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Fantasy Living Like Two People

Freyja wobbles for a moment as the ground shook, she looked over to thr other person who was joining them. If he made that hole over there than what was he? She looked at the..the guy? She was still confused. From earlier who ran towards her, She walked over and crouched by him. She was afraid to touch him since she wasnt in control of her powers yet and she didnt want to hurt him with her claws. "Are you ok?" She gently touched his shoulder. "Puda where's his guardian? If his power is hurting him maybe it could help?"

Puda walked over to the boy and bent his face down towards him, "Is your guardian around child?" He tilted his head as his blue glow reflected off the boys skin. Freyja let go of his shoulder and sat down with her wings encasing her slightly as she watched. She was not good with people like this. She used to be but she didnt feel that kind of social acceptance anymore.
Mika turns around, "You two chat while I go run some more errands." She smiles and walks off, "So, you're Riley, correct?" He asks the angel, he rubs his arm behind his back. Meanwhile, Mika hides behind a rock and peaks out every once in a while, she writes down something in a book titled, 'Life and Death' She had a slight nosebleed as she writes in the book.
He looked at him, with pudas face and slowly forming his body. "Guardian?" He looked at him quizzically. "Where even are we?" He cried, tears in his eyes.
Freyja frowned, she was worried and unsure of what to do. She wasnt used to situations such as this and felt it would be better if Puda handled on his own. What the guy needed was someone who could tell him about everything like Puda had done for her. The deer stepped back some and sat down next to Freyja once more, "The animal that came with you here..where is it? Do you know?" He was hoping he wouldnt say he didnt have one because if he didnt then this child was in trouble. The guardian is usually the one who knows the most about their kid and can help them adjust and lean.
"Don't... Know.." He said. "My... Ferret?" He looked at them. "Please... Tell me...." He cried.

In the grass, rustling could be heard. She was late. And lost. You, the reader, could not comprehend how mad that made her. She bumped into- "Mika?" She said in surprise.
Puda stood up, "I shall look around..that is if you dont mind Freyja?" He looked behind him a his girl and lowered his head. Freyja was worried to be left alone. She didnt really know anyone here and Puda was the only thing from home she could talk to and understood. But the boy needed his guardian like she had hers, so she nodded. "Ill wait here for you Puda..good luck" She tucked her legs under her as she looked at the boy. She didnt know what to tell him to cheer him up. Because she had been the same way not that long ago.
The blonde headed female nodded her head and gave a small smile, "Yeah that's me." Yori's beady eye glanced over to the two and he mumbled to himself, "Well hopefully all of the kiddos will get along because what they're heading for is something way over their heads." The phoenix, ruffled his wings slightly and his fiery feathers came down to a soothing crackle as small embers hopped off from his flame induced body.
He changed back into the girl. "Where are you from?" He asked. "I don't think I'll get used to this..." He looked at her. "Becoming all these people... Will I forget who I am?"
Freyja pursed her lips, "Im sure your still you under all that...me.." She coughed and continued on, a little embarrassed to see someone wearing her looks. "I lived in a forest in Ireland..I dont have the thickest accent but thats because my parents had been from America" She looked around hoping Puda would find his guardian soon.

Puda was in fact looking as hard as he could for any wandering guardians. He came across Mika hiding behind a rock, "Mika we have a boy whom has lost his guardian..any idea who it is?" She pawed at the ground, it had been awhile since he last saw his fellow guardians.
"You were adopted!?" He said in shock. He acted way more like a girl than her, actually now that he thought about it...."Me too!"
Freyja was startled and almost fell backwards in surprise, "W-well yea...I see..where were you adopted from?" She was warming up to this person and as much as she didnt want to think it since he was still a guy. It was like talking to her girl friends back home when she them over. They were the only reason she really started picking up any accent at all.
"Ummm...." He scratched his head. "Fable Orphanage, I think it was called. Wasn't a lot of us there..." He said. "There was this girl I kinda liked.... She was cute and kind... I can't remember the name though..."

(Can I make up the name for the adoption center we were all adopted from ?)
(That would be so damn strange if we were all in the same orphanage xD either way im gonna say she was in that one as well)

Freyja frowned, "That sounds like the one I came from..But it was so long ago. Im sure Puda would remember, he always remembers things like that. I cant really remember the kids from there either. But one is in my mind right now..but right now everything is to confusing and making it hard." She ran her hand through her hair. Her fangs were noticeable when she yawned and where she accidentally bit herself was slowly healing.
(We are beings from a different world. Strange is an understatement.) 
"Ah!" He looked at her wound. "You okay?" He ripped part of her-his skirt, and wiped the specks of blood. "You got hurt by your fangs...."
Freyja leaned back some when he suddenly got close but could only go so far when he started dabbing at her lip, her cheeks burned and she looked to the ground, "I didnt even know I had them when I did that..but I guess I need to start being more careful" She wondered what he looked like without being in the form of someone else. Probably nothing like her, it still surprised her that all these people here were suddenly the way they were. And that her appearance didnt bother anyone.
Roxas was leaning against the building while Shadow was sitting next to him. Neither really did anything other than watch the scene play out before them.

Roxas turned his head towards Shadow, but didn't stop watching everyone else. "A lot is happening. Should we do anything?"

Shadow shook his head. "Not yet."

Roxas nodded and went back to watching everything unfold.
Haiko pauses for a moment, "Uh-Uh, do you like poetry?" He says sheepishly, Mika still being Mika finishes writing and gets up, she darts back over, "Hey there Haiko!" Mika runs up, "Why don't you introduce me to your friend?" She smiles at Riley, "Her name's Riley." Haiko is very quiet while talking, "Nice to meet you, Riley!" Mika smiles, "Sorry if Haiko is so quiet, he gets really embarrassed around girls!" She laughs.

Haiko looks over at her, "T-That's not true!" He blushes under his mask.
Riley smiled and rubs the back of her head, "Well it is quite all right, as you know already, I'm Riley, and this beast here is Yiro."

"Greetings." The phoenix chirped and then he got the idea and turned to the other guardians, "Why don't we have our kiddos meet one another? For the best since they'll be working with one another for the next few months?"


"Flea-bitten mutts." A elegant girl murmured as she pulled her hand out of the chest of a Lycanthrope, holding his heart, he gave a ghostly whimper, and she smiled sweetly at him before crushing his heart. He let out one last cry before crumpling to the ground in a heap of free. She shook her arm free of blood and stepped away, heels clicking, "Lucian, clean the mess." She murmured as a clean-looking male stepped forward nodding his head, "Yes your highness." She plopped down onto her throne and wiped her arm clean of the blood before turning her attention to see a mage covered in black robes from head to toe walk over to her, the silky cloth swaying all around his feet, "Queen Kyro, I have some unfortunate news, you recall of the beings you have successfully murdered years ago?"

"Of course I do, one of my best achievements, they were killed swiftly and silently, though unfortunately with such a huge mess, they knew who it was, but thankfully I am untouchable." She giggled, crossing her legs.

"Well I have a surprise," He murmured, pulling out an orb. Kyro got up from her throne walking down the steps and approached the mage as a fuzzy image appeared. It showed the aerial view of the courtyard where the teens stood. Her red eyes widen in surprise, and she clapped her hands in delight, "Oh my! The kids! They have grown up! So beautiful and oh some of them so handsome!" She gave a little excited laugh and then spun, the frills of her dress flying around, before she stopped to face the mage, "Oh Reid, we should give them our best welcome to Fable Lands. Send out Moriko and his pack, they'll be a delight, and specifically instruct them to not kill them, just merely a taste of the power what I can unleash on them if they try to mess with me and interfere with my plans." The mage bowed down nodding and turned her head over to a white werewolf with bloody red eyes, "You heard the lady. No killing, just a scare." The werewolf gave a wicked laugh, before getting down on all fours and running out of the queen's castle followed by several other pack members. Kyro gave a laugh and walked up to her throne before plopping down on them, "I want to have the pleasure of killing them myself, and soon before their develop their powers."
Haiko smiles, "Do you like poetry?" He asks Riley, "I'm a big fan of Edgar Allan Poe." He chuckles as he remembers the raven and The Pit And The Pendulum.
Freyja stood up and while the boy was struggling with what was going on she thought giving him some distance would give him the chance to look himself. And maybe I good time to try her hand at flying. She drew in a long breath and started beating her wings, when the winf caught she could feel herself lift but it was clumsy. She focused even more and beat her wings harder. "Come on!" She started rising off the ground and she tried not to get to excited about it, "There!" But her flying was still clumsy. She wobbled and fell a couple feet at times.
"HEY!!" He said, looking at her fly away. "Wait!!" He tried it as well, but had the same effects. "Dont leave me!!!" The worst thing in this situation, he knew, was being alone in a world he had no idea what was going on...
Her eyes widened, "D-dont follow me I dont even have full control yet! and yours arent even yours!" She dropped again and yelped still focusing at staying upwards. She was worried she would hit them both and fall back to the ground and she had had enough of falling today. She tried turning but lost her balance and didnt flap correctly making fall further, and sideways.
He learned from her mistakes, and caught her, but the force of the fall dragged her down a bit, bringing pain in his arm, making him scream in pain.
Riley rubbed the back of her head slightly, and smiled sheepishly, "I wasn't much of a poetry person, I was more into the arts such as drawing, painting, and photography." Her wings gave a slight flutter.
Freyja gasped and almost yelled as lud when he did. Her wings were flailing a bit and she tried to squirm but it was making things difficult. "W-what are you doing!" She wasnt used to being touched and she blushed even though this guy looked like her.

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