Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Elri gave Jethro a pat on the head as she listened to Makiras movements. "well, i appreciate you going so far as to close for a short while to escort me home." she walked over to where the s sound of footsteps had ceased, her dog following by her side. "youre quite the gentleman." she smiled slightly. normally she wouldnt open up to people right away, but she got the feeling that this guy was not going to treat her the way others did. everyone always put to much emphasis on recognizing her for her disability. she always wished they would just treat her as though she had sight like the rest of them.


Faith let out a small chuckle, "i merely meant that i didnt want for you to pay for that rose, because it was a gift, and that if you wish to get a flower each time you come you will want to hang on to that money." she walked over and retrieved the keys from the table where she had left them, following him out and locking up the greenhouse. "and yes, i would appreciate a ride home as long its not too much trouble for you." she smiled gratefully.


Sasha nodded, "if you put it that way, plays are nice. if its reading aloud it would have to be something fun, maybe for a group of children." she noticed his expression change. "it seems you have as much passion as i do for my hair styling." she gave a more gentle smile. she looked over at the clock and heaved a sigh. "jeez, its already this late? and i was enjoying myself too...." she looked back at Romel. "i suppose we should be on our way back."


Esther shook her head, "its not particularly dangerous, but its also not crime free." she gave a bashful smile, "you dont really have to walk me home or anything. the place i lived a few years back had pretty bad crime rates so its more of a personal paranoia that carried over from that..." she looked down, "i mean...i dont want to trouble you or anything.


Chase finished his meal, cleaned up the dishes and went into his room, shutting the door. he took care of unpacking his things, organizing his room, and setting up his guitar stand. he pulled his guitar from its case, strumming a out a few quiet tunes before hitting the hay a little early. he had an earlier class in the morning, and he needed some sleep.
Luke took back the items he placed on the counter along with the change the women had given him

"No Bag" Luke quietly said as he grabbed the bottle and walked out to his car and as he was walking out he saw the boys carrying the rusty pipes

"What the hell are they doing?" Luke said to himself quietly

As curious as he was about what they were doing Luke disrecarded them and hoped in his car and placed the bottle in the passanger seat. Luke pulled out of his parking space and turned his car around seeing the rusty pipes on Johns back

"Well they are creative gotta give them that"
The boys didn't take long to get back home,they took the bags off the pipes and carried them quietly up the stairs little by little till it was all up. As Robin put all the groceries away John tried to find a place to put the poles and decided just to take them back to where they were,he stacked them both on his shoulder and headed back to the store. Noah had noticed them carrying in the bags before and wondered how they got them here,he was going to make sure he got a explanation later and hoped they did nothing wrong.
As Luke drove away from the citys lights and nightlife it slowly fadded away and before he knew it he was passing by warehouses along with sketchy looking houses and people who you probably would'int want to see in a ally way walking down the streets

"Welcome home Luke" He said to himself then giving out a bit of a sigh

Luke pulled into his drive way, parked his car , grabbed his bottle and went inside for as bad as lukes house looked it was revetivley clean on the inside.

He proceeded to crack open his bottle and sit on his couch then began slowly sipping his drink until he fell asleep later that night with the bottle on the coffee table and Luke sleeping on his couch.
John had made it back home and found Noah still at the desk,he gestured John to go upstairs and John just nodded and did so. He found Robin already in bed and John crawled in beside him under the covers,Robin already seemed asleep so John just snuggled up against him and rested. After the last person left the library Noah closed it once again and went upstairs,the two boys were asleep by now and Noah first checked a couple things first.He checked the list and food the boys got to make sure they did good and then checked the repairs to make sure they were still okay,after that he went into bad as well though had a hard time sleeping at first. Finally relaxing a bit Noah slipped off to sleep.
((no one is allowed to go to morning till i do, so if y'all put your characters to sleep they are stuck that way for at two more of my posts. :P ))
Makira smiles as he looks at Jethro.

" Ready to go ? " He asks the dog . as he gives him a treat .

He opens the door as he holds it open for Elri to go out first.

" Ladies first " He smiles.
trouble why would it be trouble for me? Who knows it could be on my way to my house as well." He fixes the bike rack again and fixes his bags and unlocks the bike and kicks the kickstand up and gets on the bike waiting for her to get on. "so where shall i take you this evening madam" He was joking abit now but still had a very serious look on his face. " James" he pounds his chest lightly " will be pleased to take you anywhere the madam wishes."
Romel jarred slightly from his memories returning the gentle smile, "Yes, it was always fun, my cousins and I, we would go to the library in the city, there were a nice group of people who put on plays, than we would check some out ourselves, and perform them for our own amusement." Romel tilted his head blinking slowly, "Really? How time does fly by...we should go, so they can close up shop." Romel than dug around in his pocket for his wallet.


Ellie placed the application in the folder and set it on the counter near the door with a sticky not on the door as a reminder to bring it with her tomorrow. Glancing at the time Ellie threw the other two soiled applications away. Three times the charm at least. Getting into bed, Ellie clamped heeadphones over her ears and which her iPod onto shuffle. She laid there wondering if tommorow could be the very last day she heard the little bell on the door rattle while standing behind the register? Shivering and getting as warm as she could, Ellie drifted into dreams.
Theodore shook his head "No problem, miss, I don't have anywhere to be right now. I would be more than happy to walk you home. So where do you live?" He followed her, trying to start a friendly conversation; also to get an idea of how long he'd be walking.

Arthur heard the guitar vaguely in the back of his mind and was pulled from his thoughts once more, he scraped his plate and whatnot and washed the dishes.
Jethro eagerly took the treat he was offered,licking Makiras hand. Elri gave a small nod as he held the door open for her. Jethro followed her out, nudging her to the side as a young skateboarder rolled by. "I heard him coming Jethro, im fine." she said,running her hand donw the dogs back as they started their walk. "i live with my foster parents in the little residential area nearby. i decided to stay with them since my foster siblings are so young. i watch them while my parents work." she said casually. she didnt mind that she still lived with her parents, her siblings were a handful and she didnt mind helping to raise them.


Faith laughed at his gesture, "well this miss would like to go home" she said, making herself comfortable on the back of the bike. she wrapped her arms around his waist and peeked over his shoulder. "im all set to go. i live here in the east part of town.8 blocks east of here, then 3 blocks north." she said, and thank you, youre quite the gentleman" she smiled.


Sasha nodded, and pulled out her own wallet as well. she payed for her own food, leaving a good tip. she stood up and gave Romel a quick smile, ready to take off then?" she said, before heading towards the door.


Esther smiled, "i live quite a ways from here. around 20 standard city blocks." she thought a moment. "you know that victorian style house near the pet shop? the big blue one? thats my house." she hoped he had seen it before, it was quite the large house for just her and her mother, however before her father past they were quite wealthy. the house was completely payed for and owned by her family, thus the deed remained with them. "oh, and i actually work at the petshop too, which is often convenient since i live near there."
Romel nodded paying for his meal and giving a tip as well, nodding he stood feeling the food shuffle around in his stomach it felt good to be full. Walking to the door, he opened it, "After you Sasha," once they were out Romel fastened his coat round him as he walked. It was quiet for a city peaceful, "Is it always this quiet." He asked sort of quietly afraid to disurb the peace.
he smiles at her and goes off taking it easy before getting on the road and going faster as he goes towards her house, as he rides he is looking around at the buildings. "this looks awfully familiar...." he keeps looking around at the buildings and scenery. "hmm this is actually very close to where i live..." he suddenly veers in an intersection, and keeps riding and bends as they come to a hill and he pushes and goes faster to get up it. " he stops and looks at her. "well this is where you told me to go and oddly enough" he points to the other side of the road where a small house sits in between the buildings. It looks to be an traditional Japanese house. "that's where i live." He laughed at that and waits for her to get off. "maybe one day you can come and visit an we can have a good drink?"
Theodore blinked a few times "Yeah... Umm. TAXI!" He called, waving his hand out until one stopped; then they got into it and began driving to her home. They were silent for some of the ride, most of the ride; They spoke mainly about the pet shop and England. Once at her home Teddy smiled "Sorry about the entire 'walking' you home." He instinctively got out of the taxi cab, and it drove off (he'd paid the fare when he first got in.) "Oh Sh-." He watched the car drive away and turned to Esther. "I'll just get another one home."
Sasha gave a warm smile, as she was quite fond of the town she lived in, "yes, its usually pretty peaceful around here." she said, zipping up her sweater and pulling the hood up to protect her from the wind. "every once in awhile there will be a lot of hustle and bustle, like the week of Valentines, we "paint the town pink" but its not to match the holiday, its actually a whole week of all kinds of ways to raise money and awareness to breast cancer." she said, recalling how 'pink' the town had turned the year before. "then there is Re-Fest in May, its our 'Festival of green living'. it goes on for one weekend, a saturday and sunday in the town square. there are tons of booths, from farmers market organics, to environmentally friendly cleaning product and electric cars." her eyes glittered with excitement. "we also have a summer flower festival, and the fair in august. im sure theres more then that, but thats all i can think of right now." she said happily. "jeez, look! we are almost home. hope you dont mind that i pretty much talked your ear off. youre a good listener, you know that?" she shot him a bright smile.


Faith smiled and nodded, "of course! you are more then welcome in my home, i keep my own green house in the backyard, do you drink Earl Grey?" she hopped off the back of the bike. "i grow tea leaves, as well as some spices for cooking...if you like tea, i have many varieties of fresh leaves." she said, looking towards her house. "i guess i will see you tomorow then, right? 12:30 in front of the bar." she gave another smile, looking forward to tomorrow.


Esther couldnt help but laugh at this, "oh my, im sorry, that was just...i guess i havent had a good laugh in awhile." she smiled shyly, "um...thank you for paying the cab fare...i do hope you get home safely. perhaps we together again? i mean...not that we really hung out tonight or anything." she rambled shyly.
Theodore was taken aback. "O-Oh.. Of course, miss. I-" He fumbled for his cell phone. They exchanged numbers and he smiled awkwardly "Until... next time, Esther." He waved and then a cab pulled over for him. He got in and went home.
The clicking of the train... the sound of nothing, but metal wheels on iron bars... As it raced towards its destination, it was a lonely traveler never calling one place home. The moons light had been swallowed up in the cloak of night. The only illumination came from the lights of a city that speckled the air with lights like stars almost touching the earth. A young boy pressed his head against the window and looked off at this unusual sight. opening and closing a steel lighter back and forth. His breath near the window brought a fog upon it. His new home this city. He would be living here for a good amount of his life. The city danced with life as he drew closer and closer. Neon signs and car lights lined the streets. The city would go on with or without him. The far off sound of screeching as the train came to a stop with the sudden relief as its gears took a rest if only for a little while. Rowen moved from his corner against the window, waiting behind other passengers as they descended to return to their homes, and Rowen to his new life. His duffle bag was heavy with clothes and his shoulder bag held his laptop as he strung it over he watched the many others grabbing multiple suitcases and bags. This is all he had... all that was his. He stepped out of the station on to the street the air displayed his breath as he buttoned his pea coat closed. with a click of a lighter he lit a white stick with a brown bottom. the ash and paper raced towards the sky trying to mingle with the non existent stars. Rowen raised his arm for a taxi clicking the door shut like opening a book that is brand new, the binding fighting you to keep it sealed. This new book was his new life. Pulling up to the stairs of his new domain he withdrew a sliver of copper his key to his new home. Stepping and pounding on each step of the stoop he rose higher above the street. He got to the door and faced the city once again... the cars were still moving and people were still walking about it. He opened the door and stepped over the threshold. The door clicking behind him as he shut out the life behind him. This day was over for him. A new one started tomorrow. He walked around an empty dark apartment the only furniture was a mattress on the floor the only thing that had made it before him. His bag and satchel thumped to the floor from his arms. collapsing onto the bed he pulled out two blankets from his duffle bag... he would be cold tonight. Rowen left all his clothes on himself and pulled the blankets to his shoulder. "Goodnight" he whispered to the darkness....
Romel was lost in a world of pictures as if he young again at the library sittting on his knees leaning forward to get a better look at the pictures. Painting the town pink made him chuckle softly, it was just a saying but the picture was funny. The rest were good imanges even though Romel new little about going green. His mind wondered a little, would he be here to enjoy the summer festival? Their apartment complex came into view was he and Sasha walked side by side,

"Dont mind, you are a great guide for your town they should hire you, everyone would want to live here after spending a few moments in your presence."
he wheels his bike across the street to the little house and looks bike "Yup it's a promise ok, and by the way green tea is not as good as it is said to be. If you want some truely good tea then you are free to come and try some of my special blend that i create my self." He grins and waves at her and puts his bike up and unlocks the door and walks into the small house and after only 10 minutes the lights shuts off as he goes to sleep really quickly.
Sasha was actually a bit surprised by Romels compliment, her cheeks going slightly pink. "thanks! you know, youre not so bad yourself, i think we could really get along. youre really going to love this town." she smiled, walking up to the apartments. "tonight was really fun. we still going paint-balling tomorrow?" she asked as they walked into the lobby where they had first met.


Esther looked at the number in her phone and smiled. she was never good at making friends, even though she was an adult now. she was glad to have met someone so friendly. she walked into her large, yet cozy home and made her way to her room for bed.

((almost there!))
Romel nodded his head slipping his hands out of his coat stretching them a bit, feeling the warmth. He looked taken off guard from her comment, sure he had made friends before, but not this naturally and easily, his shock slowly melted to a grin, he had surprised he too by the blush, "Yeah, in the evening we can meet down here." He nodded at the lobby a bit shocked that it had only been a few hours since first arriving it seemed much longer. Cuffing Sasha's hand lightly in his, Romel gave it a shake before letting go, "I feel already won over by this city, now I am such eager to see all of it, have a good night Sasha." Romel pointed at the other steps, "I found these are closer to my apartment," He hesitated gave a small smile, before grabbing the railing and started up them.
[sorry for the late rply stardust, finals >->]

Makira smiles and nods, " I see " as he walks with her back to her foster parent's place.

But think back, he thought about how his father disagreed with this.

He shrugged that thought off and continues looking forward.

" I live alone, over there " He points at his apartment that he passed by even though he knows the she can't see. But hoping that Jethro will get it.
((haha, worry not my friends, the next day is but a few short posts away!))

Sasha gave a final wave before heading up to her own apartment as well. she layed down gave a happy sigh as she slipped away into her dreams.


Elri smiled, "i will be sure to remember that. or at least Jethro will." she chuckled. "my siblings are probably all sleeping by now. thjose kids can really be a handful." she smiled as she said this. Jethro nudged her hand in a seemingly different way. Elri gave a nod. "it seems we are nearly there. my house is pretty big, two stories with white siding." she mentioned. "my parents keep a a little blue heart hanging in the window of the front door so Jethro recognizes it. not that the color would matter."

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