Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

((Omg, I gotta say 2 things, 1. I LOVE the smell of lilacs, and 2. Language of the flowers: lilacs mean first feelings of love >.> can't wait to see how this pans out :D ))

Faith smiled as a slight scene caught her attention. She was already outside with Chiba, and she turned to him. "Artificial lilac fragrance, that package had perfume in it. I caught just the faintest scent." She smiled, "I've always had an excellent sense of smell." She was happy to have made two new friends, and she wondered where these friendships might take her. She had only dated once in highschool, and after that had spent all of her time working and keeping an eye on her sister, leaving her little time for her own social life, let alone anything more.


Sasha laugh at his description, well, wether we walk is completely up to you, I don't own a car." She said with a shrug. "I don't quite have enough money put together yet, I'm only and ameteur stylist so I don't make much, hence my humble apartment in this humble building." She chuckled. She wasn't the type to let a lack of money ruin her day.
neat and i can't wait to see this either)) now that you mention it did smell like lialacs" he puts his helment and unlocks his bike and climbs on it. He studies the directions carefully. "hmm... I bet i can beat you to the green house." He fixes his helmet his shirt pants and glasses and grins at her. "Wanna try and beat me?"
( Aw! I may make another charrie, I like yours HarlequinCat!)

Romel laughed along with her, catching up to her as she made her way out the door. Sliding hands into pockets, Romel looked over at Sasha, "I rather walk, if you don't mind...I have a motorcycle," He points a thumb over at it, "But, I have been occupying it for most of the day, it feels good to walk." Romel said lightly taking to long strides to stretch his leg muscles. Romel looked at her straight black hair and than ran a finger up to touch a strand of his own it was getting pretty long, "I may have to swing by where you work one day, for a trim. You like your job then?"
(Ok :D I'm just lurking right now because idk what to do with my charries. Someone give me the time, setting, etc? and Where everyone is?)
((People are all over. Its evening, about 6pm on a Friday. Late november, after thanksgiving.))

Faith laughed, "there's no way I could beat you. I walked here!" She smiled. The chilly evening air was refreshing, and she couldnt help but hum a joyful little tune. she looked back at Chiba, "so what do you propose we do about this?" she asked.


Sasha nodded, "walking is just fine." she always enjoyed Lucernes crisp autumn winds, they were lite fresh instead of heavy and humid. "my job? i love it. a trim here, a style there, makeovers for the young ladies going to their senior prom..." she looked up at the rolling clouds, painted pinks and reds by the setting sun. "its like working a bit of magic. the expressions from those who are amazed at how beautiful they can become are total priceless. it gives me a sense of elation to see people so happy. everyone deserves a little sunshine in their life, and since i didnt always have it, i like to give it out." she looked over and smiled. "have you gotten a job...?"
... he thinks a minute " well i might have an idea if you give me a second" He climbs off the bike and puts the kickstand out and puts the duffel on the sidewalk and rummages through it and after a minute and a joyful proclamation he pulls out a small bike rack. After tinkering with it for a minute he has it fixed on the back of the bike. "there that solves that issue!" he sounds pretty happy and he picks the duffel up with a small grunt and gets back on it and kick the kickstand back. "well get on if you want to. I can't guarantee your comfort on this ride but..." he grins "nothing in life is really guaranteed right?" he looks at her expectantly. "i mean if you are too uncomfortable you can just walk. But by judging these directions it'll take a while." He smiles lightly and laughs slightly. "if you walk i bet i could make it back by the office and drop this off and still make it in time... But that would be no fun... Hurry up and get on!" he sounds pushy but in a almost playfully childish way.

((getting my grove back more and more been a while since i had a good rp like this one. Thanks alot star for approving me. :D ))
Now his Bar is once again empty and he is alone .

The scent of lilacs and the new scent of air freshener fills his bar.

He yawns in boredom as he drinks a glass of water.

Thinking if Faith would come back to keep him company.

[ All alone once again :) ]
Romel walked along listening as Sasha poured out her passion to him. When she was done, Romel smiled over at her, "You have a wonderful perspective, most can't pull such joy out of their jobs....many just work to get by." Romel admired nodding his head, "I do, although, it's more of a selfish passion," he chuckled before tapping the side of his cheek," Than again, it does help others, just not as openly as you." Romel mused this with a smile, "I work with computers, programming different software, and analzing and entering important data for companies, I got hired at the hospital to help entry data from them."
((im glad you like it! and im glad Faith gets some interaction, i always intended to have a lot of characters in this, but Faith was my focus character. i love her dearly, but she never fulfills her character potential in any of my RPS, they die before she gets anywhere.))

Faith gave a lighthearted chuckle and hopped on the back of the bike. she had to be mindful of her dress.while the weather was getting cold, Faith was used to it and tended to wear casual dresses even in the fall. todays dress was a warm maroon that matched what was left of the fall leaves, he long blonde hair tied back with a scrunchie of the same color. once she was situated, she put her hand up on his shoulders, looking over one of them. "all ready to go! be careful though." she said with a smile.


Sasha chuckled, "well thats good. im not exactly endowed with a sharp mind. my hands are more my tool of trade. ive never been the study wise type, so my grades were a tad on the low side. especially math." she said as they came upon the restaurant. she opened the door and gave a rather cheesy expression, "after you my good sir" she said with a light laugh. they were greeted by a few of the waiters and waitresses, some in English some in Spanish. they were shown to their seats and handed menus.

((perhaps Makira would like to meet Esther? i havent made up her sheet, but im going to. but now im considering two more instead of just one....ah, many characters.))
Romel stared at Sasha expression before laughing, his breath coming out in fast trills of laughter. The red head was laughing so much he doubled over arms wrapped around his shaking frame. Finally able to contain himself, he spoke tone lightly out of breath, " Don't pull that face anymore, it's not fair if you kill me when we only just met." Honestly he could not tell Sasha in words what was so funny to him. Bowing platfully he went through the door, "Why thank you, kind lady." As they sat, green eyes looked over the menu, "Funny thing, I never had the best grades enough to skirt by, but something about computers caught my interest, and I think hair styling requires a sharp mind, for you have to figure were everything goes, mapping it out as you go along."
[ Sure why not ! be glad to make new friends as Makira ;D ! ]

Makira reads a book as he waits for more people to come out.

While reading books, He cries, he laughs, and gets mad.

Almost as if He was the character himself from inside the book.
he laughed a bit "alright i'll try not to go to fast" He pushed off and wobbled a bit but after getting some momentum he was able to balance the bike out and the wobbling stopped. "this is a nice town don't you think?" He was turned back slightly talking to her his hands in his pockets and his feet slowly peadling. "i think it is alot better here then anywhere else. How long have you lived here?" He turned back around but kept his head to the side so he could hear her when she spoke and took his hands out of his pockets. " I need to pay attention right here... you may want to hold on tightly. I need to go faster or else we might get hit..." he begins to pedal faster and the he leans down slightly and grins to himself as he enjoys the thrill of riding.
Maria was walking from her job as a waitress at a nearby restaurant, she had her small wages in her purse and walked in utter silence. She was hardly getting through college, only staying because... Well, she knew what a few of her professors liked. Maria's a scheming woman, who really just needed to know everything would be okay. She wasn't above blackmail, and it was one of the reasons she wasn't dead yet. She was on her way home, oddly alone inside; but confident she'd be okay. She didn't need anyone, sentiment got in the way of reason. She learned that upon seeing many people's lives get ruined by it, an example being her mother not leaving her abusive husband. Maria sighed, she really wasn't that bad for a past; her father would just slap her mother and yell a lot, cheating on her and so forth until he left. There wasn't much to her "tragic past."

Arthur lay alone in his apartment flat, he wasn't doing much with the outside world anymore; some might call it depression, but it didn't seem capable that Arthur could feel. He always had something to say, and had a way of showing his arrogant pompous attitude to anyone who talked to him; always speaking about his "art." He had the mindset of a writer, everything had a potential to be a piece of work to him. Right now he just sat thinking about what to write, then got up and went to writing away. He wrote poetry today, lots of oddball poems. They mirrored the same twisted vision as his inspiration, Edgar Allen Poe; but they were no where near the same. They were Arthur's, clearly.

Teddy got up and went out to get himself dinner, he was dressed in a cute sweatervest, jeans, and a jacket. He was clearly not from the area, as he was from England. Theodore ponders on where to eat, eventually going to Angelo's Italian Restaurant, where Fiorello worked.
Makira im sending a different character to the bar, Esther is a bit too shy to be a bar go-er and i have a character who would fully appreciate the flavors of the drinks. ;P )) [[by the way im going to start color coding my characters since i have so many.]]

Faith enjoyed the crisp autumn air as they rode down the streets of town towards the greenhouse.

"i think this town is one of the best out there. ive lived here long enough to see second chances happen and families grow up happy. not everyone has a bright past, but when you come here it seems to melt away. that's why this place is called the city of life, it helps bring life back into those who dont have it..." she said contently

as Chiba sped up a bit Faith ducked her head behind his shoulder to shelter her face from the cold autumn air and moved her arms to his waist so she wouldnt fall off. she couldnt help but giggle a bit, she had always enjoyed bike rides.


Sasha laughed at how much he cracked up, and as they sat down she heard her stomach growl again. the menu had many good items, but her favorite had always been the paella. "i suppose you could say it like that, but i preffer to call it magic, itgs more fun that way. if you say that to the kids whose hair you cut, they get this totally adorable look about them." she giggles, "anyway, im going to order, you can order whenever youre ready" she waved one of the waitresses over and the woman greeted her. most of the staff knew Sasha because she was around so much. she made her order in spanish, which started a short conversation. The waitress asked her a few questions in spanish, one of them being wether or not this gentleman was her boyfriend. when she answered no, the waitress spoke in english.

"Sasha, a nice girl like you with so many friends should surely have a boyfriend, why are you hesitating?"

To which Sasha answered, "im just waiting for the right guy! this is the city of life Rosa, anything could happen, to include an extravagant fairy tale ending" she gave a playful wink at no one in particular.

Rosa shrugged, "ive seen crazier things happen. you know, your enthusiasm is infectious."

Sasha just smiled, "yo Romel, you ready to order yet?" she said, turning her attention back to her guest.


Esther brushed a strand of hair from her face as she sketched a landscape scene in her sketchbook. she sat at a table next to the window in one of the local Italian restaurants, enjoying a bit of quiet time while she waited for her order to be taken. she came her often because she liked the view, however today was the first time she had actually decided to sketch the view. the sun was nearly gone and Esther gazed out the window every so often as an evening skyline took shape on the paper in front of her. most of her sketches were of animals, but sometimes she enjoyed drawing out scenery.


Elri felt Jethro nudge her to the side a bit as the walked and she chuckled. "i know how to walk" she said quietly. as she continues her walk with her canine friend, a pleasant aroma reached her extra sensitive nose. she could tell there was alcohol, however not the more crude smell she was used to. she headed toward the scent, her unleashed dog trotting alongside her. she was permitted to let him off his leash because he was a trained service dog. her main reason for letting him off was that she didnt like to feel dependent on him. in truth, he didnt do much but nudge her if she got distracted, since she had become quite good at maneuvering about without the use of her eyes. she walked into the bar, she made her way to a stool, Jethro taking a seat on the floor next to her. she could here the bartender flipping pages, and assumed he must be reading. she turned her head in the direction of the sound, "dont mind the Jethro" she said, motioning to the german shepherd, "he is a service dog. i have his papers if you need to see them."


Chase quickly grew bored of the arcade, beating a handful of high-scores before he left. he hoisted hi guitar up to his shoulders and headed outside. he started his walk home, to his less then savory apartment building. as crappy as the building was, he made sure that his own apartment was extremely clean and tidy. he whistled a melancholy tune as he walked, his usual scowl set firmly upon his face.
Arthur wrote beautifully, then he sighed and looked out the window again; as if further inspiration would hit him in the face. Nothing happened. He sighed and closed his eyes, he was miserable. Was he miserable? No, he was just there. He felt removed, distant, from life itself. He was sure if he jumped out the window he wouldn't feel the crunch when he hit the ground. Arthur was too competitive to let himself just die like that though, or so he seemed to be like that. He certainly was the type of person to want to die on their own terms, but he had no reason to. Arthur felt as though he were ages older than he was, he knew everyone got old and age took hold of everyone. He didn't want to deteriorate, to lose what he had in youth. He didn't want to lose his fresh mind, his handsome physique, his ability to be self-reliant, or his ability to say "I have my whole life ahead of me." He knew time was ticking, he wanted it to stand still. He didn't want to grow up any more than he had. He was in deep thought until there was a knock at his door, the landlord. He heard that drawling tenor voice ring out "Mr. Hamilton, I'd recommend you hurry up on getting that flatmate. I can see you're struggling with the rent." He was genuinely concerned, seeing as though the man was a junkie; and was on the verge of being homeless again. Arthur sighed "I'm working on it."

"No you're not, you haven't left the apartment." The man could smell the drugs in the air, but didn't comment on it. He partly allowed Arthur Benedict Hamilton into his apartment because of his pity, also the man had great potential. He was just rotting himself away, he was a strange man.

"You've figured me out, George. I haven't left the apartment, I don't LIKE other people." His landlord, George, considered replying with 'but they like you.' Then he realized Arthur's behavior gained a lot of rude comments, because he could be an irritating know-it-all from time to time. "You have to try."

"Give me more time, I won't let just anyone room with me and you know it..." George rolled his eyes at this

"Lord have mercy on their soul if they can stand to room with you." Then he was gone with that comment, before Arthur could strike back. Arthur sighed and posted an ad online stating that he was seeking a flatmate to share in equal rent and so forth. He wasn't the kind of person to mingle, maybe someone suitable for him was desperate enough to find a roommate. He was quite picky though.
[ Ohh company ^^ ]

He looks at her as he shakes his head,

" No need " he chuckles a bit.

He looks at her and notice that she is visually challenged but he wouldn't mind

Because he would treat all customers here, equally and fairly.

"What brings you here?"He asks her with a smile. even though she cannot see it.
Romel surveyed the menu looking at all of the choices, So many choices…..maybe a bit of a second opinion? Romel peered over his menu as they conversed in Spanish, before their waitress spoke in English. Romel cracked a smile at her question, learning that Sasha did not have a boyfriend and curious to why, she was most definitely the outgoing type. Romel blinked looking thoughtful the city of life….how fitting.

Gazing over at the two, he thought about what Sasha said, about magic something he did not really believe in, but he was not going to ruin her insight by giving his rather bleak perspective on magic, so pushing a smile through he politely said,

“Sort of,” He spoke answering Sasha’s question than turning to the waitress named Rosa, “Nice to meet you, I am a newcomer in this city of life, could you advise me to something that would put my taste bugs to death?” Romel waited, seeing if she would pick up on his request for something daring and spicy.

Ellie sighed clocking out; she grabbed a bag full cereal bars and ramen, things she could only afford right now. She did not really even care about that, without a reasonable pay check, she could not send her monthly donations out to various charities, this steamed her the most. Slipping on her jacket, she paced down the road, a door opened to an Italian restaurant, Ellie had never been there but it always smelled so good. Not realizing to many minutes later, that she had stopped at the window peering in watching the waiter carrying dishes of glory. Her round eyes dropped with wanting salvia thick in her mouth, Ellie continued to stand at the window peering in.

After a moment she snapped herself out of it, realizing she was being quite creepy standing there, watching people eat. About to leave the door opened blowing out the smells that made her bag full of ’dinner’ seem too horrible. Before she figured out what she was doing, Ellie found herself inside the restaurant standing off to the side, eyelids lowered over her wide orbs, and she rested her black haired head against the slightly chilled window, just breathing in the smells. The scent was so strong, she could taste it, licking her lips slowly, Ellie stayed still, thinking this was the best way to get warm. Her hands rummaged around empty pockets not having enough to even get a decent cup of coffee, an excuse she was hoping to use to enjoy this place for a little while longer.
((Harlequin! i have Esther sitting in the Italian resturaunt that Teddy was headed to and you didnt even reply for him, how could you D: lol.))

Sasha smirked at Romels question. "i have a great recommendation, i will even order for you" she turned to the waitress again, ordering in Spanish. she turned back to Romel, "i ordered you the spicy enchilada lasagna." she smiled, " instead of lasagna noodles and tomato sauce they use tortillas and enchilada sauce as well as beef and cheese and a bunch of other ingredients. its atomic hot but amazingly good" she explained. "oh, and about the boyfriend thing, if i had a dollar for everytime someone asked me why i dont have one, i would be filthy rich i swear." she rolled her eyes casually, "its not that i dont want one, its just that i dont want to date someone unless i trust them enough to tell them about my past." she said with a slightly more mellow expression. "i just dont want to be judged by how my past effects my present, you know?" she asked nonchalantly.


Chase got home to his apartment building to see a notice on the door. "s***" he cussed, walking in. he went over to the main office and chatted with his land lord. it seemed that building was going to be shut down and bowled over for a retirement home. he couldnt complain, the building looked terrible and the elderly needed a place to stay, he would just have to find another place to stay.


Esther finished up her drawing, leaving it open on the table in front of her. she spent a bit more time gazing out the window before noticing a girl nearby. she was digging through her pockets and she could tell that she had little money. she decided that she had enough quiet time, and decided a friendly chat would be nice. she didnt talk to many people anyway. she waved to get the girls attention, then motioned for her to come over.


Elri ran her fingers across the smooth surface of the bar. "i suppose you could say i was enticed by the smell. this bar doesnt give off the pungent smell most bars do. it smells like quality liquor." she gave a small smile, "i usually stay away from bars because they are filled with unruly drunks, and that would not only be a horrible experience for me, but for my dog as well." she reached down and the dog raised his head to her hand. "by the way, my name is Elri Narina, and this is my dog Jethro." she smiled.
" Thanks for the compliment of my bar ! We have a rule here that Drunks should never be given drinks when they are drunk. " He smiles at her as he looks at the dog.

" Well my name is Makira, Nice to meet you Elri, Jethro " He bends and looks for something in his counter

He takes out a dog food he always keeps just in case.

He points it to the dog, Hoping he would eat it.
(Sorry you guys wrote so much and I didn't see anything mentioned for me xDDD I just kinda blanked :P )

Fiorello served the people in the restaurant, smiling and winking and flirting as he went along. He was an oddball, certainly an oddball. Everyone liked him though, he was so likeable! The downside was that you couldn't tell how he liked you. There had been one too many endeavors where a woman thought they were going upstairs to do a little somethin somethin, and it just turned out he'd wanted to paint her. It'd happened where he'd been too friendly to a guy, not even in a romantic sense, and gotten beaten up for "coming onto" the other. He was certainly strange. He grinned from ear to ear as he served Esther "Ciao, have you'a ever been to'a Angelo's Italiano Restaurant?" His accent was incredibly thick, and you could tell that when excited he lost his clarity in English. Fiore gave off a calming and accepting aura, you naturally felt compelled to trust him; and you had every reason to, Fiorello was loyal and took every secret to his grave.

Arthur sat alone in deep thought when a knock came on his door, the landlord once more. It was unlocked and he didn't even turn. "What do you want, George?"

"I found you a roommate, Arthur. His name is Chase, and his apartment was closed down. I think that you're desperate enough, and he doesn't want to live on the streets." Arthur blinked a few times at this and turned, facing what would be his newest flatmate. They all usually got sick of him, scared of him, or so weirded out that they left. It'd always been that way, he was an outcasted fellow. Hard to get close to, as he had multiple disorders making a barrier. Drug addiction, personality disorder, and a problem with connecting to people. He was anti-social and preferred to be alone with his work.

Theodore went down to the Italian restaurant, he'd read in the brochure of Lucerne that it was one of the best; and not too expensive. The restaurant was homely and classic seeming, he felt as though he stepped from the city into an entirely new world. A classic realm where renaissance and modern style clashed. He sat down alone at a table and eyed the menu, there wasn't much that he was too keen on getting; he wasn't too adventurous with his eating. He still needed to find an apartment, so why was he out for dinner? He figured he'd treat himself, as all he'd been getting was cheap chinese food and subway sandwiches; clearly his main dinner was takeout. Teddy glanced around the room, happy people, talking, lots of smiling and a gaily bubbly waiter handing out dish after dish before disappearing to cook again.
he was hunched of the handle bars his head up as he peadled and avoided some cars narrowly seeming to laugh at the thrill of it all and after a time he straightend back up and slowed down a bit. "sounds pretty deep..." He laughs a bit and looks around at the street names and turns onto one of them and then shortly turns again and slows down a bit more. "is that the green houses over there?" He points over to the long glass buildings. " I've only just moved here so i haven't seen anything yet but i get what you mean by the last part bringing life back into people who think that they've lost it."
(Eillie also. In Angelo's italian restaurant, she can interact with characters ^^)

Romel grinned as Sasha ordered than told him what it was, "It sounds perfect, thank you." He laughs at the boyfriend thing shaking his head, "I've gotten asked a lot the same question, if we start charging, we could move out of our humble homes." He joked taking a sip of water. His arm visably stiffened and hand tightened around the glass as Sasha talked about trust comes before her past could be releaved than how she does not want the past to effect her present.

Romel stared at her without speaking the top of his glass resting against his chin. Sasha had said it so simply had could one be so assured of what she wanted? Be comfortable enough to say she had a hard past, yet know what she wants from it, and what she does not. Romel felt envious at her ability, bringing the glass to his mouth, he sipped,

"Yes, trust is very important in a person, and it's very wise to not let the past effect the present." Romel's voice was mild and warm, yet his face a bit slack, and eyes distant as he spoke those words. Setting the water glass down, he smiled half way, "So, while we are waiting, besides this place which you are very familar at, where else do you like to go?"


Ellie stood against the window on the inside of the warm good smelling resterant. She still fished around in her pocket, reaching her left back, her fingers brushed against paper, pulling it out she was holding a ten bill. A smile crossed her lips, this could get her something. Moving up, she stood to be seated. Hands quickly tied the bag closed so no one could see it's contents, dark cheeks light with a blush at the thought. Ellie watched the waiter, amused smile on her lips, waiting to be seated.
"Watch your feet!" Luke called out once agian

Luke moved the beam a bit more around the stairs and pushed it over the railing and it landed with a thud. Luke walked up a couple more steps and was at the too with the boys

"Noah I swear It was either those stairs or that dog that was gonna kill me" He laughed a bit while trying to catch his breath

"You boys alright? no one got thier toes smashed did they?"

Luke continued to walk to the hole in the roof and re-examine it Thinking of the next step

"Either one of you boys know how to use a nail gun?" Luke turned around and asked

"Because two people need to hold it up while the other person nails it into place like the other ones" He pointed to the other support beams

((Been away :P back now ))

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