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Fantasy Living Like Two People

Freyja landed on his back and was a little wobbly still used to being in the air. She clung to Jason and tried to figure out what was wrong? 
(I will be on later sadly, I have some things I must do today)
Ryu gave her a few moments to get her footing. "Here we go.". He quickly picked up speed, rushing back towards the castle, his eyes fixed on their destination.
Mika looks around and notices the wolves, "You got it Yori!" Mika holds out her hand in the direction of one of the werewolves and shoots out a concussion wave, it blows him away, "M-Mika! What's going on?!" Haiko says as he draws his scythe. He observes the werewolves carefully as they charge.
Yori stood protectively against Riley as he knew well she wouldn't be able to fight with one broken wing. His body grew intensely hot and suddenly he burst into a pillar of flames, "Would you all dare to fight this bird now?"

One of the werewolves gave a snicker, and charged at him, but Yori spun out at him, claws stretched outward. The werewolves bounded around the kids, teeth gnashing at them.
One of the werewolves charges at Haiko, he slices its stomach, his blade seemed to have an burn-like effect on the werewolf, it seemed to cauterize the wound where he sliced it, like he was wielding a lightsaber scythe or something. It stoutly falls over while holding it's side, "Yori! What do we do?!" Mika didn't know what the plan was, so she looked to Yori for further instructions. She sends out several more concussion waves at the beasts.
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Roxas and Shadow both turned to see the werewolves storming the place. Shadow growled. "Stay here."

Before Roxas could protest, the guardian ran from his position and began attacking werewolves. He watched as his best friend, whom he had known for years, relentlessly attack multiple werewolves and not recieve a single scratch on him. "I am somehow not surprised..."
Haiko, now discovers that his blades have a tremendous effect on the beasts. Another one charges at him, he takes out his sickle and holds it in front of him, the werewolf growls at him, it dares not get any closer, "Quote the raven, Nevermore." Haiko says as he quickly lunges at the beast and slices its stomach, it whimpers and falls over, it slowly dies.
He heard the werewolves, and, opened his eyes in fear. He passed out, and started to growl. Their....Feelings were seeping into him "Kill..." He growled."Getting....Hungry..." The looked, as he grew huge fangs.
Yori turned his attention away for a mild second to see the other guardians, but at the next moment, he wish he didn't. A werewolf managed to attack Riley and she let out a scream falling onto the ground to see a set of white teeth in front of her, the phoenix's eyes widen and he attacked the werewolf, in a flurry of flames.

"Riley use your sword!" He yelled at her as the werewolf was mildly distracted.
Haiko turns around quickly, "RILEY!" He darts over to her, "A-Are you ok?!" He was panicking, a werewolf tries to charge them but Mika sends him flying off with a concussion wave.
"EAT!!!" He yelled, looking at Haiko, and Mika. "No....Must...." HE started growing hair. Would he absorb the urges he had as well. Waait....Who was he? Was...Hard...to think... need...call. "HElllPppp..." he said to them.
She plunged her sword straight through his head and he collapsed into a heap of fur, she nodded her head and sat up, "Yeah I'm fine." The werewolves numbers were too large and the commander werewolf stood there smiling till he sensed an incredible amount of power in the area and he turned to see a elegant elf standing there with two mages one either side of him, "Reid," He murmured looking at the white werewolf. He gave a grin, "Well, well, if it isn't high ruler Orfeo." Yori turned to follow Reid's gaze and saw that it was him indeed. High Ruler Orfeo was one of the several noble creatures to be bestowed one of the thrones.
Haiko slices one of the werewolves with his scythe, "Why are there so many?!" He was glad Riley was ok. Mika suddenly gets taken down by a werewolf, "MIKA!" He yells as he charges over, but before he knew it a werewolf swiped him off his feet and sent him flying. (insert Wilhelm scream here)
HE was blinking in and out of consciousness. He pounced on Riley. "Heeeeellllppp" He tried to say. "CAnnntttControll... MEat looksssgood... MUssst..."
When they had landed Jason started to at strange, "Jason?" Then she realized it had to do with the werewolves around them. She hissed as some came closer to them. Her fangs elongating making her look more ferocious. She didnt want them hurting Jason while he was in this state. She looked back at him and didnt know what to do.
"EAttttt...." He couldn't contain it anymore....The urge to feast was strong......He opened his Jaw, ready to chomp down. "FOOD!!!"
Freyja snapped out of her little scare away action when she realized Jason was in to deep and had to take care of him first, "Jason..hold on!" She turned quickly and grabbed a hold of his neck trying to keep him from attacking any of the others. "I will bite you or set you on fire..dont think I wont if I cant get you to calm down!"
Haiko stands slowly, he was badly bruised. Haiko charges as fast as he can and shoulder plows the werewolf about to bite Riley, "NO" He yells as one of his shadows tendrils darts over and stabs into his shadow's side.
"Hunger...." He said. "Eat...." his attempts to get free calmed down, and his outbursts of words became softer, as he tired out, passing out, and reverting to his normal human form.
Riley sat up alarmed and the Elf draped in robes stepped right next to her, "Reid. If you do not leave these children alone, I hate to bring Brewsky into this." The werewolf gave a growl and turned to his men, "Back down!" They all ceased fighting and he turned back to them, red eyes glowing with anger, "This was a greeting from Queen Kyro. She welcomes you all to Fable Lands. Her only request is that you do not interfere with her plans, for if you do, you shall not see the light again." Orfeo's eyes narrowed and his voice grew with anger, "Get out of the castle dog breath! We do not welcome Queen Kyro's men!" He gave a smirk and they all fell back, leaping over the walls.

When the last one disappeared he turned to the small group and he sighed, "I deeply apologized what happened to you all. Forgive my manners, I am Orfeo, High Ruler of the Elves." He bowed. He looked back up at them and smiled, "Please, please, let's all get inside. You need to meet the other High Rulers."
Haiko holds his head, his head was bleeding, "Riley, Jesus Christ, are you ok?" He was in quite a lot of pain. He rubs his head.
She turned to Haiko and lets out a yelp, "Me?! What about you?!" Riley stammered as she saw the blood seeping through his hands. Orfeo gave a small smile and gestured a hand to the large wooden doors that were being held open by some mages, "Come inside, we will get you all patched up."
Haiko pauses for a moment, "M-Me?! What's wrong with me?!" He sighs and walks beside Riley, he looks at his hand, "Oh God! When did I start bleeding?!" He lets out a grunt of anger and holds his head again. 
As Haiko walks he looks over at Riley, "Are you sure you're ok?" He was genuinely worried about her, being a new friend and all, "I might be hurt, but I'm kinda concerned about you. Did that werewolf bite you?" By now Mika joins them, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Haiko." She looks very depressed, "No, Mika, it's ok. Are you ok?" Mika nods and Haiko looks back at Riley.
During this whole ordeal, Aosuke was sitting in a corner covered in shadows. Observing what the hell just happened, what these people are, the werewolves and the elf. A more moments after the little skirmish, he stood up and walked towards the others. "Er... What the hell just happened?..." he said confused and scared.

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