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Graded [Looming Circles] "Woke Up In A New Time?! Ancient Ruins?! I Can't Believe My Shrine Maiden's Tails Can Be This Cute!"

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yuzki Uasal Uasal | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

It was a tad bit annoying to be totally unaware of what Teuihua and Yuzuki were talking about. Especially as she had a sense that it was most definitely about her. She could only hope Teuihua would say the same type of things in Mictlantechulian as he normally said in Common.

That said, Ringo was a lot more approachable. “You're welcome~ And I know how much time taking care of these two wings can take, so I can't imagine how much nine tails could take up~” Honestly, when Ringo made them flow in her direction, she had to struggle not to outright jump at them. Lucky, she'd got some Mind Shield and Focus and whatnot going. Or perhaps it was just her Prideful nature that made her fight off carnal desire at this stage.

Those thoughts were soon banished when she entered the inner shrine. She had no clue what she was looking at. The talisman and steles were entirely new and unfamiliar to her. To the degree that she didn't even know what a 'seal' was and just assumed them to be religious decorations of some sort. That said, when they turned to ash all of a sudden, she was a tad bit worried. “Is that supposed to happen?” She'd ask Teuihua.

Before he could answer, some weird voice spoke up. Honestly, the whole story was baffling. It was great to be recognised as royalty, but to suddenly be meant to suddenly be told she'd restore Mictlantechulia? That wasn't exactly on her to-do list. Actually... It'd been a great empire, right? She did still desire to become an Empress one day. Perhaps restoring a former empire could get her some allies? Yes... she wasn't exactly against the idea. She wasn't immediately in favour either though, as this came out of the blue and would clearly be a task worthy of a lifetime of dedication.

She wondered what the 'voice' thing meant by light passing and what type of rewards it was talking about. Truthfully, she'd always had issues taking riddles seriously. In her past life, she'd always assumed those talking in riddles to be idiots trying to sound smart. She'd not say that aloud, of course, as this was a fairly different thing right? Anyhow, what else did it say again? Something about getting aid from...

From... She looked at the orange flash, then at the orange light surrounding her and the lines that ran to Ringo and Yuzuki... That was... wait? WHAT? HAH! If this was the reward for joining a religion she'd have become a Catholic in her past life and gone to church on the daily! This was amazing! She couldn't imagine much greater helpers, regardless of the task! This was.. this was... That's when she snapped back and closed her mouth. Wait, wait, wait. Something about this wasn't entirely right. This was too good to be true for sure, but why? That's when she spotted Yuzuki crying and felt her morality kick in.

The initial excitement died down instantly and made way for making her feel like a monster. She had no clue what Yuzuki was saying, but she was pretty sure it wasn't anything good. Honestly, she couldn't blame her. To that extend, Regula's first instinct if she'd learned she got 'enslaved' to someone was likely to try and kill them as soon as possible, so... perhaps Yuzuki's reaction was a very tame one? Even so, that didn't make her feel any better, nor did it diminish her desire to try to somehow make it better for the two.

{It's alright, calm down. I'm against slavery. We'll just ask the voice to undo this, if that's what you want.} Honestly, as much as it'd pain her to let go of her tails before even petting them, her desire to be a good person was slightly stronger than her carnal desires. “Ehm, voice, thing? Cancel that, please. I'll see how I can help out, but I don't think having them enslaved to me is the way to do so?” She honestly had no clue how to proceed, or if the 'voice' would even react. “{Although, if you want to stick around after the voice cancels that binding thing, I could ehm... I could show you two Gwenith's orchard, take you to Sootspire mountain, we could bake apple pie? I'm sure there's a lot of stuff you'd love doing in the barony that I'd love to show to you. After waking up from such a long sleep, you must at least be somewhat curious to this new world, right?}” She honestly hoped this voice hadn't forever ruined her first impression with these two as a being [Tail Freaked Slaver] of sorts.
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Purple hair kitsune nine tails hazel eyes shrine samurai s-2151277165.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantechulian+
Ringo approached Yuzuki and put her arm around her. "+There there, Sister. I'm sure it's not that bad. He didn't say we were slaves, just that he was giving our companionship and servitude to her.+" She smiled as Regula spoke about the barony. "+You see, Sister? You don't have to stay here, you can still be free at this 'barony' place.+" She turned back to Regula. "{That is very kind of you, but there is much work to be done here, now that I am awake again. Getting this shrine clean and ready for visitors once more will probably take a long time. But, if you're still alive when I finish, maybe I'll stop by to see the orchard and make apple pie. And any time you are in the area, my servitude and companionship shall be at your disposal, as he said. Oh! I could teach you to make the charms we give to visitors! Though... I don't know if someone would want to come all this way just to receive a human charm...}" She pondered this for a moment before smiling at Regula again, and beginning to look for a broom.
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Unfortunately the golem wasn't quite sure what just happened himself, or if it was supposed to happen for that matter, as he took a moment to process exactly what was going on. That booming voice sounded like something more than it initially appeared to be..had it been something divine or a being long ago from the civilization? Teuihua wasn't exactly one for religion communion being it wasn't in his intended design or function, but something had felt very special about that voice even if it continued to not read the room or seemed to really care much for formalities as far as calling the multi-tailed sisters by their appropriate titles. He didn't exactly had a detailed explanation for Regula when she asked if that was supposed to happen, but what he did know was as he turned his head to speak to her in common:

"I have not seen anything quite like this happen before. I am not sure..who or what that was but they sounded important..from some place beyond..I do not believe they are our enemy however...I believe they are an ally of Mictlantechulia."

At the very least the sisters seemed to be taking it well enough, as Teuihua realized what exactly the voice had said and what it meant for them. It sounded like they were bound to serve Regula on this..grand quest that the voice seemed to have in mind. That was what Teuihua thought when Ringo spoke at the very least, which if the construct was capable of a proper biological 'sigh' of relief he would have made it then and there no doubt. That was pretty life altering news to be told that you were being called on to serve the greater good of a civilization which was no longer there. If anything as startling it was they should feel honored that such an important being was offering them this chance to do the world well. Naturally all of these thoughts soon left Teuihua when he saw the look on Yuzuki's face, not to mention what she was now saying directed to him.

Of course Teuihua now felt bad that his journey here had inadvertently led to putting Yuzuki in this situation where she felt this way, all because he had gone and shown Regula this area.. It really wasn't his fault but even so the distress from her was upsetting to him. Despite feeling sad that Yuzuki was feeling this way, he would just have to reaffirm his position again whether she believed him or not, it was the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Yes, I told you I would protect you and I still plan to do that, there is nothing about Baroness Caelia that suggests that she means any harm toward you. I have known her for quite some time. While I do not know who spoke, it is even apparent to I that there is a grander picture here that is difficult to see, but I can assure you again, the Baroness means no ill will or harm toward you in any way. I do not believe she has plans to restrict your liberties either."
He spoke steadfast in Mictlantechulian, leveraging his [Mediator] title a bit, with how calm and collected he kept himself as he continued to try to help diffuse the situation.

"What Ringo says is true too..they did not say you were enslaved to her. " He spoke in Mictlantechulian calmly.

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately in the case of Regula) even as she asked the voice to undo what it did, there was no verbal response. Instead the orange energy like strands reappeared leading from the tailed sisters back to Regula, the brightened briefly, before floating orange energy text in Miclantechulian appeared around the four, in the air. Once again even Regula could understand it despite it not being a language which she read, it was like her brain was automatically translating it to something she could understand.

Over and over again the words floated across 'What has been spoken is true, what is meant to be is final.' Eventually however the floating text began to dissipate and become increasingly less common until it vanished. The binding lines between Regula, Yuzuki, and Ringo also began to fade once again until they were not visible. However to the trained eye which was trying to deliberately see magic and was high enough grade, they would be able to see that very powerful binding magic had been used. In fact it would have been comparable to the sort used by masters and their slaves at the temple of the god of law. Perhaps this really had been divine intervention after all..

The orange energy dispersed into some more orangey like sparks which flew all around the shrine area illuminating it with a glow before they disappeared. One comforting fact at the very least, was it looked like the shrine had gone to normal once again.
Once again Teuihua wasn't exactly sure what all of that had meant in wholeness since this was far from the usual occurrence, but it was pretty obvious what ever had spoken wasn't going to change it's mind anytime soon. but he did speak eventually in common turning to speak to Regula,

"I believe that gave you your answer...this will be something which needs to be worked through..given the delicate circumstances..This shrine has significance ..and if the only option is to go forward with what they proclaimed...if only the shrine was in the barony.."
Teuihua said softly toward the end, it was apparent he was in thought now perhaps thinking of someway to be supportive to Regula but this was definitely a difficult situation he was realizing. And then what were they going to tell the one responsible for Morbella now? Teuihua had wanted to continue to explore the area and get information from the them on what the two knew, but with this turn of events that seemed to make his personal goal much harder too.. All Teuihua could do was trust that this..divine one..or being, whoever they were, had all of their best interests in mind. If Hathaway had faith, and seemed to live such a good life..then why couldn't Teuihua at least try to keep calm and understand.

Uasal Uasal Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yuzki Uasal Uasal | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

A lot more words were spoken in the unknown language, until Ringo switched back to Sylvan. However, somehow, she felt like there had been a translation error. After all, it didn't sound like this shrine's restoration was going to be a priority for anyone else. Nor did it sound like Ringo was going to stick around to work on it... right? Just... she couldn't just say that... The fact this girl was still wanting to work heart on this shrine immediately after awaking from such a long slumber was truly heart-warming. {“I'll drop by to visit again, sometime, in that case. I can bring more apples~”} She'd reply. At this rate, she was banking on the fact that this would be resolved without having to break this girl's heart.

That said, Teuihua's words weren't all that comforting. “Do you think that voice was from an actual deity? Or just some really powerful Fae or something?” She asked, growing a more intrigued by the second. After all, it seemed like she'd be dealing with this situation more than she first expected.

That's when the voice, or rather, floaty text bits, reaffirmed that this was going to be what it was. Honestly, Regula's mind sort-off blanked out on what to feel about this. It was like being gifted a million dollars, only to learn that it'd been earned by selling orphan tears on the black market. Truthfully, these two were the best gift she could ever wish for, but the fact it wasn't really a willing or ethically justifiable gift was really ruining the whole experience a fair bit.

That's when Teuihua mumbled something of interest. Of great interest. “What if I were to try to take it...?” She'd ask. “Remember that Pocket Dimension I used to save you and Drew from that explosion? I think I might be able to make it even bigger and possible even use it to take over the entire shrine! Well... in theory, at least. I've never tried something like that in practice and we'd need to explain our actions to the Baron here, lest we start a rivalry or worse, but it might be possible!” She was considering it, at the very least, wondering how well her political and magical powers would be able to handle this.
Purple hair kitsune nine tails hazel eyes shrine samurai s-1644768126.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantechulian+​

Ringo smiled wide at Regula's reply. "{That would be wonderful. I shall look forward to it.}" After searching for a moment and realizing that no brooms had survived the ages since the shrine was last maintained, she closed her eyes and concentrated onthe invisible spirits around her. She held her hands in front of her in a spiritual pose and when the moment was right, her hand darted forward pulling a lost soul from the other side. She held it tightly and smiled at it. "+I need your help. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt and it won't last long. Then you'll be free to go.+" She concentrated again, focusing on the spirit in her hand, as it suddenly changed into a broom in a cloud of blue smoke. She began to sweep happily, humming an old song the children used to sing when they played near the shrine. There was so much to do. Rebuilding the wash basin, pruning the prayer tree and replacing the chords from which people hung there charms, the pond was gone and would need re dug. Not to mention all the stones that made up the courtyard. They would need to be practically dug out of the ground with all the dirt and grass that grown over them. Yes this would take a long time and a lot of work to fix. But she would be here to see it done. It's not like the shrine was going anywhere.

1691515856647.pngEverything is spoken in Sylvan

In the depths of her despair, Yuzuki stood shaken, a woman stripped of her freedom, ensnared in the cruel clutches of enslavement magic the likes of which none could hope to shatter. Her eyes, once filled with determination and dreams, now reflect a haunting desperation. Every breath she took was heavy with the weight of her shattered autonomy, every beat of her heart a painful reminder of the life that was stolen from her mere minutes after it had been returned.

Within the void-scape the chains that bound her were not only physical but also mental, a constant reminder of her powerlessness. She longed for the touch of the wind on her skin, the warmth of the sun's embrace, and the simple joy of making her own choices. Each day was a struggle to hold onto her sense of self amidst the dehumanizing circumstances that surround her. Ringo her only stele of protection among the harrowing backdrop that was nothingness.

How cruel a world. Was this truly her reward for working so hard to be the best [Komainu] she could possibly be? Her reward for silently waiting countless centuries within the cold and dark nothingness? Enslavement to a FREAK!

Looking up to Ringo and her clear lack of awareness, Yuzuki's expression faded into a state of nothingness itself. As if having cried out all remnants of her emotions, Yuzuki moved to stand tall once again. Neither her body language nor her face giving insight into her current state. Raising a hand toward her sister, Yuzuki would grip Ringo's shoulder softly and shake her head slowly from side to side.

"Ringo. This Baroness. She is to be our master."

Looking to the spirit broom Ringo had summoned, Yuzuki motioned for Ringo to do the same. "Like our spirits, we too cannot venture far from our master. We must leave this place Ringo. We have no choice. The gods have willed it so and we are powerless to challenge them. I am powerless to challenge them. I'm sorry"

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1.png

"Common", "+Mictlantechulian+"​

Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Uasal Uasal

There were only parts of this conversation which Teuihua actually understood. There was the part where Ringo asked for assistance from the spirits which they gladly did. Just the fact that she appeared so upbeat despite the news made him feel slightly better. However since his understanding of dialogue was still limited he would work with what he did know. First there was Regula's question, so his head rotated to face her after her question in common.
"I will reiterate this is not my area of expertise but in my honest opinion, based on todays events between the guiding lines, the powerful display of bonding magic unlike anything I've quite seen, in fact much more powerful than any slave binding magic I've witnessed, and the way the voice enveloped the area, it truly would not surprise me if a Miclantechlian God did make contact with all of us here today, which one...however is hard to say. Since this is a shrine of passage, one would think it would be one of passage, but I fear that name has been lost for many years, and different parts of the empire valued different gods..and this one of passage, is not one which I am very familiar with." Teuihua spoke.

"Your thought about it being a powerful fae however is possible and I'm sure you are thinking probably more likely, but I would find it curious why it would bother with matters such as these, as far as I know there are only a select few who can even use magic to the extent which we just saw..I could practically feel it in my core...this is in part why I would reason, this feels more divine to me, unless we have a legendary master in magic Fae on our hands."
Teuihua then spoke a bit more solemnly, "I do truly wish that I could provide you more definitive answers..but events like these are just..so uncommon even for my time."
However Teuihua's sadder more serious vocal tone soon shifted to one which was more optimistic, even when he took into consideration Yuzuki's body language and tone, even if he did not understand the language it was clear that she was looking and sounding very defeated, but Regula's words could possibly help remedy that. Teuihua actually almost sounded excited, as he was sounding much more talkative and animated than he usually was at this point.

"If the pocket dimension was large enough..when I think about it, that should certainly be possible..as far as my knowledge of magic goes, and while it is likely that there is magic in place to protect the more important parts of the Shrine, I doubt there are protections in mind for the physical building itself being moved, it being plundered would have been a much greater concern on the minds of those who valued it, than someone moving the whole building as you are proposing..but as you say there is the issue of the Baron as you speak of..we would certainly need his approval, if we could come up with a compelling reason. maybe for research? Of course I'm not entirely thrilled at setting a precedent that just anyone from this time can take what they please from these ruins. You are a special case....especially after that mission which was bestowed upon you..but, even so I think, this would be a noble action, to not tear them away from their shrine, so perhaps an agreement can be made."
While the conversation was unfolding about what the next possible moves were, suddenly a somewhat loud thumping sound could be heard in the distance, sounding like it wasn't that far away from the shrine complex, perhaps even within the walls, while it wasn't as hefty as someone like Teuihua something odd was going on. While this sound was picking up, the movement was swifter now until suddenly a thud could be heard, while it didn't shake the ground or anything that extreme it was enough to hear it all the way from inside the shrine, even with out enhanced hearing.

Teuihua's head turned to the sound after the crash, as he made his way back toward the shrine entrance to see if he could see what was going on, but it didn't look like there was anyone in the courtyard from a glance. Maybe it was some sort of animal? Or was it an intruder? Given how many years it had been either was just as likely with little protection stopping anyone or anything as it pleased from coming through these areas, so It was difficult to tell.

"We have company..I'll secure the area." Teuihua spoke, assuming a guarded stance like he looked like he was ready to strike down any threat which made itself known to him, he squeezed his way out of the shrine as he had done going in and made his way out into the yard, scanning the area.

After some quiet, he actually saw through the gates of passage in the distance a figure who appeared to be lying on the ground. Eventually the now identifiably a construct, got up on their 'knees' and called out, looking up at the sky, almost sounding like they were in despair based on their tone, in Mictlantechulian, the vocal range sounding more feminine than not.

To anyone who had followed and looked out the same way they would see and hear the following:
"+Qeotl, have you abandoned me? My fields? Where have they gone? Where is my harvest..where has everyone gone? And my creator...where are you? Did Qeotl no longer find you worthy of serving? Did she find me insufficient? There is so much yet I have to learn! Have I been cursed as the only survivor? Why do I still persist if everyone else is gone..what purpose do I have to exist if you have left me and my creator has gone the way of everyone else! I exist to serve you and them and yet you do not speak to me! Why do you not speak to me!?+" If there were constructs capable of breaking down crying this was about as close as one could conceivably get vocally as they called out utterly distraught.
Teuihua had about 4 feet in height on this construct and they were not nearly as bulky and wide as he was in appearance, leaving them at about a still impressive 9'2"
While this was transpiring it was clear Teihua was deciding whether or not to go up and engage them, looking to Regula first perhaps awaiting an order, staying near her, protecting her and these two was still his primary objective.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yuzki Uasal Uasal | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}| %Analog% | [Terran]

She could hardly even fake a smile at Ringo's reply, as it seemed like the poor dear had no clue what was going to be happening. Still, Regula was surprised when she just sort-off popped some weird spectral broom into existence.

Oddly enough, Yuzuki decided to start speaking in Sylvan, which Regula was actually capable of comprehending. Whether it was intended or not, it gave Regula a newfound conviction. A goal to strive for and a limit to put on herself. Yes. Not only would she not touch those tails without permission, she'd not even ask for said permission. At least, not until she got those tails to wag in genuine happiness. All eighteen of them. It'd be a monumental task, but she figured she'd not even ask to pet them until she fulfilled it. That would keep her motivated to make this sudden arrangement work out for the best for sure. She nodded to herself, happy with her newfound resolve.

Now she just needed to translate it, without sounding too much like a [Tail Freak]. {“Even with this arrangement, I promise I'll give the two of you as much freedom as I'm capable of. If that doesn't suffice, we'll eventually find a way to challenge the gods together.”} She'd state, although her duties as a baroness would likely limit them as well now. Still, within the limits of that constraint, there should be additional wiggle room. And if there wasn't, they'd just need to figure out a way to duke it out with a god. No biggie.

She'd nod at Teuihua's explanations. “It seems like I've gotten myself a habit if running into uncommon occurrences.” She replied, with a bit of a smile. It was tough, but it did keep life interesting. The topic of moving the shrine was a more complex one. “I wonder if he'd outright sell it to us? I'm honestly not good at lying. Depending on what type of person baron Morbella is, they might even accept the truth and let us have it for cheap. It's a shame we don't have Retili or Amanda with us. Sending them out on a mission to secure this shrine would be a perfect mission to show how skilled they are, as I think they'd be able to get it done.” Sadly enough, it looked like it'd be up to herself, right now.

Actually... Perhaps not entirely. “{Alright, I'll be blunt.}” She turned to Ringo and Yuzuki. “{If you'd want me to, I might be able to move the shrine. Perhaps not all of it, but at least its main building. All I'd need is permission from the baron in this region to take it to my own, something I think you two might be able to help convince him to grant. If you two help me convince him to hand over the shrine, I'll do what I can to bring it with us and to give it a better, nicer, more frequently visited spot in my own barony.}” She wondered if she was, per chance, a bit too direct and forward with that proposal. Even so, she'd gone for it.

To her surprise, however, sudden company arrived. She had no clue what the thing was saying, but perhaps that wasn't even needed. They sounded rather distressed, after all. She was surprised by how on guard Teuihua seemed to be. “I don't think they mean harm.” She'd reassure, as she'd carefully head over to the construct.

“Excuse me, sir... ma'am? Is there anything we can help you with? You seem rather distressed.” She'd try in common. If that failed, she'd try Analog, Terran, Sylvan and Beastial next. If all those failed, she'd have no option than to ask Teuihua or the twins to translate for her.
Purple hair kitsune nine tails hazel eyes shrine samurai s-2151277165.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantechulian+
As Yuzuki explained the situation to Ringo, she began to fret. "+L-Leave!? But... I... no... NO! I won't leave! I-I don't care if some... some... some VOICE says we have to go with her, I'm staying here!+" Her cheeks puffed out and she had a scowl on her face perfecting the pout. It had often worked when she needed to get her way with the priests, and had become a bad habit. Her tail fanned out wide in frustration, swaying backand forth behind her, as she returned to sweeping, but much angrier. Once she was faced away from the others her eyes began to tear up, but she refused to cry, scrunching her face tighter in anger. As Regula began to speak to them, she let out a frustrated sigh. She knew it wasn't Regula's fault, but... if she hadn't shown up then... If she hadn't shown up then her and Yuzuki would still be stuck in stasis. She let out another frustrated sigh and turned to face Regula, refusing to stop moping out of sheer stubbornness. But her eyes went wide and her expression softened at the Baroness's words. "{Y-You could do that?! Move the shrine to bring it with us?! Wait... Would that be safe...? It wouldn't damage it right...? I-If you can bring the shrine with us safely, and people can come see it again... I'll do what ever I can to help!}" She released the currently broomed spirit and ran to regula daintily, gripping her hands in her own. "{Please. Don't let this place be lost. Let me restore it! Let me make it a place people can come to find relief and joy, as it once was!}" She squeezed Regula's hands tightly and smiled pleadingly at her. A sudden loud noise drew her attention, and she followed behind the others to see what had happened, sticking close to the Baroness.

With Ringo having been forced to face the reality of the situation things swiftly began to spiral out of control. Though it pleased Yuzuki none to be the bearer of bad news it was a duty she had become accustomed to given her position at the shrine, still informing her sister of their fate was no easy task. It was stomach-curling and quite distasteful. Watching her sister hold back tears Yuzuki was just about to embrace the woman, that was until Regula spoke again and for the third time today turned an unfolding situation atop its head. With Ringo dashing to her side at the prospect of moving the shrine, Yuzuki shook her head softly and looked to the duo with a hint of distress slowly creeping onto her features.

Moving the main temple building was a deat of great power, this Regula was most certainly a powerful entity in her own right. Even together, without any seal, would the twins have stood a chance against her? Could she have taken both them and the shrine by force if she so wished? It was a terrifying thought. The duo's new master, Regula. She was a scary individual. A freak, and scary... how reassuring. But at least Ringo had calmed down.

"The inner sanctum is situated upon a ley line quite purposefully. Though it shouldn't matter if myself and Ringo regain enough power to supply it personally with mana when conducting rituals, I would suggest you take this into consideration when deciding where to move it."
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1.png
Languages: "
Common" "+Mictlantechulian+" "%Analog%"​
Teuihua once more wasn't really sure what was being said in Sylvan but he listened anyway. When Regula spoke to him however, he turned his head and nodded, sounding a bit more light hearted briefly, "At least they aren't all bad uncommon ones, otherwise I would not have met you."

His tone then shifted to a bit more of a serious and thoughtful one.

"While I am no expert in diplomacy, I imagine that the outcome will depend largely on how attached the Baron is to this land. Perhaps if you put emphasis that there isn't really anything of value except for things which relate to a 'dead' religion and culture, he won't mind selling it for cheaper. I say this because I think a big motivation from what you said as to why he let us investigate is because he was hoping we'd uncover something of material wealth which if he acquired could bolster his prestige and reputation I do not think that he probably cares much for our culture or religion, but thankfully there are other areas in these ruins where I think he could find things of greater value.."

The golem replied in common.

Unfortunately Teuihua couldn't help but feel a bit bad yet again with Ringo pouting and outright refusing to leave after her discovering exactly what was meant by being loyal to Regula, she was obviously not happy to have to leave the shrine, but Regula had spoken like she might be able to move it so there was still some hope there as far as he was concerned, that this situation could be remedied to the best of their ability, and they'd still be able to do what this..at least what he assumed was a god at this point and time thought was best.

While Teuhua didn't entirely understand the next exchange he did pay attention to the tones, and it looked like Ringo got somewhat excited at what Regula was saying, and then Yuzuki's tone didn't sound so devastated to him, so that was good enough to suggest even without a verbal understanding that the pair were slowly warming up.
At Regula's words Teuihua looked a bit less guarded but did respond in common, "I understand, I think they likely mean no harm, but it is good to be careful when an area has so little remaining security at it's borders.." Teuihua then continued in Mictlantechulian,

"We mean no harm, we are here in peace, I hear your plight and I fear very little of the news we have for you..is very positive." He said sounding rather solemn in tone.


The construct...slowly nodded at Teuihua before eventually sitting up and looked to Regula gesturing in a bit of a surprised way, before she started clicking back in Analog, once Regula had tried that, after quickly realizing that Regula didn't seem to understand Mictlantechulian if she was going to try using Analog of all things over it.

"%I do not know your capabilities, your clothing is strange and it appears you do not speak our language, where do you hail from? Are you a diplomat perhaps and he is your escort? You are surely not from Mictlantechulia, I cannot say i've ever even seen anything in that style before..%"

The voice still sounded rather stressed as it continued in Analog,

"%Everything I hold dear appears to be gone, the sentry golem with you just said that what has happened here is bleak, I understand that much, my creator and master..and my fields are no where to be found, have you seen any fields of crops? I'm not sure what to do..everyone who I knew appears to be gone, the buildings have sustained damage..I became active not that long ago so I do not understand what is going on..worse yet Qeotl does not answer me. Was there an evacuation for some sort of disaster while I was inactive? %"

But that's when the construct took notice of the twins and also asked them swiftly, sounding a bit more optimistic, the more feminine tone compared to Teuihua coming through "+Ah kind shrine keepers!, Surely you must have answers for me, I know that you are from around this region as I am, it has been a very long time since I caught a glance of either of you, if anyone knows what's going on here it would be you, it is apparent to me that sentry is not from here..what has happened?"+"

It appeared the construct was quick to ask whoever about whatever came to mind, perhaps out of desperation, eventually standing upright slowly, the height more apparent now.

Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Elvario Elvario
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yuzki Uasal Uasal | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}| %Analog% | [Terran]

She smiled at Ringo's smile. If she'd just been entertaining the though before, she'd been dedicated to seeing it done right now. {“I'll do whatever I can.”} She promised, looking around. They'd probably have to measure out from where she'd have to open up the Pocket Dimension from, then carefully draw a few lines. Perhaps measure some heights. Just to be safe. However, it could definitely be done. Honestly having Ringo grabbing her hands was probably for the best, as it made it a lot easier not to try teach for those tails right now. {“With someone so lovely and dedicated working on it, I'm sure the shrine will have regular visitors from my Barony in no-time.”} She'd smile back at Ringo.

Sadly enough she hadn't been able to convince the other nine tails the second twin. The latter seemed rather sceptical of both the idea and Regula herself. So Regula nodded and tried to keep her smile up. {“We can do our best to see if there's a similar ley line in my barony. It's not far from here, so perhaps the one here extends towards there? I'll admit, I have very little knowledge about such things, but I'm sure we can work it out together, right?”} Hopefully, that'd break down a bit more of the ice she felt had quickly formed between herself and Yuzuki.

Rather opposite of ice were the warm words spoken by Teuihua. “Oh, come on, don't make me blush~” She replied with a smile. That said, it was indeed time to get serious shortly afterwards. “That might be an option, but I wonder if we might convince him by explaining we found some dormant magic that activated and stuck to us upon our arrival. We can say we wish to bring the shrine along in case there are any long-term effects. That wouldn't exactly be a lie and I think it'd pass as a good enough explanation.”

Regula felt like she'd made a slight miscalculation. Analog was a horror to speak as a non-construct. She felt her tongue grow tired, so she figured she'd just clap the patterns instead. At least until her hands would also grow tired. At that point she might have to switch to tapping her foot or something. Either way, she replied. %“I am baroness Regula Caelia, I am from a barony bordering this region. It's a pleasure to meet you.”%

She wondered how much else she should say. Perhaps it was better for Teuihua to explain some things? She started to feel more and more like this construct was in a very similar situation as he'd been. That was the plan, at least, but upon hearing the long and panicked plea, she could hardly stay silent. %“I'm afraid a long time has passed since you awakened, but worry not. You are not alone.”% She'd gesture towards Teuihua. %“My friend can inform you of all that changed and happened.”% She wasn't sure how much else to add. Should she give the construct a chance to catch up or a quick reason not to panic? It was a tough choice. In the end, she decided against it. Besides, her hands had grown a bit tired of all the claps in Analog.

“Teuihua, I'll trust you to explain what happened. You're free to invite....” she realised she didn't even know this constructs name.

%“I don't think I've caught your name yet. Do you remember it?”% She asked, a tad bit worried this particular one might have amnesia due to how she approached everything.

That's when she realised she'd been speaking to Teuihua. “Ah, sorry. I was about to say you're free to invite her to join us in the barony, should she desire it.” Truth be told, she hoped she'd made the right gamble in gendering this construct. It was a bit tough, having only a voice that sounded slightly more feminine than masculine to go by.
purple hair kitsune tails robes spiritual magic shrine smug smirk woman s-2024706212.jpg

Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | Sylvan

Ringo watched confused as Regula clapped at the construct while it emitted sounds back at her. She understood they communicating, but didn't really get how. She thought the weird noises were just for the constructs to talk to each other. Ringo suddenly went rigid as the newcomers 'eyes' locked onto her and it shifted it's language to her own. "+I-I... I'm actually not sure either... We were stuck in our spiritual realm for a long time... The last time we were out, everything had seemed normal... and then we woke up to this... I imagine you are just as confused as we are...+" Not understanding regula's comments to Teuihua, she suddenly perked up, and put her hands on Regula's shoulders. "+Oh! This nice lady is gonna take us and the shrine to her+ beara... bairan... Bearny! +You should come with us! I'm sure she'd have no problem with it, she seems very fond of taking things!+" Ringo's tails swished gently back and forth as if blown by a slow breeze as she smiled at the construct.


Yuzuki observed the proceedings with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. The idea of a Baroness like Regula transporting their sacred shrine to her barony raised questions in Yuzuki's mind. What could be the true motives behind such a decision? Was there a hidden agenda that they hadn't yet perceived? Her expressive eyes held a hint of doubt as she listened to the discussions unfolding.

However, just as Yuzuki was lost in her thoughts, her sister's sudden remark caught her off guard. The words were unexpected, delivered with a playful twist that resonated with a shared sisterly bond. A surprised chuckle escaped Yuzuki's lips before she could suppress it, her skepticism momentarily forgotten.

Her sister's wit had a way of cutting through Yuzuki's contemplative demeanor, reminding her of the joy of the present moment. A wit that Ringo hardly seemed to realize she had. The laughter that bubbled from within her was a release, a brief respite from the weight of her concerns. She shot her sister a lighthearted look, their unspoken connection speaking volumes in the midst of the conversation.

The glimmer of amusement in her eyes remained as Yuzuki redirected her attention to the unfolding situation. The Farming Golem and of course how Regula hoped to deal with the poor soul. "My sister speaks the truth. The Baroness is certainly fond of taking things... ha... ahem...pffft. Ringo, haha! You really are something else... hahaha!". Taking a moment to compose herself, Yuzuki spoke again to the golem "If you wish to be freed from this pane do speak now and my sister and I shall grant you the release you seek. Otherwise, I'd wager you need to see a tinkerer or artificer for repairs as soon as possible."

Looking to Teuihua, Yuzuki tilted her head with curiosity "Are those professions still alive and good in this Barony you speak of?"

All spoken dialogue is in Mictlantechulian

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2.png
"Common" "+Mictlantechulian+" "%Analog%"​
Teuihua was pleased at Regula's reaction to his words, glad that she appeared to think similarly. He also nodded when she mentioned perhaps they could convince the Baron to let her have the shrine if they told him about the concern of lingering magic. This was actually true as she said considering after visiting the shrine she quite literally got hit by powerful binding magic, so it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that someone else might potentially face some sort of other similar 'issue' should people be exploring it willy nilly. So with it being framed that way as a possible hazard and something to be studied, that might work in their favor.

"I hear what you are saying, and I think it sounds reasonable, hopefully this Baron is a reasonable person. " Teuihua responded with an optimistic tone in common.
Surprisingly as long as Teuihua had been active no one had seen him speak in Analog, but he listened to the conversation anyway, Teuihua remembered understanding this..like it was on the tip of his 'tongue', a small blue spark of energy flew from his head and dissipated rather quickly. If he was capable of expressing it his face would have been one which appeared to be focusing hard.


The shorter construct first said to Regula, "%You speak this language well for someone of the flesh, Regula, unfortunately I do not know what this, "barony" you speak of is or what a "baroness" is.%" She sounded at least slightly more calm with this assurance, and more objective with the task at hand compared to the full out panic from before, perhaps Regula's words had helped the construct feel a bit better in the moment.

Teuihua gave a nod to Regula when she mentioned him being able to explain what had happened to the other construct.

Before acknowledging Teuihua again, the construct would reply, "%Fortunately I haven't lost that much while I wish I could be meeting you on better terms Regula, my creator named me Zeouli. I am a construct made in dedication to the goddess of agriculture and harvest, Qeotl.%" Zeouli responded.

Zeouli did listen to what the twins had to say, the focus shifting since she had asked them at Ringo's response she let out a sound that almost sounded like a sigh at the first part about them not knowing what happened either, before tilting her head curiously at the comment about Regula being a nice lady, and Ringo struggling to say the word barony.
"+I see...that, is most concerning to hear.+

Yuzuki on the other hand offered a kind gesture, so Zeouli would turn to face her and give a slight bow. "+While I sincerely appreciate the offer for you to allow me to pass on, I feel strongly that if it was my time to move on, I wouldn't have survived through whatever..this is, It is clear that there is still work to be done here...if there are others of us left. As long as there are fields, wounds to heal, and things to help grow in this.."barony" then I am inclined to join you wherever this place is ..whether she is interested in taking things or not, I can continue my dedication to Qeotl if these criteria are met...perhaps my creator still survives as all of you do..+" Zeouli said a bit more optimistically toward the end.

Zeouli then turned to Teuihua, "+Well then sentry, do you know any more than they do?+"

Teuihua thought for a moment before replying. "+First, I am Teuihua, I can tell you already know my creation's directive already so I'll spare you the details. I am inclined to believe that a great disaster struck..unfortunately what you have witnessed around you is not an isolated event. All of Mictlantechulian sites I've subsequently visited since waking up are in similar states of disarray..however what caused this disaster i could not tell you, it is something I am actively researching....in addition much has changed there are new technologies and civilizations which have become a reality, the landscape has shifted much and there is less wilderness than before.."

Teuihua then turned to Yuzuki, "+As for your question, thankfully yes, these are not practices which were lost to time..and they are accessible..+"Her somewhat increased mood even if only temporary wasn't lost on him, hopefully that trend would continue moving forward.

He then turned back to Zeouli, "+I will assure you all is not lost however, there are still many kind people, and as we've proven just now there are others of our kind who still exist..I believe your inclination to come back to the Barony is a wise one, while I understand this is our home, it is far from functional..or a site where you could be guaranteed safety, with my information about Qeotl, in my opinion you will be able to carry out your primary directive for creation in Baroness Caelia's Barony..+"

Zeouli nodded, "+Thank you for your explanation..as you said..things are bleak but all hope is not lost..if what you say is true.+" The tone sounding a bit more optimistic again.

Teuihua turned to Regula, "I have explained what we know so far and she has spoken and desires to see this Barony, It sounds like to me she believes it is the best chance of her being able to carry out her primary directive." Teuihua reported back to Regula after exposition now in common.

"If there is nothing else of great importance for us to see here..should we be on our way to ask this Baron about the shrine?" Teuihua asked Regula.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yuzki Uasal Uasal | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}| %Analog% | [Terran]

Breathing – noun: the act or process of taking air into your lungs and releasing it.

That's what Regula needed to remind herself to do when she suddenly felt Ringo's arms on her shoulders. If those hands were close enough to touch her, as they were doing, those tails were really close as well. Oh, but imagine, if their positions had been reversed... she'd be... near those tails... oh my. No, no, don't drool. Just breath. She was certainly fond of taking things, but right now there was one thing in particular she wanted to take in her hands. Well, nine things in particular. Still, she'd made a vow! Yes, she could and should and would [Mind Shield] herself from these desires! She'd be strong. Although her wings flapped a bit in unconstrained excitement, gifting Ringo wish a slight breeze along her face on either side, she otherwise remained calm. Not without great effort, but still, she did!

Sadly enough, she had no clue what was being aid. Neither by Ringo nor by Yuzuki. Even so, they seemed happier. That was a good thing. It made her happier as well and not just because it brought her a step closer to her desire to pet some tails.

She was also happy to hear Teuihua agree with her plan. “Indeed, let's hope we can strike a deal.” She said, although she'd grown a bit more confident in her social skills.

It was rather surprising to learn that Mictlantechulian culture didn't have barons or baronies. She figured she'd attempt to give a quick explanation. %“A baroness is a low-ranking noble and the barony is the land they govern.”% She didn't feel particularly proud calling herself 'low-ranking' noble, but she wasn't sure how else to explain it in Analog. She nodded in reply to the name and purpose the construct stated. %“Those are a great name and purpose.”% She replied, figuring that was probably something a construct would appreciate hearing. It wasn't exactly untrue either. If this one was joining, they could probably really use her. Amanda would likely be ecstatic about a construct farmer, with all her crop-rotation plans.

That's when a long conversation followed in the language unspoken by her. She did try to figure out some patterns, but without too much success. Only when Teuihua suddenly spoken common again, was she able to listen and reply. “That is great! I'm sure it'd be lovely to have her~ Besides, it must be great to no longer be the only one, right?” She only realised she might be a tad insensitive by pointing that out, but she was genuine happy for him to have found someone in a similar position as that of himself.

However, before visiting the baron, there was one thing she wanted to be really sure off. She turned to the twins again. {“I'm afraid I can't undo the binding, but I do want to do what I can to ensure the both of you will not end up suffering under these peculiar arrangements. If taking along the shrine helps avoid that, I'll naturally do what I can to do so. However, as the only two remaining residents, I would like formal permission from the both of you.”} She spoke, being rather serious about this. Even though she'd sort-off ended up taking them without their permission, she didn't also want to take their home without their permission.

If that was agreed upon, she'd be down to set out to meet the baron and prepare for the peculiar request she'd have to make and how best to frame that. Truth be told, she thought that being honest might even be the best course of action, at this rate, depending on the type of person the baron would be.
purple hair kitsune tails robes spiritual magic shrine smug smirk woman s-2024706212.jpg
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | Sylvan​

Ringo laughed happily as Regula's wings blew wind past her face and smiled brightly at Yuzuki's praise. She wasn't completely sure why she was being praised, but it felt nice all the same. The mood had started to pick up since earlier, at least from her perspective. Maybe things would be alright after all. She suddenly remembered the basket of aples and turned to go find them, when Regula's voice addressed them in Sylvan again, this time more serious in tone. She turned and listened to the woman speak, before responding, matching Regula's tone. "{If what you and my Sister say is true, that we are now bound to you by the will of a higher being, then I have no choice but to go with you. But I am also a shrine guardian, and this is my shrine. If I leave it, it will surely crumble and vanish, like the rest of everything I have ever known. So if you really can take it with us, if I can continue to serve as it's guardian and even restore it to what it once was, then I, Shrine Guardian Ringo, proud Komainu of Mictlantecuhtlia, grant you my permission to do so.}" She bowed slightly to Regula with her arms clasped in front of her, then turned to her sister. "+Yuzuki, dearest sister, my favorite twin, th-the better twin, really. I know you are ready to be done with this place, that you have set your sights on grander things. I am not so bold as you. I need this shrine. Will you allow her to relocate it? For me? I-I'll take over all the duties, you won't even have to set foot here... e-except for sometimes, when we both need to be present, but that's rare, right? I'll even give you first pick of the offerings! Please?+" She gave her sister a pleading look, her tails swishing behind her eagerly.
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Yuzuki hesitated for a moment, her sister's words tugging at her heartstrings. The bond between them was unbreakable, and the weight of Ringo's desires held significance to her beyond any surface disagreement. With a soft smile, she looked into Ringo's hopeful eyes, seeing the sincerity that radiated from her sister's plea.

"+Ringo, my dear sister+" Yuzuki began, her voice carrying a gentle warmth. "+You've always been the gentle strength that I rely on in my times of need. And perhaps you're right, I have yearned for a different path, one beyond the confines of this shrine. I've dreamt of adventures beyond these sacred walls.+" Her gaze held a mix of nostalgia and longing before she continued. "+Though I can no longer chase that dream, I would never jeopardise yours.+"

"+If this is what you truly wish for, if it brings you joy and preserves the essence of what we've known, then who am I to oppose? Your happiness has always been intertwined with mine. If Baroness Regula can truly relocate our shrine, granting you the freedom to nurture it while I try and embrace a different destiny than that I wished for, then I wholeheartedly give my consent.+
" Yuzuki's words were soft yet resolute, a reflection of her acceptance of her sister's plea.

Turning her attention towards Regula, Yuzuki's expression softened, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Regula, if you can keep your promise to my sister, then I trust your intentions. Thank you for offering us a chance to rewrite our fates, even if it means stepping into the unknown."

As the weight of her decision settled in, Yuzuki felt a mixture of emotions — relief, hope, and a twinge of sadness at the prospect of parting ways with the ruins that had been their home for so long. But she understood that life was a tapestry woven with the threads of change, and in that moment, she offered her sister a reassuring smile, silently telling Ringo that their paths, though diverging, would forever remain connected.
---Jump Cut---
With all necessary members of the party consenting to the next part of this journey, it was time for them to go to Morbella, the capital, to get permission to attempt the operation to move the shrine.
Thankfully for them the journey itself did not really pose problems. Occasionally the group was questioned due to how out of place Regula’s company looked, but with Regula having explicit permission from the Baron himself this was no matter, as she could fairly easily explain away the situation and it was truthful. As for threats, even in the less populated areas of the trip back which did not have as much inherent protection on the rough roads closer to the ruins, with two large constructs by their side, even with nearby potential foes, those who thought of causing trouble second guessed themselves with the unusual potentially powerful company.

Morbella Barony, Capital: Morbella
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(minus water running through, image for general wall and more organized look reference)​

They would eventually see the walls of Morbella, the capital town of the Barony of Morbella in the distance after perhaps after a couple hours of travel. The walls looked well maintained and the entrance was guarded as was expected. What was perhaps a bit more unusual was how the walls looked a bit more like a miniature version of something you might see royals having in the Kingdom of Rotia rather than what was commonplace in Ryke, however many of the more more commonplace Mediterranean inspired merchants were not far outside the walls.

Upon the orb identifying Regula the guards made way for the Baroness at the entrance, people quite literally moving out of the way as the procession made their way through, given her rank she took priority over the general rift raft from the perspective the guards it seemed. It was made known immediately that the Baron would be informed that Regula was ready to have an audience with him as soon as possible since she had finished conducting her investigation with Teuihua of the ruins he had been curious about.

While they were entering and this was transpiring her golem companion Teuihua, gazed around like the sentry he was, making sure that no one got too close to her who could be a potential threat.

The actual interior of the capital town looked once more like a hybrid of what was typical and atypical influence, perhaps a testament to the melting pot that Ryke tended to be, at the very least it looked much more meticulously organized, buildings and streets were gridded out within the walls which had been erected, unlike the windy paths with signs all over the place, place which Teuihua and Regula had visited not all that long ago. This place had clear business sector where there was a tavern,and some shops down the street, and not too far off from that toward the center was the bazaar area, while the residential areas were also somewhat more built up, they were largely self contained in their own area as well.

At the very least the place seemed rather welcoming as the directional signs were posted in Terran, Sylvan, and Beastial. As they walked the path some more Morbella guards tagged along as a means to escort them to the meeting place.

After getting various amounts of attention awed onlookers from backgrounds and social classes around the realm it felt like, they were eventually guided down a more private path which lead toward a more oasisy tropical/Mediterranean l plant greenery filled looking gated area where there were a few more guards, and in the distance beyond the gate was a particularly striking building which once again broke what was typical for Ryke, it actually looked more like what one might expect somewhere in Europe from the world so many of the isekaied were coming from called Earth.

Morbella Estate


Lucius Morbella

After being guided down the path to the front of the house, eventually the group found themselves standing before the entrance and eventually a figure made themselves walking out to face them.
His body language was elegant but serious and professional. His outfit was pristine and monocle was in full effect.

“I take it you have good news for me Baroness Caelia?” A serious voice could be heard coming from the figure now, as they gave a small bow with etiquette.

“I pardon the lack of formality for our place of meeting , otherwise I’d invite you in for some tea, perhaps let you gander at some of my masterfully crafted artistry, but given what I heard about your..present company it would be a bit difficult to invite them inside easily, and it just felt like it would simply be…rude to leave them out here alone.” He continued.

“I am most curious about what you have found as..this is most peculiar..” He said giving a skeptical gaze at the two constructs and the twins, before looking back to Regula keeping a respectful distance now from her.

It was difficult to tell if he made the peculiar comment in just a curious or negative way with how stern his expression was.

Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2.png

Teuihua on the other hand didn’t speak a word in, taking in the whole scene..not wanting to screw anything up for Regula. Zeouli also remained quiet but probably in part because she really didn't understand any of the language which had been spoken so far by anyone, just still taking in the oddities of the new land, standing not that far away from Teuihua, looking to him now and again perhaps as a focus of something of normality for comfort.

Teuihua just mainly tried to maintain a respectful look for the time being, and not attract anymore attention away from the conversation at hand. Of course he had taken notice of the nearby guards who hadn’t entirely left, not because they didn’t trust Regula but probably because they were wary of all the newcomers she had brought in addition to him…

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yuzki Uasal Uasal | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}| %Analog% | [Terran]

Ringo's reply had been so wholesome, it nearly made any tail-lust fade and get her to start thinking of Ringo as a person. Still, the way she phrased it, having everything she ever knew vanish? How could Regula not do what she could to save this shrine after hearing such a thing? {“You have my thanks, I will do all I can to live up to the trust you're putting in me.”}

The other one, Yuzuki, was a bit shorter in her reply. At least in Sylvan she was. Regula could clearly hear her name being mentioned in Mictlantechulian, but that was about it. Yuzuki's reply was also more neutral overall, giving permission, but clearly lacking in trust or excitement. {“Thank you and don't worry. I've stepped into the unknown rather often lately and thus far, I've always survived and often gotten out better or stronger. I can assure you, it will be worthwhile.”} The only exception was the See... but she'd rather not think on it. On the topic of not thinking about things, she tried her best not to stare at the tails too much, in an effort not to immediately undo what little trust she'd earned.

Oddly enough, she felt more like an actual baroness than she might've felt like during her entire life. Having two giant constructs and two gorgeous yet regal looking Shrine caretakers in tow tended to add to that vibe of 'nobility being important' and all that. As a result, she didn't mind being questioned, as it was a good way to do some public relations with the people in this barony. If she could befriend the people, giving them a smile a wave and a gentle explanation, it would likely be great in the long run.

The town was quite the sight, making her a tad bit envious. It only lasted for a slit second though. Stonewall, Yemaya, Kirkwall... even Soothspire. She'd make all of her towns and villages become just as amazing and prosperous as this town seemed to be. Knowing Amanda, she likely had the plans for it already, so it was just a matter of figuring out how to execute them!

It was a little strange for so many people to make way for her. Not like it hadn't happened before, but at this scale. She'd felt a tad bit overwhelmed, truth be told, as she just kept waving and smiling. Was this what it was like to be famous? How peculiar.

Every so often, she spotted Teuihua gazing at people. He scared off people from trying to get too friendly, which was probably for the best. It'd allow them to get to the baron quickly. Even so, it was a bit ironic. She was the stronger of the two, yet she felt safer with him looking out. Perhaps it was due to the fact his vigilance allowed her to relax more? It definitely was. She made a mental note to figure out how to reward him for it.

She couldn't help enjoy the sights as they were lead to the baron's mansion. The baron instantly made a great first impression. Not the usual bullshit of being brought into some sort of waiting room to wait for ages. No tea, no coffee, no needless chatter. Straight to business. Good, that meant this was a lot less of a hassle. Even so, there were a few things she wanted to 'delay' the inevitable with. First of all was returning the bow with one of her own. “That is correct, it is a pleasure to meet you, baron Morbella.”

The second part was to reply to his apologies. “There is no need to apologise at all, as I am thoroughly enjoying this beautiful scenery. You have excellent taste and equally excellent gardeners.” She replied with a smile. None of that was lied, she was even a bit envious. “It is also kind of you to keep my friends in mind, so I am grateful for your willingness to meet me here.” She added, making sure to address to all of them as friends to instantly make it clear how she viewed them. Perhaps not the most 'noble-approved' method to talk to concubine tails and construct servants those that were below her in rank, but that was one of the things she didn't exactly feel like compromising on.

That said, perhaps she wouldn't need to do so. She felt like she might indeed be in the clear to take a gamble and simply use honesty to explain the situation. “As you see, I found more than just a building.” She gestured to Ringo, Yuzuki and Zeouli. “These are the two guardians of the Shrine of Passage, Ringo and Yuzuki and an ancient construct Zeouli, dedicated to the goddess of agriculture and harvest. I met the three of them at the shrine. However, it seems the twins became bound to me by some … truthfully, I am not not sure if was a deity or just an extremely powerful Fae of sorts, but they were bound to me by magic upon my arrival. It seems they were dormant in the shrine for a very long time, from before our civilization and from the same civilization as my friend's, Teuihua's.” She gestured to Teuihua. “As for the building itself, it seemed to be in ruins. From what I could tell, there was nothing left of particular value either. However, considering it is the home of these two, I was wondering if you would allow me to bring it with me to Caelia barony. Of course, I understand if you wish to send someone along to confirm that nothing of value shall be taken. Other than that, it seems the being that bound these two to me has vanished...”

She recalled another part, which might be of interest to this man. “Oh, but I do recall the shrine having been build on a ley line. Even if I take it, the ley line won't change. In fact, it might open the place up for new magic research to be conducted.” That might be of some use? Maybe? “Needless to say, I will ask of my companions to answer any questions you may have and translate where needed.”

That was probably about all she could say? She wasn't sure, but she figured she'd spoken more than enough, so she should get in a closing statement. “I know it is not necessarily polite to return with a request and such meagre information, but I hope, nevertheless, that our meeting now can lead to exceptional relations between our baronies both in the now and in the future to come.” During her speech, she'd relied on her Baroness' Word (A) and Baroness' Charm (B) to try to make as good a first impression as she could, whilst also trying to get a better read on just whom she was dealing with right now.

Baroness' Word A – Character Grade A, Appraisal A, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Culture B, Etiquette B, Insight B, Leadership B, Persuasion B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula studies, convinces, inspires or otherwise engages in social conversation. - Grade A – 5 Post Cooldown.

Baroness' Charm B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.
Purple hair kitsune nine tails hazel eyes shrine samurai s-1644768126.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | Sylvan
Though they explained the plan to her multiple times in increasingly simpler ways, Ringo still couldn't help but panic mildly as they left the shrine. But that had been hours ago. As the city walls came into view, Ringo's eyes lit up in wonder. She had never seen a city besides Marutanemi, let alone a modern one, and had never seen any city from afar. It was huge. Had her city been that big? What could they possibly need with all that space? Her excitement and fascination grew as they travelled through. What were these weird black orbs and why did she have to touch it? Every one was dressed so strangely. The buildings were made of weird materials and in unusual designs. She glanced from stall to stall intrigued, the magic that bound her to Regula pulling her along at times when she lingered to much. At the height of her exuberance, she shouted to Yuzuki over the din of the city. "+Isn't this place amazing?! If we ask her, do you think+ Regula +would take it back to her+ Bearny +for us?!+"

The one thing she was less than ecstatic about, however, were the stares she was getting. She hadn't notice at first, but as they continued further into the city, the lingering eyes became assaulting. She picked up her pace to make sure she stayed closer to the others, particularly Teuihua. She had considered Regula, the woman had shown herself to be quite capable and carried herself with an air of confidence, but something abut her just made Ringo feel uneasy. Like something was off. And Yuzuki was always a comfort to her, but right now she wanted a shield. So the familiarity and intimidating stature of Teuihua's Mictlantechulian Sentry design won out in the end. She scurried along beside him, occasionally ducking behind is large form or pressing herself close to avoid being to stared at.

While Regula conversed with Baron Morbella, Ringo's attention was pulled to the beautiful landscaping and foliage, as she couldn't understand anything either of them were saying. She ran from plant to plant, sniffing each one and leaning close to examine it, occasionally shouting in Sylvan or Mictlantechulian to inform Regula or Yuzuki about how amazing each flower was. She didn't stray far from them however, never more than a dozen meters. Her tails flowed gracefully and happily as she took everything in.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Lucius Morbella
Lucius seemed receptive to her bow, with a slight nod after, looking proper. He was similarly receptive when she told him that it was no problem.

“Thank you, I’ll have to let them know you approve of their work then.” he responded. While there wasn’t a smile on his face, his tone sounded lighter than it had prior. He gave another nod, albeit slower this time when she agreed with him that they were her friends, while perhaps not the most noble or traditionally classist approved way of saying things, he didn’t appear outwardly bothered by this proclamation either. Perhaps that was to be expected as the interior of the Morbella barony’s had appeared rather diverse.

While Regula explained the situation, the Baron looked at those who she spoke about, his eyes lingered on Ringo and Yuzuki for some time while she spoke, like he was examining their features, from their garb, ears, and tails. His gaze then went to Zeouli, looking up at her given her height, from the ornamentation on her body, given these were not an everyday occurrence it probably wasn’t too much of a surprise. Teuihua however, he looked over only briefly, likely on account of him having already seen that particular construct earlier, who he had taken similar interest in seeing for the first time.

He gave a slight nod once more at what she was saying, as he looked back to the Baroness. His face shifted to one which looked almost a bit more concerned when she said that some sort of random act of binding had occurred on their journey, the gears in his head clearly turning. His face maintaining the more serious thinking look when she mentioned that the building was in ruins and it was the twins home.

“Hm..most peculiar..indeed.” He said softly after she mentioned the being which bound her had left.

His face went from thinking mode to a bit more intrigued when she mentioned the magical ley line being something of interest to study. At the very least that got his interest if anything from what she could see. Lucius then heard her closing statement, over all there hadn’t been any reaction which had been too intense or anything of the like, throughout it looked like her abilities had certainly helped her out to an extent as far as her speech went, or at the very latest they hadn’t hurt her cause.

“Truthfully Baroness Caelia I would normally have to agree with you..what you’ve described and brought me is highly unorthodox..I understand that these ruins had significance to your friend.”
He’d gesture to Teuihua.

“So that was why I agreed to this exploration of an area which I have limited access too for quite some time, and in exchange I was hoping perhaps for you to bring me back information which was of value, and you did, but with a request, now normally I might be skeptical about this sort of request, to just take an old building because apparently some Fae are fond of it, and apparently that building doesn’t have anything of value to me except what’s sentimental to them..so I would be wary..but..” During the conversation Baron Morbella had been looking toward Ringo and how she had seemed so excited at the garden space, speaking to the construct and the other guardian in that language which Regula had mentioned, until suddenly his serious expression, and tone what could be interpreted as cautious concern shifted to one which was quite positive,

“You never told me you had such good tastes in friends! Why these are some of the most amazing beings I’ve seen thus far! Look at how tall and strong those constructs look, the intricate design, and ornate detail, why they look stunningly cool..in some ways primitive but that’s part of the charm no doubt! So much different than whatever the Empire or Widersia has been cooking up!”

“But what I really wanted to get on the topic of…you wouldn’t happen to appreciate beasts too would you? I know that they’re not from the appraisal report I saw…but they certainly have some similar features, you must admit, aren't those ears and tails just plain adorable? The way they give away their emotions, and there are so many outfits which suit those who have all kinds of tails and floppy ears…which just add an extra cute appeal wouldn’t you say?”

“That one in particular, this whole time hasn’t she just been darling! Just happy to be here and see the sights I have to offer.such innocence why I could shed a tear..”
He said, gesturing to Ringo, the follow up line sounding a bit melodramatic for all intensive purposes but it was quite positive.

“In fact wait just a moment, you there, please would you fetch my showing piece?” He called out to one of the guards closest to his estate's front door.

“Uhm, yes of course sir!” They responded, coming back carrying what appeared to be an intricately designed colorized earthen statue of sorts, sat atop a red pillow, and glass cover case. it was very much detailed and scaled like a miniature someone who was very into an anime franchise would collect, and it was of what appeared to be of a youthful female adventurer who looked like a person with fair skin other wise but had black hair, red eyes a matching red and black wide brim witch hat with staff in an action pose with floppy white rabbit ears sticking out the top and a white bushy tail from the back along with a magical girl type outfit on and ornate staff It looked quite high quality and was detailed and colored well. She was petite, and it looked like there was a Ryke Adventurer's guild signifier on her outfit at the arm on the left side.

“I know I said I’d get right to business..but with these circumstances I’m afraid I just can’t help myself, you must admit surely, either of those two, would fit a work like this quite well, wouldn’t you agree? The artist was quite the fellow, when I asked them what inspired them, they told me that they were inspired from creators from some place called..what was it..again..Japan? A silly name I Know, I don’t know of a place like that anywhere in this realm, perhaps it was through some other dimension, but that’s beside the point, when all of this is said and done I could certainly get you in touch with the artist..should you might want to commission your own. This type of high quality craft, is artistry which speaks to my soul.” He proclaimed.

He then refocused once again.

“Right back to the task at hand, I would like to know more about this land since you say that your friends know about it…but on the topic of the shrine, I would just simply feel cruel if I was to deprive those Guardians of what they consider their home since they’re now bound to you at no fault of their own…to do so..would bring a great pain to my heart..that I’m unsure if I could bare..” He continued the melodramatic coming in again briefly, before he straightened out.

“So I shall give you permission to move the shrine, and out of good will I do not see a need to investigate that building further based on what you’ve told me, I believe you have been truthful.” He continued.

“I too hope that our Baronies can foster a strong relationship Baroness Caelia, your willingness to move the shrine for them certainly speaks positively of your character in my mind…now then, which of you can translate?”

Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2.png cee80dd44fc81fff8f2d4a4825afac34-1.png

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantechulian+", "%Analog%"​

Zeouli had been paying attention to Teuihua and Ringo’s exclamations, perhaps as a means to continue to distract herself, She did look to the conversation when it had become more animated than usual but she still didn’t understand what was going on. At the very least Ringo’s positivity made her feel a bit more at ease as had Teuihua’s presence. "+Yes it is all rather strange and striking isn't it? Much has changed since we were last active, and there is so much more to see."" Teuihua responded to Ringo softly with a positive intonation.

Teuihua on the other hand, had taken no issue with Ringo using him for cover, he felt in part that’s what he was good at so he was more than happy to give it to her. He also found her positivity. He did follow the situation since he could speak common, which the Baron had opted to use it seemed perhaps at any one of their benefit, before Teuihua spoke up.

“I can translate any questions you have Baron Morbella.” Teuihua said with a bit of a bow.

The Baron nodded, “I see, then I would like you to ask on my behalf what is the significance of the grounds which you explored? Is there anything else of interest beyond the Shrine and Ley line which might be of interest to someone of myself? And I would like to hear a bit more about each of them and who they are.” He’d gesture over to the twins and Zeouli in particular.

Teuihua nodded before he looked over to them and spoke in Mictlantechulian, turning to the three. “+The Baron would like to know if there is anything else of interest in the area beyond the Shrine for someone of his status, and he would also like to know more details about our civilization and how you relate to it.+”

Teuihua translated. This didn’t seem like an unreasonable request to him given the unusual circumstances Baron Morbella had spoken of being true. Teuihua was pleasantly surprised by the apparent praise from the Baron, since he was actually able to understand it. Never before had been expecting someone to gush like that over a construct like him in that way..either way it was...rather nice all things considered to be considered 'cool' in an important person's mind he thought, plus it meant this looked like this meeting was turning out well.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yuzki Uasal Uasal | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran]

Truth be told, she was happier than expected to be included in Ringo's flower findings. The fact that the girl called out in Sylvan from time to time meant that she was having a good enough time away from the shrine. {“That's amazing dear~ I'm sure the Baron will let us take a bit of a walk around the garden later and perhaps we can ask the gardeners about the ones you like most!”} She'd reply almost on instinct, wondering if they could spruce up the shrine with flowers after its relocation.

The Baron managed to keep up a poker face for surprisingly long, but when he dropped it, he really went all-out and hit her with some critical hits. If this was some clever trick to get her to be honest or to open up, she'd completely fallen for it. To make matters worse, the odd habit of flapping her wings a bit when excited showed again, as she couldn't keep them still upon hearing so many things she wholeheartedly agreed with. This was highly unexpected, yet highly welcomed.

“Of course I appreciate them! How could I not? You're exactly right, sir! I can't believe someone who recognises the many things that are great about beasts lives right on my doorstep! Truly, meeting another connoisseur after running into such great friends must mean that Delilah herself has decided to favour me greatly today!” She wasn't the most religious, but with how many amazing things had happened today, it was almost impossible to explain without some divine favour from none other than the Goddess of Luck. “The way their tails sway, how mesmerizing and soft and fluffy they look, isn't it soothing to the soul to just observe? I'd be a blessed woman if they were to allow me to pet them one day.” She too, could shed a tear, albeit to the prospect of keeping her oath to herself, of asking them for petting permission the moment she'd been able to make both of them happy. She did, however, exude some mad [Tail Freak] vibes as she was holding herself back from drooling when thinking about it.

All that said, she was rather surprised when the guard returned with an odd sort of statue. Considering she hadn't lived through anime-ages, she had absolutely no clue what this was based on. “That is truly some marvellous craftsmanship.” She replied, as she studied its intricacies. She was a bit surprised to hear Japan. She'd heard of that place in her previous world. A place rumoured to be off of the coast of China, having lots of gold. That's about all she knew about it, although she did vaguely recalled other Offworlders having mentioned that it was a big deal in times far past her own age.

Truth be told, she wouldn't want one of her own. Why? Petting the tail of a statue simply wasn't the same as petting the tail of a real creature. It won't be soft, fluffy, warm, moving... None of that. There was simply no appeal to it. Even so, she did genuinely appreciate the artistry. “I think such a statue would make for an excellent gift to someone.” In all honestly, she wondered if she should just gift this man a statue of Ringo, should she find the artist for it. Although... would Ringo agree? She'd have to check it later.

That said, she was surprised he even showed interest in Teuihua and Zeouli. That got her inner blacksmith tingling. “You're also right about Teuihua and Zeouli!” She thought for a split second, then decided. “Teuihua, could you please come over for a bit, I'd like to let the Baron have a good look at how well your creators made you.” She figured that he wouldn't mind too much, especially not if she praised his ancestors for it.

Should Teuihua comply, she'd point out a few things she'd already noticed prior. “See, sir, this is what has fascinated me for a long time.” She pointed as his large arm. “With such an intricate design, it seems like there simply must have been more to it than mere decoration, doesn't it? He's a guard, after all, not a decoration. However, with our modern methods of enchanting, I'd imagine it might, per chance, be possible to restore some of its functions... or add new ones.” She looked at Teuihua. “I wanted to discuss this later, but I'd imagine I could add a mithril coating to it, preserving the original details whilst making it enchant-able. Then I can enchant in pretty much any manner you'd want, be it something similar to my own gear or something unique.”

Ah, come to think of it. “Oh, per chance, baron, are you interested in weaponry and gear as well?” He'd shown her a show-piece of his, she had her own stuff to show if he was indeed interested. Which it turned out he was! (I asked OOC.) So she was quick to open up her Pocket Dimension and take out some of her enchanted gear.

“I spent a lot of time mastering mithril smithing and enchanting, before I became a baroness. These are some of my best works, if I do say so myself.” She showed the boots, the mithril glow clear to everyone. “I call these Boots of Swiftness, as I've enchanted them with just about anything that allows one to go faster, jump higher, sense vibrations... I'm not sure if they're an appropriate size, but I'd invite you to try them on. Be weary though, they are very powerful, so it would be best not to underestimate them.”

She'd take off her cloak next. “This is my Guardian Cloak. It helps stave off bad weather, but its most important ability is to heal. It is even capable of raising the recently deceased... well, the latter is more difficult in practice than in theory...” She felt like it'd be best to move on to another one, as she took out a dagger with an intricate design and emerald shade of green. “This was a present from the rulers of The See themselves. I've enchanted it with some of the See's strongest magic, the Faewild. I've yet to use it, as I've yet to find someone or something dangerous enough to warrant using this level of power. However...”

She pulled out her Hextech Gun. “This is what I'm most proud off. It's what I've been working on since I was a kid. I've tested it over and over, changed it fully through-out the years, until it became this. I call it a Hextech Gun. Although...” she smiled. “I'd love to demonstrate it to you, but if I were to use it at its full power, I fear I'd cause a mass panic in the city. I used to to take down a rather dangerous foe near the East Empire border before, a construct called Redhook that'd gone rogue. Should you desire it and have the time for it, I'd love to show it off at a better time and place.”

For a moment, she had to think... why did she start talking about her gear again? Oh! Right! “Now, sir, could you imagine seeing someone such as Teuihua with some of these enchantments? It would be the most stunningly 'cool' thing ever, right?” She smiled, as she was definitely imagining it. “Not even those things they are rumoured to use in the Kingdom would be able to measure up to something like that.”

Ah, that reminded her... “Oh my, my apologies. I completely forgot, but thank you for allowing me to bring their home with them.” She said, giving him a short bow. “I'd also like to thank you for putting your trust in me.” She'd gone a bit all-out, but, well, finding someone so similar in appreciating the finer things in life, cool constructs and fluffy beasts, that was something so rare that she felt like she'd found an instant soul-mate. In the back of her mind, she even debated if this was the type worth marrying if she ever needed to do so for political reasons. Then again, there was the whole 'love' aspect to it, which she wasn't exactly feeling, so perhaps it'd be better if she set aside politically-motivated-marriages-upon-first-meet. She did, however, feel a strong form of camaraderie.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: +Mictlantechulian+ | {Sylvan}
Ringo smiled at Regula's words and nodded happily with out saying anything, her tails flowing from side to side. Flowers for the shrine would be wonderful. They didn't have flowers before, but there was no reason they couldn't add a garden. They would have to rebuild many of the amenities any way, like the pond and the keepers dwelling. Actually, they would need a new shrine keeper and maidens as well... After all she was only a guardian. She just did the work because she loved it. But, Regula looked busy at the moment talking to the strangely dressed man. She'd have to talk to the woman later about it. Regula seemed to be showing the man the constructs. They're focus caught Ringo's attention and she wondered over, peering over Regula's shoulder. Something n the mans hands caught Ringo's attention. It was strange figure, but wonderfully crafted. She rested her chin on Regula's shoulder staring at the figure intently, her tails flowing around her. "{That is very pretty. What is it?}"
Lucius Morbella
Lucius’s smile increased some after hearing Regula’s enthusiastic response to his comments about beasts.

He continued melodramatically, “I”m sure Delilah has favored you today, or perhaps it was fate that we met, your words are spoken so true! Those floppy ears, and those lush tails..and there are so many different kinds, different shapes and sizes, short and long, they all had so much variety to the profile, why they can even add an additional cute or cool factor to some of the most dangerous and toughest like no other! Just their sight alone can lessen hardship in a heartbeat.. I can only imagine that they must feel simply divine...I too hope that one of these days I’ll meet just the one who’ll let me pet them too! I’d finally be able to die a man content with his life with this event has transpired!” He enthusiastically responded back to Regula. Since the Baron wasn’t a beast, and he was such a fan he wasn’t negatively impacted by the Tail Freak title, instead he saw it as devoted enthusiasm on Regula’s part which went above and beyond what most would freely proclaim.

When it came to the statue bit he also beamed, “I’m glad that I’m not the only one who understands! While my guards are much appreciated, I can’t say that all of them have the same skills at securing the barony as they do in true fine art appreciation.” He said with a bit of a chuckle.

“I truly do agree, it would be a wondrous gift, I myself have started commissioning and collecting some of the ones which have struck my fancy in particular. I think it’s a great way to immortalize someone in such a fine artwork…”

The Baron was pleasantly surprised to see that Regula appeared to agree with him on the fact that he deemed Teuihua and Zeouli as being ‘cool’.

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1-2.png

"Common" "+Mictlantechulian+"

Teuihua had largely been on standby during this exchange, but when Regula asked if he would come over, the large golem had no problem doing that, somewhat pleased to hear that Regula thought that the creator did a good job, so he made his way over toward Regula and stood nearby them.

When Regula pointed out the ornamentation on the arm, his head rotated toward it.

Baron Morbella looked at the arm and nodded in agreement a look of thought on his face, when Regula talked about there being more to the arm than decoration, as according to what he had heard so far, Teuihua indeed was a construct for guarding things.

“I suppose you’re right, it’d only be logical there’d have to be there..I can’t say I was aware you were capable of such crafts..but the prospect of it sounds most intriguing..suggesting that this golem is not..fully functional at the moment then hm?” Lucius appeared to deduce this based on what he had heard, which was actually true according to what Teuihua had expressed to regula it sounded like.

Meanwhile Teuihua gave a nod when REgula mentioned that she wanted to discuss it later, about the prospect of preserving it and making it enchantable. He wasn’t bothered by this particularly if she could actually keep the design that his creator had intended in his original design.

“Should you decide to go through with this project I would be most interested in seeing the final results if it’s possible.” Lucius affirmed.

Baron Morbella then turned back to Regula after confirming that he was in fact interested, his eyes light up a bit when she opened up the pocket dimension and went through the skills of her craft.

“You really are quite accomplished then aren’t you, both enchanting and smithing! Those are quite the skillsets to possess.”
He looked at the boots and watched them glow.
Teuihua was on standby once more during this exchange, the items impressive even if unlike the Baron it was likely he had seen them from Regula prior.
“Well I’d certainly be a mad man not to accept an offer like that!” He responded enthusiastically.

“I’ll have to try them out at some point once we’ve finished our business here.”

He first waited for her to go over the cloak, his brow raising a bit “That must require awfully high grade magic to do something like that, there being so few comparatively in the realm who can perform feats like that..”

Then there was the dagger, “A friend of the See then? Quite intriguing..As fascinating as it’d be to see something like that in use I hope that you aren’t forced into a situation where it’s deemed necessary..”

His eyes lit up even more when she showed off the Hextech gun, his gaze taking in every detail of the work. “That rivals even what I’ve seen produced in Widersia..I can see just how much care you put into creating such a mighty weapon..it’s incredibly ‘cool’!” He gave it high praise toward the end taking on that somewhat melodramatic enthused tone once again toward the end, like he was swooning over it.

“Of course I would appreciate a show of it’s power something you made which played a part in taking down Redhook no less! I can see there are more meetings to be had between us."

“Why Yes I certainly can! I am of the belief that there is very high potential for a construct like Teuihua if you were to bring your skills to the table to improve him further, and oh yes, whats in the Kingdom of Rotia i have heard is most impressive but this would be something of it’s own right..what’s ancient marrying with what’s new..to form a construct like the realm has never seen before, one who could stop some of the most dangerous of foes in their tracks..Regula It is of my opinion that you should see to it that you fulfill your vision with your friend here..it would be one of the most ‘cool’ things one could lay their eyes on if you do!”
He further encouraged.

“It is of no consequence, Baroness Caelia, when I’ve been able to tell from just meeting you and our conversation that you are sincere in your word and intentions, with such impeccable taste in craft and style to boot..I hope that the transfer of the property goes as smoothly as possible, from the sound of things all of your friends here have been through enough to last a lifetime.”

Yuzuki & Zeouli
Then there was just the matter of the Baron getting the information which he desired. Presumably there was a recap from those who Teuhua asked so that the meeting could progress. Teuihua would inform Baron Morbella about his past as a border guard, however also that he was not from the area that the others had been found in nor had he visited before, so his knowledge was limited despite them coming from the same ancient civilization. Zeouli would go into detail speaking in the Mict language about how she had primarily tended crops, partook in devotions to the Goddess she was created to venerate, as well as helped in healing the afflicted.

While Ringo was doing her own thing, and didn’t appear to be keen on answering the question which Teuihua had asked of the group, Yuzuki explained her and her twin’s role as far as maintaining and protecting the Shrine as well as their role in guiding souls onward to their respective places, she did not mention anything of particular interest that would be there that would be of specific interest to a Baron like Morbella, since a lot of what was left was dwellings and religious sites from a religion and culture which was deemed to be in large dead at this point. Whether any details were omitted for protection purposes was anyone’s guess as only the twins and the devoted agricultural construct knew for certain. Despite this during the exchange Teuihua would translate all the details.

Teuihua once again wasn’t sure what Ringo said in that language but he was glad to see that she was seemingly opening up more. Baron Morbella also looked to her once more curiously, with a smile at seeing her interest in the figure, he carefully brought it closer so that she could get a better look at it if she liked, unable to speak the language himself.

After that exchange, Lucius continued.

“I see..so it doesn’t sound like there’s much else that would be of particular use to me over than perhaps exploring to see if i can uncover any artifacts..and then there’s that most curious magical energy line running through..which sounds like it could be open to research..now that I Know what great things you are capable of, Baroness Caelia… perhaps this sort of energy could be processed in such a way that it could be used to power some of your more ambitious projects..just a thought of course..regardless, your answers have satisfied what I wanted to know, now that I believe we’ve gotten the main point of this..meeting to satisfactory terms unless you had anything else of importance at this moment which you'd like to discuss with me, you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you’d like..see the art, or the garden even…I could even offer some refreshments, but I also understand if you’d rather take care of the task at hand as soon as possible after all I understand that feeling all too well with schedules like these I’m certain ..you know all to well from experience what I’m talking about.”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

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