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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos finished setting him down, careful not to hurt Kaleb’s leg and keeping all of himself attached and around for support. “Would you do that for me? Find one of those big, nasty things to blow up? Because that would be great. You know I only ever heard about them in the QZ, I mean like everything obviously, and I was always so curious. Do you think one would stay still long enough for me to draw it?”

“Crazy, Jordan. He’s crazy.” When he was put down, Asher jabbed an accusatory but playful finger into his chest. “Now, are you going to show us what this stair toll is? Because I’m wildly curious now that I’ve learned more about the most interesting people I think we’ve ever met.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb shook his head with laugh as he stood up on his own, using Carlos as support still. "I'll find one but you aren't going to be able to draw it. The thing throws spore bombs at you and it's a lot faster than you'd think." He replied with a nod himself, then his attention went to Asher and he smirked a little bit. "This is the stair toll" Kaleb replied, place a hand on Carlos' cheek and kissed him like it was just them.

Jordan chuckled at the finger in his chest. "Yeah, but crazy looks good on him." Jordan replied with a crooked smile. He turned listen to Kaleb's definition and example. He looked back at Asher with a crooked grin. "I like this stair toll idea."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos considered saying something like that was very rude of these large fellows not to stand still long enough to let him capture them on paper or perhaps ask about this throwing of spores thing he wasn’t aware of until that moment, but then Kaleb’s lips were on his, and that was that. He didn’t care about drawing infected anymore. All he wanted was Kaleb. His hands gripped him to keep him close, not that he was afraid he would leave anymore. At least not for now. He kissed Kaleb like their lives depended on it. Like he needed to say something words could never truly express. Like Kaleb didn’t know the extent of his love.

Asher watched with one arched brow, again finding that he was shocked but shouldn’t have been. Of course this was the stair toll. “Now I can get behind that.” He crooked a finger at Jordan, despite the fact that they were already very close. “Come here, you.” He reached up and grabbed Jordan’s shirt to pull him in for a far more intense kiss than was probably necessary for this stair toll, but hey, who was judging? None of them.
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb loved kissing Carlos, it was always an experience to him. But this one held more to it than a simple kiss. It felt like Carlos wanted him to know just how much he loved him. The grip on Kaleb told him that he wanted him close. And Kaleb stayed as close as he could, not pulling from the kiss until he needed to breathe. But Kaleb only pulled a little bit away, still very close to Carlos. A smile on his face as he worked to breathe. “I hope that was a sufficient stair toll.”

Jordan wasn’t really surprised, considering their moment in the room earlier, that this was the stair toll. His attention turned to Asher seeing him crook a finger to Jordan. They were pretty close already, but he smirked when he felt Asher grab his shirt. Jordan kissed him back just as intensely, stepping closer and pushing his arms over Asher’s shoulders. He kept that up until he had to breathe, pulling his head back enough to do so, a few inches from Asher’s face. “That’s it. You’re never walking up or down stairs ever again.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

When Kaleb pulled away, Carlos wasn’t done. He was never going to be done, he realized. Not ever for the rest of his life. He was going to want to be with him however he could until they simply couldn’t anymore. He wrapped his big arms around Kaleb, and lifted him off the ground in a very large hug. He gently swung him from side to side as he hummed his happiness. Finally, he softly put him back down but kept his arms locked tight around him. “I love you,” was all he could say in response. It overtook him.

Asher ran a finger across Jordan’s lips, feeling the desire in their plumpness. He traced the lines of his cheek before giving him a good pat which left a slight bit of a sting. “Is that so?” He asked with a laugh. “What if your crazy man over there wants you to carry him. Would you do that instead?” He leaned in close with a grin. “I bet you that would be some kind of stair toll. imagine that, love.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was never going to want to stop kissing Carlos. It was addicting and wonderful. His eyes widened at the hug but he laughed when he was picked up off the ground. That gentle swing side to side and then he was set down. But Carlos didn’t let go of him yet. Kaleb smiled wider at those words. “I love you too.” He replied, kissing Carlos again, this time a little more intensely.

Jordan looked at Asher, feeling the finger across his lips and the trace over his cheek. He blinked at the pat, feeling that slight sting. “That would be a tough call dear. I could take him down and then come back for you.” He said softly, a grin on his face. “But I can only imagine the stair toll I’d get from him.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos had to remind himself to still be careful. Not because he thought the Officer was going to come out and scold him for being a bad boy or block him from doing anything fun but because Kaleb’s leg was still hurt pretty bad. If Carlos let himself get carried away, that leg was probably going to hurt more. He pressed one hand to the back of Kaleb’s neck, spreading fingers up and around. Another hand slid around his back. They could still have deep and intense kisses. He was very much enjoying that. He just couldn’t get overzealous with the rest of himself. So when he finally let them breathe, only far enough away it let air through, he laughed. “Yeah, okay, that’s sufficient for now.”

Asher slipped a hand into Jordan’s and shook his head. “Of course you would choose the option for both. But what if…” he eyed the two locked together in their lovers’ embrace. “I want to take the cute one instead? That could be fun.” He snorted and decided it was time to be mildly rude. “You two ever going to be done over there? We have traveling to do.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt the hand behind his neck, and the other one behind his back. He smiled into the kiss, not wanting to break away from it. If he didn’t need to breathe, Kaleb would probably never stop kissing Carlos. When Carlos let them breathe, Kaleb looked at him with a breathless chuckle. “Oh good. I would’ve kept going if you needed a more sufficient one.” He replied, that smile never leaving his face. Kaleb heard Asher and looked over. “Mmm maybe. Maybe not.”

Jordan felt Asher take his hand and he chuckled at the comment. Then his eyebrows rose and he grinned at that. “I told you earlier that the blonde was yours. So I guess I can just take gorgeous over there.” Jordan replied, before he snorted a laugh at Kaleb’s response to Asher’s mildly rude comment. “Besides, he suits you.” He added, having noticed the guarded nature when they first met.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

A low hum or growl or purr or some sort of mix between them emanated from his throat as he slowly moved his head, a bit like his was keeping something back from writhing. “Mmm don’t tempt me, gorgeous. I’ll never stop if you never make me. You’re lucky we’ve actually made it this far.” He leaned in so that his lips were close to Kaleb’s ears. “Letting you leave that nice little bedroom was exceedingly difficult.” He kissed Kaleb’s jaw line before finally whipping his head around to look pointedly towards the other two. “You’re just jealous,” he teased. He pointed to Jordan. “Stick around, Red. Maybe I’ll show you a thing or two.”

Asher burst with a laugh and walked to the door that would lead them back to the front of the building. “I think perhaps that one suits you. Maybe I should take Kaleb with me. We may actually get something done without the two of you. You know, like get out of this building. It’s a wonder I get anywhere with just you. And now there’s two of you. Twice the trouble.”

“Twice the fun,” Carlos purred.

“Oh god.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt a shiver race down his spine at the noise from Carlos. Carlos knew how to make Kaleb melt every single time. While it was true that Kaleb didn’t want to stop kissing him, there were barriers that he needed to work through. Those lips near his ear and that sentence made him melt even more. He listened to Asher and Carlos, nodding for a moment. “He’s right love, besides, I’m sure we can pick up at the next staircase.. or room.” Kaleb told him, moving from Carlos’ hold just enough so he’d still have support.

Jordan’s eyebrows rose at that comment and a grin came across his face. “Is that so? Perhaps I can show you a thing or two as well.” He purred as he looked over at Asher. “Oh but babe. You love it.” He said, walking after him. He burst out laughing after he heard Carlos’ response to Asher and the follow up from his partner. “I’ve heard good things come in twos. So lucky you.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos sighed. He sighed so heavily because there were too many things that he wanted to do all at once. Keep kissing Kaleb was the biggest thing. Holding him close was almost as big. Traveling somewhere interesting and exciting. Exploding infected. Hanging out in stairwells. And rooms. Mmm so many things. “Okay, fine, we can go. But only if everyone promises all of this,” he gestured towards the entire group, “gets to continue, because this is the most fun I think I’ve ever had.” He leaned his head against Kaleb’s a moment before moving them towards the door.

Asher pushed the door open and checked to make sure no one was going to kill them. He nodded and then moved back to them. “You know what? You’re right. I do. That’s why I keep you around.” He eyed the other two. “And them. I like them. And I like who you are with them.” He shook his head. “And I’m both equally alarmed and excited for how inevitably encounters are going to go.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb shook his head with a small laugh at that sigh. He felt silly now that he was understanding just how Carlos was. How his love for Kaleb was different from how he showed affection to others. “I promise that it will continue myself. I’m quite enjoying their company myself.” Kaleb agreed, as he heard Asher’s comment. He was starting to like them and it was actually interesting seeing Carlos with someone just as flirty as he was. Kaleb moved with Carlos to the door.

Jordan grinned at that. “I knew it. You just can’t resist this.” He said, gesturing to himself. He loved how Asher not only accepted Jordan’s heavy flirting but liked it. How he got so lucky Jordan will never know. “I for one cannot wait to see how things go.” Jordan replied, heading to the door with a wide smile.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As they moved out of the stairwell, Asher was the first to travel around to check and make sure there wasn’t anything particularly suspicious or bad about the area. He doubted it since there wasn’t anything earlier. Carlos appreciated having the scout since they were still moving a bit slow. He was mildly concerned about how this was going to go once they moved out of the building, but he knew they would make it. They had more people on their side now. When they reached the front of the building, Asher was again the first to move to the street. He checked, moved a little ahead, scanning for the signs of infected and hunters alike, then made his way back to the rest. He pointed to Carlos and shook his head then looked at the rest and said, “You keep him from talking out there.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb hated that he was moving slower than normal, and he didn't like to rely on others to make sure things were clear. Unfortunately for him, he had to rely on Asher and Jordan because they were the only ones who could actually handle things if something happened. He could shoot but his silencer was already showing wear from the prior use. Plastic only held up for so long against the force of a gun. Jordan kept closer to the other two, ready to protect them if things did go wrong. He knew Kaleb was hurt and it would really be him and Asher to get them to safety. Kaleb let out a soft chuckle at Asher's comment and nodded. "I'll make sure he's quiet." Kaleb replied, glancing at Carlos with a smile on his face.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos shoved a hand over his mouth but whispered to Kaleb, “I promise not to talk too much.” He winked before moving forward through the street. He was not very good at spotting anything. They had not been traveling long enough for him to learn quite that much. Asher on the other hand spent most of his life on the lookout for exactly that. He was very much aware of just about everything around them. He did quick scans and quick movements behind one obstacle to the next. He moved quickly back to Jordan. “Okay, lovely, where are you taking us? It’s your pick.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked at Carlos for a moment, seeing him cover his mouth, though it didn't help him that he whispered a second later. Kaleb shook his head and bit back the chuckle he wanted to let out. Now was not the time for noises. Kaleb's eyes focused on Asher, watching him survey the street and he had to admire the way he moved and looked. It was fascinating to Kaleb, and was similar to how he'd have checked the area if he was in any shape to do so. Jordan looked around the street and then nodded to a large building up ahead. Offices or apartments he wasn't sure but it had more than a few levels that they could check out. Though, by the time they got to the top, it would be time for them to rest most likely. "There" He said softly speaking as well as nodding his head to the building.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher followed the line of Jordan’s gaze and nodded. Looked as good as any. There was no reason to look at some of these places that were probably already picked over or were looking particularly worse for wear. That building over there seemed as good as any. Asher moved swiftly forward, scouting ahead and even past that for anything potentially dangerous. He peered in the windows. Some sort of lobby. It clearly had seen better days. There was something overgrowth on one side of the building but it was not the worst he had seen. He opened the door and peered inside. Some sort of front desk straight ahead with a wall immediately behind it. To either side were some sitting areas and the rest of the large room continued around that main wall. They would have to go inside to see. He waved them in after his initial scan and gave a nice big thumbs up to Carlos for not talking. He reciprocated with a big and dramatic grin as well as a wink.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb loved Carlos, that much he’d decided already. Carlos was his as he was Carlos’ but he really admired Asher. Maybe it was because they were so similar but he wanted to know the man more. Perhaps when they stop for the night he could find out more about him. Kaleb was impressed by his attention to detail and being thorough. If Carlos got to be all over Jordan, then perhaps Kaleb could be a little all over Asher. Jordan waited for the other two to get inside first and then he’d bar the door. He had a feeling they’d probably rest here tonight. The building was tall and exploring each floor would take more than one afternoon.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos got himself and Kaleb inside the building as soon as possible. If it were just the two of them, he would probably have done something similar to what Asher was doing now which was moving around and checking for anything horrible. But they had Asher and Jordan, which meant that he did not have to leave Kaleb’s side. He liked that better anyway. That meant that if there were bad things wandering around down here, he could right there to defend him. Plus, Jordan honestly was also sticking very close. This man knew them for honestly not that very long and already was protecting them. Asher too was running around like a scout for them. Good people. How had they managed to find such good people?

“Seems clear in this area,” Asher stated in a matter of fact tone. Carlos knew that Kaleb had Officer mode. Jordan probably could tell people about Asher’s similar mode where everything got a whole lot more serious. It was the same mode he was in when they met. The same mode he was in when he worked so hard to get Jordan through Pittsburgh. The same mode he was always in when they were moving and trying to get out of danger. “Haven’t checked everything but it’s safe here. I’m going to check around this center section in case something is waiting for us on the other side.” And then he was gone, because this was who he was.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was thankful to be back inside a building and at the same time, not so thankful. Less room to move from threats but not out in the open either. He was grateful for the others that they were with, watching Asher scouting for them, making sure things were clear. Jordan sticking close to them just in case things got bad quickly. Given Kaleb's injury, he appreciated the protection. It would be difficult for Carlos to protect himself and Kaleb if things went wrong. Kaleb watched as Asher checked the inside, and then disappeared to check the rest of the area so they don't have to deal with anything else that could be waiting for them.

Jordan kept close to their new friends, his eyes searching the area as he watched Asher do a better scouting job. He found it fascinating watching the man before him do what he always did. His serious mode, the one that he had on when he helped Jordan through Pittsburgh. That was probably the only time Jordan was actually afraid he was going to die. Jordan waited for the other two to get in before he followed them in, and barred the door. He watched Asher walk off to check something further in and nodded. Jordan looked over at the other two with a smile. "So, I heard you left a QZ, which one?"
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos moved them away from the door and closer to the reception desk so that they were away from windows. He was not sure what was around, and he liked having at least the one wall while they waited. He peered over at Jordan and smiled. “Denver. It was beautiful. But only because of me, of course. Otherwise it was probably as painfully boring as the rest.” He let that sit a moment before adding, “well, okay, and his blue eyes. Look at those beautiful things.” He put a finger to Kaleb’s chin and lifted his head. “Mmhm, gorgeous. Makes me want to paint.”

Asher zipped around that center area, realizing quickly it was like a little box in the middle of the larger room. He was briefly curious as to what exactly was in the rest of this box, but chose to check it out after the rest. There were several other seating areas before there were obvious connections to other parts of this first floor. Some of the doors led to hallways that were already open. Some had doors that were closed and begging to be checked. Other than some unsavory looking areas, everything was mostly fine. He doubled back after finishing the search.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb snorted a laugh at the comment from Carlos, shaking his head a little. "Yeah, that's what made it beautiful. You were the only thing worth it in that zone." Kaleb said, before he flushed red at Carlos' next words, feeling him putting a finger on his chin and lifting his head up. He never thought his eyes were that pretty but apparently to Carlos they were gorgeous, beautiful, and it made his heart race at that.

Jordan saw that smile, listening to both Carlos and Kaleb speaking about Denver. He'd never been that far west, but he'd heard about Denver. It sounded like a normal QZ at least compared to a few of the other ones. "I wouldn't call my home QZ boring, but then again I was also in the home base for the Firefly leader." Jordan commented. He remembered more than one instance of the Fireflies bombing the city and messing up a run or two he'd been on. He wasn't a big fan of them but he didn't hate them. Nor did he really hate FEDRA. "I can see though how you'd both make the zone a beautiful place just by being there."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos’ finger slipped away from Kaleb’s chin to reach out for Jordan, grab his shirt, and pull him close. “Look look look.” With his single hand, he turned Jordan’s face so that he was looking in the direction of Kaleb’s. “Are they not the most beautiful things in the entire world? You can’t tell me any different. There’s only one correct answer here.”

Asher, who was hurrying around, slowed at whatever was happening. He raised a brow and then decided that wasn’t enough. He paused on the other side of Kaleb and peered at the other two skeptically. “Um so it’s clear over there. What exactly are we doing?”

Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was already flushed red at Carlos’ comment and Jordan’s made it worse. Then he felt the finger slip off his chin, only to bring Jordan closer. Kaleb glanced over at Asher and sighed. “Apparently we’re discussing how beautiful my eyes are. Even though we have searching to do.” Kaleb replied, looking at him almost like he needed something. Maybe to get away from both of the flirts, and he was going to need help getting up the first set of stairs.

Jordan wasn’t expecting to be grabbed and pulled close, not that he minded much. The hand on his face turned him and he looked at the red faced Kaleb. “They certainly are beautiful.” Jordan agreed, before glancing over at Asher with a grin. “Come on over love.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos chuckled at Kaleb’s reaction. “My love, why would I search when I have already found my greatest prize?” He closed his eyes as his grin danced across his face. He opened one eye to look for Asher, hand out to grab him too and pull him in. “Really, you should come see. Most beautiful things in the world.”

Asher paused a few feet away, amused. They really had found another Jordan. Not quite the same but equally as ridiculous. And poor Kaleb was stuck in the middle of that. He slowly moved over like he was following the suggestion of the two nonsense people and then quickly swooped in under Kaleb’s other arm wrapped a tight arm around him, and gently but skillfully pulled him away from Carlos’ light grip since he was so distracted anyway. “Okay, you two keep dreaming about things. Im going to take this one for a while, mmkay? Search or not. Talk about your deep love for us or whatever. Make out or something, I don’t know.” He raised a hand and gestured at them both in a wide circle. “Deal with that. He’s coming with me. No, don’t argue. My turn.” And then he lifted Kaleb slightly so that he could quickly turn them away and walked before the other two could protest. He was hoping they wouldn’t. Kaleb needed the save.


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