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Graded [Looming Circles] "Woke Up In A New Time?! Ancient Ruins?! I Can't Believe My Shrine Maiden's Tails Can Be This Cute!"

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

She'd indeed found a soulmate. No, that was wrong. Delilah herself must've arranged for this meeting. For someone else to know this magnificence so well? She could cry. In fact, she did shed a tear upon hearing his melodramatic speech. A tear of join and relief upon hearing how someone truly understood. As for the artwork, whilst it wasn't the real thing and she didn't have too much interest, she yet again nodded. It was a good manner with which to display some of the brilliance of the real thing, that much was undeniable true.

As for the constructs, of course they were cool. That was never a question. She nodded to the baron. “Assuming I'll find the time and resources and, of course, assuming Teuihua is up for it and knows what he'll want, I will figure out how to make it work and sent you word of the results.” She promised. She felt like the tactical advantage of having an unknown 'power' far outweighed the tactical advantage of having good relations.

Oddly enough, she actually caught herself blushing a tad bit when her craft was praised so genuinely. Being a blacksmith/enchanter was the first accomplishment she'd been [Prideful] about, after all. His eagerness to try some of them out was also noted. If he played his card right enough, she might even be swayed to let him handle her gun for a bit... Yet that was all for later dates. For now, she just showed off her gear and accepted all the praise for it. To find someone swooning over her gun as much as she herself (okay, almost) was also a strange experience. Most people were scared by it, impressed perhaps, but this level of fascinated? That wasn't common. She'd truly found herself a soulmate! Delilah be praised! She nodded. “Indeed, it seems like we might even wish to plan periodic meetings.” Both to discuss barony business and to geek out over beasts, constructs and weapons.

As he confirmed once more, regarding the transfer of property, she gave him a grateful smile. There was, however, one more thing she suddenly remembered. “Oh, right. Would you please inform count Sadek? It might be wise to have him be aware of this transfer and it is likely that it will be easier to understand and accept coming from you, who's ground the shrine used to be upon.” She felt like this might be a big enough deal to at least inform the count about, although probably not enough to need permission for.

As for using the ley line to power more ambitious projects, she was silent for a bit, then nodded. “Perhaps it could be, yes. I have a rather capable civil engineer whom might have some ideas as well. I'll make sure to ask.” She wondered if it might be used for a giant, tower-mounted version of her won gun. That would definitely be 'cool' right?

She was about to agree with him that they'd best move on to their next business, but she remembered a promise. “Although I would like to move ahead quickly, I would appreciate allowing Ringo to look around at the flowers a bit more. I'm not sure if any of your gardeners are available, but if you could sent for one, that would be even better. I'd love to learn which ones she likes and use those to spruce up the shine once it's at its new location.” She spoke, looking over at Ringo.

On the topic of Ringo, she switched over to Sylvan again. {“We can have a quick look at the flowers, before we go pick up the shrine~ Which ones did you point out again?”} She'd ask, intending to follow after Ringo to watch some flowers for a bit.

[Prideful] - Character has shown an awareness of self that would put them above other people and circumstances for better or for worse. Pride cometh before a fall, but it is only the prideful that strive for more, believing themselves worthy and capable. If their belief in self is true, who better to achieve the most?
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | {Sylvan}
Ringo hovered near Regula as the Baroness spoke to the Baron, watching curiously, but not understanding what was being said. She was beginning to grow restless and may have started to devise ways to entertain herself when Regula turned and addressed her in Sylvan again. Her tails shimmied around her as she smiled and hurried quickly to the flowers without waiting for Regula. "{These ones here! The red ones! They would match the entry way well!}" She quickly made her way over to another bush and pointed excitedly. "{And several of these bushes in front of the sanctum would look really nice, with their large white flowers.}" It seemed there may be no end in sight as she made her way to a small water feature pointing excitedly at the small blue flowers surrounding it and the lotuses that floated within. "{And these ones! The pond was always very drab. Peaceful, but not much color. We need to get more people to come, so we should spruce it up!}" She ran back over to Regula and grabbed her hands in determination. "{I'll make sure the shrine is a spot of pride and joy for everyone in the Buruny! I'll take good care of it this time and make sure there are lots of visitors for all time and we never have to go back in stasis again!}"
Lucius Morbella

The Baron seemed rather satisfied with Regula’s first nod at his artistic proclamation. The second one as well.
“Of course it’s only fair that you respect your friend’s wishes afterall, created from inorganic material or not, there are many constructs which are just as sentient as you or I are, and I am truly of the belief that they should be treated not on the basis of their composition but the basis of their character.” Marbella reaffirming his arguably rather progressive views from the look of things.

Regardless, should he agree and you make progress that sounds lovely.”

Whether or not Baron Morbella noticed the slight blush or how receptive she was to the praise was anyone’s guess, but he did smile broadly and warmly when Regula brought up the prospect of periodic meetings. It seemed that he was rather keen on that idea just from the body language he was giving her at that moment.

“Wonderful, I do hope that our schedules will align for periodic meetings then, you know very well what I speak of I’m sure.” He’d say with a warm chuckle, making reference to the fact that they were both nobles responsible for their respective areas.

His face went to one of focus when she brought up the Count Sadek bit, before Baron Morbella looked like he was in contemplation briefly before he nodded, “I believe you are correct with your assessment of this situation, informing him would be a most wise thing to do and I think it’s only most logical that this notice comes from yours truly, I will make sure that it’s done so that he is aware of this shrine and there won’t be any unnecessary issues.”

A glint of intrigue, verging on excitement appeared on Morbella’s expression when Regula seemed possibly agreeable to his thought. “Please do let me know then if you need access to it in the future, I would be most interested in hearing about any projects which this engineer may be interested in, if they had it available as a power source. In the meantime I will send a team to further research this ley line to see what they can learn about it and ready a report, which I’m sure will tell us just what sort of uses the ley line and land will have..”

Baron Morbella nodded, “I understand, and of course that can be arranged, why would I ever want to deny such a cute maiden a chance to look through my garden, the very thought of denying her would tear into my heart!”

He said that passionate flare coming up again, Ringo’s enthusiasm inspiring the Baron.
“Please stay and look as long as you’d like, and yes of course I can send for one of the gardeners, not a problem at all."
The Baron would then tell the nearby guard who had brought the interesting figure over, to go and fetch whichever gardener was on rotation to water and trim the plants next.

Eventually an older more casually dressed man appeared who at least seemed to dress the part of a gardner well enough. He’d give a bow Baron Morbella, before turning toward toward Regula and giving another bow then saying,

Gardener Erik

“How can I be of service, Baroness Caelia? The name's Erik. I heard you could use some information on the various plants we grow in this space.” Twas a name which sounded more like he was from the Sky or the Kingdom, perhaps he wasn’t a local. Even so his hands looked well worked, and he clearly had developed muscle from labor.

For the time being it seemed Morbella was content watching them go through the garden, perhaps not wanting to intrude on Regula’s time with Ringo since they had just had their meeting and discussed what needed to be discussed.

Zeuoli, seeing that Ringo took interest in the plants, started to take interest herself looking around curiously. She made her way over toward Regula and Ringo and stood a bit of a distance away looking over at the plants too. She looked over with somewhat cautious body language toward Erik, before relaxing a bit more, after seeing that the newcomer wasn’t a threat, perhaps a bit skittish.

She then eventually said softly with slight positive intonation in +Mictlantechulian+,

“You..have a nice taste in plants Ringo..I think those red ones would look lovely in front of the Shrine, and I too am curious what these flowers are, they are not like the typical crops I am used too, I wonder if they have any other uses than looking pretty..”

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2.png

"Common", " "+Mictlantechulian+"
Teuihua was once again feeling surprised in a good way to hear Morbella mention the fact that he believed constructs should be treated well. Truthfully Teuihua didn’t really have a feeling of that way in particular until he had woken up in this time, he had always understood since creation that his primary use was being a tool, not an individual to be treated with kindness or respect, even if it did feel good when he received it, and Teuihua had always preferred being treated well. To hear an organic proclaim this sentiment in such a way..however it was inspiring to him, maybe constructs could be seen as more than just tools, and while his expectations still were not there that he’d be treated well by everyone, maybe with more people like Baron Morbella and Baroness Caelia..just maybe he could hold that expectation and not be disappointed.

Teuihua gave a slight bow to the Baron as a sign of respect, before he made his way
on the other side parallel to Zeuoli now as he made his way over carefully, not wanting to accidentally knock into anything in the garden since there were plenty of delicate things to look at now. He had rotated pretty quickly to see the gardener as well too, immediately assessing whether or not he was a threat, but it was pretty apparent quickly that he was in fact not. Presumably Yuzuki had joined the garden tour with the group, looking at the plants as well.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

She was glad that baron Morbella thought of constructs as just more than cool toys to tinker with as well. You wouldn't find such folk on the eastern side of her barony's border, that much was sure. The idea of periodically meeting was equally well-appreciated. She nodded at his statement of informing Count Sadek. She'd suggest to sign off on it, but since she wasn't the original owner, she doubted that would be needed. Morbella's word alone should suffice.

As for future projects. “Of course, I'll keep you in the know~ For now, I'm still getting the basics of my barony up and running, but I'm sure the future has great things in store.” She didn't doubt Morbella was already aware her barony wasn't in the best of shapes currently, so she didn't feel like trying to pretend she was ready to take on more than she was.

It was good to see him agree and sent for a gardener next. The man reminded her a bit of a younger version of Thomas, the gardener she and Aria had been informed by in that noble's garden her mother had taken them. A suddenly realisation hit her, as she chuckled. To think she'd be shown around a noble's garden again, but this time as someone of equal standing, rather than a nobody that got secretly let in by her mother. The times truly had changed, hadn't they?

“Well met, Erik. I was hoping you could do just that~” She'd reply to his offer to provide information. Then she gestured to Ringo. “She'll likely be the one asking questions, I'll merely translate.” On the topic of questions, her heart started beating a bit faster when she saw Ringo sprint off for the flowers of interest. “Could you tell us a bit about these red flowers, what they are and how they're grown?” She'd ask the gardener, after which she'd translate the answer to Ringo. She'd do the same for the bushes with large white flowers, the blue flowers around the pond and the lotuses within it.

When Ringo told her she'd make the shrine a spot of pride and joy, she smiled. “{That would be lovely.}” She replied, starting to think her idea to bring over the shrine might actually be better than expected. At this point, it might even be a boon for the entire barony. “{I'll introduce you to Gwenith, she's a farmer back in the barony, but I'm sure she knows at least somewhat about plants as well. She should be able to help.}”

She was surprised to hear Zeuoli chime in, but couldn't understand what she was saying. That said, it did remind her to ask. %“If you want me to translate some questions you might have for the gardener, I'd gladly do so.”% She 'spoke' clapping the words in Analog, feeling a tad bit bad about leaving Zeuoli out altogether, after having been fully preoccupied staring at the flower-chasing nine-tails.

That reminded her, she did have a question of her own. “Say, Erik, have you ever heard of Fairy Flowers?”
Purple hair kitsune nine tails hazel eyes shrine samurai s-1644768126.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | {Sylvan}
Ringo beamed as Regula seemed excited about her decisions. She listened curiously as the man, Erik, spoke, not understanding a word, but quite happy when Regula translated, her tails fanning out pleasantly each time. "{I should like to meet this Gwyneth farmer! Is she the one who grew the apples and... what were those other things? The bread things you gave us? Does she grow them, too?}" She looked expectantly at Regula, waiting for a reply. When Zeouli spoke, Ringo turned to address her, not realizing her precarious proximity to Regula after centuries of stasis. She enveloped the woman in a flurry of soft tails, all shifting happily as the Shrine Guardian spoke with the Agricultural Construct, the fine fur flowing around Regula like fluffy zephyr. "+Thank you! You are welcome to come and visit the shrine any time to see the flowers. If you have any suggestions of things I could grow in a small garden, I would love to hear them.+" She turned back to listen to Regula translate the next bit, completely oblivious to her carelessness.
Lucius Morbella
Baron Morbella smiled when Regula informed him that she’d keep him in the know, as he nodded.
“I’ll be wishing you the best with those endeavors, I certainly understand what they can entail from personal experience.” He replied sympathetically. Indeed the life of nobles at their rank wasn’t a cake walk by any means, needing to managing so many people and buildings, once again reflecting on his character in a positive light, as others may have taken the opportunity to take a jab at Regula’s current issues she’d have to take on.
Gardener Erik

Erik appeared humble before Regula, keeping his attention focused on her and helping her.

He gave a nod toward Regula when she said that Ringo would be the one asking the questions, and that she’d be translating, before giving Ringo a bit of a bow too, it seemed like a safe enough gesture for someone who was a friend of the Baroness too.

“The red ones? Yes, a Fine choice, Their formal name is Rubrucoris, they’re a hybrid flower actually, they are crossbreeds between flowers from the Kingdom of Rotia and flowers more suitable to Ryken climates, giving them that lovely red hue, they’ve also adopted the less formal more common name Maiden Hart, certainly good for use in decorations, celebratory events, and expressions of affection.”

Erik continued with a friendly enough tone.

“I’d suggest watering them every three or four day, they grow just fine in soil from seeds, they can even survive in soil with less nutrients, of course they tend to be more vibrant when using higher quality more nutrient dense soil, I would also suggest letting them get sufficient direct sunlight or something which can provide the equivalent, as they prefer to grow in areas with more light than less, and while I wouldn’t suggest letting them sit too long in cold spaces, they can manage in part thanks to their..I suppose you could say..heritage in colder areas if necessary."

Erik next would explain that the white flowers were called Nubeliums formally, their watering habits were similar to the Maiden Harts, they required less sun, but were also not sun adverse. unlike the red flower he described these ones did not tend to do well in the harsh cold, making them well suited for Ryke’s environment. What made these flowers more unique was that their seeds came from inside a sizable white round fruit called a Lilik , whose flesh was a more dulled white and was sweet.

The blue flowers were once again a result of crossbreeding from Rotia named Raqcors, resulting in flowers which were actually a bit cool to the touch surprisingly. These flowers were quite happy near cooler spaces like bodies of water, and did just as well in the shade or with some light, however it was advisable to not let them get harsh light for long periods of time. They did well enough only being watered once a week.

The floating lotuses as it turned out originated from the Republic of Kuridan and had been imported, they were chosen by Baron Morbella because he deemed rather aesthetically pleasing, they were called Hasu, Erik described how they could grow in cool water but grew best in warm water, and if not in a body of water, a properly sized container needed to be provided with the aforementioned warm water for the best results. They needed at least 6 hours of sun or an equivalent a day to thrive, and he also told Regula to make sure that the leaves were not submerged in the water completely, because that would interrupt their ability to thrive.

Erik actually looked surprised for a moment when Regula asked him about the Fairy Flower.

“I actually have heard of those before but not in quite some time, figures someone of your status would know about such a fine specimen..they’re sought after due to being significantly less common than other flower types and they originate in the Fae See. I’ve heard that it’s believed that fairies originate from the beautiful flower, and that the magical sparks are like sparks of life of the fairies. They have an innate beauty sought by collectors, and contain quite a bit of magical energy, because of their magical property they fare well in just about any environment you can think of, due to this unique potent life essence, were you perhaps thinking about trying to obtain one? I’ve heard of some possibilities but with the ongoing war some of the options of getting them from the source have become a bit more complicated when humans are involved.”

Erik replied, sounding a bit more serious and matter of fact toward the end.

Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2.png

Languages: "+Mictlantechulian+, "Common" "&Analog%"

Teuihua listened and kept watch while all of this transpired, he was still pleased to see that Ringo appeared to have warmed up quite a bit to Regula compared to before, which put him at ease somewhat given the situation that she had really been snatched to no will of her own from her shrine after waking up..even now he still felt a bit bad deep down that this happened all because he wanted to visit his past civilization to see if he could gather information with Regula..But if they were to believe that it was a divine one, then perhaps this was all just meant to be.

Zeouli on the other hand looked like she had been very focused on the flowers which had been shown, unfortunately she didn’t really understand the language too much either so she was in a similar boat to Ringo, every now and again looking over at her and what she was doing, also looking back to Teuihua still, but even then her main focus stayed on the flowers when she gathered one in particular was being discussed about.

When Regula mentioned in analog that she’d translate if she had any questions, Zeouli gave a nod toward her of thanks, even if Zeouli couldn’t yet express it verbally to Regula, she was very appreciative indeed and would have been smiling if it was possible.

She then turned back to Ringo sounding a bit more excited , “+You really mean that?”, you wouldn’t mind if I came and visited the shrine, or even help pick out flowers..to help decorate the way? Of course I’d need to learn a lot more..how much plants may have changed in this time..but once I have a better idea of how it all works now and what’s available I’d be more than happy to help with that..+” Reouli responded positively.

Upon Teuihua hearing that Reouli wanted to learn more about the plant life, he started to procedurally translate what the gardener had said so far to both Ringo and Reouli in +Mictlantechulian+ so that they would be informed about the conversation too.

Zeouli eventually spoke up in Analog, "% This fairy flower..sounds like it could have potentially impactful use in growing other things in theory if what he says about it containing potent life energy of that nature..this might be an avenue worth exploring%"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Last edited:
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

With the baron either joining in silently or exiting left stage, she'd been listening and translating for the gardener. Truth be told, whilst she didn't dislike the topic, she rarely committed any of the information to memory. She was hoping Ringo herself would. The only thing that truly caught her interest was the Fairy Flower. “I might try to obtain one, yes. My mother has always like them. Although it'd be a matter for much further into the future.” She spoke with a smile, knowing full well that expensive flowers as gifts weren't on the menu right now.

She was surprised when Zeouli also spoke up about it. %“I hadn't even thought of using them like that, but you might be right.”% She admitted. %“Perhaps I can use my contacts in the See to obtain one for research purposes, but I can't make any promises.”% Still, if she wanted one for more reasons than for fanciness' sake, there might be some options.

She'd reply to Ringo next. {“Yes, she grew the apples. Although she didn't grow the bread or jam rolls, nor the wheat used to make it. Those were likely from a village called Kirkwall, it's...”} However, her reply was halted when Ringo suddenly attacked her. The nine weapons of mass-seduction stabbed, slapped, hit and poked at her from all directions. It was as if her mind was putting itself on an instant pause. She really had to [Mind Shield] and [Focus] herself through this, as she attempted to resist the urges that arose.

She went down the mental checklist. First, close her mouth, stop drooling. Check. Hopefully that didn't last long enough for someone to notice. Second, keep hands to her sides. No grabbing. It was a highly challenging feat to pull off, but she did it. She kept her hands to herself, abiding by her vows of wanting permission first. Third, don't move forwards. She hadn't. Good. She did need to take a step back, but couldn't find the mental willpower to actually do so. It was a stalemate, but it was still better than a loss. She sighed. Her mind was racing, but her hands, legs and mouth were all in check now.

Wait... she was missing two limbs. Without realising, she'd spread out her wings in a subconscious attempt to wrap them around Ringo. Blast these additional limbs! Blast her inability to control them! She tried to correct her mistake, by drawing her wings back, but only risked pulling Ringo back along with it, which also meant pulling herself closer into the tails. Oh, why did her 5/20 dice roll luck and fortune suddenly change so much? For her to get so caught up in desire that she made herself look foolish like this? She had no excuses. No words to use. All she could do was accept her inbound fate, whatever it might be.

Elvario Elvario

Aria, had been walking down the streets of Morbella taking a second and third glance at a piece of parchment in her hands as her moss green eyes gazed upon the various buildings for a match. Her indifferent expression hid her underlying emotions of frustration as people on their porches and yards waved or stared. Her reaction was the same, she’d lift her hand but wouldn’t wave and continued along. A deep sigh escaped her lips when by chance she noticed a familiar face in a most elaborate and elegant garden. She double took when she realized the woman in the garden along with the gardener was none other than Baroness Regula.

Her metallic feet felt warm within her shoes as she came to a stop and called out, raising a hand to her mouth to amplify her voice some. She hesitated, but she knew she wouldn’t get another chance to catch up with whom was the closest thing to a sister. “Lady Regula!” Ariacalled out as she held to the barred gate. She blinked some in anticipation while hoping the heavily intrigued baroness would notice.

Granted Aria didn’t think to meet Regula here, her mission was another but nonetheless she didn’t mind detouring some, finding her fathers agent would have to wait for now.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | {Sylvan}

She nodded to the construct and smiled happily. "+Of course, everyone is welcome at the shrine. And your assistance in making it a more welcoming place would be much appreciated.+" That's when she felt the presence of feathery appendages around her. Ringo made a curious face before going wide eyed as the wings drew her back. Suddenly, she was aware of Regula's closeness, now feeling her with the thick of her tails. She almost pulled away, embarrassed of her clumsiness, when a thought crossed her mind. She looked over her shoulder at Regula and grinned mischievously. This woman appeared to be important, and she seemed rather capable of getting The Shrine Guardian the things she wanted. It might be a good idea to make sure she continues to look favorably on her. As easily as any other limb, Ringo straightened her tails, extending them around Regula like a fan, then brought them together on the woman almost like a hug. She laughed and smiled before releasing her. "{I accept your offer. Wings for tails.}" Suddeny a loud voice caught her attention and she turned to the gates to see another woman shouting at them. "{Who's that? Does she want something?}" Ringo smiled and waved excitedly at the new comer.
Gardener Erik

Erik listened to Regula’s reply. “Understood then, if you reach a point when you decide it’s the time, I could definitely point you in the right direction to obtaining one if you’d like.” Erik offered a bit more of a generous side showing perhaps beyond his just business nature about the plants. Given how well Regula and the Baron were hitting it off, the chance that she saw Erik again probably wasn’t that unlikely either at the moment, so the offer was something he’d probably be able to actually carry out logistically, should she desire to follow through.“Is there anything else I could assist you with?” Erik asked with a respectful tone.


"+Mictlantechulian+", "%Analog%"​
Zeouli had rotated her head to face Regula, thankfully understanding the sounds which Regula made, probably aware that it wasn’t the most comfortable thing for an organic to ‘speak’. She nodded in response to what Regula said with what she said.

“%I understand the situation, If you can get one let’s hope we can use it to strengthen your..you called it Barony, yes.%”

Zeouli looked to Ringo at her response, “+From the center of my core, thank you Ringo, because of you and your Baroness, I think that I just may be able to restore the purpose in my creation yet.+”

Zeouli was a bit surprised to see the wing and tail intertwining happen just like that. Her head tilting a bit at the scene. Unlike Teuihua she didn't know Regula as well, being the newest member of the group so for now she was sort of just left puzzled as to why Regula looked off after the tails touched her among other things, it appeared to possibly raise some questions in Zeouli's mind if her body language was anything to go off of. Even so she wasn't particularly bothered by the interaction it seemed.

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2-1.png
Teuihua, still on standby on the other hand also looked at Ringo and Regula, curious to what they were saying, but felt a bit pleased to see what he could only interpret as them getting along well once again. Normally he might wonder what was wrong with Regula with the way she had been posturing but he couldn’t help but find a bit of humor out of the situation, since this context felt relatively low risk, the Baron didn’t seem to be all that judgy, which was fitting since he had his own unique qualities. If he got bothered by Regula’s enjoyment of tails it would have struck the golem as utterly hypocritical truly, based on what he’d heard in the conversation.

Then Teuihua saw the familiar face, looking to where Ringo’s attention had gone, which was Aria, he gave a wide wave to her with his more dexterous arm. “Salutations, It is nice to see you again.” Teuihua said with a positive tone in his voice. It was good to see that Aria seemed well enough still, a relief even in some ways, he knew that Regula was close to her, and by extension Teuihua liked her too.

Zeouli seeing Aria and what Teuihua was doing a bit more cautiously, imitated the gesture which he made toward her, going into a sort of wave with her more hand-like arm too.

By this point Erik looked over to, "Greetings Miss."

Lucius Morbella

Thankfully for the Baroness, Baron Morbella had been off center stage for quite some time keeping a bit of distance and just watching what was going on during the garden tour, perhaps not wanting to dominant her tour with a more prominent presence since they just had their talk, but when he saw the new person enter the scene he turned to Regula and said,

“I suppose that’s another friend of yours then Baroness Caelia?” with an inquisitive tone, thankfully not seeming to be bothered that someone was sort of just showing up.

“If she is, you're more than welcome to invite her to join us, could even introduce her, I have no issue with it.” He reassured them, after all this was his private domain whom he had the autonomy to invite or deny whoever he pleased. It didn’t seem that he was bothered by Ringo and Regula’s interaction with one another.

Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

Just as her [Tail Freak] was at its strongest, her mental fortitude spent on keeping her hands to herself, Ringo decided to add an extra challenge on top of it. As Regula felt the tails extended around her, she momentarily forgot how to breath as her face turned red. When she suddenly got 'hugged' by them she nearly feinted. It took her every scrap of mental fortitude not to get touchy with them, every bid of it... It wasn't enough to stop her face from turning a darker shade of red though. When Ringo spoke next, she spoke up without thinking. {“Yes!”} She called out, before even registering what Ringo had said. {“I mean, yes.”} Wait, did she mean yes? {“No, I mean, yes, but, sorry, that was on instinct.”} Great. Instinct, yes, but what kind of instinct did she just admit to having? {“No, I mean...”} She was really digging a hole to the Dark Continent at this pace, but luckily enough, she was saved by a voice.

“Aria!” She called out, excited. Both to see Aria again as well as to have an excuse to stop embarrassing herself. Oh, and an excuse to focus on something that wasn't tails. “What are you doing here?” She was a bit surprised. However, when the baron said she could join them, she was glad. “Come on, hop over!” She called out to Aria. She knew fully well that Aria's legs would make hopping over this fence and into the garden an easy feat.

Ah, right, introductions were next! “Teuihua, would you mind translating for Ringo and Zeouli?” She asked, knowing that having to translate for both Zeouli and Ringo was going to be a pain. It'd be easier if Teuihua just translated to Mictlantechulian for the both of them. “This is my Marshall and adoptive sister, Aria Caelia.” She introduced. Well, Aria was technically not fully part of her family just yet, as they still had to deal with Marcus one day or another... but that was another matter. For now, it felt good to be able to introduce Aria in this manner.

She then turned back to Aria. “What are you doing all the way in Morbella? I hope there isn't anything gone wrong in the barony?” She asked, a tad bit concerned. “Ah, right, as for me, I was here to meet with the baron. We've explored those ruins we spotted back when we transported weapons to count Light, those odd Looming Circles we spotted back then. It turned out there was a shrine there, which Ringo here is the guardian off. She sort-off ended up in my service, so now we're planning to relocate the shrine to our barony using Pocket Dimension magic.” That was the short of it. The really short of it, as she might've skipped a few details, but at least the core idea was there.

That reminded her, it was time to wrap up here. “We should probably be getting to it, come to think of it. Otherwise we might not return before dark.” She turned to Erik. “Thank you for your explanations, it's been most wonderful.” She replied, having no need of him for now.

She'd reply to Zeouli next. %“That'd be lovely, dear, I'm looking forwards to it.”% She could already see the value in having someone like Zeouli join the ranks in her barony.

That left her with the baron himself. “It's been a lovely time, but perhaps it'd be best for us to go. We've got a shrine to collect, after all. I'm sure the Marshall would be willing to speak with you later, should you wish to introduce yourself further.” She'd lean in to whisper. “Her legs are a masterpiece, I didn't make them, but I did enchant them. The tinkerers that worked on them are true artisans beyond any other.” She couldn't help wishing to brag at least a bit about those, whether it was for better or worse. “Anyway, I'd best bid my farewells.” She'd speak, offering a polite bow and intending to head back towards to shrine for the pick-up job that awaited them.
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Aria flinched and gasped under her breath a bit when initially she hadn’t made out the familiar construct, and the others in Regulas company. Perhaps this was some sort of important meeting, she could only wonder. However, as things were seemingly developing, the sword maiden was rather wrong when things got more ‘affectionate’. A detail she ignored, her would be sister definitely had a taste for eccentric beings with tails after all. As such, the reminder made her sigh, both out of embarrassment and relief that things were very much the same in many ways.

She smiled a bit when told to ‘hop over’, looking to her left and then to her right she nodded. “Right.”

A magi-tech hum could be heard briefly before jumping into the air high above the fence with arms extended she casted a cross shadow below, her hair swaying in the afternoon wind before finally landing a safe distance away from the others.

Regula had been introducing her, and just as she was finishing she bowed to everyone individually both familiar and unfamiliar. “It’s an honor to see you.”

To those unfamiliar she’d add, “I am Aria, of Highgrove, but my true origins are unknown even to myself.” Finally saluting before returning to ease.

Upon hearing Regulas question, Aria turned to face her. “Nothing is the matter m’lady. In fact everyone in my department is ahead of schedule, Captain of the guard is on duty until my return. I’m here in search of someone carrying out an order from my father.” She felt rather uneasy saying these things infront of the others and one who was visibly some sort of authority. “Personal matters of course, m’lady.” She attempted a smile.

When it came to the bit about the looming circles she couldn’t help but lean in a bit further with curiosity fiddling with the brim of her skirt. “You, went there?” She asked with bewilderment betraying her otherwise perfectly empty expression. “You found her?” She affirmed looking at the tailed one. “Quite the mystical home..” she smiled again, this time at the tailed one. “..I’d love to hear all about it, and I’m sure you’ll be curious about how we happened upon that place.” She wouldn’t delve deeper into it, the occasion seemed like a light moment and Aria wouldn’t want to bog down on the subject of haunted forests and everything that transpired in that time.

It was then that Regula would begin to bid farewell, but not before catching the bit about the person before them being the Morbella baron. Quickly getting infront of him she bowed. “Please forgive my lack of respect, I wouldn’t have known you were the baron of this province. I am Aria, and I have sworn fealty to Regula Caelia until my death. If you are ever in need of troop training, or otherwise please send for me.” Saluting once more she stepped back and waited patiently for everyone to take their leave.
purple hair hazel eyes kitsune woman nine tails shrine robes s-1648248865.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | {Sylvan}
Ringo smiled and held in a laugh at Regula's response, satisfied with the outcome. As the new comer arrived her smiled widened, excited to meet another person. She clapped as the girl leaped the fence, impressed. "+It's very nice to meet you, too. I am Ringo, and my origins are a statue at an old shrine. Do you have any apples or... I keep forgetting the name... jammeralls? We also accept fine crafts as offerings if you're a craftsman. Or money if you're a tradesman, but between us, I always thought that was boring. I can't eat or play with money and people weren't allowed to sell things on the shrine grounds, so I couldn't do anything with it.+" As Aria addressed her specifically, Ringo's swished tails pleasantly behind her. "+I would love to tell you about it! We're actually going back there soon so you can see it! Wait... that's true, I am curious how you found us? And why we awoke for her.+" Ringo aims all her tails at Regula. As they prepared to leave, she waved happily to Erik and Baron Morbella, but then hurried to stick close to Teuihua again as they stepped back out into the city.
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Thankfully Aria arrived on scene to help alleviate all the feelings and reactions which Regula was having in that moment from being utterly assaulted by Ringo’s tails mercilessly.

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2.png

Teuihua gave a slight bow at Regula’s words, “Yes I can translate for them.”

Erik The Gardener

Erik Greeted Aria respectfully and warmly, informing her he was one of the personal gardeners for Baron Morbella.

Teuihua then moved himself off to the side between the two, and looked to Ringo and Zeouli and after Regula said who Aria was, proceeded to translate the introduction which the Baroness gave in Mictlantechulian to Ringo and Zeouli, letting them know the new comer was known as Aria Caelia, Regula’s adoptive sister and Marshall.


Zeouli gave a nod after listening to what Teuihua had to say. “+It’s nice to meet you Aria, I am Zeouli, from the same civilization Teuihua is from.+" Zeouli likely said this because she gathered that Teuihua knew Aria to an extent with the way he greeted her and had said it was nice to see her again.

Teuihua then translated back in common to Aria. “Zeouli says it is nice to meet you Aria, she told you her name and said that she’s from the same civilization I am from, which is accurate. However she is not a border defender like myself; her creator gave her more of a religious and agricultural application.” Teuihua clarified.

“Ringo says that it is very nice to meet you and that her name is Ringo. Her origins is from a statue at a old shrine. She is asking if you have anything to give for an offering such as apples or ‘jammeralls’ which I believe means Jam rolls. If you have skills in crafts they also accept fine crafts for offerings, or money as a tradesperson, however she clarifies that she prefers other goods because she can’t, eat or play with money very easily, nor could she sell things on the shrine grounds.”

“Ringo also says that she would like to tell you about the grounds on our way back, which I can gladly translate for again.”
Teuihua added in.

Teuihua further translated any relevant bits which Aria had to say about herself or questions toward the unfamiliar faces.

Erik continued with a bow himself, “Of course Baroness Caelia, if you ever require my services again just say the word,”

Zeouli gave a bow toward Regula of respect and acknowledgement at that response.

Baron Lucius Morbella

Baron Morbella looked to Regula as she spoke to him. “Hm, yes indeed you do, very well then, I’ll ensure that the most direct route iis cleared once more to ensure you and your company have the safest departure.”

“I would certainly be interested to speak to this Marshall again at a later date, It is no problem, and your offer is most appreciated Marshall Aria Caelia I will do just that should it seem appropriate, if Baroness Caelia deems you capable then I am certain you would do very well in the services you offer. ”
The Baron seemed to receive her positively.

He also looked to her legs curiously when Regula mentioned them and a bit of the gleam of excitement fell upon his face, “I see what you mean..” He responded in a soft volume. “I would certainly like to get a better look at those at a later date, or perhaps even meet those capable of such craftsmanship.”

Seeing that it looked like the others were getting ready to leave Teuhiua approached Baron Morbella and gave a bow to him. “Thank you for giving us an audience with you. You are a generous man, and I hope that the Morbella Barony continues to flourish under your administration for the foreseeable future. I hope to see you again in the future.” Teuihua spoke respectfully.

Zeouli replicated what Teuihua did and bowed too.

“Farewell to all of you, and I wish you success on your excursion, I shall now notify Count Sadek of this impending transfer.”

He reciprocated the bow which Regula had given him.

The Baron then waved to Ringo, as did Erik wave to them all on their way out.
As the Baron had said once again, the most direct path on the streets of Morbella had the way cleared with people on the sides looking at the traveling group. It still wasn’t everyday a Baroness from another Barony came over, nevermind the interesting company between the two constructs and the multi-tailed one. Regardless they were able to leave.

Teuihua had no issue with Ringo staying close, as he once again went into a vigilant state as the [Sentry] tended too on their travels, wanting to make sure that things did in fact stay safe for the group.
The Looming Circles

After traveling for some time back the way they came, through the same path that Regula and Teuihua had taken initially. First they encountered the large looming circles, if Aria was interested he would describe his understanding to Aria, if she was interested or he would allow Ringo to fill her in as she probably knew better.

Following the way that the energy line had guided them up the stairs, presumably after paying proper respect at the gate and mini spirit dwelling near the gate, as Regula and Teuihua had done before the group ended up near the Shrine of Passage and it’s complex by extension:

Shrine of Passage

Everything appeared to be as they had last left it. " And here is the shrine of passage as we were telling you about Aria, it would appear we have ideal conditions for this transfer." Teuihua declared optimistically, not detecting anything dangerous in the area thankfully.

RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

She was a bit surprised to learn Aria was still taking orders from her father. That wasn't great. They should really figure out how to deal with that bastard sooner or later. “Let me know if I can help.” She replied to Aria. That was all she could do right now.

“Yes, they are even more amazing from up-close, but we'll return there soon, so you can soon see so for yourself.” She replied, glad that Aria would be able to get to see the Looming Circles again as well.

She only knew what Ringo and Zeouli stated when Teuihua translated for them... and was surprised when Ringo was already trying to get more apples and jam-rolls. Did being stuck in stasis invoke such a large appetite? Yes... it probably did.

With another of her 'works' (Aria's legs) mentioned to the baron, she almost felt like she'd just been bragging too much. Although this work she could hardly take all the credit for, as it'd been those twins that had done the larger part of the work. Either way and anyhow, they were most definitely 'cool' no doubt. Baron Morbella's reply showed her that he also realised as much.

When they arrived at the shrine, however, she got a bit nerves. She'd never done something like this before. What if she'd accidentally break Ringo's home? She'd never forgive herself! No. She had to be extra careful. “Alright... I'm going to have to really estimate all dimensions well.” She spread her wings and flew up, circling around the shrine a few times, observing all angles.

“Alright, Theuihua, please stand here.” She eventually asked, pointing at spot in the north-east side. %“Zeouli, could you please stand over here?”% She clapped, pointing at a spot on the south-east side. “Aria, can you go over there please?” She pointed to the south-west. {“Ringo, would you mind going to that side?”} She asked, pointing to the north-east.

If her calculations were correct, she'd sent them all exactly how far her [Pocket Dimension] and [Magic Area of Effect] could reach. The easy way to confirm that was by using a mere [Magic B + AoE C + Energised C] magic in the area and checking how far the magic reached. {“Do you feel energised?”} She asked Ringo... %“Do you feel energised?”% and Zeouli... “Do you feel energised?” and finally Teuihua and Aria. If all would confirm, she'd know for sure that they were all well in range of the magic.

Once that was confirmed, she felt like it was finally safe enough to use the big 'grab' on this place. {“Alright, you can move back again, unless you want to risk getting Pocketed along with the shrine.”} %“Alright, you can move back again, unless you want to risk getting Pocketed along with the shrine.”% “Alright, you can move back again, unless you want to risk getting Pocketed along with the shrine.” She felt a bit tired having to repeat herself in three languages, but this should be the last time. With the area confirmed and everyone out the way, she could finally cast [Take it All] on the shrine to put it into her [Pocket Dimension] for transport.

[Take It All] – Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised C, Pocket Dimension C – Character Pockets everything in a wide (1000 ft) radius around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.
Purple hair kitsune nine tails hazel eyes shrine samurai s-1644768126.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

The shrine was just how they left it... upsetting to look upon... But it wouldn't be for long! Ringo sighed and put on a pleasant face as she began once more making plans for the future of her home. Ringo gave Regula a quizzical look at the instruction, but moved to the spot the Baroness pointed out. Suddenly Ringo felt Regula's mana move through her. It felt nice and her tails fanned out, swaying pleasantly and rhythmically in flow with the magic. She smiled and nodded happily at Regula's enquiry. She felt quite energized. The next question however puzzled her... Did she want to be pocketed with the shrine? She wasn't quite sure... Would feel like being in the stasis realm again? That sounded unpleasant. Would she continue to feel Regula's mana flow through her? That sounded enjoyable. Was it even possible? How would her binding to Regula react? And how were they getting to this Baroknee? Would she have to walk very far? Maybe riding in a pocket dimension would be easier. Finally, at the last moment, she stepped back, her fear of the negatives outweighing her curiosity.

At first Aria was a little confused, the language the constructs we're speaking were so foreign yet the marshall was quite intrigued in how well spoken and responsive they were when inquired upon. Soon, Arias confusion would give way to an understanding nod, there was so much to clear up and catch up on. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." She nodded sternly however confidently. These were Regulas chosen to adventure with, best to make bonds as allies should she trust them with her life and them with hers all the same.

Having been away for some time she wanted to ask about Amanda, but then she felt a peculiar gaze upon her figure. Namely her legs?

She turned to see the baron with a grin following his gaze down to her legs. She suddenly looked up to the baron. "However I may seem in part synthetic it does not hinder my ability in the field. In fact I have gone through great lengths to ensure it exceeds my otherwise human limits." Taking a bow she proceeded with the others.

Ringo had really caught her attention, namely the bits about her shrine. "Jammeralls?" She repeated with a stutter but then was clarified by the construct. "Oh! I'm afraid I don't have such treats with me. However I'm certain our local baker at the barony would be more than happy to oblige your request, miss.. Ringo was it?" She said and asked all at once.

"As for how I found you it was really all a coincidence. Without going into many details I'm in search for my father's agent he's sending some critical Information that I want to intercept. His journey is long and arduous and I had seemed to lose his trail." Turning to look at the tailed one she smiled a bit. "That's when I found you all." She said finally however it was clear she was holding back more details. Maybe she'd open up about it in the near future though.

When finally upon the shrine she looked up at it, "Extraordinary!'' she exclaimed softly she'd be starring at the structure for quite more time until she was suddenly requested
to feel for an energizing aura by Regula. "Yes. I feel the energy at my location!" She called out enough to be heard.
Before they left the Baron seemed pleased to hear Aria inform him of that, giving her a look of approval, he made it clear he would like to see her using them to exceed human limits at a later time. Teuihua also took the liberty to translate Aria's nice to meet you line.

Teuihua & Zeouli
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Teuihua wasn’t entirely sure what the business Aria had with her father, but the situation sounded somewhat complicated based on what he could gather from the way she spoke about it and how Regula had appeared to react earlier.

“Yes, the circles are quite a sight to behold up close.” Teuihua reaffirmed Regula’s words to Aria.
Truthfully he was just glad that the journey back there hadn’t been any problems.

For the time being both Zeuoli and Teuihua stayed close to Regula, but away enough that hopefully they wouldn’t get in the way of her delicate operation which was about to transpire.

Teuihua gave a nod when she mentioned needing to estimate the dimensions well. Zeouli on the other hand watched not saying too much given the fact she didn’t understand what Regula was saying at that moment, other than she could guess that Regula was trying to move the shrine, which was the stated purpose of them going back which had been shared with her.

Upon hearing the instructions which Regula gave, Teuihua nodded, “Of course Baroness.” He diligently made his way to go and stand on the North East side where she had requested him to go.

Zeouli looked a bit more surpirsed when Regula next asked of her to move but she clicked back “%Understood.%” Zeouli then made her way over to the South-east side to stand where Regula had pointed.

Teuihua gave a thumbs up with his hand, also extending one toward Aria upon hearing her say she felt the energy too. “Yes, I feel it.”

Zeouli gave a wave, clicking back “%I feel energized.%”

Upon hearing her words Teuihua and Zeouli moved back behind near her, where they acted as semi sentries once more during the process, Teuhiua looking as diligent as ever, but also watching the process unfold before him. He wished Regula luck. Upon seeing Ringo just barely get away he felt like letting out a small sigh of relief, that didn't strike him as the best idea, who knew what would have happened?

Zeouli was also quite focused on what was transpiring with [Take it All] feeling rather inspired by the power on display, she was now getting a better understanding why Regula was put in charge of this so-called ‘barony.’

Just like that with the ability being used the places where she had use to gauge the border reach of her ability, once it was finished, revealed a large indent in the earth where what she had taken of the shrine had once stood, the land underneath it was seeing light it had not seen in quite some time it was very much a scene to behold, the parts she had been aiming for appeared to have been successfully engulfed and were removed from the site, as a result of this, when it was clear this was the case. It looked like for all extensive purposes had aced this part of the process.

Teuihua clapped his dexterous hand against his pillar arm.

“Congratulations Baroness Caelia, it looks like the initial retrieval process was successful.”

“%That was a most impressive display of your abilities, it was also quite kind of you to negotiate this transfer on behalf of one of our own.%” Zeouli chimed in clicking away.

Of course they didn’t exactly know how well it would travel until they got to where she wanted to place it, but he figured it was worth celebrating this part of the mission being a success now regardless.

Thankfully it appeared no one had been caught up in the pocket dimension by mistake thanks to Regula's warnings. Now the group just needed to figure out what the next steps were, was there anything else they needed to do there before returning to the Barony or not.

Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

Whilst it (probably) wouldn't have been enough to refresh their magic (cooldowns),, she could see and hear everyone confirm that they'd at least felt the slightly refreshing wave of mana she'd sent out. Good. That meant the shrine was well in range for the Pocket Dimension.

In all honesty, she was a tad bit nervous. She'd never pocketed anything this big before. Would it work? It should... in theory... but... No. No time to hesitate. She'd confirmed as much as she could, at this point, all she could do was try. Luckily enough, her attempt succeeded.

Teuihua was the first to compliment her for it. “Thank you! I think this might be the most magic I've ever cast without using enchantments, so I'm glad it worked out~” She spoke, feeling a tad bit of pride well up inside of her at this accomplishment. She was a [Prideful] one after all.

She was surprised to her Zeouli compliment her as well. %“Thank you! Although I'm sure it'll be a lovely addition to my barony in general.”% She felt a bit awkward about saying this had all just been for Ringo's sake, even though... yeah, it sort-off had been. That and, well... tails... but... Let's just say the barony could use a shrine. Yeah. That sounded way better.

“%{Well then, shall we go back home? Or well, to the new home for the both of you?}%” She'd look at Zeouli and Ringo. She looked at Teuihua and Aria next. “I'm glad we at least got some things fixed up in the barony, otherwise I'd have to feel embarrassed bringing them over. Although we should definitely work on getting even more of our plans sorted out. To make the barony a place to be proud off when bringing in new friends, right?” She nodded to herself, as she once again realised how much work had yet to be done. Even so, she was up for it.
Menitons: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | {Sylvan}​

Ringo stood dumbfounded as she stared at the hole where her entire world had been a moment ago. She was terrified that something so significant to her could seemingly vanish in an instant. But, for some reason, she believed that the wielder of this awesome might was someone she could rely on. This woman, Regula, had said that she would transport the shrine for Ringo and that it would be safe, and Ringo believed her. She stood there silent for a moment, as Regula addressed the others, before finally speaking up. She looked down and fiddled with the rings on her fingers nervously as she spoke. "{Um, I... Excuse me, I just... Th... Thank you... for everything... for awakening my sister and I... for the offerings... for moving my shrine... I'm not really sure why we were bound to you. I'm not really sure what use I could be to someone who has so much already. Friends, power, resources, a bayerany... But, I'll do my best to help you!}" She looked up at Regula and smiled wide.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

She was rather surprised at the sudden heartfelt word of thanks from Ringo. Especially considering she hadn't really placed the shrine back down again. Many things could still go wrong, but it seemed like Ringo had full confidence that they wouldn't. Regula could only hope to live up to that confidence. Even so, she felt put at ease upon seeing Ringo so honestly gratefull for these efforts, as it made her feel a whole lot less bad about how the girl had gotten bound to her so suddenly. {“Don't worry, I'm always happy to make new friends and this is the least I could do after all that happened to you~”} She replied with a warm smile. {“Besides, I'm always happy to have people with tail...”} Wait. Hold. Stop! Was she really about to say 'tails like yours' just like that? Did she already give in to temptation this much? Surely not? After all that struggle. Okay. Back up. What kind of word did this flow into... tailors? Tail-gating? Taillent..? Talent! Yes. {“tailent such as yours.”} It was just a slight mispronunciation of a foreign, Sylvan, language. Yep. She definitely wasn't that much of a lost cause (at least not yet)! She hoped she'd at least made it sound somewhat convincing.
purple hair hazel eyes kitsune woman nine tails shrine robes s-700145210.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | {Sylvan}

"{Hmmm?}" Ringo stared and cocked her head a smile still on her face as she tried to decipher Regula's meaning. Tailent? What was Tailent?... Wait, could she have meant talent? That must be it! And her Sylvan had been so good up to that point, too. But, what talent was she talking about? Ringo hadn't really done anything since they met... oh, wait, she had repurposed that lost soul into a broom for a moment! That must be it! Regula was pleased with her utility and craftiness in situations where critical thinking was necessary! She could be of use after all! The pride of being deemed talented by such an important person sent Ringo's tails into a flurry, whipping around in her state of glee as she gave Regula a look of stern determination. "{I'm so happy you think so! I won't let you down! My talents shall be yours, day or night, whenever you need them!}" Today had been a journey of emotions, but she was sure things were looking up.


Aria watched in awe as Regula used pocket dimension her adopted sister had truly grown to great heights during her short absence. She smiled and crossed her arms with a degree of pride. "You've truly grown beyond even my own abilities m'lady." She said as she looked to the others in just as much surprise I'd not more.

A brief moment before Ringo and the baroness began to speak, soon she'd hear the stuttering and it wasn't difficult for Aria to pinpoint exactly what the cause of it was. Stepping in between them, she turned to look at Ringo. "I don't exactly know what you two are saying to one another, but I imagine it has to do with my sister's eccentric.. taste." She began as her embarrassment grew which could clearly be seen in her features. Then turning to Regula. "Perhaps we should move on m'lady." She stated figuring shed either take the hint or use her suggestion as a way to save face from whatever dilemma she was seemingly digging herself into.
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Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

Regula was honestly a bit surprised by Ringo's enthusiasm. When she saw those those tails flurry and whip around, she had to swallow some spit as to not start drooling. Her honest admission of wanting her talents to be available day or night didn't help. Regula could imagine those tails... day and night... that'd be the warmest most luxurious possible blanket for the night, wouldn't it? {“That would be...”} Just as her [Tail Freak] was getting her totally lost in thought again, Aria jumped in.

“Ah, it's alright, I... eh...” Yeah... she realised she had no excuse. “Right, let's move out.” She eventually answered.

She turned to Ringo again, her mind back on a more decent track again. {“For now, let's just get the shrine up and running again, right?”} One day she'd figure out how to get her hands on those tails in a baroness-appropriate manner. One day. For sure.
With Baroness Caelia successfully securing the shrine, and all of her allies around her giving various degrees of thanks and congratulations, as well as agreement that it was time to return back to the Barony from Zeouli and Ringo. Aria and Teuihua would follow where the Baroness went, loyal to her causes.

With Count Sadek receiving proper notarization from Baron Morbella the group was able to travel back to the Caelia Barony with a shrine in tow, with new allies in tow to help support the Barony thrive. The next steps would be to take care of placing the shrine and whatever tasks deemed appropriate within the Barony. Topics which would be covered in future Caelia Barony adventures.

The End
Narrator’s Note: Thank you to those of you who joined in and stuck with it! Looking forward to the following RP where the shrine will be placed, and the newcomers will get to see the Caelia Barony properly, as well as any other Caelia Barony plans getting actualized.

Note: These are only suggestions until made official by a grading mod, do not add to your character sheet unless made official.)

Regula Caelia:

(optional) [Chosen One] Character has been contacted by a higher being and called to a greater purpose and is distinguished as a result. More attuned characters may recognize this fact and respond according on how they feel about this higher being and or purpose.

(optional) [Dynamic Dimensional Displacer] Character has demonstrated an advanced understanding of and skill in moving things between dimensions. Feats involving shifting people or things between dimensions are narratively more likely to succeed.

(Narrator Bonus) Asset: Shrine of Passage
A sizable ancient Mictlantechulian shrine dedicated to the Mictlantechulian god of passage.


(optional) [Perseverant] Character has shown that even when faced with difficulty and adversity they are unwilling to give up on their objective. Depending on context, a character's perseverance can be seen as an inspiring and admirable virtue or stubbornness.


(optional) [Magical Mechanized Marvel] Character has gained notable positive attention due to part of them being an impressive feat of magic and engineering. Character is more likely to be received in a positive light from tinkers, engineers, enchanters, and those who hold constructs in a positive light. However, character may face greater judgment and scrutiny from those who are skeptical of such innovations.

Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
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