Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Trent smirked and nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to have you come and watch," he responded. "I like hanging out with friends, writing, photography, and reading," he replied, thinking for a moment. He looked at the field as the winning team flooded it, cheering. "That's my cue," he said, standing. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the field with him. He snapped a few pictures of the celebration and interviewed the coach and the quarterback rather quickly. He then walked with Dani from the field. "Wanna go to my apartment for dinner?" he asked, pausing on the sidewalk.


Becca smiled shyly and her cheeks turned a touch red as she followed her friends. She was rather worried about Peter. It was quite unlike him to act this way, really. Whatever it was, he seemed to try and get back to himself. She smiled up at her friend as she listened to Peter and Kiki speak.

Peter just nodded as he listened to Kiki. "Yeah, well, we can make the best of it. I think tonight will be fun. I haven't been out in a while," Peter said, smiling at Kiki, though he was still lost in thought. "I can't wait till I'm twenty-one. I'm not sure this town will be able to handle us," he said, smiling and playfully bumping into Becca as they walked. "And, yes, I do enjoy making things difficult for you," he said to Kiki, sticking his tongue out at her. Becca just rolled her eyes at him. He was always so childish. She often felt like she was the mom for these two, trying to be the mature one. Not that they weren't serious, but they goofed off more than she did.
Dani smiled, she grabbed her bag from the bleachers as Trent went to take a few photos and talk to the quarterbacks. On the other hand, she had jut struck up a conversation with a women in the stands about the latest news on sports. She smiled slyly and pushed her hair out of her face, "You can read about the cover of this game in the Sports Section in the paper." She said, not directly to the woman. She saw Trent finish his interviews, and walked over, "Sure!!" She said as she stopped by his side. She looked at him and smiled softly, "I'd like to go to your aparent." Se added as she readjusted her bag and zipped up her coat. She looked to Trent an then starte to walk down the street with him.
Sasha looked to the man with a grin as he entered. she didnt really know him, but at least she wasnt alone now. "hey! you the new guy i heard is moving in here? the names Sasha, nice to meet you!" she walked over holding out her hand for him to shake. she hoped to strike a conversation or something....otherwise her back up plan would either be the new arcade downtown or the bar.she enjoyed arcade games, and even though she had only been drinking age for a few months she quickly became a regular at the bar. she only light fruit cocktails and mainly visited bars because there were lots of people and she could easily hit someone up for a long chat, just as long as she didnt get picked up by any weirdos.
" Oro ? " He blinks twice at the package thinking.

Who would bring him a package of glass or books ? Or did he buy anything online ?

He shrugged it off as he take a pen from the counter and signing it.

And setting it back at the table .

" I'm Makira Kaiser, Nice to meet you too " He bows down and smiles and setting aside the Mail and Package.
OOC: Romel has a picture now :)

Romel got stuck for a moment on how she, they knew he was coming? His mind rationalized that he told them, and this was a pretty small place even if it was a city. Romel let his eyes go over the woman as she appourched, finding out her name was Sasha. Giving another soft smile, Romel cleared his throat as he gave her hand a shake,

"Pleasure to meet you, Sasha, thank you for the warm welcome. Yes I am the guy that is moving in," He paused he was supposed to give his name now. Glancing around the room, he fought with himself, give his name? Or another fake one? It let again steered his thoughts past ward....could he? His actual name, not an alias anymore? Sallowing, it actually took him a moment to convince himself it was alright than to remember his full name, "I'm Romel Lee Angelo," His voice was warm and slightly shocked as the name fell from his lips, gently releasing her hand sliding them back into his pockets and nodding towards the desk, "I believe I have to sign in, correct? I take it you live here since you knew about me coming, unless your a spy or something." It was a joke, it sounded like a joke, yet his senses were on high alert for any suspicious signs even though he did expect anything not really.
He smiles at the bar tender again " mind if i have another glass of water before i head on out again. i have a long route left to do before the sun sets." He looks around the bar and then at his route information. "hmmm... do you know where the city's green house is? i hear that there is a florist in town... do you know where it is at?"
Faith smiled, "actually, I happen to work there." She said, finishing her drink. Up to that point she had remained quiet and listen to the two men talk over the delivery. "My name is Faith by the way. Faith Ernst. Would you like doirections? Or would it be easy to show you?" She asked, knowing that not everyone was great with directions. Then again, he was a delivery man so he should be right?

Sasha shook his hand when he took the hand she offered out. "Nice to meet you Romel, welcome to our modest home. And don't worry, I'm not a spy. I'm just a spectacular hair stylist." She laughed. She glanced around for a moment then at the sign in. "I suppose you should sign in.....I'm still debating whether or not to go out. I might go crazy if I have to spend much longer in my apartment, but I don't know if I should go to the arcade or the bar." Her stomach growled, "or maybe I should make myself dinner." She chuckled.
Romel felt a relieif run through him, it would be foolish to just take everyone's word, but nothing gave Sasha away, most people had a tell, without even knowing it. Romel could not help, but smile as she said modest home, it was that reason he picked them. Beganing to walk towards the counter, Romel listened to Sasha talk, when her stomach growled, Romel thought of food and his stomach have a moan of hunger,

"It seems I agree with you on dinner, and the other two things sound nice." He let out a chuckle, before realizing he had included himself into her plans. Ducking his head, red bangs covered eyes as he signed his name,"I mean, if they were not solo plans of yours" He amended quickly, while slipping his apartment key into his pocket. Before straighting to face Sasha, the very hint of a blush under his nose.
" Of course ! " Makira approved happily as he fills the man's glass with water.

and he blinks looking at Faith and smiles .

" You work at the greenhouse ? Amazing ! " He looks at her, Delighted with interest.
Faith turned back to Makirawith a smile, "its a great job. I'm getting close to a promotion to assistant manager too." She looked at the ice in her glass, running a slender finger around the lip of the glass. "Did you know that its not just roses that speak? Every flower has its own meaning...they have their own language." Faith knew much about flowers, to include their silent language.


Sasha laughed, "sure thing! My plans always have room for other people! It would be a good chance to learn about the town since you're new here." She was glad she wouldn't be spending dinner alone. "There's all sorts of places to eat . There's chinese place, a mexican resturaunt, even italian. What kind of food do you like?"
you work at the green house?" he looks at the woman good this time and then looks away again as he was easily smitten by beauty. "i understand what you mean by the flowers have voices..." he pulls a small book out of his pocket and opens it flipping carefully through the pages. "let's see... Ah! here it is..." he delicatly pulls a small branch with some small pink blossoms on the end. " this is a Sakura blossom from my home city." He places it carefully infront of her" I love pressing flowers... my mother taught me and it's become a hoby." he sounds a bit embaresed to be telling her that. " Would you mind if i came to the Green house when I get off of work? I'd love to see the flowers that grow there." He sounded a bit sheepish but into the topic.
" I see ! " He nods as he looks at the Sakura Blossom.

He then suddenly remembered one of his past friends, his best friend.

Who left town so that he can study somewhere else,

Makira stood there, staring out nowhere. Smiling.

The memory of his past, Have been hard but, Fun.
Stepping out of the way, Romel looked himself over,making sure he did not look sweaty or dirty than turned his attention to Sasha, he was glad he had someone to show him the town, much more normal looking instead of going alone looking like a lost tourist. Despite his glee, and her friendliness, Romel was nervous being in the company of another, it could bring unwanted questions. Fiddling with this for awhile, Romel answered,

"Spice usually goes hand and hand with mexicain food, I am sure you can pick a good one. Let me just drop off my things in the apartment, real fast, I don't have much, do you mind?"
Faith looked at the small flowers before her. "hmm. Sakura, the Japanese Cherry Blossom, and a flower of spirituality and beauty." she gently handed it back, "well pressed." she gave a curt compliment. "when do you get done with deliveries? it might get a little late, but i can meet you over there when youre done, i have a set of greenhouse keys for caring for the plants after hours." she offered, writing down directions and handing them to him. she turned back to Makira, "you know, i just thought of something. this bar has a nice atmosphere, it doesnt feel like a wild party place. have you every thought of decorating with flowers? i recommend some based on their meaning." she offered, waiting for answers from both of them.

(ohh.....Faith is popular ;D lol))

Sasha nodded, "you like it spicy, great choice! theres a rad place downtown called El Casa de Sombreros, cheesy right? but those dudes make some darn good paella." Sasha was a fan of spicy as well, however her favorite mouthful of fire was spicy curry. Mexican was a close second. "go ahead and unload your stuff, i just realized i forgot my wallet in my apartment anyway. meet me back down here all right?" she said before hurrying back up the stairs. Elevators made her uncomfortable, and stairs were good exercise anyway.

She jammed her key into the lock and walked back into her apartment. she grabbed her wallet, peeked in a mirror to see that her straight black hair was in order, and winked a deep blue eye at her reflection before walking beck out into the hall. she turned the key to lock her door and headed off down the hall.
He blinks twice, Realizing it's present time.

Nodding " Sure, Whatever you recommend Faith " He smiles at her.
Romel watched her hurry off standing till she vanished before setting off outside his stomach gave another growl, "Shut up, we are getting food, good food, even if the name is corny." Romel lockedb his bike, and grabbed his small suitcase and dufflebag from the small compartment on the side of the bike. Walking briskfully back in, and up the steps, Romel walked slower looking for his number, second floor 218.....finding bit near the end, Romel rolled his eyes at the set of steps that would have been faster. Sticking in his key, the door opens smoothly. A nice fresh scent hit his nose. Throwng his things to the side Romel looked around the decent sized livingroom and kitchen, before heading into the bathroom connected to a bathroom. Walking down the small hall, the pantry, another closet and the laudrey room was there. Clicking on and off lights, Romel came over to the living room opening the slding glass door to the small balcony, staying and peering around he stepped inside looking the door.

Slipping on some more deoderent andw running fingers through his red hair, Romel made it back out the door, taking the steps. Reaching the bottom, green eyes skimmed along looking for Sasha.
he takes the small branch back and puts it in his book again and places it back in his pocket. "well it depends on how many things i have to deliver... so about 3 o clock I'd guess" he takes the directions " thank you for this " i need to be going again if you will excuse me "he drinks the water and takes his reading glasses off and puts his riding glasses on and his helmet and walks to the door "thanks for the water Mr. Kaiser. I'll be seeing more of both of you i hope" He opens the door unlocks his bike and rides off.
Arthur held himself hostage within the confines of his flat, not yet had anyone impacting entered his life, not yet had he been to rehab, not yet had he found his path. Currently he was alone, completely alone, in the cluttered small apartment near a bakery. He could barely afford to keep it with just him living in it with his drug addiction, but the landlady pitied him and allowed him to stay. Walter, his irate older brother, had been worrying more and more frequently about him; seeing that Arthur had completely lost his mind in his drug addictions and cut off connections from the outside world, especially his family. He ceased to answer his phone, and locked himself in his chilly abandoned apartment to be with just his drugs. He injected the cocaine into his arms, feeling immediate results of the oncoming high. His heartrate quickened and he was free, he craved the drugs, needed it. One of his favorites just happened to be cocaine and cigarettes, as he'd certainly been around and tried his fair share of separate drugs. His phone buzzed off with a text, but Arthur didn't bother to even check his vibrating phone across the room, to engrossed with his drugs. His pupils dilated and he sighed in relief, sweet relief. He felt better, much better. His eyes were blank now, staring at the wall as he shook. Dark circles had built up underneath them, so shady they nearly matched his disheveled brown curls. It gave him a skeletal appearance. He rocked back and forth, guilty about returning to the drug after he promised he wouldn't, but finally at rest now that he'd taken it. The apartment was freezing, he hadn't paid the heat bill or bought food in order to obtain this cocaine. Little did Arthur know, this may be the year he was free of his trials and tribulations; of all his hardships. He stayed in the drug-induced state for an hour or so, before coming off the high and falling into a deep slumber. When he awoke he didn't know what time it was, but he knew he would need to get a flatmate to share the rent with him; since he couldn't afford it on his own. His parents/brother sent him good-sized amounts of money when he needed it, but his own arrogance got in the way of him accepting help. As did the bloody drugs, but he insisted they helped him focus. By now, he was completely off that high and sitting at his desk, writing meaningless drabbles and dark poems. "With the door closed, shades drawn, the world shrinks..." He began to write in his formal cursive handwriting, he continued to write of his drug endeavors. His solitude. He stared out his window then, seeing children outside. Lucerne, they said this city had a way of changing people and returning their lives. He certainly didn't see how this city could impact him.

Theodore was seeking a home, he had been staying in a hotel for quite some time; skipping around as he searched for the proper home. He currently sat reading a book within the hotel room, Cleo sitting on the bed beside him in a tight little ball. He was at peace, book in one hand and cup of tea in the other. He'd go house seeking in the morning, which he had a limited amount of time to find it. With his parents support, he'd gotten a decent supply of cash (not to mention with the jobs he'd been working and time he spent saving while still in England.) Teddy was at rest, for now, for he predicted nightmares would plague his dreams tonight. They were bad dreams of the past, his sister and her abusive boyfriend, and his anxiety of being in an entire new country. People already gave him odd looks, he was smaller than most of the man here, with a cherubic angelic face, and he swore he resembled a girl more than a boy. His conscience fought against that, he was stockier than a woman, he had a more masculine face than a girl, and he continued to point out his manly features. They were soft, and he just resembled a lost puppy dog with those massive brown eyes and those curly blonde locks.

Fiorello sat up within his room painting a beautiful portrait of a girl. The Italian restaurant he worked in was built like an old-fashioned Victorian home. The shop was downstairs, and the home was upstairs. Fiore had been allowed to live up there if he agreed to look after the shop, as the manager planned to have him take it over once he died. It was currently called "Angiolo's Italian Restaurant" but he could easily see it becoming "De Luca's Fine Italian Cuisine" or something, Fiorello was certainly a better cook than anyone who'd ever worked there. His art also spiced up the place, giving everything such an artsy homely feel. The upstairs was crammed with random items, a small bedroom, a cluttered room with a piano and countless paintings, a bathroom, and a small studio room. There was a crappy tv stationed within the studio, as well as a desk with a laptop on it. He was a well-liked fellow, but greatly confusing to people who were not used to foreigners. Especially foreigners who were so kindhearted and generous, who flirted for fun with no intention of settling down, one who when asked who he liked said "I don't prefer anything over the other, all I want is true love." in his thick Italian accent, it was sometimes hard to understand him when he got speaking; as in powerful emotional surges he spoke in Italian.
Erp... sorry i'll repost)) actually this was my last stop..." he smiles at her. "i can come right now if that is ok." he sounds a bit tired but looks ready to go.
((hmm...idk. im posting my Character Esther later. she is bright and sunshiny yet shy, perhaps she may be of use to one of your character Harlequin? idk. anyway, sorry i havent repiled in awhile guys~))

Faith smiled, "well alright then, i suppose we should go before it gets too late." she cast a a grateful glance at Makira, "thank you for the wonderful drink and even better company." she pushed her glass towards the middle of the bar. she turned back towards the young delivery man, "shall we go Chiba?" she said, heading towards the door.


Sasha made her way down the stairs with a grin. she saw Romel waiting and headed straight over. "im all ready to go when you are!" she said, "theres a lot of places around town i could show you, but thats for another day right? lets go eat, before my stomach caves in on me!" she said with a light laugh, heading for the door.
Noah saw Shadow but he definitely wasn't the one growling,he looked around to see where it was coming from.Robin and John kept pulling at the pace they were before,it was almost to the top of the stairs now and Noah started backing up a bit to not get in the way of it. He heard Luke mumbling to himself and just smiled,the cat had gone up the stairs to where Luke was and messed with his feet as he walked.
He bows goodbye at Faith and Chiba as they leave the Bar,

Now once again. The bar is empty, But the smile on his face never left as he met two new friends.

He then started wiping wine bottles and glanced at the Package and mail.

He opened the package and it was a set of Perfume and air freshener .

" Oro ? " Makira was confused as he took the letter and read " From : Mom "

He opened the letter and started reading .

" Dear Son, How are you ? Well me and your father are fine !

He wanted you to have this perfume for girls to be attracted to you " Makira blushed and smiled as he chuckles slightly " And the air freshener to help out with your bar . Well, That's all we wanted to let you know ! Sooner or later, We will visit your bar. And when we visit, Make sure you have a girlfriend ! " he blushes and smiles and continued reading

" That's all !

Love, Mom "

Makira stared at the perfume, as he took it out and sprayed a little on his wrist and sniffed it .

It was the scent of Lillys, What sweet fragrance ! he thought.

But he knows that he will never get any girl with this and just laughs.

As he thought of Faith for a minute and shook his head.
Romel saw Sasha coming and turned to meet her, "Yes, I am ready." He confirmed walking along side her chuckling at her hunger joke. Moving a few steps ahead, he pulled the door open before stepping aside. Romel was thinking on what she said, how they had another day to see the rest, and many days made him feel not all at peace, he knew he still would be vigilant, but her words did fuel him with contentment that his prescene was wanted, and could be given for more than one day, "Will we be walking? To cure our stomachs from causing avalanches, and digesting themselves?" Romel asked in his normal warm tone, it's volume not low but not loud, it was in a calm middle Romel looked around once more before focusing back on Sasha.

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