Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Sasha grinned, "awsome! we can just meet in the lobby of the apartment complex tomorrow night then. lets about 5pm?" she asked. "and the date? well tomorrow is Saturday December 1st." she took another bite of her food, chewing thoughtfully. as soon as she had finished she gave another smile, "you know, i love December, the snow, the skiing, thecandy canes and decorations, the holidays...Christmas is always a nice time of year... i usually go out a lot around the holidays and make new friends. it makes up for spending Christmas day alone while everyone visits family." she said this happily, her smile never wavering.


Esther bummed into someone and dropped her sketchbook, it fell open to the page with the picture of Teddy. she hastily picked it up, hoping he hadnt seen. "er no im sorry i wasnt really looking..." she said with a flustered blush.

(sorry for the short post)


Elri nodded, "hmm....seems like you know exactly what youre doing, i love this drink." she smiled. Jethro gave her a nudge and she held her hand out. the dog nudged her hand a few times and she gave a curt nod. "thats sort of doggy sign language for 'its getting late'" she said. "its not really that safe for someone like me to stay out too late, even with Jethro around, so i think i ought to get going once i finish this" she clinked the ice cubes in her nearly empty glass.


Chase had turned the boiling water off and thrown the rice in for it to set up when he heard the door. he turned his vegetables down to simmer and decided to answer. there was a young woman at the door with what seemed to be a cherry pie in her hands. Chases thought process was slightly disrupted as he put extra effort into keeping a flat expression. baked sweets were a weakness of his so he put extra effort into not caring when he was around them. "you looking for my roommate?" he asked.
Romel ate hungryly as he listened, ah so it was Saturday, December, heh, he actually forgot the date...but what use did he have of knowing it? It only mattered when the sun set and rose, the concept of time fuzzed into the back of his mind.

"That sounds fine with me." Romel confirmed with his warm smile finishing up his dinner. Romel's eyes widened a little, Sasha just kept surprising and awing him with the things she said. Why would someone of her spirits be alone on Christmas? The holiday seemed very important to her, by the way she smiled and spoke, so why alone? Romel nodded working on a suitable answer in his mind, along with time, holidays were fuzzy in his mind,

"Yes, Christmas is really the time for cheer and giving," Romel spoke off of a greeting card once seen, but it seemed to fit, "But, why alone for you?" The question slide out of his thoughts and to his. Recklessly onto his tongue,"I...sorry, you don't have to answer, I just, I can empathize on that part..." his cheeks stained a light pink sweat gently trickled down his chest, Romel avoided deep blue with his dark jade green, hiding behind the last sips of his water.


Ellie enjoyed the dessert eating every last crumb, the simple fact that she was in public stopped her from licking the plate. Making sure she had everything, Ellie left a good tip for the waiter, from what she knew, they did not make much, plus she only had a ten, what good would the change do for her. As she walked out of the door, Ellie grabbed another application.....she always messed up on these things. Waving to the waiters whose name she never gotten, Ellie made the trend to where she lived in the city. Jiggling the key in the lock, twisting it around, and kicking the door a few times, Ellie got into, shack would be a better word for it. Throwing the grocery bag aside, Ellie did her nightly routine before settling on the overstuffed chair pulling a tv tray to her to work on filling out the job application.
he place the rose delicately in the book and carefully closed the book after making sure the rose perfectly situated. " you must have an awfully large heart if you can speak so honestly. " he breathes out and looked at the night sky. " And i think i understand what you mean by people becoming less and less expressive, people these day's have become to dependent on technology. They have cut themselves from the rest of the world and wholesomely rely on the technology for social relief. But having fun and making friends are easy things to do, but finding the one that shares the other half of you heart, love as you call it seems sometimes next to impossible." He sighs. " so many times have people fallen in love only to have their feelings crushed unknowingly by the person that they have fallen in love with." AS she turns around and smiles at him he blushes and looks down as the moon make her look only that much more captivating. Trying to move to another topic he bends down and examines a few plants. "these are hard to take care of properly how were you able to do that?..." he rubs his nose a bit ashamed. " sorry that's a bad habit of mine" He laughs nervously and looks back up at her and takes a seat on the ground. " how did you become interested in flowers? I'm awfully curious about that. If you tell me I'll tell you a little bit about myself." He grins shyly at her blushing slightly still. ((sorry for late response i was out yesterday and couldn't get on))
Maria smiled sweetly, a sickening poisonous sweetness. She was like an appealing crispy new apple, but once you bit into it you would taste the decay within. However, the core would've been pure and undisturbed. She was secretly a good person, not completely corrupted and evil; yet she had an underlying devilishness. "No, I brought a welcoming gift for you. Welcome to-" She then saw that Arthur was up and approached. "What are you doing here?" She pouted and tried to look as hurt as possible "I'm sorry that I want to get to know my neighbors better. A little housewarming gift, that's all." Arthur's eyes narrowed and he gave her a nasty glare. Maria just smirked as she handed Chase the cherry pie. "I guess I should be going, or Arthur will blow his top. Won't he?" She batted her eyelashes and then laughed and turned around; returning up the stairs to her flat. Arthur loathed her, it seemed, but then again; he didn't like people at all. She pitied his roommate.

Theodore glanced down quickly and tried to help pick up the sketchbook, both banging their heads in the process. He jumped back, cheeks flushed. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean t-" Then he just laughed. "Oh, deary me..." He ran a hand through his curly blonde hair. "My name's Theodore Badrick." He put his hand out to shake hers, finding no better time to introduce himself xDD
Sashas smile became smaller, and more on the nostalgic side. "i dont necessarily want to be alone on Christmas, its just how things turn out every year..." she said, not yet wanting to into details. "in fact i hate bing matter what time of year. im always going out, meeting new people and chatting with everyone. i suppose you could say i get bored easily." she said, her grin returning. even though the truth was that her parents were gone and she had no siblings, she tried not to use the word lonely, because it often struck a chord with her.


Faith blushed slightly at his compliment, as she often was bashful when praised, "a big heart...thank you." she gave a bashful smile. she walked over and joined him, sitting on the ground in a modest fashion, since she was wearing a dress. "i take pride in how i care for these flowers, they are as unique as we are and each have different needs. they need different amounts of water at different time of the day, different fertilizers and plant foods as well as different amounts of sunlight." she reached out and pulled away a few wilted flowers to make room for new buds. she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with a nervous hand. "i was wondering actually...might you want to go do something tomorrow? im working earlier in the morning... and i dont know how long you routes take, but maybe we could get together?" a light pink spread across her face, she was not used to spending long amounts of time with anyone, she and her friends were always busy and didnt see much of eachother.

((its fine, i dont expect you to be super prompt about your posts, even i havent been on as much as i used to be.))


Esther looked at the man bashfully. " Esther Rose. and im fine really, it was an accident after all. its nice to meet you..." she said quietly, unsure of what else to say.


Chase raised an eyebrow as the woman left. "was....was she trying to accomplish something with this?" he said as set the pie in the kitchen. "she even batted her eyes. was i supposed to be affected by that....?" he asked, an annoyed expression on his face. he realized that Maria was a very attractive woman, but had never been one to judge by looks. he himself was very attractive as well, systematically messy blond hair that fell just around his ears, no longer, beautiful blues eyes that could be as cold as ice and a moderately muscular build that allowed him to look great in anything. but his own looks were the very reason why others appearance never affected him. he had been fawned over by too many shallow women to want anything to do with someone who wouldnt get to know the real him. even so, at this point nearly all of the real him was locked away to prevent him from letting anyone hurt him anymore.
He places the cloth under the counter.Makira looks at the dog and then the owner and smiles."Smart dog you have, Well it really 'is' getting late. I don't mind walking you home just in case " he smiles at her even though he knows she can't see.
Gulping the last sips of the water gently, Romel mentally beat himself up, what was it about this woman? One he barely knew for that have him slip so easily? Romel heard the change in her tone, he refused to take the glass away till she was done talking as she spoke, Romel tried hard to keep up, She doesn't want to she is unknown means....she hates to be alone....that explains the intruging list of activities Romel lowered his glass setting it aside, "I can understand that, for i do too getting bored easily unless I am really into something, like a book, or video game, I tend grow tiresome and a tad restless." Romel spoke with a smooth tone, jumping off the subject of his blunder and focusing on an asspect of her words, than turning that into the new conversation, while releasing more information about himself that could be talked about, but not tell more than wanted. It was a tactic he learned to use often.
thanks for that i was just out that day for the day went up to a place and got two anime and i'm happy about that. And you know something every time you do an RP it seems you tend to express traits that you want to exhibit but never get the chance to in real life. It takes a gut of steel to do some of these things maybe it should be a challenge to do that. random thought.)) He sits on the ground watching her carefully noticing how nervous she was and he took note of that and decided to play carefully. " Actually since this was the first day i think i should easily be able to get the route done in... hmm" he thinks back over his route carefully. " i should be done around lunch time or so." He thinks for a moment. " maybe we could get together at lunch time and eat somewhere and you could show me around the town. Even though I've been here for a while I still don't know my way that well around the town." He looks over to a different section of flowers and smiles at her. "it's no wonder you love to work with flowers. Their beauty compliments your own." he looks down sort of ashamed that he was flirting with a person who he just had met. He looked back up. "do you mind if i take a flower a day?... Like each time i come here i get a flower?... I'd really like that.... He rummages in his pocket for a second and pulls a wallet out and flips through some of the bills. He takes out a five dollar bill and hands it to her. " for the rose. I can give it to you when it is pressed the rest of the way. Sounds good?" He looks at the sky. " it's a shame you really can't see the stars here. If we're going to do lunch where should we meet up at and what time....?" He looks around . "Ah... how about at the bar at around 12:30? Does that sound good to you?
Arthur half laughed, a false one; it was rare to hear him truly laugh and you could tell this one was on the sole purpose of mocking. "It's probably poisoned, she's just playing around.. She likes games." He grumbled, returning back to his usual demeanor. He went back to his corner and thought of what to write, but he had nothing; so he just closed his eyes and went back into a methodical state of deep thought. It was almost as if he could hear Chase's thoughts because he added randomly "She doesn't like you in that way. Believe me, she likes to be alone like I do." He then closed his eyes again. He was rather handsome as well, but there was something clearly odd about him that set people off. His eyes were the most brilliant color upon the earth, pale, bright, icy blue eyes that seemed a bit purple in the right lighting. His skin was pale, not fair... Pale. A bit grayish, and incredibly light. His hair was thick and dark, a chocolatey reddish brown color. He had a well-sculpted and defined face, a masculine face. He was well-toned, but from previous drug addiction he was thinner than normal; still retaining muscle. Just a bit too slender. However, he was a scarred man; track marks (both old and new) lined and decorated his arms. He had a few odd markings on his torso and legs from childhood injuries and so forth. He usually seemed bored or unamused, and he could be quite mean and coldhearted.

Theodore shuffled his feet. "Well, it was very nice to meet you... I-... I saw you were drawing people in the restaurant." He watched her get a bit surprised, embarrassed even. "They're really good drawings." He smiled, unsure of what to do as well.
Elri gave a curious expression, "exactly how late is it?" she asked, "isnt it common for bars to stay open later? as far as i can hear, youre the only bartender, unless my ears deceive me." she focused on the sounds in the bar as she stood up. Jethro stood up beside her and she stroked the soft, short hair behind his ears.


Sasha chuckled, her usual grin returning. "ive its video games i always go to the arcade. ive got mad skills on the classic games." she said wiggling her thumbs. "and i like reading, but i really prefer to do things that involve other people. reading always feels so lonely." she said, sipping at her own untouched water. she had long since finished her meal. "you know, sometimes if i cant find aynthing else i want to do, i take a mini collapsable table and my personal bag or hair styling tools and i will go to the town square and style peoples hair for free." she smiled fondly at the thought of people watching her do what she loved.


Faiths slightly pinked face turned to a more reddish shade when he compared her to the flowers. "thank you, you're too kind." she said with a shy smile. She was surprise when he handed her the money, and promptly offered it back, "no need to pay me, think of that rose as a gift, i am the assistant manager here after all. besides, you will need that if you wish to come by to get a flower while im working tomorrow morning." her smile brightened a bit, "i would gladly meet you at the bar tomorrow, however we will have to eat elsewhere, the bar is only open in the evening." she pointed out, standing up as well. "my its gotten late... i suppose i should be on my way home or my little sister might worry." she mentioned.


Esther blushed at his compliment, she didnt often show people her drawings so she wasnt use to praise. "um... th-thank you....they arent much. im much more adjusted to drawing animals...but i suppose that is because i work with them all the time." Esther checked her watch, "oh dear, if i dont leave soon then walking home is going to be...unsettling." she mumbled, wishing she hadnt stayed out so late.


Chase raised an eyebrow at the word poison. "you make it sound like i wanted her to like me." he scoffed, "and that makes three of us" he said when Arthut mentioned wanting to be alone. "life is just...easier that way." he lowered his voice. he hadto be alone. he had learned his lesson, his mother had abandoned him, his father had promised rehab and betrayed him, and his only friend died when they were in middle school. it had been 6 years since he made his own vow never to let anyone into his life again, that way no one could hurt him. he went over to his finished food, dished up some rice and covered the top with the stir fry vegetables. "if you want some have some...i hate leftovers. dont expect this often." he said rather coldly. he set his plate on the table, went to his room to grab his blank music sheets and sat down. he jotted down notes and guitar chords as he ate.

He smiles once again, still knowing she can't see him.

" Well, I can close for awhile you know "

He then puts on his coat as he walks to the door and switches the sign 'Close'

He smiles as even though he knows she can't see.

" Well it's okay, I can always open up later again. "

He takes off his coat from the coat hanger and puts it on.

And he walks over to the door and switches the sign to "close".
How can i not flatter someone when it is the truth?" He took the money back and stuffed it in his pocket. "why will i need the rose or the money when i come back tomrrow?" He looked at his watch and grunted surprised. "you're right it is late, i can take you back to your place if you want me to." He smiled at her kindly. " riding in the night is always nicer because less people are on the road and it's a bit cooler and the air is alot cleaner." He takes a small earphone out of his ear. "And i might be able to go with out wearing these little things for a while.
Now finished with his meal and water Romel sat back feeling very well feed, and well full. Romel felt another smile cross his lips,Such a giving woman, I hope people realize what true virtures she has....there are few and far between how posses such "That must be the highlight of everyone's day when you come wielding such a kind free gift." Romel nodded gently, "I do like some of the claasics, packman being my favorite." He sat back up do to a slient burp coming up, but fixed Sasha with his eyes, "Reading can be lonsome but you can make it more, reading with others, or even reading aloud....especially with plays, reading with more's like you are thrown right into it taking on the persona..." His voice took on a wonderous tone, as eyes grew soft with passion for the topic.
Theodore's gentlemanly side came in immediately "I'd be more than happy to escort you home, miss. I'm new here, from England as you may have guessed." He spoke clearly, but humbly. "I didn't know this town was... Dangerous." He blinked a few times. "Is it?"

Arthur scoffs at his remark, at least they had something in common. They appeared to be opposites, except for the fact they didn't like people. Except Arthur actually had a personality disorder affecting it as well. He raises an eyebrow "I don't need to eat." He comments dryly, but when Chase shoots him a glare he gets up and takes the plate; beginning to eat slowly. He had dreadful sleeping and eating habits, basically was bad at caring for himself in general. He chose drugs over food and work over sleep; and it made for a bad combination with his lifestyle.
John stared at Luke as if he was crazy for a moment then grabbed the nail gun and went over to the beam,Robin watched trying not to laugh. Noah seemed worried and seemed to want to speak to Luke about this but decided not to after seeing John grab the gun,watching John go to the beam Noah crossed his arms and looked back at Luke. John remembered how he saw Robin do it and did the same,though once it shot he freaked and dropped the gun,jumping away from it and hiding behind Robin.Robin could only laugh as he saw the scene in front to of him as Noah sighed."Did you think that through?..."Noah asked Luke still thinking that was a foolish idea.
When the nail gun hit the floor it even spooked Luke to the point were he bitted down on his cigarette and tore off the filter and leaving the other part of it hit the ground he spit the filter into his hand and picked up the end peice that hit the ground. He looked over at Robin and John then quietly pulled out a second cigarette he discarded what Noah said for a split second and finished what he asked John to do and with a fianl shot from the nail gun the job was done.

"Eh I though you'er boy would be able to do it Noah" He then stood up facing Noah and scratching the back of his head

He looked out the window for a split second then continued to look at Noah knowing he did'int agree with what he just had john do.

"Anyways so now let's negotiate the pay for the job shall we? Also do you mind if I smoke this in here?" Luke said as he once agian searched for his lighter.
Noah was obviously mad at the decision Luke had made and the fact that he even thought John could do it,and the irritation even lingered though his words."well this is a library...And I've never heard of a library you could smoke in..."He said keeping his arms crossed as he stared at Luke,Robin and John just stayed where they were as they listened,knowing Noah was mad at the moment.Noah had grabbed a envelope out of his back pocket as he went to and handed it to Luke,"This is all we have for now."In the envelope is 1,500$ in cash.
Luke scrambled through his pockets looking for his lighter which he finally found hiding in his back pocket he raised it the near his smoke but before he lit it he heard what Noah said and Luke had a look on his face of "Damn It!" he then put the lighter back in his pocket in a bit of a frustrated manner and took the envelope. What Luke saw surpised him it was indeed 1,500$ in cash which was a over payment on the job as Luke counted the money he rembered Noah saying earlier that day "We don't have much but we will pay you what we can" or something of that sort Luke could'int quiet rember

"I see this is your first time hiring a construction worker" Luke laughed and shaking his head a little bit as he stared at the envelope of money

"Noah Im alot of things and as much as I would like to take the all the money I can't I only paid somewhere around 150$-250$ for the beam and roofing" The trip to the shop was a bit of a blur to him now that he had to think about it.

Luke then took out 500$ counted it and placed the rest back in the envelope and offered it back to Noah
Well Noah never had an issue they couldn't fix themselves so it was the first time,but he was surprised at Luke by his actions. He could have simply took the money and said nothing,The fact that he didn't confused Noah now but he way happy. He took the envelope Luke was offering back and smiled,which he hardly ever does,as he held the envelope tight."Thank you...." That money was actually all they had,the fact that they just had a library meant they didn't get much in and Noah hadn't expected they'd be able to keep most of what they earned to fix the roof.
Luke felt like he did a good deed to some sort of level

"Now Noah If you don't mind im gonna go outside and finally smoke this" Luke made a gesture to the cigarette in his mouth and laughed

Luke nodded his head at John and Robin as if to say thanks he then continued his way down the stairs and looked at where he smashed his finger earlier a quick memory of pain shot back into him he looked at his finger and the sudden pain was gone agian

"Damn that really did hurt" Luke said shaking his hand

Luke went outside and sat down on the side walk to get that fix of nicatine he's been wanting. as he sat there on the side walk with the cool night air cooling him off he sat there taking one puff after anther and scratching the scar on his neck then pulled out his beanie shaked it out to unfold it then putted it on his head and debaited what to go do next.
Three Worker men and a young woman stood outside of the library,the men were talking about a plan they had for a building as one seemed to started getting impatient.The woman was talking on the phone as she waited talking about how a company needed help and what they could do.Not too long after Luke had gone out Robin and John came out and started heading down the street running and seemed to be in good moods.Noah had flipped the sign from closed to open and the three men and woman went in as soon as it flipped,Noah went behind the desk and sat in a chair he had scooted back there.The things he had moved were back in place and Noah seemed happy now as he fittled around with the computer,logging in the new books since he had time.
Luke looked over at John and Robin running down the street Luke smiled as he watched them and wondered what it was like to be a kid agian for a second then went back into reality. He noticed he was still wearing his work belt so he put out his smoke on the side walk leaving a trail of smoke in the night sky and a black spot of ash on the walk way and got up, pop-ed the trunk of his car took off the belt and tossed it in. It clunked as it hit the bottom of his trunk and Luke slammed the door then continued to head to the driver seat he put the key in the ignition turned it and the car came alive with the lights turning on and loud music playing he then rolled out down the window and started driving down the road thinking about work at the mill tommrow.
John and Robin had gone to the store and didn't take long for them to get everything thanks to Noah's list,but the fact that they didn't know how to get it back home was the issue."Should one of us stay here as the other goes back and forth taking little at a time?"Robin asked and got a glared from John since he knew he'd be the one going back and forth,then he shook his head.Robin tried to think of another way,"We could...find something like a cart and take it back that way?" John liked the idea but the store wouldn't like it if they took one of there carts so that was a no go too.Robin sighed."Well then....umm...."He couldn't think of anything else other then trying to just get it all back by themselves which would be hard.
As Luke was driving he saw the store and decided to pick up a little something for himself so he parked in front and got out of his car he walked in the store and ironicaly he saw the boys but merely passed by them and grabbed a decently size bottle of whiskey it was little expensive but for him it was worth it for him. He walked to the counter and placed the bottle on the counter.

"ID sir?" The women said with one of those pleasent fake smiles.

It took Luke a minute to realize what she said and he searched his pockets for his wallet for a couple of seconds

"I can never find anything in these damn pockets of mine" Luke said a bit embarssed

He his wallet was buried under his knife and the money Noah had given him , It would look a bit akward if he placed his knife on the counter to grab his ID but he did so.

As he placed his knife on the counter it spooked the attendent but Luke quickly show her his wallet and handed her some money.
Robin had finally gotten an idea that they could do after seeing a couple rusty poles lying against a building,he took two and slid some half the bags on each side of the pole. lifting it onto his shoulders he smiled and John did the same,it was easier then using there arms,though John being stronger then Robin it was pretty easy for him. John had the pole balanced on one of his shoulders as he walked as Robin had it across both of his with his arms keeping it up,the only problem they'd have is to watch so they didn't hit anything or anyone.But most people weren't out now so they seemed to have lucked out.

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