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Fantasy Living Like Two People

Freyja had to calm down and make sure Jason was alright, "What happened? Are you ok?" She looked around at the others and frowned. She certainly didnt know what happened.
Haiko sighs, "Where can I get patched up?" His head was pounding, that werewolf did a number on him.
Unsure of what to do, Aosuke decided to try and help out. He went over to the shapeshifter boy, "Can I help you guys? Shall I carry him to an infirmary or something?".
"No, no, I'm fine! It's just you, you're bleeding," She mumbled before averting her gaze to see a female mage approach him with a glowing purple hand, she placed it on the Haiko's side of the head, and the blood began to disappear as well as the pain. The glow stopped and she gave a nod, "Don't do anything reckless for now." She turned to Aosuke and nodded, "If you like to come with me to the infirmary with him."

"As for the rest of you, please come with me," Orfeo spoke, "We'll wait in the library for the others to get healed and they can meet us there afterwards."
Haiko sighs, "I think we should go with the elf." He starts following the elf.
It looks like everything is under control and everyone is more or less okay. Aosuke follows the elf, since he looks like he knows what's going on here.
As they proceeded to the library he glanced at all of them and spoke, "Remain here while I consult with the High Rulers on where to place you guys in the castle. This will be your new home so get familiar with the place. The library holds information since the beginning of time so please help yourselves."
Haiko nods, "Maybe I can find something on my parents." He smiles and looks through the shelves of books.
Jason came to, blinking his eyes slowly. He closed them quickly, as to not transform. "W...." He started to say. "What happened?"
"The werewolves are gone, you need to take it easy now, and this should help you control your powers for now until you get a better grasp at controlling them," Yori walked over to Jason handing him a silk red scarf, "It has been enhanced so you can see through it, but no one can see your eyes."
Freyja smiled at him then looked at Yori, "Thank you for helping him.." She looked back down at him worried, "Is this better for you? That must have hurt a lot" She crouched near him and touched his shoulder gently.
Haiko finds several books and walks over to a table, he sits and begins to read, I have to find something on my parents in here! He thinks to himself.
'Where is Ryu? What's going on? What am I supposed to be doing?', Aosuke thinks to himself. He walks to Riley, the girl with the Phoenix. "Excuse me..." he says softly, tapping her shoulder gently.
Yori looked up to see Aosuke approach the two of them and Riley turned around to face him, "Hello! You have a question? I probably can't answer it but Yori hear is the one who can better answer things than me!" The phoenix gave a small smile.
Aosuke turned to Yori. "Do you know where my pet is? He dropped me off here and left again. He said I'm not to leave this castle without him." he asked Yori.
The bird looked thoughtful again, and glanced over at the two kids, "Well he can be patrolling the castles after that attack, or maybe just wanting to see home again. We've been gone for quite a while due to the fact we were your pets for a while on the earth land." Yori glanced back at Aosuke.
Yori glanced over to see Freya has returned and that who Ryu went to look for her turned his beady eyes to the young male, "He may in the courtyard actually. The girl he went looking for is here in the room."
"I'll take you there, Riley remain here with the others." Yori murmured turning to her she gave a small nod smiling. The bird turned to Aosuke, "Ready when you are."
"What the hell is going on? Ryu just dropped me here and didn't explain much to me..." he said, somewhat disappointed by the fact the Ryu could not be with him right now, as the other's had their guardians nearby.

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