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Active [Ryke, Ryken] Thrown Before the Animals


Scylla was nearly lost in thought observing the fiery display of the creatures before then, brought back only by Iberis soft voice, making her chuckle. "Thought provoking?" She repeated as her joyful eyes fell on the witch. "Certainly quite the contrast of the one I used to be.. bubbly, babbling, bouncy witch who could at any moment either blow herself up or defeat those that would kill her." Noticing Iberis hat once again she'd quickly nudge it a bit to the left instead. "Yeah, that's better." Nodding with a satisfied grin. "I suppose I haven't changed that much."

Scylla hummed at Katjas reservations. "Oh, certainly.." a bit absentminded as she entwined her pale alabaster hand with hers. Scylla continued to fan herself as she admired their hands together. "..jealousy? Oh, yes.. a natural human emotion of course.." Scylla looked up at the 'not nun'. "..emotions are chaotic, destructive and sometimes downright violent but.. as is the nature of our coven, our collective pact to pool our power and influence requires a sacrifice not in blood but.. of ones heart." Letting go of her hand she continued lightly, a smile taking place of the earlier, more analytical and pensive visage. "I.. well.. I think we could be an item."

Scylla listened to Katjas story, concerned at times, gasping at others, especially when it came to the description of her nemesis on an other plane. "I see.. I'm intrigued." She replied, holding back her deep interest in her powerful adversary named the Labyrinth. "I must admit, I cannot relate to the desire of trying to become a hero. I.. well, I too wanted that for a time. Until I realized that power is what truly determines the outcome of any given conflict. It's what ultimately brought me here." She quickly corrected herself however, "I'm not saying you want to be a hero. Dear me." Waving her hands in her defense, before continuing, "I suppose I should tell you if we're to know one another deeper.." Noticing there were details about her story Scylla could feel Katja was omitting. She cleared her throat a bit, likely walking along to the next display as they continued their conversation. "I lost someone very dear to me, a mentor, and the founder of this coven. Her name was Renee. You see, I was too weak to save her, the pain of that loss has taken me to a path of seeking out the most powerful texts and magics I could possibly find. That's what ultimately drives me. Power." Scyllas expression would change to that of a monster about to devour her prey, her hand gently holding up the bottom of her chin as Scylla got closer. "If you could go back and become the god of the labyrinth.. would you do it ?"

Katja could tell Viokii didn't get it and that was sad, but there was no way to change her and right now maybe one day she would manage to create what she lacked to truly be among people. the machine lacked a true heart, a heart all her own, not one programmed into her. That was not something one could get form observing, not something one could get from personalities or even putting personalities into a blender and smooshing them together. Maybe one day viokii would gain a heart but that day was not today. Katja instead decided to focus for now on Scylla who was currently the one she felt she needed to get along with the most. She was kalina's girlfriend after all.

Katja was a bit concerned about how scylla described the coven versus how Kalina described it, there seemed to be a difference in ideals in it. Katja like kalina wanted to reform for lack of better word those that were close to falling into the dark, those with monster titles. The world had plenty of monsters and evil, it needed a place to help people escape that to bring in more light. Scylla did admit they could be together and Katja mostly agreed though was concerned about the witch and just what she wanted to do. when Scylla told her story Katja listened carefully and her soft smile was one of sympathy and understanding. When Scylla asked if Katja could would she go back and become a god, the answer was clear to her in an instant.

" No i wouldn't " She said shaking her head her tone one of sympathy and kindness " I know the guilt guilt you feel thus i can not tell you to let it go. i can't tell you to believe it wasn't your fault, i know all to well how this guilt is for i too feel it. All i can ask is your search for power for godhood would that make your mentor happy to see you walk that path? " Katja asked knowing in her heart her parents would both like and not like her path she had chosen to help people and she meant it but her guilt her self doubt her normal obsession with her path would only disappoint them as she had chosen to give up her life. " i believe my parents are with god when i go i will meet them again i do not need to be a god. " Katja put a hand on Scylla's shoulder " What would your mentor want you to do to live a happy life or to only amass power?" katja asked hoping it was the latter.

Still this was a bit to heavy talk for a zoo date so katja decide to be bold and moved forward and gave scylla a kiss her lips meeting the witch's. Scylla had said they coudl date so Katja felt this was okay as she wouldn't kiss just anyone.
Edith Ryker

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

“Of course, thanks Vee~” Kalina replied to Viokii. She'd lost a bet, so she'd honour the terms. No longer trying to get Viokii more involved than the construct wanted to be. She'd just head for the Crystallumea without bother Viokii further.

Iberis made her wonder for a moment. “Put it that way, dating Audlich sounds like a far weirder option than how fun dating you is going to be.” Kalina pondered aloud. “Although he was a good enough sort and you'd be worht it even if he wasn't.” She'd quickly reached the answer to a question never asked aloud.

The gift shop idea was a nice one. “We should.” She chuckled when Iberis mentioned 'cool things'. “That's my only worry. Cool things. I'm still not good with the cold. It should be worth it though.”

Kalina couldn't help overhear the mention of Renee. The name brought back enough horrible memories to go unnoticed. She also couldn't help herself from warning Scylla. “Just be careful. Don't forget that Renee became as she was due to looking for that power in all the wrong ways and manners. If the same were to happen to you, I'm not sure what I'd do or how I'd turn out myself.” The idea of needing to put down Scylla like she'd been forced to end Renee was more horrifying than anything else she could come up with. She'd probably just finish off herself after, if such a thing were ever to be needed.

Well... that was Kalina's mood dropped down to an all-time low. She figured she'd best step back. At least her plan was working. Katja seemed to do well trying to blend in with the others. Iberis and Scylla had been bonding. Viokii did... Viokii things. She really had to remind herself of what Viokii warned her about. The only way tog et the Coven to bond amongst one another is to not get involved too much herself. Otherwise it'd be too much reliant on her being a binding factor.

The downside is that, Kalina figured, it'd mean she'd have to play the loner type on this one. Then again, the animals they were going to see were cool. Very cool, Kalina realised, as they entered a building filled with ice magic. A large dome, in which the animals in question walked around on artificial snow and ice.


“I should've brought a winter cloak.” She shivered, although she did look at the animals in fascination. It seemed one of them was busy using some sort of ice magic to decorate its horns, forming intricate patterns and almost crystal-like shapes onto it. Kalina read one of the information displays.

“It says they can survive the coldest temperatures, despite being warm-blooded. Their coat has a magic to it that keeps them warm enough, yet their horns aren't covered by it, so they become natural catalysts for ice magic. It also says that... ” She wanted to read out more for the others that might not see it, when she heard some commotion.

Looking around, she could see why. The doors to the enclosure had been locked. Viokii might notice a few things that weren't the same as when she first got here. Then it started to get even more cold. Kalina was quick to draw her own conclusions. “Really... in a zoo...” She mumbled, as she could feel herself getting a bit slower from the cold. Now what to do, without causing a big commotion? She could probably break through the dome with ease, but she didn't really want to break this place down and risk harm to the animals. Although freezing here wasn't going to be fun either.

Hasufer's cult involvement; the group gets locked into the ice dome enclosure. Temperatures are dropping rapidly. Try to get out, preferably with as little of a commotion as possible.
Iberis Odhir

RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

"You've always been great in my mind Scylla." She'd reply warmly before giggling a bit at the hat being adjusted and the follow up comment, "And no matter how you were then or now, you'll always be Scylla to me, and that's a great thing in my book." She'd add positively. She listened to the discourse and hadn't been aware just how much baggage seemed to be held onto by those who had come.

She looked to Edith and titled her head a bit, before chuckling some. "I don't think Auldlich has a ton of priorities in romance right now, he seems more interested in continuing his studies of magic at the moment, but I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong." She'd add with a smile.

"Not great with the cold? I'm sorta used to it by now but at the same time I know I wouldn't do that great, given my stature without a reprieve or some kind of magic to help out." She'd confess, not feeling super confident about being able to be in prolonged extreme cold without some kind of assistance.

Iberis heard Edith's concern and nodded, feeling like she should probably speak up too.

"I'm going to be frank and say that I was headed down a path which was honestly kind of scary when I look back on it. Any enemies of Renee were mine immediately with little to no questions; if she said they needed to be erased then I was willing to do it if it meant furthering her goal and it meant we could get stronger, but now that I saw what happened first hand, I must agree with Edith, that, you really need to be careful how far you're willing to go Scylla, you don't want to lose yourself." Iberis spoke more seriously now.

The kiss between Katja and Scylla was a bit surprising, but a small pink tint reached Iberis' face as she just averted her gaze and kept moving after the fact, the serious look lingering.

Iberis looked around the interior of the frosty dome and was pretty elevated with excitement her eyes lighting up. "Woah this is really cool! Pun not intended! Look at that!" She'd point over to the animals.

She listened to what Kalina had to say about the facts about the animals then became a bit concerned at what happened next, also realizing that they had been locked in the dome.

"You think they did it even here? If I see them again they'll be in for a world of atonement.." Iberis stated looking very displeased. Getting Vandal titles really wasn't on the agenda that she wanted to go down. However it was at that moment that she began to scan the sign about the animals.

"Does it say anything else about them? Like do they react to magical energy being near the or anything like that?." She'd speak aloud, looking over the sign and surrounding environment with

Magic B + Magic Range E + Magic Area of Effect D + Academia B + Appraisal C
to see if there was anything useful she could garner to help out what her plans were.

"Without destroying the environment or harming the animals here, we might be able to trigger a magical abnormality in the habitat which will prompt zoo workers to come here to see what's wrong and let us out." She'd speak aloud at what her intention was.
Turning to Iberis she couldn't help but feel a bit low as she recollected how Renee did things with such an iron fist. Perhaps it was why she was so willing to follow her, Renee was a leader, a brutal one but one worth following nonetheless. Knowing Iberis was there during those days was a bit of a comforting presence, they'd been through so much and it was clear the young witch Iberis has grown up alot since then. "I.. I'll be everything Renee couldn't be.. I won't lose myself not when I have so much to lose." Her voice revealed a deep sense of confidence.


Scylla smiled at Katjas response. "Naturally.." she replied before letting her go, and listening to her justify why she wouldn't rather be a god. She could only assume the god she mentioned was some sort of all encompassing entity, having been a learned student she'd known about monotheistic beliefs. Perhaps they were all assumptions but for the sake of not delving into theologic opinions she kept that possibility a mystery. However what got her attention was surprising, "A.. happy life? Or power?" She repeated as she thought deeply about the question.

It was while she was in the deep thought that the half demon would feel Katjas cold lips pressed into hers. Scyllas eyes widened as she stood completely still. When the affectionate act was concluded Scylla began, "You.. kissed me? Full well knowing that we're in fact opposites?" Scyllas hand touched her own lips for a moment.

It was then that the time had come, and at a most annoying moment that the temperature around her began to rise, more so than usual. Using [Control Environment E] Scylla would regulate her temperature. She'd sigh. "I should just take the throne and have these annoying thralls do something more productive with their time." With a snap of her fingers Scylla would use her [Fire Affinity] [Wind Affinity] to maintain a strong flame within the sphere, and wind to disperse the heat.

" They say opposites attract" Katja said with a smile " But i don't believe we are as opposed as you say. in something we are different, but in you i still see a good person regardless of birth, loss, or power and that i can accept and hope you see as well " Katja explained it was likely nothing like how most religious people would see things. Katja was very different than those kinds she wanted to see what the person did, and what they cared for, not which god they worshiped or what kind of power they used. To katja even the devil of hell could return to being angels if they wished to and repented for what they had done wrong. None were beyond salvation and what was good was not a static thing, it had to take into account the whished behind the act. thinking like that Katja could not say she was sure she was a good person, she acted out of guilt out of a selfish desire, but perhaps that was fine.

Then the temperature suddenly dropped as the cult once more struck out at the coven. So much for viokii needing to stay on guard to stop something like this form happening as even with her on guard they had struck. Katja had no means of defense against the cold, and thus had to stick to Scylla who could conjure flames and wind to keep the area warmer than the deadly cold it was meant to be. while Katja wouldn't use the word thralls, she could agree that making the cultists do something, hopefully good works, was better than them constantly attacking.


Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted [Demon Cultists], Oll's End Voyager (F)
Character Sheet

Having followed along to the next creature habitat that the others held interest in visiting, it would appear that this had been the time that the cultists desired to strike. Some things around the place looked oddly different from when they had first arrived, but making sure that the currently trapped organic beings were able to be kept alive was what was currently top priority. Seeing as Kalina appeared to start being negatively affected by the cold. The construct didn't have sufficient enough data on the biology of dhampirs such as Kalina for how they biologically operated in this world, but she wasn't exactly looking to take chances that her different requirement for sourcing blood meant her body heat wasn't as proficient as others. Then again, it wasn't like anyone else was properly equipped with the layers to deal with such a cold. She had expected Scylla would be prepared considering they had went through a frozen hell already, the others not so much.

Putting an arm around Kalina, she'd pull them close and activate her own heating. As for getting out, alerting local staff without damaging anything would be most appreciated without causing trouble, if they could withhold succumbing to the temperatures then they'd have a chance.
"A valid idea. I would imagine the exhibit has regulation precautions in check we could locate, such as security cameras, temperature readers, or likely emergency escapes or methods of communication at times like this. Though, I question the circumstances of our scenario, it feels unlikely an open exhibit like this wouldn't have any other bystanders present or a staff member present. I am not certain that we are unafflicted by illusionary efforts" Viokii answered, looking around to find anything that might be of use to their escape or to alert local assistance. That, or to find obvious clue that they were currently being tricked.

1. Feature [Body Temperature Control] + Energized (E) + Control Environment (E) + Special Movement [Vibration] (E) - Become heat source and stay warm, prevent being frozen and slowed down
2 & 3. Investigation (F) + Leadership (F) + Energized (F) + Supersense (F)(Imprint Sense, X-Ray Vision) to look around for answers, or ways to help them escape
Edith Ryker

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Iberis' reply was forcing Kalina's thoughts to go to weird places. “I'm not even sure what to think would happen if he was really interested in romance right now. Would your 'leg' just end up dating someone on its own somehow?” She asked, as that would be wild, just not in the most fun ways, perhaps?

As for the cold she'd lean in to whisper to Iberis. “It's because I'm still part undead. The normally cold-blooded vampire half wouldn't feel the cold, but would get hindered. Yet the Human half does feel the cold, yet can't fully warm up the undead half, so to say. It's a bit of a tough spot.” It meant she was basically operating whilst permanently unable to get her own heating in check in colder weather.

Kalina was glad to hear Iberis back her up in the reply to Scylla. “Also, remember what Renee kept forgetting. You're not alone. Renee pushed us away more and more to get all that power to herself. We've got each-other to lean on as well. Together we're already way more powerful than she ever was on her own.” Hopefully that'd help keep Scylla from falling.

Upon Iberis' ask on the animals, Kalina would read through the sign some more. Iberis' appraisal would take note of some [Ice Crystal Units] of a magical nature that appeared to be [Overcharged] along the sides of the dome.

Kalina would call out. “Not that I can see. It seems they might get sick from sudden temperature increases too far above freezing.” She'd listen to Iberis, as she thought about it. “Perhaps... but this would feel a bit too petty for them. Just making us get cold? Trying to get us to freeze to death? What... what if they thought it through more and they're wanting to make us stand out so that they could try get us arrested?”

On the topic of temperature rises above freezing. “Hold up a bit, love.” She'd call out to Scylla. “If we start warming this place up too much, we might lure in security and we'll end up getting questioned and play into their hands.” She didn't like it, but still... “Perhaps the best way to counter them is to just hold on until staff figures out what's wrong and comes to fix things. We'll play the innocent victims instead of looking like we had it all under control a little too much.”

Feeling Viokii warm her up was a god-given. “Thanks Vee, you're a life-saver.” She gladly leaned into the construct's heating as she looked around. “If there's any alarms or something in here, they likely disrupted those as well. We'd have to figure out if we can still activate them.” She tried to come up with more clever ideas, but it wasn't exactly in her line of expertise.

Viokii's attempt at looking around with some investigation would mostly pay off due to her earlier preparations. Some of the small magic devices that had green glows to them now had red glows to them. Perhaps some mechanisms had been turned off? Or maybe even destroyed? Perhaps someone knowing enough magical crafting could fix them or turn them on again. In the meantime, they'd just have to weather the cold without risking to draw too much impact on the animals and environment.

Htyaerd Sutanimod

Equipped Titles: Beastman, Aspiring knight, Reptile lover

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen
RavenSong RavenSong

Htyaerd smiled, the commotion heard outside the walls seemed to fade. Aside from a couple onlookers who took notice to the knight in the habitat. The guards and employees were busy elsewhere.

As Htyaerd approach, the turtles looked toward him flashing teeth and growling loudly. Up until he approached Bowser himself. Under his helmet, a grin placed his lips. Zaleem awakened, riding to full length. His feet sinking into the ground under his sheer weight. Underneath was where it layed, a large clutch of eggs.

“Sorry to wake you from your nap but I’m going to need one of those eggs.” Htyaerd smiled, spinning his spear. The turtle would chuff out sulfur in his direction, as though he understood before bearing its teeth. The other turtles would surround him, making an arena of sorts.

Accepting his challenge?

“Hoho, I like you guys!” Htyaerd grinned wide, closing the distance between himself and the reptile.[Fast F] Pulling his spear wide, the Dragon would respond kindly. Pulling its head into its shell before shooting out at the knight, snapping its jaws at the strike.

Htyaerd grips his spear tightly with both hands, cutting the air before colliding with the dragons strike. His strike offsetting the attack, boots dug into the dirt as he held his position.

He readied his next strike, Dominatus flared brightly as he channeled the hellfire through it. He swung once more, his sights sent on the turtles right front leg, with a clean slice. The leg buckled slightly, a roar of pain released from the creature. Invoking rage in its eyes, it opens its gaping jaw and curls its tongue to the wide. A light could be seen coming from its mouth.


1. Fast F + Energized F to close gap.
2. Counter attack with Anchor perk [Cleave]
3. Use Blazing Domination E. (Fighting Style E, Super strength F, Knockback F, Blight: Hellfire F, Range F, Anchor perk: Cleave) Cooldown 1 post - Dreayth uses a wide swing and overwhelming strength to knock back his enemy.


Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee, Demon Slayer, Wanted [Demon Cultists], Oll's End Voyager (F)
Character Sheet

It was good to find Kalina was positively receiving of her assistance when it came to heating, likely the vampire wouldn't be able to aid much in a situation like this without landing them into further trouble. A small nod, she held the dhampir close under her arm.
"It is alright, Edith. It would be most problematic if you were negatively inflicted by exposure to cold temperatures. You can utilise the warmth bi-product from my constructive composition when you are in requirement of it" the construct answered as she'd look around the area to try and devise an idea on what they could do to aid their escape.

The sighting of the magic devices was an interesting one, although there was the possibility that fixing them might mean staff won't have reason to come and inspect the enclosure. Or, it could be something to be used that would get attention. It was hard to decipher, yet considering it felt like the cultists had purposefully went out of their way to disable them, it was likely of use to them.

That, and a key clue.
"The lights might display reference to being deactivated, but the fact these devices have active lights in general imply that they are still receiving power. If they have been individually disabled either manually or remotely, there will be some sort of attached trigger that we can activate to reactivate these devices. It may better help us, User Iberis, Cutie Scylla, you both are knowledgeable about magic-related topics. Will you assist in identifying these devices and their internal functionality?" Viokii asked of the two, it should have been like the sigils in Oll's End albeit perhaps a bit more complex... or simple, she hadn't enough research on the logic of 'magic'.

For now, she kept warming Kalina and anyone else who would need or want the construct's warmth, and began her own investigations on the devices making careful sure not to do anything tampering or damaging with them.

1. Feature [Body Temperature Control] + Energized (E) + Control Environment (E) + Special Movement [Vibration] (E) - Become heat source and stay warm, prevent being frozen and slowed down
2&3. Investigation (F) + Leadership (F) + Energized (F) + Supersense (F)(Imprint Sense, X-Ray Vision) to investigate the magic deviced.

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