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Fantasy Living Like Two People

"We were instructed to bring you all here to Fable Lands to adapt to your new changes and prepare you for a role your parents couldn't finish due to Queen Kyro's lackeys. She is our enemy in these lands and is out for you all. For us guardians, it is the mot important thing we protect you all and make you guys are trained for the war we are going to have to wage against the Queen." The bird murmured.
"Ryu said I was a Frost Giant? Are there Frost Giants here?", staring at his ice covered arms. "And some of the others had wings? What's that about?" he inquired further.
"Yes, even though most prefer to live in the Western Mountains were it snows all year-round, we do have some in this castle as guards, if you'd like to meet one, I'd be more than happy to find one to speak to you. As far as wings, horns, or tails, each one of your are a different creature, such as my kid, Riley. She is an angel, as you can see from the white wings. Haiko is a ghoul, from the dark appearance and the distortion of his face underneath mask. Roxas, you can see that his arm and wings of one of a demon, but he isn't a full demon. As for the others, they have been newer creatures lately, so I myself am a bit lost." Yori answered.
"Please do, I would very much like to talk to a Frost Giant. Do you guardians all know each other?" he asked, feeling a little more comfortable around the phoenix now.

After the little skirmish with the werewolves, the werewolves fled the castle. Whilst fleeing, Ryu had managed to capture on of them. Although that particular one is not one of very high status or rank, he must have some information that could be useful to the kids. Ryu sat outside of the castle, with his prisoner stuck underneath one of his front claws, waiting for a guard or something to give the werewolf over to.
"Yes we do. Some of us have a gone way back together, we're quite old actually." Yori chuckled, they reached the large wooden doors that opened to the courtyard and there stood Ryu with there with a werewolf and the phoenix gave a small smile, "Well looks like one dog-breath wasn't fast enough." He gave a snap and the bird stepped back.
Ryu turned his head and looked at the two in the doorway. "Greetings." he says, "I caught this guy trying to flee.", he loosens his weight on the werewolf. "Ryu! Where have you been?" Aosuke said, almost shouting at Ryu. "You left me alone in the castle with all these strange people!". "Calm down. I'm here. You're fine. I can't go into the castle like the rest of the guardians, as you can see. Don't be a dumbass.", he said, almost sounding like he was scolding Aosuke. "Yori, will you help Aosuke like your child in the castle? You see how he gets.".
"Guards, imprison the hound!" The bird turned to two men clad in armor, they chained the werewolf and took him away before Yori turned to Ryu, "Of course, it'd be my honor to do so, I'll take care of him." The phoenix turned to Aouske and smiled before turning back to the dragon, "Queen Kyro is out for our heads, so be on guard, we can't let her get her hands on the children."
"Very well. I'll keep a look out around the castle." Ryu said. He then turned to Aosuke, "If you have any problems or need anything, go to Yori first. If you cannot find Yori, look for me.". Aosuke nodded back, "Okay..." he said, looking somewhat disappointed about the fact that he could not be with his own guardian. He turned to Yori again, "Thanks for bringing me to Ryu."
(I just read the announcement and they wont be :0 you either need to make a new "tabbed" RP or merge this one with another one. I say we just keep on chugging O.o )

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