Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Shawn couldn’t help smile brightly at Emerald’s excitement. He nodded once more to confirm but this time much more confident. The others seemed to be mostly distracted with each other so he easily allowed himself to stay out of their thoughts. He didn’t mind being forgotten or over looked, in fact he was used to it. The fact they acknowledged or talked with him in such a positive way at first was a nice surprise and change in itself.

Then he ended up paling slightly when she asked him to speak in away. He was to tell her when they could meet? His eyes lowering some . . . he went straight to work after school, perhaps on his breaks or when work was slow he could help her. After all they did let him do his school work then. Opening his mouth he tried to say ‘at the Café’ but of course his words were easily drowned out with the loudness of the lunchroom.

Sighing in defeat he paused getting another idea . . . fishing into his pocket for awhile he dragged out an origami horse he had made earlier in class due to a bit of boredom. If he wasn’t sleeping in class he found himself bored. The only reason he did sleep in class though was the little time he got off and on between work and school and needing to finish his homework at home. Taken the horse though he got a pen and wrote in such beautiful and elegant hand writing on it ‘I can try to help you when it gets slow or I have my breaks at the Café, whenever you decide to stop by.' Gently his fingers moved to push it towards her direction, feeling really foolish over all for having to do this, this way.
Aurora blushed. "Damn. Whatever, I've been studying for the past week, I think I'm prepared enough. Uh, yeah, I'm free Saturday. But I suck at ice skating." She laughed half-heartedly, her heart speeding up when she thought of all the ways Cian could possibly flirt with her. A blush crept across her cheeks as she quickly tossed the thoughts away. She tossed her lunch tray in the near-by trashcan, walked to the snack bar, and grabbed a small ice cream cone. She softly licked at the melting substance, finding small splashes of vanilla smearing on to the bottom of her cheeks.
Makira wakes up on a park bench he was just sleeping on.

As he yawns loudly noticing it's almost opening time.

He quickly stood up and stretched as he reach for his paper bag.

But it wasn't there anymore, He panicked as he looks around.

With no luck of finding it, He walks back to his bar depressed about someone stealing his Wine bottle.

[ This will be my post until Opening time of the bar ]
Faith really didnt have much to do today. she finished her park outing and decided she might go home for a bit. she wandered back to the little apartment she shared with her sister. she ended up cleaning, then took a short nap.

(Faith doesnt have anything to do till later :P ))

Emerald picked up the paper and smiled, "oh! you work at that cafe that makes the really good apple cider!" she chuckled, "sounds great! i will be there after school. do you want to walk together?" she asked. she was comfortable around guys because she had always been a tomboy. she had even grown to deflect Cians senseless flirting. "and Cian, skating sounds fun, im in, what about you Shawn?"

Cian smiled, "well great! i can teach you to skate." he said to Aurora. "the rest of you are welcome to come, how about we meet at the arena around 5pm? we could skate till 6:30 or 7 then go out for supper!" he smiled at the whole table. he enjoyed spending time with lots of people, especially those he was close to. he was looking forward to going skating tomorrow, as he hadnt been spending much time with aurora or Emerald lately.
Aurora wiped off her face, wiggling in her seat uncomfortably. She slowly grasped the bow pendant, pulling and sliding it awkwardly. "Sounds good." She mumbled, her gaze dropping to her forearm. She gently traced her finger up a fimiliar scar and looked back to the table, sighing with a smile.
Shawn smiled back nodding some, only to blush a touch when she suggested walking with him even. Slowly he would nod once more feeling the surprising tingle to his cheeks as he lifted a hand to rub the back of his head. Already pondering if he should treat her to some of the cider she mentioned for walking with him. When the talk went to skating though he listened to the times only to shake his head, knowing he had no time for such things. It was work and school . . . perhaps after this year though . . . he could make time with work to try some of it.

After a few go here snap a picture of that go here snap a picture of this Kiki was free to roam like she always preferred to do. Pulling her short jean jacket about her form she defied the weather, sure it was cold but that wasn’t about to stop her. After walking a bit she headed to the park knowing that was one of Becca’s favorite spots and sooner or later the girl would show only to be surprised to spot her.

Snapping a few pictures of her friend she ran over waving the camera in one hand. “I think I’ll name one of those ‘lonely girl’.” She teased glancing around as if expecting more people to suddenly swarm then out of the blue only to lift the camera and snap a few random and weird stuff probably to inspire her art later. “Speaking of which . . . aren’t you suppose to be at work or something?” She asked her eyes moving to study the girl on the bench with a laugh and shake of her head. “You’re going to freeze just sitting you know, have to keep the blood flowing.”
Becca smiled at Kiki. "Hey, I'm not that lonely," she said with a small laugh. "My boss had something come up so she closed the store for the day," she answered, standing. "What're you up to? Working?" she asked, rocking back and forth on her heels. She pushed some loose strands of hair from her face and looked at her friend. From the outside, it really didn't seem that Kiki and Becca would be friends. They were, though. Best friends, really. Kiki sometimes pulled Becca out of her shell and Becca helped Kiki with any school work that she could. That's how they became close. Becca had helped Kiki in school, tutoring her. Before she knew it, they were hanging out more and more. Becca's parents certainly didn't approve. They didn't approve of much, of course, but they especially hated Kiki. She was everything they were always trying to get their daughter to avoid. Kiki partied and was pretty much a rebel. It made Becca smile to think of all the nights her parents told her they didn't want Kiki at the house anymore. Not that it kept her away.


"Good to know you remember me. Also good to know someone reads my column," Trent said with a smile. He noticed her silence her phone. "If you need to get that, don't let me stop you," he said with a friendly smile. Really, he was happy that she didn't seem interested in checking her phone. He took that as a sign that she was at least having a good time. He was also really glad that she had decided to go with him. "I need to be at the game by four-thirty. Gotta get some interviews," he explained, taking a sip of his water.


Cailin felt like she was being pulled twelve different ways and, to top it off, Peter's shift was over for now. She hurried around the room, dropping food and drinks off. She stopped at Timmy's table, setting his Pepsi down. "Are you ready to order?" she asked, a faint smile on her face. She was quickly getting stressed. Work usually relaxed her but today it seemed everything was way more stressful than usual. She bit her lip, trying to keep her mind from wandering. She glanced at the clock. She had quite a few more hours before she was allowed to leave.


Peter walked out into the cold, pulling his jacket on. He walked across the street to the park, spotting Becca and Kiki. He ran up, putting his arms around their shoulders. "Hey ladies," he greeted, a cheesy grin on his face. "What're we talkin' about? Boys? Shoes? Shopping?" he jokingly asked. He had grown to like Kiki, though the two of them fought on occasion It was all for fun, though. They never meant what they said to each other. He and Kiki were quite similar, always over-protective of Becca and not very serious. They liked to have fun and there was nothing wrong with that.
Kiki glanced to her camera before dropping it and allowing it to swing at her neck with a shrug. “You know extra clips get extra pay, but not really. Got what I needed to do, what I was sent too; all that boring nonsense out of the way.” She grinned trying to plan her next move only for Peter to join.

Her arms went about Peter and she even lifted a leg to wrap around him some in tease. “Oh Peter, we were talking about you of course. Those long cold nights in bed without you . . . I don’t think we could EVER survive if you weren’t in the same apartment as us.” She grinned before pulling back and pushing him away some. “Yeah . . . all us girls ever talk about is boys, shoes and shopping, you sure got us pegged.”

Another laugh and she just shook her head. “I was actually thinking, since Becca is off work . . . we do some recon work. I hear there is this OTHER book store by a café . . . really nice spot and all. What do you say Becs? You wish to see what the competition has to offer?”
Dani blushed, as she nodded, then took a small sip of her water. She smiled, shaking her head, "No, it's fine, I already know that it's my boss telling me once again to come back to the Y to teach another team in basketball." she told him, glancing at him, and then at her plate that was still half full of food. She took another small bite of her food, then rested her fork on the edge of her plate. "Four-thirty.." she said quietly "That's in like what, 4 hours?" she said, looking at the clock on the wall, and then back to Trent. "Would you like to come to the Y with me while I teach? It's only half an hour." she asked with a bright, and curious smile on her lips. She finally decided that she would stop eating; not wanting to feel bloated from all of the delicious food that she had consumed. She then signaled for a waiter, and paid the bill; not minding to pay for the extra water. She smiled at the waiter, and then directed her smile to Trent.


"Thanks." Timmy said to Cailin with a small smile. "Sure, I'll have the Homestyle chicken." he told her handing her the menu, and then looked outside again. He could almost feel the cold breeze coming inside from out. He rubbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt, and then smiled at Cailin. It seemed like she was busy, so he didn't want to keep her waiting on him. He then slowly look around the big and spacious restaurant, absorbing its 'homey' feeling that it gave off.
Trent smiled happily. "Yes, I'd love to go. Maybe I'll take some photos and write a little article about the team," he said, thinking aloud. Trent tended to think aloud and he really had very little filter when it came to speaking. It wasn't an issue in this situation but he expected he might give his interest in her away too quickly and maybe scare her off. That's how he was, though, and he always wanted to be upfront with people. This was especially true with girls he was interested in. "You're really cute, you know that right?" he said suddenly, smiling at her.


Cailin wandered to the back, turning in his order. She continued to wander around the restaurant, dopping food off and filling drinks. When his food came up, she took it to his table. She checked the time and let her manager know she was taking her break. She sat down at a free table, instantly going into a daydream, thinking about her routine and going through it in her head. She hummed the music, closing her eyes. She did this often. Visualizing what she wanted to do generally helped her do much better with her routines.


Peter laughed at Kiki. He and Becca were close, but Becca was so shy and it was nice to have someone to goof off with every once in a while. "Yeah, Lynnie, let's go look at the bookstore!" Peter said, pulling on her arm and jumping like a little kid. He laughed at the expression on Becca's face and stopped. "What's wrong?" he asked, tilting his head.

"I'm just worried about school," she replied, shrugging. Usually Peter just made her smile when he goofed around but her classes had been weighing heavily on her mind. She tended to get stressed out about things like that. She shook her head. "Well, let's just go to the store," she said with a smile. "You know I love bookstores," she added, leaning into Peter. "Lead the way, captain!" she said playfully to Kiki.
Dani smirked, "Cool, I'm sure the boys would be happy to show off for you." She said with a little chuckle. She stood up after pushing her bag over her back, and then extending her hand out to Trent. She looked outside, "We should probably be heading over in a little." She told him, with a little smile. She felt her cheeks heat up with the feeling of a blush. Although she would have usually stopped, this time, she didn't care if her blush was permanent or not. "Thanks, you're pretty handsome yourself." She said to him, still blushing a little.


Tim took his food, he thanks the waitress, and started to eat. He loved Emiliano's with all of his heart; infact it was one of his favorite spots to hang out. He looked out into the bitter-cold day, and then focused on his warm, delectable food that was still steaming on his plate. He felt his phone buzz, sighed, and looked at the voicemail. "Yes, I'll be back at work in a hour or so." Is what he had told his manager in his response.
Kiki laughed along with him only to frown as Becca commented about school. “Why? You’re the smartest girl I know there.” She started to wonder if she was what was slowing the girl down some. “You always manage to pull through anyways.” She said before nodding when she talked about going to the store. “Now now Becs, this is enemy turf after all we have to be careful in it.” She teased before saluting Peter and leading the way. “Captain Kiki says we should stop by the café afterwards . . . it’s claimed to have some of the best pastries in town.”

Leading the way to the cozy looking book store she motioned to it with her head before bring up her camera to snap a picture of the outside. “I overheard some kids before saying a giant runs it. I know that has to be silly but never hurts to dip into the imagination.” She grinned more before opening the door and snapping a few photos inside not caring if they liked her doing so or not.
Mitchell yawned putting the book he had just finished down next to a pile. It had been a mostly slow day, some people here to there. "Wonder what the worlds doing today" he thought to himself while picking up another one of the books in a different pile. He didn't finish a lot of books he started, since everyone seemed interested in any book that he was reading. Sighing he looked back up at the door pulling the book down a little bit noticing the group of 3 people walking into the store happily. One seemed to be picture happy but Mitchell wasn't one to worry about it. Mitchell looked at his page number once more before snapping the book shut and placing it on the desk to greet the new customers. "Guess students don't mind coming in here for more then coffee" he thought.
Becca followed Kiki into the bookstore, her expression rather neutral. A small smile played at her lips soon enough, though. The smell of the books was comforting. She walked down the first row of books, running her fingers along the spine. She reached the end of the row and began walking up the other before she noticed the man behind the counter. She froze. He wasn't standing but it was obvious that he was tall. She understood why Kiki had called him a giant. She just shook her head and focused on the books. Poe House Books, where she worked, mainly sold used books. It was nice to go somewhere that actually sold new books. Becca, pushing her copper hair from her face, began to pull books from the shelves. She had a large stack of books in the corner of her room that she had to read but you could never have too many. She glanced back to the man, giving him a small smile before continuing to grab books.


Peter raised his eyebrows at the man behind the counter but quickly averted his eyes and followed Becca. He stopped at the back of the store. "Did you see the size of that guy?" he asked under his breath to Kiki. He watched Becca wander off, doing her bookstore thing. It was best not to disturb her while she shopped for books. He returned his attention to Kiki, expecting that she would have something to say about this. She usually did anyways.


Trent stood, holding his hand out for her. "I get dinner then," he said with a smile. Her blush was absolutely adorable, he thought to himself. He walked with her outside. "You lead the way, miss Dani," he said, the smile still on his face. He was actually excited for the rest of the day. That definitely wasn't what he expected out of this day when he woke up late.
Kiki merely waved at the man before giggling some at Peter’s whisper and nodded. Her smile grew more as she kept looking over to the giant that the kids must have been talking about. “I’m going to ask him to stand, see if his head touches the ceiling.” She smiled brightly at Peter before elbowing him lightly. “Would have dared you to but I bet you don’t even have to guts.” After that and a slight wink to the boy she approached the employee. “Hey . . . you’re that giant the kids always talk about right? Can you stand so I can see just how tall you are? You know . . . maybe snap a picture or two while I’m at it.” Bold and perhaps a bit rude but that was Kiki for you.
Dani smirked, she took his hand, and walked outside with him. "Fine, you can get dinner." She agreed as she gentley bumped her hip on his. She giggled a little, she lead him down the block and around the corner, until thy reached the YMCA. She opened the door and walked inside the gym "I've got to change, so I'll be right back. But feel free to go into the gym without me, I'll be out in a few minutes." She said to Trent, letting go of his hand, and walking into the locker room. She changed into a neon green sports bra and her black basketball shorts, and then walked into the gym. She met up with her team, and started to warm up with them. She quickly looked around for Trent, but then completely focused on her 11th grade boys basketball team.
Mitchell had been watching the store not really paying attention to the group so much as he surveyed the rest of the store. Mitchell looked over with a raised eyebrow when he noticed one of the girls from earlier. "They call me a Giant" he thought as a smile formed against his solid face. He would have laughed if had been his style, but he just sighed as he placed his hand on the counter and stood up. Mitchell was glad the roof was high in this store he wouldn't have to worry about that. Though he wasn't sure about taking pictures since that was not honestly his thing, but he was at work and if it made the customers happy then it wasn't so bad. He looked over to her friends as the boy was attempting to not make eye contact which put another smile on his face.
Emerald smiled as the bell rang. "Shawn, we can meet right outside the front doors ok? I will see you after classes!" She dumped her tray and went off to her next class. Apple cider had always been a favorite of hers, so she was looking forward to skating as well, however, more so her tutoring session. Sometimes when she hung out with Cian and Aurora she felt a bit like a third wheel.

Cian turned to Aurora, "since Emmy is busy today why don't you meet me at my locker after school? We could go do something." He smiled. He didn't wait for an answer before heading off to his class as well. The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, and Cian was glad when the final bell rang. Emerald waved at him as she ran by on her way to meet Shawn, and Cian waved back, waiting in front of his locker for Aurora.

Chase pulled out his lyrics notebook as he waited for his food. He scribbled a few things here and there as he hummed quietly. His fingers drummed against the table as he wrote. Technically this was his musical composition homework, however, music was such a passion for him that he would never consider it any kind of work.

(Sorry my reply is delayed, been busy)
Shawn jumped at the loud bell covering his ears as usually. His eyes going to the girl though barely catching what she was saying to him, outside front doors, he could do that as long as he wasn’t made late for work. Nodding after her, he managed to give everyone a weak wave good bye before leaning his own mess and heading off.
Aurora ran in, panting as she reached his locker. "Sorry, I had to avoid a lecture for Mrs. Buzbee on how every single organelles in important for the cell's function. Long story, I'm here." She laughed, adjusting the strap that held her books.
Cian watched in amusment as Aurora came running up to him, attempting to explain why she was late. "hey, it fine Aurora, you know im patient. i would never stand you up, thats would just be mean." he grinned. he picked his back pack up from the floor and slung it over his shoulder, "so, anywhere you want to go? any ideas what to do? i got nothing." he said, leading the way to the exit.

Emerald leaned up against the cold walls of the school building, her usual cheerful smile in place. she couldnt wait to go to the cafe. she had never been there, and she absolutely loved apple cider. she had heard good things about the cafe, and would be more than willing to study math if it meant a good atmosphere and snacks. she checked her wallet, then her watch as she waited for Shawn.
Shawn wasn’t late, his usual routine caused him to ignore or never get a locker and carry his bulk of books around all the time. It wasn’t until he saw the front doors though that he paused; as if unsure what happened at lunch time was even real. He glanced around him at the students who past he hesitated before stepping forward into the light of the outside to look around.

A cute shock and smile as he finally noticed Emerald, was he really waiting for him? His eyes glanced down some to his hands before up again towards her before walking over to try to give her a light wave. Still as silent as ever he would willingly wait for her, for however long it took. Even if she may take her time something told him he wouldn’t mind being late for once.
Becca wanted to roll her eyes at Kiki but she restrained herself. She grabbed two more books off the shelves. "Peter, can you get that book for me?" she asked, pointing to a book on the shelf to her right. Her arms were already full but she was in desperate need of some new books to read. He laughed at her and grabbed the book.

"Don't you think you have enough?" Peter asked, shaking his head at her. She just ignored him, making her way to the counter. She carefully placed the stack of books on the counter, smiling shyly at the tall man behind it. Peter placed the book he was carrying on top of the stack. "You must have picked up like eight books," he muttered, stepping back and shoving his hands in his pockets. He stood by Kiki and leaned over slightly. "What're you wanting pictures for, anyway?" he asked, finally looking at the man behind the counter. It was almost inconceivable that anyone could be that tall.

"Oh, wait!" Becca suddenly exclaimed, hurrying away from the counter and back down the aisles of books, just having remembered another book on her list.


Trent happily snapped a few pictures of the boys and Dani as he watched from the bleachers. He had always loved coming here. Thoughts about the article he could write bounced around in his head as he watched the boys running up and down the court. Hopefully he could interview one of them quickly before they left. He paused, looking through the pictures on his camera and deciding he had what he needed there. He leaned back, relaxing, to watch the rest of the class unfold. It was nice, he thought to himself, that Dani did these classes. He'd have to ask her why she liked it here so much when they headed over to the park.
Kiki raised an eyebrow as he didn’t realize the nickname he got. Was he really that out of the loop? At least he smiled, she was used to people getting huffy or insulted by her words easily. “Come now you can give me at least a few poses.” She teased the tall man as she started to snap a few pictures of him already, almost trying to get him to model for her. She herself probably rarely seeing anyone that tall if ever.

When Peter leaned over behind her she laughed at his question snapping some more before trying to turn around and get a picture of him too. “What, are you jealious?” She teased before shaken her head and allowing the camera to rest some. “I work for the newspaper remember . . . if I can talk them into doing an article of the book selling giant . . . well that’s just more photos I can sell them. You know more money to pay the rent or well for fun nights out.” Leaning in to whisper more of a tease for Peter than meaning it though “Sides he’s not THAT bad looking either.”
"Shawn!" she called as she saw him approach, "i dashed out of class early because i didnt want to make you late for work, but it looks like a came a bit too early" she chuckled lightheartedly. "well if youre ready to lets get going, lead the way!" she said as they started to walk. "you know, ive always been bad at math, its one of those subjects where youre really good, or really bad. there never seems to be a middle ground." she looked thoughtful, "maybe there is.... i dont know." she went in front of him and walked backwards, "you seem smart, so im sure algebra isnt any trouble for you" she said. as she turned to walk forward again, her foot met with a crack in the sidewalk and she was sent tumbling to the ground.

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