Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

He then arrives at the front entrance of his bar. As he look up at it's name .

Unlocking the front door, He pushes the door open as he walks in.

Looking back at the door, He switched the "Closed" sign to "Open".

He then closed the door and continued making his way in as he switched all the lights on.

He then takes off his jacket as he hangs it up on a coat hanger as he goes behind the counter.

Ready to serve, with a smile.

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] It's open :P !]
As Faith rounded the corner she saw the neon "open" lit up in the window of the bar. as eh approached, she walked in somewhat bashfully. she wasnt one to frequent bars, however that didnt mean she didnt like a drink now and then. she took a quick look around, then cozied up to the bar to order a drink. "any recommendations?" she asked looking at all the bottles shelved behind the bartender, "i dont really drink heavier alcohol, and i prefer sweeter drinks." she said. she usually drank simple wine coolers, however perhaps this gentleman could give her suggestions for more sophisticated drinks.

Emerald took a seat in the cafe, pulling out her math book. she though if Shawn was putting forth effort to help her she should go through to find what she was struggling with. she looked through the book, writing down a problem here and there that she couldnt answer. she made a few odd faces at her math book as she waited for her drink to arrive.
He looks at the new face that has just walked in his bar.

They way she wants to try something new simply interests him.

" Hmm.. I know a drink that's perfect for you " He smiles as bends down to take fresh fruits out of a cooler.

He takes out a Lemon, Orange, a box of pineapple juice and a Grenadine.

He then opens a cabinet of certain glasses, Taking out a collins glass as he sets it on the counter.

All the glasses are wiped clean, from bottom to top. Not a single speck of dust was left.

He then Cuts the lemon and orange in half, As he gently squeezes each of them dry for their juices.

He pours the Lemon juice, Orange juice and pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker as he adds a couple of ice cubes.

And smiles as he covers the shaker and shakes it .

After a couple of seconds, He adds ice and pours the well shaken cocktail inside the glass as he garnish it with pineapple and orange slices.

He then adds a pink bendy straw for easier drinking for the customer.

He then gently pushes the glass towards her as he smiles.

" Enjoy " he said, going back to wiping liquor bottles, Satisfied with his work.
Faith smiled, "thank you" she said before putting her small lips to the pink straw. she took a drink and gave a look of delight, "this is fantastic, i love the citrus flavor." she took another sip of the citrus beverage, enjoying all the flavors of lemon, orange and pinapples as they danced over her taste buds. after a few more small sips she looked around, seeing that nearly everyone was with a date or group. she had often gotten looks for spending time alone at a bar, but it didnt bother her much, she just enjoyed having a well mixed beverage every once in awhile.
He looks at her as he smiles and walks infront of her from behind the counter.

Still wiping a glass bottle.

" That's called 'Cinderella' By the way " he smiles .

" And I think you know Cinderella's story, Since it is a fairy tail " he sets the bottle onto a shelf with the rest.

As he goes back facing her with a smile seeing here satisfied face.
Luke walked up the stairs with John and Robin and realized he needed a way to get the support beam up the stairs

"Alright you two stay up there for a minute im gonna go get the support beam" Luke called out

He looked at the support beam then giving a bit of a sigh and putted his cig on the ground then placed his foot on it and smeared it on the side walk he continued to his car and got a long rope out of it. Luke cut the strings holding the support beam down onto his car and lifted it with the rope on his other shoulder and brought the support beam inside he placed it down and made a clunk sound, Luke breathed for a minute then lifted up the end of the beam and firmly tied a rope around it then brought the rope upstairs and laid it on the ground.

"Alright I need both of you to get the rope and pull while I wind the wood around the spiral staircase" Luke ordered

"And don't be screwing around either..." He said as he walked back down the stairs ready for John and robin
Both the boys nodded and grabbed the rope,Robin figured he'd get the end since he was sure he was the strongest of the two.When they were both ready Robin,"You ready?"He called down asking Luke,waiting for an answer before they started pulling.Noah just stood by the boys figuring if they needed any help he'd assist,this beam really seemed troublesome to get up here.Maybe they should think of a new way to make so getting up here wouldn't be so much of a problem since they had had others before this as well.
((omg i knew it xD ive had a recipe for a Cinderella laying around forever!))

Faith gave another grateful smile, a ting of pink on her face. "Yes, of course. Cinderella is the dream of every young girl. This drink really makes you feel that happy light hearted spirit of a happy ending." She took another sip. She listened to the music playing as she sat, running he fingers along the bars smooth surface.
"Pull" Luke yelled

He saw the beam start to move and lifted up the end where the rope was and it started going up the stairs.

"Careful now!" Luke ordered as the wood hit the stairs making a clinging sound

As the wood made it's way up the stairs he carefully maneuver it around but not carefully enough for the wood smashed one of lukes finger

"Oh God damn it" Luke yelled while holding onto his finger then shaking it a bit

"Come on lets go were half way up keep going" He quickly said.

They were half way up the spiral stair case.
Robin and John kept pulling hard and steady,hearing Luke yell as if something went wrong made them all worry though.Noah had went over and looked down the stair case to see if everything was alright,after hearing Luke say to keep going and seeing it was fine Noah sighed with relief.And once again Robin and John started pulling the rope more slowly and carefully,the stairs were very shaky as they continued on and seemed even more unsturdy.As they continued all of a sudden there was growling coming from downstairs,and Noah knew exactly where it came from,he looked down the stair case to see Nightmare standing at the bottom of the stairs growling at Luke.
Luke heard the growling and looked at the cat but then resumed with his work

"Come on boys we need to hurry this up" He said a bit worried

Luke worked his way up the stairs a little bit with the wood they were almost there

"Noah!" Luke called out "These stairs aren't gonna collapse are they?" He laughed a bit

The stairs felt somewhat unsturdy under lukes feet the stairs and the cat worried him

"How did I get in this mess" He mumbled under his breath

They were about three fourths of the way there with the Support beam
((I Recall reading them I must of just got them mixed up xD oh well thats just me derping I'll fix it in a minute))
He smiles at her as he nods." You seem new, First time in a bar ? " he looks at her, interested with a smile of course.[ Hahaha, i see :P ]
Faith looked up with a chuckled, "first time in this bar." she explained, "ive been to a few, but never found a drink that suits me or company good enough to keep" she reflected his smile. "i might just have to stick around this one though, i heard it has an excellent bar tender."
He blinks twice before looking at you with a smile.

He's cheeks turns red a bit as he chuckles.

" I see . " He mutters.

" Well, Let this 'Excellent' bartender introduce himself ! Makira Kaiser "

He raises his hand forward for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you"

He gives her a smile with a slight blush on his cheeks.
Faith giggled a bit, "im Faith, nice to meet you." there was a faint flicker of shyness in her amber eyes as she took his hand. it was bigger then hers, but warm, she thought, as the slightest shade of pink graced her face. "any chance i could get a refill?" she she shook her empty glass, the ice clicking around inside.
He smiles and nods as he takes her glass.

Doing the same process of making it.

And he passes it on to you as he smiles

" Well Faith ! Nice to meet you too. This one's one the house "
At the bar the door bell rang a heavily accented voice called out to the people inside " Hello Delivery for Mr. Kaiser?" there was a question at the end of the proclamation and a young man walked in appearing to be in his 20s or so. He took off his cycling glasses and his dark eyes scanned the bar finding it empty other then one customer and a bartender. Looking at the bar tender "are you Mr. Kaiser?" he walks up to the bar and places a package down on the counter and rummages in his bag and pulls some mail out and a package and clipboard putting the package down with the clip board on top of it and the mail beside that and he looked at the customer and smiled at her bowing slightly greeting her. He took off his helmet and ruffled his hair a bit and pulled a pair of glasses out of another pocket and sat down. "mind if i get a glass of water or two before going out again?" He smiled at the man pleasantly waiting his answer.
Faith smiled a bit brighter, "thank you, that very kind of you" she took another sip and was contently watching Makira as he polished his bottles and keept things tidy. There wasn't much for her to do anyway. As she took a delighted sip of her drink, a deliverly man came in. She gave him a small smile as he chatted with th bartender.
He blinks twice looking at the delivery man and he smiles

as he reaches up for a glass.

He pours cold water into the glass as he serves it to him.

" Here you go " He smiles.

As he take the clipboard scanning it.

" What's this ? " He asks him curiously .
Romel leaned to his left slightly smoothly taking the turn. His jade eyes caught the name of the sign as he flew past. Accroding to the map, he had just a bit further to go. Romel let his attention flicker between driving and peering here and there.

So, this is Lucerne.....He watched a few people walk by as he paused at a red light, these people will actually be here one month later.....the thought of seeing the same people without moving, made the lightest smile grace his lips as he drove on. Yet the downer voice in his mind decided to pipe out, Yes you will see them if things go right, they never really have before, now have they? Romel's smile was replaced by a grim line, that annoying voice Romel with effort put fortth a defensve against the annoying voice the job interview had gone fine, he had been hired after all. so that was something right? Romel put these thoughts aside so that all his attention was focused on the apartment complex in front of him, Romel zeroed in on his door, his home...his new start.
((Just added a new character to balance out guys and girls....go check it whomever sees this :P ))

Sasha felt like an eternity had passed since she had gotten home when in reality she had only be home long enough to shed her evening jogging clothes and take a quick shower. Once she had brushed out her pin straight black hair she threw on her red converse and a grey hoodie ove her t-shirt. She smiled, skinny jeans and converse, just how she liked it.

She made sure to lock her apartment door before she went down to the lobby. Her apartment complex was quite modest, nothing special about it. It was clean and affordable, which was good enough for her. She didn't spend much time there anyway. She had to be around other people, she hated being alone and enjoyed socializing. She jammed her key into the mailbox with the number corresponding with her apartment number. Empty. Who was she kidding, she had no family left to mail her.

She shook her head and put on a determined smile before casting a curious glance out of one of the lobby windows as a rumbling sound approached. The was a guy on a motorcycle, mustve been new or a guest because Sasha already knew everyone in her buillding.
he drinks the water in one go looking at the package. "if i remember right i think it was either a book or a set of old glass cups. Don't hold me to my word though. Can you sign there please? and here is your mail as well. I just took over a majority of the city since the mail service is downsizing there is only me and one other person delivering things around the city. You'll be seeing more of me from now on. Please take care of me." he bows to the bartender in respect.
Romel let his gaze fly around the parking lot and the place in general, his body tensed without his consent as he survyed looking for what? He knew, but combatted that thinking, it was taking a step was all over! New start meant leaving the past there, in the past. Eyes lashes sweeping closed as if that would help smother thoughts. A bitter little noise left his lips, barely called a laugh. Romel would admit he was good at giving advice on mental stablization, but could not even began to master it himself.

Opening his eyes, Romel was surprised to see someone staring at him, a woman from the lobby. Swinging himself off his moter bike, Romel checked seeing that he parked fine. Stuffing his hands into the jeans he was wearing, he walked towards the lobby door his long coat fluttering around him, open in the chilly evening air.

Romel kept his head down, not from shyness, but as a protective mechinasm he still had not broken yet. Making it the the door he opens it. Being in the heated lobby made him realize how cold he is, shivering, Romel slide to the side letting his gaze take in the room. Taking another step to the side he sensed someone near, glancing sideway saw the woman (Sasha) who had been looking at him ealier. Romel blinked before throwing her a light corner lipped smile, if this was his new home, first impressions were vital.

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