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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

Aiko Kirishima

Aiko simply read her book next to Kagami. When she talked to her about how Clair could be an asset she simply responded with, "I see." in he trademark monotonous voice and continued to flip the pages of her book as she read.

Kisaki Kisaki
Nizaki walked into the arena uncertainly. He was somewhat nervouse about being here. He hadn't anyone here as of yet and didn't really know his way around. He looked around hoping to find someone, anyone, to talk to. He gulped silently feeling chills run up his spine. It was only now dawning on him that being here meant that he had a shot at being a hero.
Oz glared at him. "We only met today and he's a nice guy. I'm standing up for him because you're talking shit about him behind his back and he doesn't deserve that. Frankly, you are being quite rude." He spoke clearly, shifting into a more intimidating and imposing posture like second nature. Maybe all the things his family crammed into his head were more useful than he gave them credit. He took in a long breath and let it go slowly, steadying himself. "Yeah, and I'm sure you planned that," He said, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm and disdain. "You surely use your brain every now and then, right?"

Kisaki Kisaki

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Luxor's Office )(Mood: Revenge )
    (Interactions: Clair, Luxor, and Everyone in The Arena )
    (Mentions: Too many to list. )

    Why? Out of all the people on the campus why did it have to be a female egg-head? Obviously this little know-it-all must've had this all planned from the beginning, breaking into restricted software not to mention it being also state of the art wasn't something that you'd go off on a whim and do, meaning she must've planned up this little malicious scheme of hers for quite some-time now! Miss Spotlight couldn't even come close to guessing why she'd toss away an opportunity of getting into such a prestigious academy unless her intentions were truly immoral and she was working with someone, clearly she harbored a vendetta against Jessica due to her previous comments being announced but Miss Spotlight couldn't figure out how someone that she had never came into contact with hated her. "You have no idea what kind of situation you've placed yourself into haven't you? Breaching into government property not to mention risking the lives of those around you as if it were some sort of game! You'd best hope that an expulsion is the only thing you're getting." Like an undying flame Jessica's vexation sustained, Hundun almost felt sympathetic for the undergraduate who was being literally drug to the principal's office like a limp doll in spite of that she did have this unnecessary handling coming, once she broke into the H.E.R.O Association's property it automatically replaced her civilian status with that of a villain, if anything she could've been treated a lot worse by Jessica.

    "We're here." With a boorish huff, Hundun leisurely pushed open the double-doors to the office to which all three of them were greeted with a relaxing view of the warm-colored office and of a focused Luxor skimming his fingers through manilla folders, as per usual the flaxen haired angel was hard at work to make sure everything was organized for the entry-year students. "Observant as always." Hundun mouthed, slightly impressed with the man's vigilance as he sat down beside Miss Spotlight whom at the time was making sure to keep Clair in her grip at all times in-case she tried to escape. "What didn't she do?! This she-devil in human skin endangered the lives of students and heroes by hacking into our simulation software! If I were you i'd simply expel her and be done with it." Miss Spotlight was hoping that Luxor would just remove her from the campus immediately but Hundun simply interjected with a retort to the woman's comment. "Getting through our security measures is no easy feat, neither is standing ground against Aiko in a battle of wits.. I say we keep her." This only managed to make Miss Spotlight even more agitated with the matter at hand making her roll her eyes at his opinion and nearly going off on him until she saw Luxor speaking up.

    Meanwhile... Yakai wiped away whatever drool he had left dribbling from his lower lip, thinking deeply about what he had saw in the simulation was almost worth failing the entry-exam! Jessica's naked photographs breezed through his mind like a slideshow presentation as he wobbled is day-dreaming self through the busted down walkway and into the debriefing area already preparing himself to be disappointed at the results of the exam but to his surprise, everyone managed to pass with flying colors! Somehow..! Not only did he get to see an undressed heroine but has also managed to get himself into the H.E.R.O Association's training program, to which he struck another weeaboo victory pose in front of everyone in excitement at the wonderful news although few were cynical of this news and scoffed at the idea of someone like him making it through. "C'mon we're all on the same team here!" Oz thankfully defended Yakai's 'honor' by laying into Zack about his accomplishments even though he quickly disputed them by saying he was the first one to take out those devilishly handsome mimes!


  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Luxor's Office )(Mood: Revenge )
    (Interactions: Clair, Luxor, and Everyone in The Arena )
    (Mentions: Too many to list. )

    Why? Out of all the people on the campus why did it have to be a female egg-head? Obviously this little know-it-all must've had this all planned from the beginning, breaking into restricted software not to mention it being also state of the art wasn't something that you'd go off on a whim and do, meaning she must've planned up this little malicious scheme of hers for quite some-time now! Miss Spotlight couldn't even come close to guessing why she'd toss away an opportunity of getting into such a prestigious academy unless her intentions were truly immoral and she was working with someone, clearly she harbored a vendetta against Jessica due to her previous comments being announced but Miss Spotlight couldn't figure out how someone that she had never came into contact with hated her. "You have no idea what kind of situation you've placed yourself into haven't you? Breaching into government property not to mention risking the lives of those around you as if it were some sort of game! You'd best hope that an expulsion is the only thing you're getting." Like an undying flame Jessica's vexation sustained, Hundun almost felt sympathetic for the undergraduate who was being literally drug to the principal's office like a limp doll in spite of that she did have this unnecessary handling coming, once she broke into the H.E.R.O Association's property it automatically replaced her civilian status with that of a villain, if anything she could've been treated a lot worse by Jessica.

    "We're here." With a boorish huff, Hundun leisurely pushed open the double-doors to the office to which all three of them were greeted with a relaxing view of the warm-colored office and of a focused Luxor skimming his fingers through manilla folders, as per usual the flaxen haired angel was hard at work to make sure everything was organized for the entry-year students. "Observant as always." Hundun mouthed, slightly impressed with the man's vigilance as he sat down beside Miss Spotlight whom at the time was making sure to keep Clair in her grip at all times in-case she tried to escape. "What didn't she do?! This she-devil in human skin endangered the lives of students and heroes by hacking into our simulation software! If I were you i'd simply expel her and be done with it." Miss Spotlight was hoping that Luxor would just remove her from the campus immediately but Hundun simply interjected with a retort to the woman's comment. "Getting through our security measures is no easy feat, neither is standing ground against Aiko in a battle of wits.. I say we keep her." This only managed to make Miss Spotlight even more agitated with the matter at hand making her roll her eyes at his opinion and nearly going off on him until she saw Luxor speaking up.

    Meanwhile... Yakai wiped away whatever drool he had left dribbling from his lower lip, thinking deeply about what he had saw in the simulation was almost worth failing the entry-exam! Jessica's naked photographs breezed through his mind like a slideshow presentation as he wobbled is day-dreaming self through the busted down walkway and into the debriefing area already preparing himself to be disappointed at the results of the exam but to his surprise, everyone managed to pass with flying colors! Somehow..! Not only did he get to see an undressed heroine but has also managed to get himself into the H.E.R.O Association's training program, to which he struck another weeaboo victory pose in front of everyone in excitement at the wonderful news although few were cynical of this news and scoffed at the idea of someone like him making it through. "C'mon we're all on the same team here!" Oz thankfully defended Yakai's 'honor' by laying into Zack about his accomplishments even though he quickly disputed them by saying he was the first one to take out those devilishly handsome mimes!

Nizaki noticed them and walled up to them rather awkawardly. "Uh... Hi. My name is Nizaki Hyuga... I just got here... Can one of you show me around please? Kind of show me the ropes?" He asked. He was a little intimidates by the largest man's size.

"O-or if you guys can't that's fine to. I don't want to be a bother." He said. He began to bite his tongue.

Nizaki you idiot. You just made an absolute fool of yourself.
Aiko Kirishima

Aiko decided to leave Kagami and the others to observe Jessica in greater detail. She had managed to sneak in Luxor's office by going in at the same time Hundun and Jessica entered and simply waited somewhere. The fact there was so much drama in the office and that everyone was getting emotional would be enough for her not to hide and just watch from one of the corners without making a sound. She was certainly intrigued someone was remotely close to being on par with her computing skills so had to investigate. She simply sat in the corner or on on a chair near the wall observing while reading the book The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography.

Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Uasal Uasal
Clair O'Reilly


Upon teleporting away Clair.... well Clair did nothing. She didn't really get a chance to anyway, one minute she was getting ready to start up the fighting program she had installed and the next. The next thing she knew was pain and a whole lot of it too. Confusion rattled her brain and her consciousness slipped in and out at will. One second she was being treated, the next second she had miss spotlights big head in pressed up against her own, the next..... she couldn't remember and the one that followed that, well she knew she was being dragged somewhere but nothing more than that.

It took her quite a while to come around to her senses and she did so just as miss spotlight began tearing into her mid-transit. What was the hell going on? Her head was a mess, it was practically bursting at the seems with a migraine that could kill. She had obviously been knocked out at some stage either by a fault in the system or by some outside influence but how exactly it happened she had no idea. And why exactly Miss spotlight was dragging her away was a complete mystery to her. Had she been called to the arena to try and stop Clair? So much of what was going on didn't make sense and as Clair thought more and more about the events that were unfolding she got more and more irritated. Especially due to the verbal abuse Miss spotlight was giving her. In her confused state, she snapped "You really are a fucking idiot aren't you! All looks and no brains! No one in that simulation was in any danger! The first thing I did was deactivate the pain emitters! You're an idiot, an absolute idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot......" Clair continued with her line of calling Jessica idiot the whole up until she was lead into the headmaster's office.

It was probably quite vexing for both Jessica and the man who was accompanying her. And who was the man accompanying her? Her brain was on fire, she'd find out later anyway so opted not to attempt a search. By the time Clair had entered the office, she was fuming but at the same time a lot more cognizant of everything going on and the situation at hand. Miss Spotlight was right, she had committed a crime no matter what way you looked at it. And the crime she had committed, well it admittedly didn't look all that great for her. Especially considering it was her first day!

As the group assembled and once the doors had shut things got underway very quickly, The headmaster knew Clair by name. Surely due to the file, she had submitted per entry requirement but none the less it was both somewhat flattering and unsettling. Unsettling up until Jessica once again went off and spouted her insults every which way and back. Before Hundon could interject Clair began struggling viciously in an attempt to free her wrist from the she-hulks grasps "Who are you hell are you calling a she-devil you Slag?! You don't even know me! And I highly doubt you have the common sense needed to read a file! Let me go!!!" she protested.

Hundon spoke next, seemingly immune or simply unaffected by the situation going on right beside him. He spoke highly of Clair's talents and suggested they kept her on which visibly made Clair cringed and cease her struggling. What the man was saying was true, she had breached the security and more than shown off her skills against this so-called Aiko person. But, she couldn't help but feel like she somehow had cheated considering Miss Spotlights idiocy was one of the main reasons it didn't take her longer than it had. She was confident with time she could have breached it without Miss Spotlight but it most certainly sped things up.

With a loud sigh, Clair gave up and let Miss spotlight take a hold of her arm. Once she did so she corrected her posture and took a quite business-like stand before kiting miss spotlight over to the desk Luxor was standing at. She stood in front of him and kept eye contact with the man as she spoke clearly and confidently with somewhat of a sad smile upon her face. "Mr Luxor, If I may be blunt sir. I don't need your association. Your, affiliation for lack of a better word. You've read my file, and I'm sure you've researched plenty about my life as I'm sure you have for all us entry students and those who came before us. You know a considerable bit about me. You know I've done plenty of work for most if not all current tech giants right? You also may know I've done work for the military from time to time thanks to your connections. Look my point is, and let me be frank."

Taking a moment to think Clair sighed before continuing "Look, I'm happy to resign from the course and go back to helping the world in my own way. With or without your help. I'm confident in my abilities and so are my contractors. I know I've put you in an awkward position today and I'm very sorry for that but just know if you need me in the future to update or check your digital security i'd be happy to help. And trust me you need the help...."

You see, this was what normally happened. Everything would be going great. And then, well then it would come down to the topic of security and well. Clair never really seemed to quite know how to not rant herself into a hole from that point on. She didn't know how to hold back and had given many a contractor a very harsh reality check in doing so. Hopefully this time around Luxor, like most, would be happy with her honesty and ability of confrontation "Yeh, seriously though, your digital security is a pile of garbage in its current state. I mean seriously when was the last time you got it updated or checked? Five years ago? I mean come on I was able to hack into that system with half an hour. Granted I had some help Form Miss Spotlight and her idiotic choice making." Taking a second to laugh and shoot Miss Spotlight a glare Clair continued.


"I mean like seriously She changed her computer-generated account name to '_JMS_Spotlight_XXX' and her password was 'Supersexyspotlight'. Absolutely idiotic! Anyway aside from that whole simulation system ordeal. Let me tell you this free of charge, your computer has spyware installed in it. Might want to get that removed before you do anything important. I can sense it. Can't tell who installed it or for what reason but now you know. I mean I'm sorry to say Mr Luxor but quite frankly I'm very disappointed. This school is the most technologically advanced place in the world! And you're having trouble with spyware? I mean is that some kind of joke? I mean I'm not trying to be rude or anything. but professionally speaking you need to get your act together. Who knows how many systems are in danger throughout the school? And who knows how many of your files have been copied and stolen already. If anything I just hope this unfortunate ordeal has opened your eyes a little. And again I apologise for what I've done. I'll go gather my things and be on my way.... Oh and miss spotlight was wrong. I disabled the pain transmitters first and foremost. None of the initiates were ever in danger. Just so you know."
Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Kagami Enoshima

Kagami played with hair before Peski entered the room. She observed the girl, making a small 'oh' sound when she threatened Cody with a sword. Thankfully, the situation desclated with Peski gaining control of her anger. "Sure darling?" Kagami replied, moving over to Peski. Kagami didn't read the girl's file but she assumed she had some difficult time controlling whatever power she held. " Why do you look so troubled?" The vampire's crimison eyes observed the younger student's facial expression.


Around the area- Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Cody stood by the door and let the two talk. Peski steps inside and looks at the vampire before her. Then she bows, "I'm sorry for not doing the task and just attacking clones, I hope I haven't caused you any trouble" she said. Cody tilts his head, she didn't do anything wrong, well in his eyes, it was a sim and wasn't real, and in a situation where there's a powered villain with cloning abilities, she kinda did do the right thing, killing the clones that were causing the biggest trouble, can save more lives than ignoring them and looking for the real.. "Kagami is very forgiving, and to me, you did what any hero would have done." he told her. She ignored him and stayed bowed, waiting Kagamis reply...

Kisaki Kisaki

Area- Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto

Luxor Aurum

Luxor's Office

"All part of the job." Luxor said as
He was impressed by the girl's abilities to hack into the school's system. He had the whole school's AI and security system updated the last school year. If he could only roll his eyes at Jessica's rant. He didn't want to take any drastic measures unless a student wanted to destroy the whole campus."Expelled? I wouldn't do something as dramatic as that." He said to much of Jessica's disappointment. The archangel kept his eye contact with the girl. The wavering emotion of pride and determination could be felt by her. He agreed with Hundun statement. Clair was useful.

Luxor stood from his chair, walking over to the shelf on his far left. " Perhaps I do need to update the school's system. It suprises me that a young individual like you can hack into a system so complex. You may pontentially match the skills of Aiko." He glanced over to the purple haired girl on the couch then back to shelf. He ran his fingers across the row of folders then stopped, pulling out one labeled ' H.E.R.O Tech Advancment'. He shifted back to his seat and opened up the file."We need people like you Clair. Your powers may cause any direct physical harm but it can be used to hack into a villian's own technology." Luxor stated. He placed Clair's file that he had in his desk into the one he recently pulled out. The tech part of the H.E.R.O program offered tech savy students a way to use their smarts for good. The head of Tech side built her own suit, enabling her to fly and shoot lasers.

"But that being said, I can't let you go unpunished. You may of enabled the pain transmitters but you compromised the H.E.R.O test to satisfy your own ideals. " He said, a very small grin appearing on his lips. Luxor didn't care about her bad mouthing the school's technology but she did interfere with the simulation test. " Clair meet Miss Spotlight. She'll be your watcher or in better terms your babysitter." He gestured his hand over to the older women in the room. It formed as a punisment for both the student and teacher. He reminded Miss Spotlight about the username and passwords thing a month ago and she didn't listen.

Zack Aurum

"Rude? I'm telling the truth and it hurts." Zack said. He mimicked a fake pout before pulling his hands out of his pocket. Zack's quickly became angry. He didn't like being disrespected by some weakling. He grabbed the collar of Oz's shirt and pulled him foward. "I fucking swear, I'm gonna punch you so hard you'll be speaking Chinise." The half blood growled, eyes flashing a deep violet. Zack blinked three times in a row and regained his composure. He let go Oz's shirt then turned to look at Yakai. " Ah, you're alive. Hurray."

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Zenpai Zenpai
Johnny B. Crash

After clobbering the pintinho over the head, Johnny pulled back and let the adults take charge. With his bat resting against his shoulder and a smug grin on his face, Johnny was very obviously pleased with himself. But his grin kinda slipped as everyone seemed to ignore him, focusing more on the pintinho he clobbered. Johny sighed, he kinda regretted it a little. Everything was so boring now. That's when he overheard the confrontantion between Oz and Zach. Grinning again, as he strolled over he mused maybe it wasn't so boring after all.

"Yo, Blondie," he said as he walked up behind Zach. "You sure talk a lot of shit for someone who did jack but throw a few punches. Then ya did nothing but crap ya pants when the midget showed up, what ya got a fear of em or something, Buceta?" Giving off a palpable aura of smug, despite having to look up at Zach, Johnny was managing to look down on the guy. Contuining his jeering, Johnny said, "Really I'm surprised they let a pissbaby Buceta like you in. Did ya sneak in? Or maybe daddy bought you a seat? You look like one of them pampered fuck boys to me." His grin widening, he continued, "Is that why you did jack on the roof? Were ya quivering in ya boots, waiting for Papai ta save ta?" Slapping his knee, Johnny laughed hysterically at his own 'joke'.

dieected at Kisaki Kisaki . in the area Zenpai Zenpai SidTheSkid SidTheSkid .
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Oz almost spat in that pretentious ass's face when he decided to grab him. "I heal quickly, and I already speak enough languages, thanks." He raised an eyebrow when his eyes flashed violet. "Is that supposed to be intimidating? If anything, it's just adorable. I bet all the little girls want purple eyes too." Oz knew he was pushing this guy's buttons by attempting to undermine his sense of dominance but he didn't care. As far as he saw, the bastard deserved it. Oz looked over to Yakai and approached him. "Just ignore him. He's a waste of time."

Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

"Now then, what to do? i have absolutely no idea, as to what to do next or where to go, sigh...i've gotten myself in a real bind here, at any rate, i think i should focus back on my original job for now...right then, time to look for some villains, where to start, i wonder?"

said the young hooded man, as he lifted the veil of his hood to reveal a young man with a bandage on his face, deciding to head out to wherever to find some villains to defeat, as that was his local pastime, he decided to head back out into the city, wondering if he could find any villains there, taking a firm hand's grip on the handle of the black steel Katana he was carrying on his back, the young man's expression changed from laid back suddenly to serious if not all serious, he was determined to hunt down villains, no matter what, even...if that meant that others, be they heroes especially for example would stand in his way...​
Sister Theresa Angelica

Sister Theresa Angelica, better known as Sister Tess, made her way through the halls and out into the courtyard separating the administrative building from the arena in a hurried shuffle. Her hands had been clasped around her rosary since she was alerted to the news of an accident during the simulation. She had been away from her office walking with a troubled student so she had missed the news as it came. The rapid click-clacking of her shoes echoing through the corridor of the area’s main floor mirrored the thumping of the heart in her chest. It wasn’t long before she was inside the room where the students where waiting for a debriefing.
“Goodness me, is anyone hurt?!” she blurted out upon entering, she immediately moved to the closest students inspecting them for injuries before moving to find who was in charge of this simulation. “Ms. Kagami, what happened-?”
Sister Tess then noticed the girl bowing to her, a boy off to one side. She preferred not to interrupt and instead turned her attention elsewhere. The easiest target for her was the aggression between a group of boys not too far away. She had little information as to what had or was happening but even she knew a fight among this school’s students would only drastically worsen the situation. She didn’t recognize any of them as she closed, then again they didn’t seem like the kind to seek her counsel or voluntarily come to her for treatment. She’d observed Johnny acting as the instigator, so Sister Tess set her sights on him first.
“Now, now, poika.” She said, grabbing hold of his cheek and pulling him aside. “What a strapping young man you are! You should really conduct yourself with more grace.” the warmth of her smile would be enough to pacify the devil himself. “Why don’t you put some of that vigor to good use and help a weak, old nun tend to your fellow students, hmm? ” Tess said pulling at him to come with her. “The rest of you boys behave!”

Meowfyre Meowfyre
nearby- Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Zenpai Zenpai
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Zack Aurum

Zack furrowed his eyebrows,"Purple eyes? I don't have purple eyes you little bastard. Even so I wouldn't just show them because of girls." He growled even more. Oz just kept pushing his buttons.

Zack craved the idea of punching Johnny's teeth out more than Oz's. He was going to make him sorry about what he said. " It was an S rank villian you dipshit." His voice became deeper, covered in anger. "You little shit! You have no fuckin right to talk when you can only fight with that little bat of yours," The half blood's fist started to glow, " And for your information, I got into this school fair and square. You want proof of my strengths?" He gave an amused laugh. " Then oh, I'll show it to ya." He said. Zack's fist glowed a luminescent gold as he walked over to Johnny. Before he could swing, he spotted the nurse by the corner of his eye. He hopped away, biting his lips as the nurse interfered. " Yes ma'am." The half blood gave a small bow to Sister Theresa. He realized that from her point of view, Johnny was the instigator of the fight. Zack let out a small laugh, running his hands through his hair. " I'll be on my best behavior."

Zenpai Zenpai
Meowfyre Meowfyre
(Location: Some Island, Near Luxor Academy )(Mood: Happy)
(Interactions: Kristofer Steinkuhler )
(Mentions: )

Chaos never tasted so 'sweet', it was almost like it gave the air around her a rich-tasting flavor that was exquisite to breathe in. Didn't take long for the indiscriminate heroes to assist people with the toppled wreckage that was sinking to the bottom of the ocean like an anchor but by that time many of the pedestrians were critically injured, not enough to kill them but just enough to lower the morale of the heroes trying to save those poor souls. "Hm, I guess they weren't fast enough!" In the face of all the ruination happening on Neptune's bridge she remained unchanged by it all except for being a little bit more 'bubbly' which was concerning to say the least for those in the vicinity, especially nearby heroes giving passing glances at her suspicious nature as she merrily hummed off the devastation. Although they were none the wiser, one even was dull enough to casually ask the unsound lady if she had sustained any injuries to which she confidently made a side-to-side motion with her head as she spoke. "Nopety nope! I'm just fine as a fiddle!" Surprisingly the block-headed hero shrugged Sierra's mentality off with someone who was suffering from 'shock' before waving a courteous goodbye and tending back to those with gruesome injuries. Against all odds she succeeded in hiding in plain view, coddling Kristofer must've made the two look like a boyfriend comforting his traumatized girlfriend from an outside perspective bearing in mind both of them had dissimilar reactions to the horrific scene around them to which made those around none the wiser! Sierra might've been absolutely mad in her own right but she was definitely someone who knew exactly how to manipulate someone's empathy, guilt, or just about anything else that would give a false impression of her, almost painting an image of innocence around her character in spite of being truly vindictive as a human-being.

"Any ordinary person would've fled by now, you must be one special child..." It could've been fear rendering him unable to move unless he saw something like this before, perhaps a disturbing childhood that disallowed any reasonable response to a threatening situation? She didn't know what was keeping him from loosening that flimsy little jaw of his and advising everyone around him of the culprit, nonetheless she was fortunate that he didn't otherwise their conversation would've resulted in a completely different conclusion! One that she wanted to avoided at all costs in hopes of keeping this newfangled 'pet' of hers. "No catch, I just want to inspire you to achieve greater things! Not only this but I need someone to play along with, this whole bachelorette criminal lifestyle just isn't working." Having been all around Edenia committing countless atrocities and even getting locked up for it with no-one to be with was such a drag, not to mention a hassle when it came to dealing with these super freakazoids with a hard-on for saving people which was the sole reason why she was incarcerated in the first place. "That's why I need a fetching guy like you to put that spark back in my life, you can't spell murder without a ME and a U!" Not exactly the best comparison for their initial friendship but even with Kristofer's reluctance she was still excited to begin sharing life changing moments with good ol' uh.. What was his name again? Right she didn't even ask for his name! How rude, to think she wanted to be his bestie but they didn't even exchange names yet. "First things first, introductions! Hi my name is Sierra Doyle, i'm sure you figured that out by now cutie! But what's yours?" Like that she had forgotten everything about nearly slaughtering everyone on the bridge and put her focus on Kristofer whom at the time was probably feeling a bit awkward with Sierra's arm over his shoulder like a regular ol' pal as they oversaw the towering structures of Luxor Academy looming scattered shadows over them as they departed from the bridge, for some reason.. She felt like this would be the start of a beautiful friendship!

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Miss Spotlight's Estate )(Mood: Occupied )
    (Interactions: Clair, Luxor, and Hundun )
    (Mentions: )

    Inconceivable! Instead of being admonished, Clair's was appointed distinction for that audacious skit she pulled! Miss Spotlight remained seated with skepticism emanating from her abiding grimace as Luxor maintained his enduring dialogue which Jessica found herself hesitating to believe it was genuine. "Am I dreaming?" Thinking to herself she was losing her marbles, she attempted to gradually close her eyelids while letting in an abundance of air throughout her lungs before exhaling it out her nostrils and opening her eyes in sheer revulsion, this wasn't a delusion! This was a real world nightmare. Jessica's boss was consolidating this she-devil's stay instead of questioning it, did he even go to far as thinking what would happen if she turned out to be a villain, someone that wanted to thoroughly dismantle everything the H.E.R.O Association stood for instead of improving securing it? Adolescence did not excuse the fact she was easily capable of laying waste to Luxor Academy's technological infrastructure, she was a formidable threat first and foremost even if she was considered to be a 'child'. Expulsion was a necessity to prevent any potential disastrous events from occurring inside campus grounds, regardless any kind of reasoning would prove to be useless against one strong-willed Luxor, it'd be an unwinnable battle of persuasion even attempting to dispute the controversial affair with him and out of the many individuals he was one that couldn't simply be 'charmed' by Miss Spotlight's alluring strategies. "I-i see." Visibly trembling with animosity, she found it difficult to clearly speak without despondency trying its best to choke her. Assembling words coherently became a challenge as she anxiously stood herself up, anxiously placing her dainty-sized hands onto the edges of his marble table while beginning to restlessly squeeze the material as she desperately worded out her response. "V-very well, I shall turn this b-bright young mind into an exemplary student and p-perhaps."

    Reflecting sounds of creaking stone could be discerned as Jessica's grip strengthened itself, it was challenging enough not getting her way but being confined to looking after someone she disliked made it a burdensome task to acknowledge. "A-a great h-heroine one day." Thankfully her slight hysteria was alleviated from Hundun carefully embracing her shoulder with a comforting grasp, a reassuring stare fixated from his mien as Jessica looked back at him, provoking her to stray her hand and reveal the deep indentations in the table from where she had previously placed her fingers. "You'll be okay." Softly nodding her head at Hundun's gruff response, Jessica sighed before eventually finding herself standing at the opened doorway of the principal's office additionally appeasing herself by looking at the calming surroundings, mainly the impeccable pieces of art hanging from the corridors before temporarily giving an uncaring glance back at that new stressful responsibility of hers that brought about ideas of treating her differently from other students to the point where she'll willingly give up an leave to her own accord, instead of being treated like an entry-level D class she'd be placed on the ordinary standards of a B+ Class Hero, 6 whole rankings beyond a D class. "Let's go, we've got work to do." Sadness left her expression as briskly as it came, thinking about introducing her to such difficult challenges put an unnerving smile across her face as she went to approach Clair, although her eyes established nothing except for hostility when regarding at the undergraduate as they departed from Luxor's office, leaving both Hundun and Luxor privately discussing subjects revolving around studies and the academy in general.

    Disgusted stares and antagonizing whispers were entangled in Miss Spotlight's non-verbal conversation with Clair, ambling across Luxor Academy to get to her on-campus residence was perceived to feel like an eternity by the time they had arrived at substantial three-story house. Glamorous flora patches decorated the exterior of the building along with a bustling lake full of abnormal fish that swam against the undercurrent, each piece of scenery must've looked absolutely gorgeous to Clair as they approached! Rosy petals from Magnolia trees indiscriminately descended across the property like a scene from an animated film as they stepped up to the front door. "We don't have to like each other but once you're Inside my house, you will listen to my rules." Jessica firmly confronted Clair as they entered the cozy-looking house and stood in the hallway leading into the living room. "You will play your part in helping me, you can enjoy the spa and exercise room on the third level but only once you get done doing your work! Fifty, fifty so everything is fair. One more thing, you'll be staying on the second floor across from my bedroom, it's a guest room and consider yourself lucky because it's actually nice, if it was up to me i'd have you stay in the attic." As unlikable as she thought Clair was, she wasn't really going to put her in that dark-attic room unless she did something really screwed up but the again sleeping with a room full of dust and everything else wasn't exactly humane, she'd probably just have to mess with her some other way if it came down to her doing something stupid. "If you need anything ask, I don't want to be informed at the last second if you screw up." Dismissing Clair off to get unpacked, Jessica wandered around to the living room's luxury couch where she laid herself comfortably on. Irritated as she was, laying on these cloud-like cushions almost made her feel like she was In Heaven! Taking a moment to enjoy her expensive furniture, Jessica adjusted her slender proportions so that she was laying sideways while watching her favorite re-runs of "Heroes in Love." A television show revolving around Heroes and Heroines going on blind-dates with one another and getting into wacky situations! She'd been on the show only once but she didn't mind watching other females try their luck with random hunks.
    "Oh c'mon, no goodbye kiss? Step your game up Elastica!" An annoyed tone blew from her lips as she leisurely gawked at the screen.

    Yakai at the time was still at the simulation area, a bit puzzled at the kindness of those around him. "Holey moley, were people actually defending me?" He mumbled internally, not knowing how to react to all of this, usually if it were stereotypical grade school he'd get mocked all the time by those instigators just like Kristofer although they were far worse in their onslaught of abuse! He could remember at times where a group of nasty jocks grabbed a hold of him and dunked his head in a toilet, luckily it didn't have any nasty stuff in it but it was still pretty gosh darn gross, all considered knowing what has been in those repulsive ceramic bowls. "Don't worry, I've handled worse before." He laughed off the humiliation with his ordinary exuberant attitude, in a way making Oz worry less about how he was actually feeling instead of acting like he was singled out just from having no powers aside from rolling over a couple of mimes with his blubbery body which wasn't even worthy of being a D class move! If anything it was just embarrassing. "Thanks again Oz, you're always sticking up for me even when I haven't done anything in return."

    He still felt bad about that whole thing... Oz putting his reputation, safety, and everything else on the line for some anime-watching kid that probably wasn't even qualified of being a true hero but his compassionate nature was something he really appreciated, he definitely had the qualities of being a real superhero! One even like The Origin probably! As amazing as that sounds! Guess it just meant that Yakai needed to keep training himself to reach beyond his limit. "Mark my words Oz, I will return the favor." He exhaled happily at thought before being taken back by Zack's aggressive nature once had approached Johnny, it was almost surreal to see them bicker with one another! He was almost certain that there was going to be a punch thrown but fortunately a 'goddess' in human skin draped in religious attire introduced herself with a lovely tone, one that made Yakai ogle her in awe as she walked towards both of the arguing rowdy boys and pacified them almost instantly with her soothing voice! She looked more like an angel than a superhero!

    "We should totally get married one day." Yakai nearly fell head over heels as he sped up to Theresa, his eyes embodying a love-struck look as they wandered in her direction.
    It took a couple of students to drag him away from her as he send her ridiculous blowing kiss gestures and just about everything else!

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Kagami Enoshima

"Peski, you didn't fail the mission. An D rank like you surviving an attack by a S rank is truly wonderful. Be happy!" She told the girl. " Now I should tell students that were moving onto the next st-" Kagami looked over to the beeping holographic screen. Yakai's name on the screen blinked red. The programmed voice of the computer repeated the word 'fail' until Kagami finally walked over to click continue. " Oh poor Yakai. I have to tell him that he isn't qualified." Kagami frowned. A lightbulb appeared on top of her head after her few seconds of brooding. " I'll make his fail announcement wonderful. Queue the music." She commanded the AI of the arena.

Kagami ran into the main area of the arena. She was dressed in a blue idol dress with her hair hair tied with a large blue bow. A screen moved over the open cieling of the arena to create a dark setting. Then spotlights were pointed at Yakai. Men in black suits passed out blue and gold glow sticks to shake in the air as Kagami performed. Many people where confused by sudden change in the arena while others were excited.

-Yakai, You Fail !-
Lyrics by Kagami Enoshima
Composed by AI
Choreography by Kagami Enoshima

Lyrics are not accurate

Five girls dressed in blue and gold idol dresses ran behind Kagami.The ground below Kagami and her fellow dancers rose 10 feet up to give everyone a good view of the performace. Once the music started playing, the girls started to dance in synch.

" Oh my dear Yakai, you fail!"

" But we all knew you tried your best.

You tried and that's what matters

You have yet to reach the ladder of strength

But you reached my heart

Ai ai Yaiki ×2

So put on a smile even though you may be a failure. For I Kagami, still love you.

So it's time for you to leave

Ai ai Yaiki ×2

Yes we loooove yoooouu but you are not neeeeeded!

Not needed


The backup dancers did jazz hands at the end of the song while Kagami waved. The lights turned back on. Soon the school's band came marching in, playing music while a group of ten bodyguards, who worked for Kagami, picked up Yaki and carried him out the arena. The band followed behind until they reached the entrance of the academy. A path was made by a long line of students on both sides, who threw cherry blossoms over Yakai as he passed by. The group of men eventually dropped Yakai onto the floor, leaving him alone with the slow sound of the band fading.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid and anyone else in the arena
Oz was incredulous as the instructor sang about how Yakai failed. What happened to all of them passing the test?! "They had no right to get his hopes up like that. They told us we all passed," He grumbled under his breath. Now he knew the spoiled brat would make some snarky remark, likely about how he believed he never belonged here in the first place. Oz gave him an apologetic look as the security guards dragged him away. He couldn't do anything to stop it even though he wished he could. His shoulders slumped slightly. He was disappointed to see him go, he was a decent person and deserved a better chance than he got. He let out a sigh. Oz just hoped he wouldn't let this failure get him down and he could move on.
Kristofer "Kay" Steinkuhler
Location: Somewhere Near Luxor Academy | Mood: Entertained
Interactions: Sierra Doyle ( SidTheSkid SidTheSkid )
Notes: Mobile Setup, so this post is not proofread.
"So... you want me to be your lapdog?" Kristofer skillfully wiggled out of Sierra's constricting snake-like hug to stand indiginently, glaring at Sierra, "Oh my hubris! No! What do you think I am, some kind of mutt?"
Kristofer started to stomp away, ignoring Sierra's introduction rudely. He was about to get away to walk across the god forsaken bridge to the other side, where Luxor Academy laid within reach, but unfortunately, a passer-by had to ruin it all.
"Sierra Doyle?" the man, dressed smartly in a plaid shirt, khaki pants, office shoes, and nerdy glasses exclaimed with horror, "Isn't that the person that was announced on the loudspeakers everywhere?"
The man, who probably was having a thoroughly boring day with the car crashes making things slightly more interesting, started running around and waving his arms, "Help! We have a criminal here!"
"Will you shut up?" Kristofer hissed, glaring at the man, "It's just a crazy lady who killed several people! Deal with it!"
"Are you listening to yourself?" the man looked at Kristofer like he was crazy, which Kristofer did not like, since he was by far not an idiot, "We need to report her presto!"
"No we don't," Kristofer stuck out his foot as soon as the man started running in a panic to try to find someone to help him. The poor man tripped over Kristofer's leg, landing hard on the pavement, and shattering his glasses. Ruthlessly, Kristofer lifted his leg and slammed his foot on the man's head. There was a cracking noise of skull bone shattering, then blood.
"Look at what you made me done!" Kristofer complained to Sierra as he lifted his foot off the dead man's head. He wiped his foot off and walked over to Sierra.
"Looks like I'm too involved in this mess," Kristofer commented to Sierra. He wasn't particularly upset, since it was entertaining to kill someone, "My name is Kristofer Steinkuhler. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Psychopath. Now, let's get out of here before anyone else recognizes you, eh?"
Kristofer didn't offer a handshake, and when he started walking, he didn't wait for Sierra, but it was obvious. Kristofer accepted Sierra's request for a partnership.
CJ Sentrale
Location: Luxor Academy | Mood: Curious
Interactions: Luxor ( Kisaki Kisaki ), A ( FTR FTR )
Note: Mobile Workdesk setup, meaning that this wasn't proofread.

Today started as a normal day: grabbing breakfast from the countertop left by one of the chefs at Behemoth HQ, riding his electric scooter to school, and narrowly avoiding road rage by other bikers. It should have been a normal day, except for one key difference:
Today was the first day of the HERO program at the school. And boy, was it a stupid idea. Initially, CJ wasn't eager to partake, but after some thought, he decided there were friends to be gained.
When he arrived, the streets of Luxor Academy were generally empty. Most likely everyone was in class, since CJ was really late. But the fact that his alarm failed to ring would provide a valid excuse, wouldn't it? And since he had to ask Luxor a question, a visit to the headmaster's office consitute an excused tardy, right?. CJ hoped not, since how could he follow in his delinquent brother's footsteps if he didn't sleep in once in a while?
CJ knew the path to Luxor's office by memory. He had taken it several times with Ryo and Seo, when their misadventures led breaking rules and being caught by a defeated Professor Hundun. But unfortunately, today wasn't CJ's day. He was wearing his cyan bathrobe, which gave others the impression that he was naked inside, which wasn't true. A group of boys, looking like they belonged in the "mean people" clique, started laughing at CJ and calling him names, most of which CJ did not understand. But the insult the words meant to cause was undeniable
CJ tried to decide what to do. Should he follow in Ryo's footsteps, by teaching these scrubs a lesson? Or should he listen to Seo's mental voice, which told him to leave them alone? It took a few moments, but then CJ decided. First, he asked himself why he was hearing voices. Second, he decided that he was already too deep into the delinquent path, and that it would be unwise to stray off.
The three boys were quickly reduced to unconcious bodies on the ground, with CJ leaving with minimal damage to his bathrobe. Usually, CJ's bathrobe would have been much more torn up, but these boys didn't put up much of a fight. CJ just hoped that Luxor didn't catch sight of it.
CJ headed into the school, up the flights of stairs, steeled himself for a reprimandation and reminding himself of his question (that he immediately forgot) and knocked on the door to Luxor's office. But Luxor didn't open the door. CJ knocked again, but the door just swung open from the force of his knuckle rapping. Rather, it was left open, as if someone had left in a hurry.
"Luxor, sir?" CJ asked, opening the door tentatively. The office was empty to first look, though the fireplace was still lit.
Pushing the door wide open, CJ stepped into the softly carpeted room. It was cozy, a fantastic working enviroment and a great place to greet students, or make them sweat during interrogation. CJ resolved that he would wait here until Luxor returned, and spent the time waiting by looking around the office. It was pretty normal for an office. A jar of cookies, which CJ immediately stole from. A desk. A gigantic painting, depitcting something that CJ's excitable brain could not comprehend. And finally, a bookshelf, holding all sorts of reading material from old smelly literature to contemporary novels to a Yellowstone Park brochure. But there was one book that stood out, and the more CJ looked at the fat red volume, the more CJ knew that it didn't belong.
Curious, CJ stood up and walked to the book, giving it a tug. Suddenly, there was a clank of gears, and the bookshelf started moving. It opened to show a hallway. CJ was intrigued. He had never seen something such as that the four years he'd been at Luxor Academy.
CJ started into the hallway, but then stopped himself. Was it seriously alright to explore the headmaster's office? Curiousity and politeness warred against each other, until finally, curiousity won.
So CJ ventured in, taking note of the musty, dank smell and the stone walls. Obviously, this place wasn't somewhere someone might commonly go. At the end of the hallway was a door, and an alter glowing with a white light. It was obvious that the alter was requesting something, though whatever it was, CJ had no idea.
The glowing white light which almost seemed slightly bluish appeared holy, as if asking for some holy offering. CJ knew that his blood, contaminated by his unreliable dad, was not holy at all. But he did have one thing that could be considered holy. CJ concentrated, and feathered wings sprouted out of his back, spreading out and flapping lightly. It was a bonus from Luxor that was a part of the regrettable transaction that they had made two years ago. Gritting his teeth, CJ plucked a feather from the beautiful pair of wings, setting it down on the stand, not really expecting anything to happen.
CJ was wrong. Surprisingly, the door swung open, to reveal a more musty room, occupied with scrolls. So many scrolls. It seemed like there were a dozen of them. The contents that they might hold made CJ curious, so without much hesitation, CJ picked one up. It was carefully and painstakingly rolled, with a wax seal engraved with an alien logo or symbol. It looked so imacculate, CJ was almost regretting breaking it, but the need to satiate his curiousity overpowered the feeling.
As soon as he opened it, the scroll glowed, exploding in a burst of light, blinding CJ. He covered his eyes with the back of one hand until the light had died down. Instead of a scroll in front of him now was a red haired, horned woman, whose body. just by looking at it, made CJ's own body tingle a slight bit (which he had no idea what it meant). The sight was so unexpected and out of place, CJ had no idea what to do or say.
"Hi! My name is Seo Sentrale!" CJ introduced himself to the lady brightly, not realizing that he had accidentally introduced himself as his older brother, "Nice to meet you! Uhh... why are you here? And who are you?"
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Aiko Kirishima


Aiko had returned to the arena just as the band started. She left along with Miss spotlight and Hundun managing to not be noticed somehow. She returned and simply read a book next to the stage as Kagami and her back up dancers sang. She had no great interest for Yakai and didn't mind he left since that is the system which she programmed had judged. Kagami was however making it as light as possible with her use of AI backup dancers. After security guards carried him out, Aiko decided to announce her presence to Kagami by simply standing behind her reading while waiting for her to notice. She finally had finished her book and closed it opening a small book sized portal leading to a bookshelf where she placed it back in perfect order. She then closed the portal and placed her hands on her sides.

Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Clair O'Reilly


After waiting patiently for Clair to finish her ranting episode Luxor spoke. He did so on many topics and touched on quite a lot of what had happened but ultimately the main point of everything he had said. The amalgamator conclusion was: Clair would be staying at Luxor Academy! Clair was awestruck, to say the least. She had committed a federal crime, treason even! She was hoping to be let off without persecution sure but even then she felt like it was false hope! The whole situation was bizarre. Clair had pretty much gotten away with her actions scotfree! Pretty much. Wait what was her punishment again?

Fast forward about ten minutes. There Clair stood, inside Miss Spotlights residence. Speechless and essentially lifeless. "Babysitter" That very word played havoc on her mind as she stood in the entranceway watching Miss spotlight babble on about something or other of an attic. "Babysitter" that was the very word Luxor used, the very word that more or less condemned her as a child. Clair had just turned seventeen! She was an adult! A Young Adult! And as far as everyone was concerned now she was a babysat child! Clair had a good job, an outstanding income of her own and she even paid tax. Yet here she was...... with a "babysitter". This was a sick, sick joke. Sick!

But not even the worst part. No, what was much, much. Much! Worse than that was that Clair was now essentially stuck with Miss Spotlight for every hour of every day! The woman was hard enough to listen to for five seconds on a skippable Metube ad! Why, why did it have to be Miss Spotlight! Max security solitary confinement for life was a far more appealing punishment! This woman.... this woman..... this slag! She was unbearable! She was useless! An idiot! A whore! She was absolutely despicable! This punishment was inhumane, completely inhumane.

But wait....what.... was that? Clair was jolted back to reality by a familiar scent. A scent she hadn't been in contact with for quite some time. A scent that reminded her of something....something... she. No, This smell, it wasn't familiar at all! It was so amazing it had already imprinted on her! Just what the hell was it?

Clair for the first time in around seven minutes finally took her first step and like a moth to a candle, she was quick to find herself standing right in front of a very expensive looking vase. The vase took centrepiece upon a small table just next to the bathroom off to the left of where Miss spotlight was currently laying. Clair was very surprised to find the flowers in such remarkable condition. Jessica didn't seem like the type to put much care into such trivial things. No matter, Clair was simply entranced by the sensating concoction of both visual and nasal satisfaction. These flowers were amazing!

To be quite frank the whole house was amazing! Clair had only really stopped to look around now that she was at ease. And well, needless to say, she was more than impressed. Her shy approach to the flowers was a distant memory or might as well have been considering the young girl was practically darting in and out of every room available. She was walking sure, but... at a very rapid pace. This place had it all! A Spa, a training room, two bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, an ominously looked room! It was spectacular. Almost as spectacular as the view from the third-floor windows. How much did this place cost? It was crazy.


It was after she returned to the entrance that she finally thought to herself. 'This might not be...All.....bad'. It was also at this point Clair began to feel kind of bad for what she had done and although she would never admit it she decided she'd at least make some effort to apologise for getting Miss Spotlight in trouble. And so with a quiet and ever so sheepish voice, Clair called out to the woman "Are you hungry?"

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Exit/Entrance Gate )(Mood: Disbelief )
    (Interactions: Kagami , Nipper, Oz )
    (Mentions: )

    He really needed to break his habit of doing that! Chasing after attractive girls was just going to get his heart-broken in the end, besides wasn't that girl like near her late twenties? I guess it didn't matter due to the fact that Yakai always had a thing for mature women, after all he was a man of 'refined' culture that enjoyed those that who were more intelligent than the ordinary dull-witted school girl. Nonetheless that nun-resembling lady sure made his beating heart go into overdrive! She was so pure, innocent, and all-around compassionate when it came to others, definitely a phenomenal waifu in the making that's for sure! He could only hope that she'd be enthusiastic to spend the first date going over his top-rated meme posts that he had spent hours making for 'Keddit', a web content rating specifically made for delicious meme posting. Ha, how could she resist? She'd be simply captivated at the idea of devoting her love to an 'otaku' meme-lord such as him! Self-assured in his 'legendary' romancing techniques he willingly accepted being drug away from Theresa by the group of students, it was certainly for his sake! If he so much as blew a kiss in her general direction she wouldn't be able to control herself, it would've took much more strong-armed men to pull her off of him too. "Heh, of course." He boastfully laughed before shooting a Lightning Mc'queen styled Ka'chow at her, expecting her to obviously faint after seeing something so beautiful, an alternative option also included leaping into his arms and wanting him to take him away from this cruel world to which he'd probably have to regrettably disclose the fact that he cannot breathe in outer space. "Huh?!" Skyward lights from the debriefing room abruptly dimmed as a few stage-lights panned around the arena, suddenly focusing on an adorable band composed of five girls outfitted in matching blue and gold dressed that elatedly skipped around Kagami's lone figure, organized rows of dancers took to the rafters with bungee cables tied securely around their waists once the instrumentals kicked in from the loudspeakers.

    "This song is about me?" Clearly he couldn't understand the Japanese lyrics of the song that well even though he studied subtitled anime for quite some time now but the only words he really recognized were watashi, desu, and kawaii as for the rest? Well they didn't make much sense to him! But he definitely understood that song was written about him, perhaps Kagami was jealous of that one nurse and supposed it would be best to take matters into her own hands and confess her undeniable affection for Yakai! It must've been, why else would she dedicate a song solely to him and nobody else? He had to admit she was pulling out all of the stops just to go about keeping him all to hers, it was possibly the catchiest song he's ever heard. He couldn't help but clap along to the melody until a group of background dancers swirled around on stage, giving a couple of jazz-hands before ending the performance with Kagami giving a courteous wave to Yakai, misinterpreted to be a signal of fondness towards him. "Jeeze she's really in love with me isn't she?" He nudget Oz with his shoulder, additionally moving his eyebrows up and down in a comedic fashion before once again being taken by surprise at the echo of not just one but many instruments being played from the school marching band as they marched in with an arrangement of ten or so muscular men thought to be praising the weeaboo by hiking him off the ground and carrying him out to the courtyard as if he were some sort of king among peasants! Happiness overcame the misled student once cherry blossoms rained down upon him, this wasn't like any other school he had been too! All of them, all of them appreciated him and recognized his greatness as a human-being.. A part of him wanted to cry in joy.. It was the greatest day of his entire life.

    Up till he was haphazardly dropped outside of the campus by the bodyguards, resulting in him landing on his buttocks and leaving him confused as the pearly-white entrance gates closed behind him.
    "No, no! You forgot about me your King! Kagami, love! Tell them to let me back in!" Despite his anguished pleas, it was already too late as everyone had already left him. Surely this must've been some sort of weird mistake, they were probably on their way to grab Kagami so that she can let him back onto the campus... With of course a kiss! Yes, why was he worried?! There was nothing to be worried about! "Ha, it's not like I was failed or anything right?" Minutes had passed by with the lonely Yakai leaning against the brick-layered wall that connected to the gates, it nearly took him forever to reach the verdict of him realizing that instead of being congratulated for his efforts he was instead removed from the campus for failing the entry-level exam. "N-no." Tears streamed down from his cheeks as he slouched down, covering his eyes in shame at failing once again at achieving his dreams. "Who was I fooling? I'm nothing but a failure!" He called out in distress, mourning his lack of success while angrily wiping away the beads of sadness dripping from his jawline before being startled by what seemed to be an imaginary voice "Sadness.. Such a rich taste.. Almost worth dining on." However this did not from some unreal thought but rather from a sickly-pale humanoid wearing the same fatigues as a Luxor Academy bus driver, it was unordinary to say the least seeing someone so disturbing. Yakai almost mistook him for a hero prior to hearing his ghastly voice that gave a terrifying impression of death and for some reason food? It must've been his breathe, whatever he had ate smelt appalling to say the least but from his standpoint he didn't care too much about the man's voice but instead was still gloomy about being removed from the H.E.R.O. Program.


    "I'm guessing you're a villain huh? Here to kill me? Go ahead, it's not like you'll change anything... What's the point of living when all I do is fail? You'd just be doing me a favor." In any other condition, Yakai would've been scared out of his mind to confront an actual villain, especially one that wanted nothing but to crave on those around it. Regardless of his intentions, Yakai just hung his head in defeat and let out a sigh from between his lips as he ignored the creature. "Eating those that are sad is one thing but... Murdering someone whose asking for it? I'll pass, consider it your lucky day because I found something just a tiny bit more tasty than someone as plump as yourself." Unnervingly licking its lips, the beaty-eyed monstrosity wandered away from Yakai although not before inciting a shocking reaction from a nearby school-girl that immediately got his attention. Shrills of horror sprung out from the girl's mouth as she helplessly backed up against a tree, observing the loathsome freak of nature physically convulse towards her with each unnerving step it took. "Such tender flesh.. I'll make sure to savor each chunk of meat I rip from that petite body of yours." He couldn't believe something like this was happening outside of Luxor Academy, not to mention no Heroes being around to save this girl from being rescued! Yakai didn't know what to do, he wasn't a Hero but if he let this monstrosity wearing decayed human skin get his boney hands on that person it would almost certainly mean the end for them. Widening his eyes, the Frankenstein-looking abomination swiveled around to discern the heavily built man excreting a maroon vapor from his skin, presumably as though his blood from his veins were tarnishing the air around him despite tasting nothing like copper, alternatively it tasted like water being boiled onto the surface of his tongue as Yakai gradually approached him with the alarming aura which begun flaring around him wildly like an uncontrolled flame. "I may not be a Hero by their standards but.. I'll be damned if I let someone like you lay a finger on that innocent girl!" Onlookers gathered as they saw the confrontation spiraling out of control, by this time this menacing creature had forgotten all about the girl and now focused on Yakai's burning image with a killing intent, spectators were surprised to watch the tubby-bodied man's physique alter by the second as he closed in the distance with the strange being before clenching his teeth with an ungodly rage.

    "How about you eat this instead!" Picking up a forgetful band member's electric guitar they left outside of the campus during the whole performance, Yakai swiftly brought the thick body of the instrument up to the chin of the creature with a tremendous force that instantaneously shattered the sound-barrier around them causing citizens to clasp their ears in shock at the deafening noise. Enormous gusts of wind violently dispersed throughout the area once the guitar followed through on the creature's head, flowering trees from all around uprooted from the layers of soil and rock around them as another immense shock wave erupted causing the unknown being to plunge through the clouds at terminal velocity along with shattered portions of the broken guitar that accompanied it. "Crushing Failure!" Screaming out his anger at the vaporized villain, Yakai sunk to his knees in exhaustion as he watched the fading image of the monstrosity form into a twinkle of light before spontaneously combusting miles above the ground. By that time Heroes were already on the scene and had noticed the entry-level student defeating the unorthodox villain, luckily civilians weren't injured by the blasts created by Yakai as they had been transported back and forth from the area within seconds by a familiar looking white-haired man that soon approached the mystified Yakai. "Hey, that was pretty good." A colorless expression remained on the man's face just like from earlier as he squatted near Yakai, looking more depressed as ever as he blew another celebratory party-horn next to him.
    Not a big fan of Sonic games, but I enjoy this song!



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