
Aria, the marshall nodded at Regulas orders once she was summoned out of the pocket dimension. Her emerald eyes suddenly fixed upon her target like a hawk stalking its prey.
Her mechanical mythril feet felt come to life at the prospect of a worthy opponent. Yet, when the invaders began their dialogue the Marshalls eyes glanced towards Regula. However, threats made to her were simply only threats. She trusted the baroness would want her to continue towards the left side opponent. And so she did. The earth grumbled as she stepped with her hands upon her scabbard and hilt. Yet, the knives tucked at her thighs ached for combat as well.
The breeze lightly caressed her fair features and dried the trails of tears she had shed moments before. It was here, that emotion had no place to dwell, for it could mean life or death.
"There is no shame in surrender, you may even receive pardon in court." Aria wanted to make sure they were offered a way out through diplomatic means. Being if high military status meant that there were more eyes and ears to explain oneself to. Yet when the one warned to destroy the village Arias eyes shot towards Regula. Then to the maddened one. "What foolishness do you speak?" She inquired. "Crystal?" She asked with curiosity towards the more, reasonable ones. "I warn you that you're in the presence of lady Regula. Any threats to her or to her rule and populace is a crime punishable by death. Explain yourself. Or I'll personally see to becoming judge, and executioner here and now."
There was a new gaze in Arias visage. One of hatred. It wasn't like Aria to feel such things as she had mostly polished her mind to being numb to feelings. Yet, something fierce had awakened within the marshall. Or maybe, there was a sense of alarm that truly made Aria feel fear for the worst.