Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Shawn jumped some when he called out to him not expecting that. A hesitation and blush when he found she had considered him. Rushed out even to make sure he didn’t get in trouble. Starting off at a pace he made sure she was okay with he just smiled as she started to ramble off about math. In his eyes people could get good though at anything if they had a reason too. He couldn’t help but chuckle and nod when she questioned about their being a middle ground. Another blush when she spoke of him seeming smart . . . had she really noticed him at all before? Or was this what she was gathering just by being around him?

Rubbing the back of his head shyly at those words his cheer faded as he noticed her starting to fade picking up the pace to try to catch her. His arms wrapping around her only a little late so instead he fell with her turning the best he could to take the blunt of it. Wincing slightly in pain, after all he wasn’t the healthiest guy himself. His eyes would widen as he noticed she was probably still playing in his arms and he pulled back quickly trying to not over step his bound. He was probably bleeding from a scrape or two.
Dani made the boys run around the gym before she allowed them to leave. She looked over at Trent and smiled, she then looked back at her team. For some odd reason, they boys weren't tired after running. But she knew a way to make them tired; all of the thoughts raced in her mind. She grabbed the ball, and gave it to one of the team members, she was doing a jump ball with the tallest guy on her team. After she had got the ball, she made all of the boys run again, but unlike the other coaches, she ran two of the four laps that she made the boys run. Now they were tired, she sent them to the locker rooms, and she herself ran to the locker rooms. She took a quick shower, and changed into her clothes. She walked out, and back to the gym; she finally reached the gym. She met up with Trent, and then smiled; "Hey, you ready to go?" she asked with with a curious, yet cute smirk and expression.
Mitchell's smile soon faded at the request of a pose which he responded to with a stern shake of his head but still allowed her to take the pictures. He then looked back again at the boy who seemed to be mulling over his height. Mitchell soon sighed, it's not like it was the first time people would wonder about his height. He had asked his father, in which he was told his grandfather was about the same height.

Returning from that tangent, Mitchell scanned over the small group again pushing the girl with the camera off to the side of his vision as he spotted the final member. She seemed to place a large amount of stacks on the counter in front of him. "So she actually came here to get books" he thought curiously when he was a little shocked at Becca's sudden outburst as she ran back through the aisles. "So much energy" he thought with a sigh as he attempted to lean against the counter, but turned more into a sitting position.
Emerald groaned then looked over at Shawn. "Oh no, I'm so sorry, you didn't have to try to help me, are you ok?" She saw a few cuts and scrapes and reached for her backpack. While she wasn't clumsy, soccer was a rough sport so she always had bandaids with her. She pulled out a box of plain bandaids, and applied a few to Shawns worse scratches, trying not to over do it. "I'm really sorry..."
"Phew!!! the last one before I open in a few minutes." Eriond or 'Eri' as his friends had come to call him had just finished plugging in everything and had stacked the shelves with prizes and other nifty nick-nacks. It had taken him the majority of the day to get everything all day and the better half of the year to secure a lease for the building not to mention the time it took to get the old place renovated so he could get his stuff moved in. Eri's endeavour had faced many trials and tribulation during the time he was trying to set everything up but the biggest hindrances to his cause were his parents who constantly interfered on his behalf slowing him down, initially he had planned to open up a month ago but because his parents were so 'concerned' for his financial status they had some how convinced the bank to have one of their financial advisers do a background check to ensure that he would be reliable in paying back the 'minute' loan he had requested from them.

The time had come and the shop was looking pristine, Eri imagined his arcade after a year and pictured a somewhat dirty floor with patches of dried up chewing gum and liquid stains even though there was a clear and concise sign that advised against food and beverages on the front door. He could practically smell what his shop would be like and it differed greatly from the fresh new smell it had now. "I hope I get at least some people in here." He mused to himself as he programmed everything to be free for the rest of the night, he would close up at six and by then most of the stragglers would have left, Lucerne didn't have too much of a game culture but he was in a popular area so he would get at least a steady flow of kids in the afternoons. Eri had picked this spot for his shop because it was close to a cafe and a book store, it not only worked out for his customers but for himself as well.

The shop was officially open and he was rather surprised at the turn out and at the range of people who were waiting, the effectiveness of his posters and television adverts must have paid off because there was a decent crowd, the word 'free' was probably a great incentive but that didn't matter much so he wasn't too bothered about his future projections for the moment being. Eri returned to the back of his counter started up a game on the PC next to him and let everyone have at it, he didn't expect too many problems though so he didn't need to keep a constant eye on his patrons.
Peter managed to let out a small laugh and roll his eyes despite the sudden flare of jealousy he felt. What was that all about? He and Kiki were friends and close friends at that. He didn't like her. He wouldn't allow himself. He crossed his arms, looking at the giant behind the counter. He knew he shouldn't stare like that but he had never seen anyone near this guy's height and it was rather distracting. "So, what're you doing the rest of the day?" he asked Kiki, prying his eyes from the man and Becca wandered back to the counter with a book in her hands.

She carefully placed the collection of Robert Frost's poems on the counter next to the stack of books she had already left there. She smiled shyly at the man, feeling embarrassed by her friend's reactions to his height and her own sudden outburst. She bit her lip, eyes focused on her feet as she waited for him to ring up the books. She glanced back up at him once more before looking over at her friends. She caught an odd expression in Peter's eyes but couldn't quite place the emotion. She turned her attention back to the man, finally looking him in the eyes. "I'm sorry about them," she said quietly, feeling the need to apologize. He was handsome, of course. He looked a few years older than her. Her cheeks reddened and she ran her fingers nervously through her hair. Why was she so terrible with interacting with people?

Peter looked over at Becca, suppressing a smile. She was so awkward when it came to interacting with people and it was almost adorable. Normally he would have jumped into their conversation to help her but he was quite preoccupied with his own illogical emotions at the moment.


Trent stood as Dani walked over, a big grin on his face. "I am," he responded, carefully taking her hand and making his way outside. He walked with her down to the park. "We'll go to the game and then get dinner, if that's alright," he said, glancing at her as they entered the park. He walked over to the bleachers set up around a field in the middle of the park. He sat down, pulling her down to sit next to him. There were a few players already warming up. "I just need some pictures and I'll get an interview or two after the game," he explained, smiling at her.
Kiki gave Mitch a cute pout when his smile faded and he shook his head. “Spoil sport.” She teased some at the giant before glancing to Becca’s stack and sighing. “Seriously Becs? It’s not like the store will run away do you really need ALL of those? You now know where it is you can come back anytime.” She looked once more over Mitch before crossing her arms some wondering if he would even like to be in the paper. She wasn’t about to tell him out right that she planned to suggest it. After all getting a man’s hopes up to smash them, may be fun, but not when the man seemed to be a good guy like this one.

When Peter asked her, her plans she sighed and gave a little shrug. He should know she was more of a spur of the moment gal than that. “I guess we could hit that new arcade that’s out. It’s just a few shops down from here, real close to that really nice café. It’s suppose to be free for today . . . “ A smirk crossed her face as she thought over the idea nodding. Yeah that would be way cool in her eyes, racing, dancing, fighting games, she could spend the day there for sure. “Afterwards who knows, maybe we can hit a party or something.”

Sighing as Becca apologized about her and Peter. “I swear girl, you’re going to make me feel like you’re ashamed to be seen with me, break my little heart why don’t you.” Sure it was a little tease but there was a bit of truth behind it. If she didn’t want to hang out with Kiki she didn’t have too. Her eyes went up to the giant once more admiring him in her own ways. “Hey Silent Giant, you know any cool rave places or parties around here?”

Shawn’s eyes were more searching her for wounds, only to start to wince now and then when she put some bandaids on. Sighing he wasn’t about to protest past that, probably planning to wash and tend to his wounds at the café. Only to glance to the box and look up worried at Emerald as if wondering why she would carry them with her. Did she get hurt a lot? He didn’t know about her that much after all, about the sports she played and such.

When she spoke her apologizes he merely smiled and shook his head it wasn’t needed. Slowly raising some, he felt quite a bit sore only to hold out a hand to help her up properly. It probably wouldn’t have hurt so much if he didn’t have all his books with him as well which increase the weight of the fall.
Dani smiled as they walked through the streets. "Sounds like a good plan to me." She agreed, as the park came into view. She continued to hold his hand as they sat down on the bleachers; the cold metal instantly sent a chill throughout her body. She looked over at Trent with a big grin spread across her face. Dani nodded, "Cool, just do your thing; I'll be watching." She said to him with a little laugh. She watched the players warm up before she zippered up her sweatshirt, and gently leaned against his body. She quickly glanced up at Trent, but quickly back at the player. A small, but clearly relavent smile spread across her lips.
Amanda walked out of the school and walked towards the park, "I think I will have a lovely stroll in the park after I am done fixing dinner." She said to herself, She turned around and walked home, got dinner fixed, and went to the park. After her walk she went home and continued her studies on teaching. Than when her timer rang of she took dinner out of the oven and put it on the counter to cool off. "I hope I didn't overcook this Lasagna again.." She murmured.
Mitchell whistled looking over the stack of books and poems as he began scanning them through. He heard the slight teasing and turned toward Becca "It's a healthy obsession" he stated to her before sliding over the option to join their stores club. "You might need it if you shop in bulk" he responded before leaning back into his seat in the same way he did on the table, allowing her to sign up if she wanted too.

Mitchell soon turned back to the boy who seemed unable to rake his eyes off of him. "I hope he assumes Im not into guys" he thought mentally, a little uncomfortable but it was against his iron will to show it. Mitchell waited for the boy to break away before looking back to Kiki. "I wonder why she has a camera" he thought thinking over the possibilities. "Maybe she is just another tourist" He suggested "It's not like it would be the first time". When she asked about near by party places Mitchell just nodded and pointed down the street. "There is a new place down the road if you come at night you couldn't miss it". He then turned pointed a pen down in the other direction "Down there Is the biggest and usually the most crowded and I would plan to pair up to get in" He replied before writing down one address "And this is the most professional in the area" he finished coughing slightly. He only would ever talk to people if they were customers, but he still was not used to it.
Becca frowned, looking at the stack of books on the counter. Perhaps it was a bit much. When the man said it was a healthy obsession she couldn't help but smile. She nervously pulled on her sleeves. A shocked expression crossed her face as she looked at Kiki. "That's not what I meant. I'm sorry," she apologized quickly, hoping she hadn't actually offended her friend. Sometimes Becca couldn't tell if Kiki was joking or being serious.

A small smile appeared on Becca's lips as she pulled the sheet over, signing up. "I tend to buy what some people might call an excessive amount of books," she responded quietly. She listened quietly to him list off the nearby party places. She felt the urge to invite him to go with them but she decided to save herself some embarrassment. She wasn't the best when it came to conversation anyway. He seemed uncomfortable with conversation as well so it was unlikely that he would even end up going out with them. She picked up her books after she handed him the money. "Thank you," she muttered quickly before walking to stand behind Peter.

Peter nodded at Kiki's response, deciding that would be a lot of fun, especially if it's free. He listened as Kiki asked about party places, already getting excited for later tonight. He wanted to laugh as Becca hid behind him; that tended to be her go-to action when she was nervous about something. "You alright?" he asked under his breath. Becca just nodded quickly, eyes focused on the ground. He let out a small laugh at his friend and turned his attention to the two people before him.


Trent noticed her shiver and carefully put his arm around her waist, pulling her close. "Cold?" he asked, looking over at her and returning her smile. "Do you want my jacket?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "I can't let you freeze before we get to dinner," he said, shrugging his coat off and draping it over her shoulders before she could answer. His attention was suddenly stolen by yelling coming from the field. It seemed the defensive team had intercepted the ball and were running for a touchdown. He managed to snap a few pictures of the man with the ball.

Kiki smirked as the guy started to write down addresses for her. What amused her most though was Becca’s reaction, a twinkle catching in her eyes as the girl hid suddenly behind Peter. She leaned forward at that as if to get a good look at what was being written. “Why don’t you write down the time you get off of work and your telephone number while you’re at it short stack? Who knows . . . we may enjoy the extra company later.”

She could be the flirt at times when she wanted too and if she had to pose to get what her friend seemed to wish for she would. It would be easy to manage to tempt the giant along then bum him off on Becca, or at least she thought it would be. “What’s your name by the way? I go by Kiki, the two back there are Peter and Becca.”
Dani slowly, but surely, put her head against his shoulder. She watched the game, her eyes following the man with the ball until he got a touchdown. She moved a little bit closer to Trent, "Thank you." She whispered, not trying to distract him. She also wrapped her arm around his back as she continued to enjoy the game. She jumped a little bit when she heard the loud shouts from the crowd when the running back got an interception. She laughed a little when she realize what the loud shouts were coming from. Personally, basketball, volleyball, or gymnastics were her real big sports that she played the most, but as a personal trainer, and an employee at the YMCA, she had to be able to teach basically every sport the Y had to offer.
Mitchell raised an questioning eyebrow at the request of his name and number. "It's not my style" was what he wanted to but their was just something about this group of people he hated to turn down. "What if I disappoint them" he thought overly sensitive like always before giving in as he begun writing down both the time he got off and his cell phone number. "My name is Mitchell" he stated to the girl who asked as he noticed at both Becca and Peter, taking up the membership form and typing some information into the computer to seal everything in.
Peter frowned as Kiki asked for the man's number. What the heck was all this jealousy about? It was made so much worse by the fact that he really didn't want to be feeling that way. Especially not now. He did his best to hide his frustration and gave Mitchell a nod as he agreed to go out tonight with them. Peter really didn't want him to go but Kiki had invited him and it wasn't any of his business who she invited out. That's what he told himself, anyway, unable to really get rid of the frustrating emotion. He just sighed, making his way to the door and holding it open for Becca.

Becca looked up, surprised, as Kiki asked for Mitchell's number. Kiki usually understood her reactions to situations but maybe she didn't get it this time. Becca just bit her lip, unwilling to say anything to Kiki. It always seemed like guys were more interested in her, anyway. Kiki was interesting and talkative and funny and beautiful so there was no reason for them not to like her. Becca was often too quiet to even draw attention. She didn't necessarily mind that most of the time. Relationships just seemed so complicated to her. She followed Peter out the door, noticing that he seemed quite agitated. "What's wrong?" she asked him when they stepped outside. He answered with a curt shake of the head, looking across the street with a blank stare.


Trent checked the pictures on his camera before looking over at Dani. "So, what're your favorite sports?" he asked over the crowd. There weren't many people here but they were definitely loud enough. Trent realized that this wasn't the best placed to ask her about her life but he was interested in her and he tended to just ask whatever was on his mind. He glanced back to the field. It seemed that the half had ended so he could devote more of his attention to her. He shifted in his seat to angle himself towards her so they could talk more.
Dani opened her mouth to speak, but was shunned out by the crowd. She laughed, then waited for half time to answer Trent's question. "My favorite sports would probably have to be gymnastics, basketball, or volleyball." She told him with a little smile. Dani wondered why he was so interested in her, it wasn't that she didn't like his attention, it was because she wasn't used to that kind of attention. She looked at him, and poked his sides with a little smile. "What about you? What are your favorite sports?" She asked him, interested in learning more about Trent. She slid her arms through the sleeves, and then continued to have her arm around his back.
Running a hand through her hair as he wrote she smiled and nodded. “Nice name, may I call you Mitch?” She asked before taken the pen from him if she could once she figured he was done. Pulling a sheet of paper out she started to write her own name and cell down. Before grinning and adding Becca’s name and number at the bottom with a heart around it hoping he may get the drift as she folded it before sliding it over to him. She winked at him then, only to turned with a laugh afterwards, smiling proud of herself towards Peter and Becca.

She seemed confused as they both left seeming to forget her only to roll her eyes. Stepping out into the sunlight she stretched before heading towards the arcade letting them follow if they wished. “Becs you don’t need help with those books do you?” She asked after awhile if they stayed silent slowing some wondering what was wrong. Turning to face and look over both of them, asking for numbers never being an issue before, hell in the past her and Peter probably had contest to see who would get the most at times. Maybe it was cause he saw Becca slightly interested in Mitch as well.

Sighing she fiddled in her pocket to pull out the piece of paper, going to look it over before carefully ripping a section off of it to hand to Becca. “That’s his name, number, and time he gets off . . . figured you didn’t have the guts to call him. But hell . . . guess I can’t keep doing everything for you.” A frown and she faced Peter not getting what his problem was but handing him the other half. “The places, you upset that I was gonna pick or something? You know you could just say you want to pick, or go your own way if you didn’t want to tag along. What’s wrong with you two anyways?”
Mitchell was just about too state his disapproval of the name but something else quickly caught his eye. Kiki seemed to be writing another name on the bottom of the page with a heart around it. On closer investigation he noticed that it was that Girl Becca's number. "So that's what all of that was about" he thought glancing over to Becca as she hurried after her friend Peter, lugging the stack of books with her. "I guess I would prefer to with her more if I go out" he thought with a slight smile slipping both pieces of paper in his pocket and sitting back down to read until the work bell rang for him to go home "At least that isn't my job" he said quietly.
Luke was unsure of what the time was but it had felt like he had been working in the mill for quite sometime but he continued to do his job as the time slowly passed, His job was to work outside by the rolling logs and take the metal detectors and scan the logs for anything odd or metal such as nails or chunks of iron. As the logs violently landed in the slot and rolled around Luke carefully scan them and as he was doing it he good smell the freshly cut wood and how good it smelled unlike him covered in dirt and wood chips.

"Ahh working here never gets old" he said aloud then chuckled to himself.

The mill had always been faithful to luke always kept him on his toes for there were various jobs to be done and some were rather fun but some were also dangerous. As this thought ran through Lukes mind he looked up at a tv screen that read "Accident free for 23 days"

"Bit of a surprise" Luke agian said to himself

Luke also knew that just a bit longer and he would be off work and free to go.
Noah and Robin stood on the second floor of there library in the area where they live,both of them looking up at the ceiling which had collapsed and they needed it fixed before it rains.It happened because Flash and John had climbed up on the roof and it was too weak to hold them both,Noah just hoped it wouldn't cost too much to fix."I hope John hurries...."Noah said as he sighed,Robin just nodded as he stood beside Noah and crossed his arms looking at the roof.

They had sent John to go get someone to help and Noah gave him a letter to give since he wouldn't be able to explain.Noah also gave him directions to someone he knew that could help,He was able to find the man who Noah told him was named Luke. He wasn't sure if he was aloud to be in this place but he had to find the guy,he ran up to Luke and looked up at him. It was obvious that he was very nervous and scared,he just bowed his head down as he held up the letter Noah wrote for Luke.
Emerald took the hand that Shawn offered, a light blush on her face. "im really sorry....perhaps we should get going?" she said in a voice that was uncharacteristically bashful for her. she looked a bit awkward.

Faith finished her book and took a stroll out of her apartment. the evening air nipped at her cheeks as she puffed out little white clouds just above her scarf. she walked into the busier part of the city, listening to the cheerful hussle and bussle as she wondered how she would occupy her evening.

Chase finished his meal at Emillianos, and left money plus a tip on the table. he walked to the park and sat in the area with almost no foot traffick. he pulled out his guitar from its case and strummed out a few notes, listening to them echo off the trees of the park.
Edit: xD my bad did'int see you'er post fixing it now

The person approaching Luke caught him slightly off guard as he was scaning the wood for metal. Luke looked at John and noticed he had his head down

"Pick you'er head up and look at me" Luke Instructed as he continued with his work

Luke was wearing protective gear such as a hard hat and sound surpressers he took one of them off his ears so he could listen to the boy after awhile luke realized the man was holding a letter.

"Who is this letter from?" Luke questioned as he took the letter

Strangley the letter smelled clean or mabye that was just Lukes mind pointing out that it did'int smell like wood.
John slightly jumped when Luke spoke to him and had looked up at him as he was told,he just stayed quiet and pointed at the letter as if say to just read it.He couldn't speak because of his voice box so he hoped the man didn't have any questions that weren't answered in the letter.

The letter wasn't addressed to anyone,all it had was the place they were written on the front and the letter wrote,

We need someone who would know how to fix a roof and need it done ASAP so any possible rain won't make things worse.

Any questions can be asked by the one who had brought this letter.

Please send someone right away,

~Noah Duhn

After Luke was done reading the letter he nodded

"Alright I'll take a look" He said with a bit of a sigh

Luke knew some things about construction but was'int completely experinced in the area. Luke then looked at the kid a noticed he was'int wearing a hard hat or ear plugs.

"how the hell did you even get back here kid dangerous place for someone to be" He said a bit confused and motioned the kid to follow him and started heading for the nearest exit that lead to a gravel parking lot.
John slightly tilted his head in confusion when the man mentioned how he got back here,he kinda just slipped through and went to the first person he saw. When He saw the man motion for him to follow he did in a childish way,slightly skipping as he stepped staying behind Luke. He wondered where the man was heading but figured he was going to help so they'd get to the library eventually. Still John seemed a little jumpy as they went on,looking around now even John wonder why he came here so at eased.

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