Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

They walked out to Lukes car it was a simple four door car and not a beater either. Luke looked at the kid ignoring they strange way he had skipped out and asked

"So Im guessing your gonna need a ride?" Luke asked the boy

"Probably a good idea don't think i've been to the library around here." before He added

Luke then opened his car door and waited for a response from the boy and picked out saw dust from his hair as he waited.
John looked at the car with a slight worried look to his face,he sighed and nodded figuring he would need a ride. Though he hadn't ever ridden in a car since Noah didn't owned one and they could always walk to where they needed to go,cars were loud and always seemed to cause more harm then walking did. But John had to get back fast and walking wasn't going to cut it.
Luke turned the car on and put it in reverse he then continued to back out of his spot that changed the gear to drive spitting out rocks as they headed off. Luke found it a bit strange that the child had'int said a single word.

"So kid I'm luke" He said a bit akwardly considering he's never been in this situation before

They hit a couple of bumps before hitting onto the rough pavement of the road. Luke then continued on with and proceeded to ask.

"So whats your name?" He looked at the boy then looking back at the road.

Luke saw a stop sign and slowed down at the four way intersection and once agian looked at john almost as if he was asking which way?
As Luke drove John sunk in his seat as he held onto it for dear life,when he heard Luke speak to him his grip slightly loosened. So the man's name was Luke?He thought right before hitting the bumps which also freaked John out,as Luke stopped at the sign John had pointed right with his finger as he quietly spoke."John..."His voice sounded very scratchy and uneven,and as if he was using all his strength to say just his name.
Luke honestly could'int tell if the kid was just shy or if thats how he sounded but he took the right turn and drove a bit further

"Sounds like cat got your tonuge there John" Luke said then chuckled a bit

He saw the library from a distance and knew where he was going and how to get there now and before he knew it they were there at thier destination.

"So your fathers name is uhhh" Luke then pulled out the letter to make sure he had the right name

"Noah? alright then let's go take a look at that leaky roof of yours" Luke said a bit excited for some reason

He got out of the car and slammed the door shut and locked it making sure it was secure he tried to open it and made sure it was locked before leaving then started walking towards the library.
John just huffed at the cat got your tongue comment and just waited until he came to a stop at the library,once he did John shot out of the car and shivered. That was worse then expected but he at least got through it,he ran up the the small library and opened the door.The door bell rang as he walked through and he heard Robin yell from upstairs."We're closed! Come back later!"and he heard footsteps coming down the metal spiral stare case which was in the corner right by the door,seeing robin spin around them as he walked down to see John."Ah,so your back. Sweet,did you get someone to help?"John nodded and pointed to Luke who was heading to the door,Robin just looked at Luke now more quiet he went back up the stairs to tell Noah.
Becca shook her head indicating that she didn't need any help with the books. Becca looked at Kiki, suddenly feeling guilty. How could she have not trusted her friend. Becca looked at the paper in her hands before hugging Kiki suddenly. "I'm sorry," she apologized, pulling away from the hug and giving her friend and bright smile. She walked close to Kiki, talking to her under her breath as she watched Peter walk a few steps before them. "I don't know what's wrong with him. He's been weird today," she said with a shrug, looking up at her friend. Becca avoided telling Kiki why she had been momentarily upset. She was embarrassed that she had reacted that way. Normally, she had pretty good control over her emotions. She linked arms with Kiki as they walked, managing to carry the books as she went. Becca took small steps which made it difficult to keep up with her friend. She managed though, watching Peter as she walked. What in the world could be wrong with him?

Peter took the paper and shoved it in his pocket. "Nah, I'll just tag along," he muttered, picking up his pace so he was a few steps infront of the girls. He knew he shouldn't be getting so frustrated but he didn't understand why he felt this way. He took a few deep breaths, trying to clear his head. Kiki had given Becca the number, so apparently she wasn't interested in the guy. For some reason, that made him a little happier than he would have preferred. He slowed down, falling in step beside Becca. He carefully took the books from her as they walked. The poor girl looked like she was about to fall over. With his free hand, he pulled the paper from his pocket. "So, any opinion on where we should go tonight, ladies?" he asked, a playful grin on his face. He hoped that everything would just go back to normal.


Trent smiled and thought for a moment. "I like football, baseball, and rugby," he said, happy to have the chance to actually talk. "What do you do in your free time, besides sports?" he questioned, setting his camera down and putting his arm around her shoulders. He was honestly, unsure as to why he was so interested in her but he usually never acted this way. He tended not to really sette down or take girls out places with him. Of course, most of the girls he met were at bars and clubs.
Faith resolved that there was not much for her to do at this time of night and decided to take a rare stop at the local bar. She walked around till she spotted it, hoping that it was open. [MENTION=4196]Makira Kaiser[/MENTION]

Chase finished his composition homework, folding up the papers and storing them in his guitar case. He vacated the park bench and make his way into town, spotting an arcade that had just opened up. He wandered in and sat at one of the mre classic machines. He played with a straight face, completely calm. After awhile he was nearing a highscore that someone had set earlier in the day.
Dani smirked, "Those are really cool sports." she said, looking up at him. "I'd like to watch you sometime... I'f that's ok with you." she asked him with a curious expression. She moved herself a little closer to Trent, and then thought about she liked to do in her free time. "I like to read, watch movies, hang out with people, and cook." she told him, and she flipped the hood on her sweatshirt over her head. "What about you, what do you like to do in your free time?" she asked in, genuinely interested in him. He was so different than the guys she had met or interacted with before.
Shawn’s eyes once more ran over the girl before him full of worry. He was more concern over if she was hurt than himself. Her words snapping him back around though and he merely nodded slowly as if unsure. Walking with her to the café he waved at the few employees there before motioning to the back booth near the doors. Placing his bag down there and given her an apologetic smile, he would have to go get change and go to work. At least she knew where he worked and sat on his breaks though now. Waving over one of the few employees who managed to take in a few of his signs the employee would get the girl an order of Apple Cider while she waited on Shawn.
Luke was startled by john just running back inside like that "What a wierd kid" he thought to himself. As Luke went inside he immediately felt out of place in here, There were people in ties reading books and others dressed up rather nice while he stood there in the door way wearing a dirty white T-shirt and having a strong scent of forest on him.

"John go get your father for me" Luke asked while looking around the library

Luke scratched the scar on his neck and made way to the closest counter and picked up a book that looked rather old he got bored and flipped it open and saw that is assumption was correct it appeared to be a old poem book using the words "Thou" other old time words he then set it down and waited for Noah.
Actually the library wasn't so fancy,if it was to be described it could be mistaken for a run down book store.Though most of the people here seemed rather wealthy,if you took a good look around there were many others like children and mothers who tried to keep them still,workers like Luke in the back where they kept books and blue prints of old buildings and machines. When you walk in the library the room is tall and goes far back,but the width was just about seven yards long from wall to wall.The door opened to the outside was on the far right side which had the spiral staircase which lead up above the tall room right next to it which was in between the door and wall,a large window stretched from the other wall to the left side of the door which let most light in.Selves covered the rest of the walls all the way back and along the back wall,two rows shelves stand in the back lined up like dominos with what looks to be tables and file cabinets just behind them,also long tables were lined up in the front of the room as well with stacks of books laying here and there. In the back above the rows of shelves there was a balcony that stretched over half the room with even more shelves and stairs on each side of the room to get there.Green lamps were lit on all the tables and small wooden fans hung from the ceiling turning slowly but fast enough to keep it cool. The front desk was right in front of the door in and went around like a backwards J,a computer sat at the curve of the desk as office supplies and books covered the rest.

John nodded and headed up the spiral stairs in a slight hurry,not to long after Noah came down with Robin and John trailing behind him. Without even asking he walked up to Luke since it was obvious who he was,with a straight he looked at Luke.He slightly bowed his head as he spoke."Thank you so much for coming,and I'm sorry for the such short notice...Was there any problems finding your way?"He asked with slight concern in his voice,while he was speaking to Luke Robin and John went and got the other people out since they were going to close for the repair.Most of the people simply nodded,got there stuff and went out while others when to the desk to check out some books which John helped with.
"No there was'int any trouble getting here your boy helped me part of the way" Luke said and continued

"Im Luke and im gonna assume you are Noah?" Luke knew his assumption was most likely correct

He then looked around not noticeing any cold air drafts from any cracks in the roof or walls which he assumed he might have to work in a attic unless the cracks that were letting in water were father back in the library.

The thought of the attic bothered Luke he never did like them but a job is a job he also thought to himself.
Noah nodded,"That's me,come.I'll show you the hole..."He said as he walked to the spiral stair case right after everyone had left and Robin and John flipped the 'open' sign on the door to closed,then they sped up the stairs before Noah.Noah stopped at the first step making sure Luke was following before continuing up,dragging his hand on the pole the stairs spiraled around.The stairs were slightly wobbly and creaked with every step as the metal hit metal,John and Robin had already made it all the way up and foot steps could be heard as they ran around up stairs.
Luke followed along stepping on the metal stairs and hearing a "Clink" sort of sound. It was strange how quiet this place is Luke thought about for a minute

"So how old is the building" Luke asked a bit curiously

Luke continued to follow Noah until they got to the top of the stairs then continued to look around and he could'int tell if it was from the saw dust or the dust in the library but which ever one it was he could smell it

"Must be hard to keep the place clean" Luke said trying to make Idol converstaion until he was shown the job site.
"It's about 60 to 70 years old."Noah stated as they got to the top of the stairs,it had lead to what looked to be an attic but it was tall. And it was long like down stairs bus some what divided,there was what looked to be a kitchen in the back that was separated from the rest of the attic by a bar table which left a small opened space on the right side so they could get back there.The rest of the room looked like a Living room with a couch sat against the wall right next to the kitchen and a short,long table in front of the couch as a chair sat beside it.The couch and chair faced a tv stand that sat against the other wall which had a big boxed tv sat on top of it,more near the stair case on the left wall sat two full sized beds which sat very close to each other as if creating one big bed. And it was obvious where the 'hole' was,right above the couch and tv the roof had completely collapsed in and was now resting on top of the couch and tv.It was big enough that Luke could go climb up to the roof without getting on his hands and knees. Robin and John were sitting on the bed and looked as if they were wrestling around before Noah and Luke came up,now they stood still with Robin holding John down with his arm against John's neck and John trying to push him off.Noah stood near the end of the stairs right beside the beds and stared at the roof,"So....This is it... Robin said him and John would be able to fix it but...I wanted to make sure they wouldn't just make it worse.."He said as he looked over that the two boys,which Robin had got off of John after noticing Noah.
"I don't know man your boys do look pretty capable of fixing this" Luke laughed a little bit.

The job looked like it needed possibly a new support beam and re-roofing of that one area

"Well the hole dose'int look entirely too bad but I can defnitely feel the lovely draft of cold air but in all seriousness I probably will need to Re-roof the one area and replace the support beam which should'int cost you too much" Luke said while investigating the roof

"I also got some of my old tools in the trunk of my car I probably will just need to make a quick ride to the lumber yard and get a beam" Luke added
Noah nodded,"Anything to get it fixed,we just need to make sure this doesn't happen again any time soon..."With the way Robin and John would always go up on the roof he wanted to make sure this wouldn't happen again,Noah was just relieved that no one got badly hurt."So you think you can fix it?"He asked as Noah looked down from the roof and to Luke."And if you do need help,Robin and John would be happy to help with the problem They caused." He made sure to point out 'They' to where Robin huffed irritatedly and John sighed feeling the blame.
"Oh yeah it should be able to fix it pretty quickly I hope" he said staring at the hole in the roof

"And perhaps I will need your boys help with this" He said as he swung his head to look at Noah's kids

"But in the mean time im gonna take some measurements and head down to the hardware store, we can also talk about the pay later" Luke added

Luke walked over to one of the other beams and pulled out his tape measure he usually used at a lumber mill.

After he got done with the measurements he realized the support beams were standard size and did'int need to be cutted which made his job easier but he was also going to have to replace the insolation in the roof which was rather bothersome "I can have the boys carrie up the itchy stuff" he though to him self then having a smile on his face

"Well Alright im going to head down to the hard ware store I should have enough money to pay for the supplies" He said to Noah.

"But when I come back I'll have some stuff to unload so John you and your brother can help me it's real light stuff so don't worry" Luke said while walking pass the boys and down the stairs.
John was now hanging half way off the bed with his head pointing down,he nodded as he watched the upside-down Luke which was making him feel slightly dizzy. Robin just crossed his arms with an irritated look on his face,"We're not babies..."He said as he hopped off the bed which made John fall forward to the ground,Robin chuckled as he watched John try to get up still seeming a bit dizzy. Noah sighed at the two and turned to Luke."They'll be outside when you get back..."He followed Luke down the stairs,They had to move some things too before Luke got back as well.
Luke reached the bottom of the stairs then headed to his car and got in the driver seat then continued to start up his car once he did so he turned up his radio for a bit of travel music and headed off to the lumber store. A couple miles later Luke was at the hardware store and when he walked in he saw one of those employees who you could tell hated thier job but wore a fake smile and greeted you to the store.

Luke did'int really pay much attention to the women greeting him but just rathered ignored her and continued on his way through the isle seeing celling fans to bathroom sinks until he found one of the objects he was looking for it was a silicone tube with a holder for it.

"I can never rember what these damn things are called" Luke said holding it and examining it

He was hoping they sold insulation packets usually you had to order them but some stores carried it.

He found the insulation it was wraped up nice in plastic and was pink rectangle as big as Lukes torso he grabbed 3 of these a put it in a nearby basket he found and headed over to lumber section.

The piece luke needed was a rather large peice but he found a check out line in the lumber department.

"Hello sir how may I help you?" The cashier asked with one of those fake smiles

"Yeah I'd like to purchase these and a standard size cuted support beam" Luke replied trying to get this over and done with.

"Alright sir that will be 150$" The cashier responded. Luke then pulled out his wallet and payed the man. Then 2 other men followed luke outside placing the beam on top of his car

"Thanks" luke said quietly
Robin and John had been kicked out of the library and was sitting in front of it waiting,they played a couple games as they waited like I spy and the alphabet game but it was easy to see they were both bored out of there minds. Noah had started moving the things in the way and tried getting the couch,tv,tv stand,and anything else around the hole away. It wasn't too hard but the fact that the piece of roof that had collapsed was unstable so he had to be careful or it could get worse,after he got everything away he went down stairs.
Luke lit a cigarette and unlocked his trunk and grabed the ropes he had a throwing it across the wooden support beams and then tied it down to the roof of his car. He got in his car turned the ignition and started driving back towards the drive way with one of his arms hanging outside of the window and holding onto his cigarette. When he pulled up to the library he saw Robin and John sitting there looking bored. Luke stoped his car and got out.

"Come on boys" he said refering to both of Noah's kids

Luke then pop'ed open the trunk almost hitting his head on the support beam. Luke proceeded to pull out 3 hard hats and a 2 pairs of gloves he then put one pair of gloves in each hard hat then tossed them at Robin and John.

"Alright John , Robin I want you two to grab the insulation I highly suggest you use the gloves this stuff is itchy as can be trust me on that" Luke warned but knowing he probaly was going to make that mistake and get the itches.

Luke grabbed his tool belt and cliped it onto himself it has his hammer , Nails, Protractor and a nail gun.

"Been awhile sense I done some construction" Luke thought to himself. It was bitter sweet kind of thing for him to be doing.
Once Luke drove up the two jumped to there feet and waited,they successfully caught the hard hats and each grabbed the gloves inside them.John had set the hat on his head before trying to put the gloves on,they were pretty big on him but they worked.Robin held his hat between his arm and side as he put his gloves on then he peeked over to John with a smile on his face as John messed with his gloves,Robin took his hat after putting his gloves on and banged it onto of John's that sat on his head.He got a surprised look from John then a glared as he burst out laughing,putting his hat on too.Then the boys got the insulation as they were told,Robin carried two as John got the last one.
Kiki jumped a touch startled not expecting the hug at all before giggling some. The apology, she merely shook her head at before hugging the girl back before she pulled away. “I guess it’s partly my fault for not seeing how serious a sudden crush can be.” She teased lightly. When even Becca spoke of Peter being weird though Kiki had to glance to the girl then to her friend a touch worried “You don’t say . . .”

Raising an eyebrow as Peter pocketed the paper yet told her she could pick. “So I’m picking blindly am I?” She smirked in a tease and shook her head. “I get it you just want to make things difficult on me.” A bit happy that Peter took the books though, she herself was worried about them being to heavy for her friend. “Well I wanted to check out the café that’s near the arcade, but when the stars come out you know how I am. Where ever the fun leads me and I’m good. Shame I’m still too young to drink eh? Some of the best places only let you in when you’re older . . . course I could always try to hit a keg party at the college.”


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