Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Makira looks around for the door with a blue heart.

They've been working around for some time now and finally he sees it.

" I see it " he says.
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] (Im loving everyones characters and stuff, but can it be the next day yet?)
((yeah sorry, i usually get to this RP at night, and i was waiting on Makira. wokring on it right now~))

Elri nodded as Jethro brushed his tail against her leg she followed him up to the house. she gave a wave in Makiras general direction, "thank you" she said before walking in. she made her way up the stairs to her room and went to bed.


Faith woke early the next morning, also being sure to wake Emerald. She made a quick breakfast and headed off to work for the morning. As she arrived at the green house she put on a teal apron and set to work clipping and pruning the plants. she sang a merry tune as she worked, enjoying the fragrance of the flowers.


Emerald ate what her sister prepared, then pulled on a jogging suit and some tennis shoes. she walked to a nearby park before starting a brisk jog. she jogged through the park, a smile on her face as she enjoyed the chilly breeze of the first saturday in December. she always jogged on saturdays when it was nice, since she didnt get much jogging time during the school week because of her varsity soccer practice.


Esther rubbed at her eyes as she woke up, wondering what she was going to do with herself on such a nice saturday. she was considering calling the gentleman she had met the day before, but remembered she had work today. she dressed in her uniform and took the family car over to the pet shop. as soon as she entered the door she began greeting the animals with bright hellos and smiles.


Sasha had been up since before dawn, having walked to the town cemetery to visit her parents and grandmothers grave. She kneeled near the grave, a soft smile on her face. "i still cut hair in town square some days... you should see the young girls smile, its beautiful." her expression turned solemn. she set down a bouquet of flowers and just stood awhile, looking at the names on the headstones.


Chase woke up and tossed on what ever he happened to yank out of his drawer. he ran his hair through his messy blonde hair, only making it more systematically messy. he grabbed his guitar and headed out into the chilly december air. he headed towards the back of the same park as the night before. he took a seat on the bench and took his guitar out if its case. he always played in the mornings and evenings when no one was around, it helped him relax.
He smiles and waves back to Elri, It was a long but nice walk .

Makira was first thinking if he should go back to open up but right now he is tired so he walks home.

He opens up his apartment door and walks in as he falls on his bed and sleeps.

Next morning, Makira wakes up. He yawns as he stretches and sits up and scratches the back of his head.

He stands up as he prepares breakfast in the kitchen, just normal bacon and eggs . and a glass of orange juice.

Makira gets dressed as goes out to the bar, it was cleaning time in the morning.

He arrives at the entrance of the bar as he sees it a bit dusty and muddy.

"Alright!" He thought to himself and began gathering the cleaning equipments and began cleaning the entrance of the bar.
Romel rolled over in his bed only half awake. Laying there, Romel stared at the fire alarm thinking out yesterday. It was nice, really nice. Could today be just as good? Romel's face scrubbed up slightly in doubt. Honestly, he felt like he was in the twilight zone were everything was not as it seemed. His thoughts linger towards the danger zone, so sitting up, Romel slide to the edge of the bed, twirling the cord, he opened the window, placing his arm along the lengh of the window sill,leaning forward he took the time to watch the world go by around him.

Ellie had been up hours before ans stubbled around getting ready, she was not a morning person! After making sure she look presentable. She grabbed her application and ate two granola bars on the way to the resterant Angelo's. Sitting outside at a table, Ellie took out her horse figurine and started widdling making sure to keep her application safe, and clean.
((sorry i took so long replying!))

Faith looked at her watch, wiping away a smudge of dirt. it was nearly quitting time for her, ad by niow the flowers were in full afternoon bloom, bright and colorful. she took her watering can and walked over to the old fashioned pump they had in the greenhouse. as she filled the watering can customers milled about, gazing at the beautiful blooms.


Elri had the day off from work, rare for a Saturday afternoon. she was taking a leisurely stroll through the city, Jethro at her side as usual. the sounds of the city caressed her ears, a chilly breeze nipping her cheeks. She loved walking, indulging in senses that most people didnt have.


As Esther finished feeding the dogs and moved on to the cats. She greeted the felines with a smile, petting them and making sure they had food. because of the towns support, the pet shop was combined with the humane society, allowing people the option to buy their pet supplies right when they adopted. Esther went to one of the cages, looking in a a small grey kitten. its ears were tattered from life on the streets, its tail just a nub from an accident. "hey are you today?" Esther said gently. the kitten appeared to be startled at first, but slowly made her way towards Esther upon seeing her. "thats it...its only me." she took the kitten in her arms, listening to it purr.


after her early morning visit, Sasha had pulled her hair back into a slightly messy side pony tail. she headed to salon and worked on cutting hair, styling and just enjoyed every happy customer she made.


By the way, youre welcome to approach my characters, i dont want to be the only one initiating conversation! and Chase is still playing his guitar in the park, Emerald is still jogging...i didnt think i really needed to post for those two.
He had woken up before most other people were even going to be his alarm clock read 3:00 a.m. and he grinned to himself he was going on a date today and he was so eager that he could hardly even think straight. Eating a quick and light breakfast he got changed and went out to the post office and began his delivery route and when he had finished his route which ended at 6 a.m. he began his other job which was going from one business to another he is going steady when he looks at his watch and almost falls off his bike it was about 11:30 he had only an hour to get home have a shower get changed and get to the bar before he was late for his scheduled meeting time. He rushes to the bar after changing and showering and makes it 10 minutes early and he sits on a bench waiting for her to arrive. ((I think i'll make another character.))
As he was sweeping , he sees Elri walking just at the other side, He waves but then reality struck him.

She couldn't see.

"Im such an idiot " He said to himself.

He then remembered that she has a dog and he searched his pocket he is wearing, which was yesterday's pants.

And he still has dog treat left.

[ about time you replied too [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] :P ]
he looked at the man sweeping. "Hey Mr.Kasier can you help me out?" He looked a bit uncomfortable. He Looked where he was looking and saw the girl and the dog and smiled and walked closer to him. "Who's she? a friend?" He laughed nervously and continued on. "Well i was wondering if you could help me out a bit, I'm going on a date today and i was wondering if you could help me out and give me some tips about what i should do today?"
He looks at the delivery man from before as his eyebrow rises, " date ? " He asks and he crosses his arms and starts to think.

What to do on a date ? He barely went on a date before, He wasn't that popular back in high school nor college, But. He did went to some match making party because some of his friends forced him to.

He then looks at him, " If you are going on a date, The best thing to go is to a place where the girl likes. For example, If the girl loves food. Take her to a restaurant, Depends if she likes classy and expensive, or normal and cheap. And if the girl enjoys nature, take her to a walk on a park " He smiles as he gives him advices .
thanks for the help" He grins at him sitting down on the curve waiting again. "Well the only bad thing about getting to the meeting place early is the wait for the other person." He wipped his nose and sneezed in his arm pit.
He continues sweeping as he offers the guy his hanky, he seems a bit happy and smiles as he says thank you to him. Another satisfied customer he thought to himself.
he pulls out a letter and looks at it." Whoops i almost forgot to give it to you Kaiser-san" He hands him the letter and accepts the tissue in exchange. he blows his noes and looks down the street still waiting. " I'm A bit thirsty... mind if i get a small shot of whiskey?" He pulls out his ID showing Kaiser to avoid any confusion over his age.
He takes the letter as he raises his eyebrow " Who's this from ? " He asks and looks at him. He takes the ID and reads his name (which i don't know yet) and reads the age and sees he is in the legitimate age of drinking. " The bar is still not open until later at night but, Sure why not. I can make an exception for a hard working man " He smiles as he opens the door.
((I'm soooooo sorry about my delayed posting....classes have been brutal.))

Elri felt Jethro give her a nudge, and she picked up a familiar voice. She waited for the people around to begin moveing, then followed their pace across the street. She smiled as she heard the door open, "afternoon Makira" she greeted in a content tone. It seems you're making an exception to your opening time? Perhaps you could make one more exception?" She felt her canine conpanion ns wet nose on her hand,"er, I mean two more exceptions."


Faith glanced at her watch onde more as she finished work. She put away her apron and hitched ride with a co-worker so she could go home. and change into something more suitable for an afternoon out. She changed into a casual teal dress and brushed out her long hair before heading once again. As she came upon the bar she didn't see Chiba sitting outside. When she got closer however she noticed he was inside. She entered the bar with a smile. "Hello Chiba, Makira. Isn't it a bit early for the bar to be open?
He was surprised as Elri comes inside, and smiles. " Well, Having company is really good. And besides " he laughs " This man here somewhat needs to relax before going on his 'Date' " He laughs as he nods at elri's proposal of two more exceptions. Moments later, Faith comes back in and he's eyes widen a bit and a little blush on his face. " F-faith ! " he says her name. " K-kind of you to drop by and yeah " He walks to the Counter and takes out a shot glass and pours whiskey on it as he serves it to the man. He then leans closer and whispers " Now, Try not to get drunk before your date " .

[[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] about time you replied too stardust xD ]
he takes the glass and sips it. " I can't get frunk if she's already her now can i?" He finshes the whiskey and smacks his lips. "Mmm you sure now the good stuff. Thanks a bundle." He turns to Faith. "I'm not under dressed am I?" He stands there with a simple polo shirt and kahkis and a wide grin on. He looks closer at her. "Maybe a bit underdressed in my opinion but i don't think it's that bad." He offers her an arm. " Now let's see, how about we head on over to the botanical gardens first? Seems like an nice place for the first stop No?" He turns around and nods his farwell to Kaiser and walks to open the door for Faith.
As he sees this, He's heart drops. He never knew that it was Faith the guy was going on a date with. But, Why does he feel depressed ? Why ? He asks himself. Makira then just smiles, Hiding the pain on his chest. He never felt like this before, And now, He experienced it's painfulness, Not physically, But emotionally. " Y-yeah.. No problem " He answers the delivery man with a smile on his face. " Enjoy the date " .
Faith gave a curious look. "under dressed? no... its only an afternoon out, yes? if anything im under-dressed. its nearly winter and the Botanical Gardens are having a cold weather plants the open air greenhouse. perhaps i should've worn pants." she seemed to be calmly fretting over nothing really. she had chosen to wear a casual dress, this one being the color teal. her wardrobe was full of dresses and skirts, only a few she considered formal or 'dressy', she just wasnt really much of a pants girl. she did however, don the occasional pair of denim jeans for outdoor activities in the winter. "ah, i guess i will be fine, im used to the cold anyway. i guess it comes with living here." she shrugged, then turned back towards Makira, "we can talk about the flower decorations later, i wont forget." she smiled before leaving with Chiba. "you know Chiba, ive really been meaning to check out that winter showing... it'll be nice to go along with a friend, yes?" she continued to smile.


Elri had chatted with Faith while the unknown male chatted with Makira. Elri picked up a bit on their conversation, about a date. from what she heard it seemed Faith was going on a date with the unknown man. as Faith was escorted out Elri could tell that her modest friend wasnt looking at the 'date' the same way as her male companion. not surprising for someone as modest of Faith. Elri sat at the bar, her working senses trained on the bartender. "a bit downcast Makira?" her pale blue eyes gazing as much at him as she could manage without her sight. "Faith is a friend of mine. we usually only see each other upon my visits to the green house, however we are quite close..."
indeed it shall it's been some time since I have been anywhere, so it's nice to go out once in a while." He places a twenty on the counter and nods at the bartender. "Thanks and have a good day Mr. Kaiser." He grinned at Faith. " What type of flowers are the showing today?" He stops himself. "Wait wait don't tell me let it be a surprise." He turns back to Kaiser. " By the way it feels way to formal for you to be calling me sir, Just call me Chiba or what ever pleases you but we are about the same age no?" He pulls out his little flower book and takes out an Japanese flower and hands it to kaiser. "The flower represents a good friendship. Shall we make it that?" With a smile he walks out the door and unlocks the bike. Behind it is a small carriage. He bows grinning a bit. "After you Hime-sama." He opens the door for her bowing still.
He's smile fades as they leave and his chest feels like it's about to burst, but he just hides it and smiles again and looks at Elri and then gave a dog treat to Jethro. Makira then Chuckles as he says " About what ? " . He's not sure of he is depressed or sad. He's not even sure anymore, Is it maybe because he.. Loves someone? He shakes his head from the thought. He then looks again at Elri. " I see, I met her when she came here asking for a drink. I served her a Cinderella " . He smiles.
((hey sorry if i havent been on lately, reffer to my signature, things have been hectic.))

Elri raised an eyebrow. "i see." she said, not really intending for it to be a pun. she gave a slightly playful smile, "actually, i 'see' a lot more than others sometimes." her sightless gaze was fixed on the wall directly across from her. "Faith is a nice girl, quite the easy one to fall for, at least, thats what i understand." she ran a finger across the bars smooth counter. "i would like to order a Caipirinha like i had last night, it was excellent." she gave a smile.


Faith smiled as they walked out. "You flatter me too much, i would prefer if you used anything but 'princess'." Faith was a very modest young woman and usually tried to shy away from over flattery. she situated herself in the carriage so she was sitting properly. "alright, im ready when you are." she gave a smile.
but it suits you quite well in my opinion" He grins at her and pushes off "so off to the botanical gardens correct?" I don't know the way from here so direct me as i go on please. He pedals off down the streets looking around and he seems to pale a little bit as he nears the road and the cars go by and stop he just looks and keeps on his way heading towards the gardens.
He smiles and nods meaning he agrees. " Alright, One Caipirinha coming up ! " he then prepares caipirinha as Elri orders . He does the same procedure in making the cocktail. Still thinking about Faith, He sighs and serves it to Elri. " Enjoy "

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