Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

(ok thats good, sorry i took so long to get back to you)

Faith gave a meek nod, "i haven't been dwelling on the past, its something i promised i would never do, however filling a hole like the one Fayt left is a different story." she wiped up her face and waited while they wheeled him to the OR. when he came back she gave a small smile at his impaired speech. she took one of his hands gently in hers. "this hole might not be an easy one to fill, but who am i to stop someone who wants to repair a wound that cant be sewn?" her smile saddened a bit.

Elri chuckles as Jethro licks Makiras hand again. "well, sometimes he gets homemade food too, so that would be a yes" she said. "if im deprived of one sense, then i may as well thrive on another, right?" she asked, setting some money on the bar. "im thinking of heading home now, my stomachs getting pretty talkative." she mentioned, and Jethro walked over to her side.
What chu tawking aburt?" He smiles crazily as he was still comming from under. " Wut whole were?" His speech was so slured that it was almost comical. " I'll fix da whole were it be?" he seemed to be coming around as his speech became less slurred. " Why are you not happy?" he moves his hand with a bit of difficulty over to her and with a serious face he looks at her. " If you don't smile happily then i have no other choice but to tickle you until you laugh and smile for real." He yawns and stretches a bit and he grins slightly. he still seemed a bit drunk but now it was working on sounding only tipsy now. he wipes another of her tears with a finger and he licks it like a cat and grimmaces. " Salt doesn't taste good and crying ruins your face. Smiling uses less muscles and makes you feel good...."
Faith couldnt help but laugh at how impaired his speech had become. she smiled again, brightening up. she took his his hand in hers, and gave it a squeeze, pointing to her heart with her other hand "this hole right here. it might not be easy though." she said with a warm smile.
"shall i go get the cement?" he looked at her with a serious face. " holes are easy to fix with cement. Ow...owowowowo..." He looks down at the sheets and his face pales for a second and then brightens as he looks at her happily. " Your professional hole patcher at your service." He smiles widely laughing at what he was saying.
Faith laughed, "cement isnt good for these types of holes though." her gaze followed his, looking at the sheets. she frowned, but managed to urge her lips back into a smile, "when youre well enough, if you wouldnt mind, would you accompany me over to the oncology wing? my mother is currently staying there while she undergoes chemotherapy for her breast cancer." Faith asked.
ok i understand i have too here shortly)) He smiled at her laugh. " Sure i guess." He sits up and looks down and shakes his head. And rubs his knee. " I'll miss my legs i can say that much but i'll get over it sooner or later. And it sounds like a good idea to go and see your mom. I'd like to meet her." He slides himself around to the edge of the bed and slowly lifts himself up and onto a waiting wheel chair and he grins at her. " Alright that worked out better then expected. Shall we head on?"
Faith was quite surprised at how quickly he was willing to move around after getting his operation. "oh my... you just went under the knife, i think you should stay in bed and rest. its not good to move around before youve had time to heal, it will increase blood loss and whats left of your legs wont heal properly..." she said with worry. besides, its gotten late and visiting hours are nearly over.

Chiba Masato
hello again star it's been a while)) and i really don't care what happens now as long as you are close beside me and i would really love to go and meet your mother not for ulterior motives i just want to see the person that you hold dear." He smiles at her. " and besides if i don't get used to not having my legs now it will only be harder to get used to not having them latter on." He wheels himself deftly around in a circle getting used to it before he wheels himself to the door. " And besides i hate being pinned down in a bed. So shall we head on and go and meet your mom?"
Faith crossed her arms, "Chiba im not joking. just a minute ago you were high from the anesthetics! i cant have you bleeding out on your wheelchair!" she remained in the seat next to the bed. "frankly, im surprised you managed to get into that wheel chair on your first try without falling." She gave him a stern look. "besides, my mother is probably sleeping already. she always falls asleep shortly before visiting hours are over." Faith sighed and relaxed a bit, "please, don't over exert yourself. injuries as bad as yours require rest..." she said with a yawn. she understood his want to recover fast, but she felt like it was impossible for anyone to be so mobile after losing their legs. even just getting into a wheel chair should've required physical therapy sessions of some sort.

(slow down cowboy! if you want to time skip a week or two im fine with that... but its physically impossible for someone to hop right into a wheel chair after their legs have been amputated.))
sorry was kinda brain dead after exams when i posted that sorry)) e looks at her seeing er yawn ad hears what she had to say and grumbled moving back to the bed. "Fine i'll rest for maybe a month or so and then i'll be back on my new pair of feet. And the I'll take you on a better date then the one i had planned for yesterday..." he grunts and pushes and flumps back into the bed the bandages around his legs turning a bit red and he just sat there covering it up quickly smiling at her and he leaned down and kissed her lightly on her left cheek and smiled lightly and chuckled. "Alright sleepy head why don't you head back home and get some rest and don't worry about coming to visit for a while. As it will be boring for you and it will be a while. I'll surprise you after a while by coming to get a flower maybe." He grinned devilishly showing that he had a will stronger then anything in the world and would be walking again very very soon. He yawned and stretched a bit falling asleep quite quickly still under the effects of the sedatives.
(s'ok, i just dont like to be rushed on that kind of stuff :P ))

Faith nodded and gave a small smile when he kissed her. "thats better, now dont cause too muchtrouble for the staff here." she whispered as she closed the door. she stopped at the gift shop and bought some rather generic flowers and handed them to a nurse along with a note for her mother. Afterwards she headed home to a worried sister, and explained all that had happened, followed by a shower. she slept a peaceful night and went through the next day on autopilot, her mind filled with yesterdays events.

Her mother had awoken to find the the flowers and the note, and read it carefully.

Dearest Mother,

Emerald and I are doing fine, so is the miniature green house. As the temperature drops outside and you watch from the warmth of the hospital, i hope you remember that Christmas is coming and you look forward to some gifts from Emerald and I. some crazy things happened and im sorry i didnt visit, however i do have interesting news. i found a friend, and as I help him to heal, i feel that he could help me to heal as well. I promise to introduce you soon, i hope you are feeling well.

Love Always, Faith.

Mrs. Ernst smiled as she folded up the note. she looked out the window and watched as the first traces of snow began to accumulate on the ground outside.

Faith yawned and stretched as she awoke. It had been nearly 3 weeks since the accident, and almost a week had passed since the last time she had visited Chiba. between He and her mother, she hadnt been to the hospital much. She felt she had grown a bit closer to Chiba, her mother was recovering and Emerald was on the fast track to an athletic scholarship for her soccer skills. Faith had said much to Emerald or her mother about Chiba, she intended to introduce them all when she felt he was healthy enough. she had been stern with him throughout his recovery, and she decided that the next time she visited she would bring Emerald and take him to see her mother. today however, she was headed off to a long day of work.

She spent most of the afternoon keeping the green house temperature up, cleaning up snow on the sidewalks outside, and trimming flowers and herbs. when she was asked to watch the counter she found herself standing around with little to do.

((there, thats my super long timeskip.)
agreed but i have no idea how i will even come close to your post length.)) it had been a long time for his recovery in his eyes. But the rate of his recovery even stunned the doctors. They had never seen some as hardy as he was. He improved day by day in leaps and bounds. He had heard the doctors talking about two weeks into his hospital stay mention something about giving him his prosthetic soon. The molds were taken that evening and the legs had came in a few days later and he had already had them on and was leaning quickly how to walk around with his new legs. He loved being able to walk again. He noticed that the seasons were changing and shivered involuntarily and grinned to himself. 3 weeks had been a long time to him to be stuck in a bed forbidden to do anything but lie there an look out the window at the slowly changing season and smile at the prospect of being out and about again. he also looked forward to surprising Faith with his newly regained mobility... But of course there was a down side to the accident. He was now more then even before scared of cars he could hardly even bear hearing one start up anymore and ambulances sent he into a near panic attack. And then there are the pains. Some were minor but most were pains that made him almost scream out. It hurt where his legs should have been it was agonizing. He had to often taken pain medication other wise it was too much for him to take. Of course he had to also tell his family about what was happening when he called though no one answered. When he called the second time he got through and after a 3 hour conversation slash argument his mother had decided to come with his younger sister in a week. When he was planned to be discharged from the hospital. His brow creased with worry as he looked out the window lost in thought wondering how he would introduce his mother to Faith, he had completely forgot to bring her up when he was talking with her. He sighed heavily and pondered more thinking of ways excuses even long exaggerated stories before he finally decided to tell his mom the truth and be outright with it. He nodded to himself set on that plan and looked up as a nurse came in and gave him his medication and left out as he slowly fell back asleep.
"...don't buy drugs. Become a popstar and they give you them for free.", Ant and Dec cut to commercials. Love Actually lingers on a now - flickering TV screen, probably due to the cables being somewhat loose, that, or the wind and snow had tampered with the satellital signal. The snow piled somewhat on the edges of Álvaro's room window. He had no view, though, except of a pair of mahogany curtains, blurred by the frost on the window. Either way, the flat complex he lived had an additional five floors above his flat. And the building next to his had only two floors less, and his room was not in the street view part of the flat. That was Gavin's.

Álvaro woke up, slightly alarmed, intermittently opening and closing, strewn across his small yet comfortable bed, messy, as usual. He left the TV on overnight, probably too sleepy to notice he had not set the Off - timer on to the usual 60 - minute lapse. His wall clock informed him he had woken up earlier than usual, by about half an hour. After a quite long yawn, and some proper stretching, he stood up, turned the telly off, and headed off to the kitchen, looking like a mix between a zombie and a drunken figure. Gavin and José were there, looking at the TV in the living room, viewable from the kitchen, broadcasting nothing exciting, reciting the weather in England. " you better prepare hot coffee and just rest for today, Londoners. In Brighton, we'll be experiencing pretty much..." It faded out as he peeked into the refrigerator to see what could be breakfast. "Vendrían bien unos molletes", he thought, as he grabbed a can of refried beans and set it next to a paper bag full of bolillos and a package of manchego cheese. He made three for himself, three for José, and two for Gavin as usual. After heating them in the toaster oven, he went back to the coffee table in the living room and sat in the sofa in front of them both, TV at a side, another news channel recapitulating on the explosion near the hospitals and how terrorism was a major threat in todays world. After having breakfast and the morning cup of coffee, he took a shower and readied for work, his uniform (Wine red/white/black colour pallette, formal shirt, trousers and work shoes) in a comfortable bag of his, him wearing a pair of denim trousers, a pair of white, worn sneakers, the first he could find, and a white Super Furry Animals (Welsh band of my liking.) shirt, covered by a dark brown winter coat and his black and white scarf. He left the apartment through stairs and not the elevator like usually, thanks to the elevator being out of service since a few days ago. He walked two blocks before he encountered the underground station, which would leave him another three blocks away from the bistro, only five stops away. (Dismiss this if Lucerne happens to lack an underground.)
( Chiba Masato, El Chilango sorry i havent replied yet, busy with work, and lacked writing motivation.)

Faith wandered about the green house checking on the plants, thinking about her mother, and wondering how much more Chiba had recovered since she saw him the week before. (sorry about the lazy post :\ )

Esther held her teal dress to the back of her knees as she took a seat on one of the benches in the metro station. she gave a small yawn and zipped her mint green jacket the rest of the way up. she had a soft white scarf around her neck and a bag just big enough for her sketchbook. she pulled out a pencil and flipped to a clean page before deciding what she wanted to sketch. the majority of the book was filled with sketches of animals she saw from day to day, and the occasional person or scenery. she looked around and although she was shy she quite liked the feeling of life and movement around the underground today. she put her pencil to the paper and began sketching out the entire station, starting with the background, thinking that a scenery sketch would be nice. she hummed a quiet tune as she drew, hoping that the train didn't show up too terribly soon, it was not a busy city after all and with many forms of transportation above and below ground, the metro was in fact the least used. people liked to see the beautiful city and get a feel for what life could be like there.
it's cool)) 
he sat in his bed for a little bit listening to the doctor as he explained that he would be released today with a few limits placed he was free to go nodding his head enthusiastically he climbed out of the bed and walked to the front desk waved adieu and broke his bracelet off and walked out the door with a somewhat smooth gait. As he walked towards the flower shop he hummed happily happy to be out and about again out of that stuffy hospital. He breathed the crisp air in and sighed happily. He had unconsciously made his way to the small green house and when he arrived he stood awkwardly at the door pondering on what to do.
Álvaro walked down the creamish - gray coloured stonesteps to the station, not before looking at the plaque, still overground, reading the station's name in green colour, belonging to the Green, or 1st Line, a small icon of the station, and an arrow indicating the position of the stairs. The entrance to the station was somewhat empty, only a couple of European - like appearance emerged out of the station onto the surface, probably tourists. He passed a few closed shops except for a small electronics store that were in the road to the platforms. The platforms themselves were rather empty, at the maximum, 15 people were there, and on his side, barely four, not including him. He sat down at a bench overlooking the tracks and the opposite platform, waiting for the train, that woud take some time to arrive. After all, the underground, despite it's pretty generous ticket fare, was not used much. Álvaro used it because neither Gavin, nor José, nor him owned a car and he disliked taking the bus to work anyways. He had always used the metro in Mexico City, ever since a small child. He'd go to La Merced, Jamaica, or the Zócalo* with his mother while being a child, and his secondary school was just in front of a metro station as well, so he felt sort of attached to the underground. As he let his bag roll gently to the floor, underneath the bench, he noticed a rather fragile, light spirited looking girl on the opposite end of the bench, nicely dressed in a teal dress covered by a mint jacket and a rather well complementing white scarf, blending in with her pale and fair skin. Her bluish eyes reflected by the overhead lighting system, concentrated on a fraction of her sketchbook. He lost himself in thought for a while, the train not arriving yet.

*La Merced and Jamaica are popular markets in Mexico City, both with their own Metro stations. The Zócalo is the heart of the city centre, and has, too, its metro station.
Faith worked as diligently as usual, treating the plants around her as though they were family. the flowers she cared for were always the biggest and brightest of the greenhouse. she took pride in her work and had done well to tire herself out that day. her boss came by to tell her she could take a seat and have lunch if she wanted to. she went to retrieve her cold pasta salad and went to sit down in a small area of the green house with benches and tiny garden tables. she nibbled at her food as she watched customers mill about.

Esther was happy with how her sketch was turning out and hoped that it would at least be another ten minutes before the train arrived. she rubbed her finger across part of the page to give the backround of the metro station a smoother look. by the time she was done with her drawing a few of her pale fingers were smudged with grey graphite. this didnt bother her though, it was often this way. her hands, however pale and delicate, were not as soft and smooth as most women due to her artistic hobby. she tugged at her sleeve briefly to reveal an old watch on her wrist. she checked the time, and then gave a content yawn. she was on her way to what she would consider a wonderful day at work. she worked at a local petshop and spending time with the animals was something she enjoyed greatly.
Álvaro kept thinking about her. He couldn't find any words in his mind to actually try to explain what it was, what caused it, or, anything at all. He might as well would've stopped breathing if it wasn't an involuntary impulse. He came back to reality after looking at his wristwatch, noticing the metro train had already taken quite some time to arrive. It maybe was due to the weather, or, in an extreme case he remembers from Mexico City, an accident with someone, or even a suicide, which happened at his secondary school station, very graphic. It kept him sleepless for a while, but he eventually got over it. Neverminding this, he got slightly annoyed at this, the train rarely took more than three minutes. He finally had changed his thoughts and decided to stand up when the familiar rambling of traintracks and motion entered his welcoming ears. He grabbed his bag from below the seat, stood up and advanced all the way to the green, perfectly horizontal line painted on the gray, marble platform floor. The train arrived with its characteristic speed and braked with an ear - soothing, exhalation - like sound just in time to fit entirely, as usual. The train itself wasn't too crowded, seats were still left empty on most cabins. He walked inside the third cabin from front to back, the most crowded, but, by incredible luck, he found seat thanks to an elderly woman who stepped down. It apparently was the last available, considering everyone else remained standing up, holding onto the tubes above. On the upper corner of the cabin was the line map, with stations, icons and transfers, along with some advertisements and safety warnings about underground travelling. He sighed in a somewhat sad, sleepy manner, and left his bag once more below the seat, right next to the door, giving him a comfortable recliner. The man sitting beside him was snoring lightly, profoundly asleep, probably going to the terminus, altough he risked being robbed in his sleep when the trains got crowded in the transfer stations around the city centre.
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Esther put the finishing touches on her sketch, and carefully folded the notebook shut. after she tucked it away in her messenger bag along with her pencil, she pulled some white mittens from her coat pockets and set them on her lap. she raised her hands to her mouth and warmed her cold reddened, graphite blackened fingers a with a puff of warm air. she then slipped each pale hand into a mitten, a small smile gracing features as the train pulled up.

Esther boarded the busy train, giving up a potential seat to an older man who appeared to have been standing for quiet awhile. after that, there were no more seats to be found, and Esther settled with standing. she reached up and grabbed one of the tubes and made sure she was standing comfortably before the train began moving. her pale green eyes gazed out the window and she stood, quiet and content.
he thought about disguising himself but he thought twice about it and thought it would be too cruel. so he decided to walk in like nothing was wrong and look for a flower to add to his little booklet. Smiling he opened the door and shut it the bell jingling as he wiped his feet off on the mat. and breathed in deeply smiling at the scent of the dirt and he rubbed his led absentmindedly and looked around the shop and walked up to the counter and looked at the plants for sale. not sure what to get he rubbed his pants some more it had become a habit since he had lost his legs he smiled absently at the people looking at him. He was a bit shorter then he was before but other then that the only other give away was his slight limp that was hard to notice he looked around the shop it was busier then he had remembered. His legs shook a little bit as he felt the pain but he gritted his teeth to stop from screaming out in pain it hurt yes but it would be unsightly to scream in the public. He looked at his watch and grunted it was latter then he had thought it was and knew he had to soon make his way over to his house as his family would be soon arriving from their from Japan. He looked around and decided not to get anything and looking around and not seeing Faith he sighed and walked back outside heading towards his house making slow progress the pain was really getting to him. He took it and grit his teeth and kept walking onto his house he soon made his way to is house and he opened the door and saw how badly it needed to be cleaned and he groaned hard and sat down and looked around his house wondering where to start.
Faith had finished her lunch and her break as well. she finished out her shift and grabbed her things before climbing into her minivan. she drove herself home and as she climbed out of her van she was caught up in old memories again. she looked across the street at Chibas currently(or so she thought) empty house. she thought back to Fayt again, remembering the family they had so badly wanted. it was the only reason she had a mini van and not a smaller car. She had spent a lot of time visiting Chiba, and could consider them very close friends by now, however, her heart still wavered. she walked into the house, cleaned herself up, made a cup of tea and walked out to sit on her front porch.
Álvaro looked around the cabin, a monochromatic silhouette of black, gray and brown coloured suits of busy white - collar workers in front of a the pale cream colour of the cabin carriage itself. He looked around for a while, the scenery from the window consisting of poorly lit advertisements painted on white or creamish coloured horizontal stripes on the seemingly endless black abyss that expanded through the trackwalls. He caught his own reflection dancing awkwardly on the rectangular - shaped cabin window, just visible below the arm of a teenager, probably, at the maximum, some 16 years old, as hestill had some child - like features, dressed in flashy clothing, sort of resembling the 80´s. He then noticed her, again, from the platform bench, not even a minute ago, now able to see her more clearly thanks to the dim, yet comfortable - to - the - eyes lighting in the cabin, now rectifying him, her eyes to be green. An alarm sounded, along with red rectangular - shaped blinker lights on top of the sliding, metallic, window framed doors, announcing to the passengers that the doors were closing on the carriage. Apparently it was due to the weather the trains were being slowed down, clarified by the soft, female voice through the cabin intercom that followed the continuous alarm, which meant this was going to be a rather slow trip, also meaning he might be late to work, which didn't really pass through his mind at that moment. He then stood up, grabbed his bag from below the bench, and slowly made a step, a careful clear through the small crowd, enough to be at a comfortable distance and offered his seat for her to take, with his awkward Londoner accent that would not belong to him if it wasn't for his English teacher back in Mexico City. "Oh, uh...Miss...Would you like to take the seat? Won't be long for me, so...", he said in a rather soft but friendly sounding voice, signaling her the seat with his left index finger, hand weakly held in the air, as the doors came to full closure with a barely audible thud. (Excuse me if it looks rather rushed and unpolished, I've been busy these days.)
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A taxi drove up to the house and A young woman that seemed slightly younger then faith stepped out and the cabbie got out and got her things for her bowing to her and taking it up to the door and he knocked on the door for her and waited. Soon the door opened and he looked out at who it was and smiled as his siter walked up and hugged him. "It's good to see you again Big brother." She kissed him on the cheek and he returned it. " Good to see you as well little sister. Why don't you come on in and make yourself comfortable?" He opened the door the rest of the way letting her through and he took her bag and brought it inside as well and went back to close the door but before he did so he looked across the street at Faith's house and smiled happy to be finally back home again. He softly shut the door behind him and the cab driver took off after having been paid and everything went back to normal. (if it is italics they are speaking Japaneses)

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