Roleplay Artist
Location: The Republic of Kuridan, Nara no Nox Shogunate, Yasaki City
Time: Midday
“She clearly isn’t well, I can assure you my sister would not say those words without reason ”
He’d feel it was confirmed by her responses telling him that she was fine and that she was ‘allergic’ to doctors, not to mention her comment about Rei, if she hoped Rei was there unfortunately she was not.
Yukan gave a nod at what Okami said when she said she’d deal with the cat. “Very well.”
As he continued to focus his attention on the large monster in front of them.
By the time Okami was bolting at him with extreme speed the cat had made his way to where the one whose hand he had cut off lay, and he brought his blade up before stabbing them, it looked like a strange reddish purplish energy had started to flow over him at that point accompanying his eyes.
The cat then looked back up at Okami with his reddish eyes, a sadistic grin appearing on his face as she rushed him with her blade.
Okami’s blade rapidly cut through the cat’s flesh in a blur to those who did not have enhanced vision of some kind allowing them to pick up on the movements more easily. Blood went flying all over the place as the cat’s silky garment was torn up. By the end of it one might have expected a very dead foe. Even as the flesh was cut up quite a good deal, blackening from the poison…but it wasn’t long before the mess of a body after was illuminated in the reddish hellish aura, and suddenly right before Okami’s eyes the cat stood up again, it’s body being restored and healed right before her very eyes, the poison itself being challenged, even if the body still looked tainted in places from it.
“Those were some very nice hits..and you made me feel so much pain…and even now I can feel the infection..” The cat spoke back grinning, once again.
“But you don’t understand that Lord Shikojin is not through with me yet.”
“I got to feel your wrath, it was a wonderful show for my Lord! and now In honor of him I’ll taste your blood water..!” The cat Unleashed its own violent swing quickly after recovering, still wearing tattered clothing now, with an unhinged cackle, the sword stance overly aggressive which he took, moving erratically and wildly.
(X1 C Grade ability being sent at Okami in the shape of a large reddish orange arc, glimmering the same hellish aura.)
Meanwhile Tomomi’s Rock-dirt-basket construct came to life, looking like a dirty rock golem which was using a basket as a head of sorts, and it was a decently sizable humanoid, taller than both Yukan and herself, with rock and dirt ‘limbs’ and a rock and dirt ‘chest’, forming what appeared to be rock like arms which would perhaps come in handy doing what she wanted it to do, which was to defend itself.
Yukan heard what She said next and nodded once again not facing her, he thinks he was starting to understand what she meant…take what she said as the opposite of what she meant.
After the cat swung his sword, he did look over to Tomomi momentarily wondering what she was talking about, leaving perhaps a brief follow up opening for Okami depending on how quickly she could react after dealing with the attack he threw her way and possibly leverage it.
The cat’s eyes widened a bit when suddenly it found it’s sword being ripped out of it’s hand by Squink’s telekinesis, it’s grip on it not as strong or formal due to the way it swung it around one handed and recklessly.
“<Wait No!>” The cat hissed out, assuming an unarmed martial art stance now at its sword being deprived.
The Gorilla Cultist chuckled darkly when he heard Tomomi,
“<Lord Shikojin is always looking for more followers. However I am afraid that you’ll need to get a deal stronger if you wish to be a true disciple. . Now then, Why don’t I show you my power!>”
The gorilla man promptly grabbed a hold of the nearest spear wielding guard with his sizable arm, getting stabbed with the spear by the guard, bleeding some but otherwise appeared to be unbothered before he smashed the guard into the ground making a localized crater at the site, the guard being knocked unconscious then and there, before shortly after he stepped forward and reached for the other spear wielding guard who also tried to stab him, looking lke he was getting ready to repeat the violent gesture.
But it wasn’t long before he found five beast people, unbeknown to the group who were sent by Izou began to simultaneously kick and punch the Gorilla man in the back causing him to snarl.
“<You DARE Impede ME?!>” He’d yell, a reddish aura building on his form now.
Yamaki came out not long after the five beast martial fighters, he himself wielding a bamboo bo staff.
“<If you wanna get to her construct you’ll have to get through me too!>” He’d call out defiantly before striking the Gorilla in the back twice with very strong blows, causing the Gorilla cultist to flinch, his armor looking somewhat dented now from all the strikes.
Thankfully all the melee fighters were now buying the group some time to deal with the Gorilla as he was distracted, the owl bow guard even having a chance to fire a couple arrows the Gorilla’s way, one which struck in the Gorilla in the arm, causing him to let out another snarl, throwing the guard he was holding to the ground with violent force.
The [Large] beast had been facing Kota with great interest panting and salivating like it wanted to rip him apart in it’s jaws making more monstrous sounds when he spoke to it. As the water appeared around his fists like claws Kota rushed forward very quickly, proving to be very formidable in speed and striking strength.
His watery strike pierced through Akayami’s natural armor, before he successfully flipped off and sent another watery strike this time traveling through the air at the monster.
What happened next was a spectacle, just as Akayami turned it’s head to look at Squink as she communicated at it the sword which Squink had usurped from the murderous cat as well as the arrows she had borrowed from oden went flying at the now distracted beast who looked toward her and struck Akayami right in the eyes, the arrows hitting it in both as well as the sword which now stuck out of it, Oden’s arrow also striking Akayami.
Upon seeing the opening and the beast flinching and recoil at being hit in the eyes and with the arrow and sword , Yukan realized it was his time to strike for a potentially critical hit.
“<Here will be your grave!>” He’d exclaim looking at the monster with a steely glint of determination in his eyes.
Suddenly Yukan’s body lit up with fire, Tapping into his evolved [Predatory Insight] perk.
Assessing his prey for weak spots automatically as he brought his Fire blessed Yari forward A prominent powerful fiery glint shooting forth the way he went for the thinnest part on Akayami’s natural armor which had already been compromised from Kota’s attacks.
[Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Range E, Penetrating D, Hot Shot D, Fire Blight D, Contact Fire D, Energized D D Grade Ability - 1 round cooldown. (energized)
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 100 ft away with a great fiery penetrating force ignoring up to three grades of opponent's defensively used item, ignoring fire resistance up to D dealing three extra damage to health from from fire blight if successful strikes target and deals HP damage, and inflicts double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot on target.
Yukan then thrusted his Yari forward again.
[Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Lesser Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Range E, Penetrating E, Hot Shot E, Fire Blight E, Contact Fire E, Energized E E Grade Ability - 0 round cooldown. (energized)
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 100 ft away with a great fiery penetrating force ignoring up to two grades of opponent's defensively used item, ignoring fire resistance up to E dealing 2 extra damage to health from fire blight if successful strikes target and inflicts double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot on target.
Another fiery strike coming forth from his Yari.
In response to being struck so many times a sound which almost sounded familiar to Kota began to fill the air, the sound which he had heard when he struck that enslaved spirit of darkness on the battlefield, the one the East Empire had used to try to interrupt the casting circle to bury Fort Kanna, letting out a deafening shriek which carried across the area.
(Unless contested, Kota, Yukan have been inflicted with [Deafened] hindrance and Irritant Pain D )
(Unless Contested: Squink, Oden, Izou, Tomomi Inflicted with Irritant Pain E)
The pain radiating throughout the body from the sound waves produced by Akayami, reducing effectiveness in certain actions.
Despite the setbacks, Akayami wasn’t looking like he was in good shape after its scream, its legs looking wobbly. It was heavily damaged, being blinded and its body being torn through by attacks.
Two more spear wielding guards, as well as two more bow ones suddenly stopped and look a bit confused upon hearing Squink’s telepathy, before they nodded.
“<who are you?>” Squink would hear back mentally, before she’d hear someone else nearby during the mind link say,
“<Prioritize evacuating children and the elderly!>” One of the guards spoke aloud to the others, as they regrouped with some other guards who started to try to corral the people who had been moving around out of control to lead them toward a more orderly exit, Squink at least setting it into a more organized motion, some of the guards who had once been a bit panicky due to the high level threats they had to contend with were looking more focused now.
Yukan gritted his teeth, not saying a word as he felt the pain radiate over his body, “<I can’t hear! Stay focused and vigilant on our enemies! >” He’d bark out to anyone who could still hopefully hear, normally he might have tried to risk turning around and striking the gorilla but he didn’t have a clear shot without risking hurting the beasts who were trying to stop him at the moment, and he didn’t feel comfortable moving away from Squink and his sister while the monster still stood, as bad of a shape it appeared to be in.
Izou would eventually see the shadow of Oden flying through the now increasingly dissipating smog. And should she follow it, she’d find herself near Oden on the other side of the merchant cart where the humming had been, standing there was the faint outline of a figure, an outline which moved quickly at hearing Akayami.
The translucent figure eventually appeared revealing what appeared to be a less friendly kitsune woman. She was wearing similar black and red clothing, a pretty consistent color scheme among the clothed members.
“<Lord Shikojin curses you all! I won't let you kill Akayami!>” She’d exclaimed suddenly appearing, before she found herself getting hit in the throat with a basic attack by Izou, as she was coughing.
In retaliation being struck and now seeing Oden and Izou, while she coughed, the woman suddenly began to levitate off the ground about 5 ft , before two unstable looking reddish black orbs of energy began to form in the palms of her hands. One was looking a bit stronger than the other in its intensity, which she then extended out and quickly fired, one at Oden, another at Izou
X1 D grade attack heading toward Oden
X1 E Grade attack heading toward Izou
Time: Midday

“She clearly isn’t well, I can assure you my sister would not say those words without reason ”
He’d feel it was confirmed by her responses telling him that she was fine and that she was ‘allergic’ to doctors, not to mention her comment about Rei, if she hoped Rei was there unfortunately she was not.
Yukan gave a nod at what Okami said when she said she’d deal with the cat. “Very well.”
As he continued to focus his attention on the large monster in front of them.
By the time Okami was bolting at him with extreme speed the cat had made his way to where the one whose hand he had cut off lay, and he brought his blade up before stabbing them, it looked like a strange reddish purplish energy had started to flow over him at that point accompanying his eyes.
The cat then looked back up at Okami with his reddish eyes, a sadistic grin appearing on his face as she rushed him with her blade.
Okami’s blade rapidly cut through the cat’s flesh in a blur to those who did not have enhanced vision of some kind allowing them to pick up on the movements more easily. Blood went flying all over the place as the cat’s silky garment was torn up. By the end of it one might have expected a very dead foe. Even as the flesh was cut up quite a good deal, blackening from the poison…but it wasn’t long before the mess of a body after was illuminated in the reddish hellish aura, and suddenly right before Okami’s eyes the cat stood up again, it’s body being restored and healed right before her very eyes, the poison itself being challenged, even if the body still looked tainted in places from it.
“Those were some very nice hits..and you made me feel so much pain…and even now I can feel the infection..” The cat spoke back grinning, once again.
“But you don’t understand that Lord Shikojin is not through with me yet.”
“I got to feel your wrath, it was a wonderful show for my Lord! and now In honor of him I’ll taste your blood water..!” The cat Unleashed its own violent swing quickly after recovering, still wearing tattered clothing now, with an unhinged cackle, the sword stance overly aggressive which he took, moving erratically and wildly.
(X1 C Grade ability being sent at Okami in the shape of a large reddish orange arc, glimmering the same hellish aura.)
Meanwhile Tomomi’s Rock-dirt-basket construct came to life, looking like a dirty rock golem which was using a basket as a head of sorts, and it was a decently sizable humanoid, taller than both Yukan and herself, with rock and dirt ‘limbs’ and a rock and dirt ‘chest’, forming what appeared to be rock like arms which would perhaps come in handy doing what she wanted it to do, which was to defend itself.
Yukan heard what She said next and nodded once again not facing her, he thinks he was starting to understand what she meant…take what she said as the opposite of what she meant.
After the cat swung his sword, he did look over to Tomomi momentarily wondering what she was talking about, leaving perhaps a brief follow up opening for Okami depending on how quickly she could react after dealing with the attack he threw her way and possibly leverage it.
The cat’s eyes widened a bit when suddenly it found it’s sword being ripped out of it’s hand by Squink’s telekinesis, it’s grip on it not as strong or formal due to the way it swung it around one handed and recklessly.
“<Wait No!>” The cat hissed out, assuming an unarmed martial art stance now at its sword being deprived.
The Gorilla Cultist chuckled darkly when he heard Tomomi,
“<Lord Shikojin is always looking for more followers. However I am afraid that you’ll need to get a deal stronger if you wish to be a true disciple. . Now then, Why don’t I show you my power!>”
The gorilla man promptly grabbed a hold of the nearest spear wielding guard with his sizable arm, getting stabbed with the spear by the guard, bleeding some but otherwise appeared to be unbothered before he smashed the guard into the ground making a localized crater at the site, the guard being knocked unconscious then and there, before shortly after he stepped forward and reached for the other spear wielding guard who also tried to stab him, looking lke he was getting ready to repeat the violent gesture.
But it wasn’t long before he found five beast people, unbeknown to the group who were sent by Izou began to simultaneously kick and punch the Gorilla man in the back causing him to snarl.
“<You DARE Impede ME?!>” He’d yell, a reddish aura building on his form now.
Yamaki came out not long after the five beast martial fighters, he himself wielding a bamboo bo staff.
“<If you wanna get to her construct you’ll have to get through me too!>” He’d call out defiantly before striking the Gorilla in the back twice with very strong blows, causing the Gorilla cultist to flinch, his armor looking somewhat dented now from all the strikes.
Thankfully all the melee fighters were now buying the group some time to deal with the Gorilla as he was distracted, the owl bow guard even having a chance to fire a couple arrows the Gorilla’s way, one which struck in the Gorilla in the arm, causing him to let out another snarl, throwing the guard he was holding to the ground with violent force.
The [Large] beast had been facing Kota with great interest panting and salivating like it wanted to rip him apart in it’s jaws making more monstrous sounds when he spoke to it. As the water appeared around his fists like claws Kota rushed forward very quickly, proving to be very formidable in speed and striking strength.
His watery strike pierced through Akayami’s natural armor, before he successfully flipped off and sent another watery strike this time traveling through the air at the monster.
What happened next was a spectacle, just as Akayami turned it’s head to look at Squink as she communicated at it the sword which Squink had usurped from the murderous cat as well as the arrows she had borrowed from oden went flying at the now distracted beast who looked toward her and struck Akayami right in the eyes, the arrows hitting it in both as well as the sword which now stuck out of it, Oden’s arrow also striking Akayami.
Upon seeing the opening and the beast flinching and recoil at being hit in the eyes and with the arrow and sword , Yukan realized it was his time to strike for a potentially critical hit.
“<Here will be your grave!>” He’d exclaim looking at the monster with a steely glint of determination in his eyes.
Suddenly Yukan’s body lit up with fire, Tapping into his evolved [Predatory Insight] perk.
Assessing his prey for weak spots automatically as he brought his Fire blessed Yari forward A prominent powerful fiery glint shooting forth the way he went for the thinnest part on Akayami’s natural armor which had already been compromised from Kota’s attacks.
[Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Range E, Penetrating D, Hot Shot D, Fire Blight D, Contact Fire D, Energized D D Grade Ability - 1 round cooldown. (energized)
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 100 ft away with a great fiery penetrating force ignoring up to three grades of opponent's defensively used item, ignoring fire resistance up to D dealing three extra damage to health from from fire blight if successful strikes target and deals HP damage, and inflicts double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot on target.
Yukan then thrusted his Yari forward again.
[Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Lesser Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Range E, Penetrating E, Hot Shot E, Fire Blight E, Contact Fire E, Energized E E Grade Ability - 0 round cooldown. (energized)
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 100 ft away with a great fiery penetrating force ignoring up to two grades of opponent's defensively used item, ignoring fire resistance up to E dealing 2 extra damage to health from fire blight if successful strikes target and inflicts double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot on target.
Another fiery strike coming forth from his Yari.
In response to being struck so many times a sound which almost sounded familiar to Kota began to fill the air, the sound which he had heard when he struck that enslaved spirit of darkness on the battlefield, the one the East Empire had used to try to interrupt the casting circle to bury Fort Kanna, letting out a deafening shriek which carried across the area.
(Unless contested, Kota, Yukan have been inflicted with [Deafened] hindrance and Irritant Pain D )
(Unless Contested: Squink, Oden, Izou, Tomomi Inflicted with Irritant Pain E)
The pain radiating throughout the body from the sound waves produced by Akayami, reducing effectiveness in certain actions.
Deafened - A deafened creature can’t hear.
- Detriment: Automatically fail any action that requires hearing
- Prevention: Resilient [Deafen], hearing protection, barriers (mundane or magical)(narrator discretion)
- Causes: explosions, shrieks, magic, direct damage to the ear
Despite the setbacks, Akayami wasn’t looking like he was in good shape after its scream, its legs looking wobbly. It was heavily damaged, being blinded and its body being torn through by attacks.
Two more spear wielding guards, as well as two more bow ones suddenly stopped and look a bit confused upon hearing Squink’s telepathy, before they nodded.
“<who are you?>” Squink would hear back mentally, before she’d hear someone else nearby during the mind link say,
“<Prioritize evacuating children and the elderly!>” One of the guards spoke aloud to the others, as they regrouped with some other guards who started to try to corral the people who had been moving around out of control to lead them toward a more orderly exit, Squink at least setting it into a more organized motion, some of the guards who had once been a bit panicky due to the high level threats they had to contend with were looking more focused now.
Yukan gritted his teeth, not saying a word as he felt the pain radiate over his body, “<I can’t hear! Stay focused and vigilant on our enemies! >” He’d bark out to anyone who could still hopefully hear, normally he might have tried to risk turning around and striking the gorilla but he didn’t have a clear shot without risking hurting the beasts who were trying to stop him at the moment, and he didn’t feel comfortable moving away from Squink and his sister while the monster still stood, as bad of a shape it appeared to be in.
Izou would eventually see the shadow of Oden flying through the now increasingly dissipating smog. And should she follow it, she’d find herself near Oden on the other side of the merchant cart where the humming had been, standing there was the faint outline of a figure, an outline which moved quickly at hearing Akayami.
The translucent figure eventually appeared revealing what appeared to be a less friendly kitsune woman. She was wearing similar black and red clothing, a pretty consistent color scheme among the clothed members.
“<Lord Shikojin curses you all! I won't let you kill Akayami!>” She’d exclaimed suddenly appearing, before she found herself getting hit in the throat with a basic attack by Izou, as she was coughing.
In retaliation being struck and now seeing Oden and Izou, while she coughed, the woman suddenly began to levitate off the ground about 5 ft , before two unstable looking reddish black orbs of energy began to form in the palms of her hands. One was looking a bit stronger than the other in its intensity, which she then extended out and quickly fired, one at Oden, another at Izou
X1 D grade attack heading toward Oden
X1 E Grade attack heading toward Izou
Yukan Actions:
- Use following ability on Akayami:
[Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Range E, Penetrating D, Hot Shot D, Fire Blight D, Contact Fire D, Energized D D Grade Ability - 1 round cooldown. (energized) - Use following ability on Akayami:
[Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Lesser Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Range E, Penetrating E, Hot Shot E, Fire Blight E, Contact Fire E, Energized E E Grade Ability - 0 round cooldown. (energized)
Yukan and Kota brutally strike Akayami and get inflicted with Deaf Hinderance and Irritant Pain D due to Akayami’s scream.
Akayami’s scream inflicts Irritant Pain E on the other PCs except for Okami, making some actions less effective.
Squink successfully destracts Akayami, and inflicts Hinderance Blind on Akayami. Forcibly takes the cat cultist’s sword in the process.
Squink successfully telepathically communicates with guards to get more organized so they can help evacuate people more orderly.
Okami successfully moves over toward the cat and rends him apart with her B grade ability but for unknown reasons he regenerates his form and counter attacks with a C grade ability, before his sword is forcibly taken by Squink.
Izou’s minions successfully gang up on the Gorilla damaging his armor with martial combat.
Tomomi Successfully distracts the Gorilla cultist so that he takes some more hits he wouldn’t have otherwise.
The Gorilla kills a guard and heavily injures another one,
Tomomi also creates an additional opening on the cat for Okami to take advantage of.
Both Oden and Izou make their way across the battlefield and find the hidden cultist who was using her magic to bolster and maintain Akayami. Izou hits the Kitsune cultist in the throat.
The Kitsune cultist fires retaliatory magic attacks, one D Grade sent at Oden, and one E grade sent at Izou.
Akayami’s scream inflicts Irritant Pain E on the other PCs except for Okami, making some actions less effective.
Squink successfully destracts Akayami, and inflicts Hinderance Blind on Akayami. Forcibly takes the cat cultist’s sword in the process.
Squink successfully telepathically communicates with guards to get more organized so they can help evacuate people more orderly.
Okami successfully moves over toward the cat and rends him apart with her B grade ability but for unknown reasons he regenerates his form and counter attacks with a C grade ability, before his sword is forcibly taken by Squink.
Izou’s minions successfully gang up on the Gorilla damaging his armor with martial combat.
Tomomi Successfully distracts the Gorilla cultist so that he takes some more hits he wouldn’t have otherwise.
The Gorilla kills a guard and heavily injures another one,
Tomomi also creates an additional opening on the cat for Okami to take advantage of.
Both Oden and Izou make their way across the battlefield and find the hidden cultist who was using her magic to bolster and maintain Akayami. Izou hits the Kitsune cultist in the throat.
The Kitsune cultist fires retaliatory magic attacks, one D Grade sent at Oden, and one E grade sent at Izou.