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Fantasy Living Like Two People

"I dont feel sad...I just..dont feel the same anymore. That the girl you did like if it was me is a whole other person. Now there is this me and im sure you wouldnt like her.." She didnt know why she was being so open with him but it was easy. And why not open up to one person here? She felt like she could trust him.
She smiled shyly and pulled out her wings, "I really can't, sorry! These wings don't fold in all that well." Riley laughed in embarrassment, "I wish I could."

Yori soared across the sky as the wind ruffled through his feathers. He turned his head from side to side looking for the lost two. He just hopes Queen Kyro hasn't taken them as prisoners o fwar.
Haiko lets out a sigh of relief, Not as embarrassing as it could have been. Haiko chuckles, he's still blushing, thank God for masks, "Hey, Riley, I feel like I know you from somewhere." That would explain why he's being so friendly to her. He puts up his book, "Were we....Friends, at some point?" He asks her.
"Why not?" He smiled."I think you'd be a nice plot twist if u were... You are nice, and friendly." He chuckled.
Freyja smiled, "A plot twist huh? Well I shall keep that in mind..but it seems we get the chance to know each other all over again. Im glad I can talk to you. Whats your name again?" She was always bad with names and felt bad for not knowing it. 
(heading to bed night guys :) I shall be on tomorrow!)
Very unsure of what the hell he's supposed to do, Aosuke decides to try and talk to the other people. "Er... Hi...", waving his hand slightly, trying to catch someone's attention. "Can someone tell me what's going on? Please... My pet just dropped me off here, literally..." shifting his gaze from person to person and guardian to guardian.

"There you two are", Ryu says to himself with slight relief. He descended down and stopped a few meters above the tree's top. He stayed there, hovering above Freyja and Jason. "You two, where are you guardians? Why are you alone here in the forest?", his voice bellowing through the sky once again, trying to sound as strict and terrifying as possible.
Xeno238 said:
Haiko lets out a sigh of relief, Not as embarrassing as it could have been. Haiko chuckles, he's still blushing, thank God for masks, "Hey, Riley, I feel like I know you from somewhere." That would explain why he's being so friendly to her. He puts up his book, "Were we....Friends, at some point?" He asks her.
She mulled over the thought, rubbing the side of her head as her eyes glanced around their surroundings, "I am trying to think but I am not too positive. I moved to a new town when I was eight so, maybe then? It has been a long time." Riley mumbled as her wings gave a small toss, shaking a few white feathers loose. She turned her head to see one of the teenagers speak up and she gave a gesture of her arm over to Aosuke, "You can come join us, I promise we don't bite." Riley laughed and then turned back to Haiko, shoulders shrugging, "Your guess is as good as mines."
Haiko sighs and stands, he puts his book away, "Tis a visitor, only this, and nothing more." He quotes The Raven, "Such a great writer, he has the greatest stories I've ever heard." He chuckles, he tries to make his shadow move faster, it only moves slowly, with time it would be faster, "I wonder what we're here for. Maybe we have to fight something? Why do you think we have these weapons?" He thinks to himself.
"Yori said we were to wait for the last remaining teens to gather here before we are to go before the High Rulers of Fable Lands," The angel murmured kicking a pebble with the toe of her black boot, "I am curious to know who are these High Rulers. How many of them are there, are they nice? Are they going to eat us?" Riley mumbled as she glanced over to the tall wooden doors that led to the inside of the castle. She took in a quiet gulp, now feeling nervous about who these High Rulers were.
Haiko thinks for a second, "You want to practice fighting? I promise you won't get hurt." He chuckles, "I'm not really that good." Mika frowns, "Why do you want to fight a girl?" She asks with a serious tone, "Well, she's an angel, it would be pretty cool to duke it out with an angel." Mika doesn't like this idea, but she decides to let them continue, she nods, Haiko turns back to Riley, "So, what do you say?" He asks her.
MorticiansDaughter said:
Freyja smiled, "A plot twist huh? Well I shall keep that in mind..but it seems we get the chance to know each other all over again. Im glad I can talk to you. Whats your name again?" She was always bad with names and felt bad for not knowing it. 
(heading to bed night guys :) I shall be on tomorrow!)
"Jason." He smiled. "Jason Ekerson." He looked (Rather, moved his head around.) and envisioned his surroundings.
She gave a small smile and looked down at the angelic sword strapped around her waist. Riley crosses her arm, tapping right right foot, and smirks, "Even though I may be girl. Let me warn you, I took fencing, almost similar to sword wielding, so it'll be quite the same. All right you're on." She unsheathes the sword from it's case, and pointed it at Haiko, the silver blade glowing, "Let's dance."
Haiko draws his scythe and stands in a defensive position, "Well shake it up baby, now." He shoots a sly reference to The Beatles, he then dashes at her, he swings at her, making sure not to hurt her, but to instead hit her sword.
She let out a gasp, surprised by his speed and all Riley could do was bring up her blade, to deflect his and she lost her footing as she tried to maneuver herself away from Haiko. Though before she touched the ground, she snapped up her wings, and pumped them downwards, which had incidentally tossed her up into the sky, she awkwardly flew up, and gained composure, before landing back down on the ground, wings flared out. This would provide a good chance to allow me to practice my wings while in combat.
Haiko looked around the ground, he saw her shadow, he made his shadowy tendrils snake over to her shadow and as fast as he can, he wraps them around her ankle, "I think I've got this one in the bag." He says to himself, he slowly starts pulling her down.

(I seriously hope this isn't considered GodModding, is it?)
Haiko chuckles, "You have quite the advantage, but don't forget, I do too." one of his shadowy tendrils snakes over and pokes her shadow in the side.
Freyja smiled, "And my name is Freyja Gotthard..its a pleasure to meet you Jason" She thought she heard a voice above her and she looked up to see a creature flying above them, "We got separated form our Guardians and we arent to adapt to flying yet like you are" She looked at jason and touched his arm, "I think someone found us who can take us back"
"No!" Riley gave a small shriek getting startled. She almost dropped her sword, but both of her hands, held firmly onto to it as she took a few steps back away to reach from the tendrils of shadow that were beginning to bother her. She shifted the swords in her hands, and took off into the air, and aimed for Haiko, sword held to her side as she was streaked to give a 'tap' to call end.
Haiko smiles, he quickly takes off his mask and throws it at her face, he then sheathes his scythe and draws his sickle, it was easier to handle,

" `Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.

Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.' " He quotes The Raven as he rolls to the side.
"You two need to get back to the castle, the others are waiting for you." Ryu said to Jason and Freyja. "I'll take you two back." he said and descended down to the ground, just beside the trees.
Freyja stood back up and stretched, her wings spanning out far as she does. "You should take him..I need practice anyways. But ill stay close so I dont lose everyone again."
Freyja grabbed his hand and helped him up, " A bird..so you should fly with him and ill fly by you. Its easier than taking us both when one of us has wings" She hoped this was the right choice. She still wasnt sure why she was here or why she even needed to be here. But its not like she could live on Earth looking like that.

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