Looking for Normal [Inactive]

" I'll probably be here for three to five days.. That all depends If my parents to see any improvement, then they will just send me to boot camp." He never would have guessed that he'd be opening up to someone who he had barely spoken to. I had taken him well over three months to even tell his shrink he birthday, and favorite color. However it seemed Alice was a nice enough girl, and that she wasn't going to use him. " I'm sorry to see your parents just kinda ditched you here." He tilted his head at her when she mentioned the basement, and how it seemed like his type of safe haven.
"Oh damn, you're lucky. My parents just dropped me off and didn't tell me when they'd be back." She laughed it off, in a sort of whatever gesture. "Want a tour of the basement?" Al whispered as they arrived inside, and she spotted Mr. Frithe. She quickly ducked behind the door to the basement and jogged down the stairs.

Mr. Frithe looked up just in time to see the two rebels going into the basement. "ALICE!" He shouted. "YOU NEED TO EAT SOMETHING! IT'S NOT GOOD FOR YOUR CONDITION!" He got no response.
" Not really, I think your the lucky one here." His response was quick as they walked into the house, only to be met with the extended yelling of the 'old man'. When he saw the Alice had ducked down, Iggy was quick to follow, and immediately bolted for the open door, chasing after her. When he made it to the door he quickly closed it, and was met with with staring into a pitch black abyss. " D*mn could you turn on some lights down here..?"
Alice ignored the man's pleas for her to eat. She didn't feel like it, as much as he stomach protested. Al flipped on the lights, showing a large room lined with arcade games and ski ball and a hallway leading to the indoor pool. There were also other bedrooms down here, each still having a name on the chalk board hanging on their door. "The rooms down here are nicer because they're for the kids who stay here longer than 2 months."
" Wow… " Iggy slowly walked down the staircase, and began to look around at all the games. He felt as if his jaw had hit the floor, his mind couldn't comprehend all of the amazing arcade machines around him. " D*mn who ever gets to live down here truly is lucky.. So why haven't you moved down here? I mean this is such an awesome place. I mean I feel like I've died, and gone to an Atheist heaven." He laughed lightly as his last remark, and began to inspect each machine.
"Yeah, true." She waited as he took it all in. "I mean, I don't plan on staying here another month." Al said quickly. She tried to divert his attention by beginning to walk towards the pool. "It's a salt water pool, I think. The old man's got more money than he knows what to do with."
When he noticed her movement towards the pool,and quickly followed her. " Yea, he does. How did he ever get so much money? So aren't you go gin to stay another month? I figured you'd like it here. I mean I wouldn't mind it, but is it because of all the different kids who just come, and go?" He once again watched her reaction closely.
"He gets the money from this program. It's crazy how much parents will pay to try to get their nutjob kids to be normal again." Alice knelt down and put her hand in the pool. She shook it off after determining that the pool was heated. "I really don't know how long I'll be staying. The freedom is nice, but we also have planned activities that really suck balls, along with making new friends and having to say goodbye like every week." She shrugged, "It gets old after a while."
" That is true… Some parents will pay an arm ,and a leg just at the chance of their kids to be 'normal' like they were." He chuckled slightly, and noticed something that seemed quite funny in his thoughts. " It does suck that you never actually get a real friend, to hang out with.. Always not knowing what kind of kids will be coming." He noticed her IPhone sticking out of her back pocket, and an idea came to mind. He gave her a sly smirk as he quickly made his way behind her, and quickly grabbed her iPhone from her back pocket. " And another thing Alice, Have a nice swim.." He voice was trying to stay serious, but he couldn't help but start laughing, as he gave her a slight push with in foot to push her into the pool.
"Thanks." Sarah muttered as she looked out of her window. Afterwards, she walked towards the door and wiped out the previous name on the chalkboard. She wrote her name and wrote in big capital letters. STAY AWAY FROM ME as an attempt to warn others to avoid her. She let out a sad sigh and walked down to the kitchen.

She entered the kitchen and washed her hands. "I don't have any clothes." She informed mr Firthe and dried her hands afterwards. She retrieved a plate and looked at the food on offer. "I can't be near other people in case she decides to show up and be mean to them." She said to Firthe. Small tears started to form at the corner of her eyes due to how lonely she was. For most of her teens, she had no social life and was too afraid to let others get to know her because she knew what her alter ego would do.
"It's okay, dear." Mr. Frithe said, "Everyone here is a little like you in a way. We all have something different or dangerous about us." He smiled warmly as she picked her food, "Feel free to shop online for the time being, courtesy of the staff, but I could arrange for a trip to the stores tomorrow."

Alice nodded listening, and then suddenly became suspicious. She was about to say something when her iPhone was taken from her back pocket, "Hey--" Al stopped midsentence as she realized what was happening. The next minute, she was underwater, and the next, she came up to breathe. Frantically, she moved her arms about in the pool. "I don't know how to swim, asshole!"
Iggy laughed lightly, and gently set her iPhone and then his on a nearby table. He had pushed her into the more shallow end of the pool. "Just relax your not in the deep end." He kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his socks. Walked back over to the pool, and gently put his get into the water. He had a calm demeanor to him, since he knew if she really get I to trouble then he could easily jump in, and pull her out. " just don't panic, and you'll be ok. Plus swimming isn't that difficult. How were you not taught how to swim?" He laughed at her , and shook his head.
"No!" Sarah told Firthe."I-i can't be around people because of her." She informed the man as small tears started to make their way down her cheeks. "The only way to stop her is to hurt her and she can fight back at times." She said as she gathered her dinner as tears rolled freely down her cheeks. Firthe may have noticed that both her arms had many scars and the state of her face. "She'll come soon and hurt the first person she sees. She's very angry." She told mr Firthe. She knew her alter ego was very angry about being sent her and feared she would cause nothing but harm to the others.
Alice stopped thrashing around. "Just kidding, I thought you'd dive in after me." She grinned, "Of course I was taught how to swim, my parents aren't that mean." Al's make-up had run, so she just rubbed it completely off. She waded over to the stairs and got out of the pool, soaking wet. "You jerk." She smiled and passed him, heading for the towels.
Sarah left the room and walked up to her room whilst carrying her dinner. She sat down on her bed and started to eat her meal whilst small tears rolled down her face. "Stay away." She ordered her alter ego but knew it was pointless. After eating some of her dinner, she looked down at her boot and let out a sad sigh. "You won't appear today." She muttered as she got the smuggled in kitchen knife out of her boot and placed her left hand in front of her. She ran it across the blade of the knife and let out one long gasp of pain as it cut the flesh. Her hand started to bleed afterwards and tears were flooding her cheeks. "YOU *****!" She shouted at the top of voice. The violent personality had taken over. Sarah punched herself in the eye and fell backwards. "I am going to make you pay, you stupid *****!" The violent sarah told herself as she wiped her left hand on her skirt. "G-go away!" The nice Sarah told her and went to pick up the knife. "Oh, no you don't!" the other persona said and threw the knife at the door.
Mr. Frithe heard a commotion upstairs, and rushed to Sarah's room. He acknowledged the STAY AWAY FROM ME sign as he slowly opened the door, "Sarah..?" He jumped back as a knife plunged into the door. "Help!" He cried, and immediately nurses and maids rushed up the stairs. They went into the room. "Sarah calm down! You need to learn to control her." Two of the nurses restrained Sarah.
"**** off, you ****** pedo!" Sarah shouted at Frithe and tried to break free of the nurses's grip. "**** her, **** you and everyone else in this house! I hope they kill themselves as they are nothing but freaks!" She shouted again whilst trying to break out of the nurses grips. She tried to kick Frithe before stopping her attempts for a few seconds. "Help me!" Her nicer ego begged Firthe before the violent on returned. "Yes, help the ******* freak to kill herself! It's all she is good for." She said and resumed her efforts to break free of the nurses restraining her.
Mr. Frithe's eyes widened, but he kept his composure. "Help this girl," He turned to the nurse, half-pleading her. "NOW." He emphasized, as the nurse rushed to Sarah's side and injected her with a light tranquilizer. She would fall asleep and wake up in about an hour, calmer than before. They lift her and place her on the bed.
"Don't you **** sti..." Sarah shouted before the nurse injected her with the tranquilizer and went limp. She lost control to her violent on an almost daily basis despite her avoiding other people. She had gotten worse during the past few months and the mansion was literally her only shot at getting helped without being sent to an alysum.

She slowly stirred into life an hour later and felt very calm. "Sir?" She whispered as she slowly opened her eyes.
Adrian stood silently in front of the building, unable to step closer to it due to the constant thought of new people. His knuckles where white from clutching his notebook so feircly to his chest, his knees slightly shook as he stood there. What if they made him speak, just the thought filled Adrian with a new layer of fear. His foster parents had told him the people here where going to help him, but what was there to help? At the thought Adrians thumb lined a deep scar that ran from the side of his neck down to his shoulder. He didn't want to move closer or farther away from the building so he stood there, in his own silence.
A nurse had left Sarah a tray with some dessert on it. Mr. Frithe was busy preparing himself for the arrival of Adrian, the newest boy. One of the other staff members had spotted him standing outside, and told Mr. Frithe. He jogged down the stairs and opened the door. The only light came from a dim street lamp, and Mr. Frithe had to squint to see the boy. "Welcome!" He called out to Adrian. "Come inside, I think it's about to rain!"
Behind Adrian pulled up a taxi. It sat there for a moment, unmoving aside from the shudder of the engine.

"Are you getting out, or what?" the driver asked with an arm over his seat. Oliver sat in the back seat, his eyes set low to the floor. "I'll give you every cent I have to drop me off somewhere else." he grumbled under his breath.

"No can do, kid. Now, get out."

Oliver lifted his head with a glower before opening the door and dragging his luggage along with him. The cab honked twice before driving off away from the building.
Iggy watched her wade her way out of the pool, and then begin to walk behind him to get a towel. He quickly stood up, and stopped her. " Here let me get that for you" He still have the sly smirk on his face, as he grabbed a towel, and began to hand it to her. But in normal Iggy fashion he gave her another gentle push back into the pool, this time on the deeper end. After she was back in the pool he watched her, and released a sigh which turned into a slight giggle. He waited for her to come back up, and read to ask her " So hows the water?"
Sarah noticed the tray with dessert on as she sat up. It was a bowl of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles on. She moved the tray onto her lap and noticed that they had treated her left hand. She picked up the spoon and started to eat the ice cream. She enjoyed it. She intended on remaining in her room to avoid another incident and let out a sad sigh. After eating the entire contents of the bowl, she put the tray on the small stand that was next to her bed. She knew her other self had ruined her white short skirt by wiping her bloodied hand on it and sighed again. She wanted to browse some clothes online but knew that her room didn't have a PC and she didn't want to leave the room in order to do so. She didn't even know where the computers were or the rest of the mansion.
Mr. Frithe welcomed both Adrian and Oliver inside. "Hello, you must be Adrian," He pointed at Adrian, "And Oliver," He pointed at Oliver, "Welcome to the Looking for Normal program. Let me introduce you to some of the others. ALICE COME UP NOW AND BRING IGGY!" He shouted towards the basement.

Alice swam to the surface just in time to hear Mr. Frithe shouting down to them. She pushed herself out of the pool with great effort, her soaked clothes clinging to her small frame. "Okay!" She shouted back. Al got up, snatched the towel out of Iggy's hands, flipped him off (while smiling), and proceeded to jog upstairs. She appeared in front of the new arrivals, soaking wet, fully clothed. "I'm Al." She gave them her best smile.

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