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Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Debts to Pay 1: What's in Store

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's a 1x1 that is currently not open to be joined. If you're interested in RP'ing in the Caelia Barony setting, let me know in Discord for future options.

What to expect out of character:
Rounds can be as often as daily or as slow as weekly, depending on desired pace. The RP will be wrapped up if it's taking longer than a week for a response to be given without notice. Total duration is meant to be relatively short (< 30 days) unless the pace ends up being relatively slow. Type of RP will be a Slice of Life. Focus will be on Ryan repaying his debt and getting info on Aileen.

What to expect in character:
Saffron has some stocking issues for her store after the recent apple boom and is going around her daily wrap-up routine as Ryan intends to come in to repay a debt.

When joining, please let me know the following things in your first post:
  • Asset goals. - By Novama's word, whether it is related to the RP or not doesn't matter, if you wish to obtain an asset during the duration of this RP or upgrade an existing one, let me know so we can formalise it. That's enough to achieve it.
  • Narrative goals. - Any side-goals and quests related to the plot that you might wish to add for the sake of lore/flavour. Also if you wish for the obtained of an asset/skill to be an 'involved' part of the RP. I'll see what I can do in such cases.
  • Character owned Point Boosters. - Attentive Student, Mentor, Devour, Narrative Booster. So that I know when/if to include them during narration or in grading.
  • [Wanted] Titles – So that I know to involved the Hunters somehow to ensure it won't negatively affect the aftermath. Also let me know where to find information about the Hunting party to use for their involvement.
  • [Criminal] or [Monster] Titles – Certain settings might be more difficult to access as a criminal or monster. If those are in possession of the character, they might need some extra/alternative routes to be worked into the story and might risk facing some serious hostility form (N)PC's if found out.
  • Active Downtime | Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets – If your character has an asset they wish to upgrade using the [Downtime] function or if they have any of these skills with passive elements to them, let me know so I can add it to the grading sheet post-RP.
  • Relevant Titles – Any titles you deem particularly relevant for the current plot/RP/setting.
  • Relevant Skills – Any (passive) skills you deem particularly relevant for the current plot/RP/setting. Including skills Area Knowledge on the area, Companions, etc.

Tags and character goals:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Repay Saffron | Learn more about Aileen? | Will be updated if more goals are given.

The Twice Flipped Coin
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – General Store “The Twice Flipped Coin”.
From: https://yangsh.artstation.com/projects/mq5GNd


Saffron was staring ahead with a blank and dead-eyed stare. She was still on the clock, being in her 'serious' mode during these working-hours, yet for most of the day, she'd barely sold a thing. Whilst it was true that you had 'those days', today was particularly bad. She had no clue why, sadly enough, as it wasn't like there was new competition or something. It wasn't like there was a recession or anything either. The only thing she could think of was the apple boost having been a sudden rise that'd be followed by a sudden decrease.

Snapping out of it for a bit, she went to check her stock. Some goods were nearing the expiry date. She clicked her tongue. She'd have to sell those at a discount and hope she'd at least not make a loss on them. It also looked like she didn't need to stock up on any salt for a while. Why hadn't it sold lately? Weird. She'd also finally stopped selling so much flour and sugar. The apple-pastry age had come to an end with the baroness finding and stopping the magical apple-spawning tree. Great as it was that the economy was more stable again, she did wonder how and where to use her last remaining stock of expensive See vanilla. She'd stocked too much of it, it seemed.

As she went around the store, indexing her items and making a plan to financially recover from some bad profits lately, she didn't really expect any more customers so short before closing time.
Asset goals - Building for Masterworks (Maker)
Active Downtime | Buddy Skills | Masterwork Skills | Complex Assets - Building for Masterworks (Maker) (unsure if it goes here or as an asset goal)
Relevant Skills/Titles - All his Artisan skills and Titles (Blacksmith, Tinkerer, Artificer) along with Enchanter might be of use

Ryan Kylieth

Once again, Ryan's trip back from Chearon was lenghty and tiresome. But it felt way lighter than his whole odyssey to get back his arm. He gently swayed his arm around, while tracing shapes with his fingers. Emitting a relaxing tune that soothed his weary body as he grew closer to his home.

Eventually, the cart he was in began to slow down. And shortly after, the traveling merchant who gave him a ride here let him know he was back in Stonewall. Ryan let out a long sigh, the sentence soothing his mind. He thanked the woman and told her where to drop the materials he had managed to bring back. Right out of the Smithy. Handing some coin to her, and watching her head to the designed spot.

He was sure he'd be nicely welcomed, but still, he didn't manage to bring any souvenirs. The least he could do was to get something from here, cook dinner for Goban and Aileen...

Intention in mind, he decided to poke his head at Saffron's first.

A short walk was all he needed to get to The Twice Flipped Coin. He slowly opened the door. Sure enough, Saffron was there. Doing inventory, perhaps? He approached the counter while announcing himself. "Good evening Saffron". Unsure on what else to say, he kept it at that for now.
Tags and character goals:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Repay Saffron | Learn more about Aileen? | Building for Masterworks (Maker)

The Twice Flipped Coin
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – General Store “The Twice Flipped Coin”.
From: https://yangsh.artstation.com/projects/mq5GNd


Upon hearing the bell to the door ring, her eyes would gloss to a Widersian clockwork mechanism showing time. Also known as a clock, to those in the know. It wasn't past closing hour just yet. She'd hurry back to get behind the counter. “Good evening valuable customer, how may I be of assistance?” She'd go through the usual routine. If she was happy to see him again, her 'work-on' mode didn't show much of it. She'd only gloss to the clock a bit more often than usual. It was really close to closing time.

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