Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Alice smiled, "Real mature." Her eyes widened as she watched his back flip. She scratched her head, not knowing whether to back down or not. Her stubbornness kept her from ever turning down a challenge, however, so she went for the biggest ramp as well. She leaned all of her weight onto the front of the board and immediately dropped down the ramp. The board, however, went without her, and she slid, scraping herself as she went down.
Oliver stood up and looked back to see the latest arrival. Casually, he lazed half-way up the stairs behind Skylar before looking back down to Sarah. "I packed some extras you can use." he said blankly. He wasn't sure whether the comment was supposed to be sincere or a bit of dry humor, but he decided to go with either depending on her reaction.
Mr. Frithe smiled at Sarah, "Just use what ever you can find for now, and tomorrow send a maid to get you more clothes."
"Ok." Sarah said to Frithe. "S-stay a-away b-before she co-comes!" She warned the boy before running away and headed straight for the indoors pool. She didn't want to risk her other persona waking up and had elected to keep herself isolated. She put the boots against the wall and walked towards the pool. She sat down on the edge of the pool and felt the warm waters greeting her feet. She felt a bit happier as soon as her feet touched the water and slid herself into the pool despite still wearing her clothes.
When Iggy saw she was gonna fail this jump he simple rode over, and grabbed his board from riding off then came over to check on her. " This is why you don't go big. So what hurts?" He looked down at her, and got off his board to try, and see what she hurt.
Adrian had disappeared from the living room quietly almost un noticeably and began to stumble around the large building. He tugged at his sweaters sleeves and would stare at each detail of the building. At some point he found a door which led to the roof and climbed up the long staircase. Once on the roof he was hit with a gust of wind. He enjoyed the silence up there, it was nice.
Sarah did a lap of the swimming pool and felt relaxed. She was glad the pool was heated and felt that she could spend the rest of the day in there. She stared at the ceiling as she floated on her back and was glad she was alone thus no risk of her alter persona waking up. She knew she would have to borrow some clothes from one of the others afterwards and dreaded having to speak to them. She closed her eyes as she floated on her back and for the first time in days, she was happy.
He turn around, and grabbed the skateboard. He leaned over, and helped her up. Once he gave her a look over to make sure nothing was broken or bleeding he handed her the board. " This time don't put all your weight on the nose of the board. Also try not to get blood all over the ramp hah. Id hate to have to call the Doc to come get you."
"Well, she's dedicated to that bit." he commented off-handedly as Sarah went off. He looked down to Mister Frithe. "She almost had me going there in the living room. Good actress."
Skylar pulled her sleeves over her hands and walked the halls slowly. She went to the third floor and looked in each abandoned room, and opened a dusty window. She slid out onto the ledge and eased her way over to the safer part of the roof. Then she saw Adrian. "Oh.. I'm sorry."

Mr. Frithe gave Oliver a questioning look before going back into his study.

Al smiled, "Got it." She went for one of the smaller ramps this time, and steadied herself at the top of the ramp, this time taking his advice and not putting so much weight on the nose. "Like this..?"
Adrian jumped at the sudden appearance of Skylar nearly dropping his notebook off the ledge. But once he regained his composure he took a small breath and nervousily shrugged while smiling shilly as if to tell her it was fine.
Sky sat in a corner of the roof, feeling a little guilty about scaring the boy. "You don't say much, do you?" She smiled and laid back onto the roof, staring at the stars as it lightly rained on her.
Adrian stayed a fair distance but stood near her before nodding no in response. He stood with his toes slightly inwards as he bit his lower lip afraid if he was going to do something stupid.
Oliver returned his his room and shut the door. He took his phone from his bag, putting on some death metal music as he unpacked his things. He turned the volume down a bit as to not disturb others.
Marcus slung his bag over his shoulder staring at the mansion. Grabbing his suitcase he walked away from his mothers car without turning around to say goodbye. He climbed the steps and knocked on the door his head held high and an unnoticable smirk on his face.
Having finished his unpacking, Oliver was unsure of what to do with the rest of his day. He could very well lie in bed, but he decided to explore to house instead. He came down the stairs only to find a knock at the door. "Run while you still can." he said dully as he opened the door.
Sarah opened her eyes a few minutes later and felt thirsty. She climbed out of the pool and looked around for a towel. She discovered where the towels were and dried herself off with it. She was still very wet despite using the towel because of her still being in her soaking wet clothes. She wrapped the towel around her midsection and picked her up boots. She walked up towards the kitchen whilst carrying her boots and saw Oliver opening the door. She quickly darted into the kitchen to try and avoid her other self from showing up. She retrieved a glass from one of the cupboards and made herself a glass of cranberry juice. She was starting to feel nervous due to the two boys that were at the door and hoped that they would leave her alone to avoid an incident.
"Yea like that!" Iggy called out to her, and laughed to himself it felt as if he was teaching a new kid how to skate. " Come on, the rain is getting worse! We should go!" He ran his hand through his hair , and looked around as lightning began to run across the sky. Iggy loved being in the middle of theses storm, but that last he needed was Alice slipping, or worse getting struck by lightning. Though his chances were higher than her's due to his height it still gave him a reason to worry.
"Um, pardon?" Marcus raised an eyebrow to the teenager that had opened the door. He had no idea why he was here or what the place was for, just that it would 'help him'. "I'm Marcus. I was told that I had to come at this time?"
Mr. Frithe calmly strode from his study, "Hello Marcus! Please, pick a room upstairs and get a good night's rest. I'll introduce you to the other kids tomorrow, although I see you've already met Oliver." He raised an eyebrow, and motioned for Oliver to go upstairs too. It was just after midnight.

Skylar smiled at Adrian, "Well, it's getting late. I'm gonna go inside." She started inching her way back into the window, "You know, you don't have to be so nervous. Nobody will judge you. We're all messed up here." Sky slid inside and shut the window, proceeding to her room.

Alice smiled, "Okay, I'm coming!" She called through the noise of the pouring rain. Quickly, she skateboarded down the ramp (without trouble this time) and popped the board up into her hand as she continued walking. "I haven't done anything like that in so long!" Al smiled as she passed Iggy, "Hurry up, it's getting late."
Sarah saw what the time was and was surprised how quick the evening had passed. She believed it was due to her spending most of it in the pool and had mistakenly believed only a few minutes had passed instead of hours. She heard the others and sighed. She felt nervous being near them and quickly ran up the stairs towards her room to avoid her alter ego showing up. She shut her door and went to shut the window. She started to remove her soaked clothes afterwards.
"Ok. Um, sorry about arriving late. It's kind of a drive and mum didn't get off work till 9." Marcus stepped in the house and smiled apologetically.
"It's absolutely okay, here, I'll get someone to help you with your bags." Mr. Frithe looked around, giving up on Oliver (he wouldn't do what he was told) and spotted Skylar on the way back to her room. "Skylar! Would you be a dear and help Marcus here?"

Sky stopped and blinked for a second. She seemed to be contemplating it, and decided to help. After all, maybe she'd get out early on good behavior. "Sure." She smiled and walked down the stairs, taking one of Marcus's bags.

"Go ahead and pick a room." Mr. Frithe pointed upstairs.
Adrian watched Skylar leave until her bright red hair had disapeared, and though her presence was distant he still heard her words. He was hoping she spoke the truth as he hung his legs off the edge of the roof sitting in the moons light. That no one was going to judge him.

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