• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Finished [Caelia Barony - Ryke] Be it Welcome or Unwelcome


Aria, the marshall nodded at Regulas orders once she was summoned out of the pocket dimension. Her emerald eyes suddenly fixed upon her target like a hawk stalking its prey.

Her mechanical mythril feet felt come to life at the prospect of a worthy opponent. Yet, when the invaders began their dialogue the Marshalls eyes glanced towards Regula. However, threats made to her were simply only threats. She trusted the baroness would want her to continue towards the left side opponent. And so she did. The earth grumbled as she stepped with her hands upon her scabbard and hilt. Yet, the knives tucked at her thighs ached for combat as well.

The breeze lightly caressed her fair features and dried the trails of tears she had shed moments before. It was here, that emotion had no place to dwell, for it could mean life or death.

"There is no shame in surrender, you may even receive pardon in court." Aria wanted to make sure they were offered a way out through diplomatic means. Being if high military status meant that there were more eyes and ears to explain oneself to. Yet when the one warned to destroy the village Arias eyes shot towards Regula. Then to the maddened one. "What foolishness do you speak?" She inquired. "Crystal?" She asked with curiosity towards the more, reasonable ones. "I warn you that you're in the presence of lady Regula. Any threats to her or to her rule and populace is a crime punishable by death. Explain yourself. Or I'll personally see to becoming judge, and executioner here and now."

There was a new gaze in Arias visage. One of hatred. It wasn't like Aria to feel such things as she had mostly polished her mind to being numb to feelings. Yet, something fierce had awakened within the marshall. Or maybe, there was a sense of alarm that truly made Aria feel fear for the worst.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Aria RavenSong RavenSong

Wouldn't dare come alone? What a bloody weird statement. Luckily enough, at least one of them seemed willing and smart enough to talk. This 'Bradley's' next challenge, however, infuriated her. “Very well, but let this be clear.” She'd state, as she'd land on the ground to face him. “You'll instruct that construct of yours and everyone else that's with you to stand down if you loose. No exceptions, no take-backs.” She'd command. “I can assure you, it'll be the best way out for all of you. After all, killing one of my citizens will make you feel levels of pain that even the gods of the Underworld would shy away from.”

The last time she'd felt this angry was when she'd murdered the awful circus host and his henchmen. Using her barony to smuggle enslaved people as circus freaks? That'd been just as bad as keeping her citizens hostage to hold it against her. The only factor that might be ever so slightly redeemable was this 'crystal' that she heard someone speak of. Perhaps it was one of the lost treasures of Yemaya? Or one of those weird crystals that'd been popping up from Teuihua's civilisation? Or worse, the type of thing Aria's father might've experiment with? There were too many bad options to pick from.

“+Stand by for now. If something happens, focus on the safety of my citizens.+” She'd speak to Teuihua in Mictlantechulian. Speaking a near extinct language surely had its benefits when you want to give instructions without informing the enemy of them. It was a shame she couldn't instruct Aria as well, but she noticed Aria was already on the same page. With the latter talking instead of attacking.

Taking a deep breath, she'd prepared herself. “Well then, are you going to get cold feet, now that I'm accepting your challenge, or are you going to live up to your words and come at me?” She'd ask Bradley. She wanted him to make the the first move, so that she could anticipate whatever this energy blade of his would do. One hand was on her Faeblade, the other on her Hextech Gun. She'd need to quick-draw whichever would be most useful against whatever that odd blade of his might have in store for her.


Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.
From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox


Mentions: Anastasia Von Arbin Ersatra Ersatra

Her mood went from suspicious to confused. Then, somewhere after the first few sentences, Nightshade fully calmed down and was just waiting patiently for her turn to speak. Whilst she'd silently listen to all Anastia's words, it was clear that, half-way Anastsia's argument, the fox woman had already gotten an answer at the ready. “Any dealings mister Rom made with the late count Light have died along with the late count Light himself.” She'd clarified first and foremost. Those were none of her business, nor were they the business of the current baroness. “Between the obviously dubious legal nature of the original agreement, the passing of count Light, the short presence of an independent Sol nation and the rebranding of the barony into Caelia Barony, there are no remaining legal ties. It is nothing more than a stain on the history of this barony's former rulers.”

“My colleague, Reynard, has personally forced him to confess for what reason and by which means he'd acquired such a deal.” She'd sigh. “One might not speak ill of the dead, but I would be unable to speak well of one of them either. I can assure you, milady would not fall for such dealings. Nor would I, or any of her other advisors. Suggesting as much would be an insult to either our intelligence or our integrity.” That was as far as she'd allow herself to go with regards to bashing the late count Light's decisions.

“As for mister Rom's current dealings, he is merely an owner of an old warehouse in Yemaya. So long as he does not actively invest in projects in the city or fix it up for his company, his current presence will not even be a footnote in our history.” The lack of further action from Cleo Rom had been a little disappointing. Yet it turned out that giving him nothing more than the plot of land and not making any big formal agreements had been the right move.

“As I would offer to you as well, we are able to sell these plots at low prices in exchange for handing them to merchants that are willing and able to help rebuild the city through their investments and dealings. A businesswoman such as yourselves would likely see what value there is to be had in being among the earliest investors in a city that has major growth potential as a future business hub. Especially if one can do so on good terms with its rulers, no?” She had to refrain from telling her that the current competition was found to be lacking.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX

Mentions: RavenSong RavenSong

Teuihua largely just watched from where he had gone with the other troops. Unfortunately this development was sounding quite rough. It'd be difficult to find a healer and builders who'd b able to deal with all of this at such a large scale if these enemies were telling the truth and they were capable of such large scale destruction. Another moment when Teuihua wished he could get a better read on them with his appraisal, so that they might have some semblance of what they were going up against or if it was more likely this was all just one big bluff, but if it wasn't it was a serious problem.

No matter how strong these people were, Teuihua knew that there was one place where they had screwed up, even if they did blow Yamaya sky high, they wouldn't be surviving and he felt pretty confident Regula would make sure that they wouldn't be in a state fit for reviving short of divine intervention if they went through with their threat, how much she cared about her barony and people. Hopefully they'd just take the deal and Regula would win so that there would be minimal blood shed, but Teuihua knew not to count his chickens until the eggs were hatched so to speak.

It seemed Aria was on the right page. Her words seemed fair enough to him, these people were being given ample time to surrender and or lay down their arms so that they would have a more favorable outcome after the fact, but it seemed even between Regula and Aria, they didn't want to stand down for some reason..what were they trying to gain here? Was all Teuihua could wonder. Teuihua then replied when he heard Lady Caelia address him in the near dead ancient language. "+Understood my lady, I'll prioritize protecting civilians where I can if this situation escalates into a dangerous direction.+"

Teuihua had his shield at the ready just encase, on standby using his [360 degree vision] to watch for any more would be emerging enemies or threats on the off chance they showed up if these three were a distraction or something of the like.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
As quickly up the road to Yemaya, singing a battle song in another language as they marched. A hundred and fifteen voices chorused together in the language of the Zentail as they went double quick up the road. At their heads was a similarly sized creature of small stature. Retili wore the fine clothes of those who cavorted with the nobility, the crest of Caelia emblazoned on his tunic, his well polished boots now dusty with the dirt from the road. He considered not for the first time getting a pony. A good one perhaps, maybe a battle pony if they bred those. Then his thoughts turned back to the task at hand, and the bloody work that awaited him. He had been on his way back to stonewall when word had reached him that Yemaya had been attacked. Knowing that he made up a large portion of the Baroness's ready forces he had departed for the city at once, letting his [{Caelia Barony} Area Knowledge F] guide him to the city.

As they arrived Retili quickly strode to stand beside Teuihua, his forces spreading out into a three deep battle formation behind him, but rather then advance they held for the moment as a raised hand from Retili lead to a disciplined halt. He didn't really need much information to figure out the situation. Clearly the baroness was here to deliver justice to whomever the three and the nameless band with them were. Retili turned to the captain of his guard. "Fix bayonets Captain." The Zentail in his jet black uniform, staring straight forward, shouted it back and sergeants in the company repeated the call all up the line. All over the line men put rifle butts against the ground and drew gleaming bayonets from well polished sheathes. There was a chorus of clicks and rasps as the bayonets slid into place over the muzzles of their guns and locked into place. The five pikes hurried up to their typical position right behind retili, with the formation fanning out on either side of him and the pikes. Then the whole line stood and faced the enemy, awaiting an order from Retili to swing into action. He waited though, watching and gleaning that something more was going on here. If a larger fight did break out he would signal the charge and his men would close with the enemy, but for now they stayed back and did not break the current agreement, silently watching the Baroness and the bandit leader.

He nodded to Teuihua. "A pleasure to see you here Teuihua, if only it were under better circumstances. I was delayed leaving Sootspire, otherwise I would have been at Stonewall earlier." He said, keeping his voice low and scanning the area to pick out the positions of all the enemy combatants. He tried to use his knowledge of [Warfare D] and [Area Knowledge - Caelia Barony F] to ascertain where the best positions would be occupied by the enemy troops.

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Elvario Elvario | Regula Caelia - Aid Yemaya
RavenSong RavenSong | Aria - Aid Yemaya
conman2163 conman2163 | Retili Loxinofican - Aid Yemaya
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Teuihua - Aid Yemaya, help Regula with her goals, keep people safe if necessary



Notes: Teuihua and Aria are in front of their respective Regulator group. Retili's forces are spread behind him. The rogues are spread in a rough semicircle around the center of Yemaya from the looks of it

When Aria spoke negatively of the threat Bradley had stated, one of Slinger's barrels went from Regula to Aria. "It's not foolishness. It will be done should you not comply". The construct spoke into the topic, stating it as calmly as if taking dozens of lives was a small detail.

Bradley picked up on this. And with an unsettlingly calm, yet shaky voice, chimed in "Ya better put a leash onnat dog o' yers. We don't want any... accidents. Now do we?" Taunting Regula further. From where he was, Leos sighed, going back to lean against the wall. Taking a moment to plot his next course of action. His own judgement urged him to, once again, moving his lips while looking at Aria "I want to help you. Find an excuse or a distraction, head to the woods without being seen by these two." Making sure no eyes on his side noticed. Which worked greatly as the only ones in front of him were Slinger and Bradley. And they were busy for the most part.

It was up to Aria if she acted on this or not. But if she did, it was clear her timing needed to be impeccable. Or more dangerous levels of chaos would ensue.

Bradley laughed mockingly and eerily at Regula, with a heavy dose of sarcasm to his raspy voice now "Ooh! Could it be the baroness has some bite to 'er?" A more brief chuckle followed "Do your worst."

Teuihua's observation would show that most of the visible rogues weren't really eager for a fight. Something was clearly afoot. And Retili and his massive entourage's arrival didn't really raise their spirits.

Retili's knowledge of his home turf, as well as his battle tactics, would reveal that the visible gaps to enter Yemaya were guarded by several men. With the intention of funneling opposing troops, from where they could take their time in managing reduced opposition at all times with both melee and ranged weaponry, but that was from the entrances he could see. The rest were currently a mystery, but it was clear that more troops were within Yemaya.

Finally, Regula actually dared Bradley to fight, which was responded with a laugh "Now that's the spirit...". Bradley let out a bone-chilling roar. Which might surprise Regula and Teuihua, while instilling dread in the heart of Aria and Retili, and completely paralyzing both Regula and Retili's forces in fear. The same could be said about his own side, however. With only Leos and Slinger not being affected at all.

The madman then sprinted lightning-fast towards Regula, stopping after a few steps forward. It was an attempt to bait Regula to attack in melee range. Bradley then quickly swung his red blade, launching a bright wave of energy making the earth rumble as it ravaged anything in front of it.

Bradley has engaged in battle
1 - Use ???(1)
2 - Sprint to stand 50 ft away from Regula
3 - Use ???(2)

???(1) - Incapacitate ?, Area of Effect ?, ??? - An earth rumbling roar that freezes weak wills in fear - ? grade - ? cooldown
???(2) - Area of Effect ?, Range ?, Blight (?) ?, ??? - A massive wave of destructive energy that tears apart whatever is in its path like thousands of red hot blades - ? grade - ? cooldown

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Aria would grunt lightly at the one pointing the armament towards her. Then bring insulted and called am animal would make her eyebrow twitch. She could imagine ripping into the man to shreds. But that was the point wasn't it? Such insults. They.. meant something. They triggered an emotion to provoke reckless actions.

Oh how the situation here seemed like that of an abusive lover. With one hand, Yemaya, the heart and in the other the spearhead.

It was during this introspection that one amongst them drew her glance. She deciphered what he was trying to say quite clearly. As if making it seem like the insults had worked she inconspicuously withdrew into the crowd behind her as the others continued to dialogue. Even as the altercation intensified with one among them drawing weapons. She made a tactical decision to retreat after the roar from their leader. It was, to her the perfect cover. It gave the idea that their fierceness and insults had worked. Surely, that was the desired result.

It wasn't exactly her way of doing things, especially since her very sister was being assaulted. But.. something.. an.. intuition told her to trust the man. Perhaps it was the overall morale of their troops.

Once within the crowd, she'd gaze quickly towards the forest through the troops various armaments getting a bit low, she closed her eyes and [Lucky]+ [Teleport E - 100ft] + [Energized D] to repeat once more if not within the forest within 100ft.

Once within the woodland, she pressed her back against a tree. Part of her wondered if it was the right choice. Yet she wouldn't dare look back out and potentially give away her position. How would that man even know she escaped successfully?

She stood by, and hoped Regula and the others didn't consider her a coward so soon.

Rev IX Rev IX RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163

Teuihua gave a nod, still on guard for the time being, not giving his usual friendly wave given the circumstances.

“Salutations Retili, I am pleased to see that you could make it. The circumstances are rather dire, unfortunately it would appear that we have hostiles attempting to hold Yemaya hostage, claiming that they’ll destroy it if we are too rash in our actions, and it seems like for some reason they want to fight Regula uninterrupted.”

Teuihua then continued to speak to Retili with a softer volume than usual, “For some reason it would appear to me that their forces who are visible at the very least, seem to have lower morale than I was expecting for an operation like this."

While it was true Teuihua shifted quickly at hearing Bradley’s roar, thankfully he had Resilient C, the feeling of fear being among what he was resilient too, unfortunately there were others among them who were apparently frightened by this sound, as if it was out of their control.

With that the golem looked to Retili and asked softly, “What say we do?” Thinking it was appropriate to ask at this point since the one he associated with strategy and intelligence had a literal army with them, even if he had his own ideas, he wanted to hear what Retili thought first given the information they had been given, whether it was fake or not they couldn’t really afford Yemaya being destroyed.

Teuihua also did not engage for the time being as not to risk anything major. He continued to look around with his [360 Degree] vision taking in what was going on wishing he could just help Regula attack this trio and get it all over with without the risk they claimed there was in doing so. Should he be capable of seeing Aria, or more so that Aria had gone away, he was puzzled, but knowing her, she likely hadn't retreated but was moving into a strategic position while there was a distraction going on in the form of the duel with Regula and the criminal.
Ersatra ErsatraI'll put in something for you later, after you've posted. Though seeing as how these stories probably won't meet/align again, we could also start up a new thread for it, if you'd prefer and Rev IX Rev IX agrees.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Aria RavenSong RavenSong

She was wise enough to ignore Bradley's further taunting. It was just a brad putting the brad in Bradley. Upon Bradley telling her to 'do her worst' she would turn towards his own men and the construct he'd brought. “You've all heard him. I'll do my worst and afterwards, you will all agree on the outcome.” She made it clear that she was going to turn Bradley into an example of what not to do and to remind everyone not to get any dumb ideas afterwards. This man had brought it upon himself. She also wanted to make it clear she didn't doubt, not for a second, that she'd loose. She was too [Prideful] for that.

The roar was a surprise, but that was about it. She didn't even need to Mind Shield against it, as all it did was catch her off guard. As he sprinted towards her, she prepared to draw her Faeblade. Yet he stopped halfway... which didn't stop her from continue to draw the Faeblade. Even if she couldn't get to counter him back to his range, she could at least slash through the force thanks to the [Vorpal] effects on her Faeblade. It was the only thing she trusted about this odd type of weapon she was facing.

Using the Faewild's Wrath, she cut through the energy wave to counter/defend against it. With some luck, the Faewild's Wrath would spread through that energy and disrupt and dispose of it altogether. That'd be both the safest and most flashy outcome, at the very least.

Next, she'd aim he Hextech Gun. It was time to retaliate as she fired it at its full power with [Hextech Gunfire]. She'd be surprised if he'd somehow managed to dodge 50 incoming targets, with strong homing properties that flew at him in indirect arcs to make it near impossible to put up any cover and that would ignore (part of) his speed and armour.

1 Faewild's Wrath B – Magic B, Penetrating B, Blight [Faewild Mana] B, Accurate E, Blind Fighter F, Contagion F, Vorpal F, Continuing B. - Attacking with the Fae's wrath. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
2 Draw/Aim Hextech Gun
3 Hextech Gunfire B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Undetected [Hearing F], Magic Targets C, Penetrating F, Homing D, Accurate F, Indirect F – Character fires their Hextech Gun- Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Faeblade CD
B 0/4
Hextech Gun CD
B 0/4

As her battle required her full attention, she hadn't noticed Aria leaving. Nor had she noticed the events that could've led to that decision. The only thing she'd noticed was that the hundreds of tiny fae bastards legions of Zentail had shown up. It was a bit tough not to spot those, tiny as they were, with their number count.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia's crimson gaze softened marginally as Nightshade's words provided the clarification she required. The fox woman’s calm and reasonable response was enough to ease the tension Anastasia had carefully built, though her expression remained one of sharp calculation as she digested the new information.

“I see,” Anastasia replied, her tone measured, the earlier edge dissipating like mist. “Then I must commend you and your colleague for your prudence in handling such matters. I had assumed as much from Lady Caelia’s reputation, but confirmation is always preferable to assumption.”

She allowed herself a small, approving nod, her posture relaxing slightly as she crossed her arms. “It is no insult to your intelligence, I assure you. You would be surprised how often the shadow of old regimes lingers and poisons opportunity. I simply have no tolerance for chains — whether forged by arrogance or negligence — and I will not allow my ventures to be shackled before they begin.”

Anastasia’s ominous demeanor melted into one of cool professionalism, the calculated gleam in her eyes shifting back to something more constructive. “Your offer is an interesting one, Miss Nightshade.” She tilted her head slightly, a hint of a smile touching her lips. “The idea of investing early in a city with such potential is precisely the sort of opportunity I seek. Yemaya, for all its history, has the bones of something greater — provided it is handled correctly.”

Her tone sharpened, though the warmth of ambition remained. “Rebuilding a city demands careful investment, competent leadership, and patience. The right businesses can bring not only economic prosperity but also ensure stability. Stability, in turn, attracts more opportunity. That warehouse you mentioned…” Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “...it may have failed to reach its potential under Rom, but in the right hands, such a structure could serve as a foundation for something far more lucrative.”

She stepped closer to Nightshade, not in intimidation but in purpose, as though she were cementing her stake in the conversation. “I will not make the same mistake as others who have passed through this barony. If I am to invest, I will ensure the rights, land, and assets are mine outright. My interests are long-term, and I have no patience for half-measures.” Her words were precise and unwavering, leaving no room for misunderstanding.

Her expression shifted once more, that faint, ambitious smile returning. “So tell me, Miss Nightshade: what is the asking price for a plot of land in Yemaya? I believe we can both agree it is time for those who truly understand commerce to begin shaping its future. I'll need a plot located on the near outskirts, within walking distance of the city centre but with plenty of clear land stretching toward Ryken. Name a fair one and we have a deal".

Abilities In Use:
[Narrative Booster - Striking a Business Deal]

Elvario Elvario
(I think one more round should see Anastasia's part finished, starting a new RP might be overkill)​
Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.
From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox
Mentions: Anastasia Von Arbin Ersatra Ersatra


“Of course.” She would nod, regarding the confirmation given earlier. It was reasonable enough, although the large amount of build-up and theatrics surrounding it might've been a tad bit much.

The next bit got another nod. “A reasonable enough sentiment.” She'd reply to the desire to not wish her attempts to be shackled. It was also a desire held by the baroness and those working for her, Nightshade herself included.

“It will be handled correctly.” She replied. There was no doubt in her mind that the current baroness and those supporting her would do lots better than the late Count Light had done. “Indeed.” She'd confirm Anastasia's words about the warehouse. It was pretty rare for someone to hype up the product they were hoping to buy, as it meant Nightshade wouldn't even need to explain why it held value.

She did raise an eyebrow. “Of course, although with rights do come responsibilities.” She would add. “We've seen how certain types of mismanagement can be of negative impact to our entire barony.” She didn't wish to risk Yemaya remaining a ghost town by people buying up plots of land without actually developing them much.

As for the prices, she had to shake her head. “Truthfully, I am not currently aware. We will need to head off to the keep to get the exact listings of options available. Yet I know that the type of land area you are asking for might need a lot of clean-up and development. Most of the area around the city was abandoned, after all. In turn, however, we can assure prices are more favourable.” She knew that charging a premium on a plot of land that needed lots of work, even despite all its potential, would be too much to ask.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia’s expression shifted to one of quiet confidence as Nightshade spoke. She nodded, letting her companion finish before responding.

“Miss Nightshade, you will find that I do not engage in ventures lightly,” she began, her voice measured. “Before attending this fair, I took it upon myself to conduct research into potential locations around Yemaya. I’ve identified a few areas that, while currently neglected, possess the strategic potential to serve my purposes.”

Her crimson eyes gleamed, the faint glow intensifying as she spoke. “Furthermore, my investment company is fully equipped to handle the management relating to the reconstruction of the selected site. I will personally allocate the necessary capital to rehabilitate the area, ensuring that the land and buildings thereon are restored to a standard worthy of hosting a budding enterprise.”

Pausing, Anastasia allowed the weight of her words to settle. “However,” she continued, her tone firm but reasonable, “we must acknowledge the inherent challenges. Yemaya’s reputation precedes it. Businesses originating from a place still burdened by the stigma of its cursed history will naturally face obstacles in overcoming that perception. It is only fair that this reality is reflected in the price. While I fully expect to pay for the land and its potential, a sizable discount must be allocated in consideration of the effort and resources required to combat that stigma.”

She straightened slightly, her crimson gaze meeting Nightshade’s with unyielding resolve. “I am not asking for charity, Miss Nightshade. I am asking for a partnership built on reason and mutual understanding. If we can agree on these terms, I am prepared to make Yemaya a centerpiece of the barony’s resurgence.”

With that, Anastasia gestured with a slight incline of her hand. “Shall we proceed to the keep to finalize the details?” Her demeanor softened slightly, though the intensity of her ambition remained evident.

Abilities In Use:
[Narrative Booster - Striking a Business Deal]
Business C

Assets to consider for Narrative Asset Acquisition:

Wealth F + Investment Bussiness Asset (Jumpstart) F

(I'll need to have another round in the keep to finalise the deal for my narrative booster)
Elvario Elvario
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Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Mentions: Anastasia Von Arbin Ersatra Ersatra



Nightshade had let Anastasia into the keep to meet with the more 'Bookworm' one amongst the Tailed Administrative Fox Task Force. The latter would be quick to pull out the documents, plants, contracts and other relevant information needed to double-check Anastasia's claims and plans.

“It seems this area would work. Granted, the roads would remain public property, yet would need restoration.”

Nightshade saw a good opportunity. “Well, the lady asked for a discount and claimed to have the resources for the reconstruction. I say we can give her that discount if she commit to repairing the roads in the immediate area...” She'd point at some lines to signify current and former roads. She was being reasonable enough not to ask for any infrastructure that was too far off. “... so around here. That should show her willingness to rehabilitate the area whilst allowing us to justify a discount on the property.”

The other fox noted down some numbers, running some calculations. “That would indeed be acceptable, as it aligns with the lady Baroness' goals and plans for Yemaya.” It was clear that they'd be more strict if that wasn't the case.

Nodding again, the other fox would turn to Anastasia. “If those terms are agree-able to you as well, we have a deal.” She would show her the contract they'd been setting up whilst going through all of this.

Should Anastasia agree, there was only one more thing Nightshade wished to mention. “Ah, before I forget. If you ever wish to do so, do feel free to visit without the need for making new deals. Whilst I understand your schedule must be busy, I would not mind having a more light-hearted conversation at some point, should you desire. Either that, or I'd gladly come visit to see your progress at some point. I believe the baroness had mentioned to wish to meet under better conditions as well, should you wish, I can remind her of that promise at a later date.”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia took the offered documents and maps, carefully examining the proposed area and the terms laid out by the administrative fox. She ran her own calculations mentally, weighing the cost of repairing and maintaining the roads against the benefits of the discount. Her expression softened into a satisfied smile as she nodded.

“These terms are agreeable,” she said. “Maintaining and repairing the roads in the immediate area would be in my best interest regardless, as it allows me to ensure the infrastructure aligns with the operational needs of the freight company. It also provides me the flexibility to upgrade the roads in the future, should the company expand as planned. That being said I expect to be involved and consulted on any future matters relating to said roads prior to public implementation.”

She elegantly signed the contract, her movements deliberate and precise. Once finished, she placed the pen down and looked at the duo with her crimson gaze, her tone shifting slightly as she added, “There is one detail I must inform you of, however. The official owner of this enterprise will not be listed as Anastasia Von Arbin. The owner will be Ava.”

Her lips curled into a mysterious smile, her eyes glinting with a subtle intensity. “Ava is a pseudonym of mine, a name I have adopted for several of my ventures, including the chocolate business we discussed earlier. It simply serves as a shield given my family's ventures tend to draw attention. Given it's my initials there should be no issue legally speaking.”

With that, she looked between the two foxes, her demeanour shifting back to a composed professionalism. “I trust this arrangement will not cause any confusion or issue. Afterall I doubt you want to draw unwanted attention from greedy merchants.”

She turned her attention to Nightshade, offering a slight incline of her head. “And I will take you up on your invitation. Once the business here is established, I would be delighted to host you at the site—or perhaps we can meet under more leisurely circumstances. I shall also look forward to speaking with the baroness again, when the situation permits.”

Her smile lingered, warm but with a hint of the enigmatic charm that defined her.

Abilities In Use:
[Narrative Booster - Striking a Business Deal] - Concluded
Business C
Law C

Assets to consider for Narrative Asset Acquisition:

Wealth F + Investment Bussiness Asset (Jumpstart) F

Elvario Elvario (that should be all, thanks) Rev IX Rev IX (thanks for having me.)​
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Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Retili nodded at Teuihua. Normally he would have thanked the construct for the information but he figured now was not an appropriate time. He needed his focus to be on the battle in front of him. He drew his dagger and pointed out some of the enemy's positions, speaking even as the baroness replied to the enemy. "For now we do nothing. Those entry points into the city are well guarded and will be a deadly chokepoint for any of our forces. I believe we likely have the advantage in numbers and ability here but the positioning of the enemy and them holding hostages means that innocents would die and we would take high casualties." He turned to look at his men who looked onward with a discipline visage of stony resolve. He wasn't eager to throw away lives if the baroness could resolve this. "Trust in the bar-" He cut off his words as a deafening and terrifying roar ripped it's way through his men. He was shaken by the sound as the enemy moved to clash with Regula and he found a sliver of doubt embedded in his heart. What if she could not do this? His mind clashed with the doubt in his heart. Lady Regula had faced worse than this man, why wouldn't she be able to defeat him. All around him, Zentail troops faltered. Stony demeanors broke with looks of concern peaking through. That roar had terrified his troops.

With the baroness tied up in the duel, he felt it was his duty to keep the troops held firm. He turned to Zentail and Caelian Guard alike, speaking in a voice that at first was shaken, but then grew with resolve and the power of a [Charismatic Scribe C]. "Stand your ground. They are nothing but brigands and bandits. All bark and little bite. We will show them the strength of our arms and our training. For the Baroness and the good of the people stand your ground!" He turned his head back to the enemy with the last words and watched the fighting between the two powerful combatants in front of him.

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C, Leadership C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters. - Ability used. 3 post cooldown, 3 posts remaining.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Elvario Elvario | Regula Caelia - Aid Yemaya
RavenSong RavenSong | Aria - Aid Yemaya
conman2163 conman2163 | Retili Loxinofican - Aid Yemaya
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Teuihua - Aid Yemaya, help Regula with her goals, keep people safe if necessary


Much like her instinct and luck combo dictated, Aria was able to vanish from Bradley and Slinger's attention. Successfully leaving the main battlefield without being noticed.

From above the tree she leaned on, a voice called out to her. "Talk about precision..." Leaves rustled and with a quiet thud, Leos appeared in front of her. "Hey there. Hopefully introductions can be done later. Follow me." Leos quickly got moving , clearly having a goal in mind. "Bradley told me to scout a dungeon to lock the locals and... a few of our own. And I did, but I omitted to mention the backdoor it had."

Should Aria follow Leos, they would both come across of a ground level stone platform. It had an opening in the middle. "I'd like you to help me evacuate your and my people." The gladiator proposed. He hopped down the opening and started to traverse the dark underground path.

And sure enough, after opening a hidden door. Everyone turned to Leos and Aria. The Yemayans' eyes lit up when they saw Aria, while the Otenzians look scared, Leos decided to comfort his own. "Not to worry, come with us... It's all good, the pretty lady here will give us a hand" He added, as his people's eyes clearly were wary of Aria. Which would notice that aside from the locals, there were no fighters. All children, scrawny adults, or elderly people.

Leos took a detour to one corner of the room, picking some sort of metal device. "Make your people believe." He encouraged the marshal.

Teuihua and Retili's conversation was going smoothly. And while Retili did feel some doubt in his heart, his quick resolve and determination made it but a fleeting feeling that left as quickly as it appeared. And Teuihua's strong mental fortitude made him able to ignore whatever had the soldiers so scared.

The Caelian troops did feel some relief due to the scribe's aid, but matters took a turn for the worse. Regula was able to deflect and disperse the wave, but as it lost its shape, some smaller beams of energy redirected to some of the incapacitated soldiers. Some ended up injured, and a few succumbed to the vicious wounds inflicted to them. A few particularly resilient foot soldiers started moving around slowly, but they were far from combat ready. Whatever the roar did to them, it certainly struck hard, and was likely to overstay its unwanted presence.

"Not bad. Hahehe..." Bloodlust oozed from Bradley's words. Without much else to say, it was time to strike Regula again. With a flick of his free wrist, red roots erupted from below Regula, attempting to completely immobilize her. Bradley then rushed in and delivered an overhead strike. He didn't even pay attention to the rain of projectiles coming for him. Bradley's armor shattered to pieces and small wounds showed all over his body. Bradley just wanted to end this. He just wanted to beat Regula no matter what. Amidst his torn clothes, a red object seemed to be lodged in his chest, with what seemed like roots digging into his body. Something that only Regula and Teuihua would be able to pick up on.

1 - Use ???(3)
2 - Sprint to stand in melee range from Regula
3 - Use Overhead Strike

???(3) - Range ?, Tangle?, ??? - Red roots envelop the target in an attempt to immobilize it - ? grade - ? cooldown

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Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She clicker her tongue. “Tough bastard.” She had to admit she'd not expect him to survive her gunfire. Few were able to pull such a trick off. As she spotted something below her, she was quick to activate her boots and [Speed Burst 5x Fast B] the hell out of there, being fast enough to nearly vanish from sight as she moved to another area and make sure that another area of effect attack slashed by him wouldn't be aimed at those behind her whilst doing so with [Power of Hermes].

From her new position, she'd aim and fire her Hextech Gunblade once more. She'd aim at the most stand-out spot she could see, the red object in his chest. Aiding the fallen and figuring out what it was could be done later, as taking out the biggest threat was the first and fore-most mission right now. Her biggest strength, the ability to pull off powerful (B-grade) moves in turn due to how gear would hopefully start to show results.

Action 1 Dodge with Power of Hermes B – Fast B, Jumping B, Water Speed B, Supersense [Tremorsense] B, Special Movements F: Wall-Crawling, Wall-Bouncing, Speed Burst (5x), Balance, Light-Footed – Character goals on an all-out parkour spree and senses movement. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

Action 2: Aim at the object in his chest.

Action 3: Hextech Gunfire C – Magic C, Energised C, Magic Range D, Undetected [Hearing F], Magic Targets D, Penetrating F, Homing D, Accurate F, Indirect F – Character fires their Hextech Gun- Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.

Faeblade CD
B 1/4
Hextech Gun CD
B 1/4
C 0/3
Boots of Swiftness CD
B 0/4

The marshall had been looking around only briefly when a rustling started above her. Her emerald orbs shot towards the source until the man from earlier appeared in front of her. Aria appreciated him getting to the point, considering she was risking quite a bit to entertain this detour.

When mentioned to skip introduction, and to simply follow she nodded. "Lead the way." Aria said as she followed behind the clawed one with a hand firmly on the hilt of her katana. She was weary of it being a trap. "I see.. I take it your 'leader' would be quite upset with you doing this?" Part of her was just starting to regret her decision when he began to speak, then the mention of locking up their own people came, "Lock up your own? But.. why?" She asked with concern, surely the marshal understood locking up the Yemayans but why their own people? Something wasn't adding up.

When Leos opened the dungeon gate and the Yemayans looked to her, her mouth dropped every so slightly. "By the gods." She gasped. Leos then addressed his people whilst giving her a compliment to which Aria felt herself getting a bit red and looked away. When he was finished he'd encourage her to say similar. "Everyone, please stay calm. I'm not quite sure how this happened but we must work together with.. this.." he looked over at Leos not knowing his name. "..man and their own to get you all out of here. Baroness Caelia herself is seeing to defeat the one responsible on your behalf. Please, can one of you do a headcount?" She usually made her troops do something productive to keep their fear or anxiety at bay. Surely a headcount would need everyone busy.

"What is that?" Aria spoke up suddenly at the look of a metal device.
Elvario Elvario | Regula Caelia - Aid Yemaya
RavenSong RavenSong | Aria - Aid Yemaya
conman2163 conman2163 | Retili Loxinofican - Aid Yemaya
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Teuihua - Aid Yemaya, help Regula with her goals, keep people safe if necessary


As they traveled towards the entrance. Leos spoke as he moved. "Currently? Yes. But he wasn't always like this". Leos tone grew grim as he answered Aria's next question "To... motivate the soldiers. The idea we had when we left our homes, was to find a place to stay. Which turned to taking over a place." Talks surely would need to be continued later.

Back on the dungeon, the Yemayans' panic settled down a bit with the help of encouraging words coming from the marshal. And slowly became more organized as one of them took on the task Aria proposed. "The root of Bradley and Slinger's threats." While knowing cooperation in situations like these needed to have crystal clear communication. Leos hoped Aria could read the room "Please get them out of here. All of them. I have to get rid of this, so I need to trust on you for this" Having said that Leos bolted off back to the exit, quickly disappearing in the darkness. It was now just Aria and the civilians, among which a bound an unconscious Mayor Benjamin would be spotted.

Bradley, meanwhile, continued to ferociously growl. Barely sounding human at this point. Which was only exacerbated when she easily dodged yet again. Regula's second shot caused a roar which manifested a large pillar of energy. Which neutralized the attack. Without much of a warning, Regula felt as if something strongly held her by the neck and lightly raised her from the ground. And quickly the energy pillar seemed to somehow collapse as if it was a tree ready to destroy the area in which it landed.

1 - Use ???(4)
2 - Use ???(5)
3 - Use ???(6)

???(4) - ???, Area ?, Barrier ?, Aura ? - A high power ray of energy shields the user
???(5) - ???, Range ? - An incorporeal force binds a target
???(6) - ???, AoE ?, Range ?, Continuing ? - A beam of red energy ??? wide is fired forward
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX

Her opponent was tougher than she expected. Getting caught in that pillar was the first thing to get her slightly worried. Her confidence wavering for a second. Yet it was only a second. He wasn't the only one with tricks up his sleeves. She activated to Safe Zone B to defend against the pillar and crashing and to counter whatever environmental effects it seemed to be causing. Any soldiers in the affect area that'd gotten wounded from the enemy's AoE earlier would also happen to find themselves healed.

Seeing how the enemy was still at range, she would follow-up by two attacks with her Hextech Gunblade. It felt like she was starting to slowly get pushed to her limits, oddly enough. Whatever kept this dude going clearly was something powerful.

Action 1: Safe Zone B – Magic B, Healing B, Energised B, Area of Effect D, Control Environment E, Selective Magic D, Spell Duration E - Character creates a safe zone with their cloak. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
Action 2: Hextech Gunfire D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range E, Undetected [Hearing F], Magic Targets E, Penetrating F, Homing E, Accurate F, Indirect F – Character fires their Hextech Gun- Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown.
Action 2: Hextech Gunfire E – Magic E, Energised E, Magic Range F, Undetected [Hearing F], Magic Targets F, Penetrating F, Homing F, Accurate F, Indirect F – Character fires their Hextech Gun- Grade Ee – 0 Post Cooldown.

Faeblade CD
B 2/4
Hextech Gun CD
Be 2/3
Ce 1/2
De 0/1
Ee 0/0
Boots of Swiftness CD
B 1/4
Guardian Cloak
Be 0/3

It didn't take long for Aria to catch Leos drift. He was securing their people and ridding their, seemingly estranged leader of the advantage he had on not just the baroness but also their own?

Aria rarely felt she was the type to lead civilians, she was more accustomed to troop movement and weapon advantages. This was new.

"Very well." Aria nodded to Leos as he mentioned he'd have to depart. The priority was the people first and foremost anyway. The fight in large was for them, so her own participation in it would have to wait. And rightfully so, as the one she requested to do a headcount returned with a number. "Well done." She said before the very same person revealed an unconscious individual who appeared of higher status due to his attire.

Aria would quickly go to him, then turn to those around him. "Who is this man?" She searched for anyone who would speak up and a few did. "I see." She said before attempting to wake the man. She'd use [Appraisal B] to find anything potentially useful. "What happened to this.. mayor Benjamin?" Her eyes searching for anyone who would speak up. Arias eyes returned to the man and picking him up by his collar a bit shook him up lightly. "Mayor Benjamin." She called, "Your presence is of most urgency, you must awaken." The marshall would even tap his face, slap his head a bit, anything to wake him up. Aria was growing anxious at the battle that ensued as explosions could be heard in the distance and echoes of roars throughout the valley.

Interactions: Rev IX Rev IX conman2163 conman2163

Instead of standing around and doing nothing while the waves hurt people Teuihua decided that, while he wouldn't move closer to who Regula was fighting for risk of triggering a catastrophic response, He'd take his large sizable steampunky looking shield that he had been given by that Tinkerer sort and move into position to better protect soldiers who had already been harmed and who were at risk of being killed as well as the nearby the ones who were harmed, given how devastating that wave was.

At the very least he hoped his [Large] and [Wall] likeness would help to protect some of them.

It was really all he could do for the moment, however he'd also alert Retili and other's a bit more discretely, "It looks like the Baroness spotted this already but the one she's fighting, there's some red object in his chest, If her attack on it isn't enough to stop him, if the opportunity arrises, perhaps I should try puling it out..

1. Move to any nearby wounded/those near them.
2. Focus on Defend using Shield and body from any more potential residual strikes
Elvario Elvario | Regula Caelia - Aid Yemaya
RavenSong RavenSong | Aria - Aid Yemaya
conman2163 conman2163 | Retili Loxinofican - Aid Yemaya
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Teuihua - Aid Yemaya, help Regula with her goals, keep people safe if necessary


Once again, Regula successfully shielded herself from a destructive ray of energy. Though through her smart positioning, this time the only losses suffered were the trees behind her. Her two quick follow-up shots managed to land, but the cloud of dust raised from Bradley's last attack made it hard to tell where.

As the air grew quiet, and the dust settled, Bradley reemerged from within. On his knees, barely able to keep himself up with the help of his sword, and with his skin an ashy gray contrasted by the pulsating red roots of the crystal on his chest. Oddly enough, the holes Regula just punched through him weren't bleeding. "Not... Bad..." He weakly muttered, and finally collapsed face first. For the keen eyes, however, it was clear that he was still somehow twitching, albeit faintly.


After Leos' departure, all eyes were on Aria. Much to everyone's relief, the marshal kept her composure and presented herself in a way that even the rogues' families felt at ease. Leos trusted her, after all. And so would they.

It wouldn't take many slaps for the mayor to come to. His face mildly contorted as he gathered his bearings enough to appear composed. "No need to be so rough, my dear." Benjamin's eyes slowly adjusted to the light and he became fully lucid "Oh. My sincerest apologies, esteemed Marshal. These crooks took me by surprise, and roughed me up a little." Albeit hesitant at first, fearing for their and other's deaths, the more athletically inclined Yemayans freed the mayor. "Quite the ruckus outside. Our messenger managed to reach Lady Caelia, no? What a relief."

Back on the surface

The construct had been silently observing the duel, guns at the ready. Silently rooting for her master. That was until Bradley fell down. Before any could approach his oddly damaged body, Slinger rushed to his side. "You... killed him..." for a machine lacking visual tells of emotion, her voice was clearly broken. "You'll pay for this..." The construct shot herself in the chest, busting open some of her inner mechanisms. Something clearly was put in motion.
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As the mayor awakened, and appeared to say something flirtatious within his unconscious daydream the Marshal let him go immediately. "Hmm." She hummed briefly at his apology. "All is well mayor." She listened to his following words nearly without blinking. "Yes, we've arrived. Although it seems there's dissenters among their ranks. He lead me here to bring you, the Yemayans and the Otenzians to safety."

She paused for a bit as a massive explosion could be heard, it almost sounded like a cascade of trees falling in the distance. Aria grew anxious. "Yes.." she muttered as she looked up and around the chamber. "..Baroness Regula herself is tending to the matter. You've done well sending a messenger mayor Benjamin, without you none of these people would likely be saved."

She quickly helped the mayor up, "On your feet, sir." She'd then turn towards the Yemayans and Otenzians. "Everyone!" She called, "If I may have your attention please." Aria paused a moment. "Im afraid this dungeon isn't a proper place for families, and elderly. We will head out towards Stonewall, once there we can assess the next steps to making Yemaya safe again. As for the Otenzians, you are also offered sanctuary." Then addressing the Yemayans. "May we do right by other people in spite of our differences."

Before she made her way out she turned to the mayor. "I'm not quite familiar with the terrain anymore. I've been gone for quite some time. If you have any better suggestions than to march to Stonewall I'm certainly open to suggestions." Without further hesitation, Aria continued out the door helping anyone who needed it on the steps heading out, whether Yemayans, or Otenzian.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX

She'd sigh in relief when the foe finally fell. Dude had been a lot stronger than she'd expected and she'd legitimately started wondering if she was going to have to take more more emergency-like measures. Especially as she'd been holding back on one front in particular. Yet it seemed that wouldn't be needed yet, meaning she still had some wiggle room left. She just hoped it wouldn't be needed.

It turned out it was. Seeing the Construct rush over, she was pretty sure that was a bad sign. She'd already tried to get this Bradley to ensure his construct wouldn't do anything stupid, but that was no guarantee. Luckily enough, there was another option. “And I can bring him back.” She'd instantly cut off the construct, speaking with [Baroness' Word B]'s authority. She'd saved her own energy and relied on her gear specifically to deal wit any stragglers or fools that would get funny ideas with enough power to hopefully get them to listen.

“Assuming he wasn't always like this, I'm planning to cut out that crystal-like thing and to see if I can resurrect him afterwards, so that he may explain himself.” That'd been her plan, at least. Whether the construct would still be alive to hear it and wait it out or not would be another question.

Either way, she would proceed to do as she said she would. Truthfully, her Marshall was a far better person to ask for such a job, but Aria was nowhere around. She really wondered why, but had no time to ponder upon it, as she took her dagger out in order to cut out the crystal form the man's chest. Seeing how she could heal him up after, she didn't need surgical precision, but her artisans background and focus would probably help out regardless.

Should she get the crystal out of him (perhaps even with some help from his allies), she'd wait for the Cooldowns on her Cloak to wear off so that she could use [Safe Zone B] again (and if needed at C/D grade as well to heal him further after his revival).

Whether or not it worked out, she would eventually look at either Bradly himself (or Leos of it didn't) to ask the question she really wanted and needed answered right now. “An explanation would be in order. I believe.” She'd state.

Regula CD
B 0/4
Faeblade CD
B 3/4
Hextech Gun CD
Be 3/3
Ce 2/2
De 1/1
Ee 0/0
Boots of Swiftness CD
B 2/4
Guardian Cloak
Be 1/3

Baroness' Word B – Leadership B, [Evolved] title, Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Culture B, Etiquette B, Insight B,, Persuasion B, Religion B, Energised B – Character uses their position and social skills to make a convincing argument. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Safe Zone B – Magic B, Healing B, Energised B, Area of Effect D, Control Environment E, Selective Magic D, Spell Duration E - Character creates a safe zone with their cloak. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.


"Lies" the construct stated. However, it was clear Regula's words did got to her. Slinger still had a task though, and she'd honor it. "Enjoy the death of your..." A bright flash appeared on the distance, followed by a freakishly loud bang. "Sorry, Slinger. Can't let you do that." The gladiator spoke as it walked to the construct, which collapsed as it started losing power. "Sa... em..." she said before lights were literally out.

"I'm sure she'd appreciate that" Leos knelt next to Slinger, checking the self inflicted damage. "All of us would" patting the inactive chassis of the gun wielder gently.


The mayor thanked Aria once again, and remained silent as the Marshal took the lead. The trapped people listened intently, more so the foreign civilians. Once she was done, everyone seemed prepared to follow her lead. As for Benjamin, he only spoke up once Aria asked for his opinion "I'd say we ought to trust our Baroness. It's quiet now, don't you agree, Marshal?" The mayor was right, after the explosion, the mighty loud clashes of power stopped. "We can take civilians to the nearby woods, and you can go scout the situation. With a couple of our adventurers, if you wish. I'll look over the rest. If matters still appear troublesome, I'll guide them to Stonewall."


Leos finished inspecting Slinger quicker than Regula did Bradley. "Not bad. I guess you'll make it... If all goes well" The gladiator stated while turning to the Baroness.

Regula had a rough time carving the crystal out of Bradley's body. When she began cutting, Leos warned her "Careful. That things is alive... or something." The pulsating roots proved difficult to cut through at first, and once she was almost done, the roots suddenly turned soft and the crystal jumped at her. Hopefully Leos' advice would be taken and made it easier for Regula to catch it before it tried latching onto her. The crystal would emit a high-pitched shrill, and would emit a pulse, as if it was a heart. Superficial inspection would also reveal it had something akin to an eye. Which locked onto he current person holding it. Small roots would emerge, trying to dig onto some exposed skin.

As for Regula's question, since Slinger needed time to reboot and Bradley needed time to recover from the shock of death, talking duty fell on Leos' lap. "I'm sure you'd believe me if I say it's a long story. Ask me what you or your friends need to know, I'll do my best to answer." Leos took a deep breath, trying to ease his tension from moments ago. Things could have gone very wrong, and he was glad they didn't.

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