Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Sarah sighed and knew she would have to tell everyone. She knew Mr Frithe intended on helping everyone and believed this was his way of trying to make everyone feel welcome in the masion. "M-my n-name's Sarah." She told the others whilst staring at the ground. "I'm 19 and..." She said before pausing and letting out a sad sigh. "I-i have t-two personalities and have n-no friends be-because of her." She stuttered to the others. Tears started to form at the corners of her eyes. "I-i s-self harm to k-keep her a-away and tr-tried to kill m-myself twice." She said as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. "P-please st-stay away as i don't want to s-see you g-get hurt by the o-other me." She informed the others as the tears continued to flow down her face.
Alice just stared for a second, not sure whether to distance herself from the girl or give her a hug. Although she decided on neither, she knew now why they had this meeting. They needed to understand eachother. She looked expectantly at Adrian.
Iggy gulped for a moment as an awkward silence began to fell onto the room. His eyes peered over to Alice in a quite baffled manner. He'd never met someone with multiple personality syndrome, just to makes matters slightly worse her other side seemed like a stuck up bitch. "Just lovely… This is exactly what I wanted to hear. Oh well I guess only a bunch of f*ck ups can help another f*ck up." He let out a sigh to try, and break the ice of the ever growing silence.
Mr. Frithe smiled more, "Thank you so much for sharing, Sarah. As for you and Adrian, I hope you feel more comfortable as time goes on. It would be a shame to have to extend your stay." He flashed a look at Iggy and Oliver once more.

Alice shrugged in response to Iggy. She scratched her head and started to get up when the old man glared at her.

"Sit down, please."

Alice's lip raised in a sort of snarl-looking face.

"Do you have something you'd like to say to me, Alice?" He tilted his head, challenging her.

"Yes sir," She smiled, beginning to walk out of the room. "We should be able to get to know eachother when we want. F*ck you." She flipped him off and went to her room.
Iggy watch Alice, and raised an eyebrow. " I thought I had problems with taking orders." He muttered to himself. " So does that mean we can go Doc? I feel like all of us are going to be sitting in this awkward silence for awhile." He eyes looked over to the man as he rubbed his jaw, while slowly standing up.
Sarah stopped silently crying after a few more seconds and slowly nodded after Frithe spoke to her. She paid no attention to Alice's outburst and asked "C-c-can i l-l-look a-around the mansion by myself?" She feared that going on a tour of the mansion with the others would prove too much for her and the other sarah would return.
Mr. Frithe shook his head, "Ignore her. She does this all the time. Yes, you may leave. Yes, you may explore the mansion." He got up and started off to his study.

Alice threw herself on the bed, in one of those moods again. She wished she could jam her headphones in and forget the world, but Iggy had her phone. She scratched at her head in frustration and looked out the window, remembering the night she jumped.

((I might make another female character as we are seriously lacking in them.))
Iggy, made his was out of the living room, and walked up the stair to his room where he grabbed his backpack, and then his skate board. As he exited his room he closed the door behind him, and knocked on Alice's door as he walked by. Once he knocked on her door he kept walking, and made his way downstairs. He looked over at the Doc, and then the front door. He gave the door a smile, and went over to the front door, and walked out. It had started to rain, but that never stopped Iggy from going out. He put his skateboard on the ground, and began to ride off towards the street with a smile on his face.
Oliver smirked as as he watched Al leave. He was about to comment, until he saw Sarah crying, and his face became somber once more. He let out a soft sigh and looked around, remaining seated on he couch as the others up and left. His arm was draped over the back of the couch, and his eyes wandered about the room.
Sarah got up and walked out of the room. She walked down the hall and noticed the door to the basement. She wondered what was done there and went to check it out. She walked down the stairs and saw the arcade room. "Wow." She uttered in amazement and walked down the hallway.

She entered the room with the indoor pool and was surprised that there was a pool indoors. She walked towards it and stared at the water in the pool. She removed her black boots and placed up against the wall. She removed her bright pink socks afters and shoved them into the boots before walking towards the edge of it. She sat down and dipped her feet into the heated pool. It cheered her up a bit untill she realised she couldn't go swimming untill she had some swimwear and sighed. She felt happy with just her feet in the heated pool and elected to remain there for a bit.
Alice jumped off of her bed. She walked slowly to the door and opened it. Seeing as nobody was there, she figured that it was Iggy. Quickly she ran to her window and opened it. "Hey asshole!" She yelled at Iggy, grinning. "You're not leaving me." Al jumps out of the one story window and lands in the bushes. She smiled, and got up, unhurt, having done this many times. She ran after Iggy.
Sarah made a small circle in the pool with her foot and stared at the surface of the pool. It looked very inviting and she wanted to take a dip in the heated water but knew she couldn't due to no swimwear. She let out another sigh as she continued to keep her feet in the waters and was glad she was away from the others. She started to feel less nervous now that she was alone and wondered if the mansion had just the one pool.
Iggy stared back at her with an eyebrow raised as he stopped his skateboard, and turned to face her. " Your in a dress, and its raining. Real smart Alice, and lets not even talk about jumping out of the window." He though for a moment and was glad he grabbed his long board just in case he felt like switch boards. He waited for her to catch up, and watched her. He was already getting soaked, but it didn't matter at this point. These were just his crappy skate clothes, and his Rockstar hat wasn't his favorite anyway.
"I do it a lot, don't worry." She winked as she caught up with him, her hair already wet, barefoot. "How far is the skate park?"

((I made a new character so check her out. Also, sorry that my messages are short.))
"Your the one who lives here, but it isn't far. " He looked at her, and put his hat on her head. Iggy put down his long board which was in his left hand,and handed her his skateboard which was in his right hand. " Try not to wreck my board." He gave her a smile, and jumped on his longboard, and kept going down the road. " I'm not gonna wait on you..!"
After several minutes of resting her feet in the pool, Sarah withdrew her feet from the pool and picked up her boots. She carried them and went to look for Mr Frithe. After several more minutes of looking around for him, she found his study and knocked on the door. "C-can i come in?" She asked him through the door.
Alice grinned, "Yeah but I don't go skating every day or anything." She adjusted his hat on her head and jumped on the skateboard. She hadn't skateboarded in a while, but it somehow felt very natural to her. Al aught up to him fairly quickly, but never passed him. "You won't have to." 
Mr. Frithe invites Sarah in. "Yes young lady?"
Iggy made a hard left into the next street as the decline of the hill allowed him speed up. The rain started to feel like nice needles as the hill evened out, and Iggy was already halfway down the road. He had a grin across his. For once he enjoyed someone else company, normally he was a loner. He could honestly say Alice was someone he would have never thought himself to like. "I guess f*ck ups understand other f*ck ups. Maybe thats why people like us get along so well no matter what is wrong with us."
"I-i found the pool and would like to take a d-dip but i don't have any swimwear or any other clothes." Sarah said to Frithe whilst holding her boots with her right hand. She had treaded wet frontprints from the pool to the study due to her not knowing where the towels were. "The pool m-makes me happy." She said to him.
Skylar grabbed her bags from the backseat of the taxi, fixing her reddish-blackish hair one last time before nervously approaching the mansion. She rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer.

Mr. Frithe nodded, "Of course dear. I'll arrange a trip to the mall tomorrow." He noticed the doorbell ringing, "That must be Skylar. CAN SOMEONE GET THAT PLEASE?"

Alice found it hard to keep up as the rain poured down harder and harder, and Iggy swerved. She liked the feeling of being spontaneous and independant, but the rain didn't exactly feel amazing. Al ran her fingers through her soaked hair to keep it out of her face. She could see the skate park coming into view now. Although she wouldn't admit it at the time, she was beginning to like Iggy.
"N-no!"Sarah exclaimed in horror at the mere prospect of going to the mall. "She'll return and hurt me or the others. She'll cause trouble and be very angry about earlier." She told Frithe in a scared tone. "T-the others were lucky she d-didn't wake up." She said and looked at the ground.
Once Iggy had crossed the busy street without getting hit he turned to his left, and rode into the empty skate park. He shook his head slightly, and got off of his board. After he bent over to grab the board, he turned and waited to Alice to cross the street, and make it over to the skate park. If anyone had asked him he would have lied, and said he would never have even thought go dating Alice. But the more he had followed her, and gotten to know her. The more it seemed his heart grew to accept her as a friend, and possibly as more.
Mr. Frithe stood up. "Okay, okay, calm down. I think it will be good for you, Sarah." He walks over to the front door and opens it, "Welcome to the Looking for Normal program, Skylar. Please pick a --"

Skylar cut him off, faking a smile, "Got it, thanks." She put her earphones back in and dragged her bags up the stairs, picking the first room on the right.

Alice made it to the skate park, grinning as she passed Iggy. "Okay let's see what you've got, skater boy." She gestured towards one of the ramps. Nobody else was there.
He watched her ride by, and he stuck his tongue out at her. Iggy made sure he had a good grip on his long board. The thought crossed his mind "Your going to try to do tricks on a long board, which you knew wasn't the best thing to do, but oh well". He smirked as her, and put his foot on the ground, and pushed off getting as much speed as her could as he went directly for the biggest ramp. As he hit the ramp, and went airborne he grabbed his board, and did a full back flip in the air. As he came down he landed the trick,and rode around the ramp to face Alice. He gave her a look which said "Beat that."
"I-it won't." Sarah said to Frithe before he walked out of the study. She sighed and really wanted to swim in the pool today. She followed Frithe and hid behind him when she saw the new girl. "W-would it be okay if i took a d-dip now?" She asked Frithe. "I-it would make me feel b-better and w-would anyone l-led me some c-clothes afterwards?" She inquired.

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