Looking for Normal [Inactive]

"T-thanks." Sarah said to Oliver and went to sit down next to him. She put her bags down after moving to the seat and sat down. She put her seatbelt on and went to rest her head on his shoulder. "Thank you f-for e-e-everything." She said to him whilst resting her head on his shoulder. She felt relaxed and her shaking slowly died down.
He reached to place his hand on her furthest arm and pull her close as almost a hug. "Save the thanks for later. I'm trying to cultivate low expectations." he said aloud with a wide grin and a casual tone. Should anyone be watching carefully, they might've found the faintest flush of pink behind his cheek as her turned his gaze out the window.
Sarah was pulled closer by Oliver and a small smile appeared on her face. "L-low e-e-expectations f-f-for what?" She asked whilst resting her head on his shoulder.
"It was a joke." he explained dryly. "You see, jokes are these statements which use implication toward the end of humor. I meant to imply that saying your thanks where others can hear raises their expectations of me as a person." He struggled in vain to hold back a stupid grin which was clearly pressing at his lips.
"Oh." Sarah said whilst resting her head against his shoulder. "W-w-w-want to spend m-more t-time t-t-t-together?" Sarah asked Olive whilst smillng slightly.
"Now, you wouldn't want to grow tired of good ol' Postal, would you?" Oliver said, this time on a more exaggerated inflection. "I think I need some time to rest after this. Going so long in a public setting without so much as a scoff at the dying culture and waning evolutionary twilight of mankind takes a lot out of me." He laid his head back and looked up toward the roof of the van, leaning in a bit closer to Sarah. He enjoyed the company and the tactile comfort of physical engagement - something which had been lacking for some time now.
"I t-t-think I'll n-nap as w-well. This h-has t-t-taken a lot o-out of m-me and i g-glad you h-helped me." Sarah told Oliver whilst resting her head on his shoulder. "B-but I m-may j-just go s-s-swimming when w-we get b-back." She informed him whilt continuing to feel relaxed around him but feared that Sara would attack him out of spite. However, she forced herself to ignore her own concerns and let out a small yawn.
The van arrived back at the mansion and Alice sighed, bored and tired. Mr. Frithe got out first and opened the doors for everyone else, allowing Alice to be the first one out, then Skylar.
Sarah had fallen asleep during the journey and was resting her head on Oliver's chest. She was unaware that they had arrived back at the mansion and was dreaming about having friends instead of the usual nightmares about Sara ruining stuff for her. A smile was etched onto her face as she slept.
Oliver had dozed off a bit too, shaking himself awake at the sound of sliding doors. He squinted at Sarah and gently nudged her shoulder, but when she didn't stir, he decided to simply slip out from beneath her with no concern whether it woke her or not. He took hold of his own things and her's, stretching his arms out with a loud groan once he was out of the van. "Did I just wake from the dead? I think I saw Audrey Hepburn up there."

Inside the house, a girl sat in the foyer in a chair next to her luggage, her soft face framed by a bob which had a few peculiar streaks of purple. She'd arrived while the others were away and was instructed by one of the nurses to pick out a room. Instead, however, she elected to sit in the foyer and wait for fear of walking into a room which had already had a claim staked. And that is exactly what she'd done, sitting in silence alone, cycling through thoughts and memories - some which evoked the quickening of a heart rate, others which sunk the spirit to a point near numbness. Over a black tank top, she wore a light, purple cardigan and over grey leggings, she wore a black A-line skirt which reached beyond her knees. She was devoid of piercings, and on her nose sat a pair of glasses which had plastic frames encrusted with cheap white rhinestones.
Sarah felt something nudging but remained asleep for a few more minutes. She slowly woke up and saw that Oliver had left her but to her surprise, Sara kept quiet about it. She slowly got up whilst rubbing her eyes and realised that he had taken her stuff for her. She slowly walked out of the van and immediatly headed towards the bathroom to avoid embarrasing herself. She didn't notice the new girl as she ran up the stairs and ended up in the bathroom.

After using the bathroom, she made her way towards the kitchen to get a drink. She started to felt nervous without Oliver and bit down on her lip.
Oliver entered into into the foyer and immediately stopped as he spotted the girl who was now looking at her phone. He paused for a moment with a glance backward. "Hi..." he said hesitantly. The girl looked up and offered only a small wave. He looked to see Sarah rush past and stood silently, clearly confused by all of this. "Dumbness?" he asked blandly, prompting the girl to look up with a furrowed brow. "Huh?"

"I was asking if you were dumb - as in mute. Clearly, that is not the case." The girl simply turned her gaze back down to her phone, and Oliver continued upstairs, setting Sarah's things in her room before heading to his own - which happened to be just across the hall.
Sarah quickly poured herself a glass of orange juice and downed it in 2 goes. She put the juice back into the fridge and washed out the empty cup. She put it upside down, on the draining board, for it to drain any remaining water and was feeling nervous. She left the kitchen and made her way towards the pool.

Once she arrived, she removed her boots and socks before rolling up her jeans up to her knees. She sat down on the edge of it and put her feet into it. She wondered if Oliver or Alice would join her but was content with being by herself. She was looking forward to spending time in the pool with Oliver later but was nervous about spending time with another person.
The new girl remained in the foyer. She plugged a pair of earbuds into her phone and put on some music, while she waited for the others to come in.

Up in his room, Oliver tried on some of his new clothes and decided to kill time on his own before heading down to the pool. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out an old and rather worn notebook with an orange cover. He flipped through the pages, which held some short stories, some poems, a handful of drawings, and a few recipes - for things such as napalm, nitroglycerin, and thermite. Those drawings that were not of a nameless recurring character in many of his fictional works were schematical renderings of various makeshift weapons, from zip guns to pipe bombs. His expression was somber as he looked these things over, and the indignation which inspired them came flooding back.
Sarah continued to rest her feet in the pool and was staring at the ceiling for a few more minutes before getting up. She was thinking about Oliver as she walked to her bedroom and didn't pay any attention to the new girl. She entered her room with her boots in her hands and closed the door. She retrived the hello kitty item that she had purchased and put it on the nearest flat surface. She retrieved the white bandeau bikini with a red strip on both side from the bag of clothes after closing the door. She got undressed and put the bikini on. She felt happy and didn't think about Sara for once. In fact, Sara was oddly quiet. Too quiet, one might say.
Sarah put the thin shortsleeved green shirt on after making sure the bikini actually fitted her. It did. She was looking forward to spending the evening with the others but was dreading it at the same time because of her alter ego. She slowly made her way towards Oliver's room and felt very nervous but he had looked out for her at the mall. She hoped he wouldn't mind her intruding on him. She slowly knocked on the door.
(sorry to say, dovah, but this is long dead, and i don't see the point anymore, it's time to move on and let sleeping dogs lie)
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