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Realistic or Modern Literally Just High School {Always OPEN}

How many characters should this have before we starts?

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Jaime nodded her head quickly. "Of course you'll see me during lunch." She responded, pulling Neptune in for another quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking away towards her first period class. "Love you baby! See you during lunch!" She called over her shoulder, knowing that they didn't have classes together before the lunch period.

@Wisteria Cresting
~Sora went scarlet. Looking away, she bit her lip.

"..." What was she supposed to say? Clearly the girl swung for the right team, but...but...god she never got used to American customs, or how they acted, and she didn't know what to do. So, she did what any self-respecting extremely shy unsure of what to do lesbian would.

"W-would you like to watch anime some time?!" She said in her soft, shy voice.

Then...she mentally kicked herself. No Americans who lived here would like anime, what the hell am I saying? Plus the likelyhood she'd be okay with sub or dub is unlikely, as it seems like I only find the Sub Masterrace jerks, and I speak the language!

Sora hid behind her hair, terrified. Why the hell did I do that?!

@Wisteria Cresting



Parker glanced at the girl as he watched some other people enter the small classroom. "That would be cool, yeah. If it's okay with you?" He asked considerately. The boy knew that Locket didn't exactly like being at her home a lot but her brothers seemed to like Parker enough that they didn't mind him around a lot.

@Wisteria Cresting

Abigail Winters


Her morning wasn't as rushed as she'd expected it to be, mostly because she had woken up at 1 AM, unable to get back to sleep. So, to pass time, Abigail had prepared her lunch, had a shower and readied her school bag, along with all the other sucky, morning rituals. The entire time, a cup of coffee had been her best friend, convincing her that it was no use lying in bed for another several hours in hope that sleep would greet her. The bus ride, on the other hand, was definitely as lousy and uncomfortable as it always was, if not worse. The corners, she noted, were probably the worst due to the driver's confusion between the brake and accelerator. It almost scared her as much as her last report card.

Abigail darted down the hall, cringing at the thought of all those potential A's, nearly slipping several times due to the grip on the bottom of her shoes being mostly worn out. She glanced at her watch for what felt like the 50th time and gritted her teeth. The bus lady was a crazy driver, though apparently not crazy enough to get them to school on time, which peeved Abigail off to the max. As she rounded the corner, her shoes squeaked and she sucked in a sharp breath, stopping in her tracks. She had come face to face with a boy. Abigail had seen him before, several times actually, though she couldn't put a finger on his name.
"Um...sorry" She murmured awkwardly, choking out a nervous laugh along with the breath she had been holding.

@Wisteria Cresting Kyler Keller

A bright blush spread across Ava's face as she pulled to a stop. "Yes?" she said a bit awkwardly. "I mean, yes. I would like that. I haven't really watched that much anime, but I've always wanted to try it, seeing as I love manga..." Now that she said it out loud, it seemed a bit weird. She read mangas on the bus though and in class. You can't watch a show in the middle of class.



"Sweet," she finally started to get out her class supplies as the teacher entered the room. She had the same teacher last year and she couldn't stand her.

"Why did I take this class again?" she groaned.



Kyler raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeah. No problem," he stared at her for a few more seconds. "Do you even go here?"

As soon as he said it out loud, he wanted to hit himself. What the hell was he thinking? That was just plain rude.

~Sora hugged her quickly, then let go.

"...what manga do you like reading? I'm currently reading Citrus by Saburo Uta. Only eighteen chapters are released, but I am just so hyped...it's a roller coaster ride that's ridiculous and awesome and...and..." She trailed off. "...it's infuriating. Half the time I want to shout "just kiss her, Yuzu, you idiot!" or "Mei will you stop being bitchy for two seconds?" and the other half I'm cheering for them...it's one of those." She said, smiling.

@Wisteria Cresting
Jaime continued to drink her coffee as she walked into her first class of the day, which also happened to be her favorite. English. She enjoyed writing and reading almost as much as she enjoyed playing soccer. If she wasn't at soccer practice or hanging out with Neptune she was reading a book somewhere in the park. She sat in one of the desks that were in the middle of the room and she waited for the bell to ring.
Crystal M. McKnight

Her eyes shot back to Mia in an instant as she was not declined to do any of what she had said which, yes, was mostly illegal. She chuckled but doesn't say anything until they made it out the building just barely having made it past one of the hall monitor jerks. Once out in the patchy sunlight, Cris pauses and looks at Mia. "Well, let's start off with something simple for now...how about we go check out one of my favorite spots..you might like it." She said this and began walking again. Her intentions were good on this. The place they were headed would be quite excited to see two of them and maybe the interaction will help with Mia's growth in social skills. It was a shot.

@Ami the breadling

Reese K. Nicolson

It was good seeing and hearing the sound of her voice, he had to admit. Not much had been happening lately so it was mostly boredom that he felt when alone. He was always interested in how Skylar was doing though and having her talk about anything new going on, it gave him a bit of ease from never talking with many others. It wasn't that he didn't like other people, no. He just never could think up something to get their attention or at least enjoy the exchange. Kids around there weren't always the most talkative bunch either. His ears focused on what Sky was saying and a bit of a frown showed at the first sentence. "He misses you, of course." He smiled a bit and put an arm across her shoulder as he began to walk. "Come on my class is across campus." He told her between her thoughts and nods his head. "If she could handle two of you heathens then I'm positive that she can handle that angel." Glancing down at her, he winks and continues. "It's going to be okay." Still having his arm rested across her shoulders in the same relaxed way he always has, Reese looks down and shakes his head. "Boredom, boredom, boredom. I thought about visiting you guys a few times but I know that you run a tight ship and I would have hated to throw it all off balance." He laughs. "Maybe I'll drop by some time and take Chris off you hands if he'd wanna do that and if you'd be alright with that. I could take him to one of those disgusting pizza joints where they never clean their tables or mop the floors." He laughed harder but only meant it in a joking way.

@Bea maybe Silas and Lucian can have the same classes.))[/font][/size]
Mia followed and had no idea where they would he going. She just kept looking around. She had the feeling everyone was looking at her and she blushed and looked to the ground, immediately getting closer to Cris.

Jaime sighed and looked around trying to find someone that she knew in the class. When it looked like she wouldn't be able to find anyone she knew she pulled out her phone and sent a small text to Neptune and pressed send. 'I miss you. *kissy face.*' Is what it read. Jaime wasn't normally clingy, in fact it was hardly ever that she got clingy.

But when she did it was normally because she had an unwarranted, very insecure thought, that her girlfriend would want to leave her for somebody else.

@Wisteria Cresting
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Sage got out of his car and locked the door , he had just dropped his siblings off at daycare and was now going to his classroom. He walked into the classroom while running his hands through his hair before placing his and yawning. He plopped into his seat and placed his backpack on the table in front him

Abigail Winters


She adjusted the bag strap on her shoulder and nodded slowly. "Of course, why else would I be here?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. It dawned on her that she wasn't as noticed as she thought, judging from his reaction. She had assumed that the few times she had received awards or certificates on assembly in the past few years, people would have at least remembered her face. For a second, she glanced away, feeling somewhat embarrassed about it all and swallowed the rising lump in her throat. Then again, she thought, I don't exactly make myself known. Abigail bit the inside of her cheek and returned her gaze to meet his. For a moment she hesitated, though eventually she outstretched her hand and offered a polite smile, "I'm Abigail."

@Wisteria Cresting Kyler Keller


Sierra Grimm

First day of a new school, what could go wrong? As long as Sierra kept her distance from the other students she wouldn't have to get involved in any drama, and hopefully it would stay that way. Her walk to school was long and her mother was out again so she couldn't drive Sierra to school, but that was normal. Sierra loved her mother, but even she could see that her mom, Rose, was a bad mom. Most people could see that though. In an attempt to shake the thought away Sierra dug through pocket trying to find her phone. As she took out the device she pressed the home button and it lit up with the background, piano keys. Unlocking it she smiled at the home screen, a picture of her, her mother, and her older brother. That picture had been taken a long time ago when Sierra was little, before her mom did drugs and before her brother left. Sighing she clicked her phone off and continued walking. When she ran into something or someone and her phone flew out of her hand. "Hey! Why don't you watch where the hell you're going?!" She yelled bending over to pick her phone off the ground, lucky it was unscathed. "You gonna apologize or do I have to beat a 'sorry' out of you?" She asked not looking up until she put her phone safely in her pocket. "Oh..."
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Skylar Eva Cheung

Skylar felt at ease listening and speaking to Reese. She didn't even flinch when he placed his arm around her shoulder. Normally, Skylar wasn't very comfortable with people touching her, but it was only when she wasn't close with them. Reese was a good friend of hers and she has already grown used to him placing his arm around her shoulders. Skylar smiled and walked with Reese towards his class. She decided to go along with him since her first class was generally in the same area as well. Hearing Reese reassure her that her old nanny would be able to handle Chris made her feel more relaxed. She had no doubt in her mind that Sophia can handle Chris, but it was nice to hear it from someone else. "You definitely should come by sometime. I'm sure Chris would like to see you." she says while smiling. Chris strangely got attached to Reese really quickly. Chris was a very cautious and sensitive child so it wasn't very often for him to get attached to someone other than herself. Skylar has always thought it was because Reese was the only masculine figure in his life and Chris thought of him as an older brother figure, or even as a father figure. There was her father too, but he was often away from home and he was quite cold towards Chris. Skylar started to laugh at Reese's last comment about taking Chris to a disgusting pizza joint. "As fun as that sounds, I think I'll have to pass on that offer." she says while laughing.

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That morning had been a typical morning for Damian. He had roused at the early hours of dawn and gone for his usual run. Which consisted of a mile around the neighborhood. When he had made it home, he had showered and drank his morning meal replacement of protein powder mixed with milk. He dressed himself in blue jeans, a black polo shirt and his usual black combat boots.

Before he left for school, he walked over to his parakeet's cage. Her name was Alice and she had been a gift from his mother. He whistled to her and she whistled back.

"I'll see you after school Alice." He said to her, reaching into the cage to stroke her head as he did so. She responded by nibbling his finger affectionately. He pulled his hand out of the cage and fastened it. Then grabbing his backpack, he opened the door and headed out, locking it behind him as he did so.

Stepping into his truck, a black 2008 Chevy silverado with four wheel drive, he closed the door behind him. The drive to school was short and before he knew it he had arrived. Parking his truck, he stepped out and headed into the school. Ready for whatever the school day had in store for him.

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