Looking for Normal [Inactive]

"Uh, ya." He followed after Skylar. "Thanks for the help yesterday. I'm Marcus." He offered her a small smile hugging his laptop close with one hand and holding the other out to her.
Skylar smiles as they begin walking to the dining room together. She extends her hand to his and shakes it. "No problem, I'm Skylar." She looks at his laptop, "Do you take that everywhere you go?"
He looks down at the laptop and blushes."Uh, kinda." He smiled shyly at her. "It's um, kinda like my security blanket. I guess."
After the bell had woken her up, Sarah slowly got out of her bed. "N-no! She'll return." She uttered in fear after learning about the outing to the mall. She walked over to her only garments and saw that they were still wet. "You stupid ****!" she growled to herself and punched herself in the eye. "G-go away" She begged her violent persona. "I am going to hurt all of these ******* freaks!" She informed herself and chuckled as if she would enjoy hurting everyone. "L-leave them a-a-alone!" she begged herself. Her violent persona picked up the bowl and threw it at the door.

Sarah looked around for something to harm herself with and walked towards the broken bowl. "Go ahead, kill yourself." The violent one said to her. Sarah punched her nose and recoiled from the pain. "L-leave m-me alone." She whimpered as she clutched her nose. "Why? It's fun harming you." She said to herself as she picked up a broken piece of the bowl. "This is for ruining my clothes." She stated as she sliced her right cheek with the broken china. "Y-you will go-go away!" She stuttered to herself and thrusted the sharp edge of the broken china shard straight into her right palm. She screamed as a result of the pain. The violent persona left and saw held her hand as it bled with the china sticking out of it.
Oliver yawned out of bed, sitting up as he wiped his eyes. He fitted himself with a new t-shirt and a baggy pair of cargo pants. He was just about to pick out a hoodie, when he heard a commotion from one of the rooms. He poked his head out of his door and made a bee-line for the noise. He didn't bother to knock before opening the door to see Sarah bleeding. His eyes widened, and his face went blank. "Jesus ****ing Christ." He barged into the room and quickly grabbed her wrist, plucking the shard of china from her palm with one swift motion. "****'s sake, get a nurse!" he shouted into the hall. He pressed her hand between both of his to keep it from bleeding as much. "What were you doing to yourself, you moron?"
Skylar smiled and gestured to the headphones around her neck, "Same here, I never leave home without them." They arrive at the dining room, and Sky's eyes widen at the wide assortment of breakfast foods.

"Good morning!" Mr. Frithe says, reading the paper with one hand and eating with the other. Alice is already sitting at the opposite end of the table from Mr. Frithe, and was not eating anything (as usual).

Skylar sat down next to Alice, and began picking things off of the trays of food, stopping suddenly when she heard the racket upstairs. "What the hell was that?" She asked, as a nurse ran up to Sarah's room.

"Ms. Sarah?" The nurse opened the door, "Oh dear!" She exclaimed, seeing the girl bleeding. She quickly knelt by Sarah and bandaged her hand.
Sarah didn't resist when Oliver burst into her room and started to sob. "S-she w-was here." She cried as Oliver plucked the shard from her palm and pressed her hand between his. Oliver may have noticed that she was naked and had various scars all over her arms. If he looked at her face, he would have seen the scar over her eyebrow and the bruising on her forehead. "I-i'm a freak!" She cried and went onto her knees. She saw the nurse enter the room and continued to cry as she had her hand bandaged by the woman.
Marcus sat in the chair opposite of Skylar. He frowned hearing the noise. "I don't know. Should, um, should one of us go help her?" He turned to Mr. Frithe, a questioning look on his face.
Oliver backed away slowly as the nurse came to her aid. His face was plastered with an expression of shock, and his breath was labored. He looked over Sarah for a moment before turning his eyes down to the blood on his own hands. His gaze remained fixated on them as he backed against the wall and slumped down to the floor.
Mr. Frithe sighed, "No, no, the nurses will handle it. Enjoy your breakfast, we're going out in a little bit."

The nurse covered Sarah with a blanket. "Go take a shower, darling, get some clothes on, you'll feel a lot better." She smiled and motioned for Oliver to leave, "Thanks, honey, but I've got it from here. There's some breakfast waiting for you downstairs."

Skylar chewed on a piece of bacon, staring at Alice, who's plate was empty. "You should eat something." She commented, noticing that the girl looked a little pale.

"I'm fine, thanks." Al smiled politely, gritting her teeth a little.

"There's a smoothie waiting for you in the kitchen, Alice." A member of the kitchen staff stated. Alice sighed and gave in, walking to the kitchen and picking up her usual strawberry-banana smoothie.

"Does she ever eat?" Skylar asked Mr. Frithe. He just shook his head, "She only drinks smoothies and occasionally she snacks on something. It's part of her condition.
Oliver gave nothing in response. He simply remained frozen in his pseudo-catatonic state, bloodied hands held in front of his eyes like headlights stopped before a petrified deer. After another moment of heavy breathing, he closed his mouth to wet his drying tongue and gulped noticeable.
"I don't have any!" Sarah told the nurse as she cried and clutched the blanket after it had been wrapped around her body. "I'm nothing but a freak and should be locked away from everyone!" She cried to the nurse. She cried for several minutes before her tears started to cease. "I-I went s-swimming in them ye-yesterday because the p-pool is n-nice." She told the nurse and pointed to her wet clothes.
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Alice sipped at her smoothie as she went to go investigate upstairs. She walked inside only to hear Sarah claiming she didn't have any clothes because she went swimming. "I could lend you some," Al said, trying to help. She felt it was part of her responsibility, since she had been there longer than everyone else. Then, she spotted Oliver, and after assessing his situation, took his hand and led him to the bathroom. She washed the blood off of his hands and dried them. "Better?" She asked.
Marcus nodded and slowly started to eat. "Um, could I possibally ask: what is her condition?" He felt like he was prying and that he shouldn't but his curiousity got the better hold on him.
"T-thank you." Sarah said to Alice. "I-if Sara destroys them, p-please don't be mad at me." she told Al as she got up and started feeling nervous about having people near her in case Sara turned up. She slowly walked towards the nearest bathroom whilst keeping herself covered with the blanket. She feared the outing today and hoped that the nurses could prevent the other personality from doing some harm to the others. Sara was full of hate and viewed the residents of the mansion as freaks.
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Iggy rubbed his eyes, and let a yawn pass his mouth as he slide down the roof, and into the window in his room. He had heard some previous commotion, but thought it would be better if he didn't involve himself. After he pulled out his flip flops, and place them on his feet her opened his door, and began to walk downstairs. He was personally not a morning person at all, and would d*mn near ready to hit someone if they so much as got in his way. The only thing on his mind at the moment was some form of Caffeine.
Oliver didn't bother to bat Al's hands away as he normally would. Instead, he simply complied, being led along to the sink. His expression didn't chance one, aside from the occasion switch between nasal and oral breathing. Even after his hands were washed, he offered nothing by way of a response.
Mr. Frithe looked up, "Who's condition? Alice's or Sarah's?" He asked Marcus. He saw Iggy walking in and smiled, "Take a seat." He gestured towards a cup of coffee waiting for Iggy.

Skylar looked up and saw Iggy, "Morning, Sleeping Beauty, how was the roof?" She finished off her plate and leaned back in the chair.

Alice scratched her head, unsure of what to do. She led Oliver into her room and let him stand in the corner while she gathered some clothes she didn't care much about, old jeans and t-shirts and a skirt. She then dropped the clothes off in Sarah's room and led Oliver downstairs. Before they entered the dining room, she slapped Oliver, holding her smoothie in the other hand. "Snap out of it." She said before entering the dining room.
Iggy sat down in chair in front of the cup of coffee, and began to rub his eye. He gently grabbed the coffee, and without taking a breath began to drink the coffee as if he hadn't had coffee in months. Once he finished the cup of coffee he looked over a Skylar, and let out a sigh. " Well It would have been a lot better without you talking in your sleep ninety percent of the night." He let out a groan, and rubbed his eyes, and head. " I so don't want to know what happened this morning.." He looked up to see Alice, and laughed lightly, as he moved his eyes away from her.
Oliver returned from the slap with an incredulous expression. "That was highly unnecessary, you know." he said as he followed Al into the dining room. He took a seat at the table and took a bit of breakfast. "You got a nice room, though." He made nothing if this comment as he went about eating his bacon.
Skylar rolled her eyes, but said nothing. Unaware of Alice in the room, she turned to Mr. Frithe. "Yeah, I kinda want to know what exactly Alice's condition is..? And how long has she been here?"

Mr. Frithe smiled, and finished chewing his eggs. He put down the newspaper, also unaware of Alice being in the room, "This is Alice Wilde's 34th day in the Looking for Normal program. Actually," He leaned forward as if passionate about the subject, "Her condition is quite interesting, and quite complicated--" His eyes blinked and widened at the sight of Alice. "Oh,"

Alice stopped as she heard Mr. Frithe talking about her condition. "Wow someone likes to gossip." She grins and sits down in her usually seat, sipping lightly at her smoothie. She changed the subject quickly, turning to Oliver, "Maybe it wasn't totally necessary but it did the trick. And I thought you were out of it when you were in my room."
"No, that whole time, I was really just thinking." He shook his head, taking another bite of bacon. "About what I saw in there, I mean." He let out a huff of air, taking a large helping of eggs.
Alice nodded, "I can pretty much guess," She sipped at her smoothie and started talking excitedly, to nobody in particular, "One time we had a kid, Dylan, who had four personalities and two of them were girls." Al giggled, getting a look from Mr. Frithe, "What old man? You can talk about me, but I can't talk about the old kids?"
Iggy rolled his eyes, and stood up slowly, and stretched. " If you all would excuse me, I do believe I have an project to complete. " He smiled to himself, and picked up the coffee cup, and walked off into the kitchen to drop off his cup in the sink, as he rubbed his eyes once more when he got into the kitchen away from the others. Right now he felt his anti-social side begin to kick in, and he supposed it would be best if he just started a paint project somewhere where people wouldn't disturb him. He personally didn't care about the group activity they had planed for the day. Not to mention he felt since last night things between him, and Alice had gotten awkward.
Alice stood up and walked to the kitchen to put the remaining half of her smoothie in the fridge. On her way in, she saw Iggy and smiled, "Not a morning person?" She tried her best to clear the air, as she didn't want things to be weird between them. It wasn't like she didn't love the kiss last night, but a boy had never really taken much interest in her, other than stares in school and public places. She wasn't used to being treated like this, and didn't know exactly how to handle it.

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