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Realistic or Modern Literally Just High School {Always OPEN}

How many characters should this have before we starts?

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  • 30+

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Jaime yawned slightly as her alarm on her phone went off. Soccer practice had run late the night before so she hadn't gotten much sleep. She sighed softly as she stood up and began searching her closet for some clothes to wear.

After a few moments she decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a black and white flannel. She threw her brown hair up into a messy bun and put on her converse. She took out her phone and sent a quick message to Neptune.

'Hey, I'll be at school soon. Want me to get you a coffee or a donut or anything?' Is what the text read.

@Wisteria Cresting

Neptune looked down at her phone and grinned widely when she saw a message from her girlfriend. Coffee would be great. <3 She stuffed her phone back into her pocket as she entered the school building. People were still mulling around. That was a good sign.

@Aryn Harris


Ava felt the blush creeping onto her cheeks at Sora's compliment and she ducked her head a bit. "Oh, um... Thanks... I like to think I'm just a decent human."

Jaime had just climbed into her car when she received a response back from her girlfriend and she gave a small smile as she read the text. 'What kind?' She texted back and backed out of her drive way and drove toward the coffee shop. A few minutes later she arrived and quickly walked inside the building.

Jaime looked around and got behind the person that was ordering their coffee.

@Wisteria Cresting
Crystal M. McKnight

Crystal was behind the girl therefor she was unable to see the person's blush, her attention also having went elsewhere. Leaning forward again, she looked over the girl's shoulder once more. "Yeah, yeah, no problem." Cris' eyes went away then, staring out the window. She wasn't expecting her response to have lead to a conversation or an attempt at one but when the student in front of her began to turn a small smile came to her lips. "Crystal's the name." She smirked a bit and nods her head. "I don't remember noticing your drawing talent before, Mia." She said nodding to the sketch on her desk. It was cool to watch people take their time with things like that, at least Crystal felt that way about it. "You in art or something?" Her head tilted to the side ever-so-slightly waiting for an answer.

@Ami the breadling
Drew Collins

"Just do whatever feels right, you'll get in for sure," he comforted Aires. "Everyone in this entire school knows you're the best violin player around. Now don't lose confidence, I believe in you." He held her hand as he began to walk down the halls with her. "Now let's see if any newbies need help around here," he laughed. As class president, it was his job to assist any lost or confused students on the first day.

@Wisteria Cresting
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Mia blushed even more. "T-Thank y-you...I j-just draw w-whenever I feel sad or bored...", she stuttered. She kept drawing, but her hand had gotten unsteady. It was more destroying the picture than completing it.

~Sora looked away. "N...no problem." She dragged behind a bit nervously, nearly breaking their linked arms. Sora was now nervous that she might have accidently insulted Ava. "Y...you're really decent?" She tried, hoping she hadn't really...oh who was she kidding...

She was overreacting. The girl took a slow breath, just eyes on the ground as Ava led her to English.

@Wisteria Cresting
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Parker felt his cheeks flush slightly as he realized that Locket had followed his gaze. He didn't even understand himself why he had been looking at the boy in such a manner. He shook his head - Lock had probably not noticed anything, but the grin that was plastered on her face made him doubt himself. He took a step towards the tree behind him, swooping up his bag and slipping his book inside. Parker hung the bag over his shoulder, turning back to Lock. He was ready for the day, but at the back of his mind he couldn't help but hope that he would bump into the boy that had caught his attention from earlier.

He nodded, not wanting to pressure her on the subject. To be honest, Lock had always been like a sister to him and that was part of the reason why he felt like he needed to protect her. Parker trusted her though, knowing that she would tell her if she was in trouble. "Okay, that's good." He simply said, not exactly wanting to encourage her in her part-time hobby.

The boy glanced back down at the sheet of paper in his hand, only now realizing what the sheet was trying to say. "Oh. Whatever." He laughed, a smile brightening up his expression. Parker looked down at his watch and cursed under his breathe. "Listen, Lock, let's catch up later. I have to go be a guide around the school for some of the new kids." He scowled slightly, turning around and running off into the building as he waved good-bye behind him.

Once Parker got to the reception, the lady handed him a piece of paper which gave him various detailed of the person he would have to guide.

Nolan...What an interesting name.

@Wisteria Cresting / @ShadedRose
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Crystal M. McKnight

This time Cris was able to see the redness of Mia's cheeks. "Hmm," Crystal's smirk grew slightly bigger as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. "well, which are you then?" She ignored the stuttering in her voice but takes notice to how badly her hand was trembling. "Woah, you really must not get too much socialization.." The blonde comments but smiles a bit softer now than she normally would. "Take a deep breath, I'll leave ya alone too if ya want." With that last statement she sat back into the chair once again.

@Ami the breadling

Lilith R. Sanders

Walking quickly through the hallways, no one stopped Lilith. Her focus was getting to class but not before dropping off a few things in the art room where her teacher had asked for them to be left. It was just a few new brushes she had gotten for her birthday the year before but had no intentions of using any of them now. Her smile faltered only slightly as she remembered about her lost interest in painting since she had gotten so busy as of late. She went around the corner, picking up pace as she spotted the room but not noticing the other student. It was too late for her to try and dodge him and when she ran into his back she was quick to move away. "I'm really sorry!" She told him in a gasp.


Nolan C. Donovan

Pushing himself away from the lockers seemed to take a bit more than what was necessary out of him. "Time to get to class..." He told himself but soon found it to be quite difficult for him to figure out. The formatting was definitely new to him, all of this was. Frowning, Nolan rubbed at his forehead and sighed. When he let his hand slide down his face he began to look around at the people wandering around him. He needed to find someone to ask about the stupid thing but maybe he was just going to have to rely on himself for today.

With that in mind he began to walk away from his locker with his slip of paper in hand. Maybe going to the office will help? At least knowing where the front desk was, Nolan started in that direction. He did not know that the guy from earlier was also their, however. His chest tightened and stomach knotted but he really needed to know how to get to class. Glancing around to try and calm himself, the boy finally took a deep breath and walked in. The first day nerves being pushed aside and the funny feeling he got from seeing the same guy was enough to allow his enthusiasm to be re-awakened. He went to the desk and explained why he was there, asking how to read the schedule he was asked for his name. "Nolan Donovan." He spoke and with his words the woman pointed to the guy still standing there. His cheeks quickly changed to a light pink. He had a crush on his guide.

Mia took a deep breathe. "No, please...stay...I need to practice talking to others anyway... I was pretty bored, therefore I started drawing. But my trembling seems to have ruined the picture so I will just throw it away.", she said, now more steady. The picture wasn't ruined at all, it were only one or two lines, which did not even really catch the eyes. Mia took it from her block and sat back in her chair.




Parker thanked the lady at the desk, turning around where he froze on the spot. The boy from earlier was walking inside the office. He bit his lip, walking to the side and desperately tried to cover his face with the small paper in his hand. He bit his lip, already feeling his cheeks getting flustered. Parker tensed again as he saw through the thin paper that the secretary pointed to himself. What? The boy from earlier was Nolan Donovon, Grade 10, age 16. Right here on this paper was a everything he needed to know about the boy, of course very briefly. Parker pulled the paper away from his face and offered the boy a sheepish smile, nodding at the secretary as he walked over to him.

Parker was almost a head taller than him and he couldn't help but look down at the curly mess on top of the boy's head.
"U-Uh.." He coughed slightly, trying to calm down his beating heart. "I'm Parker Edwards. Nice to meet you, Nolan Donovon." He held out his hand for him to take, his dimpled poking out of his cheeks.

"May I see your schedule?"

Crystal M. McKnight

Cris hadn't ever spoken to someone for this long without the conversation getting to the point of boredom and that made her glad. She listened to Mia and smiled quietly. "Alright then," She suddenly stood up and walks to the desk next to Mia's. She sat there and turned her face to see her. "Now we can actually talk like normal people." She joked a bit and looked down to the picture which she saw no flaws. "Are you kidding me? That looks pretty damn good to me." Looking back at the girl's face, Crystal grinned. "If you think that's shit then I'd love to see your other stuff." Though it may not have looked like her, Cris loved artwork and watching it happen. Her tattoos being a tell-tale sign of her passion.

@Ami the breadling

Nolan C. Donovan

His colored cheeks grew darker as he was approached. It was frustrating and with a last attempt at calming himself down, Nolan took a series of slow inhales and exhales. His heart still thundering in his chest and making him feel like running from this unforeseen obstacle. It took a lot in him not to back away when the boy walked to him and having to look up was certainly not helping anything at all. He's too tall... Now his mind was just as over-worked as his heart. Nolan wasn't sure how important going to school was now but maybe he could find a way to look past his feelings, to ignore the nerves.

Looking down at the sheet of paper in hand, Nolan's eyes closed tightly. He stayed standing in the quiet for a couple seconds before feeling himself getting a grip. This crush of his would have to step aside for now. His head tilted back so that he could look up at the student. He put on a small smile seeing how friendly he appears and swallows. "N-nice to meet you, Parker Edwards." His voice was softened, more hesitant than what it normally was. He glanced, first unsure, at the outstretched hand then took it. A quick shake then his hand tucked itself away, the tightening in his chest returning at the sight of the dimples showing. Being attractive was surely this guy's talent and with a final breath Nolan handed over his schedule. Hopefully things would get easier and he would calm down before he passed out from not enough air or something.

Mia shrugged. "If you like, you can have it. I don't like that, there are these lines and they disturb me. I'd throw it. But if you like it, go ahead.", she said as she got her block out. "Here, some of the stuff I drew.", she said as she showed a few more sceneries, here and there purposely skipping a picture. "What do you think?"

Crystal M. McKnight

Leaning closer to Mia's desk, she takes a look at what was being shown. She recognized a couple of the scenes here and there though did not comment, only wanting to see all that she could. All the hard work and concentration put into each and every drawing was clear as day. She smiled when being questioned about her thoughts and nods her head. "Nice." A simple response and it took her a moment to think of the right words to describe it all. "I can tell that you're really into every scene..and yeah, I think I might just get that tattooed on my back." She chuckled while taking Mia's picture that she was referring to. "You really are good at this, though." Sincere and quiet. Two words which were rarely related to Crystal at all. Mia was lucky.

@Ami the breadling
Mia blushed again. "Nah, don't take that one for a tattoo. If you have those lines within the picture, it will ruin the tattoo studio. They will think the tattooer is incompetent.", she said and laughed. She took out another similar scene. "If you really plan to do so take that one."

Crystal M. McKnight

It had not been her actual intention to use the shot for a tattoo though the response she was given caused her to chuckle along with the girl's laughter. "So, you seem to be warming up to me." She smirked and took a look at the similar picture finding almost no difference between the two. "Well, they both look great so I guess that I would have little to no chance at being an art expert...oh, well." The corners of her mouth rose more to show a bigger expression. "What do you do besides draw?"

@Ami the breadling
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Mia shrugged. "Not much. I like playing the piano. There's not much I do else. These pictures take their time and I have no friends I could spend time with...", she said, a slight sadness in her voice.

Crystal M. McKnight

"You mean to tell me that all you do is draw and play a bit of piano? That's it?" She was clearly in disbelief to hear this all and sat back into her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. A sigh left her lips and at the end of all of Mia's talking she rose a brow. "Are we not friends?"

@Ami the breadling
Mia shrugged again. "Yeah that's all I do. And I don't know if we are friends...would you actually like to be my friend? Because I could use some...", she said and laughed slightly, but her voice revealed that Mia hoped Cris would say yes.




Parker offered the small boy a friendly smile. He seemed nervous, but he didn't dare think it was because of him No, it was obviously the first day blues. He scanned over the schedule, now understanding how it works after Locket had explained it. As he was reading through it, he spoke up. "Is you're head okay?" He smirked slightly, filled with amusement and real concern. "I couldn't help but see your spontaneous entrance." Parker quickly added, not wanting to burst Nolan's confidence. "Don't worry, it's not as bad as walking into the female's bathroom on his own very first day." He winked, pointing at himself.

Parker nodded his head, passing the schedule back to the boy. "I recommend you keep that safe." As he passed it back, their hands brushed against each other. He stood there, his mouth opening and closing as his brain malfunctioned. Keep it together, Park... He shook his head, gesturing for Nolan to follow him out of the office. "Most of the Grade 10's classes are at either on the ground or upper level." He spoke as they walked and it was obvious that he knew everything by heart and passion. Occasionally, whilst Parker would give his guide, he would get lost in the boy's eyes - But only for a moment.

As Parker had finished with all the important areas Nolan would need to know, the bell rang for first class and everyone started piling into their classrooms. "And, here is your class." He smiled, pointing to a class opposite them. He suddenly dug into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled, tiny piece of paper with Parker's number scrawled on it. "A-And...well, this is just if you need my help with anything more. Y'know, normal guide provisions." Parker laughed nervously, knowing that the lie he had just told was completely obvious. "I'll see you later then, Nolan Donovon." And with that, Parker walked off to his own class.


Crystal M. McKnight

"Well, if we weren't friends then why would I be sitting here wasting my breath?" She really didn't have that great of ways to communicate but Cris figured that Mia would understand. Few tried, though. "Friends? Fine. I don't seem to have all that many, either." She smiled to Mia telling the truth but not wanting sympathy for it. "First thing we're going to do after we leave this dreadful prison is find you some more hobbies."

@Ami the breadling

Nolan C. Donovan

Things calmed after passing the piece of paper to the older student, it gave him a chance to breath normally without the attention being on himself. The question asked, however, startled him. "What? Oh! Yeah!" He showed confusion at first then transformed it into a believable act. It was apparent now that he had not been as invisible as he had hoped. The level of confidence inside of him was certainly lowering by the second but not fully before hearing Parker's saving words. It made him feel better although still nervous.

Thinking about Parker Edwards accidentally wandering into the girl's restroom on his first day of school seemed much too absurd but no less humorous. The boy smiled, for real, then and looked up as his schedule was returned. His mocha shaded eyes blinked when he was told to keep it safe and quickly he did so by slipping it into his bag. "Okay." He said while trying not to notice the warmth that had been sparked through the brief time their hands had met. Following the gesture, Nolan did as implied. Leaving the office, he stayed in step with Parker. It was hard to focus on what he was saying when Nolan's over-thoughtful mind was playing out different scenarios of what could go wrong. Being new to any situation always put his mind into a position of constant worry. Looking up to see Parker's face as he spoke, he could only recall noticing the way his dimples added to the abundance of handsome features. The kindness and passion he was displaying put part of Nolan's mind to ease as the rest continued its rant on all that could happen. He hoped that nothing would go wrong, though.

Memorizing all of his classes and trying desperately to keep it all together, it was a bit of surprise to hear the bell ring and then be led to his first hour of the day. Arriving to the classroom meant saying goodbye to his tour guide although Nolan had a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach that this would not be their last encounter. In fact, just as the thought crossed his mind he was presented with a crumpled sheet of paper with Parker's number scribbled down. He smiled as he took it trying not to let their hands touch in case he were to get the same spark as before. "Thank you...you'll be the first to know." Nolan caught onto the lie and smiled slightly brighter, actually showing a glimpse of teeth. Looking over his shoulder and into the room a new ball of concern formed though he refused to show it right now. "Yeah, see you later." Turning away, with paper in hand, Nolan entered his classroom and left Parker behind.

Mia smiled at Cris. She was happy to finally have a friend again. She had had the last friend 14 years ago. "Ok, if you say so. But I don't believe there is much I will be good at...", she smilingly said to Cris.

Colby jumped when a sudden bump came up from behind him, and his paintbrush, newly saturated with a gorgeous sienna pigment, clattered to the floor. Luckily, he hadn't been in the middle of a brushstroke, and he was relieved that he hadn't prematurely screwed up his work. He looked at the girl who bumped into him and smiled slightly. He held out his hands. "Hey, hey, it's okay. It's fine, don't worry." He grinned at her. "I think I've seen you around...can't for the life of me remember your name, sorry." He shrugged helplessly. @ShadedRose
Skylar Eva Cheung

Walking into the school, Skylar immediately went straight for her locker. Once arriving in the right place, she puts down her guitar case. Putting in the combination, Skylar opens the locker with ease. She didn't have any textbooks yet to put into the locker, but she wanted to drop off the extra notebooks, lined paper, and writing utensils. She bought extra materials to put in her locker, just in case she ran out some time during the school year. This way if she runs out of something during the day, she can swing by her locker to get anything she needed. Keeping all the materials she wanted for the day in her backpack, Skylar closed her locker, picked up her guitar case, and walked away. She looked at her wristwatch to check the time and seeing that there's still time before her first class, Skylar decided to wander around. While she walked, Skylar could hear her heels clicking on the floor every time she took a step. Looking around at all the students, she saw both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Suddenly seeing one overly familiar face, Skylar smiled and immediately ran up to him. Grabbing onto his arm to get his attention, she says "Hey Reese!"



Minae Kim

Minae arrived to America from South Korea a month ago, during the month of having no school due to the recent move, she picked a school she felt she would like to attend, gathering the paperwork needed to transfer and getting adjusted to the new country. Today is Minae's first day at Acacia High, she was nervous but was always one to keep her head held high no matter what she faced. In this situation, she faced persistent anxiety; hoping her peers would approve of her and grow to like her. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the entrance. Seeing all the students walking around campus and heading towards their lockers and classes, she was a little lost on where to go. "Do I go to the main office? Wait.. where's the main office?!" She questioned herself under her breath.

Attempting to relax herself with deep breaths, Minae examined her surroundings whilst doing so. Admiring the scenery around the school, she caught glimpses of playful tweeting birds soaring throughout the morning skies, colorful stout trees swaying in the lively wind and the golden rays from the bright shimmering sun that was coming arise seeped through the clouds onto her skin making her feel a warm sensation, helping her feel at peace and calm. Feeling more relaxed, Minae began walking around the campus, in hopes to find the main office before class began.


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