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Realistic or Modern Literally Just High School {Always OPEN}

How many characters should this have before we starts?

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  • 30+

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When she woke up, there was no alarm and no sounds in the house. It was extremely early for most people, around four in the morning. She hurried to get dressed and threw some extra clothes in her bag. As she passed the kitchen, she saw her twin sister sitting at the table, humming some tune under her breath. "Going to the studio?" Aries questioned as Neptune passed her.

Yeah, going to school?"

Yeah," Aries stood up and walked over to Neptune, placing a piece of toast into her hands. "Have fun."

Three hours later, Neptune was racing to the school building when she rammed into someone at full speed.


She was always there before school. That wasn't going to change on her last day first day of high school. Aries fingers moved nimbly across the violin strings, her bow creating the melodic

that drifted through the room. Sure, there was music in the background flowing from her phone, but it was dominated by the violin. She knew that by now people were probably arriving for class. It didn't bother her though.
She continued to play while staring off into space aimlessly, seeing as she didn't have any sheet music. Maybe it wasn't a conventional song for the violin, but it was one of her new favorites. It reminded her of so many people in her life, especially her best-friend and boyfriend, Drew Collins.


"I get it..." Elora mumbled as she pulled herself out of bed and over to the crib on the other side of the room. "It's okay, sweetie."

She picked her son up and moved to the rocking chair. "
You're getting too old for this, Timmy," she whispered as she rocked him back and forth, whispering soothing words into his ear. Eventually, he fell back asleep and she set him back into his crib. She jumped in a quick shower and walked downstairs. "Mallory? Are you down here?"

A head peered around the corner separating the kitchen and the parlor. "
Yes, Miss Milani?" the older woman questioned, her smile kind and patient.

I'm heading off to school. Timothy's formula is in the fridge. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything..." it was the first time she was leaving him alone all day. She had home-schooled the past year to take care of him, so this was a little nerve racking.

Mallory just waved her hand dismissively. "
I raised four children, Miss Milani. Timothy won't be any trouble."

Elora smiled, "
Thank you, Mallory. Good bye then."

She left before Timothy could wake up to find her gone. For what seemed like years, she just stared up at the looming building. The last time she had been inside, she had been pregnant and ridiculed. She took a deep breath and stepped forward.


Locacia groaned and rolled over, slamming her hand down on her alarm clock. It was her first day. She couldn't be late. She knew that. She dropped out of bed and sluggishly threw on her clothes. The kitchen was empty, not that it was an unusual occurrence. Her mother was probably sleeping and Cassius and Polonius probably already left for school. Locket made herself a piece of toast before hurrying out to her car. She knew that gambling with awful, but it definitely had its perks when she won, which she often did, not like her lowlife father.

She entered the school campus and saw a familiar face. "
Yo, Parker!" she shouted, trying to get the boy's attention.



After a quick homemade cappuccino, Ava was ready to face the day. She hurried out of the house, grabbing her bike and stuffing her earbuds in. As she turned into the school, she saw an unfamiliar face. She turned her head slightly, nearly running into traffic. She was pretty... Ava thought as she climbed off her bike and stuck in the bike rack.



Atlas hummed under his breath as he made his way to the school. His sisters wee already gone when he woke up, not that it was a strange occurrence. His thoughts wandered to the girl he had seen perform in a cafe the night before. She was beautiful. Extravagant. Talented. She was probably just there for the summer though. With a small sigh, Atlas entered his American History class and sat down in a random seat near the back.

He looked up when another person entered and his heart practically stopped in his chest. It was



He had already run two miles when Olivier offered him a ride. He was trying to be nice, but Kyler only hated him more for it. Still, he accepted the ride because walking to school sounded like a pain in the ass. The moment they arrived, Kyler jumped out of the car like a bee had stung him and took off. He wanted to blow off some steam, but this was not the place nor the time.

As he shoved his hand through his hair, Kyler turned a corner and was immediately greeted by an unfamiliar face. He was happy he didn't run into them like some cheesy movie.


He woke up with blue and orange paint on his fingers and a massive headache. Sora reached for the bottle of pills he knew were next to his bed and dry swallowed two of them. He threw on the first outfit he found and ate a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. His studio apartment was excruciatingly quiet and he was surrounded by colorful paintings that just made him feel worse. Before he could snap, he dumped the rest of the food down the sink and left for hell.

He hated school. He hated the people. He wandered over to his locker, not noticing anything really.


Olivier wandered around the school, offering flirtatious to pretty much every girl {and guy} he saw. Of course, he only smiled that way at the people he knew we either bi or gay. He hated making people uncomfortable. He reached one of the many staircases and stood at the top. "Party at my house tonight!" he shouted.

A series of cheers rose from the students. It was well-known that Olivier Glenwood threw the best parties in the world. His parents and sister were out of town, so why not? It's not like they would care as long as he didn't completely trash the house. Then again, his new step-brother would be there. Oh well, Kyler was going to have to get used to it.


Liam skateboarded through the halls, narrowly avoiding hitting people. He wondered if any of his friends were there yet as he kicked his board up into his hands. He shoved the board into the locked and started putting more personalized stuff into it as well. Eventually, he was left with a pen and his camera.


Kara Elizabeth Archer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_m4hb96hOtF1rpmqoao1_500.gif.d47018442da17a756542c430a2b28924.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_m4hb96hOtF1rpmqoao1_500.gif.d47018442da17a756542c430a2b28924.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kara woke up, ready for the day. She was so excited for her first day of a new high school, but also crazy nervous, she couldn't even think.

She got out of her full size bed and walked into the shower, letting the warm water trickle down her spine.

Once she was done in the shower Kara changed into her outfit for the day and walked downstairs to notice her mom was still in bed, that was fine with Kara, though. She didn't need to see her mom a lot, in her opinion.

Kara grabbed a breakfast bar and walked into her jeep. She started the car and drove off.

Once in school she timidly walked in, but then quickly regained trying to look confident.

She quickly walked down the hallway, trying to avoid the stares. She felt like people were staring at her for her outfit... She was always self conscious about that kind of stuff.

Kara opened the door to her first class and looked around the room, there were kids of all stereotypes in there, which didn't bother her. She thought it was cool.

She then noticed a guy look at her. Kara met his gaze and she raised an eyebrow and smirked. It was him, the guy from the cafe.

Kara continued to smirk as she walked over to him and sat down to her desk next to him, "Well, good morning, remember me?" She asks, now with a grin as she tilts her head, Kara's blonde hair tilts the same way her head does.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/y.jpg.b715ffa42b24c3b8fa8aff67ca4230a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/y.jpg.b715ffa42b24c3b8fa8aff67ca4230a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Wisteria Cresting


Ash Lucas Jacobs

Ash woke up to the sun beaming into his windows and his mom yelling at the top of her lungs, "Children, wake up!"

Ash sat up and yawned when his mom left the room to go do it to his sister.

He could hear his mom yell to his sister from the far end of the house. He sighed and stretched then got up.

He walked to the shower and quickly took a shower. He never liked to waste his time in showers, he had better things to do... Like um... I'm not sure what Ash does exactly, he's just... "Ash."

Ash then changed into a pair of jeans, blue gray t-shirt and converse then walked downstairs.

He grabbed an apple and waited until his sister was ready.


Alice Rose Jacobs

It took about 30 minutes but Alice was finally ready for the day, grabbing her book bag, she walked downstairs and saw Ash eating an apple, their only a year apart but they sometimes are called twins. Even though thats not the case.

For example, Alice and Ash use to always wear stuff that was sort of matching as kids, and looking back on it now Alice finds it so weird and would never want to put her kids through that.

"Hey, Ash." Alice says and grabs a green apple from the fridge, see totally opposite, Ash has a red apple, Alice doesn't.

"Finally," Ash says as he gets his car keys from his back pocket and Alice follows him to his car.

The car ride wasn't that long, Alice wished it was a long car ride, she absolutely hated school.

They finally made it to the school, making their separate ways as they walked inside the school.

Alice went to her locker, began to unlock it when she noticed a boy at the lockers too, right next to hers. Sadly, he had his open all the way so she couldn't get to her locker, "Uhm, excuse me?" Alice asks timidly, "Could I, um, maybe get to my locker, your... Er... Locker door thingy is in the way..." She says awkwardly, rubbing her arm nervously.

@Wisteria Cresting

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/49b6cc9e54d805ce0a5b11a7bb46c8d0.jpg.9f8ac927c72692ad0e02dedacf0c4bb5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/49b6cc9e54d805ce0a5b11a7bb46c8d0.jpg.9f8ac927c72692ad0e02dedacf0c4bb5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Parker had sneaked onto the school grounds before some of the teachers had even arrived, but he did not know how long he had been here for. For him, that was pretty much his routine. He didn't exactly like being at home anyway; It was too quiet there but here, alone at somewhere he (strangely) felt comfortable with, was much more better. It was...peaceful. A book was held in one hand as his back was rested against the bark of a tree, his other hand held a lit cigarette between his fingers. It was dangerous, he knew, to be smoking whilst reading a paper book but he trusted his capabilities. He took a puff of the smoke, watching as he exhaled.

"Yo, Parker!"

The boy looked up at his name, a bright smile covering his face as he saw who it was. He stood up, putting the book down by his bag.

"Locket! How ya been, friend?"

He exclaimed, walking over to her grinning. Lock had been a great friend of his since 4th grade, although with the way they both joked around, it seemed that they had known each other from birth. He put the hand that held the cigarette behind his back and embraced her tightly, letting go and running a hand through his hair. This was round about the time that people began to came through the gates, the boy smiling at the people he knew who passed by him.

"Senior year, huh?"

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~Sora had gotten up later than she meant, and only because her foster mother had come in the shake her awake. She yawned and sat up, her brown hair covering her face briefly, before she brushed it back with her fingers. Today was her first day of a new school, and as she soon stood under a warm spray of water, the sounds of other foster kids moving around was heard. She stepped out and felt for a towel, then was shoved back into the shower, a cold spray turned on almost immediately. Every time she had gotten soap in her eyes it seemed...but their almost routine prank was quite overdone. Flinching at such an icy spray, she stepped out and got her towels, drying off. Getting dressed in her favorite Jean shorts and a Kill La Kill T-shirt (she was actually planning to cosplay as Ryuko next convention) and searched around for her RWBY hoodie. Finding it stuck behind her Keyblade replica, she extracted it and slipped it on. Her closet was near the heater, so it was nice and toasty. Smiling at the little warmth, she laced her shoes and headed downstairs, where foster kids had been eating. The perk of waking up later meant a quieter breakfast.

She had barely slung her backpack over her shoulder when Mrs. Adams poked her head in.

"Sora, you're going to be late."

"I'm heading out right now Missus Adams."

"Good. Now remember, you drive straight home. If you can do that for the first week, we'll talk about further freedoms."

Sora bowed, her Japanese roots showing. "Yes ma'am."

A can of root beer met her face. "Good luck, okay?"

Sora slipped it into her bag. Even if some of the other kids bullied her, Mrs. Adams had taken her in and supported her. It was enough.

At school, the girl parked in her spot and grabbed her bag. The familiar clinking of her various key chains was comforting, and she slung the backpack over her shoulders. She went with the flow, looking down at her schedule. She missed anyone staring at her, and currently was trying to figure out where the English classroom was.
Drew Collins

Drew woke up a bit late, but still had enough time to perform his usual morning routine. He started off by brushing his teeth and took a fifteen minute hot shower afterwards. He put on one of his favorite shirts with his varsity jacket over and shorts. Later, he climbed downstairs and grabbed his keys and an apple off the counter. He chose to drive his white jeep today, one of his favorites of the nine cars his parents owned. Drew had always been much more fortunate than most, but never made a big deal of it at school. He drove rather quickly, as he was excited for the first day. When Drew arrived, he walked straight through the front doors, greeting countless friendly faces as he made his way to his locker to drop a couple things off before visiting his girlfriend, Aries.


Brogan was searching all over the house "Brantley where is your sock I just had it". She bent down to look under the couch as Brantley sat on the couch laughing and babbling. Brogan popped her head up "what you doin" she exclaimed as Brantleys eyes got wide and a smile spreed across his face. His laughter filled the house. Her mom walked down the stairs still sleepy "Here you go, it was on the stairs" she laughed as she handed Brogan the sock. Brogan rolled her eyes playfully "Of course the one place I didn't look". She took the sock and placed it on Brantleys bare foot. She scooped him up smothering him with kisses before she placed him in his door bouncer. She grabbed her book bag and kissed her mom on the cheek "thanks mom, I love you". She walked over to Brantley leaning down and kissing him a few more times "mommy will be home soon, I love you" Brantley smiled and bounced in his bouncer. She took a deep breath and headed out the door. Starting her car she headed to school pulling up just in time as everyone else.


Erin was up before her alarm and quickly shut it off as it rang. She finished running the flat iron in her hair before searching her cluttered floor for her converse. "found you, you bastards" She slipped her shoes on and made her way into the kitchen of the little house. Her mom was awake and cooking breakfast. "hello" she said cheerfully as she kissed her mom on the cheek and quickly grabbed a glass of orange juice. "morning" her mom chucked as Erin sat down her mom putting a plate of bacon eggs and grits in front of her. "thank you". She scarffed down her food before chugging her juice. Her mom looked at her laughing "calm down hunny no one is going to take it from you" Erin laughed threw a mouth full of her last bit of food "I don't want to be late" She swallowed her food jumping up kissing her mom "I love you" as she ran out the door grabbing her book bag. She hopped in her lemon of a car. Her radio quickly blaring korns coming undone. She pulled out of her drive way before speeding off to school. Pulling up she put the car in park looking for Atlas in the people swarming the school.


Duncan woke up seemingly more tired then when he went to bed. He rolled out of bed getting up and slowly walking to the shower. He sat there a while letting the water just run on him. He heard his mom call out "your going to be late Dun". He quickly shook his head out of his sleepy trans and washed hoping out and quickly drying off before dressing in his black shirt, hoodie, jeans and running shoes. She ran down stairs to see his mom in the kitchen making coffee and his good for nothing stepdad asleep on the couch still. Duncan rolled his eyes and kissed his mom "good morning" He grabbed a fresh cinnamon bun his mom made for him and a glass of milk. His mom turned to him coffee in hand "did you go see your sister last night?" Duncan nodded "I did and helped her with her last minute summer reading list she did last night" he laughed and took a sip of milk. His mom gave a small laugh "your such a good brother, i'm going to see her today, i'm picking her up from school" Duncan smiled "good, that will be good for both of you" he put his glass in the sink "I don't want to be late" He kissed his mom and headed out on his walk to school. It wasn't a long walk maybe 45 minutes because he walked slow. Walking in to the parking lot he took a deep breath and made his way up the stairs and into the school.​
Skylar Eva Cheung

Skylar woke up from the sound of her alarm clock going off. She sighed and groggily reached over towards the nightstand that was next to her bed to turn off the alarm. Sitting up in her bed, she stretched her arms over her head and yawned. She sat in her bed for a good five minutes before finally deciding to get up and get ready for school. Picking up her phone from the nightstand, she turned it on to check the time. Seeing that she still has a good enough time before she had to go to school, she slowly went through her morning routine. Skylar walked into her bathroom, brushed her hair and teeth, and took a 20 minute shower. After getting her hair nice and dry, and then curling it, Skylar carefully applied her makeup. Walking back into her room, Skylar changed into her outfit that she had arranged the night before. Taking a good look at herself in the full body mirror that was in the room, she deemed herself ready to go and left her bedroom.

Walking past her nephew's bedroom, she stopped and decided to see him before leaving. Skylar quietly walked into the room, trying not to wake up her nephew. Chris was sleeping soundly in his bed, while Skylar slowly made her way towards him. Peering down at the small boy, Skylar sadly watched as he peacefully slept. She moved his bangs out of his face, and gave him a quick kiss on the head. Chris smiled in his sleep and in turn made Skylar smile as well. Skylar carefully left the room, headed downstairs and towards the kitchen. Pouring her morning coffee into her favorite mug, she chugged the coffee down before walking into her living room. She put on her backpack and carried her guitar case on her shoulder. Suddenly the bell rang, and she opened the door to see her old nanny. "It's good to see you Sophia. You're just in time. I have to go now, but Chris is still sleeping in his room." Skylar says while putting on her black heels.

"It's good to see you too Sky. You've grown into a beautiful young woman. Don't worry, I'll take good care of Chris." Sophia says and Skylar smiles in acknowledgement. Saying goodbye to Sophia, Skylar walked to her white Acura TLX. Placing her backpack and guitar case in the passenger seat, she finally drove to school. When she arrived, she parked in the parking lot, grabbed her backpack and guitar case, and walked alongside the other students who were going into the school.


Aries put her violin away slowly. She knew that she was coming back in fourth hour, but at the same time, she hated the moments when she had to put it away. The hallways were already crowded by students and teachers. She noticed some familiar faces and some unfamiliar faces as she walked through them, smiling at everyone. She had a lot of friends at Acacia and she would miss them all when she graduated.

She smiled when she saw one of the most familiar faces. Drew Collins. Her boyfriend of four months as of tomorrow. Aries was terrible at remembering some things, but she always remembered dates, especially the important ones. She walked up behind Drew and tapped him on the shoulder.



"I've been good. Got a tattoo." Locket chuckled at her friend's second statement. "Yup. I'm excited, but there's a bit of fear lurking in the back of my mind, you know? What about you? Whatcha been up to?"

Surprisingly, they hadn't seen much of each other over the summer. She spent a lot of time in Vegas, trying to make ends meet. Sure, she probably could've done what a normal teenager does and got a job at McDonald's, but Locket was never good at "normal".



When Ava went into the school building, she saw the pretty girl staring down at a map and a schedule. She looked lost. "Do you need some help?" Ava questioned. She wondered briefly if this girl swung the same way she did. "I'm Ava, by the way."



Atlas blinked at the girl. "Oh, um..." Why was it so hard to talk to her? Don't think about how she looks, Atlas... He offered her a warm smile and stood to greet her, "I'm Atlas. And yes, I remember you. You rock on the guitar."

He took a small breath. That was good. He could work with that.



Sora looked down at the girl next to him in surprise before yawning and closing his locker a bit. "Yeah, sure," he answered as he put his paints in. Art wasn't until after lunch, not that he really planned to wait that long to draw or something. He was thinking about this as he made sure his colored pencils were in his bag. He glanced at the girl again and wondered briefly if he should introduce himself.


~Sora jumped a bit, dropping her things. She looked at the strange person and took a step back. The girl seemed...nice, at least. She then, finally, processed what was asked. She bit her lip.

"Y...yes...I...I'm new and I'm lost..." She showed her schedule. "Wh...where d...do I go?" She shook a bit, nervously looking at Ava. "I...I'm S...sora, by...by the way. S-Sora Takagi-Voelker." She didn't see the need to reveal her middle name...not that she was graced in any way. She then dropped her map, and squeaked, going for it...and ended up with her car keys and Galaxy S6 fell to the floor. She made another squeak and began grabbing her stuff. "No no no..." She seemed so out of place, and as she grabbed her phone she muttered something in French.

Amazing first day for Sora Takagi-Voelker so far.

@Wisteria Cresting

Poor girl. Ava had lived in Huckleberry her entire life, so she couldn't imagine what she was going through. She crouched down and grabbed the girl's car keys off the ground. She pressed them into Sora's hands. "It's okay. You don't have to be so nervous," Ava told her with a warm smile. She glanced at the schedule again. "Looks like you and I have English together. Care to walk with me?"

~Sora blushed nervously, stuffing her keys into a different pocket. She usually got boys shorts, for the vastly superior pocket technology. She looked at Ava, then nodded.

"S-sure. T...thank you." She clutched her map and schedule to her chest, nervously looking around. Most people probablylived here all their life...she barely had been here a week. For all the places she lived, she at least was there for a few months...but not now. Now, she permanently was here...and all she could think was that, for once, there'd be no waiting. No hope.of a move. This was permanent...hopefully, not a permanent nightmare.

But based on how Ava was treating her, and how kind she seemed...maybe it wasn't all bad...maybe this was a good place, unlike New York. That Catholic School was a most wretched hive of scum and villainy. It was a New York school, after all...

It would be better, Sora decided. It would.

@Wisteria Cresting
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Mia reached the school after a little walk. Her flat was not too far away from the school, therefore sue could always walk. She decided to go to the classroom immediately to avoid unnecessary talks to strangers. She knew she would not make friends at all if she did not talk to people, but she was just not self confident enough to do so. She entered the classroom and sat down, looking out of the window.
Luke walks into class fast trying not to be noticed by anyone since hes not that important luke whispers to himself " come on get to my desk"
Drew Collins

Drew felt a light tap on his shoulder and smiled when he saw who it had been. It was Aires standing in front of him, beautiful as ever. "Hey," he said as he brought her in and kissed her. He pulled away after a couple of seconds, but still held her close, "I was just about to go look for you."
Reese K. Nicolson

The sound of an engine roaring to life outside his apartment signaling the beginning of a new day. Hearing the horn honk forces a sigh from his lips and slowly he stood. It wasn't long before he exited the building and makes his way to the car waiting around front. "Thanks so much, man." He said gratefully to the brunette sitting in the driver seat of a minivan with her eight year old in the back. "How are you ladies?" Jumping in as he had been welcomed to do, Reese tosses his book bag into the floor and buckles himself into his seat. "Amazing as always although I could have done without you wrecking your car and needing me to take you everywhere." The woman stated but shortly began to laugh afterward. R grinned and nods his head. "You're awesome, Ms. T."

It took about half an hour to reach the school but there were no complaints, only the soft sound of the radio playing in the background to his thoughts. Getting to school Reese hops out, bag in hand and grinning. "Wish me luck coming back to this hell hole.." The driver smirked, shaking her head. "You'll be fine and remember, people are assholes. That includes you." Reese laughed and closed the door to the minivan. Ms. Turner was like an older sister to him so they were pretty close and easy going around each other. With no more time to loose, the senior makes his way up to the school building. His first class of the day would have yet to start therefor giving him plenty of time to make a quick run past his locker.

Crystal M. McKnight

Standing beneath the shower head, it finally sunk in. Only one more year being a prisoner to the bland life she has been living up til now. Washing the conditioner from her scalp and breathing in the steam, Cris finally decides to get out. The steam from the heated water poured out into the hallway as she opened the bathroom door, a somewhat pleased expression resting on her face. Turning into the closest doorway to the right she soon got herself dressed just in time for the smoke detector to start crying out through her home.

"Son of a bitch.." She swore and finished fastening the zipper on her leather pants. She went from her room, opening the only two windows she has in the whole place. The one in the kitchen being the most helpful and the one in the living room doing nothing much besides letting in cooler air. Nothing like burnt bacon to dampen one's spirits. Sighing, she tossed the pieces beyond help while throwing the rest into a napkin for her to take along. Shoving one of the cooler pieces into her mouth, Crystal stretches. Time to go. Her hand fastened on a binder that she'd filled with paper, not feeling any need nor want to be caring around a sack full of crap she wouldn't use anyway. The school wasn't far so she makes the decision to walk. Ten minutes later she was there among the rest of the students whether they noticed her or not. Although walking around with tattooed flesh showing always seemed to get her attention easily enough.

Nolan C. Donovon

A soft knock on his bedroom door was enough to know that it was indeed morning. The curtains shielding the window facing across the room from him seemed to have come alive and kept him company through the night. Nolan smiled slightly and started moving from the bed where he had sat stiffly the past few hours. His father, a tall, blonde haired man poked her head in past the door and gave his son a swift nod of acknowledgement before closing the door back and leaving him to prepare for the day ahead. His nerves were already aching with the knowledge of going to a new school and knowing absolutely no one there. Feeling along the wall, he eventually comes to the light switch which he flicks on and looks around. Everything was still so lonely looking. None of his posters or pictures had been put up yet making his heart clench.

Nolan, fully dressed though still looking a bit tired due to the rings beneath his eyes, goes into the kitchen where his father was moving around obviously searching for something even though Nolan was not sure for what. "Hey, bud. Breakfast's on the table." He said while noticing Nolan out the corner of his vision. Nolan smiled and went to the table. Picking up a piece of slightly burnt toast, he began eating at it though not before pulling the crust from the edges. "Ready to go, kiddo?" His dad asked seemingly less scatterbrained than he had a couple minutes before. "Yep!" Tossing the crusts into the trash, Nolan wiped his hands off before following his dad outside and getting into the car. "Remember to try to make friends, okay?" Was the last thing Nolan heard as he slid out the truck and touched down on the new campus ground. Just go with the flow, go with the flow. He was repeating to himself while weaving in and around the other bodies heading for the building. He was grinning to himself at the simplicity of his actions but somehow had managed to ignore the wall entirely.

Ouch. Rubbing his face and head in annoyance, Nolan stared in complete frustration swearing quietly beneath his breath. God willing no one saw that...or cared. His head shook back and forth at the inner conversation and quickly he begins looking around. No one had stopped at least so maybe they were all too wrapped up in their own lives as he had seemed to have been. As he looked one person in particular caught his gaze. The guy was really handsome...as weird as it was to be thinking about at a time like this. Maybe moving wouldn't be a completely horror... Maybe, he'll be in one of my classes! The excitement inside of him luckily stayed that way. Thinking this was fine until more thoughts began popping up. He looks older...he can't be in my grade, dang it. It was an immediate let down but something in him still hoped. He couldn't remember the last time he really wanted to meet someone like this. Weird.


(Sorry my posts suck or are too over the top...starter posts are my enemy..)

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Mia got bored quickly. She took a pencil and a sheet of paper from her backpack, sat in the table, while her feet were on her chair, and started to draw the scenery she saw outside. She was not that much of a artist when it came to drawing but it looked ok and she enjoyed it.



Parker laughed, his adorable dimples poking out of his cheeks. "Really?" His eyebrow perked. "Please don't say it is some philosophical shit, I mean..." He smirked, lifting up his wrist and showing her his own tattoo he had gotten over the summer. "Guilty as charged." He smiled, taking a puff of the cigarette between his fingers but he made sure that when he exhaled, the smoke didn't go into Locket's face - She would always get angry at him for that. "Nothing much myself actually, but just think about it-----"

The boy was interrupted as he saw something peculiar in his peripheral vision. He turned his head slightly, watching as a boy accidentally walked into a wall. He seemed to be much younger than Parker, but he couldn't help but feel a slight twist in his heart. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion - Why was he feeling these...these emotions for such...such an adorable boy...? He shook his head. He didn't know what was going through his brain right now, although a light smile appeared on his face as he saw the mysterious boy making eye contact with him. It only registered with Parker now that he was staring at him, so he quickly turned his eyes back to Lock desperately.

"Uh..." Parker stumbled for words, which only happened once in a life-time. "Y-Yeah, only one more year until we're free." He took a deep breathe, dropping the finished cigarette and stomping it out. His eyes flashed with concern as he remembered where Locket had been most of her summer. "How was Vegas?" He bit his lip, glancing back at where the boy had been earlier but it seemed he had walked away.

"Did you get your schedule yet? They changed the format again and it's fucking confusing."

@Wisteria Cresting / @ShadedRose

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Lilith R. & Silas A. Sanders

The smell of fresh eggs cooking prompted the girl awake. Her legs soon swinging over the side of the bed and hurrying into the built-in-bathroom. It was a quick routine of washing her face, putting on makeup and getting dressed. Too busy doing all of this and knowing that she had over slept longer than expected, she does not bother to try taking a shower. Once her makeup looks presentable enough Lilith walks from her room, a nice outfit cloaking her body as this would be her first day back. Her things were already packed and waiting by the front door for when she was ready to go. For now, however, she went into the dinning room to find her father and older brother sitting with plates in front of them. "Good morning!" She cooed and Silas quickly shot her a look of displeasure. He never was a morning person but it didn't bother Lil too much.

Her mother came around the corner then with a smile on her face and another plate of food in her hands. "Here you are and good morning." L smiled gratefully and sat down ready to dig into the food set before her. Glancing over at Silas, she makes a mental note of his grumpy attitude. "What's got you in such a tizzy?"

"A what?" Silas stared back at Lilith; he didn't care much about talking so early in the morning and was definitely irritable first thing. "Just eat your food. We'll be leaving in a bit." He told her and stood having just finished his plate. He couldn't help but yawn when he left the room, wanting to just go back to his room where his bed was located. Sighing, he goes to the door and calls to Lilith to hurry it up. He wanted today to already be over with. He went out to the car then and started up the engine. Lilith didn't take much longer and was outside shortly after the vehicle had been started.

They were at the school before long and once they had parked Lilith hopped out, happily slinging her backpack over her shoulder in an effort to show what little confidence she could muster. "Come on, Silas!" She yelled over her shoulder but didn't slow down until walking closer to the building. Silas was soon close behind her only not caring to be as confident as she.

Dominique M. Hale

Her phone's alarm going off resulted in a groan of displeasure. The buzzing was quickly quieted followed by quick footsteps in the hallway. They thudded loudly up and down as if pacing just outside Dom's bedroom door. She already knew who it was and that they were always quite excited for her awakening even if the two of them were not close. It was hard, but she eventually threw the covers aside and got up onto her feet. Looking around the light purple room that she had wanted so desperately to be red, Dominique retrieved her phone and went to the dresser. She took a moment to decide on clothing before choosing just what she was looking for. A simple outfit to kick start the year she wouldn't give a fuck.

Slipping on her clothes and looking at herself in the mirror, it isn't long before the footsteps outside are joined by a kind of knocking. "Yes, yes.." She mumbled while getting her eyeliner and mascara on. Slipping her phone into a pocket, she goes to the door and without hesitation swings it open. A massive dog standing to her shoulders suddenly paused, his face lighting up at the girl's existence. He gave one thundering bark then leapt at her. "Robby!!" She screamed and the dog stopped mid-jump. "You have an owner, it is not me!" She scolded him but patted his head never-the-less before heading downstairs. On the fridge hung a note: Me and Alexandria went out for breakfast, sorry! You were still asleep so we didn't want to wake you. Love, Dad and Mom. It made her want to puke but Dominique refrained deciding to, instead, raid the fridge for something to eat. "Screw them."

Arriving at school just on time, Dom parked the 2013 Honda Accord in her usual parking space. Other people wandering all around gave her a sense of enjoyment as half of them looked just as unhappy as herself.Smirking at this thought she was quick to head up to the school. She was not eager to start the day but did want it over with.

Nolan C. Donovan

It was a whole second before it clicked in Nolan's brain that he was now, not only staring at the older guy but that same guy caught him. His heart slammed into his rib cage at the thought of being called out for being a creep on his first day at a new school. He had not, however, realized that the guy had been the first to stare. It would have given him comfort knowing that he wasn't all that weird but then again, he certainly was not normal. His thoughts were beginning to get out of hand and as soon as the eye contact was broken the boy made a run for it. He walked through the doors and went straight to where his locker was to be located. Calm down, calm down...that guy just wanted to see a bit of entertainment, that's all... Putting a hand up over his heart, the thudding was still fast paced. This sure was one way to start over a new year.

Finding his locker took at least ten minutes and even in that time he couldn't get over how handsome the guy from before had been. The way he smiled had sent goosebumps up and down his arms and made him want to hide himself. You are such a loser... He sighed heavily and got the locker open. Shoving his things inside but keeping his binder, a notepad and a pen. Nolan closed the door slowly still trying to forget about the image of him first embarrassing himself then forming a crush on someone he had merely stared at. "Loser." He huffed and put his back to the miniature doors while looking over his schedule briefly.

Crystal M. McKnight

She had only been on campus for maybe fifteen minutes and there were already weirdos looking her over, too bad she didn't give a shit but still. She grinned to the guys who stared and occasionally scowled at the bitches who frowned or looked away in disgust. It was another typical year in high school and she couldn't be happier to be leaving it soon enough. Her first class was nearing which meant she was about to have forty-five minutes of her life wasted to listen about some dead poet or hear a lecture about how many men died during the Cold War. Her head already ached from thinking about how she would need to tune them all out. Luckily that was what headphones were for.

Reaching into her pocket, she took out her earbuds while walking into the room. Sliding them into either ear and plugging it into her phone it was a swift victory. She took a seat off to the side behind some girl she couldn't remember seeing around before. The girl was obviously hard at work doing whatever but that didn't stop Cris' curiosity from blossoming. She looked over the girl's shoulder to see how nicely the scenery from outside was being sketched out on a piece of paper. "Damn.." She mumbled out loud and sat back. "You're pretty good at that." She said, taking one earbud out and looking at the back of the girl's head.

@Ami the breadling
Mia immediately blushed when someone spoke to her. "T-Thanks...", she muttered, clearly not knowing how to react to the situation. "Oh...erm... I'm Mia. And you?", she asked, turning around to the one that spoke to her.


Aries leaned into the kiss slightly. She wasn't sure she would ever get tired of small gestures like that from him. After a second, she chuckled at Drew's comment. "I was just practicing in the orchestra room. I'm still not entirely sure what to do for my Julliard audition," she sighed softly and leaned into Drew's arms. He had always been one of Aries's greatest comforts, even before they were dating. "I'm so scared I won't get it..."



Ava grinned at Sora and tucked her arm into hers. "The English hall is just downstairs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming you don't have anyone to go to lunch with? You can sit with me."

She was kind of- okay,
really- hoping Sora would say yes.



When Parker turned his head, Locket followed his gaze and grinned. Looks like little Parky had a crush. She didn't say anything about it though, just continued to smile. "Vegas was great. Got some actually competition," she laughed at his comment about the schedules. "It's the same as the middle school's schedule now, Parker. See, shows both first and second semester."

Colby had always loved riding his bike to school, and today was no exception. He hummed gently to himself as he drove along, taking in the scenery as he had done for over a year now. The air felt soothing in his lungs, although he had to admit that breathing was a bit of a struggle at the speed he was riding at. He pulled the brakes gently and locked his bicycle to the rack just out front of the building. Grabbing his messenger bag, which was stuffed with art supplies and a single 100-page notebook, he made his way towards the art room. He had had a wonderful idea for a painting, and he knew that the teacher wouldn't mind if he used one of her canvases.
~Sora gave a small, adorable yelp as Ava slipped her arm through her own. She blushed and looked down.

"...I don't sit with people usually..." She whimpered softly. "...I...I'd be glad to sit with someone...I...I guess." She looked away, but didn't pull her arm free. "...you smell nice..."

@Wisteria Cresting
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