Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

(( Yay! xD (note Shadow=cat Nightmare=wolf)))

Noah chuckled as Shadow and Nightmare came up,Shadow seemed to like Luke but nightmare just walked over to Noah's side and sat there staring at him.Noah pat Nightmare on the head and said,"were all fine,"He said and then turned down to Nightmare."go sleep."By that Nightmare knew to go in bed,which he did. snuggling under the covers he got comfy and only his head popped out,watching all that was going on. Robin raises his hand to the nail gun question,though John only knew of a real gun and tried picturing one shooting nails. He didn't like the idea very much and wondered if it'd really work.
"Alright then Robin" Luke handed Robin the bulky nail gun

"It's simple Robin the nail gun won't shoot unless you press it agianst something like a wall" Luke explained to Robin

Luke was'int sure about him and john lifting the beam.

"And try to hurry up also me and you'er brother can't hold the beam forever just four nails two at the bottom and two at the top"

Luke lifted up one end of the beam and waited for john to lift it up the other end

"Alright now John hold it a angle"
Robin nodded,knowing what to do and seemed simple enough.John did what he was suppose to and held it at an angle,it actually wasn't that hard to lift thought it was heavy.Robin had nailed down the bottom and was working at the top,every time the nail gun went off John jumped slightly since he didn't like the noise."Done..."Robin said when he was finished and wondered if there was something else to be done,John didn't move until Luke said to since he didn't want to mess anything up.
Fiorello finally reached Ellie, that goofy grin still upon his face. "Ciao bella! Welcome to Angelo's Fine Italian Restaurant. How may I help you?" He spoke in a rhythmic musical up and down pattern. It was partly due to his accent, he had a melodic tone to his natural speaking voice.
Ellie watched him approached the amused smile still upon her lips. "Why thank you sir, please call me Ellie, and I am here because....." Of impulsive senses wanting your food what was I kidding? Ellie smiled nervously, the ten dollar bill filing so light and worthless in her pocket, "Well....I just, I never been to this restaurant, and the smells enthralled me to come in, so here I am." It was not the man making her nervous, he was friendly his voice there was an accent, along with a delightful tune in his tone. It was Ellie's own foolish idea to come in here that made her jittery in his presence. Her eyes sailed around the room for a moment What lovely decor, so inviting. Pushing back her bangs Ellie blurted out, "I have a bit of a sucky dinner here," She jiggled her bag full of ramen packages and cereal bars, "And just wanted a good dessert to help liven it up."
Elri chuckled at his rule. "well thats smart. drinking should be more of a way to savor rare and often expensive tastes, rather than get wasted on whatever cheap beer you can find. yuck." she smiled when she heard a small noise, followed by just the slightest smell of dog treats. Jethro sat up and took the treat, pushing his nose into Makiras hand as a thank you. his tail wagged happily for a moment before he lay down again, watching Elri interact with this new man.


Esther made her order for chicken fettuccine alfredo, then flipped back to an incomplete drawing in her sketchbook. she glanced over at a blonde guy near her, then back to her sketch. she picked up her pencil and decided to finish this drawing. it was a picture of a beautiful labrador retriever, most likely golden because of the light shading. Esther loved animals, and her sketchbooks were full of them.


Faith nodded, " yep thats the green house. and its perfect timing too, everyone always associates flowers with the daytime, however the moon is full tonight and moonlight reflects beautifully of the petals of many flowers." she said with a smile. she popped her head back up over his shoulder, but left her arms around his waist, they were almost there anyway.


Chase had already received notification of a a complex that was accepting residents. he was going to have a roommate, and although he preffered to be alone he knew that a roommate meant more money in his pocket. he made his way to his new home and walked right in. it was his home now too so he had every right to just walk right in. besides, he could care less what his roommate was up to anyway.
He smiles as the dog takes his treat and looks at her.

" Indeed. "

" So, What would you like to drink ? It's on the house ! " He says as he prepares for something.
he smiles to himself. "you're awfully relaxed for riding with a stranger." He laughes lightly. "and i thin i understand what you mean by the flowers look just as good if not better under the moon. I was at a cherry blossom festival in the day and sure they were beautiful. But i came back latter that night and and the sky was clear and the moon was full. And to put it lightly it was mesmerizing." He seems to reminece about this for awhile before pulling up to the green house and stopped and put his foot on the ground and waitied for her to get off. He griined at her. " it was a nice ride and converstaion with you and i belive it will only get more interesting."
Arthur twitched very slightly "George. Who the hell is this?" He sounded rather unhappy, but monotone; as if he were trying to hide the biting venom in his voice. "Your new roommate, so shut up and accept it." Then George, the landlord, was gone. Arthur wasn't necessarily angry about the new roommate, he observed Chase; he seemed like someone stubborn but caring in his own way. He got up, stepping through the organized clutter; the thing was, everything was cluttered in certain places. "Hi." He lamely started.

Theodore ordered a small spaghetti and meatballs, then as he was chowing down he glanced over and saw a girl with a sketchbook; so many artists here. But he was never the one to approach a girl, especially with his PTSD and low self confidence xDD
Romel grinned as Sasha ordered than told him what it was, "It sounds perfect, thank you." He laughs at the boyfriend thing shaking his head, "I've gotten asked a lot the same question, if we start charging, we could move out of our humble homes." He joked taking a sip of water. His arm visably stiffened and hand tightened around th glass as Sasha talked about trust comes before her past could be releaved than how she does not want the past to effect her present.Romel stared at her without speaking the top of his glass resting against his chin. Sasha had said it so simply had could one be so assured of what she wanted? Be comfortable enough to say she had a hard past, yet know what she wants from it, and what she does not. Romel felt envious at her ability, bringing the glass to his mouth, he sipped,"Yes, trust is very important in a person, and it's very wise to not let the past effect the present." Romel's voice was mild and warm, yet his face a bit slack, and eyes distant as he spoke those words. Setting the water glass down, he smiled half way, "So, while we are waiting, besides this place which you are very familar at, where else do you like to go?"


Ellie watched him approached the amused smile still upon her lips. "Why thank you sir, please call me Ellie, and I am here because....."*Of impulsive senses wanting your food*what was I kidding?*Ellie smiled nervously, the ten dollar bill filing so light and worthless in her pocket, "Well....I just, I never been to this restaurant, and the smells enthralled me to come in, so here I am." It was not the man making her nervous, he was friendly his voice there was an accent, along with a delightful tune in his tone. It was Ellie's own foolish idea to come in here that made her jittery in his presence. Her eyes sailed around the room for a moment*What lovely decor, so inviting.*Pushing back her bangs Ellie blurted out, "I have a bit of a sucky dinner here," She jiggled her bag full of ramen packages and cereal bars, "And just wanted a good dessert to help liven it up."
Fiorello grinned, not judging her in the slightest. "Of course, let me show you the menu." He handed her the desserts menu and seated her at a small table by herself. "I hope you like what we offer ^_^ "
Ellie smiled gracefully, "Thank you, very much." She set her bag down first, before sliding herself in. Taking the menu, she flipped open scanning through it, she breathed a happy sigh, not only were the desserts in her price range, leaving her enough for a decent tip, but they all look so divine.

(Harlequin, can there be a job application or notice somewhere on/in the menu?)
Elri took no time to think at all. "whatever you feel like making. im not picky to taste, just quality. and besides, i love surprises." she smiled, "i can probably tell you exactly whats in it by its taste." She gave a playful smirk, "oh and as far as alcohol goes, im good with anything, so youre not restricted to light beverages." Elri enjoyed a slow sipping type of drink, usually a tad sweet, but she would take just about anything as long as it wasnt cheap beer or a badly mixed beverage. "you sure its on the house? alcohol is pretty spendy, even the stuff you mix into it is."


Faith hopped of the back of the bike, smoothing out her dress and readjusting her coat. she dug through he pockets till she found the greenhouse keys. "strangers eh? well, strangers can become friends as easily as friends can become strangers, yes?" she smiled as she slipped the key into the greenhouse lock, turning it with a quiet click. "personally i prefer the first one, but doesnt everyone now?" she opened the door, a bit of warmth flowing from inside. "welcome to my paradise, my second home." she walked in, looking around at the plants with a warm smile.


Chase entered the room with a curt "hey". he looked around and then set his things in his room. he walked back out and looked around, then at his new roommate, figuring an introduction was in order. "the names Chase Stihn, 19 years old....dont get in my way i wont get in yours." he said with a shrug. he looked at the clutter. "however, all of this crap should be cleaned up. not only is it unsightly, but its gross and unhealthy." he had a grocery bag in his hand an he headed over to the kitchen.


Esther notice the gentlman next to her look over after she had looked over. her gaze remained on her sketchbook but a slight pink crept up her face. perhaps he had seen her looking. she was relieved when her alfredo arrived, and began to eat contently. she had meant nothing by her glance at the guy, however having him glance back had made her feel shy. she had always been shy, even if she could pull off a calm collected look when she was sitting alone. (maybe they can bump into eachother on the way out or something? Esther is a little shy))


Sasha chuckled when he mentioned charging. just the thought of collecting a dollar for a simple question was amusing. "other places? oh theres plenty." she grinned once again, "i love rollerblading, so i either go to the park, or to the roller rink downtown. its super retro and really fun, plus they have awesome pizza. then there's ice-skating, and in the summer i like to go to the beach to swim." she stopped a moment and thought, "theres an amusement park just outside of town....and when im feeling blue i go out to the paintball range to take out my anger with paint based fury" she stopped, "oh sorry, i hope im not overwhelming, i just love going places and having a good time."
He takes out a glass.

In a large rocks glass squeeze and drop in 2 eighths of lime. He then adds sugar, crushes and mixes with a spoon.

Pours in the cachaca and plenty of ice. and stirs well.

He serves it to her, " Enjoy " Smiles.
he stepped of the bike and put it next to the building and took the bike rack off and locked the bike up. " well that was an awfully quick ride here." he walked in after her taking his helmet and glasses and looked around the green house. He inhaled deeply... "mmm it smeels so goo in here." He looks around at the plants and smiles finally looking at her. "..." he blushes and looked away ashamed at his thoughts. "how do you get all of the good sayings? with so much meaning behind them?" he began walking around the green house often looking at the plants carefully. "you take good care of them."
Arthur swallowed and a small show of humanity came through. "I guess.. I could clean up a bit." He tossed a few things into the trash and moved a few things elsewhere, making it tidier; but still a normal organized mess. He then realized a formal introduction might be necessary "The name's Arthur Benedict Hamilton, aged 26, aspiring writer and poet." He considered going to shake Chase's hand, but realized that it may be too awkward for the other. Anyways, they had plenty of time to get sick of one another. He awkwardly reaches over to put away a few items of food left out in the kitchen, there really wasn't much here. Track marks up and down his toned arms from drug injection, he seemed oddly docile today; not in the mood to argue. It was because he'd gotten his dose of drugs already, had a cigarette or two, and was in an element of the closest thing to peace he could experience.

Theodore glanced over at the girl again, Esther. He saw that there was a drawing on her sketchbook, it looked oddly like... Him. He never thought of himself as someone people would want to draw or even notice, he felt his face flush slightly and he turned; focusing on his meal. He made sure that he didn't move too much; not wanting to ruin her drawing any more than he already had. He did have a nice face; Large puppy-dog eyes, fair lightly freckled skin, curly blonde hair, an acute slightly upturned nose, small lips but a big smile, and a stocky stature. He had a certain youth to his face as well, his overall look wasn't one of an older man.

Fiorello continued to work, there was a help wanted sign on the door. Fiore didn't decide who worked there, Angelo did; but Fiorello was like his son, the man adored him. He lived upstairs anyways, and was the top chef. Anyone who wanted to work there would have to consult Angelo.
Romel set down his glass but did not realise his grip as he was mezorized by Sasha and her world, how fun, how free it was, the activites, "Not overwhelming, intriguing....I have riden a skate board before, but not rollerblands though, I bet it offers the same thrill of speed. I have been paintballing, never realizing it can be a proper tool to release anger, I usually write in that asspect. And..." Romel's eyes went to the window, "the ocean....I love the water," this eyes were slightly glazed lost in thoughts of a beach in a memory.


Ellie finally decided on a choice, the panforte looked delightful a dessert that was had fruit and nuts, healthy in nurshiment, yet enough of a taste to satisfy her sweet tooth. As she waited for the waiter to return, Ellie eyes admired the decor, they stopped on the door widening at the help wanted sign. Ellie felt a surge of eager worry take her frame, she would ask the waiter how to apply when he returned.
Fiore wasn't the only waiter/waitress working the joint that night, there were about three; because of how busy it was on this evening. Business had bloomed since Fiorello came over, and it was clear that he'd probably take ownership of the restaurant in the future since Angelo was a lonely childless man who adored Fiore as if he were his own. He approached Ellie and asked what she'd like in that musical Italian accent, he had a tenor voice; not a masculine sound really. His voice was a bit high for a male, but it didn't stand out too much. He grinned and took her order, about ready to go get something else when she asked about the job. "Insert an application and speak to Angelo, just come down in the morning tomorrow and we'll arrange an interview."

guys i updated my charrie posts and added a new character
"Come on out from under there John" Luke chuckled a bit

"Nail gun scare you a bit?" He laughed even more

Luke notice'd it was getting late out and the re-roofing of the hole should'int take to long he thought to himself

"Alright now" he said as he pulled up his tool belt a bit then taking the nail gun

"I guess all I have to do now is climb up through that hole and patch it up Noah and we should be good to go!"

He turned around and looked at Noah and saw the dog out of the corner of his eye. The dog spooked Luke a little but he ignored it

As he looked at the hole in the roof he climbed up it with a bit of hesitation but was able to hoist himself up with the help of the beam. Once he got up there he began doing his job with loud shots from the nail gun one after another.
John had nodded as he came out from under the beam,Robin staying beside him as both watched Luke.

"Great."Noah said crossing his arms and was happy this didn't turn out too difficult,this meant the library could open back up faster then he expected.

The three watched as Luke climb up through the hole and Robin wanted to join him but he figured he'd get in the way. The same with Robin,John had jumped when he heard the nail gun,hiding behind Robin after just the first shot. Robin chuckled at John's actions as Noah just sighed,he was hoping this would hold well and that they didn't have the same problem again.
One after anther Luke placed a piece of roofing and nailed it down he screwed up on a couple of the tiles and had to re-do them which frustrated him a bit

"I swear" He paused for a minute then sighed

He continued his work It was cold out and Luke could'int think straight, He saw his breath in the air but he ignored it and continued the loud pops from the nail gun and hammer.

As minutes pass which seemed like a eternity for Luke He was tired and a bit worn down It was a bit obvious but his spirt was still high and for as cold as it was Luke was sweating He laid on top of the roof for about a minute or two not wanting to get up but the motivation of a pay check was enough for him to climb down from the roof and went back inside , But before he decided to negotiate the pay he looked at the support beam as if something was wrong which in reality it was just fine. He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth

"John" He said

"Do me a favor will yea and put a extra nail at the top and bottom of the support beam"

He stuck one hand out holding the nail gun for John as his other hand searched for a lighter
Faith gave a light chuckle as he mentioned how she spoke. "they arent sayings really, i just speak from the heart." she picked up a small pair of pruning shears and clipped at a small bush of roses for a moment, clean up any dead leaves or flowers.. she then gave a delicate snip and pulled of one the roses from the bush. she walked over and held it out to Chiba, "here, a pink rose, representative of friendship. well cared for as though it were a friend itself" she gave a smile, and walked away after he took it,looking around at the flowers. "speaking of heart, i think its sad that people arent as expressive. i think you make much better memories when you put sentiment and meaning into everything you do. life is to short not to have fun, make friends and find love right?" she turned back to him with a bright smile.


Elri took in a deep breath. "the smell of lime, how refreshing." she smiled, putting the cold glass to her lips. she took a sip, tasting the liquor, sweetened and then flavored with lime. she gave a content expression as she turned to 'look' in the bartenders general direction. "Caipirinha, correct?" she gave a playful smile before taking another small sip, letting the flavors wash over her tongue.


Esther continued to sketch, and as she finished, she closed the notebook and began to eat her alfredo. she was too shy to see if the gentleman next to her was still looking. she gazed out the window a moment, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. she gave a quick glance, then looked back to her food. she really could use more friends, however she was very shy.


Chase looked in the cupboards, moving things around till one was completely empty. he stored his own food here, then took out a few things a grabbed a clean pan. he threw a bag of frozen stir fry vegetables he had bought at the store into the pan and then grabbed a saucepan. he filled it with water and turning the stove up to high to boil the water. he stirred the vegetables as they began to thaw and added a few spices. Chase had always had to cook for himself so he had learned to cook many different dishes, Chinese, Italian, Mexican. he was mostly ignoring his roommate for the moment. he had seen marks on his arms, but would not be hasty to make judgement. at least not until he saw something he didnt want to. he stood over the stove, watching his food with a mostly emotionless expression.


Sasha saw his expression change and grew curious, however she was not one to pry. the food was placed on the table and she happily ate a few spoonfuls of the rice from her Paella before looking at his again, "hey i could show you some of the places i was talking about if you want. pick one to start with and we can go tomorrow if youre not busy." she smiled, taking a sip of water, "i have somewhere to be in the morning, and i work in the afternoon, so evening would be best." she had to make sure she didnt forget to visit her parents grave in the morning, as she did every saturday.
Romel was lost back a memory a good one, his cousins and himself splashing in the ocean waves, a rare trip to the sea side, they were small back then, barely called a preteens yet. They raced on the beach, at lots of junk food, and tried to bury their uncle who ended up chasing them along the waves ending by dunking them in the water, they sang songs by fire light, and slept in tents expect the three of them, did not sleep long, they went outside to watch the tide in the night, a dark calmness and a half moon reflecting off the sea. Romel remembers the waves the best, just the sound, crashing gently lapping the sand.......

Blinking slowly the smell of his food brought him back to reality, "Ah smells good." He at a couple of bits looking satisfied and giving Sasha a thumbs up," Excellent, you know your spice, and that would be, how about paintball? I have not played in so long, and here I thought I was too old, good thing you have proven me wrong on that." Romel ate some more enjoying each bite and trying to not rush, but it had been a while since he had this good of a meal, "Er, evenings are the way, what is tomorrow? I have lost track of the days." Romel took a few sips of water.


Ellie gave her order was delighted to hear the good news watching the waiter leave, Ellie slipped from the table making her way over to the applications, she would fill it out tonight, and bring it back tomorrow. Her eyes widened again at the fact that she may be leaving the cash register! Ellie hummed to herself finding her eyes trailing after the one waiter with the musical tone. Already he may have helped her out her fix, not by giving her the job, no that was this Angelo's persons job, but he gave her the opportunity, and an interview so soon! Not to mention this waiter, had a sexy voice in all aspects even if it was high, and he was very easy on the eyes and.....oh Ellie! Stop thinking like that, he is probably taken already. Well, it never hurt to just observe, her mind argued back, and this was true. Leaning back in her seat, Ellie let out a few giggles, she was having dessert before dinner! What a funny switch around.
Fiorello saw that Ellie was cheerful, which therefore made him happy; other people's joy fueled him through the harshest times. Even if it was his own smile after a stressful day, or just painting laughing children, or remembering his family; it all helped him. His therapy was seeing the beauty in every little thing in life, most people found it bizarre; but it was the fact that he saw the world through the eyes of an artist. Fiore didn't think much of Ellie, she was a decent girl who seemed nice; he didn't think much more than that. He wasn't the one for judgement or assumptions. He busied himself with work until the Italian restaurant closed, in which case he waved everyone off and spoke to Angelo. "A lady is coming in for an interview tomorrow morning, okay?" Angelo would've lectured anyone else if they'd come to him on such short notice, but this was Fiorello. "Si, of course, Bombo." He'd given Angelo the permission to call him by his childhood nickname (it meant 'Bumblebee') He grinned and nodded, bidding him a good night before locking up the shop, finishing cleaning and organizing for tomorrow, and going upstairs to shower and get into pajamas. He sang a variety of arias and Italian lullabies in the shower, and when he got out he wrapped himself in a towel and dressing gown and went to sketch before getting into boxers and going to bed. He drew a few animals, a few strange faces he'd seen at the restaurant today. He drew a rough sketch of Ellie, as well, and Theodore glancing at Esther. He observed many things people looked past, yet he dimwittedly missed out on a lot of other things. As he worked, he hummed softly. Gina, a scruffy tan mutt he'd found a week after moving in, came timidly into the room. She stayed upstairs or outside during work hours, because of her shyness she was a hazard to attacking people; which she'd already bitten a tall handsome German man who came in one time. Fiorello had found him quite compelling, but Gina biting his hand had caused him to never return. From then, they decided to keep her from big crowds.

Arthur closed his eyes and leaned back, falling back into deep thought. He heard the sizzling of food, the familiar aromas of dinnertime as a child. 'Eat your food, Arthur.' A small half-smile came to his face as he remembered the small things that showed people still cared for him. Then came the memories of being the outcast, even in high school he couldn't seem to get a single true friend. He had been rather lonely, and eventually learned to deal with it and become a genius. He remembered all the cruelties he'd endured on account of being different, then sighed and opened his eyes. Arthur traced the track marks up and down his arms, he'd been a drug junkie for quite some time. It'd started in high school, as a recreation, and carried into University. Now it was a problem, as he used it more often than not. He used cocaine, heroin, and smoked cigarettes; it'd started with simpler drugs and escalated from there. With this new roommate, he'd have to be careful about when he had drug-binges. It wasn't that he was ashamed of it, which he somewhat was, it was that he didn't want to share what he'd bought. This just pushed people further away from him; genius, freak, druggie, and psychopath. That's generally what he was known as in school, and in this new city of Lucerne he was a shut-in. He kept to his writing and his drugs and slowly spiraled downward, not even giving a damn. If you'd known him before you'd see he'd lost weight, he retained muscle but he was narrower; he'd never been fat, but now he was just thinner. He didn't know whether or not to make conversation with Chase, the man seemed all-business. He was clearly younger than Arthur, since Arthur was 26; should be off having the time of his life and getting married and such. Instead he was married to his drugs and to his writing, it seemed. He was quite pitiful in that sense, but you could also see that he didn't like too much human-attention. Very temperamental.

Theodore really could use a friend as well, especially in a new city. The only other person he knew here was his cousin, Joan, and she was generally pretty busy with her studying to become a nurse. They planned on having lunch soon, but once they'd both found a flat to live in. They considered living together, but decided against it; they both knew they needed to branch out. Joan was unnerved by the thought, but she knew Teddy would be fine; despite the suppressed memories and PTSD he had. He'd be fine if he found the right person. He got up to leave when Esther did, and they ran into each other on the way out. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, miss." He breathed, stepping back from her. You could hear the distinct English accent he possessed. You could tell he hadn't lived here too long as well, by the way he dressed, acted, and came off to people. Of course, first night out to dinner and you run into a poor lady; He thought to himself glumly. But he tried not to show that outwardly.

Joan was out that night as well, she was seeking apartment flats. She planned on buying her own, then seeking someone to move in and share rent with her; it shouldn't be too hard. The apartment she found had a slight Victorian feel to it, but it was cozy. She told the landlord she'd be seeking someone to share it with her, maybe she'd find someone in the same profession as her on her first day of American college. She knew it shouldn't be too hard, she was a generally likeable person.

Maria lived in the flat above Chase and Arthur, and she knew Arthur; they seemed compelled by each other's conniving logical personalities. Not in a romantic sense, but in a sense where they wanted to learn more. She came down the stairs, having seen a new arrival; which was bizarre. She knocked on the door, a housewarming gift in her hand; a cherry pie. She waited, before knocking again. Right now, Maria looked like she always did; She wore a casual black dress with a pullover, shiny black heels, and her hair was flowing freely. Her makeup was bold, the eyeliner dark and her lips a blood red. She prided herself on her looks, as she was rather attractive; but she was also a master of hiding in plain sight. She could change her face quite well with makeup and hair styling and outfits, as she knew that her ex boyfriend may come after her someday.
He smiles and nods.

"Yes! Fresh lime crushed and mixed " He wipes the counter with a cloth.

The satisfied look on Elri makes him happy.

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