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Finished [Caelia Barony - Ryke] Be it Welcome or Unwelcome

Regula Caelia


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Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Retili conman2163 conman2163

She clicked her tongue, annoyed that the construct would still continue and ready to take her out of needed. Yet it wasn't needed, as Leos seemed to do so already. “Right.” She'd reply upon Leos warning her about the crystal. She was already careful just due to how freaky it looked, but now even more so. She figured she'd hold it down with her blacksmith tools as she was cutting it loose, rather than trying to take it out with her hands, as that felt like the safer option. Turned out that was correct, as it failed to jump at her and latch onto her thank to the earlier heads-up. “Yikes.” She mumbled.

Contemplating what to do with it, she'd call out. “Someone find me a bottle or jar. Or anything that can be closed up to contain this thing!” She ordered her soldiers and everyone else that'd listen alike. She felt like they'd better try study it before just getting rid of it. Especially as they weren't sure if this was a singular existence or if there were more of these. In the latter case, having a live specimen to study would be crucial. Just to be safe, she'd call over to Teuihua if they had. “Please keep an eye on this. Even if it would escape or pull some tricks, it's least likely to latch onto you. I've half a mind to attempt killing it to just be safe, but until we know more about it, we might need it alive in order to better study it.”

An unamused eyebrow was raised upon Leos' response. “You are aware that you're talking to a baroness that has been extraordinarily generous in not simply annihilating you and everyone with you for putting harm to her citizens?” It felt the man was getting far, far too relaxed right now. Telling her off with the excuse of it being a long story? That was simply annoying.

“Fine, how about this. Order your men to surrender their weapons to my guards and I'll assure you that they'll retrieve fair and merciful judgement once I know what's been going on.” She looked over. “Retili, if you would, please send out your men to help ensure all of the bandits stand down and that none of them gets any funny last minute ideas. Try to avoid violence unless they start resisting with it. Also, have them on the look-out for the mayor and see if you can get a head-count going regarding the citizens.” She sighed. Clean-up was almost as tiresome as the battle itself and she hoped for the sake of these bandits that none of her citizens had been killed or gravely wounded.

Turning back to Leos, she'd repeat herself. “Now that those things will be taken care off, I'm sure we have a long enough time for a long story. So start talking. I'm sure you're smart enough to know what is relevant to me and not stupid enough to withhold anything if importance.” She made it very clear she wasn't eager to go ask him any specific questions or to repeat her demand a third time. She'd played games on Bradley's terms already, she wasn't going to play them on Leos' terms as well now.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX

There was a lot which happened quickly which Teuihua while he was on alert for, did not need to act personally as Regula and the others handled it, since the main enemies had been defeated who were the biggest threat, he was vigilant about the others who remained, the ones who looked like they had been under duress, perhaps because they were afraid of being blown away too if that construct had gone off. But now he was free to move. There were enough hands to go around that he wouldn't have to go and try to take care of the wounded himself thankfully, so instead he could focus on the tasks that were laid out for him.

Teuihua heard Regula tell him to keep an eye on whatever the strange living thing was, and he'd make his way over to do just that, assuming a [Sentry] stance near it to ensure there was no funny business.

"You handled that situation excellently Lady Caelia, I take it you are okay?" He'd ask briefly before resuming back to business, having a certain presence which he wanted to maintain to show that if anyone tried something funny to oppose Regula's clearly stated terms of surrender they'd be in a world of hurt if Teuihua had anything to say about it.

"Understood I'll ensure security in this area then." Having been given his task while others did there's."
Elvario Elvario | Regula Caelia - Aid Yemaya
RavenSong RavenSong | Aria - Aid Yemaya
conman2163 conman2163 | Retili Loxinofican - Aid Yemaya
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Teuihua - Aid Yemaya, help Regula with her goals, keep people safe if necessary


With the battle being over for some time now, some of the foot soldiers on both sides slowly regained their ability to move. One of Regula's picked up on the order, and soon enough, he provided a jar to the baroness.

Meanwhile, a Leos who was back on his feet took a step back upon heeding Regula's frustration. It was both understandable and intimidating, based on all the potential destruction she endured without as much as a single sliver of damage. "I apologize, Baroness" Leos casted his eyes in Bradley for a moment, as if unsure on how to not make this the death of them all. There's a reason why he was just a muscle in this operation. Subtleties weren't his strong suit, and yet he had done plenty of those today.

Leos sighed, as he glanced towards the ruins. "No need for me to say much about that, Lady Caelia. Look." Sure enough, the few soldiers that managed to overcome the paralysis simply walked around checking on their comrades, no arms in sight. The rest were either paralyzed, or simply sitting down, not wanting to be turned into pin cushions by Regula's gun. But he did call out to them once he overheard Regula ordering one of her own to check them "Nice and easy, folks! No sudden moves! Got that?" just to be safe. Leos turned back to Regula "As for me..." The gladiator's claws retracted, and with a loud discharge of steam, both of his gauntlets dropped to the ground. His own body also steamed, losing the big stress his muscles seemed to be in. "...No tricks from me either."

Should the Caelian foot soldiers follow Retili's lead, they would face no resistance whatsoever. The non-immobilized rogues slowly handed what they had in reach.

While Teuihua, now in possession of the trapped crystal, also had the chance to aid whomever he saw fit. With the strange object he held trying to toss roots at the construct, though it lacked the strength to break through. It eventually stopped, and opted to simply stare at Teuihua. "I'm sorry, again. The gray and red at your feet is the one which did the talking... normally." Leos stated, pointing at the scarred body of Bradley. He then glanced at the towering figure near the baroness, which made him be a lot less willing to try anything sudden.

"Let's see... I'm sure you're well aware of the major monster issue going on south of here. We are what's left of a few spots that were annihilated by those... Things. Bradley, Slinger, a couple others no longer with us, and me were the main line of defense between those monsters and the rest of the people escaping with us." Leos visage grew more and more grim as the memories came back to him. "We lost a lot of our own. We were tired. Bradley was our shining light. He was a great leader, though that did get to him. At some point, suffering from exhaustion, he found that damn crystal. It made him strong, but he grew angry, paranoid, mad... Just like you witnessed. At some points he'd even lose his ability to talk. Looking like a deranged beast." Leos paused yet again, this time looking regretful in tone and expression. "We had nothing to return to. So Bradley forced us into looking for a settlement elsewhere. We made it across the board at some point. And him and the always loyal Slinger basically forced us to take these ruins. He took all the civilians with us and locked them along with the rightful residents of this place... And a bomb. Whether we liked it or not, Bradley pushed us to this. I should have stopped him sooner, but as your fight with him clearly showed, collateral damage was a given if it came to that..." Leos pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment "I tried to make that as clear as possible, but again, if you have further questions... I'll be glad to answer."
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | conman2163 conman2163 | RavenSong RavenSong

“Thanks.” She'd reply to Teuihua. “Yeah.” She answered his question. She'd rather not say that she was still a bit short on breath and felt like she'd been pushed to her limits for a bit there. Best keep up the air that she'd got it all under control with ease. She was also glad he was going to keep an eye on the crystal-creature-thing and the general area. That'd save her some worries for now. She stuffed it into a jar, made sure it was close three times over, before handing it to Teuihua.

It seemed like the bandits were eager enough to surrender peacefully, at least, which was good. It'd have been a waste of risk-taking behaviour and effort if they'd still do something stupid. “Good.” She'd nod.

It was a bit surprisingly to hear the one she'd beaten normally did the talking. “He must've lost his mind then.” He certainly hadn't been much a talker form the moment she first met him. “The bugs... You're Otenzian, then?” That made some more sense.

She'd take out a map from her pocket dimension. “Note down where you think he found it as accurately as you can. We'll need to sent someone to ensure there's not more of those things.” That was the first thing on her mind. More of people like that would definitely be horrible. Especially with how strong he'd been.

Upon being asked if she had further questions, she thought for a moment. She'd wish to see her civilians and do a head-count first. If they were all present and not too badly injured, it'd make the future for these bandits a lot brighter. For now, there was one pressing matter. “This bomb, where is it and how can we defuse it? Or was it just what the construct tried doing?” Best not take any risks there either.

Actually, another question came to mind. “You said you defended the rest of your group whilst they escaped. Are your families with you as well?” That might also change things up a little. She was having some thoughts on what to do next, but she wanted a few more answers first.

Should Aria or Retili be present to listen this time around, she'd ask them some things. “Aria, where did you head off to?” That was one thing she hadn't followed. She was just hoping for the best. “Retili, could you arrange for some people to go scout out the area where this crystal was found? Perhaps a job best done by the adventurer's guild. Pay them a premium to make sure no novices take it and make sure they're well-warned about the risk of these crystal-creatures.”

Aria would have to make a tactical decision it seemed. But the mayor was right, the fighting in the distance certainly did seem like it stopped. "Very well, we shall head towards the battlefield, I'll scout ahead to make sure it's safe. If it is, await my signal to come forward or retreat through the cover of the trees." Aria would show him the hand signals necessary.

The marshall wasted no time in scouting ahead, yet wouldn't lose sight of the citizenry as she occasionally looked back.

She teleported once towards the last tree bordering the clearing placing her delicate hands on the bark and peering through it's side. It appeared the enemies were defeated and Leos was there as well, unarmed, and with a surrendering dispositions. Aria sighed in relief before moving forward and just within range appearing next to Regula right as she wondered out loud where she'd been. "I've found the Yemayans and Otenzians my lady, they are currently on their way here, they have orders to stay within the tree line until my signal." She saluted and kept a firm posture. "I would also like to extend my gratitude to this.. Leos. If it weren't for him, I truly fear the worst would have happened. I suspect an explosive device, in design and construction made by my father's factory would have been used to kill all of the citizenry. The results of such a device would have been catastrophic."

Stepping over to Leos, she saluted. "Your bravery, and duty to your people is demanding of respect. To have to betray your own for the better good is a fading rarity in this world." Then she couldn't help but soften, her eyes clearly becoming a bit watery as she suddenly hugged the man. "Thank you.. Thank you so much for helping us."
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Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX RavenSong RavenSong

Teuihua stood on standby and listened. He accepted what Regula handed him carefully and kept an eye on the specimen, wondering exactly what it was even, he didn't remember seeing anything identical to it from his time, never mind this one.

"Of course my lady not a problem. I am pleased to hear you are not hurt, particularly given the intensity of that fight."

For now he had a job to do and that was to keep security in the area, if there was anyone around where it seemed he could be of help while keeping that primary objective of keeping an eye on whatever..the monster? was As well as keep the area safe then he might lend some aid, otherwise he was focused on the tasks at hand, listening to what was said.

If he were privy too it he would be a bit surprised to see Aria of all go in for a hug, but regardless Teuihua stayed on high alert and kept what information seemed relevant from the conversations around him, as well as any would be visual information.
Elvario Elvario | Regula Caelia - Aid Yemaya
RavenSong RavenSong | Aria - Aid Yemaya
conman2163 conman2163 | Retili Loxinofican - Aid Yemaya
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Teuihua - Aid Yemaya, help Regula with her goals, keep people safe if necessary


Leos nodded to confirm to Regula that indeed, Bradley hadn't been a psychotic, bloodthirsty beast all along. "Yes. We all are Otenzians." the gladiator said, giving a glance to the rest of the group "Not that we have anything to come back to" he added.

Leos gave a glance to the map, concerned. "I have no idea. But, I'm sure it was somewhere in the north of the... infested territory." the warrior glanced at the jar held by Teuihua. "He already had it 'for a while' when I found out." Leos tensely exhaled when Regula spoke of the bomb. "Remember that loud, bright explosion over that way?" Leos pointed towards the distance "That was it. With some help, I disposed of it somewhere safe. I do apologize for not managing to disarm it, and the crater that came with that."

Regula asked about their families, which the gladiator pointed towards Yemaya with his head. "Bradley locked them up with the locals. He... wanted to make sure nobody... You know, decided to switch sides. At least that's what his words made me think. I-" Leos got cut off by Aria coming back from her civilian watching mission she agreed with along with Leos. He followed along with a more eloquent report than he would have been able to give. "That about cov- Hold on. Your father?" He had no time to process that, Aria addressed him directly. She got surprisingly emotional, which had him raising an eyebrow. And the surprises kept on coming, as she full-on hugged him. The gladiator was beyond confused, but he didn't want to appear mean to someone who had helped him so much. So he slowly and awkwardly hugged her back, with two pats to the back for good measure. "It... was the right thing to do. Thanks for looking after my own"

After properly tending to the emotions Aria showed him, Leos nervously asked "Is... was that some sort of custom?" not wanting to anger Regula by seeming too buddy-buddy again.

Teuihua's watchful eye managed to keep track of the conversation just fine, and his extra efforts led him to find something. Much like Aria said, some eyes did appear from the woods. And the biggest part of both parties' forces were finally becoming mobile again. This included injured soldiers finally able to show their pain.

Aria would feel so many things, it wasn't Leos. It was the act of giving someone an embrace. The marshall squeezed a bit after the pats but then, suddenly, Aria came to her senses and immediately let the man go. Quickly wiping her eyes as she returned quickly to her dutiful demeanor. "I-im.. I beg your pardon." She said with a quick bow of the head.

Returning to Regulas side, she addressed Leos previous question. "Yes, my father. Marcus Barlowe, founder of Greyside Industries. He manufactures war devices such as the bomb you had in your possession." She continued to stand firm, "It's not all he creates, I'm afraid. He's in the process of manufacturing an entire army powered by fusion and magitech. Soon.. he will be ready. And we should too." Aria took a deep breath, as she bottled everything else she was about to say, "Alas, let us focus on the task at hand. M'lady.." she turned to Regula. "..your orders? The Otenzians and our own Yemayans are standing by."

Aria would look over towards the tree line and give the cleared signal. Then a signal to standby. "If I may make a suggestion, considering their numbers are mostly composed of the elderly and the young we could offer them sanctuary."
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | RavenSong RavenSong

“Right.” She'd reply upon hearing Aria explain the situation. “Well done.” So that's where she'd been off to. “Your father's?” She clicked her tongue. That was one problem she'd yet to get rid off one day. “Then it seems we do indeed owe him our gratitude.” She'd nod to Aria, as it seems Leos had been useful to them in more ways than one. Seeing Aria randomly hug Leos was... rather confusing. That didn't seem much like Aria. Or was it? Sadly enough, she didn't have much time or focus left to think about it.

Teuihua was being a good one, as always and as expected, as he took over the crystal. “I won't deny that it was a tough one.” She'd reply to him. “Though even if I were injured, I could heal it.” There wasn't too much risk in that regard, so long as she didn't straight up die or get a loose a limb without ability to reattach it. Then again, it'd probably still hurt a lot, so this was a preferable outcome either way.

She'd nod upon hearing Leos explain they were indeed Otenzians. “I see.” She'd add upon hearing they had nowhere to come back too. “Right...” She'd mark the area on the map. That wasn't even in Ryke yet, or was it? “You, go inform the adventurer's guild.” She'd call out to a nearby guard of hers that'd overheard the conversation. It was best to have them be in the know sooner rather than later.

As for Leos getting rid of the bomb, she'd nod. “Well done.” His apology for the crater, she chuckled a bit. “Well, we did want to have more capacity to store water, so a new lake wouldn't be too much of an issue.” She sighed, deciding to ease some tensions with humour as everything seemed to be turning out for the better thus far.

“He locked up both sides?” As bad as that was, that was actually something she could capitalise upon. A lot. “If the Yemayans and Otenzians went through this together, there might be less hostility between them. That should leave room for the situation to be explained and mended.” She'd not, as her plans were coming together nicely.

“Here's a deal. I'll allow you all to stay in Yemaya if you help rebuild it. I'll ensure that you'll have the resources needed for it. In turn, I'm expecting those of you that are capable of fighting to help guard the outskirts of our barony against monsters, bandits and other criminals. There might be some tensions, at first, as people won't forget all these events quickly, but seeing how even your own people ended up being locked up along the Yemayans, there should be a lot more room for understanding and opportunity. It'd just be Bradley and Slinger that people will be least likely to accept, having been in charge, so their only hope of repenting would be to take the job of guarding the outskirts with whomever remains loyal enough to join them.”

She sighed. “It won't be all smooth sailing, so I'd expect you all to be loyal and driven to help out, as I'd rather not regret covering and arguing for this.” There was a fair bit of a trouble she could foresee. “If that is an acceptable deal, tell your men to bring the wounded.” She'd look at Aria and Teuihua. “If any of ours got wounded, bring them as well.”

She'd activate and keep activated her [Safe Zone B] on the cloak so that everyone that'd enter its Area of Effect would end up benefiting from the healing magic.

Safe Zone B – Magic B, Healing B, Energised B, Area of Effect D, Control Environment E, Selective Magic D, Spell Duration E - Character creates a safe zone with their cloak. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

As for Aria. “We'll have a talk after this.” She stated. Focussing on the task at hand was a bit rough having just seen her sister like this. “For now, help gather up the wounded. Has a head-count been made already? If not, please take care of that as well.”

Her suggestion came after Regula had already made up her mind, though she'd nod. “That was indeed my plan. Although they got lucky enough that none of the Yemayans died.” She looked at Leos. “Your efforts in helping bring this to a peaceful closure have saved many lives and gave many more a better future. You can be proud of what you did today.” She stated, giving credit where credit was due.

Then she'd check upon Bradley, to see if he was conscious and a state to be questioned yet. She had some questions for the man himself as well.

"Very merciful of ye, Lady Caelia." the prone figure had turned to lay on his back. Bradley seemed quite exhausted, with some fresh battle scars, and his chest still suffering from the negative effects of the symbiotic crystal, a stony crust with red cracks spreading from it. However, his face was unrecognizable from before. Bloodthirst, anger, madness, all gone. A mellow and calm face was staring back at Regula.

"Mind if I use me sword to help m'self up?" the worn out leader asked, while slowly trying to get back on his feet.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | RavenSong RavenSong

She'd scoff, not sure what to make of Bradley's opening words. As he tried to get up, she'd take a [Spear B] out of her pocket dimension. “Use this instead.” She'd state, handing it over. The longer pole would make it easier for him to get up. Assuming he wasn't use to wielding spears, it'd also make him less of danger while at it. “I trust you won't do anything dumb with it.”

With that out of the way. “Tell me what happened. I want your perspective on it as well. As well as if you recall where you found that crystal creature.” She demanded first of all. “Once you're done with that, I'd like to hear if you're able to realise your situation and willing to accept my deal or not.” She'd order (Baroness' Word B) next. She wanted to get this done with.

"Thank ye kindly" the wounded man affirmed with a faint nod. Gripping the spear, he managed to stand up. Even if his wobbly legs forced him to lean onto the spear. "Not that I would, even if I could."

"Hm..." Bradly's gaze lost focus as he tried to rewind in his memory to the relevant information. "It's much like young Leos here said. Da infestation grew and grew, destroyin' it all. Me house and me village, too. Am a retired soldier, and da one with the most experience with leadin', so that fell on me. I lead me folks more an' more north. At some point, what I thought was a scared merchant, gave me da crystal. They were gone by the time I came back to ask how exactly wearin' that odd trinket would give me strength and energy." Bradley shook his head slowly "It was suspicious, but I was fallin' apart. Me folks needed me. So I wore it 'til it was too late." The soldier gave a glance at the map Regula provided "Sumwhere 'roun' here. I remember first puttin' it on near a hill formation in these parts. We had camp set up at the foot of one of dem."

A tired and worked chuckle came when Regula reminded him of the deal she was discussing with Leos "Do what ye will wit me. I would be happy if ye give a house to all of dem." He glanced at the entrance of Yemaya, where several "soldiers" stood around expectantly.
"Hard workin' and brave. They be glad if ye take 'em in an' give 'em a job." Then he glanced over to Slinger, who was still rebooting "I'd say same goes for'er. She is way too loyal. Slinger won't accept any order or instruction that doesn't come from me. And will surely accept bein' treated like me"
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX

“Given by a merchant?” That changed things. “Hmmm... so perhaps an intentional test ting, rather than a monster or an accident...” That was another type of concern altogether. “Good. I'll let the adventurer's guild know just in case.” She'd nod to the man she'd called out earlier to relay this information as well.

Upon hearing he was willing to fall in line, she'd nod again. “Good, the new have a deal.” Looking over, she'd wave for the mayor. “I trust housing these people won't be too much of an issue? If needed, I can lend some support from my personal funds whilst we get something more official established.” She'd offer (Wealth B) him. If the mayor was on board as well, that should pretty much wrap things up well enough. For now at least.


A brief laugh came to Leos when Aria swapped back to professionalism. "It's fine. No harm done." Then his expression also turned serious. "War devices... That sounds pretty concerning." He had not much of an idea on how to continue the conversation from there, so he just waited to be addressed again. Which he was glad didn't happen, discussions of strategy and potential warfare were beyond him. Once the idea of being given sanctuary was thrown in the air, his gaze sharpened. That would help them all, a lot.

Around this time is when Bradley regained consciousness and began talking with Regula.

After a few more details being set for their deal. Things began to be put in motion. With their shared experience and the calming words of Regula, the Yemayans agreed to allow the bulk of the refugees to live with them, with the reconstruction of Yemaya finally being put into motion. Bradley decided to entrust leading the civilians to Leos, or at least be their voice should it be needed. They clearly supported him more now that his was the face they saw and saved them from their maddened leader.

Bradley took Slinger and a group of soldiers left for the border. Promising to defend it to his last breath.

News spread across the Barony of how Regula and her allies defeated an invasor group, who they neutralized, and opted for a peaceful solution. All resulting in the refugees into locals which now aided to reconstruct Yemaya from the rubble and to ensure safe borders.

~~The End~~
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Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
- Rev IX Rev IX
- Elvario Elvario

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
- Rev IX - C
- Elvario - S

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
A small festival taking place in Stonewall was interrupted with the news of Yemaya being taken hostage by a group of rogues. Where the cast, spearheaded by Regula, went to confront the enemy forces. After a hard fought duel between the leaders of both factions, it was revealed that the leader of the rogues was a retired Otenzian soldier named Bradley, who led his people away from the bug infestation that destroyed their homes.

At some point, said leader was given a crystal from a shady merchant, which led to him losing his mind. Both refugees and Yemayan civilians were held hostage on the maddened Bradley, and were eventually rescued by Aria and a guardian of Bradley's. After some further questioning, Regula decided to grant asylum to the civilians should they help with the rebuilding of Yemaya, while the trained soldiers would be tasked to protect the borders. With only the guardian, Leos, to look over the refugees as they work.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
Get the Safety Asset, working towards a Complex Barony Asset.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)
  • Character name. Retili Loxinofican
  • RPer name. conman2163 conman2163
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Full-Time Participants(List all full-time participants.)
  • Character name. Regula Caelia
  • RPer name. Elvario Elvario
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Anastasia von Arbin
  • RPer name. Ersatra Ersatra
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
It is worth noting that while not posting for several rounds on the latter part of the RP, Elvario took care of the side quest they were looking for at a faster pace than the main story.

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).
  • Character name. Anastasia von Arbin
  • Type of Point Booster. Narrative
  • Link to relevant post. Post

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. Anastasia von Arbin
  • Asset: Freight Company [Asset]
  • Justification: Post Ersatra spent the bigger part of her posts working for said asset.
  • Character name. Regula Caelia
  • Asset: Safety [Asset] for Barony [Complex Asset]
  • Justification: Post Elvario's Regula worked hard to ensure the safety of all of the bystanders, Yemayan or otherwise, further establishing the Barony as a safe place for its residents.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
Regula Caelia - Downtime

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules | Advanced in-house (IH) rules

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Otenzian refugees gained asylum moving into Yemaya. Making the population growing closer to town-sized, and naturally, the reconstruction of the ruins for better living conditions to all of them.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
Add [Favorability] Asset to the Caelia Barony Complex Asset of Regula Caelia.

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
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