer from sensory deprivation for long since Oz must've been his guardian angel judging from the fact he descended from out of nowhere behind him, did he come from the Heavens or something or did he just have a knack for helping out big defenseless weeaboos? In any manner he sure was delighted to hear that well-spoken acquaintance's voice behind him, although he nearly freaked out once he heard his voice and saw the jagged piece of glass forming in his right hand! Talk about not being subtle at all but it's better than it being ally that someone wanting to murder him in front of a bunch of clueless mimes.

    "Distraction? Yeah, I can totally do that!" In one swift motion Yakai hoisted up his arms and broke free from the loose bindings in almost a symbolic motion as he rose from his imprisonment which collected a few unexpected looks from the mimes who had just got done filling up their wool bags full of coinage and other dough, believing that Oz would've already calculated this and hid himself in the shadows it was now up to Yakai to block their route of escape in a swift fashion but how? They were several feet away and Yakai was not as nearly as fast as he thought he was, not even running with his arms held backward like his favorite anime character would help him run faster! All was almost lost until he came up with an idea that accounted for his round physique plus made sure he was going to take care of those mimes in a single strike and like that a new signature move was created inside of his head which to be fair looked a lot cooler in his head when he put the plan into action. "Rolling Thunder!" Crunching down and putting himself into a forced fetal position, Yakai wrapped his arms around his legs and used the balls of his feet to rock himself forward until he was rolling forward and gaining momentum on the group of would-be robber before plowing into them like they were a bunch of bowling pins, one mime after another soared through the air majestically previous to hitting the unforgiving ground. "Wait, I actually did something?" Sure it wasn't the greatest move but it did take out two of the mimes who were lying unconscious on the broken furniture they had crashed through, the rest were completely disoriented and were up for easy pickings that were just ripe for Oz. "Ah-ha! See that world? I Yakai have finally found my po-" Wham, like that a random apparition of a mime flew through one of the nearby windows and collided against Yakai's head rendering him completely useless as he twitched occasionally on the floor.

    Meanwhile Miss Spotlight was keeping a close-eye on a few of the students from the heavily-reinforced spectating area from atop of the arena. Luxor's unpleasant child of course was able to clear his way through each incompetent mime that was foolish enough to even get close to him, although his lack of awareness made it dangerous for those around him which was clear by Yakai's disastrous encounter with a careless volley of a mime. "Yakai has been eliminated." She projected her soft voice over the intercom with the press of a button, knowing that if he stayed in the simulation chamber in that condition it would possibly be a danger to his life. "Do not worry, he is safe! Medical teams have already been dispatched to the area and the enemies are programmed not to harm downed classmates or paramedics." Straying her finger away from the button, Miss Spotlight skimmed her eyes through the display screens only to notice one of the female students sitting completely motionless before being immediately distracted by a bunch of notifications being sent to her tablet which had begun sounding off like in a continuous pattern as she retrieved her phone and investigated the issue. "That bitch!" Zooming to the side of Aiko, Miss Spotlight cautiously led her ear to the intergrated speakers of the television in a desperate attempt to snoop in on the conversation that Clair and
    Zack were having, a scowl formed over her face as she heard the word "Bimbo" playing back in her ear. "What?! Oh-ho-ho.. If she thinks she can play these games with me then she has another thing coming! Aiko, lock her out! If she gets into the system she'll jeopardize the safety of everyone in the simulation!" Secretly Miss Spotlight was more worried about her nudes being leaked after she had forgot to delete them on her account after using it as a placeholder for selfies and other photographs.

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Aiko Kirishima


"Understood." Aiko replied, having received orders from someone within the controls, proceeded to lock Clair out through the addition of Increased firewalls. Adding more faster than she could bypass. She was typing away relentlessly onto the controls making new firewalls in fractions of a second each with unique encryptions. She had essentially cut her off by disabling her IP address afterwards from accessing. Her tablet had turned off as well as an extra act of good measure as it had been infected temporarily. She was as Machine like as always not questioning why Miss spotlight is even here or why she didn't wait for actual commands from Kagami.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 kenchin kenchin Uasal Uasal
Oz backed out of sight as Yakai stood up and began to disrupt the mimes. He took a few out before being made helpless once again. Oz pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Luckily, the mime that took Yakai out came through a window and now was covered in glass dust and shards. Oz's fingers twitched as his ability reached out to the glass. The shards and dust on the mime trembled before shooting straight into his eyes. The mime let out a silent scream and stumbled around, blinded. Oz stalked over to him and punched the mime across his face with all his strength, knocking him out. Oz grabbed the mime's wrists, lifting them up and using glass to secure his hands to the wall, making any attempts to help his fellow mimes futile. He then approached Yakai, and with some effort, dragged him out of the way and hid him behind a desk.
He rubbed his forehead, letting out a quiet sigh. If the real Dr. Mime is anything like his clones, he should be fairly easy to deal with.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Clair stood in a confident manner as she awaited a response from her red-haired and battle-ready classmate. All that stood in her way now was this password, once she got past that everything would become a whole lot easier. Once she got past that she'd have free reign over the system! Once she got past tha.... "What the fuck? No, no, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! I didn't trigger any alarms! The system couldn't possibly be reacting to my actions already heck it doesn't even know what I'm doing yet!"

Spinning on the spot Clair shot her hands out wide and brought up several displays within her mind. After just a few seconds of reading said displays and with just another few spent delving deeper into the information presented to her she was made certain this was an outside response. An outside response that had royally fucked up her plan. Whoever it was that was up to this, sure knew what they were doing. Firewalls were being created and distributed at a blinding pace and to top it off Clair was already detecting numerous attempts of a lockout on her own account. This was serious, if Clair didn't act fast there was no way she'd get her chance to mess around in the simulation!

Thinking on her feet Clair came to the conclusion that she could only focus on one of the two major issues at a time. If she wanted to stay online she needed to focus on the lockout and if she wanted to get into the system at all he needed to focus on the mass multiplying firewalls. She couldn't do both at once. Or could she? That was when it hit her, she had a secret weapon of her own. Her own AI Cerberus! Clair was hardwired into the arena, and her AI was, in turn, hardwired into her through her smartwatch. Logic would stand a connection could be made. Perhaps, maybe, okay it was doubtful but worth a try.

"Cerberus are you there buddy?"
"Cerberus is online and awaiting orders. Warning, warning tablet 01 has been compromised. Connection lost. Attempting reboot, reboot initiated estimate recovery time one minute and counting 59-58-57"

And the connection was solid, that was at least something. Now that she had Cerberus she could outsource some of the workload. This was a great help! "Cerberus, divert all processing power to decoding and breaching the encrypted firewalls. Get me back to that login screen!"

"Order received. Initiating breach. Estimated firewalls appearing per second... multiple per fraction of a second confirmed. Calibrating, Calibrating. Breaching initiated, estimated time remaining... ten seconds"

And just like that Clair's AI went to work. The firewalls practically disintegrated in the blink of an eye, whoever was behind their creation was in for the shock of their life.

"Alright, we're back in business! Haha, this is proving to be quite fun! Hmm, let's see....I reckon a little payback is in order!" Clair was visibly quite pleased with the situation and once again completely oblivious to her surroundings. In fact, those around her were likely fully convinced she had a touch of psychosis by now. She was not only talking to herself but typing even faster than before. She was working up a sweat and for seemingly no reason!

Once the ten seconds had passed Clair quickly took a stab in the dark and jotted down the first stupid password she could think of in the mindset of that bimbo "MissSpotlightissexy". And......... "oh you have got to be kidding me!" She was in!

"Alright first order of business! Arena, transfer Admin privileges to Account designation: zrthj80k"

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Kisaki Kisaki Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Zack Aurum

Zack avoided Miss Spotlight for the time he had attended the school. However, the knowledge of her egotistical mindset lead to him narrowing his answer. " Miss Spotlight or even Sexy Spotlight." He answered. He believed the older women wasn't that bright in the head when it came to keeping secret. The boy's eyes dart over to the figure laying on the floor near the bank. He was passed out, laying near the broken glass from the window. "Shit, I think I killed that weeb with the mime from earlier." Zack ran his hands through his red hair. He hoped he didn't effect his chances of being officaly apart of the H.E.R.O program.

Zack put his attention back to Clair. She seemed to successfully hack into what he assumed was the simulation they were in. "That was going to be my third guess." He stated. " Now what are you going to exactly do now that you hacked into the simulation?" He asked, looking at her with a confused look.

Uasal Uasal Meowfyre Meowfyre

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