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Active [Ryke, Ryken] Thrown Before the Animals


Scylla was nearly lost in thought observing the fiery display of the creatures before then, brought back only by Iberis soft voice, making her chuckle. "Thought provoking?" She repeated as her joyful eyes fell on the witch. "Certainly quite the contrast of the one I used to be.. bubbly, babbling, bouncy witch who could at any moment either blow herself up or defeat those that would kill her." Noticing Iberis hat once again she'd quickly nudge it a bit to the left instead. "Yeah, that's better." Nodding with a satisfied grin. "I suppose I haven't changed that much."

Scylla hummed at Katjas reservations. "Oh, certainly.." a bit absentminded as she entwined her pale alabaster hand with hers. Scylla continued to fan herself as she admired their hands together. "..jealousy? Oh, yes.. a natural human emotion of course.." Scylla looked up at the 'not nun'. "..emotions are chaotic, destructive and sometimes downright violent but.. as is the nature of our coven, our collective pact to pool our power and influence requires a sacrifice not in blood but.. of ones heart." Letting go of her hand she continued lightly, a smile taking place of the earlier, more analytical and pensive visage. "I.. well.. I think we could be an item."

Scylla listened to Katjas story, concerned at times, gasping at others, especially when it came to the description of her nemesis on an other plane. "I see.. I'm intrigued." She replied, holding back her deep interest in her powerful adversary named the Labyrinth. "I must admit, I cannot relate to the desire of trying to become a hero. I.. well, I too wanted that for a time. Until I realized that power is what truly determines the outcome of any given conflict. It's what ultimately brought me here." She quickly corrected herself however, "I'm not saying you want to be a hero. Dear me." Waving her hands in her defense, before continuing, "I suppose I should tell you if we're to know one another deeper.." Noticing there were details about her story Scylla could feel Katja was omitting. She cleared her throat a bit, likely walking along to the next display as they continued their conversation. "I lost someone very dear to me, a mentor, and the founder of this coven. Her name was Renee. You see, I was too weak to save her, the pain of that loss has taken me to a path of seeking out the most powerful texts and magics I could possibly find. That's what ultimately drives me. Power." Scyllas expression would change to that of a monster about to devour her prey, her hand gently holding up the bottom of her chin as Scylla got closer. "If you could go back and become the god of the labyrinth.. would you do it ?"

Katja could tell Viokii didn't get it and that was sad, but there was no way to change her and right now maybe one day she would manage to create what she lacked to truly be among people. the machine lacked a true heart, a heart all her own, not one programmed into her. That was not something one could get form observing, not something one could get from personalities or even putting personalities into a blender and smooshing them together. Maybe one day viokii would gain a heart but that day was not today. Katja instead decided to focus for now on Scylla who was currently the one she felt she needed to get along with the most. She was kalina's girlfriend after all.

Katja was a bit concerned about how scylla described the coven versus how Kalina described it, there seemed to be a difference in ideals in it. Katja like kalina wanted to reform for lack of better word those that were close to falling into the dark, those with monster titles. The world had plenty of monsters and evil, it needed a place to help people escape that to bring in more light. Scylla did admit they could be together and Katja mostly agreed though was concerned about the witch and just what she wanted to do. when Scylla told her story Katja listened carefully and her soft smile was one of sympathy and understanding. When Scylla asked if Katja could would she go back and become a god, the answer was clear to her in an instant.

" No i wouldn't " She said shaking her head her tone one of sympathy and kindness " I know the guilt guilt you feel thus i can not tell you to let it go. i can't tell you to believe it wasn't your fault, i know all to well how this guilt is for i too feel it. All i can ask is your search for power for godhood would that make your mentor happy to see you walk that path? " Katja asked knowing in her heart her parents would both like and not like her path she had chosen to help people and she meant it but her guilt her self doubt her normal obsession with her path would only disappoint them as she had chosen to give up her life. " i believe my parents are with god when i go i will meet them again i do not need to be a god. " Katja put a hand on Scylla's shoulder " What would your mentor want you to do to live a happy life or to only amass power?" katja asked hoping it was the latter.

Still this was a bit to heavy talk for a zoo date so katja decide to be bold and moved forward and gave scylla a kiss her lips meeting the witch's. Scylla had said they coudl date so Katja felt this was okay as she wouldn't kiss just anyone.

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