Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Oliver backed away silently as Mister Frithe came in. He rolled his eyes and heading back upstairs, somewhat offended that he wasn't called upon to help out. He went back to his room and put his music back on, louder this time.
Mr. Frithe fell asleep in his study, wishing to not be disturbed until morning.

Skylar put down Marcus's bags quickly and knocked on Oliver's door. "Can you turn that down please? Thanks." She rolled her eyes and went back to helping Marcus.
Sarah removed the rest of her clothes and dumped them in a pile on the floor. She dried herself off with the towel as she heard loud music and hoped it would be turned down soon. She feared it would awake the other Sarah and didn't want to cause two incidents in one day. She climbed walked towards her light switch and turned off her lights before climbing into her bed. She pulled the covers over her body and went to sleep. She hoped that she would be the one to wake up in the morning instead of the other one.
Marcus followed her staying silent and entered his room. He nodded her thanks before shutting the door. He pulled out his laptop and headphones climbing into the bed and started going through his online stories for the restof the night.
Skylar finished helping the new boy, not at all insulted that he didn't speak to her the entire time. She went back to her room and locked the door behind her. Sky liked to be alone. That's when she was free. She laid down on the queen-sized bed in the corner. The bed was much too big for just one person. She winced, remembering the man she ran away with. She thought he loved her. She was badly mistaken, and had the scars to prove it. Her favorite scar was the fairly large, triangular one that took up the top of her back and the nape of her neck. When she pushed her hair to the side, it usually peeked out over her shirt. Sky pulled the covers over herself, replaying the night she left him.

He came home drunk again, and sunk into the old recliner that she hated so much. The TV showed a soccer game, she didn't care to notice the teams or the score. "Babe." She cringed at the slurred, drunken voice.


"Get me a beer."

"You've had enough to drink tonight." She said slowly and quietly.

"I said, get me a beer." He slowly turned around in the recliner.

"I said no." She knew what was about to happen. He got up, and began to come towards her. She backed up, but as he kept coming, she started running for the door. He caught her by the back of the neck and instinctively, she lurched backwards. That's when she felt it, pressing into her back. A knife. Slowly, she went to the fridge and got him a beer, and he smiled, before going back to the game. She waited for him to fall asleep, packed her things, and took enough money for a MARTA ticket and some food.

Skylar fell asleep thinking about this night.
" Ya Ya, I hear you Alice." His kept his smile across his face, and pulled his backpack from the ground, and put his on his back, and rode up to her, and popped her board up. After he picked it up he walked with her, and would shake his head sending water going everywhere. " I feel like this is worse than being pushed into a pool twice." He's look over at her with a sly smile across his face, and playfully hit her a*s with his board. "Oh, and I totally call the shower first."
Alice wrinkled her nose, smiling, as he shook out his hair and water hit her in the face. She fake gasped and widened her eyes before laughing. Al winked at Iggy. "No f*cking way you're beating me to that shower." She grinned and turned around, "And no, this isn't worse than being pushed in a pool twice." Al pulled her dress a little to keep it from sticking to her wet skin, before taking off running in the direction of the house. Before they got to the front lawn, she put a finger to her lips, signaling that everyone was probably asleep.
Iggy ran after her,and giggled to himself while wiping the water out of his face. His eyes looked over at her when she placed her finger over her lips, and would give her a nod of understanding. " How are we going to get in if everyone is asleep?" He whispered in her ear, while waiting for her response he began to look around the house, and noticed a few rooms had their lights on. "So maybe someone is awake.."
Alice smirked and bit her lip. She made her way across the lawn, feet itching from the dead, wet grass sticking to them. She motioned for him to follow as she found her way to the front door. Al bent over and reached into a flower pot, digging out a house key. "Just in case," She explained, and unlocked the door. She quickly wiped her feet and jogged up the stairs towards the shared bathroom.
Once the door was unlocked he quickly followed her up to the bathroom,and would quickly catch up to her then pass her. As he passed her he stuck his tongue out a her, and quickly dove into the bathroom. "Dibs!" Once he stopped sliding, he turned to her with a grin. " Looks like your gonna get to enjoy an ice cold shower " He voice was half a giggle, and the other half showed signs of sleepiness.
Alice wrinkled her nose in frustration. She had a tendency to do that when she was mad. "Dibs doesn't mean anything, asshole!" She ran in after him and jumped into the shower. Once she was in, Al sat down indian style. "I win, get out so I can take a shower." She grinned and waited for him to leave. "Oh and shut the door behind you."
Iggy looked over at her with raised eyebrow, and looked at her. " How about uhh… No. You have one of three options either We both shower together, or You get out, and take a nice relaxing icy shower after me, or I drag you out by your shirt, and bra, and enjoy my well deserved hot shower. " His voice didn't change from its original tone, as he stood up, and looked down at her with a sly smirk across his face.
Alice sucked in air through her teeth as if trying to decide something. "Nah, none of those are going to happen. How about you go shower down the hall in the guest bathroom?" She grinned and moved to the other side of the fancy shower as she started the water. Under her breath she muttered, "Damn, it's like a friggin' spaceship in here." as she examined all of the nozzles and buttons. The shower was about triple the size of an average person's shower.
He rolled his eyes at her, and reached over to her grabbing her shirt, and gently picked her up. " Fine, I guess I'll have to do this the hard way then eh?" He gave her a smirk as he looked into her eyes for a moment then hugged her close as he kissed her with a fiery passion. It had been something he had been hold back since they had first met. After a moment he gently pulled away, and with a gentle touch pushed her out of the bathroom while she was dazed. " By the way tell me how that guest bathroom is." He gave her a meek smile, and closed the door, then quickly locked it. " Ahh Shower time…"
Alice grinned as he picked her up, expecting a little fight. "Give it your best--" Her eyes widened for a moment and then she closed them, letting him kiss her. The next moment, however, she was pushed into the hallway, dripping water all over the hard wood floor. She scratched her head and bit her lip as she gave up and walked towards the guest bathroom, trying to figure out what just happened. Al slipped off her dress and bra and panties after she closed the door. She got into the slightly smaller shower and turned on the water. As she took her shower, she replayed that moment over and over again in her head. When she was finished, she turned off the water, got out, and dried herself off. She realized she had nothing to change into, so she wrapped a large towel around herself, grabbed her wet clothes, and headed down the hall to her room.
Iggy pulled off all of his clothes once he knew Alice was gone, and stepped into the shower, and let out a deep sigh. He thought about his most recent actions with Alice, and laughed to himself as the bathroom began to become filled with steam. After twenty-five minutes of standing in the hot shower, he finally took some of the Axe shampoo, and body wash which was already in the shower, and began to wash his body. Once he finished thinking to himself he turned off the water, and grabbed a towel to dry himself. Once he was dry he wrapped himself in the towel, and looked at one of the steam cover mirrors. After taking a few minutes to clean the mirror of all the steam he looked himself in the mirror. One thing nagged him every time he looked at himself. The long jagged scar over his left pectoral muscle. It's origin was something which Iggy kept locked away in the back of his head. It was a story which he would tell no one, and he planned on keeping it that way. Once he brushed his teeth, and did some other hygienical actions he made his way from the bathroom, into his room where he closed, and locked his door.
Alice was in her room, dressed in flannel pj pants and a black tank top by the time Iggy was out of the bathroom. She laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She never did get her phone back. It didn't matter, she'd get it in the morning. Al yawned and pulled the covers up around her waist, turning towards the wall that divided her room from Iggy's. On the wall she had hung small pictures of her and people from her life before she came here. She sighed, examining each picture, before turning away from the wall and trying to fall asleep.
Iggy hung his towel up on a towel rack which was screwed into his closet door. He pulled out his duffle bag, and pulled out an Alestorm shirt, a pair of boxers, and a pair of athletic shorts. Once he was dressed he opened his window, and would begin to climb is way onto the roof, and sat under a part of the roof which allowed him to no get drenched again from the rain. He needed some time alone to do something which he hide from everyone. He let out a small quiet sigh, while pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and a Zippo lighter. He thought about just throwing both the lighter, and the pack of cigarettes away, but it helped him stay calm. "Maybe one day.."
Al groaned into her pillow, unable to fall asleep. She got up and paced her room for a little bit, turned on the TV, and then turned it off so she wouldn't wake anyone up. She opened the window, the fresh air and sound of rain calming her. This was ironic considering how she had tried to kill herself by jumping out of one. Alice had a thing for windows. She then laid down on her bed again and tried to fall asleep, unsuccessful. Finally, she gave up and just swung her legs out of the large window, holding on to the sides as she had done that night. This time, she didn't even think about jumping though.
Iggy watched Alice from the roof above her, and silently laughed to himself. When he actually looked into the window he was sitting next to, he saw a girl which he had never seen before(Skylar). "She must have joined after Alice, and I left for the skate park." He thought about tapping on the window to get her attention, but decided not to. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, especially with having a lighter, and cigarettes on him. He stayed in the same spot, and let out a quiet sigh as he layed back,and blinked his eyes looking up at the sky.
Alice leaned against the side of the window, and smiled to herself as she recalled old memories. On one of the best night of her life, she had gone with her friends to a carnival, and had been the odd person out on the ferris wheel, forced to sit with a stranger. The stranger just so happened to be a really cute guy, who she hung out with for the rest of the night, and started dating. But, after the worst night of her life (jumping), he called her a freak and they broke up. Thinking of guys, she once again thought of Iggy. She put a hand to her lips. Surprisingly, it had been her first kiss.

Skylar awoke slowly, blinking a few times. She yawned and sat up, wondering why she had woken up while it was still dark outside. "Holy --" She slapped a hand over her own mouth, seeing the boy outside her window. Sky rolled her eyes and closed the curtains, laying back down.
Iggy had heard the girl wake up, and give a slight freakout to his sudden appearance out her window. " Hmph, I didn't think I was that scary…" He whispered to himself as he pulled his Fox hat over his eyes, and rested his hands on his chest as he slowly drifted off to sleep from calming sound of the rain. His memory, and imagination began to slowly take over as his breathing began to slow down.
9:40 AM: The Wake-up Bell rang throughout the hallway.

"Wake up everyone! Breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes, so please use that time to get ready. We will have an outing today to the local mall. That is all, thank you!" A nurse called from the hallway.

Alice groaned as she woke up, (although she didn't want to) and got out of bed. For the past month, she had to deal getting up earlier than she would have liked, so she was used to it. She was obviously the first person up, because when she opened her door, all of the other doors were still closed, lights off. Al smiled to herself, knowing she would get the bathroom first. She went into the main bathroom and locked the door behind her. Gazing into the mirror, she brushed out her straight white-blonde hair and braided it to the side, leaving out a few pieces towards the front to create a messy look. She slipped on some dark blue short-shorts and a blue v-neck that said "Arctic Monkeys" (a band) on it. After that, she put on her makeup and left the bathroom open for someone else. As she dropped her things off in her room, she noticed that she forgot to give Iggy his hat back last night, so it was laying in her pile of dirty clothes. She snatched it from the pile and put it on her head, just to piss him off later.

Skylar woke up and fell back asleep for a few minutes. When she woke up again, Sky forced herself to get out of bed. She brushed out her cherry red hair, put on a white sundress and flip-flops, and put on her make-up. She was just about to leave the room when she realized that Iggy was still outside on the roof, and probably hadn't heard the wake-up call. She tapped on the glass loudly to wake him and then left her room to go down for breakfast.

Mr. Frithe was waiting for everyone in the dining room, plates of eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, waffles, and fruit lined the long table.

((I put in some maps if you guys want to check them out.))
Marcus had long since given up on his music and had spent the rest of the night reading. His bloodshot eyes glared at the door before returning to the screen. He got dressed quickly and picked up his laptop before stepping out the door. He looked around and groaned having no idea where anything even was.
Skylar walked through the halls to get to the stairs. On her way, she saw the boy she had helped yesterday, and he looked lost. "This place is a f*cking maze." She scratched her head.

Alice walked past Skylar and Marcus. "You guys need some help?" She smiled, and when Skylar nodded, she pointed, giving them directions, "Okay so if you go straight from the front door, you'll arrive at the kitchen, if you keep going straight, you'll get to the back door, and if you turn left when you get to the kitchen, you'll find the dining room." She gave them a thumbs up and jogged down to breakfast.

Skylar rubbed at her eyes. "Alright, thanks." She started down the stairs before turning to Marcus, "You coming?"

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