Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Elri took a sip of her drink, a smile spreading across her face. "its just as good as yesterday..." she set the glass down, the ice cubes clinking against the sides. "not sure if i said this yet, but youre a really friendly guy, shouldnt you have more friends to chat with? it was quiet yesterdayday as it is today." Elri asked curiously.

Faith shrugged as Chiba pedaled along. "you say its fitting, but it seems too formal. im just the same as everyone else, and wish that people would not treat me so highly when others are treated poorly." she watched the buildings and people amble by as they rode down the street.

((Chiba Masato, Makira Kaiser, sorry for not posting much. ive updated my RPN days since ive caught up with my school work.))
ok wonderful to here this star hope you don't have to much difficulties)) He laughs lightly and grins to himself. "Well alright i won't call you that anymore, but you have a point with the treatment about other people." ((You are about to hat me :D )) As he talks he takes his eyes off the road for a half a second and at that moment a horn blares as a driver who had lost control of their vehicle veered suddenly towards him and he turned around quickly and kicked the link of the carriage and the bike and it came undone and he smiled sadly at her. " My luck sucks today." He waves at her as the car slams into his bike throwing him off and into a streetlight pole where he falls to the ground his back bent in an odd direction and he didn't move after hitting the ground. But his chest rose and fell shallowly.
((first off, what do you mean by "hat" and WHOA. thats...dramatic for so early in the story, but ok. i can roll with that.))

Faith screamed as she tumbled from the cart. as she got up from the sidewalk she glanced over and her eyes widened. "Chiba!" she ran over and knelt beside him. she placed a trembling hand at his throat, feeling for a pulse. after also checking his breathing she pulled out her cell and called for an ambulance. she gave the address and condition of Chiba and soon blaring sirens were upon them. Chiba was put on a stretcher and loaded into the ambulance. Faith was allowed in after explaining that she was with him during the accident. Faith looked out the ambulances back window to see police questioning the driver of the vehicle. Faith received treatment for a few cuts and bruises as the ambulance sped towards the hospital. she managed to stay calm through the whole ordeal, but was trembling the entire time.
lol got you :D don't worry i'm not going to kill him yet i just wanted to see what will happen.) Gonna play a doctor for now by the way)) They took Chiba into the back straight to the or where they began surgery, and Brought her over to the waiting area and gave her a bed so she can rest and overcome her shock that she might be experiencing. After about 5 hours or so a doctor knocked quietly on the door and walked in and sat down beside her and smiled at her. "He'll be just fine although I'm afraid he will be paralyzed from the neck down for possibly the resat of his life. How do you know Chiba? Are you his girlfriend or just a friend? Because before he went out for the surgery he was calling something out that sounded like 'Faith i'm sorry' he was crying and looking around frantically. He must really like you a lot if he calls out for you, usually patients call out for the people closet to their hearts before they pass out and he called yours so much.
He smiles as he continues cleaning the table counter. " Well, I moved here so my friends are back to my home place. " He replies her. " I can only freely chat with other customers such as you. Especially regulars " He chuckles as he pats the dog's head.
Alexander was enjoying his vacation to Lucerne... so far. Well, at least he was enjoying it as much as he possibly could, what with his obsession with his work. Today, he was simply walking along the side walks in the financial district, wandering around the town. He was wearing a white suit with a red shirt and black tie. Not many people could pull it off, but he did, and it made him a striking image against the blacks and greys of business folk.

'Hmm... What shall I do today? Well, since this is the sister city to my hometown, perhaps I should visit their hospital. I should be allowed access due to the sister hospital exchange program.' he thought. Alex was actually quite bored at the moment. His ground-breaking research in physics had kept him up all night. However, he found that the occasional break helped stimulate his thought process.

As he thought, he accidently ran into a woman on the sidewalk. With a charming, yet apologetic smile, he apologized and continued towards the hospital. He left the women standing there, a bit stunned at his quick apology. Alex was known to have that effect on women, although he rarely had time for much social interaction due to the nature of his work and his work ethic. 'To the hospital I go.' he thought, having found a purpose for today.
((hey hey, im unable to post tonight because i spent my time updating my character pictures! check them out if you would like, Faith, Emerald, Chase and Cian are one page 1, Esther and Sasha are page 3, Elri is page 4. for those of you just jumping in, Esther and Sasha need someone to talk to, and if you like either, their ages are flexible since they have been dormant for so long, so speak up and i will send one of them your way!))

P.S. i promise to reply by thursday~
Dan walked around Lucerne, specifically near the hospital. He was looking for a terrorist, one that the FBI was had been tracking for months and could never find him, so they called in Dan from the CIA. It was weird, since Dan was supposed to be gathering intelligence in Syria but they made him do work in the United States, specifically Lucerne.

The officer climbed on top of a building to get a better view. His long range metal scanner detected an RPG at the hospital, so Dan looked that way and saw a light-brown skinned man.

Where would he need an RPG, Dan thought. Then he heard the sound of a train horn and instantly realized the man with the weapon was the terrorist, and he was in front of the hospital so that was probably his next target. Dan equipped his handgun and aimed at the man. He fired, and only two out of the five he shot made it, because he was a little rusty. The bullets impacted into the terrorist's thy, and people started screaming. Then, angrily, the terrorist fired his RPG at Dan, and the blast engulfed the building in fire. Dan managed to jump down before the flame vaporized him. The officer ran at the evil man, and jumped, performing a hurricane kick and hitting the man's face five times with one leg. Then Dan spun around when he landed a swept the terrorist's legs out from under him.

"All part of the job." Dan said as he shot the terrorist in the face.

((I want to make one thing clear: An officer in the CIA is a spy, an AGENT is a foreigner who was recruited by the CIA. That's why I'm saying Dan's an officer.))
((wowzers! tone it down please. lucerne is the city of LIFE not the city of blowing crap up. lol, but i guess it keeps it interesting X3 to clarify, i dont mind fist fights and guns but im not so sure about big booms and mass pandemonium. ))

Faith hadnt slept at all. hospital scenes werent all that new to her, and she felt rather uncomfortable in a bed that could hold a patient who needed it. When the doctor came in and began to speak to her, she merely shook her head. "he is... a friend." she said, clutching at a necklace she had around her neck. though she remained calm, she couldnt help but recall a past accident that had taken part of her heart, it was something she had pushed away for some time. it was only 2 years ago that Fayt had been killed in a hit and run accident, and Faith realized she hadnt visited his grave in a few months. "is he awake? can i see him?" she asked. she knew that Fayt still had a firm grip on her, but Chiba was still her friend, no matter what he thought of her.

((this was perfect for bringing up Faiths past ;) have fun winning her over))

((i also have a way to re-integrate Esther into the story now~))

Esther gave a quiet sigh as she checked her watch. she had come to the hospital to visit her mother, but had ended up getting herself lost. it was a rather large hospital, and esther spent most og her time caring for her ill mother at home. this week however, her mother had come down with a bad case of pnuemonia, and due to her weak immune system had been checked into the hospital. She made it back to the main lobby and walked up to the desk to ask for directions.

Elri kept her pale blue eyes fixated on the wall in front of her. "you could always make new friends here... as Faith likes to emphasize somtimes: 'this is the city of life, a place of new beginings, re-make yourself!'" Elri quoted. she turned her sightless gaze to her dog, "it seems Jethro will be your friend." she chuckled as Jethro licked Makiras hand.
((Yeah, that's it for explosions. Just needed a little drama. And you know, the event was right outside the hospital so some people visiting should know xD ))
He smiles and looks at Jethro, " I see, Well as they all say, A dog is a man's best friend ! " he pats Jethro's head again. Makira looks at Elri and adds " And also a woman's best helper too " He chuckles a bit. Surely, What she said was true. Making new friends won't hurt him but finding ones that won't betray is hard. His best friends back in his home town never betrayed him.
geez that scared the daylights out of me geez >.<)) ))(( and don't worry I love a good fight and i think i might get a new character soon so it's not so difficult to post.)) The doctor took her hand carefully. "Yes in fact he should be waking up shortly." The doctor looks at his watch and nods. "In fact he might be coming around now, you might want to know this in advance but he is paralyzed from the waist down and he has no hope of recovering his movement in his legs as the nerves were very badly damaged. He'll be stuck in a wheel chair for a majority of the rest of his life. He is a very lucky man as he didn't die from the crash." He opens the door to a single room where a bed was sitting and set so He could look out the window when he woke up and his eyes were already open but he was still under the sedatives, but he turned his head as he smelt the flowers and dirt that he had come to associate with Faith in the time he knew her. He tried to say something but only a croak came out. He began to cry for no reason and he slowly began to recover from the sedatives and he swallowed and smiled at her. "Hey... it's good to see you're ok." His face seems to strain and a worried look crosses his face and he seems to concentrate hard but as his face relaxes a bit he becomes pale as he realizes what happened. "Thus is why i hate cars" He said to himself but a bit to loudly and it could have been easily heard by Faith but he thought he had said it in a low enough voice. ((AS it is also a perfect opportunity for my back story :D ))
((im sorry ive been gone so long! i had a big chemistry presentation and a lab report as well as an online exam.... been busy :\ ))

Faith sat in the chair next to him, "hey stop that, you should be more worried about yourself!" she said sternly. she had already tucked her necklace back under her shirt before walking into the room. "why is everyone always worried about me, and why am i always the one saved?" she started to tear up. the hit and run that had killed Fayt was meant to kill her. Fayt had been crossing the street just behind her and when the car came screeching around the corner he had run forward and pushed her out of the way. she buried her face in her hands as she leaned over the hospital bed.

Elri chuckled as Jethro responded to Makira with a quiet bark. "well, you've got two friends then, me and Jethro." she smiled and took another sip of her drink. "so why did you decide to move here anyway?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation going. as much as she liked to be quiet, sitting in a room with a silent blind girl could be rather awkward for others.

Sasha heard a loud boom and the earth shook beneath her. her hand jolted and messed up the 3D chalk art she had been working on. she groaned, and packed up her chalk. she wandered away from her ruined drawing and went to see what was going on. when she saw what had happened, she stood awstruck at all the damage near the hospital.
i have been busy too so no worries)) he moves his hands and put them on her head. " I can't help it no one can the reason i saved you was because i wouldn't be able to take it if i was the one that killed you. I wouldn't be able to live with my self knowing that i could have prevented a death of someone close to me." He sits up with his stomach muscles alone and wraps her in a hug. " I'm happy that you are ok. I'm fine i can get better easily. It's only my legs i can work still i'll still be able to live. I only lost my legs figuratively. I'm still alive but i doubt i'll be able to go even near a road now." He laughs bitterly. " Stupid Automotive Vehicles, the most dangerous weapon in the world." His eyes darken in the light of a past event
" Well, " He says as he looks up leaning on the counter. " I came here to start anew as a bartender of this place, but seems like I'm not doing too well " he laughs slightly as he crosses his arms. His father wanted him to become a doctor, But he insisted and became a bartender instead. Until now, His father barely talks to him.
Faith cryed silently, letting a few tears roll down her cheeks before wiping them away with her sleeve. when Chiba hugged her she sat perfectly still. "you shouldnt push yourself... lay down and rest." she urged, however not moving a muscle to physically move him back to a laying position. "i dont blame automobiles or drivers... i actually own a minivan." she mentioned, remembering the family she had wanted to start with Fayt. "the police called me shortly before you woke up and it seems the driver who hit you had actually swerved to avoid hitting a feral cat and had lost control." she explained.

Elri chuckled along with him, "i think youre doing fine, the drinks are very pleasing to the tongue." she said before enjoying another sip of her Caipirinha. "do you serve any food here, or have you considered serving food? food is a good way to bring in customers. if you'd like i could show you a recipe of mine." she offered.
he smiles i hate anything that runs on gas with a passion.. more or less i'm scared stiff of them. Which is why i usually listen to music when i was doing my route." He slides back and softly puts his hand on hers. " Look at me i'm fine you didn't loose me, it looks like something is bugging you i won't pry but if you feel like talking I'm more then willing to listen to your story if you are willing to listen to my own. I'll start because i want you to know, When i was 10 or so i was out with my parents on a day trip somewhere. Exactly where i don't quite remember but it was a nice day and my parents were arguing about something petty now that i think about it and my dad was looking at her for a few seconds and then a Semi Came flying into our vehicle. My dad had strayed into the other lane. The whole front of the car was crushed under the weight of the Semi and i was stuck with my legs crushed under the seats and broken badly. I was out after i looked into the front seat and saw my parents dead in the front seat. I passed out after that and I was taken to the hospital, where i stayed for about a year until my legs healed up and i finished rehabilitation. When i walked out of the hospital i saw a car that looked like the one i was in with my parents on the day of the crash and somewhere else some brakes screeched much like ours had done in the accident. I lost my lunch on the ground and i almost fainted again. I have never set foot in a vehicle since and i can hardly stand being on the road with them. So it's ironic that i got in an accident with a car. At least i was able to save the person that i love." He stops immediately and slides quickly under the sheets hiding his face as it was crimson because he had accidentally let out that he loved her and he looked screamed at his self in his mind at his own idiocy but he pokes his head back out from under the sheets to look at her. ((enjoy the back-story))
He looks at her and thinks, " Well, This is only a bar that serves drinks though. So we don't have a kitchen for that kind of stuffs. But we can order one from the outside ? " He looks at her suggesting. There really was no kitchen in the bar. There are two reasons for that, That bar is too small to have a kitchen. And the other one is, He doesn't know how to cook. So Makira just eats outside to the nearby restaurant.
Faith reddened a bit, but her face remained somber. "I-I dont know what to say really...." he had grown this attachted to her in such a short time? it was hard for her to believe. "im so sorry... i cant really return your feelings right now." he had already told her everything, so she thought perhaps she owed him an explanation as to why she couldnt return his feelings yet. "this isnt the first accident ive experienced either... once before when i was taking a walk with Fayt." she trembled a bit. "when we went to cross the street i was nearly hit by a car, but he pushed me out of the way." the tears flowed more quickly now, streaming down her cheeks and leaving dark spots on the bed. " i may not have lost my abiity to walk, and i may not have been injured, but that accident took a part of me..." she placed her hand over her heart, "it was like half of me bled out on the pavement with him. theres a gaping hole where my heart used to be" the tears poured out as she leaned over again, her face in her hands as the platinum angel necklace slipped out from her shirt.

Elri thought for a few moments, then tapped at a few buttons on her phone till it read the time out loud. "oh dear... well eating out is no fun, i guarantee my cooking is much better." she swished the last of her drink around in the glass before finishing it. "well, i have to go feed my little siblings, care to come over for dinner?" she invited.
He thinks for awhile, He has to open the bar soon though. But maybe later he can, " Sure, I'd love to try your cooking " he smiles even though her knows she can't see and looks at Jethro. " So you're master cooks delicious food huh ? " he laughs and pats Jethro's head.
I Don't mind but at least now i know what has been troubling you." he wipes her tears away. " I wish i could do something more but right now... I'm lucky enough to be alive so that i can heal the hole in you heart. But first i need to be able to move around." His brow wrinkles as he concentrates hard and one of his toes Twitches. " Alright there we go! A Start if anything, they say it is good if you can move your toes after you are paralyzed. I will get better and i will make you forget the past and embrace your future." One of the lights over his bed flicks green and a drip starts and he begin nodding off and soon he falls asleep and a doctor walks in. " We are afraid to say that his legs were shattered in the crash and won't have any use anymore. So we are going to amputate them. It sounds bad but in the end it will end up turning out for the better. I heard about Fayt and i knew him quite well and i don't think he would like to know that you've been dwelling on the past and not embracing the present that is right in front of you. Don't loose another person just because of something that happened in the past. He's still here for you and if you loose him both of you will have a hard life." A nurse walks in and the put him on a different bed and wheel him of to the OR and shortly after they bring him back out and he begins moving shortly after. " Was...humgn..." He tries speaking but it comes out as a garble of words, he smiles happily and yawns. " mmm sorryy.... I .....Felll asleep"

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