Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Sarah ate the rest of her salad and drank the rest of her tea. She chucked them into the bin and picked up her bags before following Oliver to the play area. "W-w-w-w-what a-a-a-are we g-g-g-going to d-do?" She asked him as she walked behind him whilst staring at her feet.
Oliver set his things down on a wooden bench just outside the circular pit in the floor and placed his coat down atop it. There, in bright red, blue, and yellow plastic, was a series of platforms with slides, spiral poles, ladders, and nets standing lifeless and empty as a bygone monument to likewise bygone days. He took only a moment to look over the structure and appreciate the metaphorical resonance. With a jovial sense of hurry, he stepped down into the lowered area, climbing up the chute of a blue spiral slide.
Sarah put her stuff down next to Olivers and followed him into the play area. She walked towards the nearest platform and climbed up it whilst trying to avoid looking at anyone else. She hoped that Oliver hadn't unintentionally made a mistake by taking them to the play area.
The play area was empty aside from the two, and no one passing by seemed to pay them any mind. Oliver seemed to be enjoying himself, traversing a set of monkey bars which separated two platforms. He climbed up a net to to highest one and sat on the edge of it with his feet dangling off. "Are you starting to remember, yet?" he asked with a grin as he looked down toward Sarah.
Sarah followed Oliver across the monkey bars and saw that Oliver was climbing the net. "R-r-r-r-r-remember w-w-w-w-w-w-what?" She asked him as she slowly started to climb the net.
"What it's like to be human." He swung his feet casually back and forth off the edge. "See, when we were little kids, not a whole lot really mattered to us. Through our juvenile eyes, no one was gay or straight. No one was pretty or ugly. No one was mentally ill or really entirely sound. We were all just people, and we loved each other for being people." His smile had faded throughout his soliloquy, and he stared out into the distance for a moment in silence. "I remember when my peers would look at me and just see a human being. I remember when we could be friends with anybody instantaneously for no reason at all."
"I c-c-c-can't r-r-r-r-r-remember t-t-t-t-t-the l-l-l-l-last t-t-time I h-had a f-f-f-f-ffriend." Sarah said to Oliver as she slowly climbed towards him and carefully sat next to him before staring down. "S-s-s-s-sara c-c-c-cost me e-e-e-e-everything." She muttered sadly and looked at her knees.
"That's far beside the point, dear." he said as he stood back up and climbed atop a tube slide. "The point is to see the magnificence of immaturity and the idiocy of growing up." Her turned his head to look at her. "Try to think positive for once, would you? And I thought I was depressing." He leaped down onto the slide and scooted sluggishly down the chute. A few parents stopped to sit at the benches, while their children came to join the two teenagers.
"I c-c-c-can't." Sarah muttered under her breath before carefully getting up and followed Oliver onto the top of the tube slide. She ran down it and jumped off the end of it. She noticed that a few kids had joined the play area and said "O-o-o-oliver, w-w-w-w-we n-n-n-n-n-need t-t-t-to g-g-go b-b-before s-s-s-she c-c-c-comes."
"You know what? Fine." He lifted his hands up briefly, before letting them fall back down at his sides. He made a bee-line for their things, not bothering to look at Sarah as he spoke. "I try to help you, and nothing comes of it anyway." He through the coat over his shoulder and picked up his bag, before turning to face her. "I mean, I tried to inspire hope - or at least, some feeling that isn't fear - but you're impossible. Are you even a person? Because last I checked, people have more than one emotional state." His voice had started to raise as he spoke. "You're so wrapped up in yourself and your self-loathing that nothing else can get through to you, can it? I mean, I feel sorry for you an all, but you're not the only person that exists." A few people around began turning their attention toward the two, though no one slowed down to actually watch.
"O-o-oliver!" Sarah called after him in a hurt tone. "I c-c-can't help it. E-e-every d-d-d-day i-i l-l-live i-in f-f-f-fear o-of her." She said to him as she walked to her things. "I-i m-m-mean, I-i've b-b-b-b-been a-a-a-alone f-f-f-for t-t-t-too l-l-long w-w-w-with her a-a-a-a-and I-i c-c-c-can't r-r-r-r-r-rember the l-l-l-last t-t-t-time i s-s-s-spent time w-w-w-w-with a-a-another p-p-person." She said as she looked at her feet. "I-i'm s-s-s-s-sorry." She said as picked up her things. She hated Sara and what she had done to her. It had been years since she had spent time with someone else. "H-h-h-help m-m-m-me t-t-t-to n-n-n-not b-b-b-be l-like t-t-t-this." She begged him. "I-i d-d-d-don't w-w-w-w-want t-t-to b-b-b-be l-l-like t-t-this." Sarah told Oliver and hoped he would help her.
Oliver let out a sigh and shook his head. "I hate when people act so pathetic." he mumbled audibly. "I'm out of ideas, so I'll abdicate my turn to you." He shrugged his shoulder. "What do you want to do?"
"Er.... g-g-g-g-go t-t-t-to the m-m-mansion." Sarah stammered to Oliver as she looked at her stuff and picked it up before looking at her feet. "T-t-t-t-the p-pool h-h-h-helps m-me." She told him again. "D-d-d-don't k-know w-w-why. D-d-do you t-t-t-think h-he wo-would m-mind if w-w-e snuck o-out to g-g-go swi-swimming?" She asked Oliver.
Oliver looked around with an eyebrow raised. "Unless you know the way, I don't think we're getting back to the house without the others. We sort of got a ride here, remember?"
"I d-don't." Sarah said to Oliver. "Pr-prehaps w-we c-c-could l-look i-in m-more s-shops." She said to him as she picked her up bag and looked at her feet.
"Alright." Oliver responded with a small shrug. He turned to walk through the market, draping an arm over Sarah's shoulders as he did. "Where do you think they sell the stationary here?"
Sarah almost went to take his arm off her shoulder but felt a bit relaxed because of it. "Y-y-y-y-you're m-m-making m-m-m-m-me r-r-r-r-relax." She told Oliver and gave him a smile then resumed looking at the floor. "W-w-w-w-want t-t-t-t-t-to l-l-l-learn h-h-how t-t-t-to s-swim as s-s-s-soon as w-we g-get b-back?" She asked him as they walked through the market.
Oliver gave a sideways glace, a corner of his mouth curling upward in a halfly lit smirk at the sight of her smile. "I think you already asked me that." he responded. He noticed the sign of an electronics store and pointed toward it. "Care to see if there's anything cool in there?"
"Y-yes" Sarah said as she looked at her feet. "S-s-sorry f-f-for r-r-ruining the pl-playground." She said to him as she walked with Oliver. "C-c-c-c-can i r-r-r-rest m-my head on y-your sh-shoulder?" She asked him. "I t-t-think it'll he-help m-me to r-relax and n-not be s-so nervous." She muttered to him.
"Whatever suits you." he said as they entered the electronics store together. He looked over some phone cases as he passed them, nodding to one brandishing the large white head of a particularly minimalist cat. "You wouldn't happen to be into Hello Kitty, would you?"
"T-t-t-thanks." Sarah said as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Y-yes! A-at least i u-used t-to b-be bef..." She said before stopping herself from mention more of her condition. "S-s-sorry." She muttered to Oliver as she looked at the white head of a cat. "I-it's pr-pretty." She said to him whilst feeling a bit relaxed. The shaking had died down a bit and her speech was improving. "H-how m-much?" She asked him.
((Since Mendaian utterly disappeared, I'll just go on like the movie ended and he went off to do his own thing.))


Alice let him go off and do his own thing, understanding that he wanted to be alone for a while. The movie wasn't scary at all, it was actually quite ridiculously stupid. She checked the time on her iPhone and nodded to herself. As she passed the electronics store, she noticed Sarah and Oliver in there. She smiled, thinking them a cute couple. "Time to go, guys." She mouthed through the glass, getting their attention by waving her arms in a wide motion. As she got to the van, Alice bit the inside of her cheek, ready to go back and have that night swim.

Skylar finished her meal and smiled at him, "Ready to go?" She stood up, and left some money to pay for their meal.
"Doesn't look too expensive." Oliver said as he picked the case up and handed it to Sarah. "Who cares, it's not like money is much of any concern." He saw Alice through the glass and withdrew his arm. "Looks like it's time to go, so I'm going to head off to the van." He turned and started for the door, leaving Sarah to make her purchase on her own.
"T-thanks." Sarah said to Oliver whilst resting her head on his shoulder before Oliver left. She started to feel more nervous after he left her and slowly walked towards the checkout. She paid for it in silence whilst looking at the ground. She quickly ran out of the store and ran all the way back to the van. She had enough of being out in public and felt better after arriving at the van. "Can I s-sit n-n-next t-to you?" She asked Oliver as she recovered her breath and had managed to avoid losing anything during her run to the van.
Oliver sat looking out the window near the back of the van, looking up to Sarah when she addressed him. "Of course. Make yourself comfortable." He patted the seat in a welcoming manner with a small grin on his face.

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